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01x04 - What's Going On?

Posted: 03/16/22 17:12
by bunniefuu
I mean, everyone wants to believe
they'd be the hero,

that they'd join the Resistance,
try to k*ll Hitler.

It's such f*cking bullshit.

It's obedience, not resistance.

That's the glue of every country,
every army, every religion in the world.

The f*ck are you talking about, Felix?

What do you think?
I'm talking about us.

- I'm talking about our revolution.
- We snatched some rocks.

Mark my words, Wolfie,
this score is going to change our lives.

Not gonna change shit
if we can't sell them.

He's going to buy.

Just relax. Let me do the talking.

- Thank you for waiting.
- Not a problem.

It's nice here, but you know
there's a bigger one in Mettre?

That one smells like piss.

The drunks from the park
use it as a toilet.

I like this one better.

Whenever I have a difficult
decision to make, I come here.

This place brings a clarity
to any decision.

- What were you thinking about?
- My mother.

- Did she die in the Holocaust?
- No, she lived.

She fell in love with an Englishman
and ran away with him

against her parents' wishes.

I think how much courage she had
to make that decision.

After the w*r, she came back
to find her parents, but she never did.

- And she never left Berlin again.
- Mm.

Our existence depends
on sheer implausibility,

which I'm sure is exactly
how your merchandise

found its way into your pocket.

Does that mean you're interested?

I would like to see them.

Please, not here.

Any talk of money
seems unimportant here.

We never discuss money.

We have no interest in money.

All we are interested in
is making sure that you and your son...

- And your daughter.
- ...are happy.

OK, then we are all in accordance with--

Not exactly. Ah.

We have spoken to the priest, uh,

- concerning the, uh--
- Adjustment to the service.

Uh, this is my fault.

I wanted to add an exchange of rings.

Ah, this is a Hindu wedding ceremony.
There are no rings.

- I know.
- There are traditions.

Yes, but we are trying to start them
on a path to the 21st century,

- not the 16th.
- Of course.

And the priest is ready to accommodate.

It's just that with both services,
it appears the ceremony--

- Will be over six hours.
- Six hours?

There are certain shortcuts
that others have preferred.

How short?

It depends entirely on how much
you value the priest conducting it.

How much?

The more you give him,
the shorter the ceremony.

The sooner everyone can get to dancing.

Six hours is the starting point.
Pay him double, out in three.

And how much to not perform it at all?

You couldn't afford it.

This is important to me.

Married men in India don't wear rings.

There is nothing to show their commitment.

That is why I want one.

I want to remember this night
for the rest of my life,

and I don't want it to be a secret.

I want the whole world to know
I'm bound to this woman.

Now and forever.

I'm so proud of you.

So smart and so strong.

Is that why my father hates me?

He doesn't hate you, my child.

You must never think that.

- He loves you.
- He never came to any of my matches.

He went to all of Joong-Ki's matches.

You cannot be jealous of your brother.

Do not blame him
for how much Father loves him.

It is natural for fathers
to be close to their sons.

He's planning on Joong-Ki
taking over the company.

If I cannot be there
to help Father realize his dream...

you must be there for me.

Please, Sun, take care of your brother.

Do this for me.

We, like these books,
or these diamonds,

have the secrets of our past
hidden inside us.

You think a lot about the past, don't you?

Without the past,
there would be nothing to think about,

let alone someone to think it.


You certainly weren't lying.
These are beauties.

Shall I be honest?

I know I was probably
the last on your list.

I'm an outsider to you, but I think I know
where these rocks came from.

Out of Mumbai, I'm guessing, and I know
who's going to come looking for them.

They will not be easy to move,
unless I recut them.

Recut, they will have
a fraction of their worth.

Let's go, Felix.
I knew this was a waste of time.

Hang on. Really?
After we listened to all your bullshit?

If you were listening to my bullshit,
I said it would not be easy.

I didn't say it would not be possible.

I will buy a third of them
and see what I can do.

Half or nothing.

And we both know that you're going
to say yes, because I was listening.

That's what your mother would do.

I'm such a bad person.

You spend all your money on my medicine.

- Don't talk like that.
- You would be a success without me.

- You would not have to live here.
- Not listening.

If I wasn't such a bad person,

I'd stop taking my medicine
and let you get on with your life.

This is my life.
This is why we came here.

To make money,
to be happy, to be healthy.

Besides, when I iron my shirt,
it always burns up.

Without you,
I would go into the world naked.

There's still some water left.

I will try and bring some back
before I come home.

I love you.

And don't worry.

I've got a feeling today
is going to be a really good day. Huh?



All aboard the Van Damn,
the safest bus in and out of Nai-robbery!


The f*ck are you doing?

I'm thinking about Katrina Unger.

- What?
- Remember?

The first time I got my d*ck wet.

She was 16, I was 14.

I'd been dating her for two months,

which back then
seemed like a f*cking lifetime,

and I remember thinking
I'd been wasting my time.

Buying her presents,
taking her to the movies.

But then...

the second I got myself
inside of her...

everything had been worth it.


- Know what I did?
- What?

I went out and bought myself
a new pair of shoes.

Had to. I couldn't walk
in those old shoes anymore.

From that point on, everything changed.

I mean, I had changed. I was a man!

And right now, I'm thinking...

we need new shoes.


This is it, Capheus!

You'll never hear me complain
about success, Capheus, never!

- Never!
- My ancestors would haunt me

if I even thought to complain
about having too many passengers.

- Whoo!
- Don't complain, Jela.





Whoo! Oh, those are my-- Those are
my ancestors reminding me to be grateful,

even when I'm being whipped on the face!

- Whoo!
- You are crazy.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.

Oh, crap.

You made sure
we had all the permits, eh?

Yeah, we are in total compliance.
Don't worry, it will be over in a minute.

Good day, officers.
I'm sure you'd like to see--

- Shut the f*ck up.
- Oh, happy to. Love to.

You know what? Shutting the f*ck up
is a specialty of mine, so--

We want Van Damme.


Out, out, out, out.

Shut up.

- Follow me.
- I don't understand, sir.

Follow me.

Guys, come on.

It seems he's not coming back.

Van Damme always comes back.

Daniella, I don't think you both
were listening to me.

What I'm saying is that
he came to the set.

- He came to the f*cking set.
- The director says he knows him.

Yes, he did.

And what did he say about him?

He said he was a great guy.

I'm sorry, Lito.

That doesn't sound like
something he would do.

Well, he did. He did.

I'm telling you, Daniella, over lunch...

he showed me how to cut a man's throat.

He put a knife on my throat.

Now that sounds like
something he would do.

- But now you're home, OK?
- You should have told me.

Taste the ceviche.

Daniella-- Good.

- You're an actor.
- Good?

You understand that this,
you know, set, is--

- It's a sacred space?
- Yes, exactly.

- I thought home was your sacred space.
- It is, Hernando.

But this is where I work
and it's very difficult to concentrate

when you have a knife-wielding
psycho ex-lover stalking you.

- You know, guys?
- Oh, my God.

Yeah, I mean,
it completely freaked me out.

Oh, my God, this is so good.

That's the best ceviche I've ever tasted.

Oy, Hernando,
you have to open a restaurant.

Thank you.

I mean, you are such a good cook.

- I'm gonna tell you my secret.
- It's very tasty.

Actually, this is not, uh, ceviche.

This is actually a mix.

So, here they are.

Yeah, great.

- Um... and I really like those ones, 42.
- Mm-hm.

Und, do you have them in yellow,
something more colorful?

- Yeah, for sure.
- Oh, great.


Those are so you, Wolfie.

Maybe too you. You should
try something... a little different.

I like my shoes.

What the f*ck?


I have seen you before.

- You pray to Ganesha.
- I do.

If these men are allowed
to have their way,

you will never be allowed to pray again.


They want to strip away our traditions.

They are trying to destroy our India
and turn it into America.

- No, that-- That's not true.
- It is.

These are the facts.

They use their evil drug money
to buy politicians,

who are going to outlaw people like us
and temples like this.

We are pledged to come here every day
and pray for their deaths.

Pray with us.

Pray to Ganesha to destroy our enemy
before they destroy us.

So this is the notorious Van Damme.

I'm Silas Kabaka.

I know who you are.

Our reputations precede us.

You did me a great service,
though you may not even know it.

You see, the g*ng Superpower
had been working for me.

They got it in their heads
they no longer needed me,

and in one afternoon,
you destroyed whatever reputation

they felt they'd been building,

thereby saving me from
the incumbent messiness of betrayal.

So I said to myself,

here is a man that might be capable
of more service to someone like me.

Service that provides the kind of
remuneration that can change a man's life.

Thanks for the offer, but I'm OK.

You may be OK... but I know
this is not true for your mother.

We both know that
she is dying of the virus.

Unless she gets the right medication,
she'll soon be dead.

You know the problem
with buying medicine in this country

is that you never know if what
you're buying is real... or counterfeit.

The doctors assure me that these
will have an immediate impact

on your mother's health.

What do I have to do for them?

All you need to do is protect this bag

and make sure it arrives
at this address by midnight tonight.

Should be a rather simple task
for a man of your abilities, no?

What are you doing
hiding in the dark?

Waiting for you.

I know you've been avoiding me.

Your outburst in front
of my assistant was childish.

I needed to get your attention.

I have been here every night,

negotiating a very important deal
with the Americans.

Put the cigarette out.

You know I hate it when you smoke.

You're too late.

The auditors already know.

Someone in this company
has been deliberately devaluing

certain pharmaceutical stock in order
to move funds from one account to another.

This kind of transaction
happens every day.

That may be...

but this kind of transaction
is called embezzlement.

Someone is going to jail for it.

And I think we both know who.

We want the most
expensive wine you have.

- Felix.
- We have an amazing Bordeaux.

Is it the most expensive?

- Yes, I believe it is.
- Then we'll take it.

One time, just one night,

I want to live like I'm one of them
Arab sheiks or Russian billionaires.

Tonight, I don't want to be
just Felix Bernner.

Tonight, I say, no f*cking limits!


You all right?

Yeah, sure.

I know what you're going through, Nomi.

In just the span of a single day,

you can see how much more damage
the disease has done.

The tissue has nearly completely
merged the hemispheres.

I'm sure the hallucinations
are getting more and more intense.

And I have a feeling that you know
who started that fire.

I don't know anything about that.

Whoever they are, they aren't helping you.

I don't know what they taught you
in med school, but the word "helping"

doesn't mean handcuff people
and chop up their brains.


Nurse, I was gonna operate
tomorrow morning,

but I don't think Ms. Marks here
can afford to wait.

No, no, no, no.
No, I'm fine. I can wait.

Cancel my rounds. Prep her for surgery.

Yes, doctor.

Sorry, lady, this is a private club.

I don't want to cause a scene.
I know this is a sex club.

No chicks but naked chicks.

My brother's in there
and I need him to come with me.

Ain't gonna happen.

f*ck off.

Hey, you OK?

You can wait here, Officer Gorski.

I'll go get Lieutenant Duncan.


Come with me.

It's OK.
This is my big sister, everyone.

- Hi.
- Hi, sister.

She doesn't mean
to make an ass out of herself.

She just can't seem to help it.

Father needs to talk to you.

Are you f*cking kidding?

- I'll see him tomorrow.
- No. He's waiting.

- In the middle of something important--
- Joong-Ki!


Will! So good to see you.

Did you have to wait long?

No, no. It's good to see you.

I didn't know you spoke Korean.


You honor us with your presence.

Though your wife
is a cock sucking whore.

Hapkido. Black belt.

Thirteen years. My sensei had
the foulest mouth in the entire Midwest.

- How's your dad?
- He's doin' good.

I haven't seen him
since the retirement party.

I don't think I've ever seen
so many shitfaced cops

from so many precincts in one bar.

Your dad was a legend.

Is. Is a legend. Sorry, Will.

So, uh, what can I do you for?

Uh, it's about that perp I brought in,
Jonas Maliki.

What about him?

Was just hoping I could ask him
a few questions.

Ah, sorry, Will, no can do.

It's federal.
You know how those guys are.

We're only holdin' him here
until he's transferred.

You should've called first.
It would've saved you a trip.

All I need is five minutes with him.
Family friend here.

This is a personal favor.

This look like a place
that gives a shit about personal favors?

I'm sorry, Will, but rules are rules.

Give my best to your dad.

I'll send Greg to take you out.

Damn it!


You're here.

- I can feel you.
- Yes, you can.

But you're not really here, are you?


I'm in solitary confinement.

Angel called it "visiting."

Members of a cluster do it instinctively
and others, like us, outside the cluster,

can visit if they've made visual contact,

This is cold.

How can I feel this unless I'm here?

Because I feel it.

No, this doesn't make sense.

- You just spoke Korean, Will.
- I can't speak Korean.

Yes, you can,
and when you get it, you will.

Get what?

You are no longer just you.

Mr. Gorski?
Will you come with me, please?


It was so dramatic, Dad.

Sun made an absolute spectacle of herself.

- Really embarrassed me and--
- Shut the hell up!

Do you have no idea what you have done?

What are you talking about?

Do you think I am so stupid

that I don't know when
someone is stealing from me?

Stealing from my clients?!

Tomorrow the authorities are going
to come here and confiscate our records.

And your face,
the face of our company...

will be in every newspaper,
on every news program,

and everything I have built
over the past 40 years will be gone.

Do you understand?

Do you understand?

They are going to arrest you.

Oh, my God.

You taught me how to bend the rules.

Bend them, not break them.

This isn't all my fault!

Other people were involved.
It's not just me.

Please, Dad, I can't go to prison.

I'll do anything.

Even now...
you don't know how to act like a man.

What do you want me to do?
k*ll myself?

I want you to think of someone
other than yourself.

For you, this is impossible,
and it's my fault.

I spoiled you.

I raised you, and I failed.

My wife, God rest her beautiful soul,

raised the one child

capable of seeing the only way
out of this disaster.


Did you say a way out?

Sun. Sun has a way out?

Because Father rarely even admits
he has a daughter...

because no one knows who I am
or what I do at this company,

if I confess to your crime,

the company may be able
to survive the scandal.

Oh, my God.

Sun... you can save us?

Please, Sun.

Please save me. Please, Sun.

Please, save me. Please.


- Will.
- The f*ck?

We don't have much time.

I tried to contact you.

Visiting is not calling
or texting someone.

It's not something you make happen.
It is something you let happen.

It took me quite some time
to understand the difference.

I'm hoping it won't take you as long.

You also have to learn the difference
between "visiting" and "sharing."

Visiting is what we're doing now.

Sharing is something
you can only do inside your cluster,

accessing each other's knowledge,
language, skill--

- What's a cluster?
- You have seven other selves now,

but unless you hurry,
there's only going to be six.

One of you is about to be destroyed.

I told you when we first met,
her name is Nomi Marks.

She lives in San Francisco.

You have to save her, Will,

and in so doing, save yourself.

Wait, wait! Jonas!


OK, this is it.

Doctor's getting ready.


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

- Don't, please. Please.
- It's OK.

- Relax. We're not gonna hurt you.
- Please, please, no.

- No, no, no.
- You are OK.

Please don't do this. Please.

Please don't. Please don't. Please!

- Please!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.


- It's OK, it's OK.
- OK.

No. You're murdering me.

Don't say that.
We are helping you.

- It's for your own good, believe me.
- No.

Oh, God! Oh, God, somebody help me.

- Somebody help me!
- Who are you?

Help me.


I remember... what it felt like
to be loved by her.

It was a long time ago...

but I still remember that feeling.

Now we both know...
how it feels to lose it.

Riley, it's Dad.

God, I hope you get this.

I wanted you to be the first to know.

Riles, they want me back
with the symphony.

Said they couldn't imagine
playing Beethoven without me.

I know it's hard for you
to come home, but...

Well, you know how much I love you
and what it would mean to me

to look out past the lights and know
you were there, you were listening.

OK. I hope you're OK.

Love you, Dad.

Ooh! Oh, Shugs!

Oh, tell me you love me!
Tell me you love me! Aah!

Shh! Shh!

- Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!
- f*ck...

- Shh!
- Yeah! Aah!

- Yeah! Oh, I f*cking love you, Shugs.
- Shh!

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh!

- Come on, Shugsie.
- I f*cking am!

Oh, come on, Shugsie!

Come on! Yeah! Oh, yeah.

Yeah! Oh, yeah.

I'm gonna f*cking come,
I'm gonna come.

- No, not yet, not yet! Not yet!
- I'm gonna f*cking come!

- Come on!
- One song!

- I'm too drunk.
- One song. I know you want to!

Too drunk is why karaoke was born!

Come on, get up!


Hey, hey, hey!


f*ck you!

f*ck you!

Yeah! Yeah!

Ah, come on.

Oh, my gosh! I love this song!

Hey, hey!



You were singing in English and dancing.

I was dreaming.

You were smiling at someone.

Oh, dear.

I have never seen you smile like that.

OK, was it Rajan?

Come on. Come on.


What just happened?

Dr. Metzger is freaking out.
Let me know when you find out anything.


Excuse me, Miss?
Do you need help, Miss?

Excuse me! Officers!

She's mine. I've got her.

Ms. Keene, I told you
I'd take you outside.

I gotcha. I gotcha.


OK, could use a little bit of luck here.


Excuse me. Hey.
Hey! Hey, you two!

Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry.
We really need this now. I'm sorry.

Sorry, thank you.

Castro, please!

Oh, God!

- Oh!
- OK, OK.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

It's OK. I love you.

I love you.

Come on. I gotcha.

I gotcha. Come on, you're safe.

You're safe. OK? OK.

- Oh. Oh, I said "Hey."
- What, sweetie, what?

Uh... I've had this song
stuck in my-- my head all day.

- "I said 'Hey, hey.' I said 'Hey.'"
- 4 Non Blondes.

That's a perfect soundtrack
for a lobotomy.


What's going on?

What's going on?