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04x07 - Prelude to a Kiss

Posted: 03/15/22 08:01
by bunniefuu

Let me guess. They're doing
A Chorus Line and you're Cassie?

I, Salem, have taken up Tae Bo.

Instead of conquering the world,
I'm just gonna kick butt.

You can't learn Tae Bo. You have
no body weight or leg extension.

Not to mention will or courage.

I will use that as my daily affirmation.

I think
you're gonna need some help.

Billy Blanks.

I am your clay. Mould me.

Now that doesn't look so hard.


Salem, are you okay?


I love this sport.


do you still have that crush on Josh?

Oh, please.
When's the last time I brought that up?

- Yesterday.
- Are you wearing a wire for the feds?

Okay, so I had a teensy crush on him,
but I'm over it.

Harvey's the only guy for me.

- Plus Josh isn't even that nice.
JOSH: Hi, guys.

Sabrina, here's your cappuccino
the way you like it.

And don't worry about the dishes,
I already did them.

See? What a creep.

You know, we have been
so busy at the clock shop

that we are really behind
on our chores.

Oh, style maven B. Smith
would be horrified.

I can top that. I'm horrified.

Aunt Hilda, Aunt Zelda,
take a look at this.

Okay. Turn the bowl into an apple.

the bowl was a priceless heirloom.

But nice magic, Dreama.

Wait. Give it a minute.

This keeps happening.
It's because she's nervous.

Remember when I got nervous,
all I could zap in were pineapples?

But never the ham.

I think Dreama's suffering
from a lack of magic glue.

That's why her spells don't stick.

Hold the pull an extra beat.

Oh, okay. Let's hurry.

Harvey's football game
starts in minutes.

And the sooner I get there, the sooner
I can be numb from the cold.

Oh, you know,
she's really not that much of help.

Hey, did you see me waving at you?

In this temperature,
it's hard to get lateral movement.

But I got a good up and down
motions going.

I'm sorry.

I get so into the game
that I don't notice anything around me.

Imagine if I were actually playing.

You wanna go get some coffee
and warm up?

I told Brad and the others
I'd meet them at the Slicery.

But since you sat through
this whole game for me,

I'll do something
I don't wanna do for you.

Let's go get coffee.

You romantic, you.


Hey, that folk singer I'm always
talking about is playing here tonight.

- Bob Dylan?
- Let me rephrase that.

That folk singer no one's ever heard of
is playing here tonight.

Oh, well, maybe he'll play that song
no one's ever heard of.

Why do people
keep coming in here?

Oh, yeah, the "open" sign.

And the writing

On the tuna can said

Packed in water
This dolphin's dead

And to think I almost missed this
by playing foosball with my friends.

Go to the Slicery
if you're not having fun.

We don't have to be together
on every date.


Man, we have a great relationship.

I really hope he doesn't sell out
and go electric.

Hey, if that's a grocery list,
I need my blue power drink.

Sorry, obviously we're behind in
our chores. Just have some juice.

But my punches and kicks
are powerless

without that expensive blue liquid.

Look what I found in the laundry.

That's been there
since Lyndon Johnson was president?

Andrew Johnson.

We are behind.

You could just zap me some of that
synthetically engineered beverage.

You know what happens to witches
who zap chores in the mortal realm.

They live happily ever after?

They end up taking everything
for granted and appreciating nothing.

Don't worry,
we're gonna buckle down,

and handle this
the way any mortal would.

We're hiring someone
to do our housework.

In fact, I am going to send
the application right now.

After we remove two years
of Hot Pocket crumbs from the toaster.

Hold on. That sounds dangerous.

Better let an expert handle it.




Worth it.

Oh. Oliver Twist. They don't write
them like that anymore.

You know Oliver Twist?

That's great.
My study group just fell apart.

I have this big exam.

- You think you can ask me questions?
- Sure.

Be right back.

Oh, stupid pineapple.

Don't be nervous.


Make me read fast and good
As if my name were Evelyn Wood



All right. Name the boys
who were part

- of Fagin's band of ragamuffins.
- Oh. That's easy--

Which one was the most Christ-like
figure and why?

So much for lobbing me
a softball to get started. Um...

We might be here all night.

Maybe we should send out
for some coffee. Heh-heh.

I can't wait for our new housekeeper
to get here.

I know. I'm exhausted
watching you clean so much.




I want a word with that agency.

Let's start with the key facts:

- One, we don't want you here.
- No.

And two, the last time you were here,
you tried to k*ll us.

- But failed.
BLACKBEARD: We're on probation.

We need this job
to stay out of prison.

Well, they don't smell of drink.

- Any weapons?
- Only ones that kills germs on contact.

We did accidentally
keep them locked up

without any food or water
for several decades.


Okay, boys, you guilted us into it.

PIRATES: All right.
- But...

If I'm pierced by just one cutlass,
you're out of here.



Well, it's Thursday.

Ready to go wander around the mall
like we always do?

I can't. Some of the guys
are gonna kidnap Eastbridge's mascot.

They need me along.

Why? How many people
does it take to steal a turtle?

A heavily guarded turtle.

- Are you okay?
- Oh, totally.

That's just the kind of relationship
Harvey and I have.

He does what he wants to do,
I do what I wanna do.

So mature that we don't even care
that we're not seeing each other.

I hope the pirates
are having a good day.

Or at least a bloodless one.

Welcome to your home.

Everything looks okay.

The clutter's gone,
the rug's vacuumed.

Nice job, boys.

With one tiny exception.

Who are these people?

Scurvy knaves what come to pillage.

Anyone who rang the doorbell.

Hi, I'm Ed McMahon.
Could somebody untie me?

Oh, of course, Mr. McMahon.

Already a winner. Ha-ha.

Yeah, right.

- Bye-bye.
- Thank you for coming.

Don't forget to write.

- Watch your step.
- I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

Heh-heh. Good first day, eh?

How should I put this?



Oh, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

For not pointing out
that you shrunk?

Thanks to your exquisite quizzing,
I aced the Oliver Twist exam.

Well, it was fresh on my mind.

Have you read Great Expectations?

Okay. I mean, sure.

Yeah, I could give you
some exquisite quizzing on that.

Thank you.

Ladies, ladies, please, don't fire us.

They'll chain us in a dungeon
for a hundred years.

- Look, my allergies will go crazy.
- Oh.

Perhaps you don't understand.

- You did a very poor job.
- Oh.

What were we thinking?
They're wild maniacs.

No one can train them
to keep house.

We need someone with an iron fist.

We need Norman Schwartzkopf.

We need George Patton. We need...

Excuse me. B. Smith.

We can't talk and make centrepieces
at the same time.

Later, I'll show you how to rejuvenate
the edges on your daggers.


- Hey, Sabrina, I--
- Nice banana.

I can turn it into a watch
for about ten seconds.

Oh, so your magic glue
still isn't sticking?

Well, on the plus side,
no pineapples.

Oh, I checked my schedule.

I'm not working Friday.
Think you could help me study then?

You'll have to ask my boss
if he can give me the night off.

- I'll have a word with him.
- Okay.

But be careful because he gets kind
of violent when he's been drinking.

You can't study with him Friday night.
Aren't you going to Harvey's game?

I forgot.

Harvey won't care, I mean,
he hardly even notices when I'm there.

He won't mind if I miss just one.


Say hello to Harry.

We fixed him up
with a heat rock in my garage,

and you should see
this guy eat peas.

You know you have to give him back
after the game.

I know.

Here, look what I got you.

Oh. It'll go perfect
with my "beat Eastbridge" skirt.

This is gonna be
the best game ever.

Come on, Harry, time for your walk.

Okay, so maybe this game
does mean something to Harvey.

I'll just talk with Josh.

Sabrina, I just checked my syllabus.

This test counts for half my grade.

You're my lifesaver.
I'll see you Friday.

Do things ever work out well
for you? Heh.


Aunt Hilda, Aunt Zelda, help.

Perhaps I can be of assistance.

Perhaps I can guide you
through the philosophy of Tae Bo.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Harvey's expecting me at his game,

I told Josh I'd help him study.

I see. And in this scenario,
who do you need to kickbox?

Forget it. What am I gonna do?

My whole world is crashing down
around me, I can't think of anything--


Do I smell fudge?

So I don't wanna disappoint Josh,

but I don't wanna disappoint Harvey,

- What do you want to do?
- Oh, yes, very good, yes.

Well, I've been to every game
Westbridge has ever had,

but I've never been inside
a college library.

Then help Josh.

- Uh-huh. Yeah, that's right.
- But which boy needs you more?

- Oh.
- Well, Josh could study without me.

- Harvey.
- Harvey, it is.

But Harvey definitely
could play without me.

- Josh.
- Josh.

But if I go to the game,
Josh would just be inconvenienced.

Harvey might be hurt.


- Harvey.
- Harvey.

- Josh.
- No.

Okay. It's decided.

I'll tell Josh tomorrow I can't study.

- Mm. Look, as long as we're sharing,
- Oh.

I was wondering
if everyone could help me

with a personal problem
I've been struggling with.

- Sure. What is it?
- I've got full-blown scurvy.

I'm really sorry, Josh, but--
No, too high school.


No, too French.

Hey, Sabrina.

I've reserved a special carrel
at the library tonight.

I promise there will be all
the water-cooler water you can drink.

And I plan to bring gum.

- Heh. Listen, Josh--
- No, okay, okay, serious time here.

I'm here on a scholarship,
and if I don't keep my grades up,

it's gone.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is,
are you sure you don't mind?

like I have anywhere else to be.

Sabrina, guess what.

Strep throat is running wild
through the football team.

- Oh, boy.
- So many of the guys are sick,

there's a very real possibility
that I might get to play.


- Listen, Harvey--
- How lucky is that?

I might actually get into a game
before I graduate,

and my best girl will get to see it.

Yeah, how lucky is that?

I gotta go see how many
of the cultures came back positive.



Okay. So we have a plan.
If Harvey gets in the game,

you'll witch page me,
I'll zap back.

- Any questions?
- Yes.

- What's a witch pager?
- This.

You have to think, "Sabrina,"
pull on your ear,

and it will let me know you want me,
try it.


Good. Don't use it frivolously, because
I'm ticklish. And it's on vibrate.

- Any other questions?
- Yes.

What's football?

I can't believe
the library's closed for painting.

I'm sorry, certain places
should always be open,

like hospitals and Denny's.

Well, we can always study in here.
It's warm and it's warm.

Oh. It smells wonderful in here.

Yes, like steak or prime rib or--

We aren't missing a mailman,
are we?


We've been slaving
over a hot oven all day.

We assumed
you'd want your meat cooked.

- You assumed correctly.
- Told you.

Lucky guess.

Oh, my.

For tonight's dinner,

we will start off with a hardtack salad
with barrel-ale dressing

followed by braised seagull
with the head.

- After that--
HILDA: I'm sorry.

I don't know
the politically correct words to say this.

But do you have anything
that's a little less pirate-y?

For dessert,
we have a lovely crème brûlée.

That sounds wonderful.
Is it homemade?

I don't know.

I'll go untie your neighbour and ask.

Remember, baby steps.


Excuse me. If a person's
sitting on the bench there,

he's not in the game, right?

Excuse me.

- I'd say we're done here.
- Oh, yes.

Now is there anything else
I should know

about Great Expectations?

Only that I have them,
and I'm consequently disappointed.


Oh, hey, look who's here.
Come on in, come on. Heh.


Everyone, this is Sabrina.
Sabrina, this is everyone.

I've always wanted to meet everyone.

- So where are you guys headed?
- To the apartment for Chinese food.

But we could stop and share.

- I know it's late, but would you like--?
- Food.


We'll have a good time.



I'm sorry.
I thought we did something good.


This is so fun.

At home, we have to eat Chinese food
off of dishes.

If you like this,
you'd love my dorm mac and cheese.

I pour water into the box,
shake and eat.

Or plateless tuna salad.

Bite of tuna, lick of mayonnaise,
bite of bread.

Or grilled cheese made with an iron.

Or pancakes grilled
on a heating pad. Heh.

No, I've never tried it either.
I was wondering if you had.

All right. He's in.

We have to wait to find out
if he'll ever come out of the coma.



Excuse me.

Go, Harvey.

Sabrina, she was talking
about a soap opera.


Good, you're here.
Harvey just stood up.

And any minute he'll be--

Done with his water?

Sorry. I'll be more careful.

That's okay.
At least no one had time to miss me.



- Lose something?
- No, but I found something.

- A pineapple?
- A perfectly good pineapple.

You know, people throw away
the darnedest things.

Stupid nerves.


That was delicious.

I don't know how to thank you.

You can start
by taking your elbows off the table.

- Quite rude.
- I'll drink to that.


That's your finger bowl.

I could have told you that.

And could you please not speak
with your mouth full?

Oh. This will wash it down.

Baby steps.


Getting up.


He's on the field.

When did Dickens die?

In of a stroke.


I think Dickens would have us laugh
in the face of death.

Anyone with me?


All right, this is it. He's on the field.

He's chasing his gum wrapper.

He got it. Bye.

Whew. I would have been out sooner,
but this was clogging up the sink.

Another pineapple?

maybe they're on sale someplace.


On sale, that's a good one.
I'll be right back.

Anyone need anything
from the bathroom?

I like her.

I'm sorry. I thought for sure--

That's it. I'm turning this thing off.

There's only two minutes left.
Harvey won't be playing.

If I leave for the bathroom
one more time,

I go from being quirky to sad.

And halfback Jonathan Shapiro

is out of the game. Taking his place
will be Harvey Kinkle.




No fruit?

I was in the bathroom.
Why would I have fruit?

You've obviously
had too much moo goo.

Come on, I'm walking you home.

ANNOUNCER: There's a long pass,
and Kinkle catches it.

Kinkle's streaking for the end zone.
And Harvey Kinkle saves the day.

Oh, he has turned this
from a humiliating loss

into a slightly less humiliating loss.

- I gotta get to my girl.
DREAMA: Please let this work.

Hey, Harvey.


No glue.

Where did Sabrina go?

She had to go home.
She's sick, yeah.

- It must have come up fast.
- Yes.

I'd better go see if she's okay.


This coffee is wonderful.


Oh, and the decorative doily
enhances it so.

presentation, presentation.

Gentlemen, we have good news.

You're permanently hired.

So that means no prison.


- We've talked it over.

And we've decided that,
with all of our skills,

we need to work for people
who have taste and breeding.

Someone classy.

Yeah. So thanks, but no, thanks.

- Yeah.
- No, please, don't get up.

Not that you would.

We'll show ourselves out.

Well, I don't think I've ever been fired
by an employee before.

I'll never trust a man
wearing a bandana again.

But it is good coffee.

A goat?

Yeah. If everyone would buy a goat,
we could eliminate leaf blowers

and help stop global warming.

- Thanks for helping me study.
- You're welcome.

And maybe someday, you can admit
I'm right about the goat thing.

You don't look sick to me.

Harvey, wait.

I'm sorry.

But we have never seen
such a poorly managed household.

Lord knows we've tried.

But I don't think
there's any help for you people.


Never have we encountered a family
with such a stunning lack of decorum.

Dogs running wild.

Your children quite unruly.

Then I won't even touch
the subject of your teeth.


We quit.


QUEEN: I don't believe I've ever been
fired by an employee before.