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04x22 - The End of an Era

Posted: 03/15/22 08:45
by bunniefuu
A hot pot. I love it.

I can just see myself at Adams,
boiling water.

You know what would make
a really great graduation gift?

A Mr. Microphone.

Yeah, if you've gotten
every other gift in the world.


Hey, the toaster. I bet it's a present
from the Other Realm.

It's stuck.

Probably snagged
on my cheese toast.

You're not supposed to melt stuff

in our delicate
Other Realm communication system.

It's just a bagel and a little cheese.

Okay, a bagel and a wheel of cheese.
Same difference.

Okay, the towels are changed,
the soap dispensers are filled,

and the urinal cakes are replaced.

This is how I keep people
from knowing I like you best.

Including me.

Well, Skippy.

Come to spend some of that
hard-earned paper-route money?

Tough talk for a college junior
who still attends high school proms.

Harvey, can't you guys be nice?

- No. He likes you, Sabrina.
- Right, we're friends.

But he's hoping for girlfriend.
I don't like you spending time with him.

And I bet
if the shoe were on the other foot--

Hey, I have never once been jealous
of you and Josh.

Sabrina, I don't ask for much.
Quit this job, please? Do it for me.

Harvey, that's not fair.
I like Josh, and nothing is going on.

And I need this job.

- That was an awfully long no.
- Harvey.

Great, a fight with my boyfriend
and I smell like Comet.

You know, you're like the evil version
of the Maytag Repairman.

What? I needed the calcium.

Zellie, have you decided what you're
gonna get Sabrina for graduation?

Oh, I haven't had time to think about it.
I've been too busy handling this lawsuit

Willard has filed against you
for hitting his car.

- Oh, yeah, that.
- Yeah, that.

Speaking of that, have you seen a
notarised witness statement? It's pink.

Found it.


Who's in trouble now?

Harvey's being unreasonable.

I don't know why he doesn't want me
hanging out with Josh.

- He must not trust me.
- That is so sad.

I think there's only one thing
you can do.

Open another present.

Is it a Mr. Microphone?
Is it a Mr. Microphone?

No, it's luggage.

- Oh, come right in.
- Is Zelda here?

No, she's out at a meeting getting
her seven-day free-of-Willard chip.

Well, my car is fixed.
It actually goes in reverse now.

So I want to inform you
that I am dropping the lawsuit.

Isn't it too bad they haven't invented
the telephone yet?

- Will you please give these to Zelda?
- Will do.

I've just hit Willard.

I am so suing.

You know, I've always liked this place.
It'll be fun owning it.

I didn't hit you hard.

What was he doing here?

Oh, he came by
to drop some lawsuit.

You know, I have no problem at all
with Harvey and Josh being friends.

Were your friends
operating under a price limit

- when they got you all these things?
- Hey, I found something.

"If two enemies break bread together,
they will no longer be enemies."

I'm gonna bake
some friendship bread.

Here's my gift. A magic mirror.

Oh, yeah. You can't get
this kind of plastic just anywhere.

It's not what it looks like.
It's what it does.

Mirror, mirror, near the wall
Who's the best gift-giver of them all?

You wrote the cheque,
so I guess it's you, Chickie B.

- Case closed.
- Chickie B?


I don't get it, Kinkle.

If you can't stand this guy Josh,
why do you keep coming back here?

I gotta keep my eye on
Mr. I-Can't-Find-a-Girl-My-Own-Age.

Don't worry,
I plan to keep a really low profile.

- Oh, hey, have you seen Sabrina?
- Keep away from my girlfriend.

I'll stay away from Sabrina
when she tells me to.

Maybe she did tell you to but you're
starting to forget things, Grandpa.

Hey, look, fresh-baked bread
from my ever-loving oven.

- I'm game.
- Maybe you should leave.

- Maybe you should make me.
- It's got raisins.

Oh, raisins.


Hey, I'm on break now.
Let's have a cup of coffee together.

Only if I'm buying.

Look at them. This bread
could have kept The Beatles together.

Admit it. I got Sabrina the best gift.

I don't know how you can compare
a specially brewed homemade scent

with a snotty-talking looking glass.

I know, you can't.
Mine's clearly better.



- Salem.
- Oopsy.

You did that on purpose.

I think the "oopsy" implies
that I didn't.

Oh, I see your vile little plan.

You break our gifts
with the childish hope

that we will then
buy Sabrina a Mr. Microphone.

Yeah, it's so obvious. A mister what?

I have no such plan. Did it work?

Oh, you are in for it, buster.

Not only did you break
irreplaceable items,

but you've now freed
the man in the mirror.

This decor
is really the fairest of them all.

If you're talking county fairs. Argh.

First the toaster and now this mess.

I don't know when
I've been so angry with you.

- You are in a peck of trouble.
- Define "peck."

- Allow me.
- No, please, allow me.

- Oh, I insist.
- No, I insist.

- You first.
- No, no, you first.

Oh, just sit down.

Well, it's nice to see them
getting along for a change.

It's like Chip and Dale.
Only I'm not enjoying it.

- So how you guys doing?
- Great.

We just found out
we both share a love of turkey jerky.

I'm sorry,
did you wanna answer that?

No, no,
your answer was just perfect.

This is going great.

ZELDA: Have you thought
of anything else to get Sabrina?

Maybe I have and maybe I haven't.

You know, Hilda, I think
we're getting into a bad area here,

competing through presents.

I had that thought first.

You know,
maybe we're focused on the presents

because we don't wanna focus
on the reality.

Sabrina's leaving for college.

Yeah, next year
it'll just be the two of us.

Did she say "just the two of us"?

it'll be strange to have just two.

Well, on the plus side,
fewer groceries to buy.

Fewer groceries? Only the two?

Dear Lord,
they're getting rid of the cat.


Oh, well, right now
we have other things to deal with.

Are you painting your head?

Oh, it's m*rder on my pillow,
but the ladies love it.

Harvey, there's a Die Hard marathon
playing at the Student Union.

- I like Die Hard.
- Excellent, we'll stock up on jerky

- and sit in the front row.
- I prefer Skittles.

- You're on.
- Hey, remember me?

Oh, yeah, Sabrina.
She can cover for you.

- Let's go.
- That does it.

This friendship is cloying
That's a fact

Bring up the bread
With the magic ipecac

See, I told you
that raw chicken is not a delicacy.


Get ahold of yourself, Saberhagen.

There must be some mistake.
They love you.

Okay, they can stand you.
Wait a minute, they have to keep me.

The Witches' Council
won't let them get rid of me.

Oh, thank heavens for bureaucracy.

ZELDA: Well, we have to find him
someplace to stay, don't we?

No, I talked to the Witches' Council,

and according to them,
technically, he's a freeloader.

So we can throw him out
on the streets for all they care.

Not the streets,
there's scary stuff on the streets.

I say we toss him out
and let him fend for himself.

I'm a dead man.

Let's at least
get him a room at the Y.

Isn't there anything in this house
to drink?

A small room.

Hey, so you two threw up together.

Isn't that some sort of
male-bonding thing?

Only in a prison movie.

You guys still feel close, right?

I never would have been sick if I hadn't
eaten food from this E. coli farm.


Ignore him, he's just a little testy.
You know, he's at his worst post-vomit.

I'm not putting up
with your insults anymore.

Someone else is testy. That's
something you two have in common.

You are hereby
banned from this place.

Sabrina, if you keep working
for this guy, we're through.

- Harvey.
- Good riddance.


Okay, as usual,
my plan is going perfectly.

SABRINA: Why am I so reluctant
to quit the coffeehouse?

It's not the free day-old muffins.
What is the true meaning behind this?

You still like Josh, you bonehead.
Now, help me. I'm being evicted.

I do like Josh. I mean, I couldn't
imagine not seeing him every day.

But I can't imagine life
without Harvey either.

And I can't imagine life
without fluffy pillows

and a shower massage.

Get out, you little narcissist.

You just mean, out of your room,
not the house, right?


Maybe Sabrina's right.
There is a chance, however slim,

that my ironic and detached nature
could be misconstrued as jerkiness.

Well, I'll just act nice, and then
the aunts won't give me the heave-ho.

How hard could it be?
Say, have you been getting sleep?

You look a lot less yellow than usual.

Ah! Oh!



No one's good at anything
the first time.


I need help. Oh, a boyfriend course.

Sounds promising.
Besides, I'm desperate.

- Having trouble picking a boyfriend?
- Exactly.

Then you need the boyfriend course.
Sign up here.

This is the boyfriend course.

Oh, I get it. An obstacle course.

I never get enough
of those Other Realm puns.

And here are the boyfriends.

- Where are we?
- Oh, this is just some weird dream.

Eleanor Roosevelt's
not gonna appear

and start hitting me with a leg of lamb,
is she?

No, it's a different weird dream.

Don't worry, they're under a spell.
They'll never remember a thing. Go.


- Okay, just one questions, Mr. Chips.
- Yeah?

How is this gonna help me decide
on the right boyfriend?

Oh, that's easy.
You choose the one that isn't dead.

- Oh, right.
- Yeah.


So we're agreed.
Instead of competing,

we'll come up with a present
for Sabrina that we both like,

and go in on it together.

Perfect. I bet my gift ideas
are better than yours.

- Sorry.
- I hate to interrupt

conversations of genius,

but may I say, you two vexing beauties
are radiating brilliance.

Salem, you're still gonna be punished.
Don't try buttering us up.

Don't be ridiculous.

Everyone knows butter only belongs
on lovely finger sandwiches.

Follow me.

- High tea from me to thee.
- Oh, my.

Oh, don't we have a fine time,
the three of us?

Go, Harvey. Go, Josh. Go, team.

It's sweet of you
to root for both of them.

That way, you don't have to feel guilty
at the loser's funeral.

No offence, zebra boy,
but these are young guys.

Unless one of your obstacles

is a piece of delectable-looking cake
laced with anthrax,

- this course is not gonna k*ll them.
- Don't worry. Sudden death will.

Okay, I appear to be standing
in some sort of primordial ooze

- in my good shoes. What is this stuff?
- Quicksand.


It wouldn't be sporting
if you had magic.

You know what? I changed my mind.
I'd like to drop this course.

Whoever saves you, gets you.
I know that sounds a little bit sexist,

but this hasn't been updated
since . Just relax.

You relax. One sudden move
and I'm chugging a sand smoothie.

Help, Harvey. Josh.

Have no fear, Sabrina.
I'm on my way.

Hey, Dudley Do-Right called.
He wants his dialogue back.

Sabrina, I'll be right there.

Okay, that might hold them up.

Is there anything more delightful

than a perfect cup of Darjeeling
served in bone china?

Not to mention the civility
of corn relish on toast points.

How marvellous.
And I did it all myself.


What the...?


Well-dressed robbers.
Call the police.

Okay, which one of you two
left the backdoor open?

I hope everything was to your liking.

And, yes,
we accept all major credit cards.


My heavens,
were those pastries spun from gold?

I just wanted you to have the best.
Maybe I didn't think this through.

You're pretty.

Hang on, Sabrina. I'll save you.

- Stay calm, Sabrina. I'll save you.
- Why shouldn't I be calm?

Some people pay thousands of dollars
for this kind of beauty treatment.


Hey, maybe I can stop the blades
with this.

Give me that.

Okay, all extremities intact.
Run, Harvey Kinkle, run!

Well, I think we have truly found
the perfect graduation present.

A car.

I know in our hearts
that Sabrina loves us for who we are,

but this is really gonna cinch it.

Let's put the keys in a little box,
and then put that box in a bigger box,

and then put that box--

Now I've lost my train of thought.

Oh, Willard.
Glad to see you up and about.

I assume you're here
to serve papers.

No, I'm dropping the lawsuit. I...

Zelda, we've been through too much
together to have it end this way.

And my lawyer took my retainer
and went to Tonga.

- Oh, thank you, Willard.
- No, no, no.

My emotions and my spine
are both a little raw.

- So...
- So...


Oh, now I remember.
In a bigger box, and then that box--


Not again.

How did he manage
to walk into all those trash cans?

Apparently, there doesn't seem to be
a bottom to this bottomless pit. Hurry.

Hang on, Sabrina, I'm almost--

About to face my not-so-irrational
childhood fear of snakes.

Out of my-- Snakes!

I'm sure they're a lot more afraid of you
than you are of them.

JOSH: Hey, look, there's a plank
we can use as a bridge.



What we do for love.

Figures. Four years
warming the bench in football,

now I find out
I should have gone out for track.

If I don't convince the aunties soon
that I've really turned over a new leaf,

I'm gonna be tossed out into the cold
on my nicely rounded buttocks.

Maybe I've been too subtle.

Blessings to all who enter here.

You are still in deep doody, mister.

After much thought,
we've come up with your punishment.

Now, I want you to know that its
severity is only to teach you a lesson.


- You're grounded until further notice.
- Grounded?

- You mean, I can't leave the house?
- That's right.

You realise we're punishing ourselves
as well, but what can we do?

I'm glad we read
the Marilu Henner book.

Oh, sweet relief. I've still got a home.

And best of all,
I like being a nice guy.

This new leaf is staying turned
because I'm a changed cat.

Car keys?


SALEM: Hardcastle and McCormick,
eat your heart out.

Somebody save me!
Or at least scratch my nose.

JOSH: Don't worry, Sabrina. I'll have you
out of that quicksand within seconds.

But if you have a crossword puzzle
handy, you might wanna break it out.

- Hurry!
- Sabrina, I'm coming.

- I'll block the flames with this rock.
- Hey, I'm gonna save Sabrina.

Guys, I don't know if I've mentioned
in casual conversation in the past,

but I don't wanna die.

I don't care who saves Sabrina
as long as Sabrina gets saved.

- You're right.
- All right, help me push this thing.

Okay, I guess it's time
to come up with a few last words.

Let's see...
Dying is easy, comedy is hard. No.

Rosebud. No.

'Tis a far better thing--

Darn, all the good last words
have already been done.

- We did it.
- All right.

- Wow, you must work out.
- You know, I've been benching--

- Guys, this stuff ain't slowsand.
- Sabrina.

Whee! Do you know why I do this?
Kicks, man. Kicks.


I'll get a Hungry-Man dinner.

Watch a little
of the Antiques Roadshow, and--

Holy mother of pearl!


I'm okay.

I am suing you--

A cat?

Just one question,
what was the point of all this?

The point was for one of them to die.

We've never had
both contestants survive before.

Well, good luck
picking one of these brave boys.

The worst part, other than the pound
of quicksand in my underwear,

is I don't know what to do
about Harvey and Josh.

I'll look it up, but I'm almost certain
there's a tribe in New Guinea

where women
can have multiple husbands.

Honey, I'm sorry
you have such a dilemma to face.

I wish we could comfort you
with your graduation present.

I bet now you're kicking yourself for
not getting her that Mr. Microphone.

- The toaster's fixed.
- And now I can toast my sticky bun.

Me no funny?

It's a notice
from the Witches' Council.

"This is to inform you
that the friendship spell

has caused the mortal Harvey Kinkle
to reach his spell quota."

That means, after the friendship bread,
no more spells would affect him.

But what about the obstacle course?

That means, he dove under blades,
jumped over snake pits,

and fought fire on his own?
I'm beginning to think he likes me.

Yeah, he's brave, but how
are you gonna explain this to him?

Oh, you know Harvey.

He bought my "you're just dreaming"
explanation per usual.

Sabrina, could we talk about the fact
that you're a witch?

SALEM: I know I'm in the doghouse,
but this is ridiculous. Hello?

I don't think I deserve
this kind of treatment. It was just a car.

We really don't like that man.
I said I was sorry.

Well, if I didn't, I meant to.


Oh, there's no lock on this door.
In fact, there's no door.

And I'm out of pepper spray.


You'll feel bad when I'm dead.

Would you keep it down?