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01x01 - Limbic Resonance

Posted: 03/16/22 17:10
by bunniefuu
- I'm here.
- Jonas.

- Yes, my love.
- It hurts.

I know.

I need medicine.

I'm sorry, my love,
there's no more time.

It has to be now.

Not ready. I'm too weak.

None of us were ever as strong as you.

I don't want anyone else to die
because of me.

They'll be hunted... born or unborn.

You can give them a fighting chance.

I see them.

You did it.

Protect them.

They're here.

So is he.

- Fight him.
- I can't.

So this is how you've been hiding from me?

Does he know?

You're giving birth.


It's painful. I can feel it.

Whatever he's saying,
remember what he has done.

- Go.
- Is that Jonas?


Tell him I'm looking forward
to meeting him.

I love you.

- I love you.
- Aw, does he know you're lying?


Or is that still our little secret?


I... I can't do it... not if you're here.

I will always be here...

just as you will always be here.

Oh, come now, my dear,

how many times have you made that threat?

And we both know you won't do it.

You can't.

You are one of us, and there's still
so much work to be done.

You're coming home, with me.


- Give me the g*n.
- Put the g*n down.


Stop her!

Will, help me.


help me.


Help me.



Hello? It's your neighbor.

Hey, open up!
This is the police!

She can spin for a girl, can't she?

She can spin.



I don't care. I didn't dress for you.
I dressed for what is actually cool...

Oh, hey, baby.
Oh, hey... that set was on fire, man.

Yeah, the vibe was crackin', Riles.

It was like a...
like a tight leash around me goolies.

Seen a lot of people play here.
It doesn't feel like that.

- Thank you.
- This is the guy I was telling you about.

Everybody calls me Nyx.

Gotta come with us, man.
The shit that he has got

has got the power to blow
our f*ckin' brains out.

- Sorry, really bad migraine.
- I get it. All that energy and emotion.

Tell him about your freak out
in the park.

- Jacks, you f*ckin' d*ck.
- No, it's cool, man. Nyx, he gets it.

He said you had a vision.

No, it was too many dr*gs.

My son?

Tino! Don't do this.
Don't do this, I beg of you!

I love you! I love you!

- It's too late.
- Tino.

Have you come to confess your sins,
my son?

No, Padre.

I've come to blow
your f*cking brains out.


I'm sorry,
are we going off script?

Cut! Cut!

Padre, take five.

Lito, what is going on with you?

Yesterday, you were having visions

- of suicidal angels...
- I'm sorry.

and today you can't
remember your lines.

Are you OK, baby?

I don't know.
I'm not feeling myself today.

I don't need you to be yourself.

I need you to be this guy,
Tino El Ca?do.

- Right.
- El Ca?do.

- Right, right. OK.
- El Ca?do, cabr?n!

- Let's do it.
- OK, people!

Let's set up for the close-up right here!

Ms. Bak, your brother's assistant called.

She said he still wasn't here,
and Mr. Yuen has just arrived.

I'll meet Mr. Yuen
in the conference room.

Ni hao, Mr. Yuen.

You do us a great service
with your presence this morning.

- Who are you?
- I'm Sun Bak,

Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer.

Ahh. The sister.

Where is your brother?

He was... unavoidably detained.

But I will be happy to walk you
through our proposal.

Look, I'm here to close.

Women don't close things.

They open them.

Excuse me?

If Joong-Ki is not here,
that means Bak is not ready to...

You sly old fox.

Did I see you at Min-Ji's?

Hey, sis, go get us a couple coffees.

Come this way.

My nieces come downstairs,
two little birds,

they climb onto the couch,
and cuddle up in my arms.

Now we're close and all, but we've never
done nothing like this in their lives.

We didn't know it yet,
but that exact moment,

my sister was at the supermarket,
and she started bleeding bad.

Something internal.
There was blood everywhere,

and they had to call an ambulance,
but my nieces knew.

- They knew about my sister.
- Knew.

Somehow they just knew she was in trouble.

Limbic resonance.

It's a language older than our species.

He thinks that's what
happened to you in the park,

and it's all got to do
with this chemical, DMT.

It's a simple molecule
present in all living things.

Scientists talk about it being part
of an eco-biological synaptic network.

When people take it, they see their birth,
their death, worlds beyond this one.

They talk of truth...

connection... transcendence.

Dad? Dad, where are the umbrellas?
I can't find the umbrellas.

What do you need an umbrella for?

Please, no jokes. I'm late already.

I have a big meeting,
and I can't show up dripping wet.

Umbrellas are upstairs,
but you don't need one.

Look, the sun is shining.
It's going to be a beautiful day.

But, I heard it.

Maybe you shouldn't be going to work.
It's so close to the wedding.

- Dad, you know work is important to me.
- I know.

You sent me to university to get a degree,
not to find a husband.

- I know.
- I heard thunder, and rain.

Maybe what you heard
was the sound of your father's tears,

thinking how soon he is going to have
to give his daughter away.

I thought you were happy
I was getting married.

Tears can be happy... and sad.

We are born into this world
the same way we shall leave it:


Our only comfort,
the only presence that remains constant,

is the love of our Father in heaven.

You all right?


I'm like Grandpa Hassan up there.

Cold and pickled?

I dream big, like he did.

Nothing petty, like you two.

That's all you'll ever be, petty thieves.
Not me.

My next score is gonna be huge.

When you hear about it,
your dicks are gonna shrivel.

I'm not sure what'll give me more
pleasure... the money, or seeing his face.

My son.

Why are you so good to me?

You are my one and only mother.

You gave me the light
and love in my heart.

I have to go.

Goodbye, my zebra.

I have this feeling.

I'm going to have a really good day today.

"When the streets are a jungle,
there can only be one king."

Oh, God.

Yeah. Oh, God.

Oh, God.



Did that help honey's headache?

I can't answer that,

because you literally
just f*cked my brains out.

And here I always thought
that was a figurative expression.

- Happy Pride.
- Happy Pride.

Oh... come on.

It's Shawn. He's asking if I can work
the charity box at the show tonight!

- I sense a costume opportunity.
- Ah... It's for a good cause.

Who are you?

Who am I?

Blow your f*cking brains out.

Where's that coming from?

Tino El Ca?do. I'm the fallen one.


Who am I? I'm Tino El Ca?do.

I'm the fallen one.

And you're a liar. You're a liar.

I'm Tino El Ca?do.

I'm Tino El Ca?do. I'm the fallen one.

Diet Coke, please!

What happened in my past nobody knows,
not the writers, not the directors.

I'm a man... Bah! Bah-pah!

A man with a haunted past,
that's what the script says.


What are you doing to me?




Just checking everything is OK.


- Yeah?
- Everything's OK.

I just thought maybe
I did something wrong.

No, no. Please, no.
You were great. You were fantastic.

It was me that, you know, I...

You're just always so perfect.

I don't know what is going on with me.

Maybe there's something
that I can help you with?

Wait, wait.

Wait, Cassandra.

There is nothing I'd like more.

If only my heart
did not belong to another.

I'm sorry.

She's a very lucky woman.

I'm sorry. I...

I'm sorry.

Thank you for coming.
It means a lot to us.

Sorry, Auntie.

Last few days,
all he talked about was your father.

Saddest day in his life,
the day your father died.

You should go say hello.
We'll wait for you.

Pay your respects. He was your father.

- Yes?
- When are we leaving?

- Right now.
- I have to be downtown by nine.

You'll be there long before nine, Ma'am.

Come rain or shine,
Van Damn is always on time.

- We need to go.
- We need more customers.

We're barely covering the cost of gas.

We don't need customers,
we need a Facebook page.

- Look at this.
- Jela.

Every day is the same.
Everybody loves Bat Van.

You dumb fucks!
No one gives a shit about Van Damn!

- Maybe he's right.
- No.

- Maybe Jean-Claude's time is over.
- No! Never!

Come on, Capheus,
Van Damme is a man.

He doesn't need costumes
and gadgets to fight.

He fights with the fist
and with his heart.

Come on!
The Muscles from Brussels never die.

Don't forget that.

Come on.

- And get us more customers.
- I will.

- Excuse me.
- Whoo!

Jean Claude is watching over us.
Yes, sir, are you going to the city?

- Yes, please.
- Then take a seat.

- No, but I've got no money.
- Um... Everyone must pay.

- Here.
- What am I supposed to do with this?

This is worth more than the fare.

Look, I believe you, but how
do I return change out of a chicken?

Save me an egg.

Ms. Bak, I have Mr. Jong
from Seoul Citibank on the line again.

Tell Mr. Jong that I'm in a meeting.

Hang on. Riley! Hey!

Me and Nocker have been waitin' for you.

Sorry. I thought you'd gone already.

Nyx has invited us up to his place.

Oh, look, maybe tomorrow, OK?

Riles, this is important.

Look, this headache is k*lling me.

Tomorrow, OK?


The stuff that he's talking about,
that is exactly what you need.



- Hi!
- Remember your first brownie?

Our first Pride.

Your lips... are so... amazing.

My God, we were so high.

Oh, my God, we were.

Are you following me?

- Need some delicious, nutritious stuff?
- Um...

Maybe this is what you need.

- Yeah.
- OK, OK, we'll take one.

Yeah. All right.

- Go for it.
- How much?

You'll never be the same again.

- OK, OK. OK, OK.
- Thank you very much.

Happy journey.

- Happy Pride!
- Happy Pride!



But you know what I remember best
about that day?

Hey, y'all, this is the one
I've been talking about.

Wait, I know you. You're the tr*nny
that blogs about politics.

I totally disagree with what you said
about dropping LGBT.

- Hey, come on, relax. It's a party.
- We fought hard for that recognition.

I just thought that the distinctions
were separating us.

Bullshit. Just another colonizing male
trying to take up any space left to women.

Sam, say one more thing
about my girlfriend

and I will colonize your face
with my fist.

- Oh, yeah?
- I'm gonna go.

Oh, please.
She's a loud-mouth Berkeley bitch.

- f*ck you.
- f*ck you!

Hey, No... Nomi!

Wait! Honey, what is it?
You never cry at stuff like that.

I'm not crying because of her.

Then what?

I'm crying because
no one's ever defended me before.


That's the day I knew
I'd always love you.

My Lord Ganesha.

I hope you like this modak.

I made it especially for you.

I put peanuts on top.

I mean, of course, these gifts come
without any attachments or obligations.

I am trying to become a better person.

I know I am not important enough
to deserve your attention

when there are so many terrible things
wrong in this world.

I can't tell you how bad I feel
even being here,

because I know I shouldn't be
asking you this.

But I have no one else to turn to.

OK, um... this weekend,

I am to marry a very important man,
who you probably know, Rajan Rasal.

Um, he is the son of the owner of
the pharmaceutical company where I work.

He's very smart and very handsome,

and all the women at the company
want desperately to marry him,

but he never took an interest in anyone...

except me.

I should tell you, I have never
seen my parents so full of joy

as when they received his proposal.

I mean, I thought they were excited
when I received my degree from university.

Maybe you saw my dad, like,
dancing around the house.

How could I say no?

I mean, Rajan is, according to everyone,
including my mom's astrologer,

the perfect husband for me.

Except for one little fact.

I do not love him.

After you left the funeral...
Sergei started blowing on about your dad.

Said there wasn't a better box man
in the world than your dad, now or ever.

Said the only reason your dad got caught

was because he was obsessed
with trying to crack an S&D safe.

Said they're uncrackable.

Said your father was an idiot for trying.

You sure that gets us in?

Am I sure?
You notice the sign outside?

See you tomorrow.


The safe in the house,
it's one of them S&D's, isn't it?

Give 'til it hearts, baby.

My box needs filling!

Mm, thank you, baby.


- Oh!
- Wow, she is amazing.

Neets loves her charity work.

- Thanks for coming.
- Oh, my God, of course.

- We're so excited to see your new piece.
- A bit nervous about it, actually.

- Why?
- Well, it's kind of a downer.

- So?
- This is Pride. People want to feel good.

I don't.

During the '80s,
Pride was a funeral march.

I know. I want to remember that.
I want to connect to that.

I want to show people
how my life and all of this

is made possible
by those lives and those deaths.

I walked in the room
and saw a man in his early 30s

who looked like he was 92,

who was skin and bones,
who weighed maybe 80 pounds,

who was on a respirator.

And, uh...
and he said, he said to me...

"Do me this...
You've gotta do me a favor."

And I said, "Whatever it is, just ask."

And he said, "I can't go on like this."

He said, "You know, I just...
If you could, just carry me up to the roof

and throw me over the... roof."

He goes, "I only weigh about 80 pounds,
and you're strong, you could do it."

And then I said, "Jay, I can't do that.
You can't ask that of me."

- And when he died, they came in...
- in hazmat... suits,

and they put him in a body bag.

It's like I was there.

I could feel the wind coming in
through the broken windows.

The smell of burnt mattress.
It didn't seem like a dream.

Maybe you were astro-projecting,
like Dr. Strange.

Why would I expect anything
different from you?

- Officer Strange.
- f*ck off.

Officer Strange. Whoo!
That's your name.

Every time I come down here,

I remember how much you can
actually feel how much they hate us.

Gangbangers hate cops,
cops hate gangbangers. It's natural.

How's that natural?

Like dogs hate cats.
They're the enemy.

You certainly got
plenty of reason to hate them.

After what they did to your old man?

Shit, I'd never forgive
something like that.

we have a report of g*nf*re.

Eleven-12, 10-4.

With any luck,
there'll be a few less cats in the world.

Let's get 'em, cowboy.

Open sesame.

Was that a siren?

Huh? Didn't hear anything.

You know I brought a drill.

There's no shame in drilling.

sh*ts fired. Requesting backup.

Help me.

What happened?

g*nsh*t wound. Looks like a hollow point.

- Get an ambulance.
- What?

- You heard me.
- What do you think this is, TV?

Ain't no ambulance coming to Chi-raq
for a g*nsh*t.

Not fast enough
to make a difference anyway.

The f*ck you doing, Gorski?

Hey. What's your name, kid?

- Deshawn.
- Deshawn, I'm Will.

I need you to press this
as hard as you can.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Press as hard as you can.

Are you kidding me?

I know you, Diego. You do not want to
stand there and let this kid die either.

That's what he'd do if it was you or me.


Fifty-eight minutes.


Hey, hey, hey. Hey.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's this?

We're throwing in the towel?

I need a break.

Hey, you understand
we got less than an hour,

unless I'm wrong and Steiner's early,
then we got less than that.

You're never wrong about shit like that.



It relaxes me.

This shit relaxes you?

Hang on.

- You OK?
- Just a little cold.

This your first time
in the back seat, Will?

I've been back here more times
than I care to admit.

Are you some sort of
gangsta cop or somethin'?

Old man's police. Had my fair share
of teenage rebellion, I guess.

Never met my dad.
He was shot before I was born.

This girl, she's really good.

Her name's Natalie.
I watched her last week.

She sings like a musical instrument.

She uses a language of pure emotion.

Yeah, yeah, she's good.

- She's never gonna win.
- Why?

Her eyes are too close together.
She looks like a camel.

Shut up.

Camel's never gonna win.




Told you.

Emergency! Kid's bleeding bad here.

- That's a g*nsh*t.
- Yeah, I know.

- I'm sorry, we can't treat that here.
- What?

Are you new? You need to go and get
an ambulance and take him to Mt. Sinai.

The kid's gonna be dead
before we get there.

- I'm sorry. It's policy.
- What kind of policy lets a kid die?

We were losing so many
resources to g*nshots,

we couldn't take care of all the other
patients that needed help around here.

We've been a better hospital
since we stopped taking kids like him.



That's it.

f*ck. It's over. Hey.


It's Steiner! We gotta go.

Hey, Wolfgang.


He's going to f*cking k*ll us.

I don't want to die!

You cracked the uncrackable.

You did it.



Dr. Manno just came out of surgery.
Life signs are stable.

He'll probably make it.



Can I ask you a personal question?

If he lives and he kills someone,
let's say a cop,

how you gonna feel about that?

You all right?

You're sweating.

- Your pulse is racing.
- I'm fine.

You're scared.

You needn't be.

You're so beautiful.

I don't just mean in a physical way.

The warmth... pouring out of your heart.

Even though you work hard to hide it.

You don't belong with these men.

You know it's true.

Don't you?

I used to be like you.

Like an exposed nerve of a broken tooth.

I used anything I could to insulate.

Music... books... booze.

Anything I could to keep myself
separate from the rest of the world.

Eventually I felt protected,
you know, I...

I felt safe.

But also...

I never felt so... completely alone.

Then one day a friend, she gave me a gift.

She took away my armor.

She tore down my walls.

Her gift... it reminded me

what it felt like... to be alive.

What did she give you?


- Stop the car.
- Hm?

- I said stop the car!
- What the f*ck?

This is where it happened.

What happened?

It's where she k*lled herself.


This is it.

Ah, hell no.

This wasn't a dream.

Of all the partners,
I end up with a Mulder-wannabe.

- D, a woman k*lled herself right here.
- Where's the blood, Will?

Maybe she only shot herself
in the fifth dimension,

so we can't see the blood.

OK, I've never been here before.

I know about this.


There's a g*n, too.

There's shit everywhere, man.

Look, you're freakin' me out.

Show me evidence of a crime,
and you got me.

So, until then, do your little s?ance,
and I'll be in the car. All right?

Uh... Hi.

This is where she died.

Did you know her?

How do you know she died here?

I saw her.

Do you live here?

Where do you live?


What are you doing here?

I don't know.

I don't know where I am.

Chicago, near South Side.

In America?

I've never been to America.

Oh, no! What are you doing?

Don't you f*cking move!

- Stop.
- Open the f*cking safe!

Why are you doing this?

He has just had a shipment come in,
and me and Nocker have been trackin' it.

We were gonna hit him yesterday,
but he wanted you here.


Now, a smart guy like you...
probably has a g*n in there.

- Don't hurt him.
- Oh, yeah.

Is that why you came? 'Cause you wanna...
Do you wanna f*ck him?

Riles, he will k*ll you without blinking
if I didn't have this.

- I f*ckin' told you. Here.
- I have to go.

No, no, no, no, no. Riley. You're not...
You're not going anywhere.

- You're part of this. No, no, no.
- Let me go.

Riles, Riles... this is the break
that we've been waiting for.

Fill it up.

Fill it up!

Riles, this is our chance.

You said that you wanted to go to America.
We wanted a different life.

That's... That's what you said, right?