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01x12 - I Can't Leave Her

Posted: 03/16/22 17:37
by bunniefuu
Why do you keep
looking out the window, Will?

You like the snow?

You know, for some people,
snow brings on a very specific feeling.

Uh, some love it.

It feels clean and pure, like a...
fresh start or a beginning.

For others, it's frightening.

Cold and silent and... isolating.

What are you thinking about
when you look at the snow?

That I'm gonna have to shovel it.

Will, I'm gonna talk to you...
like I would talk to an adult,

because I think
you're a very intelligent young man

and you are capable
of understanding what I'm saying.

In group dynamics, there's something
psychologists call "savior behavior."

Often one person in the group feels...

like they need to save the others
from a threat or an emotion

that he or she believes is dangerous.

Sometimes those people... are children
of parents with drug and alcohol problems.

These people have had to...
save themselves

from the emotional consequences
of their parents' addiction.

Your father was unable
to find Sara Patrell

and you wanted to help him, didn't you?

And that's a perfectly
normal response, Will.

You wanted to help,
that's a good thing.

But sometimes when we try to help
one person, another person gets hurt.

Sometimes that person's ourselves,
sometimes it's someone else.

And I know your intentions...
weren't to hurt anyone,

but when you say you can see Sara...

or her ghost and talk to her,

it causes people a lot of pain.

Especially Sara's parents,

who are dealing with the worst thing
a parent can go through.

Now, I've been as honest
as I can with you, Will.

Can you do the same for me?

Are you still seeing Sara?



Welcome to Iceland.

Please remain seated with your seat belts
fastened until we reach the gate,

and the captain has turned off
the fasten seat belt sign.

Oh... I'm so cold.


It's as high as it'll go.


take my coat.

No, no, no, no, no, you need that.

I'm hot-blooded.
Don't worry.

I want to keep you both warm.


- Oh, it hurts! A lot.
- I know.

They're coming faster. Oh...

Don't worry, sweetie, I'll get us there.
Just-- Just hang on.

What were we thinking with that midwife?

It was a stupid mistake.

No, it's not her.
It's me. It's the hex.

- I'm hexed.
- I've told you, it's not the hex.

You're magic.

You're the most magical thing

that has ever happened to me.

I'll get us there, I promise.



Riley... come with me.




Magnus... no.


Oh, no.

Oh, my Lテコna.

My Lテコna.

Someone's coming for us.

It'll be OK.

Someone's coming.


I'm coming for you.

I have bad news and worse news.

- Start with the bad.
- I found out where they're taking her.

A research facility
controlled by BPO up the coast.

- That's good.
- Not really.

It's very heavily secured,
but I'm working on a way in.

OK, give me the worse news.

A private plane
was just cleared for landing

with a single passenger on board,
Dr. Ellison.

- Whispers.
- It's gotta be him.

- I'm ahead of him.
- Not for long.

A helicopter is there
waiting to pick him up.

- I'm gonna need some transportation.
- Car's just confirmed.

It's there.

- Are you Will Gorski?
- Yes, I am.

Welcome to Iceland.

Please, sign here.

When did I get expensive taste?

When I got access
to Metzger's credit cards.


Enjoy the stay.

The facility isn't on any map,

but I've loaded the coordinates
into the GPS.

It says that you can be there in 20.

I'll be there in ten.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I won't leave you.

I promise I won't leave you.

My baby... where is she?

You would have done anything for her.

You would have
given your life for your baby.


This... is your last chance.

Take it.

Protect them.


Protect them.


please don't do it.

I'm coming for you.

Don't give up.

It might be the best thing
that could've happened.


She'll be unconscious
when Whispers arrives.

Where is he now?

He just climbed into the helicopter.
He knows you're here.

Do you have a plan for getting in?

I'm going with a nine-millimeter
tucked under my arm.

Buffie doesn't trust you.

He believes you know
what happened to Steiner.

I've been trying to call my son
since yesterday, but he doesn't respond.

Do you know where Steiner is?

I do.


You told me you didn't
want to choose between him or me.

Now you don't have to.

Where is my son?!

I'd give you details...
but you can ask him yourself very shortly.


You f*ck!


I heard the sh*ts.

I know the way a b*llet sounds
when it hits Kevlar.

The bodyguard's g*n is gone.

You son of a bitch!

Did you k*ll my son?

k*ll that f*cking c**t!

What is happening?

I guess I've come to say goodbye.

This was your plan?

How was I supposed to know
he'd be wearing a bulletproof vest?

Who wears a bulletproof vest in real life?

What are you doing?

I'm not like Sun.
I do not know how to use my fists,

but... that doesn't mean
I don't know how to fight.

I am not ready to say goodbye.

Oh, f*ck!

Why, Wolfgang?


You're family.

We raised you.

What kind of man
betrays his own f*cking family?

You said that you would have given
everything to know who k*lled my father.

I give you that gift.

Oh, God.


You know why.

You always knew.

And still, you did nothing.

Wolfgang, I'm-- I'm-- I'm--

I'm so sor-- sorry. I--


forgive me.

You said... your blood is in my blood.

So is his.

My father... was a monster.

And so are you.

And so am I.

That's why you have to marry Rajan.

- Damn it!
- Stop the car.


- No, no, no. That's him.
- I know.

Whispers is going to get there first.

He's already told security to be
looking for you. You need a distraction.

Stop the car.

Engine's in the back.
Oil line's along the driver's side.

Pop the trunk.
Find the oil line.

Break it.

- It'll destroy the car.
- I know.

It was Amanita's idea.
It's why we picked this car.

Men cannot stand
to see a beautiful car in trouble.

It's some kind of primal instinct.
Look at you, you're hesitating.

- It's a really nice car.
- See?

What am I supposed to use to get away?

You're the one that jumped on
the first plane to Iceland without a plan.

We're working on an exit strategy.

How about this guy?
He's on vacation.

In the meantime,
I think we found a way inside.

We've been combing through
the employee records, looking for a shell.

- I'm cooking the ID now.
- We'll send it when it's crispy.

You should be able to wave your phone
and just walk right in.


It's a square-cube law thing.

Bigger and more high tech a company is,
the easier it is to use the front door.

What about Riley?

I assume since none of us can reach her

that she's still unconscious,
which means that she's safe.

Safe? Here?

Could you explain the whole "don't look
him in the eye" bad guy thing again?


I mean, 'cause I saw him.

I was afraid to look at him at first,
but... then I did.

Does that mean
he can see inside my mind now, too?

No, no, no. Jonas explained it.

- No, he's like us.
- He's sensate.

- He can only connect with other sensate.
- So she's safe.

Except for the fact that a man that uses
zombies to m*rder people knows who she is,

the police are looking for her,

she's using equipment
that could get her 20 years in prison,

all while aiding and abetting
her fugitive lover.

Is that what you mean by "safe"?

Hey, Nom, it's OK.

You love her a lot.

In my book...
safety's always been highly overrated.

- Such a shame.
- It's a '14.

It's only a year old, man.

Oh, hey, man. You've gotta see it.
It's totally f*cked up.

Oh, my God!

- I still got nothing here.
- It's on its way.

- You sure this is gonna work?
- It'll work.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Your name is Fred Sloughman.

Fred Sloughman.

Consolidated Medical Waste.

Consolidated Medical Waste,
here to check out your... medical waste.

- You been cleared?
- Yeah, right here.

- It's not working.
- Step over here.

- I don't understand.
- Um...

Step to the side.

It's not working.

- It should.
- Um...

- Turn up the brightness.
- Just a second.

Try it again?

- Sorry.
- Technology, huh?

Her blood pressure's dropping.
I can barely read her heartbeat.

Riley, open your eyes.

When I give instructions,
I expect them to be followed.

She went berserk. She grabbed a g*n.
I had to use Rocuronium to put her down.

I want this woman conscious
as soon as possible.

She's no use to me in this condition.

If we're not careful,
she could go into anaphylactic shock.

You didn't expect this, did you?

Have you made a mistake?

Wake her up, now.

This place is huge.

- Know where she's being held?
- No.

- Why not?
- I'm not the Wizard of Oz.

I only have access to what's in their
computer system and she's not in here.

- How do I find her?
- I'll find her.


Don't worry.

- Do I know you?
- Yeah.

We had sex.

Wha-- Oh. Uh...

- Eh... It-- That was--
- Very special.

Oh, hey... Uh...

We're on a clock here, fellas.

Follow me.

- How will you find her?
- It's a secret.

I'm very good at secrets.

Oh, my God... what a day.

What a day.

He can be difficult, can't he?

You mean Dr. Ellison?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

He told me that I should
pay attention to you because...

he says you are very good.

He has a lot of respect for you.


I thought he was about to fire me.

Welcome to my daily life.

I don't know how you could stand it.

Well... the work is important.

Yeah, of course.

Once in a while, I get to meet someone
who understands... how hard this job is.

- Mm. Yeah, yeah.
- You know?

And who happens to be very...

very attractive.

- I have to get back to work.
- Yeah.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- What room was she in again?
- Um...

- Sixth floor, 620.
- Oh, yeah.

Clever, Mr. Gorski.

We don't know how he got clearance.

Ms. Marks, no doubt.

How's that exit strategy coming?

- We're going to need some help.
- Whose help?


What can you do to help us
without him knowing?

In 12 minutes,
an ambulance is going to arrive,

because someone who works here
is on our side...

and is right now
pretending to have a heart attack.

Where is Mr. Gorski?

Sneaking away behind you.

Double the security
around Ms. Gunnarsdtir.

- Sweep the facility.
- Done.

I don't like games.

That's a pity. I love them.

- She's definitely on this floor.
- Got it.

- The ambulance just arrived.
- Shit! Four guards.

Is that all?

Whispers knows where you are.

Give him a message.

If he thinks he can stop us,
he's going to need a lot more men.

This area is off-limits.



It's me.


Are you real?

Left. Go left.

I'm not gonna be able
to carry her out of here.

- We have to wake her up.
- How?

I don't know.

I do.

Set her down.

Sugammadex is the only
safe recovery agent for Rocuronium.

Combined with a little adrenaline...

This will be very violent,
but it'll wake her.


I'm here.

- You shouldn't have come.
- Why?

Because everyone around me dies.

Now... Shh.

How are they planning on leaving?


The ambulance.

Ambulance is parked in the garage.

Take the elevator.

No g*ns.
I want them alive.

What is it? What's wrong?

Hello, Will.

Oh, no.

Hey! No one can leave this building. Stop!


Keys. Keys, keys, keys, keys.
There's no keys.

This is not a problem.

The Van Damn has been stolen many times...

and you learn many tricks...
in order to steal it back.

OK. Ah...



Will, this is foolish.

I see and hear
everything you see and hear.

Wherever you go, whatever you do,
whatever you think... I will be with you.

- Will... it's over. He's won.
- No.

You're afraid.

We're gonna get out of here.

There is absolutely nowhere to hide.

How are you supposed
to get away from a helicopter

when there's just one long road?

Oh, yeah, I got it. I got it!

- A weather map?
- Helicopters fly by sight.

They're not good in fog or rain.

The weather changes drastically
with altitude, to lose these guys,

- all they gotta do is head here.
- Oh, my God, I love you!

Will, up ahead there's a road to the left.
Take it.



I know you.

You are a police officer.

You are sworn to protect people.

It's in your blood.

It's in your heart.

I know you won't k*ll us all.

You can't do it.

Maybe I can't...

but I know who can.

Pull up!

- Oh, no.
- What?

- We can't go this way.
- Why not?

Please, don't take me there,
not to those mountains.

It's the only way.

- Will, please go back.
- Why?

- Go back!
- We can't!


Oh, no.

- Oh, no, no, please don't take me back!
- Riley, what--

What is it? What's wrong?

Oh, my God! What the f*ck?

Oh, hurry up.

What? What's happening?

I don't know.
I can't reach either one of them.

They were there heading into the mountains
and... now they're gone.




Riley... are you OK?

Stay with me.
I'm gonna get us out of here.

We're gonna be all right.

I wish that were true.

But we both know it's not.

Listen to me, Will.
You have very little time.

Whispers is getting into a car.
He'll find you shortly.

Once he has you, it won't be long
until he finds the rest of your cluster.

There's only one way.

Protect them.

It's the only way.

It's OK, Will.
I was supposed to die here.

No. No.



Whispers saw me.

He's in my head.

As long as I'm unconscious,

he can't see what I see.
That's why I shot up with all those dr*gs.

In a minute,
I'm gonna be unconscious.

Our only chance is if you get
in that ambulance and drive us outta here.


if you don't...

we're all gonna die.

I can't.

I can't.

I can't leave her.

Riley, please.

I'm so sorry, Will. I can't do it.

I know how much it hurts.

I know you want to lay down here
and never get up again.

I know it, 'cause I feel it.

I can feel it.

And that means that somehow,

you can feel what I'm feeling, too.

I love you.

That's why you can't give up.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you... I love you...

Is he sick?

No, he's OK.

Everything's OK.

You did it.

You saved us.