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01x06 - Friends in Low Places

Posted: 03/14/22 17:27
by bunniefuu
And what is it you do, Jack?


I'm an artist.

He's really talented.

You've seen my work?

You know, Vivian says.


Would we have seen your work somewhere?

Uh, ever go to the galleries
on the Lower East Side?

Um, little kids make it hard
to go anywhere.

- It's…
- Oh.

There she is!

Hi, hi. I'm sorry I'm late.

- Vivian, hello!
- You are Mags.

- It's nice to finally meet you.
- Oh.

- Hey.
- What? It's fine.



I got it.

Holy shit. Seriously?

- Oh, yeah.
- What did you get? What did they get?

I have no idea.

Are you just gonna sit there,
or are you gonna whip this out? Oh, yes!

Uh… Todd…

Come here.

Come, come, come, come, come.

Okay, so, at first
it's just a bunch of sh*ts of Anna

shopping, playing tennis,

lounging by the pool,
like a normal vacation,

if your vacation is at a Moroccan hotel
that costs almost $10,000 a night.

But then…

- Please. Please, please.
- If you don't put the f*cking camera down…

- Turn it off!
- The f*ck?


That's it, before it's back to tennis.

Oh… Uh…

So Anna has one last shot
to get her funding for her club, right?

And one big loan that can come through.

And while she's waiting for it,
while she has zero dollars,

she packs up her friends and goes
on this expensive trip to Morocco.


- That's what this is about.
- Oh.

- You already know this whole story.
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, me too.
- It's all he talks about.

I am an Anna expert.

No, exactly.

It's literally
the only thing she ever talks about.

There's a wall
in our house devoted to this.

He sleeps with Anna files next to our bed.

I'm pretty sure she's gonna try
and name our baby Anna Delvey Kent.

- You should call Social Services.
- That's what I said.

Show us some more footage.

Well, there's this one part…

- Please. Please, please.
- If you don't put the f*cking camera down…

Turn it off!

- Thank you for sending me the footage.
- Yeah, of course.

If there's a chance Manhattan Magazine
would license it for the site,

I'd be happy to talk about an arrangement.

Ooh. Maybe.
I'll look through it some more.

So how did you end up on the trip?


I do videography work
with Rachel at Vanity Fair.

She brought me in.

Did Anna say
why she wanted the trip filmed?

I don't really know.

She and Rachel had seen
that Khloé Kardashian had posted something

from the hotel a few months prior.

I think Anna imagined
she was testing her own reality show

or a documentary, or…

The reason was a bit shifty.

Mm, interesting.

So, can you tell me what happened?

I mean, the footage is great,
but it doesn't explain.

How does
a Khloé Kardashian-inspired vacation

turn into a felony charge?

Look. Again, if the site wants
to use the footage, that's one thing,

but I don't know that I'm really
comfortable talking about the details.

If my work finds out,
it's not a great look.

But I don't have to use your name.

Yeah. I've got to protect myself.

And Rachel. And Kacy.

You should ask Rachel.

I've been trying. I can't find her.

I'm sorry, you kind of caught me
at a bad time. I gotta meet a client.

I just want to know
how Rachel ended up paying for everything.

Do you think Anna coerced her somehow?

Really, I've got to meet a client, so…

Can you at least
tell me about the footage?

You've seen the footage?

Good morning, Ms. Duke.

Morning, Bobby.

Good, now we're warming up.

Don't forget to breathe.


- What are you?
- I'm a bad bitch!

Who's the star of this movie?

A bad bitch is!

Let's go!

I told him,
I'm not having his kids come to my event.

They're just going
to suck the air out of the room

like little emotional vampires.

You've get to get back
what you're putting in.

Or your well goes dry.

Little eight-year-old assholes.

So the suite
could fit three of us.

Two in the master, one on the couch,
but it might be kind of tight, right?

It might just be more ideal
to get two adjoining suites,

then everyone has their space.

- We should book it today.
- I don't have time today.

I could book it for us.

I book travel
for people at work all the time.

- You could just pay me back.
- Let's keep our heads in the workout.


- Anna…
- But it could be about my loan.

Have you heard from them?

Hi, Anna.

That's why I'm calling.
I just got off with Fortress.

I know we were hoping
they'd have due diligence done by today,

but unfortunately, they need more time.

How much more time can they need?
We've given them everything they wanted.

We have.
I think they're just taking a closer look.

I'll call you as soon as I hear.

Everything okay?


You know what?

I don't want the suites.

When my loans come through,
I might have to start working,

so I'll need more space.

Let's book the private riad.



What are you doing next week, Kacy?

You're going to Morocco
and it's not for vacation?

My work's a little different.

So you're going to cut this short
and go to bed early for a young girl?

You know, I'm pretty secure,

but at a certain point,
a guy starts to wonder.

Trust me.

I want you to come upstairs, it's just…


I'll make you breakfast.


You can be breakfast.


I'm sorry, I gotta go to sleep.

I have a plane to catch.

Call me when you're back?


It's so beautiful. Isn't it?

It's, like, such a rich culture.

It's just a building.

Yves Saint Laurent had a second home here
just outside the city.

It's supposed to be incredible,

like, two acres of gardens
and this amazing villa.

I've always wanted...

Can you film me?
We need, like, an entrance shot.

What are they doing?

They're checking for bombs.

Why would there be bombs?

We're at the most
expensive resort in Morocco.

All the money in the world
can't buy peace.


May I offer you a tour of the property?

La Mamounia was gifted to Prince Al Mamoun

by his father
in the 18th century as a wedding present.

Framed by the Atlas Mountains to the north
and Koutoubia Mosque to the east,

our gardens date back to the 12th century,

with some olive trees three times older
than some certain unnamed countries.

Since becoming a hotel in 1923,

the property has welcomed
some of my personal favorite dignitaries.

Including Winston Churchill,
Franklin Roosevelt, Nelson Mandela...

Oh, my God,
this is where Khloé posted from!

Let's take a selfie.

One of Churchill's
favorite activities, I think.

- Hang on.
- Let's do both.

Is this what
they brought you here to film? Selfies?

I'm not really sure.

She said something about documenting
the building of her business and…

I needed the money.
I'm waiting on a couple of paychecks, so…

Baby, you do what they want you to do,

go where they want you to go,
and you might get a great film,

but you'll definitely
get a great experience.

The universe provides
what you're meant to have.

Huh. And, uh, what are you meant to have?

Three pounds off Anna. A vacation, I hope.

Shall we continue on to your riad?


Oh, my God, this is incredible.

Okay, you've got to come see this.


Oh, yeah.

There is seriously good energy out here.

Where's Anna?


What was that about?

Nothing. What are we doing?



So would you
go to the gardens growing up here?

Like, what a cute place
to grow up next to.

It is nice.

I gave them so much paperwork right away,
and they take a week to get back to me.

I'm tired of waiting.

So there are supposed to be
incredible food stalls in Medina,

but I guess I'm squeamish
about my stomach, but what's awesome…

Warrior two, keep it pretty.

…Is the Jardin Majorelle,
the Yves Saint Laurent gardens…

The gardens…

…go to the YSL gardens.

But it's going to be sick
when I get the money.

- Anna!
- Oops.

It has this terrific café.

We could k*ll a couple birds…

The restaurant's good here.
I just want to enjoy the hotel for now.

This is actually
a good learning experience being here.

They've got a lot of things right,

but ADF will be better
than this place, I think.

Our spa will be more Swedish style.

So we have to see
the Medina, obviously. Shopping.

But maybe we could
have some Moroccan influence.

I can bring my travels into the design.

We should see the mosque,
just to be respectful.

Serve tea in mugs
with the Anna Delvey Foundation logo.

There's also this incredible gate.

It sounds like baba ganoush,
but is more like Baba Agnow?

Or Baba Agnew? What else?

Don't forget about the gardens.

I wonder what Noah's doing now.

It's weird we never really talk at work.
We have so much in common.

I know. Totally.

Shall we order drinks?

I had champagne earlier.
I don't like to drink much.

What about food?

Yes, I'm starving.

What do you guys think?

The four-course menu
might not be enough food.

- Should we maybe do the six?
- Great.

Oh. So I was thinking, tomorrow,
should we get a car to take us into town?

The Medina's
supposed to be best in the morning,

perfect for an afternoon tour
of the gardens.

Rachel, enough with the gardens.
Who cares about the gardens?

I mean, so what do you want to see?

The spa, the other restaurant.

But we came all this way.

We're not just going to stay in the hotel
and not see Marrakesh, right?

We're at one of the best hotels
in the world.

We have whatever we need here.
Why would we leave?

Mademoiselle, may I have a word?


Shut up, Kacy.

Excuse me.

- God.
- What's going on with those two?

It's like you're a walking, talking
bumper sticker. Why are you here?

Is this normal for you to hang out
with a bunch of twentysomethings?


I am not feeling well.

Oh, my God, dramatic much?

You don't look so good.

I think I'm going to be sick.

I'm going to be sick.

Okay, let's get you back.

I ate the exact same food
as everybody else from the airport on,

but I was the only one who got sick.

What do you think happened?

I'll tell you.
I don't think it was Morocco.

I think it was the universe.

Protecting me.

I didn't know it then. But I know it now.

I'm going to walk her out to the car
and then go film some B-roll.

Okay. Um…

Kacy, I'm really sorry about last night.

I think I was just hungry.
I'm so sorry you have to leave.

It's fine.

Feel better.

Did you get the vacation
the universe meant you to have?


Where are you going?

Uh, she's heading to the airport.
She's not feeling well.

I was in bed for six days.

Do you know what six whole days
in bed feels like to a fitness junkie?

After being on a plane for ten hours,

feeling like death
with crap coming out of both ends.

And all for a job? No.

Hey, Anna.

Oh, my God, I'm…
I'm so glad you picked up.

What's going on? You still in Morocco?

Kacy, I-I got mugged.


What happened? You okay?

I'm, I'm still here.

I got mugged,
and I don't have any of my credit cards.

And I have no way of getting out of here.

How did it happen? Are you hurt?

I'm okay,
but I really need to get a flight.

I can pay you back.

Of course, sweetheart.
I-I'm on the site already.

- Kacy…
- Yeah?

Can you buy me a first-class ticket?


No, I didn't buy her first class.
Is she crazy?

She's a little crazy, right?

Yeah. I mean,
it does sound really scary though.

Did you know she got mugged?

You're not still there, are you?

No. Noah and I left a few days ago.
We had to get back to work, you know.

I hope she's okay.

You think I'll see my money back?

I think so.

I paid for some things in Morocco
because her card was having issues.

A lot of banks
won't do business in Morocco.


Getting your cards stolen

on top of all that. Mm.


Are you feeling any better?

Actually, I am.

Where you going?


It's my very last bottle.

We'll have to ration it
if we work up a sweat.

Please don't answer that.

I'm sorry, that line never rings.
It could be my kid.


I'm sorry to call so late, Ms. Duke.

What is it, Bobby?

There's someone here to see you.


Who is it?

A Ms. Delvey.

Are you…

Oh, my God.

Thank you, Bobby.

Please tell her I'm not available.

Yes, ma'am.

Come here.


Ma'am, she's crying real loud.

She says it's an emergency.

Okay, what is going on?

It's all of it, it's everyone,

it's all coming in on me
and I just don't… You know?


We're going to breathe.

Now I need you
to tell me what is going on.

I-I've been staying at the Beekman,

but my new cards
haven't come in the mail yet

and my trust allowance
doesn't come until the 1st,

and the business,
they don't take me seriously

just because of my age.

- And it's all so stupid.
- Okay, okay, listen.

I know you're all about
Miss Independent Woman,

but a lot has happened to you.

You were mugged.

Have you called your parents?

My parents, they don't understand me.

They don't have to understand you,
they're your parents. They love you.

Kacy, please, I have nowhere to stay.

Just, can I sleep over, please?

Just for tonight.

Honey, it really is not a good time.

No, I-I'll sleep on the couch.

I-I'll, I'll leave early, but just…

Look, I've got someone upstairs.

I-I'm sorry, but there is no way
you can sleep over tonight.


Uh, it's okay.

I understand.

I just…

I guess I'm…

A little afraid to be alone tonight.

I'm scared of

what I might do to myself.

She knew how that would affect me,
throwing su1c1de around like that.

Because… Is that...

You want to hear the rest?

- Are you kidding me?
- She's a child.

She's not your child. She's your client.

I told you. My work is a little different.

Because you let it be.

I love that you're passionate. Trust me.

But this? This isn't passion. This is…

If you were your own life coach,
you'd tell yourself to get a life.

Oh, my God.

Okay. Yeah, whatever, that was lame.

Look, I'm a banker.

Point stands.

Set some boundaries.

And call me when you do.

Martin, don't go. I…





She scared off my boyfriend,

she drank my last water,
she took over my couch,

she threw her clothes away
in the recycling bin,

and then she tried to tell me

the dress I found for her,

the one dress in my closet
I was willing to part with, was ugly.



She wore that dress.

And from what I heard,

it was the only thing she wore
for the next couple of weeks.

Thanks, Kacy.


Rachel, what happened
in Morocco with Anna?


Looking back, it all made sense
why Anna never wanted to leave the hotel.

But we came all this way.

We're not just going to stay in the hotel
and not see Marrakesh, right?

We're at one of the best hotels
in the world.

We have everything we need here.
Why would we leave?

Because at the hotel,
you just charge everything to the room.

But once you leave…

I don't know how we didn't see it.

Oh, my God,
this is where Khloé posted from!

Okay, let's do one here.

Shall we continue on to your riad?

- Huh.
- Yeah.

Where's Anna?

It is my apologies,
perhaps we have run your card incorrectly,

but do you have another one,
by chance, we could run?

Um, sure.

What was that about?

Nothing. What are we doing?

I realized the clues were there all along.

All along.

We're at one of the best hotels
in the world.

We have everything we need here.
Why would we leave?

Mademoiselle, may I have a word?

Mademoiselle, please.

We have run all your cards,
but none of them are working.

My boss is very unhappy.

Why are you bothering me
in the middle of dinner?

Mademoiselle, I'm sorry,

but we need a form of payment
for the room as soon as possible.

Fine, I'll send you a wire.

Thank you.

…to hang out
with a bunch of twentysomethings?

You will call them now?

Where are you going?

She's heading to the airport.
She's not feeling well.

- Can I help you?
- You can help yourself.

We need a functioning credit card.

I sent you a wire.
You can't just come in here.

We have received no wire.

If we do not have a payment
or a functioning credit card on file...

Excuse me, we're on vacation!

Can't you give them something?

I'll give them a credit card
as soon as my bank clears it.

Mademoiselle, if you do not
give us something immediately,

we'll be forced
to escort you off the premises.

Just give them something.
You must have something.

I don't have anything!

My bank
won't do business with a dirty country.

- Please. Please, please.
- If you don't put the f*cking camera down…

- Turn it off!
- Anna!

- Escort them out!
- No, please.

What if… What if I put a card down,

just temporarily,
until her bank sorts things out.

You could use it as a hold?

That would be acceptable.

But it's just a hold.
Just to have on file, right?

As long as we have
another card before checkout.

Well, I-I'm sure my bank
will sort it out by tonight.

It's fine.

I'm sure it's fine.

Yeah. I told you I'm not comfortable
talking about Morocco.

I get it.

But look, I know about the manager.

About Rachel offering her card.

Well, it's not like
she willingly offered her card.

Anna put her in a position.

So, did Anna force her?

I just… I don't want you
to make her look stupid.

Rachel is a smart and amazing woman.

And she's your girlfriend.

Well, we're not exactly…

If that's what you're worried about,

I'm not planning
on using this in the story.

And I want to do Rachel justice,

which is why
your perspective would really help.

It's fine.

I'm sure it's fine.

That was so f*cking rude.

I'm going to leave them
a one-star review on Tripadvisor.

Can you call your bank?


- What the f*ck's going on?
- It-it's nothing.

It was nothing. It was…
It was a misunderstanding.

She… Her money's international.
We're in a developing nation.

People don't use that term.

It's fine. Okay.
Everything's fine.

Can we go back to enjoying our vacation?

Rachel, that was not fine. She...

I need to get out of here.

Distract myself from all this drama.

I was thinking
maybe we could go to that garden place.

- What's it called?
- Le Jardin Majorelle?


Oh, my God, that would be…

I mean, yeah.
That would be great. I would love that.

- Everyone ready?
- Mm-hmm.

It's kind of underwhelming.
It's just a bunch of cacti, right?

It's not exactly what I'd pictured,

but I think it's the interior of the house
that's supposed to be really stunning.

Well, let's get the tour.

Excuse me!

The villa was once
the private home of Yves Saint Laurent

and his partner, Pierre Bergé.

The Majorelle Gardens
surrounding the property

are distinguished
by the distinct color blue

painted throughout
by the villa's original owner...

Jacques Majorelle.

That's correct.

- Is this zellige tile?
- Very good.


Pretty nice exit through the gift shop.





That will be 19,185 dirham.

Let me see if I have cash.

Just out of curiosity,
how much is that in US dollars?

We've been putting everything
on our room so we haven't quite…

About 2,000 American dollars.

For a tour of this little house?

The donation benefits
the Bergé-Saint Laurent Foundation

in its efforts to preserve haute couture.

It's 500 American per person.

But we're only three.

My bank's still working on my card.

Sorry, I don't have any cash
and money's a little tight right now, so…

Oh, my God,
the hotel still has my credit card.

What's that one?

It's my work card,
which I obviously can't use.


Madame, we actually
have no way of paying for this.

Oh, you're back.
I'm very pleased to see that you're back.

Hi, I gave my card earlier
for the hotel to copy down,

but they never brought it back to me.

Yes, unfortunately,
I can't return that card.

I've been instructed to keep it
physically on file until check-out.

Write the numbers down.

It's against policy to store
authentication data in our computer.

Until we are authorized
to run a card for the room charges,

we must have something on file.

If you don't have a form of payment,
I must call the police.

The police? I ju…

Please. This man won't let us go
until we've paid. I need my card.

Unfortunately, I've also been instructed

to call the police
if this card is removed.


I'm emailing with the bank now.

Okay, the card I gave you for the hold.
It's just a hold, right?

Yes, mademoiselle.

A hold which will not actually be charged.

Yes, mademoiselle.

Okay, so what if I give you
my work card to use for the hold,

and you give me
my personal card back to use for this?

You can't give them your Vanity Fair card.

I can if they don't charge it.
I don't know what else to do.

Can I do that?

As long as we have a card on file…

You must come back
with me to the villa to run it.


Excuse me,
until I have a card approved to charge,

the manager
has restricted your leaving the premises.

I was, unfortunately,
not supposed to let you leave earlier.

That was my grave error.

We have to go with him.

One of you may go.

- One.
- Are you...

It's fine.

Okay, I'll be fine.

I have… him.

There it is.

Uh, do you have
any more of those almond cookies?

Or just some water?

Your card was declined.


No, that's not possible.
Please, can you try it again?


Thank you
for calling American Express.

To check your balance,
please press one or say "balance."

For rewards, press two or say "rewards."

- For international...
- International.

You have selected "international."

Come on.

You have selected...

Customer support, real person.

Oh, my God. Okay.

American Express International
customer support.

Oh, my God.
Thank you so much for picking up.

Ma'am, I'm having
a little trouble hearing you, could you...

No, please. Please do not hang up.

I am in Morocco, and I do not
want this to come across as xenophobic

because this is a beautiful country
with lovely and kind people,

but it is a little scary here right now

because my card won't go through
and three people,

one of them French, actually,
who seem to want to have me arrested.

American Express lady, hello?

Ma'am, how much money
do you need American Express to authorize

to safely get you out of Morocco?

Oh, my God. Thank you.



Hi, so I just heard back from Fortress.

You did? What did they say?


Fortress is funding your loan.

Oh, my God, Alan! Oh.

Alan, hold on one second.
Hold on one second.

I want you to say
what you just said one more time.

Okay, Alan, you're on speaker phone.

Anna, Fortress is going to fund your loan.


I can't f*cking believe it!

ADF is coming your way, New York.

Oh, my God, it's so, so great.

I'm going to drink
so much champagne tonight.

When will we have the money?

So, there's just one thing left.
A small matter of due diligence.

Sometime next week,

Fortress will send
an investigator in person

to Germany to verify your assets.

Speak with your father, with the bank.

Of course, it's just a formality.

And then we will have the money.


Okay, Alan, it's so good.

Uh, let's, let's speak soon. Okay?

Sounds good. Congratulations.



Thank you.


I'm going for a walk.


Hey. Hey. Hey, hey. You okay?

I got, I got hit by the ball.

Yeah, I noticed that. A-are you okay?

God damn it.

I… I wanted a chef…

…to cook us
a special meal tonight to celebrate.

Your loan?

No, I'm not… I'm not taking the loan.

I called my dad

and he was, he was so impressed
how far I got with Fortress

that he's advancing my trust to fund ADF.

It is much better than a loan.

That's great.



Let's go get dressed.

I'm good. Thank you.


I'm so glad to see you too.

Everything's taken care of,
so now we can just relax...

- We have to get out of here.
- What?

What's going on?

There is now a guard
stationed outside her door. And Anna…

I don't know exactly
what's going on with her,

but we need to leave.

No, I'm sure once her cards get sorted,

they'll take the guard away.
They'll feel so embarrassed...

We don't know
when her cards will be sorted.

It could take days.

- We can't just leave her.
- Yes, we can.

This is a bad situation.

They have my Vanity Fair AmEx.

Forget the AmEx.
You can get a new copy when you get home.

You go pack our bags.
My stuff's mostly together already.

I'll go get us a car.

What do I say to Anna?


- Hey.
- Rachel.

Did Noah tell you
my dad has given me money for ADF?

He is? That's amazing.


It's so amazing.

So tonight,

we're going to have
the 20-course meal at the restaurant.

We'll have lobster and caviar

and champagne,

and if they don't have what we want,

then we could just helicopter it in.


Did your bank

sort things out?

f*ck my bank.

They're so f*cking incompetent.

My dad will wire me
the money for the hotel,

but I can't reach him
on the yacht for a couple days.

But we'll be fine.

Well, that's great.

What are you doing?


Anna, I really
want to celebrate with you, but…

I'm not feeling well.

I think I might have
caught whatever Kacy had.

Kacy had food poisoning.

If you had what she had,
you would have already felt it.


Um, I don't know.

Maybe it actually was a stomach bug.


Don't go.

I'm sorry.

I have to.

Well, if you're

gonna leave,

these assholes need to take you
to the airport on a helicopter.

They owe us at least that.



Rachel, I'll…
You know what, I'll call them.


Can we use your helicopter?
We need to take someone to the airport.

What do you mean you can't? We have to!

I don't…

- Oh, my God. Yeah.
- You okay?

Are you?

So how much longer
was Anna in Morocco for?

Until I got
that phone call to fly her out,

so another week.

It does break my heart a little bit
thinking about her there all alone.

At some point,
she realized she had no way out

except to charge Rachel's credit cards.

She put it all on my cards.

The whole authentication data thing.

La Mamounia didn't care.
They were trying to intimidate us.

Because I switched them,
they had numbers for both cards.

Whoa. Uh…

Whoa, baby. So what happened?

Kacy, she maxed out my personal card

and then she charged my Vanity Fair card
before I could cancel it.

$62,000 combined.

Holy shit.



So other than your place that one night,

do you know
where she was staying when she got back?

I know where she tried to stay.


Ms. Duke,
Ms. Delvey is here to see you again.

Anna waited in my lobby
for five hours.

Five long hours.

And I came close to cracking.
Several times.

But Rachel wouldn't let me.

She's downstairs right now.

Rachel, she said she'll wait.

The bitch is waiting me out.

Then you wait her out.

You can't let her win.

I don't know.

What if I run out of food?
She could be down there for a long time.

Kacy, you can do this.

You know why?


Because you are a bad bitch.

Oh, my God, Rachel. This is serious shit.

Exactly. Which is why I want to hear you.

Tell me you're a bad bitch.

I'm a bad bitch.

I want to hear you louder.


I'm a bad bitch.


I'm a bad f*cking bitch!

You know, call it the universe,

call it whatever you want,

but it had my back.

It got me out of Morocco,

and it found me a real friend.

Rachel's a good person.

Ooh. Pellegrino.

Can I pour you some?


Please, Rachel abandoned Anna.

Kicked her when she was down,

and left her alone
in some foreign country.

Rachel's happy to call herself
Anna's friend when it meant free shit,

trips to Morocco,
but as soon as times got tough…

Some friend.

But does a friend

charge another friend's
credit card without permission?

So you still haven't interviewed Rachel?

Why do you say that?

You'd see. I wasn't there, but I know.

Rachel offered her card.

That's how Rachel was.

She liked to show
she could keep up. She offered.

That takes a certain kind of…


I don't ever assume
someone else is picking up my check.

I always assume
a bill's coming due. That's life.

Nothing's free.
So I don't feel sorry for her.

She went on the trip, and she offered.

Don't offer if you don't want to pay.

I mean, it might just be more ideal

to get two adjoining suites,
so everyone has their space.

The four-course menu
might not be enough food.

Should we maybe do the six?

- Is this zellige tile?
- Very good.

Rachel, Vivian Kent.

As I said before,
I would love to speak with you

about Morocco and the charges.

Rachel, I know
it might be hard to talk about,

but if Anna did what you say she did,
I want to tell your side of the story.

The Morocco story
is essential to my article,

and I'd hate to write about it
without your perspective.

You and Anna were friends…

Rachel, Vivian again.
I would really love your take

on what happened in Morocco with Anna.

I've spoken to some people about the trip

and I really just need
to fact-check some essential details.

Can you please…

Call me back.

Give me a call back.

Return my call.
