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10x16 - Hot and Fast

Posted: 03/17/22 07:35
by bunniefuu
Ambulance cuts
to the front of the line.

Who do you guys know?

When people find out
about Chief Hawkins,

they're not gonna think he's
doing it for all of his paramedics,

they're gonna think he does it for you.

I got the perfect firefighter for you.

You remember the young guy
we helped out?

- Yes, Mason.
- Yeah.

He's great. You are the missing piece.

I know you're happy in St. Paul but...

- This is where I should be?
- Yeah.

She just got off a call with Casey.

I just hit with this wave

of all the things that I miss about him.

I have to go to Portland
and be with Casey.



- Otis.

[GROANS] This baby...

Baby, let me take care of him.

Have to get up for shift soon anyway.

Are you sure?

Mm-hmm, yeah. Sleep.


- Thank you.
- Mm.




You're the best.

- It's only one shift.
- But this is the second time,

and we said no special treatment.

You needed a partner ASAP.

It's a crisis situation,
and that's what I manage.

A crisis?

You are saying that there
were no floaters available?

Just the usual suspects:
Roy, Miles, Wyatt.


I could still call
one of them in, switch places.

No, no, no, you are right.
That is a crisis.

But you are gonna
have to ease up on this.

What would you like me to do?

Just stop with all the hotness.

We have to keep it professional.

Mm, of course.

Oh, you're crazy beautiful.

And that's the last I'll say
about that today.

There he is. How you feeling?

Locked and loaded. Ready to go.

That's what I want to hear.

Hey, Gallo, will you be a champ

- and get me some more bacon?
- Sure thing.

Make sure it's...

ALL: Extra, extra crispy.

I got you.


Thanks for giving me
this shot, Lieutenant.

I know how tight everyone is at .

Listen, pretty soon you will also

know our bacon preferences by heart,

our tastes in TV,
even our nap schedules.

Well, I'm used to being the new guy.

- I know I gotta earn my way in.
- Hmm.

All right, so what's the plan
for pranking Mason?

It's been a while since
got to haze a rookie.

Two words: hose rodeo.

That's not really a prank.

- It's an initiation.
- It doesn't matter,

the white shirts banned
hose rodeos after

Pete Irving broke his arm. Klutz.

I bet we can come up
with something really good

if we put our heads together.

Well, no offense,
but I think we all know

there's only one prank aficionado here.

I'll work up a plan.


All units, structure fire.
West th.



Fire's on three.
Squad, run a primary search.

- Copy that.
- Oh, my God, no!

Somebody help him! Oh, my God!

Oh, God, hold on! [SOBBING]

Help him! Oh, God!

Truck, I need a -foot
ladder on the B side right now.

Everybody, out of the way.
Let's go, move.

All right, you heard the man.
Let's move, move, move.

Hey, we're gonna get you down, okay?

You just stay calm.
We're gonna get you down.

Let's hurry up with that ladder.

- Watch out.
- Ladder's here.


- Let's go, let's go.
- Here we go.

- Put it there.
- Come on, come on.

- Whoa, whoa.

Clear the ladder! Clear the ladder!


Hey, buddy, you okay?
Does it hurt anywhere?


Is someone else up there?


- Sí.

It's two young boys.

All right, Truck, give me
a primary search on three.

Cruz, get him checked out.
Hey, nice catch.

Let's get that ladder raised.
Gallo, go grab Mouch,

you're going in through the front door.

Mason, you and me are
going in through a window.

We got two kids in that fire.

[SIGHS] Oh, man.



Javi, soy Joe.

- Take a deep breath for me.
- Respira.

- Muy bien.

Light smoke inhalation.

We need to take him
to Med for observation.







Easy, Gallo. Let Engine hit it.

All right, feed us some line.

Fire's in the front room.
We can't get inside yet.

Fire department, call out.

We're in through the Bravo side.

- Searching now.
- Fire department, call out.


All right, sweep back to front.

Search every corner.
We know that they're in here.

All right, let's go.

Let's go.

- Anything?
- No, you?

Fire department, call out.

Hey, Lieutenant!

We found them. Bringing them out now.

I got you.


Hey, you can take this one
in... light smoke inhalation.


Come on, little guy.

- Javi...

He just wants to make sure
that his friends are all right.


Alberto! Dominic!

This one's got the worst of it.


There you go. His left arm.

Okay. Let me see, buddy.

Okay, I'm gonna IV him.

Hey, slow, deep breaths.

- No, no, no!


Javi, Javi, Javi. [SPEAKS SPANISH]


Javi, Javi.



Well, it looks like
this one burned hot and fast.

Hey, Seager.

Do we know how it happened?

Maybe. Fire started over here.

See the V-pattern?

I'm thinking the power strip
caught the curtain on fire.

That's funny.
I thought it started over here?

I don't know what I'm talking about,

but it's a pretty good
depth of char, right?

Sure is.

Looks like we got two points of origin.

No wait, there's another one.

Um, is this another V-pattern?


Multiple points of origin?

Hey, we got
a highly suspicious fire here.

Please let me see for myself.
Oh, my God.

- Ma'am, you can't be in here.
- I tried to tell her.

- But this is my apartment.
- It's not safe right now.

Ma'am, why don't you
wait downstairs for a minute?

I'll be right down to get
some information from you.

Come on.

Was this swing arm engaged
when you guys forced entry?

Huh, I guess so. I didn't even notice.

No surprise.
You were hell bent on getting in here.

So whoever started this fire
was inside when you arrived.

But there were only three young boys

in here all by themselves.

Well, it looks like one of them
tried to burn this place down.

- Let's load them up, .
- It was a quick appointment.

I just needed to get a new prescription.

- How long were you gone?
- An hour at the most.

God, these poor boys have been
through so much already,

and I was supposed
to be looking after them.

What's your relation to them?


They're unaccompanied immigrant
children from Honduras.

My church helps place them

until any relatives in
the States can be located.

They needed more sponsors, and I thought

God was calling to me to volunteer,

but three boys is just
more than I can handle.

- Did they give you trouble?
- No, no.

They can be rowdy like most boys,

but I'm on my own,

and I don't speak their language.

But you won't find sweeter,
more grateful boys.

Please, I need to go check on them.

Of course. Thank you for your time.

Hey, Seager, you know, Cruz
connected with one of the boys,

and we can stop by Med
if you want to meet us there,

- talk to the kid.
- Yeah?

Yeah, happy to help.

Great. See you there.

Hey, this needs an explanation.

Uh, a pipe burst at OFI.

We got a mitigation team
drying the place out.

So for the next few days,
my dashboard is my desk.

Is Van Meter working out of his car too?

[CHUCKLES] What do you think?

He pulled rank and requisitioned himself

a temporary office on the sixth floor.


Caught a fire on his first call.

I knew this kid was good luck.

He did a hell of a job too.

- Hey, keep it up.
- That's the plan.

Hey, um, you doing all right?

I know that...

Kids and fires,
they can be a tough combo.


I mean,

I might've gone a little big
trying to bust down a door...

[LAUGHS] But as soon as I saw

those boys were gonna be okay, so was I.

I hear that.

Well then, um, good.


Thanks for checking on me.

Any time.

Hell of a way to start a shift.

No doubt. It's always busy around here.

But you would know that.

You're becoming a regular at .

I like to help out when I can.

That's great.

Not sure I've ever seen a chief
so generous with his time.


Riding shifts,

getting to know how my medic work,

means I'm constantly learning.


Makes me a better chief.

Well, I'm sure you're
learning a lot from Violet.

She's a great paramedic.

So that's Mason?

I just said it was.

Why's he got one hair coming
up out of his head like a baby?

That's how you show it's a male person

in stick figure language.

So what's that stuff, rain?

That's the flour sprinkling
down from the ceiling.

- What does the letter H mean?
- That's the ladder.

You can just show us
when we get in there, okay?


Mason still has his nose
in the truck manual,

- so we should do it soon.
- All right.

Okay, Ritter, you get
the flour and the fishing line.

Herrmann, get the ladder
and the printer paper.

- I'll go get my tool bag.
- BOTH: Got it.

Hey, guys, we cannot screw this up.

I have a reputati...


Psst, Javi.






Hola, Javi.

We just want to find out

what you know about
how the fire started.





Hey, it's gonna be okay.


They had a pack of ping pong balls,

and they wanted to find out
if they were flammable or not.

Those are made of nitrocellulose.

They're basically a low-grade expl*sive.

Dominic put them all
in a bowl and threw in a match.

He tried to smother them with a pillow.

The bowl flipped over.
The balls got scattered.


It's okay, it's okay. [SPEAKING SPANISH]

This explains
the multiple points of origin.

Assuming we find
cellulose residue at the scene,

I'm good ruling this one accidental.

For sure.

Gracias, Javi.

- Gracias.

Hey, I called Boden on the way over,

and we have a spare office over at .

You're welcome to use it
as long as you need.

That is... wow.

I will take you up on that.

Here you go, Chief, signed and dated.

Thank you, Mason.

Does that make it official?

Sounds to me like you made it official

at that fire this morning.

Kidd says that your sharp eyes
saved those two boys.

That was no big thing.

They stuffed a towel

under the closet door
to block out the smoke.

Kidd would've seen it
a second later if I hadn't.

Well, you keep bringing
that kind of teamwork,

you'll fit into just fine.

Thank you, Chief.


Don't mind them, they're idiots.

Oh, hey.

Do you work out of ?

I do today.

Cool. I'm Mason, by the way.

Hi, Mason. Lieutenant Wendy Seager, OFI.

- Oh, sorry.

I have to take this. This is Seager.

Hey, Cruz, that little boy, Javi,

he snuck out of
his hospital room and took off.

Nobody knows where he is.


We've got the boy's description,
we've issued an APB,

units are combing the neighborhood

around Chicago Med.

No, no, he's gotta be
far away from Med by now.

My guess is he's going back
to his apartment.

It's the only place he knows.

Yeah, well like I said,
we're keeping an eye out.

He'll turn up.

No, you can't just wait
for him to fall into your lap.

You gotta get proactive,
target your search.

Hey, Sergeant Platt sent me
down here to give you an update

not to get a lecture on
how to do my job.

I am just asking you to drive
the route from Med

to his apartment building
a few times, please.

You really think a
-year-old could find his way

back there by himself?
He can't even speak English.


Well, he managed to make it

all the way from Honduras
without any parents.

I think he can manage
a mile of city sidewalks.

Parker, come on, man.

This kid's been through a lot.


- West th Street.
- Yeah, I know.

Thank you.

I thought you were in the common room.

I was and then I took a shower.

Is there a problem?

Yes, you can't walk around
looking like that.


I'm not going to.

- I'll be dressed in a minute.
- That doesn't help me now.

Just gonna gather my things
for my own shower

and get out of here stat.

Can I ask you a question first?


What's the deal with you and Gallo?

What do you mean?

I mean, I get the feeling
he's got a thing for you.

Oh, no.

Well, he used to.

We went out a while back.

- Oh.

- I didn't know.
- Yeah.

No reason you would, it's totally over.

For you, maybe.
For him, I'm not so sure.

No, that's definitely
a misunderstanding.

Trust me.



So how long is Seager sticking around?

A day or two. Why?

Just curious.

She's got you working on old cases?

I offered.

[GROANS] I swear someday I am gonna

come into your office
and see it cleaned out

- 'cause you transferred to OFI.


How did this happen?

You were only holding the line
for two minutes.

Ow, stop pulling at it.

There's a hole in it
somewhere but I can't find it.

Is this in the right place?

Is that where it was in the drawing?

What is all this?


A well-choreographed
and carefully detailed prank

on the new guy as per CFD tradition.

No. No, shut this down right now.

What? Why?

Because it is not easy
to join a house as close as .

We don't need to give him
any more reasons

- to feel like an outsider.
- It's a tradit...

Hey, he is on . It's my rig.

I say no prank.

You got it, Lieutenant.


You're not upset?

You kidding me?
I've just kept you guys from

ruining my reputation as
the prankster king of the CFD.


Really no debate about it.

The fourth Earl of Sandwich
defined his invention

as any kind filling wedged
between two pieces of bread.

Ergo, a hot dog is a sandwich.

But a hot dog bun
is only one piece of bread.



If you could just
stop chewing for two seconds.

He think 'cause he's the oldest

it was his job
to look out for the other two.

Now he's worried that the cops
are gonna arrest him

and send him back to Honduras.

All right, that's not going to happen.

- Mm.
- Fire's not on him.

There's no stopping a kid
with a bad idea.

What's up, Javi?

You know, when I was your age
I broke open a bunch of M s

and I took a match to the whole
pile of black powder and...


My best friend told me it was
a bad idea but I didn't listen.

Ended up singeing my eyebrows.
Luckily, I didn't blind myself.





- You tell him the whole story?
- Yup.


Ambo , person in distress.

He looks pretty good.
Just make sure he gets hydrated.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

They grew back?

Oh, you know a little English, huh?

Oh, you been holding out on us.


I was at my desk,

and I heard this gagging
from Amanda's treatment room.

And I went to go check,
and I saw her client

run out to the restroom
and start throwing up.

- Where are they?
- They went back in the room

so her client could lie down,
but then they both started

to get dizzy and act weird,
and that's when I called.

One of the cryo-masseuses said
maybe it's the cucumber water.

They both had some.

[GASPS] I can't breathe.

I'll stay with her. You go.


Are you having chest pain?

I saw skateboard wheels.

See? She's not making any sense.

Okay. Let's get on the table.

They're everywhere, all around.

All right.

Okay, try and relax.

What's wrong with her?

Amanda's oxygen is ,
that is dangerously low.

- What treatment is she giving?
- Oh, cryotherapy facial.

It's good for anti-aging,
improves skin texture...

What is the treatment?

A blast of cold air onto the face.

Cold air, so...

so that's nitrogen.

Get out, now.

Let's get out of here, Amanda. Come on.

It's a nitrogen leak. She's hypoxic.

We have to get them out of here.

All right, everybody out.
Evacuate the spa.

Ambo to Main.
Level hazmat, nitrogen leak

at West Washington Boulevard.

Copy, dispatching Hazmat response.

- Let's go.

How do you end up
in the States with no family?

Honduras is a dangerous place.

Food insecurity, g*ng v*olence.
Javi's got no father.

Lost his mother a year and a half ago.

Finally, his uncle put together

enough money to send him to the States.

[SIGHS] Damn.

Is Melissa on her way, too, or...?

Oh, no. It's just me.

Melissa's decided three children's

too much for her to handle.

She's just gonna keep
the youngest boy, Dominic.

And Albert has an older cousin
in New York

who's coming to get him soon.

As the liaison for our congregation,

it's my job to find a new place
for Javi to stay

until the Immigration
and Refugee Service

can find him a new sponsor.

So he's just gonna keep bouncing around?

Ultimately, the hope is that
they'll be able to track down

any relatives that
he might have in the U. S.,

but, um, it doesn't always work out.

How did he find his way
to the firehouse anyway?

He got the house number
off the sweatshirt I gave him.


But I still don't know why he came here.

You saved his life.

Obviously, he feels safe with you.








I know there are
a lot of scams out there,

but that one has gotta be
high on the list.

- Scam?
- They charge money

to blast cold air on people's faces.

Cold air! It is winter in Chicago.

Just go outside, get naked,
get a full body treatment,

no risk of nitrogen poisoning.

Not that I need to hype you up

any more than I already do, but...

Oh, well, hype is always welcome.

All your chemistry know-how...


It's extremely attractive.

Mm, well, maybe I should get a lab coat?


Look into that.


Do you think he saw us?

No, I don't think so.

The guys from facilities
assure me they will have OFI

back together by next shift,
but you let Seager know

if she sees one spot of mold
in her office,

she can come right back here.

Uh, maybe you should be the
one to extend the invitation

'cause everybody else seems to think

I'm trying to get OFI moved to .

Yeah, so you can play fire cop.

Word gets around.


Did you hear what Chief just called me?

Uh, no.

Hey, um.

How's everything going
with Casey and the Darden boys?


He's happy to have Brett
out there for a while,

I can tell you that.

His cell still the same?

Yeah, that's how cell phones work.

Same number anywhere you go.


You survived your first shift.

- So far.

Is there something wrong
with the hinges?

I know something's coming.

First day rite of passage,
new guy always gets pranked.



I will see you tonight
at Molly's, right?

You take it easy.


- Yeah?
- Hey, have you seen Herrmann?

Yeah, seen him drive away.

Uh... Mouch, Ritter,
anyone from second shift?


- No, Kylie's not here either.
- Whoa.

What's up?

I need to prank Mason.

I have zero ideas,
and it needs to happen fast.

Like, within the next ten minutes.

Any chance you could help?

- Yeah, sure.
- Okay.

Okay, I have an idea.

Oh, my God, I love you. Okay.

- Look at him.

He had no idea it was coming.

- We k*lled it.
- Hell, yeah, we did.

Hey, there.


The boy is napping.


Uh-oh, bad shift?

Uh, no. No, no, no.

Pretty good, actually.

We saved three kids from a fire.

Wow, that is good.



one of these boys, his name's Javi...



It's such a sad story.

He's only -years-old,
unaccompanied immigrant,

and now because of this fire

his sponsor can't
take care of him anymore.

They're hoping they can find
him a new one but until then...

He needs a place to stay.


Look, Chloe...

This kid has been through so much.

And he's kind of latched on to me.


Okay, look, I know...

I know that we don't have room
here for a -year-old.

But I also know

we have room in our hearts.











Thank you.

You're welcome.


Are we sure
this is the right thing, Joe?

I mean, we barely know this boy.

All I know is Javi's staying
with them for a couple nights.

That is a lot to take on with the baby.

What, only two kids in a house?

Sounds like serenity to me.

So how does compare to St. Paul?

No competition. 's the best.

Told you they're a great
bunch of pain in the asses,

- didn't I?
- You did.

But there's one way
St. Paul outshined you.


I don't want to sound critical,

but that prank was, like,
maybe a out of .

What prank?

Sticky notes on the car.

[CHUCKLES] That's kind of lame.

Sticky notes on a car?

We wouldn't be caught dead doing that.

Why? Like, what's so wrong with it?

Listen, it was the best

that Seager and I could
come up with in ten minutes.

These guys had some elaborate
scheme to pull one over on you,

and I stopped it

'cause I wanted you
to feel part of the team.

But I realized that
I had made a big mistake,

so I had to come up with something fast.

Appreciate that,

but I promise I can
hold my own, Lieutenant.

You must never speak of this to anyone.

I have a prank reputation to uphold.

So did I back in St. Paul.

Uh-oh, sounds like the
gauntlet's been thrown down.

So you and Seager, huh?

- Yeah.

Must've been pretty desperate.

I was, but she was all right.

You know, in case it comes up,

I may have told her that I loved her.


Hey, Righetti, how's it going?

- Got a question for you.
- What's up?

Well, today at Med
I saw one of your medics

making out with Chief Hawkins.

What's that about?

- No clue.
- Hmm.

Well, now it makes sense
why jumped the line

to get their heater fixed, right?




- Produces sulfenic acid...
- Mm.

Which turns into propanethial S-oxide.

- Oh, cool.
- Yeah.

- And the propanethial S-oxide...

Reacts to the lachrymal glands,

and that's why onions make you cry.



- The CFD brass.
- Oh.

- I have to pick it up.
- Mm-hmm.


Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.


Yeah, yes.

I'll be there.

That was the deputy chief paramedic.

He wants to see me in his
office first thing tomorrow morning.



No, it's my turn.


Is that a lullaby?

Yeah, it's the same one

my mom used to sing to me
when I was a kid.


It's gonna be okay.
