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01x05 - Art Is Like Religion

Posted: 03/16/22 17:13
by bunniefuu
I don't get it.

Why do we have to sh**t
the end of the film first?

It's ridiculous.

Some things never change.

I feel a little bit bloated today.

You look fantastic, Lito. Come on.

I-- I feel like shit today. Please.

- Can I get some Advil, please?
- Sure.

Are you for real?

Are you for real?

- Here it is.
- Did you see?

See what?

- The f*ck were you thinkin'?
- Sir?

I just spent the last hour on the phone
getting my ass reamed by the Feds.

- OK, sir, I can--
- You can shut the f*ck up.

You will know when I'm done speaking
because there will be a pause,

followed by the words "I'm sorry, Captain,
this will never happen again."

Pullin' in favors?

Tryin' to use your old man's rep
to get around direct orders? For what?

- Was that a pause?
- Jesus flying fuckballs.

Sorry, listen, when I saw Jonas at that
store, I felt like there was a connection.

I thought maybe I could use that
to get some intelligence.

No luck there.

Intelligence would have meant
doing what you were told.

None of us have time
for any more of your f*ckin' around.

That was the pause.

Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

Never happen again.

Now get the f*ck outta here.


- Wolfgang.
- Uncle.

I have a problem.

But the thing about my problems is...

that they tend to become
other people's problems.

Sit down, please.

There was a robbery a few days ago.

Black market diamonds from Mumbai.

Stolen from a safe the day before
they were to be picked up by the buyer.

I know this because my son
had been casing this place for months.

Pickups, deliveries,
when the place was empty.

Steiner is furious.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

And there are few things
as unpleasant for me

as listening to my own son whine.

The interesting part is...
the safe was not drilled.

No one bored through
to look at the tumblers,

poured liquid nitrogen
or acid inside.

No, no, no, no.

The safe was cracked.


More interesting still is...
that the safe was an S&D.

The same kind of safe
that f*cked your father.


It would be an irony
of Shakespearean proportions

if his son f*cked his own life

cracking the safe his father
failed to crack, wouldn't it?

I'm not as stupid as my father.

Wolfgang? Your father made mistakes.

Every man does.

You should always remember who you are.

I think about that every day.

I don't understand.

You speak English?

- Uh... You speak English?
- Oh, yes.

I speak very good English.

Where am I?

It's so warm, I can feel the heat.

Kibera, Nairobi.

In Africa?

Africa... Kenya.

Where is this? This is freezing.


London. Ah...

Harry Potter. The Queen. Eh?

English tea.

Can I?

I like it.

Hey, Van Damme,
give me the f*cking bag.

I can't do that.

Give it to me
or we beat the f*ck out of you.

I don't want to hurt you.

If your enemy will not be humbled,
destroy him.

Give the bag, bitch!

Van Sham.

Spirit of Jean-Claude Korean lady,

I know you have
more important things to do,

but for me, nothing is more important.

OK, Lito.
So, big scene: boy meets girl.

You have started working for her father,
Don Carlos. Right?

Am I beginning to suspect that
he is behind the death squads?

No, definitely not.
You find him charming.

- But I think I sense he is evil, right?
- No, not at all. No.

- You are just hot for his daughter.
- Hey, hey, hey.

The script is full of so much pain.

I think I should feel it.

- No, not at all. Here.
- Hey--

You need fire, you need heat, OK?

- We're going to keep it sexy.
- OK, yeah.

- Can you keep it sexy for me?
- Yeah.

Yes? El CaĆ­do, remember.

OK, can we sh**t today? Yes?

Are we ready? OK. Here we go.

- Nachito! Come on!
- Take position, everyone!

We're ready to sh**t! Come on!



Bah-bah-bah! Bah!

And action!


Lito, what are you doing?

Tears are not hot.

- Tears are not sexy.
- Sorry. My fault.

Um... I'm just feeling
a little emotional today.

I was suddenly struck by her beauty

and the knowledge that...
all beauty is temporary.

Decay and death
haunt every breath we take.

Lito, are you kidding me?
Lighten up.

"Decay and death"?
This is a movie, for f*ck's sake.

OK, people. Come on. Nachito!

We don't have all day! Come on!

Take your positions, everyone!
We're going again! Come on!

OK, Lito,
take a breathe or something.

Wait, wait, wait!

- I need makeup, man. Bring me the makeup.
- Makeup!

Mehndi represents the outer
and the inner sun of your being.

It is the awakening of your inner light.

It strengthens and deepens the bond

between you and the man
who's to be your husband.

- Mom?
- Hm?

How did you feel about Dad at this point?

We had met only once
when we were very young...

when his family came to Punjab.

Were you nervous? Excited?

Did you think Dad
was gonna make you happy?

Things were much different then.

Love marriages were not very common.

I think, uh, you are the first
in the family, in fact, to marry for love.

But many things are the same.

My family wished the same thing for me
as we wish for you.

And he's a perfect match for you.

You know, my astrologer saw many children.

Everything is going to be all right,
my dear.

- Everything's going to be perfect.
- Yes.

Aah! Don't move!

Don't move.

What is wrong with you?

Never have I seen you
this unfocused before.

- You are of two minds.
- At least.


Nothing, teacher.

There are better ways
that I could be spending my time.

Whatever is distracting you,
whatever it is you must decide or do,

decide it and do it,
and then come back to me.

I'm a f*cking mess.
I'm a f*cking mess, Hernando.

The set doctor said you were fine.

Fine? Fine?

No, no, Hernando, I'm not fine.
I have a horrible pain in my stomach.

It's-- I'm paralyzed. I'm...

It feels like a tumor.

You know cancer runs in my family,
Hernando. What if it's cancer?

What is it? What is--

What is the point? What is the point?

My lane isn't going any faster,
you... f*ck!

I see you, villain!

I see you with your
f*cking villain mustache!

- f*ck!
- Calm down, Lito.

- I'm under attack, Hernando!
- OK, take a deep breath, please.

I can't.

I can't breathe! I can't think!

I-- I can't remember anything!

- Hernando-- Hernando? Are you there?
- Yes, yes, yes, I am here.

You know, before, I went to order elotes.
You know I love elotes.

Yes, you love elotes, yes.

But when I tried to order them, I couldn't
remember that elotes are called elotes.

Lito, you're going to have an accident.

Oh, you did not! Excuse me! I-- You--

You tacky, cheap weave,
plastic-titted whore!

I see you! I see you!

Please stop screaming.

I'm not screaming!

Where am I?

Lito, please, listen to me.

I don't know where I am, Hernando.

Are you hearing voices?

No, I'm-- I'm seeing things.

Seeing things?

There's-- There's a crying Korean woman.

I'm not... crying.

There's a Korean woman
standing next to me,

and she's not crying the same way
that I'm not screaming!

Lito, what happened?

What the f*ck?!

- Hernando, please save me.
- Where you get your license, man?

f*ck! Hey! f*ck!

- Hello?
- Janet Marks?

- Yes?
- Hi. This is Officer Will Gorski.

- I'm calling about your daughter Nomi.
- Have you found him?

Not yet. The hospital she was admitted to
reported her missing.

I was hoping you might
have some more information.

I knew this would happen.

This isn't the first time
Michael's had problems with the police.

Yeah, I'm seeing
some arrests here for hacking,

misdemeanor electronic intrusion--

Police showing up at our door
at all hours.

Michael fell in with bad company,
got infected with all these crazy ideas.

I think all this business
with his brain began

with those hormones he started taking.

Most of it is illegal.

God only knows
what's really inside that stuff.

But, Michael's never been sensible.

- Nomi.
- What?

Not Michael. Her name is Nomi.

Hey, hon. Just got a text from Disney.
They're on their way.

You OK?

Something happened
when I walked over here, didn't it?


I was looking at the people
and I had this feeling.

It was so familiar,
something I've known my entire life.

The feeling of being seen and not seen,

of being a part of them
and being apart from them.

And then I saw you... the first person
that made all of that go away,

that made me feel I did fit in,
that I belonged.

I saw you and for a moment...

I didn't know who you were.

It feels impossible. What's happening
to me, it feels impossible.

Honey, not so long ago,
the idea of someone like me,

someone with my crazy thoughts,
my... desires,

someone with this kind of hair...

would've been completely impossible
in this world.

Just as there was a time in my life

when the idea of me falling in love
with someone like you...


Even I would have said
it was impossible.

And yet, there we are,
in that tiny bathroom at the Lexington,

and from the instant my lips
touched these two lips...

I realized one of the most important
lessons of my life:

impossibility is a kiss away from reality.

He kissed me.

The first time I kissed your father,
oh, dear!

Don't know whether he would
want me to tell you all this.

Of course,
because I'm back here cooking,

I cannot hear a word you are saying,
my dearest one.

The truth is,
for the longest time,

I thought kissing is as eating a kebab,
because whenever I would kiss,

all I would taste
was spices and garlic on his lips.

I'm sure that
whatever you are laughing at

would not be at the expense of a man

who would sl*ve for hours making...
shahi tukda.


Oh, my God.

Kala, you are beautiful.

Thanks, Dad.

May I?

It's for you.


Dad, could you teach Rajan how to make it?


A minute ago,
this tasted like a normal coffee.

Now it tastes like a sugary dessert.

That doesn't sound like a bad thing.

What if Dr. Metzger's right and there is
something wrong with my brain?

Well, there are two possibilities.

Possibility one: He's telling the truth.

There is something wrong with your brain.

And it's causing hallucinations
and you're gonna die.

I'm not digging that one.
What's possibility two?

That he's lying.

That what he says is happening to you
isn't what's happening.

And if that's the case,
there has to be a reason why he's lying,

and we need to find out
what that reason is.

Don't worry, hon,
we are going to figure this out.

Well done, Van Damme.


What is going on here?

You passed my test.


I had to know how far you would go.

If you're willing to risk your life for...

a pair of coconuts,
then you're the man I need.

I'll be in touch, Van Damme.

"Steiner's furious!"

"Steiner is furious.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"There are few things as unpleasant for me
as listening to my own son whine."

"Oh, Daddy!

Daddy, somebody stole my diamonds.
I want my--"

- Shut the f*ck up!
- Hey, hey, hey. New shirt.

Don't ever use that word, understand?

Sergei's not stupid. He's watching us.

- Sergei doesn't know shit.
- Yeah.

If he did, we'd be dead.

He was just f*cking with you,
trying to see if you knew anything.

Probably had box men coming in all day,
giving them the same routine.

He's just shaking the trees.

Keep quiet. Stick to the plan.

Got it.

"Steiner's furious."

Gotta piss.

Who's there?

Is there a woman in here?

What do you mean is there
a woman in here. This is my bathroom.

Your bathroom? Lady,
I think you may be even drunker than I am.

I'm not drunk,
though obviously you are!

What are you talking about?

I know that voice--

Where are you?

You are the singing man in my dream.

I can't see you.


What the hell language is that?

Kala? Are you all right?
I heard you talking to someone.

Oh, just... to myself.


Well, if you ever need someone
to talk to about things...


Things that happen
on a girl's wedding night.

Auntie, it's OK.

We have the Internet.


I knew that thing
was good for something.


Am I making my mind up as it happens?

- Or do I already know?
- You tell me, baby. You're the guy.

Just make it real.
I want your guts on this one, yes?

I think I should have a line
before I reach Don Carlos.

- Sure. Whatever. Put it in. Yes.
- OK.

So we're gonna rehearse
with the squibs, right?

f*ck, no! I want chaos, confusion.

I want blanks firing, squibs exploding.

Total mayhem surrounding the meaningless
destruction of precious art.

That's-- That's the message of this film.

And without the grit of reality,
nobody's going to believe it.

- OK? Your guts?
- OK.

Yes! OK, are we ready for this? Nachito!

- Bring it on, please. Come on, everybody.
- Bah! Bah!

You won't believe it till you see it
with your own eyes. She's double-jointed.

Blows the candles out on a cupcake
stuck in her own ass.

Yeah, she's a real artist.


I can't. I got paperwork.

Oh, you're goin'. It's Miller's 40th.

You have to pay your respects.

So, sign the f*cking card, pendejo.

Go on and put a twenty in there.

- Holy shit.
- What?

I requested an up-rez
of your photo from last night.

- The kid?
- Yeah, check it out.

Hey, check existing contacts.


Boom. Name and last known.

Let's go.

Oh, I thought you had paperwork to do.

No? No? All right.

- Here they are.
- Oh.

- Mm...
- Hey.

Sorry it took so long.
I just wanted to be sure.

There were cops?

There's one staked out front
of your place.

Every couple of hours, an unmarked car
rolls through the alley.


Were you able to get hold of Isabella?

She said no problem
using her back entrance.

Thank you guys so much.
I know how much trouble this is.

It's not a problem, Nomi.

After what you did for Lola and me?
You're family.

Clete Tamark. Couple convictions.

Vandalism, disorderly conduct, MIP.

He's running with
the New Maniac Mafia up in Englewood.

What happened to the Old Maniac Mafia?
I miss them.

He's just a kid, too.

They're all kids, Will. They're all kids.

Art is like religion.

For the believers, it's everything.

For anyone else...

it's just a pile of stinking bullshit.

I know you.

Do I know you?

This is not who you are.

Clete! Cops!

k*ll him!

Oh, shit!

Shit! f*ck!

Hey! Stop!

Boy, you better stop!

I f*ckin' hate this shit!


- f*ck!
- Get up, get up! Go, go, go!

- Kick me. Kick me.
- What?

Kick me.

Y'all smell pork?

You in the wrong 'hood, po-po.

- Get yo' bacon-smellin' ass on.
- You m*therf*ckers on a coffee break?

Yeah, with yo' mama.

All right.

What's wrong with this nig--?

OK, we're gonna have some fun.

- f*cking cut!
- How was it?

I've got a hard-on
that's gonna last all week!

Oh, so natural, so real!

- Bra-vo! Bravo!
- Yes, yes, yes!


- I'm sorry.
- f*ck!

I apologize. I'm sorry, man.

- That's in the movie.
- Yeah?

- That's in the movie, Lito!
- It's in the movie?

- Yes! Come on!
- Thank you.

Where am I? Where is this?


Where are you?


- You speak Korean?
- Do you speak Swahili?

Then how are we understanding each other?

I don't know.

You are the spirit of Jean-Claude.

I felt your spirit in me.

You are a very good fighter.

You don't know anything about me.

I don't know how,
but I know your name is Sun.

- You have a difficult decision to make.
- Stop. This cannot be real.

What is real is I might have died
if it wasn't for you.

I don't understand this.

So if you do not mind,
I prefer to assume you're a hallucination.

I take no offense.

Since that is resolved,
I would like to continue my walk.


- Alone.
- Of course.

- You're still here.
- I'm sorry.

I don't know how I came here
or how I go back.

Perhaps there is something in me
that calls or something in you that calls.

I'm not calling you or anyone else.

Perhaps that is the problem.

Are you in trouble?

No. But tomorrow I might be.

I know this choice.

It's like having two different lives.

One will be very dangerous for me.

The other, very bad for my mother.

My question is, am I the person
who wants to see my brother punished,

who wants to watch the business
my father built be destroyed?

Or am I the person
who wants to save them,

who will go to prison for them,

even though they have been cruel to me
for my entire life?

You are afraid.

I feel it for my mother every day.

I promised I would take care of her.

Everything will be all right...

I must keep that promise.

I must keep it, no matter what.

I promised my mother
I would protect my family.

It was the last thing I said to her
before she died.

- If I break it--
- Then your last words become a lie.

Once, when I was eight...

my father's enemies came to our house.

They had big machetes, like this.

My mother had a knife, like this.

They wanted revenge
for what my father's tribe had done.

They wanted me.

My father was gone. She was alone.

But... she put me behind her,
and she faced these men.

They knew they could k*ll her.

But they also looked her
in the eyes and knew

she would take
at least one of them with her.

And they left.

Because none of them
wanted to be that one.

Who can say if it is
we who make the choice,

or the choice that makes us?

...the ceremony.
The last thing we would...

The color's
really looking nice on her.

- Think it shows the right...
- Where did you have it made?

- The same tailor we normally use?
- I had no idea how heavy it all would be.

I hope I don't collapse
in the middle of the circle.


Priya, I don't want to
pressure anyone, but--

- Sanyam, please!
- All right, all right. Take your time.

I take the first of seven steps with you,
my husband-to-be...

that we may cherish each other
and promise that we will grow together...

in mental and spiritual strength.

I take the fourth
of the seven steps with you...

I take the fifth of seven steps with you,
my husband-to-be,

and promise love and obedience
in all things.

I take the sixth of the seven steps
with you, my wife-to-be...

with the promise of
everlasting companionship.

We shall share love.

Share the same tastes.

Share the same food.

The final vow, the final step,
is yours, my love.

Let us make a vow together
to share our strengths.

We shall be of one mind.

We shall observe these vows together.

Come thou, as I take the last
of seven steps with you and--

What the f*ck are you doing?

You're not in love with him.

Kala? Kala?