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Lost Treasure, The (2022)

Posted: 03/14/22 20:08
by bunniefuu

Yeah, Eddie.

Get over here.

Do you hear something?

It's that woman, Mahina.

She's back.


Alright, you continue
the search.

I'll see you back at the office.

She's back.


That's it, Kainoah.

More to the left.
More to the left.

That's it.

Keep digging.
We are almost there.


I hit something, boss.

What just happened?

I don't know sir.

I think it was
Mahina the Kahuna.

The Royal sorcerer of Hawaii.

I know who she is.

Why don't you run
and get that witch?

John Young's.

Don't let anybody see that.

what are you talking about?

We're gonna need to find
a new business.

Eddie, how did it go over there?

Maleko, I need
to show you something.

This book.

That lady Mahina,
she gave me this.

Do you know what this is?

I have a bad feeling about this.

The Lost Stories of Hawaii,
And Other Fascinating Tales...

by John Young.

John, John Young.

Eddie, wasn't that
your great granduncle?

You've got to step up your game.

You could be related

to an advisor
of King Kamehameha.

You should also look
at this compass.

It's been in the family
for generations

from John Young.

And I've always
kind of looked at it

and thought there's
something more to it

than meets the eye.

I've been saving
this letter from...

It was addressed
to my grandmother.

It's from... John Young.

Signatures match.

Yeah, Eddie, nobody can see
this book.

What's so secret
about this book?

John Young. Eddie, do you
even know who he was?

Yeah. He was
my grandmother's favorite uncle.

Eddie, he was
so much more than that.

He was an adviser
to King Kamehameha,

the unifier
of the Hawaiian Islands.

He was privy to so many secrets.

Secrets like?

Secrets like...

secrets like this.

It's a spear.

It's not just a spear.
It's the spear.

It's the Pololu of Mana.

Eddie, this is one
of the most powerful weapons

in Hawaiian history.

Do you know what could be
hidden in here?

The secret to its hiding site.

This could get you
in a lot of trouble.

Looks like
it's already starting.

I'm here to talk to Eddie Fox.

Well, well, well.

Nice to meet you, miss...


Tanya Granger.

Miss Granger. Please.
Won't you have a seat?

How can I help you?

I need help... with this?

- It's not yours.
- It's not yours either. Please.

How do you know about this book?

None of your business.

Well then, Maleko,
please, show her the...

Please, you don't understand.
I'm not here to take it.

I'm just here to prevent
something from happening.

He knows about it and he
can't have it. Or your compass.

- And he's looking for it.
- Who's he?

I'll get it.

Ah, may I help you sir?

The book.

Which book?

You know.

No, I'm not sure we've been
properly introduced.

What's your name?



Could we discuss this? Listen.

I don't know who you are
or what you're doing here,

but I think if you came back
in the morning

when our office
is officially opened

then you might have
better... luck.

Oh, that book?

The sharks are back
from the sea, Mr. Wellington.

And we have everything in hand.

Finally, that's what I like
to hear.

Yes, very much in hand.

And how's the Miss?

Oh, she's doing fabulous.

She finally spit out
where that compass is.


It belongs
to that treasure hunter,

Eddie Fox.

Eddie Fox.

The name sounds familiar.

Well, let's just be patient.

Mr. Fox will soon be
out of his hole.

Hey, you.

What do you want
with my compass?

What's this book all about?

Eddie, Eddie.



The girl. Where is she?

I've seen that guy before.
It's Kainoah. He took her.

Took her where?

Where he works at. Here.

Mr. Charles Wellington's
Polo Club.

You mean the one to be governor

who acts like he owns
the whole island?

Yeah. I am afraid so?

What these ladies get me into?

See anything, Maleko?

It just looks like an off-season
polo clubs to me.

How you doing sir?
What can I get for you?

I'll have
a French gimlet

- with a twist of kalamatas.
- Yes.

Hey, Maleko.

Do you still see him?

I think I lost him.





Your bill, sir,
whenever you're ready.

Thank you.

Oh, hi. Nice to see you again.

I'm not sure we've been
properly introduced.

Allow me
to introduce to you Kainoah,

our most fateful right hand man.

Kainoah, this is Eddie Fox

of Eddie Fox
Treasure Hunting Company.

Eddie Fox and Co.

Private Investigation
and Treasure Hunting Services

to be precise.

All right, sir,
presentations are done.

- Let's go.
- Get up.

Yes, let's. I'm assuming
you know the way.

We found him, sir.

Please, have a seat.

Thank you, Leilani.
You can leave us now.

We have business to discuss.

The infamous Eddie Fox.

Well, well, well.

How's your little business
going? Not too fast I hope.

Where's the girl?

Oh, she's safe. Don't worry.

I was wondering

if you would be brave
and gentlemen enough

to come to her rescue.

So... let's talk

since that's why
I invited you here.

You didn't really invite me

I came by myself

and then your henchmen
dragged me over here.

No, let's not quibble
over details, shall we?

I have heard

about your treasure hunting
and deciphering skills.

I also know about your
connection to John Young.

The book you so kindly gave me

needs to be decoded
in order to find the spear.

As a member of our team,

you'd be entitled
to 50% of the profits.

How does that sound?

So I help you
find the secret site,

you give me some money

and you disappear
with the spear?

Well, yes,
but what does that matter?

You would be
world famous Eddie Fox,

the man who discovered the
long lost Pololu of Mana.

It would be fame,
fortune, wealth...

Think about it.

The opportunity of a lifetime.

You and me.

Edward Fox
and Charles Wellington.

Yeah, yeah.



No, that
doesn't sound right at all.

You think that after all
of your treachery

what you've done to try to take
my book away from me,

bringing that girl here,

you think I'm just going
to partner with you now?

Well I think you're the one
that's dreaming.

If you'll excuse me.

I thought you might say that,
so I had to plan ahead.

That was easier than I thought.

Thank you Mr. Fox

for the last piece
of the puzzle.

Pleasure working with you.

Would you show
this gentleman to his room?

You know the spear of mana
is a myth, right?

So why are you so concerned?

Oh, hey look. A butterfly.



Help! Anybody?

I'm coming.

Mr. Fox?

Please, call me Eddie.

Ah, Mahina.

Thank you so much
for accepting my...

Get down, you fool.

You and I know exactly
why I'm here.

Yes, let's discuss this
in my office.

Okay, go.

It's exactly where your prophecy
said it would be.

So now...

what's to do?


The prophecy
wasn't for you to hear.

I'm not here
to help you, Charles.

But you know that.

I'm just here to warn you

before all of this
turns against you.

And if I may...

You see?

Something powerful is coming.

My lover, you don't want to
look for Pololu, Charles.

It'll destroy you.

Refuse it.

It's my final warning.

Oh, come now.

Don't let jealousy get
into your head.

You're a wise woman.

Jealousy is but for the ugly.

Don't you understand, Charles?

You need to stop this.

If was not for Kalanikupule's
defeat against Kamehameha,

as heir of the ali'i-'ai-moku,
I would be the one in charge.

Don't you see?

The only person that can
save you and your power

is yourself.

Mana comes from within.
You can't steal mana.

In the meanwhile
I have to take this book.

It is for your protection.

No one tells me what to do.

What should we do?

I have an idea.

What's this?

Well, it's a personal
little gadget of mine

I like to call the dis-lock key.

Um, are you sure this dis-lock...

Dis-lock key. Yes.

I just got to give it some time.

Be gentle with it.
Here... you try.

See what it does,
it senses the mechanism

and once it feels it...
Boom, it opens it up.


Okay, let me try something.

- There you are.
- Ah.

- How'd you do that?
- Eh.

- Where's my compass now?
- He's coming back.

Charles Wellington.

Yes, Kainoah.

Ooh, really?

Well why don't you
come over here?

There's something
rather interesting happening.

Leilani, you look agitated.

I am so sorry, sir.

I thought that Kainoah
had everything in hand,

but somehow Fox escaped
and took the girl with him.

Do tell.

It really wasn't my fault.

- I simply asked Kainoah to...
- Shh. Leilani.

Sometimes in life there's
a much easier solution.

Oh, hi. Fancy seeing you here.

Enjoying yourselves?

Well yes,

actually, we're just about
to wrap it up so...

I really don't think
that is the right direction.

The book.

We'll burn its first.

Well, I'd love to see you try.

What are you doing?

Oh, it's a good window.

Solid. Good shape.

Need a hand, Eddie?

Oh, Maleko.

What are you two staring
at the window for?

Get them!

Hey, Tanya, get over here.

Ow, hey, hey.


Grab them.

Excuse me?

Coconuts. To throw with them.

Oh, that. Yes.

We still don't have the compass.


You did it again.

behind me.

So... can it come and help?

Look, I helped you
find the book.

After all, I'm the one who knew
about that mystery first.

I have the right
to be part of it.

I'm too excited. It's mysteries,
adventures, lots of secrets.

Mr. Fox?

I'm done
with the mission.

- W... What?
- What?

I just came here to get
my compass

and my ancestors' book back.

Now I've got them. So thank you.

And well as they
say, au revoire.

I thought you cared about it

and you were going to help
as you promised.

I didn't promise anything.

We need to deal
with this book situation.

There's no way they're going
to let us get away with this.

Why don't you guys
take care of it

since you seem to know much more
about it than me. Mm?

You're avoiding the situation.
We need to face this head-on.

Now, can we just talk
about this later?

Well, at least try to understand
what you're stepping into.

I thought
you're a treasure hunter.

How about your connection
to the author, John Young?

Should at least have a bit
of interest for your own past.

Lady, you're the one
that brought me here.

I didn't even want to go
on this mission.

We ended up
at some maniac's house.

So thank you for the case,
but no, thank you.

I'm sorry I had to put you
through this Mr. Fox.

I really am.

But you know
what I'm even more sorry for?

I'm sorry for you. I thought
you were a treasure hunter,

an adventurer
down for something exciting.

So I don't know
if it's because you're scared

or whatever reason
you might put into your head,

but right now all I'm seeing
is just a greedy selfish man

who just wants an easy-peasy
scavenger hunt,

so he can make enough money
and go with the flow.

That sounds
like a comfortable life to me,

but then don't call yourself
a treasure hunter.

That just makes me sick.


Forgetting something?


it's adventure and mystery
you want, huh?

Well I'll show you
adventure and mystery.

Come on in.

Welcome to the team, Ms. Tanya.

I haven't opened this thing
in a while,

but let's see if it still works.

See, I remember it was...

Okay, I got it.

- Are these all yours?
- Yeah.

So, am I still
a fake treasure hunter?

Please, don't.

What's this?

Just get over here.

Alright guys.

Now let's see what treasures
this book has for us.

"And then,
in the greatest of secrecy,

our most trusted
Hebah-hebah Hoapili and mysef

took the spear
far out into the jungle

to protect its mana.

The Pololu was beautiful

and made with the teeth
of a defeated shark

from the wild shores of Oahu.

Then we passed
through the bamboo forest

across the river
by the banyan tree

on the third night
of the full moon

and brought the sacred Pololu
to the cave."



Hey, wake up.
Maleko. Tanya.

I need your help here. Come on.

Wake up, wake up.
What? This is a dormitory?

Huh? You think
we're just sleeping?

We're just getting paid
to sleep?

I need help with this.
What does it mean?

Uh, it's a Kahuna saying, right?

Yeah, you got it.


Something about the Moon cycle.

Hmm, under Mahealani Moon...

That's, that's
the third full moon

to the Hawaii lunar calendar.

Meaning? and you shall find.

Seek, seek, seek...
finding nothing.

Nothing in here. That's it.

Well, what do you mean,
that's it?

That's it.
That's all this book is about.

It's just a fairy tale, guys.

It's just a fairy tale.
You know?

There's nothing in there.

Hold on, hold on.

Isn't this...
isn't this a Huna symbol?

Yeah, you got it.

It's a Huna hemahema.

The symbol to reveal secrets.

Why don't you open it?

You can't open a symbol, silly.

I don't know, you have
some new relics here.

Maybe there's something
that will work.

The Waterfall of the Chiefs?

That's it.

No, it's hidden.
Just keep digging.

What was that saying again?

Under a night of Mahealani,
seek and you shall find.


Night seek.

Seek. Night seek.

Mahealani, Moon, sky.

Seek the night,
seek the night...

Seek the night!

Boom. It's all right here.
It's all in here.

It's crystal clear. Look.

I recognize that one.

There are drawings.

It's a map made of drawings.

And all clues.

That lead us to a cross.

- And you think that cross is...
- Telling us where the spear is.

- Waterfall of Chiefs?
- Yeah.

The one that was thought
to be just a myth?

It's not such a myth
as we thought.

This is so exciting, Mr. Fox.
You did it. Congratulations.

- Okay.
- Sorry.

I was just saying


Isn't this lovely?

Pretty smooth, Edward.
Pretty smooth.

Now I'm not going
to congratulate you

in the same way,
but thanks all the same.

So I'm assuming

you still don't want
to be a part of my team.

Tie them up.

What are you gonna do to us?

Well, my dear,
I have a little dilemma.

You see,

I can't have anyone else
knowing what you know.

Loose ends must be trimmed.

You will have to be eliminated.

You know, I don't think
that's a very good way

to start as a future ruler.
Do you?

It's so unfortunate.

See... Eddie Fox was having
a meeting slash date

with the lovely Tanya here.

He even lit a nice little candle
to set the mood.

But then
the jealous assistant burst in.

There was a scuffle.

It all happened so fast

that by the time
the firemen showed up

it was too late.

Okay, fellows, let's go.

Into the jungle.

What are we gonna do?

- What are we gonna do?
- Shh, I'm trying to concentrate?

I need my gadgets?

Well, it's nowhere
near us now, is it?

Nope. But hey, I just got
another idea.

Okay, so I'm going to count
to three

and then we're going to get up

by pushing
on each other's backs. Okay?

- Okay.
- Ready?

One, two...

- What are you doing?
- You said get up on three.

No, I said one, two, three

and then we're going
to get up. Okay?

Seems better the way
I understood it.

Alright, then. Let's do it.

Which one? You lost me.

Just... let's just do
the way you said it.

You're making this so complex.

You just don't know
how to communicate.

- Do you want to burn?
- No.

Okay, so let's go.

- On, on three.
- Yes.

What are you guys doing?

Maleko, I thought you were...

Unconscious. Well, no, but...

Well, yeah, at first and then...
then I was just pretending.

Well, what took you so long
to get up?

You guys are funny.

Okay, well, I'm glad
you had fun.

- Now, could you please?
- Wow.

Oh, yeah, guys,
we got to get going.

Eddie, we got to go.

But we don't know where to go.

I do. I recognized that symbol,
the wooden flower.

It's right there.

How much further are we?

Way too much further
according to Maleko's map.

Yeah, we need to find
a shortcut.

I remember when I was a kid

and my auntie telling me
about this hidden path

which led to...

a bamboo forest.

What was that?

I've heard that song before.



Kapuni means "compass", right?


So why would Mahina just write
the word "compass"?

Well, well, well.


We need a diversion.

I think
I just got an idea.

Why are you looking
at me like that?

- This is ridiculous.
- You look great.

Just go.


Isn't that weird?

That's just so weird.

You two check it out.

Oh, hi. Care for another drink?

Don't mind if I do.

Hold it!

Right there.

You two are quite cute.

You call yourselves
the frenetic duo?

Do you need a hand?

Wait... let them go.

They'll show us
the way to the spear.

That was easy.

Now, let's look at this book.

Little Tiki w*r guy's next.

Hold on.


Go back.

Now go forward.

What is it?

It's different.

- What do you mean?
- Look.

Wait a minute.


It's not her name.

It's a meaning.

The Moon.

It's a lunar compass.

This way.

The mini warrior.

There we go.

It's the last clue.

It's beautiful.

According to this map

it doesn't make much sense

There's no way there's going to
be any waterfall.

We wait and...

Oh my God, we did it.

This is the waterfall.

What should we do now, sir?

Patience, patience.

Just keep your eyes open
and your mouth shut.

They're showing us the way.

I don't get it.

Maybe there's a trick.

Like what?

I don't know.

Maybe it's something
we should do...

about the Moon.

Eddie, where are you?
What happened?

I'm inside the cave.

I just found an opening.
Come on.

There it is.

The sacred Pololu of Mana.

"When someone learns
to be a warrior

one must also learn to run."

Patience, my dear.

Run, run...



Thank you so much.

You certainly saved us
a lot of time.

You miserable rat.

Claiming a spear
you can't even find yourself?

Don't be a spoiled sports.

Isn't this much more fun

than sitting
in your shabby little office

pondering on how to pay
your bills?

I gave you a chance
to find the Pololu.

- You should thank me?
- Thank you?

I would never thank a man
whose whole goal in life

is to manipulate everybody
into doing what he wants.

Because let's be honest here.

What's in it for these guys?

What? Are you gonna give
them a little bag of gold? Hmm?

Or you're just gonna disappear
with the spear and ditch them?

I gave you a chance
to join my team.

I told you already.

No one else can know
about this discovery.

We're gonna have to trim
those loose ends ourselves.

I wouldn't do that
if I were you.

Well, you're not me.

No, but really,
I wouldn't do that.

And why not?

Because that spear's cursed.

Cursed? Really?

What? Are some mummies
gonna come and k*ll me?

I think you have
the wrong movie.

Are you done?

No, I just don't want you
to wake any spirits.

Save the pathetic ghost stories.

Are you ready, Mr. Fox?

That's putting it mildly,

Eddie, behind you.

Whatever you do,
be careful, Charles.

Nobody believes in you, Fox.
You're just a joke.

A dusty signboard who takes
money from people

to find their pathetic treasure.

Good night, Eddie.


Just let me go.

Where's Tanya? Who are you?

Wait a minute.

Oh, wait. I know who you are.

You're that Kahuna.
You're Mahina.

Why me? Why?

Why did you choose
to give the book to me?

Your ancestor John Young
was an amazing man.

A pioneer and
a very good friend of the king.

He was known as the Olohana.

Wait, you knew John Young?

Hevah hevah too
was my own ancestor.

He was Kamehameha's Kahuna Nui.

Him and John Young created
a special compass

to keep the spirits safe.

And when I knew
you were the compass's heir,

I knew you would keep
the book safe.

Well, it looks
like you were wrong.

I mean, Charles has got
the spear. It's gone.

A lost battle doesn't mean
it's a lost cause.

Feel the mana.

- Charles got the spear.
- It is not about the spear.

What do you mean?

A mana is a free spirited source

that is elevated
by one's meaningful actions.

It becomes from within.

Edward, the mana's in you.

I don't know about that.

Olohana means
"all hands on deck".

Your ancestors would call
upon the spirited words.

Sometimes initially
you can't find them

because it wants you to find it.

And it'll grow into you
if you let it.

Only you know how to cherish it.

Listen to the universe.

Mana is everywhere.

Now open your eyes.

See it?

Now watch it.

Tanya! Where do they take her?


Don't even think about it.


And now for the moment
you've all been waiting for.

I know we're missing
one audience member,

but as they say
in the entertainment business,

"show must go on."

Isn't that right, Tanya?

Put that spear down!

Edward... you?


I command you.
But that spear down!

I'm afraid
it's too late for that.

Do it.


You have no soul.

Leave this island.
Never come back.

That's fair, Fox.

Very fair.

Olohana, olohana, olohana,
olohana, olohana.

You see, Charles,
the spear has destroyed you.

Mana is a free spirited energy

floating through the ocean
and the wind.

And it finds its home
where good deeds achieve.

And it leaves
where bad deeds come along.

The spirit chose you.
Take care of it.


So... what power
does it give you then?

I think...

I think
it doesn't give us power.

But it wants us
to find it within.

All power comes from within.

The spear is right.

It does come from within.