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A Fairy Tale After All (2022)

Posted: 03/14/22 20:25
by bunniefuu

It's me, Sky.

I've come to bring you home.

Is that you?

Jack fell
down and broke his crown

and Jill came tumbling after.

♪ Once upon a time ♪

♪ Once upon a time ♪

♪ Once upon a time
is how you begin fairy tales ♪

♪ This is a fairy tale ♪

♪ After all ♪

Come forward.



You are perfect,
my young one.

You have chosen courage
over fear.

Once upon a time,

in a faraway land known
as The Kingdom of the Sky,

there was a beloved young girl
who possessed a grace

that comes only from having
a loving heart.

However, with the sudden death
of her father, the king,

the heir was denied
her childhood,

and as fate would have it,

to care for her adolescent

and the kingdom all alone.

As the months passed,

the melancholy beauty found
herself unfit to reign,

and took shelter in the north
tower of the castle,

securing all entries
and windows.

Even with the persistent pleads
from her handmaiden,

there was no convincing
the stubborn queen-to-be.

Now, you're probably

how did she stay nourished?

By tiptoeing.

Even a self-barricaded could not
stand in the way

between the princess and
the strawberry short pies.

Restless from months
of hiding,

she ultimately chose fear
over courage,

and decided to abandon
her kingdom for the new life.

Geneva, open the door!

♪ Everything is changing ♪

♪ Like the seasons change
the trees ♪

please, don't choose fear.

♪ The life I'd once imagined ♪

♪ Has drifted on the ocean
breeze ♪

what are you doing in there?

♪ Can't they see
I've tried my best ♪

♪ But this life is not for me ♪

♪ If only I could run away ♪

♪ Then we could all be free ♪


♪ Just leave me be ♪

♪ Shut the door
stop calling out my name ♪

♪ Just leave me be ♪

♪ I'm out the door,
I'm setting a new stage ♪

Your Highness,
please talk to me.

♪ I'm afraid it's no use ♪

♪ I don't want to be
your queen ♪

♪ No 'cause queens are meant
to give all ♪

♪ Why can't they see
I have a different dream ♪

♪ It's time for me
to take my place ♪

♪ From the palace to the sea ♪

♪ The choice is made
it's time to fly ♪

♪ I just want to be free ♪

♪ Just leave me be ♪

♪ The time has come
for me to run away ♪

♪ Just leave me be ♪

♪ No turning back
I'm giving up this name ♪

♪ Out on my own ♪

♪ It's for the best
I'm not what you deserve ♪

♪ To the unknown ♪

♪ One day you'll understand
that I am not your girl ♪

To the people of Celestia,

by the time you read
this letter,

I'll be gone
from the palace square.

Please don't come find me.

I will be far, far away.

No longer your princess,

She was to depart the
evening prior to her Coronation day,

when the royal queen Tiara
was to be bestowed

upon the coming-of-age

However, impending on her plan
was a mysterious beam of light

which glimmered through
her window.

The peculiar illumination
became so powerful,

it shattered Geneva's window
into glass splinters.

Magically appearing
from the brilliance was

a ghastly, evil sorceress.

Madame Mizrabel seized Geneva

and brought her far,
far away from the kingdom,

her friends, and her family,

to a dark, secluded windmill

where nobody, not even
a willing soul, would find her,

just as she once desired.

As the years passed,

the Kingdom of Celestia fell
into despair,

as they grieved over
their missing princess,

as she lived out her remaining
years in solitude

with other rebellious

for all eternity.

I can't find my keys!

- Sky, did you see 'em?
- Nope.

Sky, you shouldn't be eating
all that sugar.

- It causes acne.
- But I like it.

Can you make Brax waffles
or something?

Oh, Brax.

Give me my phone.

I just prefer not to be trending
on social this morning.

- It's for me.
- Brax.

Give it.

But I won't remember what
you look like when you're dead.

They didn't just poof,

'cause I just had them
in my hand.

What was it that
you're looking for?

My keys.

- Mom.
- Oh!

I'm losing it, kids.


How do I look?


So legit.

So classy, at : am.

- Oh.
- New skirt.

Don't forget, we're celebrating
Brax's birthday at...

- I'm on it.
- Good luck.


Don't do this, Mom.


She promised me she'd be there.

She has to work late tonight.

You always stick up for her!

Mom is going through a...


You are being a selfish brat.

Let me go.

What're you gonna do,
walk home?

Hey, wait up.


But who's
gonna take me to school,

and take me to Scouts?

Who's gonna make me waffles
and tell me stories?

Mom and I are
gonna take care of you.

I don't like your waffles.

I can tell stories.

I love you, Sky.

It's gonna be okay.

I am so tired.

I can't do this
without you, Dad.

I don't ever wanna leave
this room,

ever again.

♪ No amount of time
can be enough ♪

♪ To share with you the love
inside my heart ♪

♪ There is not a single thing
on Earth ♪

♪ That could express
the blessing that you are ♪

♪ I know that you're not leaving
me behind ♪

♪ And I know
this is not goodbye ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ Where all things are new ♪

♪ Just know that ♪

♪ I will be waiting here
for you ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ With arms open wide ♪

♪ Waiting right here
where perfect love resides ♪

Here, I'll write this pass.

Just keep this in your backpack.

Just don't tell anyone.



Oh, there you are.

- Are you looking for Brax?
- Yeah.

Oh, such a dear, sweet child.

He has such nice things to say
about his big sister.

- You.
- Oh, yeah.

I knew that was what you
were talking about.

Sky, when are you gonna get this
sweater hemmed?

It's just awful and oh,
look at that!

- I remember when I was a zero...
- That's only been there a week.

Oh, I mean, zero like the size,
like not, like, anything.

You know.

- Poor thing.
- So, I know I'm early,

but the kids don't seem to be
in the classroom.


How is your mom?

Is she doing okay
in that little cabin?

House? Chalet?

- Day by day.
- Yeah.

And you?

The more you talk about it,
the more people act weird.

Oh, weird?

Just what's weird about
something like that?

They don't wanna talk to you
at all?

You look awful.

Have you been taking care
of yourself?

I haven't been sleeping well,
that's all.

Ms. Murphy, I love you!

Harrison! Ford!

Let it out.

They're such a hoot.

I think I love you.


Are you looking for Brax?

I believe there was a puppet
show back in the auditorium.

You know, like dolls.

Just some kiddie things.

It's me,
Granny, Little Red Riding Hood.

Oh! Come in, dear child!


But Granny,
you don't look so good.

And your throat sounds so sore.

Oh, and what big eyes you have.


Come a little
closer so that I can eat...

I mean, hear you better.


Oh, Granny,

what big ears you have.

You ever feel like you're
missing out on something,

you orange fluff?


- Say what?
- Always!

I thought so.

I have an identity crisis, okay?

I don't know if I'm a dog, cat,
a fox, a rat!

How can I believe
in fairy tales,

when I know fairy tales
aren't real?

Thanks for listening.

♪ Once upon a time ♪


♪ Not once upon a time ♪


♪ Once upon a time is
how you begin fairy tales ♪

♪ And this is not
a fairy tale at all ♪

Princess, come out.

The show must go on.

The witch is gonna eat me!

Sweetheart, it's just a story.

Please come out.

You'll see.

Oh, you'll be great
in the school play.

Daddy, can you come on the stage
and sing with me?

- Oh, sweetheart, I'm...
- Please?

They'll laugh at me
if I'm all alone.

Do you wanna be on that stage?

If you're always in fear,
you'll never know what awaits

for your imagination.

You have to be strong.

One day a knight in shining
armor will become

your lucky prince,

and he'll give you this.

You'll always be
my princess first.

Just look up into the light,

and everything else will

The light.

It will guide the way.

♪ Well, once not long ago ♪

♪ There was a little girl
I used to know ♪

♪ And she dreamed her life
could be a fairy tale ♪

♪ But her life was not
a fairy tale at all ♪

Good night, sweetheart.

Night, Daddy.

♪ Cinderella ♪

♪ Seemed to have it right ♪

♪ Repaying pain with kindness ♪

♪ Sure it earned her one
great night ♪

♪ But at the stroke of twelve ♪

♪ The clock took it all away ♪

♪ And it was back to reality ♪

♪ As night turned into day ♪

♪ And what about Snow White ♪

♪ And her trusting heart ♪

♪ It's the same silly fantasy ♪

♪ That put her in the dark ♪

♪ And if Belle only knew ♪

♪ Of the beast
that lived within ♪

♪ Then maybe I would not have
believed the lies ♪

♪ That fairy tales began ♪

This is my life ♪

♪ Not a princess story ♪

♪ No great horse ♪

♪ Is galloping in ♪

♪ No white knight ♪

♪ In all his glory ♪

♪ Is coming to rescue me
from the scary things within ♪

♪ So I saved myself ♪

♪ I'm not a damsel in distress ♪

♪ And I'm here to tell the truth
and put fairy tales to death ♪

♪ Now I know
I might sound crazy ♪

♪ I've loved fairy tales
since I was young ♪

♪ But this life's not
what I was expecting ♪

♪ There must be more
from up above ♪

♪ You see my childhood
was perfect ♪

♪ I guess
now I'm a bit messed up ♪

I mean honestly

I'm still in love with fairy
tales at my age

Really, Sky?

♪ Pop can't you see I miss you ♪

♪ You taught me
to have no fear ♪

♪ I'm sorry I keep complaining ♪

Princess, come out.

♪ I'm right here ♪

Do you wanna be on that stage?

She ultimately
chose fear over courage.

You'll always
be my princess first.

Just look up into the light

and everything else will

♪ Once upon a time ♪

Thy Royal Highness!

I'm supposed to be strong
for Brax.

Wake up.


Hello? Operator?

I know I have bad reception
down here,

but if you can hear me
get me the princess!

Thy Highness,
if 't be true thy dead,

I'd greatly appreciate
if thou could let me know

so I can regulate my depression
for today.

She's gone!

It was just a matter of time.

Soon, it will be me.

And then, a royal inhale!



This is called a wave.

What're you doing with that?


- That hurt! Ow!
- Where's my brother?

How am I supposed to know?

Is this?

Is this some sort of a prank?

Thy Royal Highness,

do I really need to have to
introduce myself, again?

Royal what?

The name is Thumpkin,

and that's with a "P",
not a "B".

Very important.

She's getting closer!

What is this, a pettin' zoo?

Oh blimey, here we go again.

Get me outta here!

No one's allowed in here!

Don't be afraid, come with me.

Thank you for coming back
for an encore.

- Never confront the fourth wall
- But...

- Trust me, don't try to fight it
- Wait...

- Never confront the fourth wall
- Says who?

Just trust, my girl,
I've tried it

Okay, this is seriously

Okay, okay.

Allow me to take a moment to
explain to you, Princess,

the delicacies that are
intrinsically intertwined

innumerably and immeasurably

inside this thing
we call "show."

Now listen carefully...

♪ Have you ever seen a door
that's there ♪

♪ But really
it's just a spoof? ♪


♪ Or a starry sky that
becomes a roof ♪

♪ When you have a closer look? ♪


♪ Or perhaps a horse that splits
in two ♪

♪ With two men stuck inside? ♪

A what?

♪ This is the place
you find yourself ♪

♪ My dear it's a crazy ride ♪

Okay, I've gotta
get out of here!

♪ Well, perhaps if you try
to move down stage ♪

♪ Though center looks more
your speed ♪

♪ But upstage
could provide you ♪

♪ With the leverage
that you need ♪

♪ There's of course stage left
and then there's right ♪

♪ But there's just no up
or down ♪

♪ But in your quest
I say good luck ♪

♪ I mean to say break a leg ♪

♪ I didn't mean literally,
Highness ♪

Someone get me out of here!

♪ Nothing's as it seems,
this is a place of dreams ♪

♪ Oh, to be or not to be ♪

What on Earth is wrong with you?

♪ That really is the question ♪

♪ Never confront
the fourth wall ♪

♪ It's there but not
you've got it? ♪

How did I end up here, anyways?

Just a little slip!

Of course.

And why do you keep calling me
"Thy Highness"?

'Cause thou art Princess Geneva
of Celestia.

And what're you, a dog?

- A cat?
- Huh?

A fox? A rat?


Identity crisis.

"A period of uncertainty
and confusion"

"in which a person's sense of
identity becomes insecure,"

"due to a lack of feeling

"and/or needed in helping
to contribute"

"to his/her society,
and/or situation."

I'm a misfit who felt useless.

And because of that conundrum,
I'm here with the rest.

But, why am I here?

Well, The Madame, of course.

The Madame?

Master Willow sets the rules.

- Master Willow?
- Mhm.

He's the one in command.

Madame Mizrabel is just...

A witch?


Oh. Yay!

I love campfire stories.

Well then grab some popcorn,
you'll love this one.

As legend has
it, before "Mizrabel",

she went by the name "Lohr",

a mysterious
but beautiful young woman

who sold her soul to the spirits
of the More Black Forest,

in exchange for the power
to work black magic.

Black magic?

With her wicked
husband, Hektor,

Mizrabel used these spells
to take over

Celestia's neighboring kingdom,

turning its people against
one another,

all out of fear that
she would be dethroned.

Once the spirits realized
the betrayal of using the magic

for fear and greed,
the spirits found her


...just as Lohr was about to
take her last breath,

Master Willow found her
and offered her a second chance.

But this time,
Willow would make sure

that her beauty
would be no more,

thus preventing her from being
any part of the outside world,

forced to be a servant
to the master himself,

for all time.

Oh! And I forgot to mention
the best part!

Willow turned her husband Hektor
into an Elgebrun Hawk Owl.

The end!


So, I'm a princess, yeah?


I am a princess?

- I am a princess!
- Yeah.

- I am a princess!
- All right, pull it in.

Reel it in.

Come on.

And so, good morrow,

to our waking souls,

which watch not one another
out of fear...

For love,
all love of other sights,

controls and makes one
little room and...

Who are you?

And how did you get in here?

A new introduction may be
in order.

Thy Highness, meeteth Cornelis,
my partner.

Corny, meet Princess Geneva
of Celestia,

as if you needed me
to tell you that.


a few chambers away,

looking after
the cache of children

Mizrabel struggled
to keep her end

of the bargain
with Master Willow,

and fought the urge to keep
Celestia and the princess

all to herself.

It's about to storm.


Some excitement around
this joint.

This windmill
is as still as death!


Ain't it grand?

I'm coming down with a cold.

I know it.

That's why my... my...

Silence, thy foul thing!

But, but Madame,
I can't help the sneeze.

That's a biological thing...

My dear, faithful Hektor,
have you ever had

something near claw's grasp
and couldn't touch it?

Do you have any idea
how hard it is

to wipe my beak
with these things?

They're not practical when
needin' to reach

for certain areas,
if you know what I...

I'm hungry, Hektor.

I'm hungry for a royal heart.

A beating, royal heart.

A princess heart?

Well certainly not that
repulsive clod, Cornelis,

and his bag of pelage.

It's been t*rture having
her flesh so close.

But, yet so...

so... so far.

I just can't stand it.

I want to her
on my thriving dinner plate.

Is that so much to ask?

The only one who will be

from a gold plate
is Master Willow.

- Pardon?
- Think about it.

We've been at his beck
an' call,

holdin' this mill up
for how long now?

And for what?

So one day he can rule Celestia?

Where does that leave us?

You're onto something, husband.

♪ From this valley they say
you are leaving ♪

♪ We shall miss your bright eyes
and sweet smile ♪

♪ For you take with you all
of that sunshine ♪

♪ That has brightened
our pathway the while ♪

♪ Then come sit by my side
if you love me ♪

♪ Do not hasten to bid me
adieu ♪

♪ Just remember
the Red River Valley ♪

♪ And the cowboy
that's loved you so true ♪


I win.

How many times do I have to tell
you, Princess,

never, ever confront the...

The fourth wall, yes, yes,
I know.

Never again, I swear that...

D... don't swear.

No bad words.

This is a family-friendly tale.


And, need I remind you that
we are all being held

against our will here.

And without an audience,
I might add.

Then why aren't you two doing
something about it?


Come what may.

Bat incoming!


I did a whole song and dance
and everything!

She doesn't get
the timing thing.

At least I'm doing something,
unlike you two,

whatever it is you're playing.

It's called,
"Oh, Fiddlesticks."

"Oh, Fiddlesticks?"

Glad to see there's no lack of
optimism in this chamber.

Are you not bored?

Don't you two wanna get out
and experience the world?

Some adventure?


This is a fairy tale, after all.

The world you come from
must be so dull.

I wouldn't say dull.

It is different.

Put yourself in my shoes.

Yay, dress-up!

Can I be Cleopatra?

Can I be a knight?

What, may I ask, are you doing?

Well, you're obviously offended

that we didn't ask you
to participate

in our little game, so,

I'm trying to remedy
the situation

by playing whatever it is
you want me to play.

But I might add,
that I do not believe

that these are going to fit,
and it stops at the shoes.

I'm not...

Can I be The Rock?

I just don't understand you.

Can I be a caveman?

So...'re the knight
in shining armor?


I'm an...

- Oh, no.
- Yes?

An Alpaca herder.

There, I said it.

Go ahead and laugh.

An Alpaca herder?

How does an Alpaca herder
end up here?

No-no, you're laughing.

I won't laugh.

I promise.

They're so cute,

and they've such infectious

They just...

...don't like me.

I'm not laughing. Really.

- Your Majesty!
- What?

My name is Cassidy.

Cassidy Lemon.

Mom and Dad used to call me

Nice to meet you.

This is Bear Claw.

No, he's nice.

You're the king, right?

I have, uh...

I've seen better days.

Me, too. Look at me.

Why so blue?

I was able to squeeze in between
the bars of my cell.

And I wanted to bring
back some food for my friends.

Like, some strawberry short pies

or maybe some drinks
or something like that.

I don't know. I thought I was
bringing back Bavarian Cream,

but I was wrong.


Luckily, I took a sip before
giving it to the others.

It was one of Madame's magic

I do say,
you're in good spirits,

considering the most irregular
of circumstances.

Oh, yeah.

I try to stay positive.

You know how it is?

I should've known better

when it started to talk to me.

Drink me, Cassidy Lemon!

Drink me!

Friends say it only lasts
a few hours.

Although they also said slugs
have four noses.

You see that ambitious
Gulliver's Travelers over there?

That -foot tall octopus man?

That -foot tall octopus man
has something we want.

I like the way you think, Kingy.

I told you he'd help.

Did you know giraffes
have no vocal cords?

She's gonna fall.

She's gonna fall.

Princesses never give up!


Oo, that looks like it hurt!


This is the way things work
around here.

Nothing is ever permanent,
'til it is.

Let me go.

Let's say you do get out
of here.

Then what?

You'll be a princess with
absolutely zero ability

to reign while your father
is still locked up

in this mill.

What, do you think
Madame Mizrabel, or better yet,

Master Willow's just going
to let him go

because Celestia's itsy-bitsy
know-nothing princess

wants him to?

You say what?

What? What was it, "itsy-bitsy"?

My father.

He's alive?

♪ No amount of time
could be enough ♪

♪ To share with you the love
inside my heart ♪

♪ There is not a single thing
on Earth ♪

♪ That could express
the blessing that you are ♪

♪ Just know that I'm not leaving
you behind ♪

♪ Oh, my love,
this is not goodbye ♪

If I hadn't
been hiding behind that wall,

I could've saved him.

You said that, not me.

Come on, come on!

But yeah, you did kinda lock
yourself in a room...

We're not leaving here
until we find him.

I'm sorry, Geneva, but this
isn't your tale to rewrite.

It's all in the timing,

and the timing on the stage
is controlled by...


How did you guess?

I am the Princess of Celestia,

and I'm asking you to help me
find the king.

This is not a request.

I will either find
and free my father,

or I will die seeking him.


He means business!



Your Majesty?

Are they alive?

Oh, sorry.

Something isn't right.

But, what is it?

Like your Bavarian cream,
they're cursed.

But, why bananas, huh?

They're to entice the children
into this horrid place.


"Hiccups", "sleep",
and "laughter."

But, what's a hoglet?

It's no time to laugh.

I didn't laugh.

Oh, wowwee, wowwee!

Let me go, pig, please!

- You're not going anywhere.
- Get away from her!

- Sit still.
- Put me down!

See that shroud?

He has a little present for you,
little gremlin.

Are you ready for something

Can you two lovely
humans stop stepping on my paws?

That smell.

Well don't look at me
when you say it.

It smells like...


Tongue sausage.


Though at the moment I believe
it to be coming from...

a gargantuan squabby nearby.

- A gargantuan squabby?
- Yes.

They're fierce castle dwellers.

Indigenous to Celestia.

They usually keep to themselves,
unless, that is,

they smell human blood.

No! No-no!


Oh, god.

It may have mercy on us here
if it gets caught

in a giant squabby trap.

I vote we leave now!

- Is he scary?
- Very.

I've always been a good animal.

I never wanted to hurt anybody!

Is he hungry?

He's malnourished.

Please let me see.

I'm a strong princess.

Let me at that squabby.

- No!
- No, no!

It's so sad.

The poor thing
is trapped in here.

Don't be fooled
by its -inch physique.

Are you serious?

How can anything be a threat
that would fit in this box?


You are not going to squash
the squabby.

Please let him squash it.


Oh, we tried to warn you.




Don't squish me!

You grubby little...

That's using the ol' noggin'.

It hurt.

Oh. Well let's use these.

Go ahead, Punch 'N Judy.

But they're skeletons.

With how this is going,

I don't bethink we'll maketh 't
five feet from our chamber!

You clod.

Do you wanna go back
to wrangling Alpacas?

- No.
- With the squeals?

No, stop it.

- I can hear them.
- Stop. No-no, stop.

No! You're tormenting me.

Stop it,
you're being a bully!

You are an evil, evil woman.

See? Was that so bad?

No, not at all.

Madame Mizrabel.

The king attempted to escape.

But don't worry.

We got him, and his little pet.

Look how blue she is.

You got into my potions,

sweet little tot?

Looks as if you found the Garden
of Children, as well.

No! No!

Don't hurt him.

Please spare my life.

- Chain her and leave!
- No.

So, what are you going to do?

What am I going to do?

Let me tell you, my dear.

♪ When I'm queen my crown won't
be my only virtue ♪

♪ I have skills this world has
never seen before ♪

♪ I sh**t fire from my eyes,
from my fingers blades of ice ♪

♪ But does he care
about these things ♪

- Oh what a bore...
- What a man...

Yeah. Wait, what?

♪ The time for waiting
on his whims is wasteful ♪

Please, let me go!

♪ With me in charge
we'd have it all by now ♪

♪ He's a waiter
he's a weakling ♪

- Master Willow?
- More like wimp.

♪ The time has come
to take it all ♪

But how?

Well my darling, listen closely

♪ A dabble of doubt ♪

♪ A pinch of trepidation ♪

♪ A dose of dread ♪

♪ And a sprinkling
of suspicion ♪

♪ That's all you need to take
over a kingdom ♪


♪ No, no, no, it's Mizrabel ♪

What else?

♪ A portion of panic ♪

♪ A teensy bit of terror ♪

♪ A fleck of fear ♪

♪ Then you mix it all together ♪

♪ That's all you need ♪

♪ To make 'em all surrender ♪

♪ Magnificent!

♪ No, no, no it's Mizrabel ♪

You're so smart.

♪ Yes, well, that's because ♪

♪ I'm demented ♪

♪ I'm tormented ♪

♪ I'm completely malcontented ♪

♪ I'm relentless ♪

♪ Somewhat senseless ♪

♪ And quite possibly
atrocious? ♪

♪ Do you really think I'm evil ♪

♪ Just because her heart
I crave ♪

♪ A little gore,
a little blood ♪

♪ It's just a little price
to pay ♪

♪ When her heart is in my hand ♪

♪ The recipe will be complete ♪

♪ The one that Master Willow ♪

♪ Couldn't bring himself
to eat ♪

♪ The princess oh so radiant ♪

♪ She'll be the final
ingredient ♪

♪ Soon all will be subservient ♪

♪ Have you heard a plan more
brilliant ♪


- Um, it's magical.
- No.

- Majestic.
- No.

- Monumental?
- No.

- Magnanimous!
- No.

No! No! No!

♪ It's Mizrabel ♪

♪ It's Mizrabel ♪

♪ Mizrabel ♪

♪ It's Mizrabel ♪

Oh Hektor, smile.

You look miserable.

How many steps are there?

The sun is out.

we don't have time for this.

Just trust me.

You'll wanna see this.

Not really.

This is your home.

What are those glowing...

Celestia fairies.

Well, Branchen fairies.

Without the guidance
of the kingdom,

they've become endangered.

There, those dots near
the northern main gates,

those are your people.

Close your eyes.

The light will shine
bright on Mom and Braxton, my love,

just like in those fairy tales
I read to you as a little girl.

I will never allow fear,
or even a witch, to harm you.

This is our kingdom,
our fairy tale.

♪ Eyes closed ♪

♪ Lost in a memory
from long ago ♪

♪ Someone else's daydream ♪

♪ But it feels so familiar ♪

♪ Like the fairy tales ♪

♪ That once filled my heart ♪

♪ Each face,
like a shadow or a ghost ♪

♪ That I can't quite place ♪

♪ But I know that I know ♪

♪ This is where I belong ♪

♪ It's my home ♪

♪ A little girl dressed
in blue ♪

♪ The color of the eyes
I once knew ♪

♪ This is my life ♪

♪ Not a picture
of a fairy tale ♪

♪ This is my life

♪ It's not perfect but that's
how I know it's real ♪

♪ I remember this girl ♪

♪ So brave, so kind, so true ♪

♪ I remember this girl ♪

♪ She was raised to be
just like you ♪

♪ This is my life ♪

♪ This is my home ♪

♪ This is my life ♪

♪ This is mine ♪

it remember me when I return?

Just like its
people, Celestia remembers.

I may not have a headstone

in the royal square like the

but I, too, have loved ones
out there.

You'll see your parents again.

I promise.

My parents are the ones
in the seats.

Bat incoming!

Why are we going this way?

You said
Mizrabel lives down here.

Don't take me so literally.

Yes, I heard it too,
thank you very much.

What's this?

I don't know.

I never came here before.

But if I were to guess,

I would say it's nothing good.

I second that motion.


Hello in there?

Princess, are you sure you want
to put your arm in there?

I'm just trying to be cautious.

I am Princess Geneva.

Can you step into the light,
little voice I hear?

It's just a little girl.

Gimme a hand, and a paw.


We can't just leave them here.

Hate to be a pessimist,

but I knew as soon as I saw you
yanking on these bars,

something horrible
is going to happen.

You my mommy?

Oh no, Corny!

Oh, no!

Use your weight and smash it
against the wall!

I am not your mother!

Use your weight and smash it
against the wall!

I have a wonderful idea.

- Yeah? What's that?
- You help me!

You want me to punch it?

I never punched anything
in my life!

- Prince, let me handle this.
- I'm so sorry!

No, don't stop running,

Don't you stop!

Don't stop!

I'm trying to unravel
this situation!


You my mommy?

Are you Princess Geneva?

I am.

She lives down there.

Spit it out,
you bumbling baboon!

See the keys?

Nothing to see here.

It's just -foot monsters
with -foot tentacles.

They have to be hiding around
here someplace!

I don't think she's very happy
that we're missing.

We have to find the keys!

Okay, slowly open the door.

Remember, non-conspicuous.

it wasn't entirely our fault.

- Yes, we-well...
- Cover your mouth.

One at a time!

- I can't concentrate.
- It must be the bananas.

What my slimy simpleton
of a partner is trying to say is

we weren't completely
in control of the...

- Can you do it, Thump?
- Mhm.

exactly what pig brains over here said.

Who are you calling pig brain?

He's the smallest.

I don't want anything to happen
to you, old chum.

We have his back.

Let me be useful, Corny.

You gotta believe me.

I can do it!

I've been praying my whole life
for this moment.

My chance in the spotlight.

The whole world will say,
"Thumpkin, you did it.

You saved the day!"

You're chewing the scenery
a little bit, aren't you?


We'll give them a taste
of their own medicine.

We'll ghost it up.

I need my motivation.

What's my motivation, Corny?



You were the Madame's
butler, Otto.

After returning home
one stormy evening

where she was unsatisfied
with your schnitzel...

- My schnitzel?
- Your schnitzel.

She decided to do you in.

Now, you have returned to get
revenge for your m*rder,

and her critique of your

cylindrical minced
and seasoned skin!


That ain't gonna work.

Give him a break.

It was his first try.

Oh, it's dark in here.

I'm allergic to darkness!

Try again.


we're running out of time.

- Go.
- All right, I got this.

What do you mean
you can't find her?

They were all gone...

How did she escape the chamber
in the first place?

Okay, here we go.

Like I said before,
Madame, it wasn't entirely our fault.

Here we go.


- Look guys, I got 'em!
- Get over here!

Dear wife,
I don't remember you saying,

"I take this owl to be your
lawfully-wedded husband!"

Hunt down that girl
and bring her to me.

I'm going to feast upon her
heart in front of all of you!

Oh, schnitzel.


Who goes there?


My name is Otto!

I come back to suck your blood!

I come back to suck your blood!

No bad words.


All right,
come on, kids, come on.

- Single file. Let's go. Come on.
- Follow me. Come on, girls!

Geneva, Cornelis and Thumpkin

ran straight to the captured

unlocked those doors,

and vanished deep into the pit
of the mill.

Master Willow won't take this
lightly, you know.

The old witch didn't
howl, roar, or shriek,

as she knew the princess would
not be leaving

without finding
her beloved father, the king.

she will eventually come find us.

That's how fairy tales work!

Oh, God.

Well, hello, little one.

Princess, we have to move!

You know how to get home?


You go straight home
to your parents.

Know that there's a strong girl

If you find the king,
please tell him,

Chickpea says thanks.

Go home, all of you.

Go home, all of you.

Come on, girls, this way!

Follow me, you guys.

I know how to get home.

No more hiccups.

- Dance.
- Dance?

- It'll distract 'em.
- How?

Trust me.

show 'em what you got, Corny.

This is my sword!

There are many like it,
but this one is mine!

Where's my father,
you... you...

you... you witch?

Come on, come on!

I swear by this sword!

You make one more move
and it will be...

It may be big and all that,
but he knows how to use it.

- Thank you, Princess.
- You got it.


Come on, buddy, wake up.

- Daddy!
- Silence.

- Princess.
- Daddy.

Come forward.

You betrayed my trust.

The princess, she escaped.

- And I just...
- I gave an order.

Yes, Master. You did.

At your own accord,
you've chosen fear over courage.

Please, Lord,
I was just trying to...

The princess,
on the other hand, has shown much valor.


I am going to grant you
a bargain,

a moment to preserve yourself
and your father.

- I'll do anything.
- Geneva.

Sing for me.

I, I...



Would you be so kind as to allow
me to hold my father?

Master, may I please have
a moment with my daughter?


What am I supposed to do, Daddy?

How can I make you proud?

If you're always in fear,

you'll never know what awaits
for you in your imagination.

You have to be strong,
a strong princess.

It's okay, it's okay,
it's okay to cry.

Now, it's time for you to sing,
and go home.

You may always return
when you're ready.

When you need to.

But what about you?

♪ No amount of time
can be enough ♪

♪ To share with you the love
inside my heart ♪

♪ There is not a single thing
on Earth ♪

♪ That could express
the blessing that you are ♪

♪ I know that you're not
leaving me behind ♪

♪ And I know
this is not goodbye ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ Where all things are new ♪

♪ Just know that I will be
waiting here for you ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ With arms open wide ♪

♪ Waiting right here
where perfect love resides ♪

♪ And when I'm feeling lost
and all alone ♪

♪ I will just look up
and then I'll know ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ Those days you feel
your world is crashing down ♪

♪ And the pain's more real
'cause I am not around ♪

♪ Don't let your heart be sick
with grief, my love ♪

♪ Just close your eyes
and know my love's enough ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ Where all things are new ♪

♪ Just know that I will be
waiting here for you ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ With arms open wide ♪

♪ Waiting right here
where perfect love resides ♪

♪ And I know that it hurts ♪

♪ And you don't understand ♪

♪ But I promise you this ♪

- ♪ I'll be happy again ♪
- ♪ You'll be happy again ♪

♪ And I want you to fly ♪

♪ And to touch every star ♪

- ♪ You won't leave me behind ♪
- ♪ I won't leave you behind ♪

♪ I'll be right where you are ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ Where all things are new ♪

♪ Just know that I will be
waiting here for you ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ With arms open wide ♪

♪ Waiting right here where
perfect love resides ♪

♪ And when I'm feeling lost
and all alone ♪

♪ I will just look up
and then I'll know ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ I'll see you again ♪

♪ I'll see you ♪

I'm a proud bird
of the owl African tribe!

Let's put it this way.

I'm an endangered species!

We almost lost you.

It won't be the same
without thou.

I'll be back again one day.

On thine own time.

You're not a dog.

You're not a cat.

You're not a fox or a rat.

You're you.

it's been fun, Princess.

The wall is broken.

Just don't forget about me.

Never again.

Sorry, I just...

this kind of flew off
when you...


So, how do I get back again?


You gotta be kidding me.

Just try not to hit your head
too hard this time, Princess.

- Corny.
- We haven't found another way.

This is ridiculous.

Even if I wanted to slip,
which I...


♪ Once upon a time ♪

♪ Once upon a time ♪

Come on, wake up.

Wake up, will ya?

Come on.

Come on, you okay?

You okay? Come on, wake up.

That's right.

Oh, thank god.

They just think it's exhaustion.

Sorry I yelled at you, Brax.

I'm gonna be home every day
by : .

Weekends are off-limits.

We're just gonna have to

We are gonna make it work.

The three of us.

Can I just check one thing?

The four of us.

although the precious family was longing

for their beloved father,

his spirit forever found ways to
nurture his loves from afar.

The end.

I did a whole song
and dance and everything.

She just doesn't get
the timing thing.