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01x03 - Two Birds, One Throne

Posted: 03/14/22 17:24
by bunniefuu
Anna, I apologized.

I want a reason.
Visiting hour's almost over.

Getting here has been
difficult for me with the baby.


Were you sad
when you lost your job at Bloomberg?

Who was he anyway,
the kid who tricked you?

Why don't we talk about your business?
The Anna Delvey Fund...

Foundation. The Anna Delvey Foundation.

Foundation, right.

Where did your idea
for the foundation come from?

Did Chase help you come up with it?

Why would Chase have helped me?

He was your boyfriend.

No. He was a guy I was screwing.

You want a romance novel, go buy one.

Well, you two were working
on your businesses together.

We were building our businesses
separately, at the same time,

parallel to one another, not together.


But you spent two years together?


Do you feel like
you got something from him?

Not done your homework on me?

I'm fluent in English,
French, German, Mandarin, Spanish.

I speak seven languages,
I have a photographic memory,

I'm a mathematical genius…

…and I have a talent for business.

ADF was my idea. All mine.

I'm f*cking gifted. Brilliant.

Does that answer your question?


Being pregnant
is a shit excuse not to come see me.

You're not special.

People have babies every day,
they squat in fields.

I'm in prison.

You get here or we're done.

Oh. Next time you come,
bring me some underwear.

Nothing cheaper than Natori, Bergdorf's.

The panties here are disgusting.

Is this where the crib goes?
Right under the window?

I don't know.

You know how insane Anna is.

She won't give me anything,

which is no help with the
"Paul breathing down my neck" situation.

But maybe the changing table
could go by the window,

so we could look outside
when we're changing her.

It's not like I'm hardballing her.

I thought I was starting soft, easy.

So maybe the crib goes over there.

You can't put the crib here.
This is my wall.

And will your wall still be here
by the time the baby comes?

Jack. I don't know.

For now…

The wall stays.
I need the wall to stay. Okay?

Crib stays here.


Back to work.

"Tell me about your business,
tell me about your boyfriend."

"Where is he now?" Soft, easy.

Unless, their two-year relationship

was just a front
for their various schemes.

I spoke to you once already.
Wasn't that enough?

I've a few more questions.

Well, it's Vivian right?

Vivian, we both know
I can't be associated with this story.

I mean, you see,
the work I do is important to me,

and more importantly,
it's important to the lesser privileged.

They need me.

If I am to be connected
with your article in any way…

I am on the board
of seven philanthropic organizations.

No one raises like me.

I can't have this kind of distraction
when my work is so very...

Important. Right.

The thing is, I know Chase and Anna
lived with you while they were together,

you're listed
as an advisor for Chase's app.

And, as you know,
you're tagged in photographs with Anna,

so I can leave here
and go digging all over the Internet

and report the cold, sordid facts
from the public information,

which includes your name,

or I can stay, we can chat,

and your identity
will remain very well shielded

while we shed some perspective
on Chase and Anna.

I want to be off-the-record.

I'll put you on background.

Without using my name.

That's what background is.

And no recording devices.

I'll delete our interview
as soon as I finish the article.

No recording devices. You can take notes.


Chase and Anna stayed with me
for several months in 2014.

He had put all his money into his start-up

and she claimed not to want
to take Daddy's money anymore,

that she was making a go
of living on her own.

Can you tell me
what their relationship was like?

No, certainly not.

Let me be clear.

Anyone can lie and say I was an advisor.

I had very little to do
with either of them.

They were Val's friends…

…and I saw through that girl immediately.

She was a name-dropper.

Thought she knew better than anyone else,
when she didn't even get up before noon.

What about Chase?

I didn't like him either.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

- Thank God.
- Hey, Nora.


How was Fashion Week?

Did you see the Chanel show?

- Where's Val?
- Haven't you heard from him?

No, nothing.


He said he was going home
to Alabama to visit his dad.

Alabama? Should I be worried?

No. No, you know how he gets.

Work hard, play hard, dry out, repeat.

Well, I'm so pleased to have you back.

I'm pleased to be back.


So, tomorrow night I'm hosting
a little dinner at Kleinsmith's.

She's kind of an old bitch.

Shh. She'll hear you.

Hey, you just don't like her
'cause she likes me so much.

No, I like an old bitch.

It's you who's embarrassing,
the ass-kissing tech guy.

I have to kiss her ass for Wake.

And tomorrow,
you'll be kissing plenty of ass

for the Anna Delvey Foundation,

so pucker up.

How many people are we meeting with?


Don't you think I'll need
more than three people on my team

before we go to financiers?

We'll need hospitality people,

PR, designers for the space.

Are we talking work now?

You're the one who started it.

You don't like it?

Oh, I love it.

Greer's been begging me
to put him on the list.

So I'll invite him and mention the app.

Well, if he could do half a million.


Good morning.

Can you imagine
if everyone slept as late as Anna?

Wake would have double the data.

Are you ready?

Yeah. Is that what you're wearing?

You should study these bios
before you get going.

Make it clear you've done your homework.


I read them.

You can't be done that fast.

I have an eidetic memory. Quiz me.


First meeting?

Gabriel Calatrava,
lead architect at Calatrava Grace.

I want the Anna Delvey Foundation
to be a space for the wealthy.

A refuge from the outside world
for artists and patrons of the Arts.

It will be global, exclusive
and the interiors should reflect that.

I can't imagine anyone else designing it.

I… I'm intrigued.

Um, but with a space so focused on art,

I'd love to see
the collection you're thinking about

before I decide
if I want to take on the project.

Why don't you
start with a curator or gallerist,

and, um, if they say yes,

I'm in.

And next?

Sasha Thomas, founder and lead gallerist
at Thomas & Fortman.

The club will be intimate, private,

with spaces for food,
co-working, hotel rooms.

But the art will be the centerpiece,

which is why I would love
to partner with someone like you,

with such an impeccable collection.

And it sounds lovely.

No, absolutely divine.

But you know, um,
I can't really design a collection

until I know
the overall feel of the space.

You mentioned you met with an architect.

Why don't you see if he's on board first,
and then circle back with me?

And finally?

Richard Lavin, manages all of
Manhattan's highest-end properties.

We thought we would
start with the building first,

before we go to a curator
or an architect, for example,

and we know you represent
all the best buildings.

Right. But who is "we"?

Do you have investors,
or creative team, or anyone on board?

To be honest, I love the idea.

My hesitation isn't about the project…

It's that these sorts of businesses

rely so heavily
on the visibility of their founders and…

I choose who I work with
based on people even more than ideas.

And when it comes down to it…

Who the f*ck is Anna Delvey, and why
should I care about her?

No offense, hmm? But you know what I mean.

I'm sure you did a great job pitching.

I know it's not the result
you were hoping for, but…

We need better people.
They're all so small-minded.

We need to set up more meetings.

I called in all my favors
to get those meetings.

This takes time.

You only have three favors?

Maybe we'll meet someone
at the party tonight.

There you are.


You can't keep running around
looking like a man of the people anymore.

Thanks, Nora.

Where are you headed out to?

Oh, is it okay if Anna comes along too?
It's your event, right?

Oh, bunny.

Well, I'd love to bring you both, but no.
Hurry now, we don't want to be late.

I'm sorry.
I need to get this investment tonight.

I don't care. Go to your party.



I'm awake. How was your night?

- Really good.
- Hmm.

Greer wants to invest a million.
Everyone is so amped for the beta.

How was your night?

I need Nora.


I need Nora for ADF.

Nora is not really someone
you need on your team.

She's more of an advisor,
makes intros, lends her stamp of approval.


No one will take me seriously in business
until some rich person signs off on me.

So to get people to join my team,
I need Nora first.

Sure, yeah. Someone like her.

Why not her?

Nora is tough.

And she told me her passion is really
in supporting minority entrepreneurs.

I'm a woman.

That's not a minority.

You're an Asian man in tech.

I'm the child of immigrants.

Is it because
you don't want to share Nora?


It's just she doesn't
seem to like you that much, you know.

So help me.

We'll find you someone.




I mean, Chase never took her seriously.

Why do you think Anna was with him?

I think she thought that he would
introduce her to the right people.

Thankfully, he was smart enough not to.

And why was he with her?

Do you think they were really in love?

Oh, I really don't care to put myself
in the mind of a 30-something man.

Do you know where he is now, Chase?

I have no idea.

You're up early.


Where's Chase?

He's at work building his app, finally.

- Hmm.
- I was just admiring this piece.

My Polay.

I bought it at an auction in '97.

- Hmm. '97?
- Mm.

That's before Polay was even in New York.
Her Omaha days.

You're a fan?

Of her early work, yes.

- But her new phase?
- The giant warehouse sculptures?

You know what they say,

"When you're out of new ideas,
make your old ideas bigger."

Well, I'm headed off to Bergdorf's.
Want to tag along?

Oh, it's a shame to make home décor
with such a beautiful creature, isn't it?

Donna, don't start.

I can't stop.

My grandson cries for ten minutes,

and suddenly,
I'm on the board for a charity

trying to stop
the taxidermy of exotic f*cking birds.

Miss Radford, Miss Zaveri, this way.


You're obsessed.

Here she is. Beautiful.

- Thank you.
- Hello.


Good to see you.

- Hello.
- Look at this.

Now, what is going on?
When is the show?

Glamour queen.


You look lovely.

Susan, how are the new offices?

They're getting there.

Our decorator
just landed a set of Kandinskys.

I heard that auction went insane.

- Oh.
- You hear 281 Park is up for lease?

- No.
- The old Church Missions House?

Stunning. Someone should
take those offices.

Oh. Can you imagine
the art you could hang in there?


Miss Prada sent the Saffiano leathers
for you ladies to design your own bags.

Would you like to pick a leather?

Please thank Miuccia.

Were some coats pulled for my rack?

Thank you, sweetheart.

Thank you.

Oh, great.


- Oscar for winter.
- Hmm. Fall.

Uh… How do you all know each other?

Oh, we came up together
in the days of the old boys' club.

So we decided to make our own girls' club.

It can be so isolating
being a woman in business.



It still feels
like a boys' club, even now.

As I've been building ADF...

- Building what?
- Uh…

I'm building a social club,
the Anna Delvey Foundation.

Good for you.

Oh, Donna's assistant knows this store
like the back of her hand.

Why don't you go with the girls
to pick some things out for Chase?


He can't keep taking meetings
in those hideous scrubs.

Something with a button wouldn't hurt.

She yelled at me, four minutes straight

for letting the barista put my name
on her coffee cup, instead of hers.

She said it makes her feel
like she's drinking my coffee.

Miss Radford left for the day,
but said you'd be adding some things.

Will you be signing for her account?


I want the Foundation at 281 Park.

That's great.

It's the old Church Missions House.
It's the perfect setting.

All marble, and stone,
and medieval architecture, it's...


Are you even listening?


No. Yeah, I am.
It's just I've got to go to Berlin.


Work. I got invited
to do a talk in Open Air.

I thought you were building the beta.

Yeah, I am. It's just…

It's going well,
so I want to build some buzz again.

Then I'm coming with you.

I'm starting to feel trapped
in this f*cking house.

And actually, the Berlin Biennale
is on right now.

I really just need to focus on work.

It's going to be a quick trip.

Then you can't go right now.
You're supposed to be helping with ADF.

Hey, ADF will come together
when it's ready.

Look, you don't know this yet,
but there's a sense of meant to be,

of kismet,
with the way companies coalesce.

Trust me.

I'm not leaving my company
up to the stars.

Look, I'm taking care of us.

If you need a loan or something…

If I wanted money, I'd ask my dad.

What I need is something that's my own.

And you'll have it.

I'll be back in a couple days,
a week, tops.

In 2015, Silicon Valley invests
$3 million in Chase's app.

He was the hottest thing
on Sand Hill Road.

Then, eight months later he goes dark.

Stops posting completely,
stops updating his Kickstarter.

He won't answer my emails.
It's like he disappeared.

Probably got lost up his own ass.

- What's going on?
- What do you want?

Well, it's just this compulsive networker,

this hyper online,
entrepreneurial extrovert just vanishes.

It's not normal. It's a mystery.

If you let me look through
the discovery from the year they dated...


Why aren't you answering?

Because Anna calls me
37 times a day, wanting things.

I can't make those things happen until
I've finished cataloging this discovery.

So let me help you, please?

Anna's not a mystery to me.
She's a job. So, if you don't mind.

Oh, hi.

How are you?

Not the best after-party
the theater's thrown.

I mean, kicking everybody out
at midnight? Seriously.

Well, here's to the after, after-party.

What happened Tuesday?

I don't know. It was fine.
It was a meeting with the producers.

That's for you.

Oh, Anna, we're all ordering some
take-out. Do you want anything?


I could eat.

Great. Right down the street.
It'll be ready in 20.


No, I never go there in the off-season.

I don't know why anyone ever would.
Who knows…

Oh, oh, oh.

Thank you so much, Anna.

You're welcome.

Do you know where Chase is these days?

I was talking about his app
to a friend of mine

who I think
is very interested in investing.

Oh. He's not here.
He's at Open Air in Berlin.

Mmm, I don't think so.
Open Air was cancelled this year.


Sorry, my service is weird here.


How's Berlin?

Good. Yeah, it's going really well.

Uh, are you at Open Air right now?

Yeah, it's awesome.

I'm meeting so many people
I want to introduce you to.

Chase, Open Air
was f*cking cancelled this year.

Where the f*ck are you?


This is Chase.

Chase, you better f*cking call me back.
Where the f*ck are you?

Just be direct with me.

I don't know why you lied to me,
but I'm sure there's an explanation

and I'm giving you
a chance to explain. Okay?

Five f*cking fake
Instagram posts from Berlin?

Are you serious? Oh, my God.

You're such a f*cking psycho!

Or am I the psycho for believing you?

This is Chase.

This is seriously so f*cked up.

And you're supposed to be helping me,
and you leave me all on my own.

And now you're lying to me.

Please, can you call me back?

This is Chase.

Okay, I'm not going
to leave you any more messages.

I'm just…
I'm not going to be able to sleep,

so I'm going to take some pills.

I've been drinking though,

if you don't hear from me.

Anyway, bye.


Hey, Anna.

What's happened to your offices?


Chase hired me to build the app,
but I deal in wireframes not back-end.

I'm a designer.

The functionality Chase wanted,
he needed a computer programmer.

Even though it's his company,
he never cared how it worked.

He just wanted it to look cool.
And then he stopped paying us.

And he hid all that from Anna?

Oh, yeah.

Um, you should really talk to Chase.

I don't know where he is.

I'm sorry. I don't know.

If you see him,
could you ask him to pay me?

Or, whatever. I can ask him.

You're a computer programmer, right?

No, actually, I'm...

Yeah, but would you be able to tell
where someone posted an Instagram from?

Actually, yeah.

- Here.
- It's easy.

You know where Chase is now?

Yeah, I got an e-mail from him
saying he's living in Dubai,

working for the Sheikh, or something,

trying to develop futurism technology.
Which is total bullshit.

Does he have a phone number, or…

No, he told me he only believes
in face-to-face contact now.

So if you want to meet,
you've to e-mail him to set up a time.

I think he's hiding out
from our investors.


I've e-mailed him a bunch.
He's not going face-to-face with me.

Paul won't shut up about how I don't have

clear and persuasive evidence
that I have a story.

Paul was an intern
when I was writing cover stories.

You know what you tell Paul?
You tell him to suck it.

How about these?

Mmm. A pair of panties
that has its own display case

cannot be a pair of panties I can afford.

The cost of buying your subject's candor.

I'm not buying her candor,
underwear is a basic necessity.


Jesus. Are you kidding?

For something no one's gonna see.

You don't know what Anna's up to in jail.

Her love life is mystifying to me.

Whatever she did to Chase,

he was so wrecked,
he's gone completely off the grid.

How can you go off the grid
when you're working for the Sheikh?

What if he wants to call you?

If he's working for the Sheikh,
he's at a hotel.

Probably something five star,
within a couple of miles of the palace.

If you think traffic is bad in New York.

I spent some time there
reporting on the Libyan Civil w*r,

in a very nice hotel,
courtesy of the Sheikh.

Not by choice, but still.

I'm not buying $50 panties.

Hi, um, I'm friends with Chase Sikorski.
May I be connected to his room?

No? Thank you.

Do you have a guest
by the name of Chase Sikorski?

Got it.

Chase Sikorski? S-I-K-O-R-S-K-I.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- That's okay. Thank you.
- No, that's okay.


By any chance,
do you have a guest staying with you

by the name of Chase Sikorski?


Hi. Chase, this is Vivian Kent
from Manhattan Magazine.


We'll try again, another day.


This is Suze.

Hi, my name is Vivian Kent
from Manhattan Magazine.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I was wondering if I could speak
with you about your son?

No, this is not…

Chase hasn't been home
since God knows when,

and I'm sure he wouldn't like me
speaking to a reporter.

So I'm sorry...

Did you happen to meet
his girlfriend, Anna Delvey?

- Vivian? I don't see the...
- I don't have your underwear.


But guess who I talked to?

Suze Sikorski.

I love Susan.

And she loves you too.

And you loved Chase.

You went all the way to Ohio
to meet his family.

It was a real relationship, you loved him.

Are you lost, young lady?

Who is it, Rog?

Oh! Oh, aren't you pretty?

Can we help you with something?

Hey, Dad?


Chase was a convenience to me.

He was available, like a game show host,
or a used-car salesman.

I enjoyed the mind games for a while,
but once I figured him out, I got bored.

In the end, I realized he never had
an original thought in his entire life.

You're adopted?

Why do you say
you're the child of immigrants?

I am.

My mom came here from Canada
when she was two.

Look, I… I went to Berlin,

but my parents reached out,
and I hadn't been home...

Will you stop lying?
What's going on with Wake?

- It's fine. It's...
- No. It's… it's not fine.

You lost your offices,
your designer says you owe him money,

the beta was to be dropped off last week.
What is going on?

It's just… It's a start-up.
You know, stuff comes late.

Then why are you here licking your wounds,

instead of back in New York,
making the app?

Why don't you pay Raphael to work...

Because there isn't any more money.
Okay? We ran out of money.

What do you mean you ran out of money?

I mean, there's no more money.
None. It's all gone.

How do you run out of $3 million?
I mean, where did it go?

Some of it to paying people,
some of it on travel to promote the app.

- And a lot of it on you.
- On me?

You wanted a certain lifestyle.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

You were the one
who wanted to run to Ibiza,

who's been running all around
promoting the app

instead of actually building it.

You want to blame it on the woman,
to make me out to be some princess.

- Are you...
- That's not what I'm trying to do!

Look, I've got employees
and investors breathing down my neck,

Kickstarter funders threatening me
over their Wake iPhone cases and T-shirts.

And you can't possibly imagine

the amount of pressure I'm under
to make this thing work.

Right, I wouldn't understand.

No, of course, I know
you're trying to build something too,

but don't you see?

This is why
I haven't been able to help with ADF.

If I can dig myself out of this hole,

I can give my full attention
to helping you,

which is all I want to do.

What're you going to tell Nora?

We can't tell Nora anything.

Nora's friend is on the verge
of giving us two million.

If she finds out, it's game over.

We just need to lay low with her
for a couple weeks

until the investment comes in,
and then it's all ADF.

"A dream we dream alone, is only a dream."

"A dream we dream together,
we can make anything reality."

John Lennon.

Please, Anna.

We're a team, right?


That must've been disappointing.

People are always disappointing.

That must be very lonely

to be the person
who speaks seven languages,

with a photographic memory,
and so many talents,

and to never find anyone who can keep up.

I like being alone.

Don't come back without what I asked for.

Chase Sikorski's room, please.


You aren't just some guy,
you're not just another source.

Actually, you are the star of my article.

Anna? Maybe she's good,
maybe I'm being fooled,

but if you look at the facts,
it's you who's the con artist.

It was you who left Val and Anna
high and dry during Fashion Week.

It was you
who talked your way onto Hen's yacht.

It was you
who had a business defrauding investors,

and if I don't get your side of the story,
that's what I have to print.

Or if you tell me what you know,

we can correct some of that.
Keep your name out of things.

I can just call you the "tech boyfriend."

How about "the futurist"?
Has a better ring than "tech boyfriend."

The futurist? I… I love it.


What happened between the two of you?

Oh, you're back! How was Berlin?

It was great.

You know, the Germans
have a reputation for coldness,

but I found them
to be very dream orientated.

How wonderful!

Anna, if I order some lunch,
you'll go pick it up.

- Mm.
- Hmm.

So, tell me everything.

Did you see Val in Berlin?
I mean he's there so often.

we'd love an investment.

No, I wouldn't call it a dream journal.

It's a…

It's a new way
to tap into your subconscious.


Yeah, you know,
99% of people forget their dreams

within ten minutes of waking up,

but if we can intervene
before those memories slip away...

Yeah, we use voice recording software
within the app…


Do you need this?

Oh, that's all right.

It's good to get your hands dirty
once in a while.


See, the microbes in soil
have antidepressant properties.

Hmm. Then I should get into gardening.

Hmm. Are those my glasses?

No. They're mine.

- Hmm.
- You look…

Thank you.

Have you heard from Val, lately?

No, I haven't. Have you?


It's unlike him
to be out of contact, isn't it?

I think so.

Did something happen during Fashion Week?

Nothing really. Except, well…

There was this night,

we were all staying at this hotel
and having so much fun,

but then they locked us out.

What do you mean?

The hotel took all of our possessions
and Val couldn't get his pills.

Oh, he's a wreck without his pills.


Well, why would the hotel do that?

Well, I would have paid,

but my father can be
so domineering with my trust.

I think he's jealous of my business plans.

And Val...

Val can never afford anything, of course.

Fashion salaries.
But… but who was planning to pay?

Chase was supposed to pay,
but then he just disappeared.

He left us completely in the cold.

But why would he do that?

I don't really know.

Did you two have a fight? Or...


But you know how everything is going
with the company and...

With Wake?

Say more things.

You don't know?

Well… I hope I didn't
put my foot in my mouth.

I assumed that, you know, as his advisor...

Say more things.

If I tell you,
promise you didn't hear it from me.

Anna, tell me more about,
what is it, your business?

Um, my social club?

What are you calling it again?

- The Anna Delvey Foundation.
- Hmm.

We've been running up
against some obstacles with that though.

I've been thinking we should change it,
to avoid any accusations of vanity.

Oh, that is such a male perspective.

Why shouldn't a woman
use her own name for her business?

If she doesn't believe she's the name
to bring people in, who else will?

It's aspirational,
just like I want my club to be.

Sure, but you want the name
to speak to what you're doing.

Like with Wake...

When I founded
Nora Radford and Associates,

no one cared who I was.

I made it work, and you know why?

Every time anyone wanted
to take it from me, they failed

because you can't
run Nora Radford and Associates

without Nora Radford.

If I had called it
some half-baked, one-syllable buzzword,

who knows where I'd be now.

If you want your foundation to succeed,

you need to secure connections
in the art world.

I'm attending a party tomorrow afternoon
for the Storm King Art Center,

a fundraiser
for the inner city arts program.

Right, I'm your date.

Do you have plans?

Oh, I don't think so.

Good. You'll come with me then.
You don't mind, do you, Chase?

I had to tell her
what's up with the company.

Really? Why?

She asked to see the company records,
and I had to tell her we were struggling.


Out of nowhere she asks that,
and now she's asking about ADF?

Just because she's taken an interest in me
doesn't mean she can't help you too.

Yeah, but that's not how Nora works.
She has tunnel vision.

And now the Greer investment
is probably off.

Don't worry,
it will all come together when it's ready.


Yeah. That's… Okay.

I guess I should have known
Anna had said something,

but I tend to give people
the benefit of the doubt.

But that's when I knew.

It was pretty obvious
what had happened.

What did you do?

I was always supposed to go with Nora
to the Storm King fundraiser,

so I was still on the list.

A celebration
of garbage as artifact.

It's the juxtaposition
of ambient soundscapes.

Immateriality in dialogue
with transitory spaces.

It's a performance piece
celebrating the color blue.

It's very post-modern.

Ooh, champagne.

Everyone's here.

Everyone and anyone, I see.

I want you to meet some people.

Michael, I want to
introduce you to Anna Delvey.

- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.

Anna, Michael is one of
the youngest gallerists in the world.

- Oh.
- He has gorgeous taste.

Anna is starting an Arts Foundation.

Sounds spectacular.

Well, Nora has been
an amazing mentor for me,

helping me get my business off the ground.

You know, she's a huge supporter
of young female entrepreneurs.

Well, of course I am.
It's a passion of mine.

Sasha, I'd like to introduce you
to my friend, Anna Delvey.

Oh! Well, we've met.

Anna, I didn't realize you knew Michael.

This is Richie, one of
the most exquisite chefs in the world.

I would die without Nobu.

He does the best food
for all the best events.

Well, I'd love to
have you on board.

I got a call about you, from Richie.

We'll have to design
a space around his menu.

We will.

Well, you know Donna,
Jodie, Patricia, Susan.

Everyone, this is Anna, my protégé.


You know, we must
lift up young female entrepreneurs.

I keep getting calls about you.

From my friend, Jodie Kleinsmith,
from Gabriel Calatrava, from Sasha Thomas.

It seems like you know everyone.

I know a few people.

So I said to my father

the future isn't just derivatives

and moribund institutions
from the last century...

Amen to that.

Can I talk to you?

Chase! Please, excuse me.



No, I've gone out of my way
to help your company,

to get you investments,

to listen to your dreams metaphorically,
and f*cking literally...

Do you forget I know the truth about you?
I saw your passport.

What about you?

Always lying about your company,
about where you come from,

inflating every detail
to portray some image.

You're from Ohio.

And you judged me the moment you saw it.

I loved your parents.

They're wonderful,
with their little house.

I would have loved to grow up
in a house like that, instead of...

Instead of what? Huh? Who are you?

Because I know you're not German.

Chase, everything about you is a lie.

At least I'm doing what I set out to do.

You have no stamina, you walk away
the second…

…work gets hard.

Because you're shitty at business.

Everything you know about business,
I have taught you.

You have taken everything from me.

My friends, my lifestyle, my line of work,
and now Nora, I guess.

Hey, you're just a f*cking copy of me.

Well, I'm
a gold-dipped f*cking copy.

I want 40% of ADF.


For everything I taught you,
everyone I introduced you to. Yeah, 40%.

"A dream you dream alone,
is only a dream."

"A dream you dream together, is reality."

I know. Anna…

John Lennon didn't say that,
it was Yoko Ono.

When we got back to Nora's,

I assumed Anna would stay,

but she packed her things
and left later that night.

But why, after everything with Nora?

I don't know.

I guess it was all just a game to her.

What was it to you?

In the end, she's in prison,

and I'm working to further
future technology in a new world.

You know, Dubai is an incredible place.

If you really want a story,
I can connect you with the Sheikh

to explore some projects we're working on.

So you're on Chase's side now?

No, I'm definitely not on his side.

He's just as tricky as her.
I'm not on anyone's side.


I wasn't ever on Anna's side. She's just…

She's a little fascinating.

For example, who spends months
making someone their mentor,

only to pack up and cut off contact
as soon as they succeed?

She's a lone wolf,
she couldn't be part of a pack.

And she was on to better digs.

I think it was more than that.

I think something happened
between them, it had to have.

Whenever Anna happens,

there's usually
some kind of disaster zone in her wake.

Did you check with the defense?

Todd is a complete dead end.

There's always two sides.

I'm telling you. I'm not on…

There's always two sides. Yes, there are.

Miss Kent?

What lofty question
is keeping me from my lunch today?

Did a Nora Radford
ever file a complaint on Anna Sorokin?

That question is practically an insult
to New York's finest pastrami sandwich.

Of course I'm not going to answer that.
Try the defense.

It's just…

The way my story is shaping up,

the real crook in all of this
was Anna's boyfriend.

If I print now, it'll look like you have
the wrong guy or, you know, girl.

Then your story is inaccurate.

My sources all say otherwise.

I can't share anything
that was in the discovery with you.

But I can share something
that didn't make it into discovery

because someone changed their mind
about pressing charges.

Oh, Vivi, I must say
I'm surprised to see you here again.

I thought I made it clear...

Why didn't you mention
your credit card records?

Hello? Breakfast tomorrow?


What do you mean
there are strange charges?



Neiman's, $800.
Barneys, $4,000. Bergdorf's, $17,000.

Oh, God.

Do you have a list
of what was bought at Bergdorf's?

Size eight Valentino pumps,

CELINE sunglasses, a Sandro black dress…

A Balenciaga handbag…

Miss Radford left for the day,
but said you'd be adding some things.

Will you be signing for her account?


Actually Miss Radford wanted me
to grab a few more things.

Good to see you again.
A few more things for Miss Radford?

Thank you, Ashley.

Oh, Anna, we're all ordering
some take-out. Do you want anything?


I could eat.

Great. Right down the street.
It'll be ready in 20.

Bergdorf Goodman,
Nong La Thia,

Uber, Seamless, American Airlines,

f*cking c**t!


Why didn't you say she stole from you?

My finances are private.

You could have pressed charges,
helped stop her from…

It was humiliating.

She took advantage of me,
and I had no idea.

Why do you think she did it, looking back?

I would have given her money,
probably, if she asked.

I mean, she worked so hard
to draw me in and then…

You know the most absurd part?

After all that, Anna sent me a gift.

A thank you or threat. I'm not sure.

If you press charges with the DA,

you might still be able
to get your money back.

Oh, I got all my money back.

My friend, Donna, works at Federal Credit.

Works, well…

She's the CEO.

You got it all back?


You know what really gets me?

When Bergdorf's accepted
all those purchases she made.

I shop there constantly, I have a rack.
They knew my taste.

That girl had trash taste.

Did they really think
any of that was mine?


Here it is.

Nora, you got a package.



Here. Right.


Open it.


Nora gave it to me.

It's probably worth more than every piece
of furniture in this apartment,

and she just gave it to me.

What do we do with it?

College fund.

College fund.

These don't look like Bergdorf.

They'll do the job,
and you'll accept them.

You know why?
Because I know about Nora's credit cards.

I know about you
throwing Chase under the bus,

I know about the peacock.

I have a story with or without you.

So, if you want any control
of how you're portrayed,

you need to start talking.

I forgot about that f*cking peacock.

Did you steal all that money?

You have to work hard
to get what you want.

I've always known that.
Chase, not so much.

He thought he was
better than me, smarter than me.

And Nora…

…she treated me like I was a prop,

and so, why shouldn't I
have used her as one?

I got everything I needed, my dream team.

And Nora's credit cards?

Did you? Really?

I like this underwear.

It's always important
to have quality clothing.

I made a pitch deck, you know,
with my whole business plan, and my team.

It would be helpful for you
to see it before we meet next.

Thanks for the panties.

- For the panties I bought your client.
- Excuse me?

- I bought panties yesterday.
- I'm not paying for her panties.

I'm not asking for a reimbursement,

I want you to realize
that we are on the same side.

I am buying your client undergarments
because I care about this story.

That's a weird way of showing it.

And I know you are dealing
with the same kind of shit from her.

Maybe not panties, but 37 calls a day.

She is driving me f*cking crazy.
I am exhausted.

Let me help you.

Let me be part of the team.

She said there's a deck she made for ADF,
that I should see it.

She wants me to see stuff.

No lawyer is going to ever invite
a journalist to dig into his discovery.

Come on. I know
she's done some bad shit, but I'm not...

But even the best lawyer
slips up sometimes,

takes a coffee break, say,
and leaves his discovery unattended.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Pretty clear and persuasive.

Why don't you take a couple more weeks?

I keep getting calls about you.

From my friend, Jodie Kleinsmith,
from Gabriel Calatrava, from Sasha Thomas.

It seems like you know everyone.

I know a few people.

Well, we must find you a property.

I want 281 Park.