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01x03 - Smart Money's on the Skinny Bitch

Posted: 03/16/22 17:12
by bunniefuu
Don't look at him.

That's how he got me.

Good, you're awake.

- What happened? Where am I?
- You were in an accident.

Lucky to be alive. The other officers
who brought you in last night

said we should give you special attention,
said you're a hero.

Bagged some t*rror1st.


I gotta go.

You're not going anywhere.

We think you have a concussion,

and the MRI is showing
some unusual brain activity.

I'll bet.

Hey... Wait!

Hey! I need a doctor!

- Doctor...
- This is my fault.

You mustn't blame yourself.

It was me.

You had the perfect life
and I destroyed it. Yes.

- Why do you t*rture me?
- Oh, come on,

you make me run the lines with you,

and I don't get to watch Ms. Thing
ruin my scene?

You're completely innocent.

It is true.

Passion is never innocent



You guys make such an adorable couple.

- Morning.
- Morning.

You want an espresso?

Ah! Yes, please.

Go talk to her. Go talk to her.


You have to talk to her.

When I was young,
I wanted to be a zebra.

Not a bad profession.

I liked the idea of not having
to look for food or shelter,

or have responsibility.

I wish I was a zebra.

- Is that so?
- Yes.

If I was a zebra,
I would always have friends like them.

You would make a very beautiful zebra.

You know the best thing
about being a zebra?

Tell me.

If we were hungry, we'd just eat grass
and we wouldn't be hungry anymore.

Don't worry.

As long as we're together,
something good is going to happen.

Soon we'll be stuffing our bellies
fuller than any zebra.

Though you must never have seen a zebra
after a lion has had its way with it.

A lot more worse than this.

- Lion is definitely a downside.
- Mm.

I'll tell you something
my father told me.

As long as you're determined,
and you work hard,

you can be anything you want to be.

And if there's one person
who can be a zebra in this world,

it's you, my friend.

It is good advice.

What did you tell your father
you wanted to be to receive such advice?

Son of a rich man.

- Daniela?
- Oh.

- I...
- This place is incredible.

I mean, it's a clich?, but you gay guys
really know how to decorate, huh?

I... I wanted
to talk to you about last night.

Oh, my God, so much fun.

I think we might have had...
a bit of a misunderstanding with...

Did... Did I overstep?

Oh, I'm so sorry if I got carried away.
It's just that... I love gay porn.

No, I'm not talking about
that part of last night.

I'm-I'm just feeling that,
Daniela, this is a situation that, um...

Well, maybe it's not
the situation that, um...

Uh, Lito isn't sure
we need a live-in beard.

- Yes, I mean...
- Oh.

I see. So as long as I didn't know
the truth, you were fine with using me,

making me feel like you cared about me,
but... now that I know the truth,

you'd prefer to dump me,
move on and use someone else?

- No, no, no, no.
- Interesting.

I've said the exact same thing to him.

Lito, I like this girl.

- I thought you liked me, too.
- Yes. Yes, I do, Daniela. I...

This is our home.

It's... our sacred space.

Uh... And you know, I'll try to...

I'll try...

- Where he gets to be himself.
- Yes.

I would love to get to know the real you.

That's exactly what I'm talking about.
Um... You know, this...

- Look, Daniela...
- Whoa.

You saying this, it makes me feel...

I mean, it's...
It's kind of uncomfortable.


Because you're being honest with me,
I... I want to be honest with you.

Um, there's another reason why
I didn't want to go home last night.

There's this guy.

He knows my family and uh,
he's got it into his head

that he was going to marry me.

But he's not one of those people
that you say "no" to, so I...

I did something, and I just...

I need a place to crash
while things cool down with him.

- What did you do?
- Mm-hm.

f*cked his best friend.

Yo, hero.
You're the man of the hour.

Agent Stiles,
I was just looking for you...

I appreciate your work ethic,
but you shouldn't even be vertical.

- It's about Jonas.
- Yeah, don't worry. We got him.

I want to talk to him.

- You want to what?
- I just...

You need to get back to the hospital
and get your head checked.

Five minutes, that's all I need.

Even I wanted to give you access
to this guy, and I don't,

it's out of my hands.

Homeland Security
sent over a car to pick him up

and transport him over
to another facility for questioning.

- When?
- Well, that's need to know only.

He's on lockdown. Hey, you're a hero.

Enjoy your five minutes of fame,
and stop trying to make six out of it.

Oh, you shouldn't be out of bed.

It's safer for you in the bed.

There's nothing safe about this place.

We are trying to help you.

I know that you cannot
understand that right now,

but that's because you're unwell.

How can this be legal?

I need you to get back into your bed.

I can't believe that this is
happening to me in the 21st century.

Dr. Metzger needs you
on this medication...

This is like some
crazy witch-burning shit.

...twenty-four hours
before your surgery.

No, I told you,
I won't take any medication.

I've been instructed to use force,
Nomi, if you will not cooperate.

No. No, no. No.


How long do you think
you'll need to stay with us?

As long as it takes for things
between Joaquin and me to cool down.

Joaquin? That's the guy?

What about the best friend?
Where is he?

He and Joaquin... had words.

They had words?

And now I think he's in San Diego.

"They had words."

In a movie, that would mean
someone is in the hospital.

This isn't a movie, Lito.

So, you said Joaquin
was a friend of your family.

He worked for my father
for a long time.

What does your father do?


What does he import/export?

Stuff people want, I guess.

How serious was this thing
between you and Joaquin?

It started my last year
at university in San Diego.

He'd call me every time
he was in town,

and at first, it was fun, casual.

But then he got serious, and...

My turn.

So, how did you pick me to be your beard?

My agent showed me your head shot.


You liked my head shot?

It was between you and Gloria Sanchez.

- Gloria Sanchez?
- Yeah.

That skank?


And what was the tiebreaker?


He thought you had kind eyes.

Said we'd make a better couple.

He's not the only one.

Are you enjoying this?

Are you kidding?
This is the best part I've ever had.

Please, Sun,
take care of your brother.

Do this for me.

Help me.

Help me, Will.

Ms. Bak?

I have Mr. Jeong from Seoul Citibank
on the line again.

He sounded very upset.

He told me to tell you
that if you don't pick up the phone...

his next call will have to be
to the authorities.

I need to speak with my father.

Yes, I know, Ms. Bak.
I have left messages for him.

He has not returned.

Tell me where he is
and I'll go to him.

I can't do that,
because I don't know where he is.

- Do you want to leave another message?
- A message?

You're coming with me, aren't you?

- Riley!
- Hey.

Hello, my love.

- Riley, Bambie. Bambie, Riley.
- Hi.

This is, um... this is the one
I was telling you about.

Right! You're a DJ.

- Yeah, you work with Shugs.
- No, no, not a DJ, the DJ.

- Best I ever saw. It was amazing.
- Ah!

Uh, listen, I could use some help.


Aw, looks like you could use a pint,
to start.

- Yeah.
- You all right?

- Mm-hm.
- Come on then.

You sure you're all right?

You see, the problem is
that they look exactly the same.

They come in the same package.

- They have the same identifying features.
- What are you doing here? Are you mad?

- What?
- To the naked eye,

- no different from the real thing.
- Your wedding is in two days.

I'm getting married, not lobotomized.

The packaging is coated
in quality control.

If I was marrying that man...

- We believe the counterfeiters...
- ...I'd let him lobotomize me all day.

work within companies
like yours...

often substituting
counterfeit dr*gs for the real ones...

sometimes just cutting the dose
to cut costs.

But these tampered-with dr*gs
are k*lling people

who are not getting
the proper medication.

- You know, maybe it is not a good idea.
- No, you have to trust me.

These are my people.
We speak the same language.

Supply, demand, gross, net.

- Bottom line, give me your money.
- What?

Give me your money, unless you want your
mother to spend another night in pain.

Yes. One, two, three, four, five...
Eight? Eight hundred bob?

I do love a challenge.


Hey, hi, my friend.

And how is it going, Mr...?

- f*ck off.
- Oh, you're Mr. f*ck Off.

I mistook you for someone
who wants to make some money.

What I sell here you can't afford.

Oh, is that true? Wait. Phone.

Uh, who's calling?

Oh. Yeah?


No, I'm here now.

No, you gave this address.

Yes. No, this... Construction site down...

Come on, G.

Sorry, guys, wrong place. Let us go.

- I thought this was Gorgo's.
- Gorgo? That guy's merch is shit.

Is that true?
He said that your shit's totally cut.

f*ck him. I sell the cleanest dr*gs
in the whole of Nairobi.

Everybody knows it.

Sure, f*ck Off, whatever you say.

Come, what do you need?

- Well, uh...
- My mother is sick with AIDS

and the medicine she's taking
is making her sicker.

AIDS medicine don't make people sick.

It's counterfeit and watered-down
medicine that has side effects.

Cramps, diarrhea, pain. Mostly pain.

She needs Lortab, Norco.
But this is very expensive.

Cheaper to let her die.

- f*ck...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, relax.

Hey. No, relax. Easy, easy.

Wait, wait, wait, wait,
some of his jokes.

Just relax. Relax!

How much for the Norco?

- Twenty-five.
- What?

Gorgo's got it online
for half that price.

- Let's go.
- Hey, hey. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

- Ten-fifty.
- Six-fifty.

- Are you trying to f*ck with me?
- f*ck, Mr. f*ck Off?

- OK, nine.
- Eight.


My money.

Why don't you pick it up yourself
and uh... f*ck off?

Should try what I did
when me and my ex broke up.

I snuck into our flat
and put super glue on the toilet seat.

Firemen had to come
and cut him away from the loo.

f*cking c**t hobbled
to the emergency room

with half the dunny
hanging off his ass.

Don't mind Bambie, Riley.
She can be a bit forward.

I actually think she's got
a touch of Asperger's.


I don't have Asperger's.

I'm f*ckin' Australian.

Whose side are you on?
He threw her out on the street.

Look, I never fancied ol' Jacko.

He was a dickhead.
You do deserve better.

Tino! Tino, please!

Don't do this! Please.

- Please, don't go in there.
- I must.

- Please, I beg of...
- I must.

My destiny is a b*llet.

The one I put in him or the one...

he puts in me.

And that's a cut!

Eh! Very nice! Yes!

Lito, beautiful.

Thank you very much, eh? OK.

- Are you sure you got it?
- Yes.

Can I do one more, please?

I was thinking, should I be playing here
that she's gonna betray me?

No, you don't know. How could you know?

Listen, listen... I know.

I think my character might feel it.

The audience doesn't know.
The audience is with you. They are you.

When you know, they know.

But I do know.

Know what, love?


You gotta go through that door.

There's nowhere else for you to go.

Now, walk with me.
There's someone you need to meet.

Um, welcome to my humble abode.
El palacio el Shugsio.

So, Lito, this is Mr. Flores.

Please... call me Joaquin.


How do you guys know each other?

I'm a really good friend
of Mr. Moreno.

You know, the guy who signs our checks?

He wants to take you out to lunch.

Between us, he's a big fan.

I've watched The Passion of the Sinner
a thousand times.

And if it's on,
I always watch it till the end.

You're my hero.

Do you know what Mitchie said about you?

He says, "Shugs,
there's two reasons to go to Iceland:

the aurora borealis, and Riley Blue.

One is a natural phenomenon
so beautiful it will blow your mind,

and the other is just
some pretty lights in the sky."

Thanks, Shugs.

You're from Iceland?

Do you miss it?

I miss my dad.

He's a pianist.

I miss listening to him practice.

Mm. My dad was a drunk,

and I miss the way we'd find him sleeping
in a different place every morning.

Chip off the old block, this one.

What else?

I miss the winter.

Just so quiet and still...

you can hear your own heart beat.

I'd go balmy in so much darkness.

Actually, most Icelanders go crazy
in the spring when the sun comes back.

I know so many people who
tried to k*ll themselves in the spring.

That when you tried?

Sorry, love. Australian.

Hey, Riles... look.

Every time I wake up in hospital and
someone tells me I'm lucky to be alive,

I get another one.

Riley, anyone watching
what really goes on in this world,

how f*cked up it all is...

like... checking out,
temporarily, permanently...

my darling, it is the only choice
that makes any sense.

I'll walk.

What you actors do, playing all those
different people, is amazing.

Actors are just good liars, Joaquin.

One of my favorite scenes

was that one where you
k*lled your father when he's sleeping.

Our Father Who Art in Hell.

Exactly. That one.

You walked up to him,
cover his mouth,

and you say, "No more lies."

And then you drag the knife
through his throat.

Wow! How did you do that?

What do you mean?

It's a prosthetic.

- Oh.
- It's a fake neck that gets cut.

Ah. I love it. Really, I love it.

But listen, you cannot
k*ll a man like that.

If you want to do it right,

you aim here...

for the jugular. Huh?

Otherwise, you have
to hack through the windpipe,

then the neck bone, and things
can get really, really, messy.

A lot of thrashing around
till they drown in their own blood.

Something of an expert, then?

It's more like a hobby.


you know why I'm here, don't you?

You're f*cking the love of my life.

When I heard she was seeing someone...

and I'm gonna be
really honest with you, Lito...

it drove me a little bit loco,

because I couldn't stop thinking
of how we used to lay in bed

and look at the selfies
she took with her past lovers,

and how we used to make fun of them.

But it turned out to be you.

So what could I do?

If I were a girl,
I would also love to f*ck you.

I want to know just one thing,
and then you will never see me again.

Is she happy?


She told me she's never been happier.

You did it.

Just like I show you.

Right for the jugular.

But you should have used a knife.

This is under production.

It's free.
You don't have to pay.

Sooner or later, we all have to pay.

Somebody help me, please.

I knew you would be back.

This is where you belong.

You can pretend.

You can act the way others
want you to act.

You can bury your heart.

But I know you will always come back.


OK, put her under.

What the hell is going on?

The fire department is proceeding

with a non-critical evacuation
of the building.

Some lunatic set fire
to the visitors' room.

This patient's under medical quarantine.
Get her back in the room.

It's gonna be OK.

Something is going on,
I don't know what it is, but until we do,

I will burn this building down before
I let anyone touch that beautiful brain.

Oh... Thank you, Neets.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Hey, you promised no stopping here.
Bad area.

We aren't full.
We need the money.


Oh, shit!

Get out!

OK, m*therf*ckers,
let's do this real quick.

Money, wallet, and food!

So give us the money, bitch!

- This is it?
- We just started. It's all I've got.

- You holding out, eh?
- No.

- You better not be holding out!
- No.

Faster, woman, faster!


Please don't. Please don't.

We are the Superpower!
We take the f*ck we want!


You ain't got no d*ck this big.

Check him!


- You lied to me? I'll k*ll you.
- Please.

This is medicine for my mother.
I need it! I need it. She's dying, OK?

- Back off me, bitch!
- I will drive for you.

I'll do whatever you want!

f*cking bitch! You and your
whore mother can f*ck off and die!



Yeah! Whoo-whoo!

What the hell is this?

There is nothing in the rules
about gender.

Are you kidding me?
This has to be a joke.

I'm not fighting that skinny bitch.
I'll k*ll her.

Yeah? Then you forfeit the match,
and your money.


Actually, this is a very cheap price
to save yourself much humiliation.


Smart money is on the skinny bitch.

We need to keep going to the city.


What are you doing?

I'm going to get the medicine back.

- Don't talk crazy, Capheus.
- Anyone who doesn't want to come with me

- should get off the bus now.
- Capheus, please.

- I don't expect you to come with me.
- We're partners.

You have Elena. You have the kids.

- I'm coming with you.
- No.

- Start the car. I'm coming with you.
- No.


I'd follow you anywhere.

I know. It's OK.

My husband gave me that ring
43 years ago.

It's all I have left of him.

Let's go get it.

May Jean-Claude protect you.




Aah! f*ck!

Go, go, go, go, go!



Help me.

Help me, please.

I'll k*ll you f*cking slow.




I'll f*ck you, Van Damme.

He is Van Damme.

Yeah! Whoo!
