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01x10 - What Is Human?

Posted: 03/16/22 17:36
by bunniefuu
Whenever I have
a difficult decision to make, I come here.

This place brings a clarity
to any decision.

"Is the Holocaust an aberration
or a reflection of who we really are?"

Why is it so loud where you are?

It's Independence Day.

What is best in life, huh?

I don't understand.

No, you wouldn't.

You look lost.

Why'd you do that?

- Do what?
- Leave.

I told you it was
not a mobile service, Will.

Connections are fragile things.

It doesn't take them long to respond.

Maybe you should find us
somewhere to talk.

It is extraordinary.

I have never experienced anything like it,
not in my 20 years since passing the bar.

Your father did everything
he said he was going to do, and more...

the court agreed to hear his testimony.

If the hearing goes well, I think I can
have you out of here in less than a week.

You have to agree to the procedure here.

What will happen to Joong-Ki?

The court was lenient on you
because you cooperated.

I suspect...
they will make an example of him.

If I were your brother...

I would be on the next plane
to somewhere far from Seoul.

I want to believe
that the past is done with us

the moment we are done with it.

What's up, Wolfman? Ooh...

- The f*ck are you doing here?
- Down, boy. Down.

I heard dear Dad came to see you.

He said you had yourselves
a real nice... man-to-man,

but, knowing you, cousin, like I do,

I figured you needed a little...
motivational... TED-type talk?

Now, first of all...

I love Felix.

It was really hard...
to watch what happened to him.

Even though I know
that he would agree when I say

that he did bring it upon himself.

But... I am pulling
for his total recovery.

In fact, I have some...
close friends that work here,

and I asked them
to keep an eye on him for me.

They did scare me a little

with all the talk
about the things that can go wrong

when someone like Felix
is trying to recover.

Like, they had one case recently

where someone got the wrong medicine,
and boom! Dead.

Would be some kinda... bad luck
for old Felixer, after surviving all this.

Can we just fast-forward
to the end of this shit?

- You get the diamonds...
- My diamonds!

And you give Felix and me a pass.


I'm a forward-looking person, Wolfie.

You gotta believe that.

I don't dwell on the past.

I get my rocks back,
and we all live happily ever after.

- It's Independence Day?
- Yeah.

My parents were from India.

I was born there, but they moved to London
when I was a baby.

In my 20s, I moved to New York.

I never fully grasped
where I owed my allegiance.

Didn't know what I was supposed to sing.

The Indian national anthem? America's?

"God Save the Queen"?

I envy people their clear-cut allegiances.

Yeah, my dad's like that.

One beer, he's hammering the world
into two different sides,

Bears or Packers, us or them.

He's more right than he knows.

When you said that we're not like them,
did you mean we're not human?

What is human?

An ability to reason? To imagine?
To love or grieve?

If so, we are more human
than any human ever will be.

What troubles you?

It's all right.

Say what's on your mind.

For some time now...

I've been... confused about the wedding.

I know.

The police wanted to know
why Papa-ji was at the temple.

Since he's a non-believer,
I assume to see you.

Did he tell you why?

Manendra said that...
he was reconsidering our marriage.

Ah... I see.

So did you tell the police?


- Why not?
- Because I haven't told Rajan.

Because you are
still confused about the wedding.

More confused than ever.

Well, you have to wonder,
if Manendra changed his mind,

why did he come to you
instead of his own son?

Perhaps because he knew
his own son wouldn't listen to him.

This was a love marriage, after all.

But it's possible that Rajan
will now have a different reaction

if it turns out that
this is his father's very last wish.

By telling Rajan now,
you will actually empower his father,

giving him more control over Rajan's life
than he had while he was alive.


The simple solution
would be to tell the truth...

and let the chips fall where they may.

But if this marriage
holds the possible future

of a long and happy life together,

is it right to let a dominating man
take that away from you?

And yet, to not tell Rajan is to build...
whatever happiness you might find

upon a secret.

Not an easy decision, to be sure...

but one that I know
you already have the answer for.

Years ago... I was on your side
of this conversation,

and the man in my place
was the father of our cluster.

He was telling me all sorts of bullshit
about the psycellium,

about how he could feel
from this present moment

all the way back to the first breath
his cluster ever took.

He was telling me
what it meant to be sensate.

But I... I don't understand
how they never found me out.

I've had x-rays, MRIs, blood tests...

The differences are very subtle.

Understand, we are closer to humankind
than the bonobo is to a baboon.

You've gotta know what you're looking for.
Evolution is frugal in her variation.

One small chromosome here or there
and you walk on two legs instead of four.

But I look the same.
I feel the same.

- Really?
- In most ways.

You mean when you're not
sharing your most private thoughts

with someone
on the other side of the world?

You're Capheus.

I'm Kala.

You are beautiful.

Thank you.

- Do you mind if I...?
- Please, sit.

- That is a very large television.
- Ah, yes.

Samsung SMT-4023, 42 inches.

Best value, color space, and resolution.

- Can I ask you a question?
- Of course.

The first time I went
into a house like this in Bombay...

they had no beds,
but they had a television as big as this.

I mean, how can a TV
be more important than a bed?

Ah... That's simple.

The bed keeps you in a slum.

The flat screen takes you out.

- Ah...
- Eh.

- What are you watching?
- Lionheart.

- Never heard of it.
- Really?


Does it have any dancing in it?

Jean-Claude is the Fred Astaire...
of martial arts.

Ah... I love Fred Astaire.

Lionheart is the first movie that
made me fall in love with Jean-Claude.

I watch it any time
I need to find courage.

I could use some courage right now.


I thought you said
this film had dancing in it.

This is dancing.

It's so violent.

Life is violent.

It is.

I didn't think so before.

But you do now.

Watch a flock of birds
or a shoal of fish move as one...

and you glimpse where we came from.

Ask how aspen trees feel trauma
hundreds of miles apart,

or how a mushroom
can understand the needs of a forest...

you'd begin to grasp what we are.

Our kind has been here
since the beginning.

In all likelihood, we were the beginning.

What I want... is to make sure
we're there at the end.

But if there's another species
of h*m* sapien, how can it be a secret?

Secrets are important to their species.

Secrets are the center
of their identities, of their societies.

Secrets maintain their hierarchies.

To reveal this secret,
that there is another kind of human,

one whose existence threatens
the very fundament of their reality...

No... they'll never allow that.

Do you have a secret, Jonas?

You're a good cop, aren't you?

They're gonna try to use me to get to you
and the rest of your cluster.

The one who came for Nomi, Dr. Matheson?

He uses many names.

- Jonas...
- Angelica called him Whispers.

Never look him in the eye.



That's why she k*lled herself.

To protect us.

My father told me something
that always stayed with me.

It's probably what kept me alive.

He said that what made us "us"

was far less important
than what makes them "them."

In the end,
it doesn't matter who came first.

All that matters is the fact
that one small chromosomal mutation

severed them from their connection
to nature, and to each other.

That isolation has allowed them
to focus on the one thing they do better

than any species in history.

k*lling is easy...
when you can feel nothing.

- Search him.
- I just did.

Search him again!

He's a f*cking smart guy,
aren't you, Wolfie?

He knows all the tricks, so f*cking smart.

Just found that.

Open it. Could be wired.

Open it!


So f*cking smart. You think Felix
would think you're so f*cking smart now?

You got what you wanted.

I wanna know something.
How did you do it?

When I walked in, the safe was clean.

I spent two hours cutting it open.

Tell me... how you did it.

I cracked it.

You cracked it?

Like... in the movies?

Listening to the tumblers
with your stethoscope?

You just cracked it?!

f*cking smart guy, right here!

First guy in history
to f*ck the pants off an S&D safe.


Is that really
what you expect me to believe?

You think I'm that f*cking stupid?


Oh. Is that what you think?

You think I'm stupid, huh?

Hey, Wolfie, where you going?

You haven't answered my question yet.

Answer my f*cking question.

You think I'm stupid?
That what you think? Huh?!


Well, OK.

First smart thing you said.

Now... tell me the f*cking truth
or I'll blow your smart-guy brains

all over the f*cking street!

You knew everything.

You knew he would hit you,
you knew you would fall to the ground.

But he kicked you and drove you
away from the g*n. You were really close.

All I needed was a little space.

Why don't you just...
tell him something he wants to hear?

Tell him... Tell him...

I don't know, just a little lie
that will make him relax and then we...

we'll figure it out.

I can't.


He reminds me of my father.

Just a little lie.

OK. May I?

Do you mind?

Did you hear me?!

Tell me the f*cking truth.

Tell me!

It was Felix. It was Felix.

He found out... the Indian liked boys.

Ran into him at a club,
fed him some drinks.

Felix got the combination from him.

I knew it! I f*cking knew it!

f*cking Felix!

I bet he sucked his cock!

There had to be
some cock-sucking involved.

He sucked his cock, didn't he?

He did what he had to do.

Ooh! Cock-sucking Felix!

Look! Look at this.

Would any of you suck cock for this?


That's why you and cock-sucking Felix
and Wolfie are all f*cking idiots,

and I'm the only one
with some f*cking brains here!


You're f*cking dead!

You and your cock-sucking friend
are f*cking dead!

What the f*ck?!


f*cking hell!

That's what I'm talking about!

f*cking hell, man.

What the f*ck is that?

Thank you.

Lying is easy.

It's what I do.

Sometimes... you make a mistake.

You've got two choices:

you live with it, or you fix it.

Hello, this is Hernando.
Now you say something.

Hernando, you might
never get this message.

Your mailbox is full.

You should really... It doesn't matter.

I made a terrible mistake, my love...

but I swear to you...
that I'm gonna fix it.



You all right?

I'm here to see my father.

- He's playing tonight?
- Mm-hm.

That's cool. It's gonna be great.

I'm actually seeing my dad, too.

What is it?

I saw Jonas.

He said that it was dangerous
for you to be in Iceland.

Yrsa said the same thing.

Will you please be careful?

Yrsa said something else, too.

She said that Jonas can't be trusted...
that he worked with BPO.


I don't know what's true or not.

I just think we have to...
watch out for each other.

I was just thinking...

I was thinking that...
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.

There was a time when...

that wouldn't have meant anything to me,
but... now it does.

Thank you.

Oh, my God. If this feels that good
when we're not really here,

what's it gonna be like when we are?

You came back.

Yes... I did.

Can I get you something?

Double tequila.


You ask me if I want another?

Then I want two.

Two double tequilas.

Tequila squared.

- Four?
- Four. Yes.

Listen, if I offended you before...
I'm sorry.

Do not apologize.

The mistake was mine.

I should've told you the truth.

This is a stolen kiss...

because these lips belong to another.

And even though
you're a very attractive man...

and your offer
to do terrible things to me was...

was effective...

I should've told you, "No, thank you"...

because I have
already met the love of my life...

and his name is Hernando.

- Riley! Hey! Hey!
- Riles!

They told me you were out here.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Oh, just getting
the creative juices flowing.

That's pretty cute.


Getting stoned in your tuxes
like it's 1985.

For some of us, it is 1985.

I don't mean it badly.

It's what we were
talking about today, Papa.

It's not much different in London,
but we don't use pot.

Oh, no?
What do you use then?

Usually start with one of these.

Oh, wow. What's that?



All right.

Oh, you got the brats!

Yeah, I got the brats.

- From Gene's?
- Yeah, Dad, from Gene's.

Come here. Gimme a kiss.

What do you want, f*gg*t?

I've come for my friend.

Come on, Dani.

Are you sure, Lito?

You're coming home.

Where are you going, Dani? Hm?

I'm going with Lito, obviously.

This is f*cking bullshit.

- She's not going anywhere with you.
- It's over, Joaquin.

Listen, you're forgetting
one little thing, f*gg*t.

I still have the pictures.

If she gets in that car...
it's bye-bye career.

Do what you want with the pictures.

I don't care.

Let's go home.


I don't want to hurt you, Joaquin.

All right.

We can do this easy... or we can do this...

Not in the face! No, no!

Not in the face!

Not in the face.


Yes! Yes!

You like that? Huh?!

- You want more? You want more?
- Come on.

That's all you got? Come on!

Joaquin, Joaquin, no. No, no, no!

Joaquin! Ahh!

Now you sell flowers, p*ssy? Huh?

Come on, come on!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Get up.


We're not done.

You call that a punch?

Come on, you can do better, huh?
I'm right here.

Are we done? Huh? I think we're done.


Thank you.

Fighting is easy.

Fighting is what I do.

Let's go home, Dani.

It's a perfect night.
I love the Fourth of July.

It's my... It's my favorite holiday.

I mean, I'm here with my kid.

Pretty soon, they're gonna blow up shit.

Doesn't get better than this.

You know, when I was a kid, I thought...
I thought I couldn't be a cop.

My dad was an electrician.

He got out of the w*r, joined the union.

I thought... "When I grow up,
I'm gonna be an electrician."

The summer I turned 15, my old man
takes me down to the union hall.

He's so proud.

I get my card... but I hated the job.

Hated the job.

I kept shocking myself,
and his friends are all laughin' at me.

I quit that summer.

He was...

He was furious, like,
"What are you gonna do with your life?"

I told him, "I'm gonna be a cop."

The way he looked at me...

I'll never forget it.

Like he didn't know who I was.

I'll tell you something, though.

The day you told me
you wanted to be a cop...

proudest damn day of my life.





Oh, God!

Oh, my...

Now that... is what I call fireworks.


I love fireworks.

Me, too.

Me, three.



What happened to you?

- I got in a fight.
- What?

A fight?

Are you stupid? Look at your face.
You won't be able to sh**t tomorrow.

You do still love me.

Well, I know
how important your career is to you.

Can I come in?


You were right, Hernando.

I was a coward.

I cared too much about things that...
aren't important.

I took for granted all the things
you gave up in life to... be with me.

Many of these things became clear
because of Daniela.

I understand why
you reacted the way you did.

I made a terrible mistake.

But I fixed it.



I... I don't understand.

Lito saved me! He saved me.

Joaquin tried to stop me from going,
but Lito fought him.

It was... It was unbelievable.

It was like a scene
from one of his movies!

And... what about the pictures?

I don't care.

My career is important to me.

But it will never be as important as you.

I love you.


He said he didn't care.

Can we go home... please?

- Yes.
- Yes! Yes! Let's go home! Mm!