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01x02 - The Devil Wore Anna

Posted: 03/14/22 17:23
by bunniefuu
[indistinct chatter]

[Anna] Starting my own company suited me.

I guess I really enjoyed
being, what, 24, 25, 26,

having ten people working for me who are,
I mean, some of them were twice my age.

It felt very satisfying to me. [chuckles]

How do you think you were able to do that?

Mmm… I always thought
one of my biggest assets was,

I can see a talented person

and remove the personality
from the professional qualities.

What do you mean by...

It's like, I don't need
to like you as a person

but if I see you would be good in a role

and do good work
and fit well with the team,

it doesn't really matter
how you are as a person.

Like, I don't have to be
friends with everyone.

You're like that too.


But not everything is transactional.

I do have friends, as do you.

In fact, I'm meeting with one today. Val.

Val? God. Why are you meeting with Val?

To get a perspective of you
from someone who knew you before…

All this.

When you were
the new kid in town, and all that.

We hardly knew each other.

Is there someone else?

Someone better to shed light
on who you were before?

You think that there was some evolution,
like in the movies or whatever,

but I was always who I am.

Maybe it would help
the both of us going forward

if you stop thinking
about me like everyone else.

Like basic, you know?

[theme music playing]

["More Life" playing]

[camera shutter clicking]

Don't you dare move.

You look so amazing.

I want to m*rder your parents.

- [models chuckle]
- We're ready.

[speaking indistinctly]

Look, I live fashion. I am fashion.

I meet a lot of fame-hungry,

new money rich girls
of Instagram who want to be socialites.

Who want to be cool.
Who want! Social climbers.

Thirsty people.

Anna Delvey was not thirsty.

Anna Delvey was the real deal.

How do you know that exactly?

It's in the details.

Okay, you are wearing

what I'm guessing
you think is a really nice dress.

But I can tell that it's a knock-off,
and not a good one.

The fabric is cheap,
the print doesn't match at the seams,

the bag cost something,

but no one's mistaking
you for the Park Avenue,

Swiss boarding school, trust fund life.

Plus, the shoes…
I mean, they make me sad for you.

Who made you wear those...

- I get it.
- Details.

So what were Anna's details?



["Frida Kahlo" playing]

That bitch was flawless.

People like that are born with taste.

I don't mean fashion sense.
I mean real taste.

Anna was understated.

Elegant. Alaïa. Balenciaga. Dior.

She knew all the right things
to say and do.

[camera shutter clicking]


Anna was never "Let's eat at Mr. Chow."

Shudder. No, no, no.

Anna knows
that excellent salmon is at Lucien.

That back in the day, the best dish
at The Waverley was the Amish chicken.

Not anymore. Now it's disgusting.

But then, Anna knew.

And wine.

[Anna] Cheers!

[Val] You can always tell
by the wine order.

New money
always gets the most expensive bottle.

Anna ordered like generational wealth.

Regions, years.

Anna belonged.

Anna was society.

And you two were close friends?

Anna was cold and unapproachable.

Always unavailable. She never texted back.

She didn't care what other people thought

and she wasn't interested
in anybody else but herself.

And she was mean.

I was dying to be her friend.

I was desperate for her.

And that was her gift.

Anna Delvey was a queen bitch.

But the way that she did it made you feel
like she was Queen Bitch for a reason.

That's why she had Chase
obsessed with her from day one.

- Chase?
- Chase.

- Chase. Her boyfriend.
- Wait, her boyfriend?

Girl, how do you not know about Chase?

"Everyone else is woke but Chase is wake"?


Twenty-six years.

That's how much time
the average person spends sleeping.

Twenty-six years of nights.

Twenty-six years of dreams.

Twenty-six years
filled with thoughts and ideas,

meaning and magic, nightmares.

And wonders.

But when you wake up in the morning,

when the sun rises,
all it takes is a minute or two and then…

All of that knowledge just dissolves.

Disappears. Gone.



What if instead of losing that time
you could tap into it?

Actually understand your subconscious.

What if we could understand
the subconscious of an entire nation?

What could we do with that knowledge?

Would we be more connected?

Could a city on one side
of the globe feel community

with a city on the other side of the globe

simply by understanding
one another's hopes and fears and dreams?

Could one country
learn more clearly from another?

Could we predict an uprising?

A w*r? A pandemic? A genocide?

I'm asking you,
what if I could cloud source your dreams?

Wait, wait, wait. Who the f*ck is Chase?

Wait, no. Hold on, that's not the point.

You say Val loves Anna?

Adores. Worships.

Then some serious shit
must have gone down.

Because why did he erase
every public memory of her?

Wait, what…

How do you even...

It's all laid out in the 'gram.

Well, Lou's pissing himself
because he used Instagram.

- We're very proud of him.

- [Vivian] You researching my story?
- No.

You're helping.

I don't need help.
Landon gave me two weeks.

- Show her what we have.
- Okay, so…

We put together every one of Anna's posts

and Anna's friends' posts
and we get the Anna timeline.

2011, Anna Sorokin
leaves her home in Germany

to attend a fashion program
at Central Saint Martins in London.

Ditches it immediately for Paris.

2013, Ms. Delvey is an intern
working at Purple magazine.

When exactly does she become Delvey?

It's impossible to tell.
She says it's her mother's maiden name.

I checked. No dice.

This chick is worth
the price of admission.

'13, Ms. Delvey, a magazine intern,

travels from France to the US
for a vacation in Montauk with coworkers.

She must have dug it

because she does not
go home to Paris with everyone else.

On August 13th, Anna arrives in Manhattan.

[Barry] Know what else arrived
in Manhattan around that time?

Ebola. Coincidence? No.

- Shut up.
- You shut up.

She met Val a couple of days later.

He deleted all his photos of her,

but if you look at his feed next to hers…

Acme Bar, Acme Bar. They line up.

People these days,
living every minute online.

Privacy's over
but I'm just getting started.

You're gonna like this.
Chase's Insta account.

August 26th,
Chase posts a photo of a chess set.

- Nice.
- What?

A chess set was the very first thing
Anna ever posted to her account.

Oh, that's a little stalker-y.

Or romantic. And a week later…

["Shook" playing]

[Maud] Ah, we got busy!

From that moment on,

Chase and Anna's feeds
are almost perfectly synced.

San Francisco. Berlin. Paris.

[Lou] A globe-trotting whirlwind romance.

[Vivian] Los Angeles.
Chase's 33rd birthday.


Okay, that's adorable.

He was the hot new futurist "it" boy
with the next big click thingy.

They were everywhere.

And wherever they were became somewhere.

For a while,
Anna and Chase lived in hotels.

Like, who does that?
Live in hotels? Like Eloise. [scoffs]

Anna did. And Chase lived with her,
in hotels all over the world.

promoting his app, living the life.

[Vivian] Who paid for all that?

Oh, always Chase.

Chase had new money
coming into the business,

and Anna wasn't supposed to get her
trust money until 25, so always Chase.

Until that summer
they stayed with me, and…

Well, stayed with Nora.

- Because I stay with Nora, so…
- Nora?

Nora. My best friend.

She's currently bringing back the kaftan.

Wait, you're talking about Nora Radford?

As in, the Nora Radford?

[speaking indistinctly]

Yes. I know what you're thinking.
But Nora wants me to stay with her.

Fashion pays in style, not in hundreds.

Nora's incredibly fun. She's f*cking rich.

And besides, she loves me more
than my bitch mother ever did.

- Chase and Anna?
- Right.

Uh, they stayed at Nora's and it worked.

Anna and I had our time together.

And Chase and Anna had theirs.


Late night screwing on Grindr?
Slut! [chuckles]

Don't you dare try to shame me.

- You still have orgasm face.
- Stop.

I like him.

Oh, please don't tell me he's "the one."

- Didn't he grow up in Ohio?
- [chuckles]

You realize he's basically a farmer?

He's normal.

I like that about him.

You sure Farmer Ted
isn't after your trust fund?

Chase is one of
the only people I've ever met

who doesn't seem
interested in me for my money.

He never lets me pay for anything.

He's self-made.
That's something to admire.

Please. I'm self-made.

Which is why I admire you so much.

[Lou] So what happened with them?
With Val and Anna?

And all this globe-trotting.
Why choose New York,

hardest of any of these places,
to start a business?

Well, it is New York.
If you can make it here, and all that.

Or she came here for Chase.

What's his take?
If you want to know her deal ask her old...

No. He's out.

I can't find him.
His Insta goes dark in 2016.

[Lou] What about her?

September 2014, Ibiza.

Anna, Chase
and this very attractive person.

[Maud] Is that who I think it is?

Talia Mallay.

Anna Delvey spent time with Talia Mallay.

Okay, and?

And Talia's agreed to speak with me

so I need you to authorize
travel to the Hamptons.

I'm not paying
for your baby-moon in the Hamptons.

It's a rental car
and one night in a chain motel.

Can't you just call her?

Call her?

Yeah, what is it
that you can't get by calling her?

- I don't think I'm asking for a lot here.
- [sighs]

It took tons of connections and convincing

to get Talia Mallay
to agree to meet with me.

To make time in her busy schedule
running a global empire

to explain
why someone running a global empire

would be friends with someone like Anna.

I just need a little bit of help from you,
my editor, in getting there.

You know I'm trying to help you.

You didn't give me the two weeks,
Landon gave me the two weeks...

I gave you the Wall Street story.

I offered you redemption.

A big story that would clear the air,

put some distance between
you and the Donovan Lamb debacle.

That's the best I can do.
I don't know what else you want from me.

I want you to not make me beg
to get one tiny expense approved!


If this fake socialite
is the hill you want to die on, so be it.

- Neff.
- Rachel.

So? What?

I went to court. Anna's not taking a plea.

She's going to trial, which means
she'll be in Rikers for, like, months.


I thought we should
work out some kind of schedule

so she has one of us
visiting her at least once a week.

- What?
- I went online.

There's a list of stuff we can
bring inmates. Magazines and stuff.

Are you… Wait…

You're kidding, right?

Why would I be kidding?

It's prison. Our friend is in prison.

We can't just leave her in there.
She needs people.

I'm not visiting Anna in prison.

I'm not required
to visit that person in prison.

- That person? She was your best friend.
- Oh.

Her dad cuts her off
and now she can't pay your way,

fund your social life
and clothes, so you drop her?

Anna did not ever pay my way.

Anna paid for those shoes and that jacket.

I was there
when she bought those earrings.

The sweater. And I know that bag!
She paid for everything you have on.

First National Bank of Delvey
is closed and you dump her.

- You're a user.
- If anyone is the user, it's you.

I mean, we were friends, you…
You were her paid bitch.

Okay, what?

I mean, yeah, she may
have bought some of my clothes, but you?

I mean, you let her buy you!

She bought your time, she bought your...

Say someone bought me again.
Say it now. Come on. Try me.

Step up here and discuss
the purchase of this Black woman

because I am dying to correct your face!

Come on!

Yeah, you'd better run!

What do we have on Talia Mallay?

- "We"? What do we…
- You deposed her already?

Why are you here?

We should be working together.

We could be working together.

And yet we are not.

I'm not sure what you did to convince
my client to give you an exclusive,

but it does not involve my defense.

Look, if you share what you have on Talia,

I can tag in
and follow up when I meet with her.

- Round out your defense.
- We are not… There is no "we."

So you haven't deposed her?

Well, what does
the prosecution have from her?

Can you color it at least? Ball-park it?

The more amm*nit*on we have going into...

Vivian Kent, get out.


[whispers] What do we have
on Talia Mallay?

Nothing, I think. I can check again.

Fine, you check that box,
I'll check the rest.

- The rest?
- You're telling me this is it?

All the DA's office sent over?

Every bit of discovery they have
to share fits in one f*cking box?

["Love Em Leave Em" playing]

There's a sculpture
of a tree by an actual tree.

These houses are $30 million.

Who has $30 million to spend on a house?

Not even a first house, a second house.

Women with billion-dollar
lifestyle brands, apparently.

All the houses in my entire hometown

put together wouldn't be worth
even ten million dollars.

[Jack] Yeah.

[Vivian] Look at that.

- What?
- That house is ridiculous!

No one should live in a house that large.

[Jack] Honey…



I'll pick you up in… How's an hour sound?

I'm at the whim of a mogul.
How about I call you when I'm...

[Talia] Welcome!





[Talia] Please follow me.

Oh. Uh… I didn't realize
you were having company.

There's always a few people around.
I love to entertain.

[Vivian] Hmm.

But how rude of me not to tell you.

You know, I have a new beachwear line.

One of the kaftans
would look stunning on you.

No, thank you, I'm fine.

It's no problem to bring out
some options for you to choose from.

I always like to make sure
my guests are comfortable.

I'm comfortable.

That smells amazing.

See? Stunning.


You want to hear something embarrassing?

The first time I ever
even turned on an oven, I was 25.

- Come on, really?
- I never made anything.

I mean, cocktails. I was mixing martinis
for my parents and their friends

when I was ten, but the kitchen?

It was fully staffed.

Every time you wanted to do anything,

get a glass of milk, anything,

there was always
someone there to do it for you.

I had to ask my first boyfriend
to teach me how to fry an egg.

And you're embarrassed by this?

It's embarrassing not to know
how to take care of yourself.

To not be able to take care
of the people you love.

I know.

Poor little rich girl.

What an assh*le!
Go cry into your money. [laughs]

No. Not at all.

I used to be embarrassed
about that too. The money.

[spoon tapping]

So I made my own.

Tell me…

If this is ready.

Oh, my God. Delicious.

[Talia] So, Anna Delvey.

Is she running Rikers yet? [scoffs]

What makes you think she could?

I put nothing past Anna.

Were you two close?

We vacationed together once.
Dined out a few times.

What was the connection,
if you don't mind me asking?

I appreciate a woman
who doesn't try to impress.

Who isn't afraid.

Who doesn't give a f*ck?

And she had great taste in art.

Thank you.

[hip-hop music playing over speakers]

[Talia sighs]

Stunning, isn't it?

I'm bidding on it, so…

Fake your approval like the rest
of these phonies, if you don't mind.

The only thing worth a dime in here

is her.

- Cindy Sherman?
- [Anna chuckles]

Among the first
of her untitled film stills.

Mmm. Yeah.

Cindy's great, but over half a million

for just another
eight-by-ten of her playing dress-up?

[Talia scoffs]

[Anna scoffs]

Before this series,

Sherman was just another
photographer hiding behind the lens.

Observing. Choosing subjects
based on what others might like.

Then one day she steps into her own frame.

Considers herself to be worthy.

Rather than being forced into a role
in the male-dominated art world,

she takes a leading role in her work.

And it changes the world.

This is not dress-up.

This is bravery.

This is a moment in art.

You must be one of Damian's gallerinas.

You think I work here?

I don't work.

What's wrong with working?


How else will you ever be able
to afford to give Cindy here a good home?

My father buys whatever I tell him to.
And someday it will all go to me.

Earning it beats inheriting it.

- Trust me.
- Trust you?

The person considering
buying that, uh, thing?

Instead of this?


[both laugh]

[Talia] I bought it, of course.

Oh, of course.

I liked her.

So she became part of my circle.
For a while.

Until she showed up in Ibiza.


Oh, Ibiza. Right.

- Ibiza.
- Yeah.

I was there with some friends

and she and Chase had texted
to let us know they were in town,

except it was strange right off the bat.

Wait, stop. What the f*ck is that boat?

Whose feed is that?

That's Talia's. She's in Ibiza.

That can't be her boat.

It's a yacht, and it's not.
It's this guy's.

f*ck, Henrick Knight?
That dude's huge in tech.

I saw him speak
at the Silicon Alley thing.

I need him to invest in Wake.

His endorsement could open
the floodgates for investment.

Hmm. Stanford, tennis player,
invested in biotech.

Net worth two billion.

Text Talia.

- Text her what?
- Tell her we're in Ibiza.

- But we're in Chelsea.
- Just do it. Tell her we're there.


- Are you serious?
- Yeah.

Uh… [laughs]

She's… she's answering.

- What did she say?
- Uh… she invited us for dinner.

f*ck! Uh, what should I tell her?

Tell her we're busy tonight,
we'll come by tomorrow.

- Chase…
- Tell her.

What? f*ck, okay, okay. [clears throat]


[Chase] Is she answering?

Hold on.

Dinner tomorrow?

We'd better book tickets.

Oh, no, I'm… I'm not.

My father is not happy
with me at the moment, so…

It's cool, I got it.

[Val] Well, I'm off.

Think of me in Paris
working four runway shows

in three days like a normal
while you two lounge here in my life.

We're going to Ibiza.

- Mmm. I loathe you.
- [Anna laughs]

[blows kisses]

Can we even get there by dinner?

[Anna laughs]

["Me Gusta" playing]

[Talia and Anna squeal]

[Talia] So crazy,
I can't believe we're both here!

[Anna] I know! What are the odds?

- [Chase] Hey, man.
- [Hen] How are you? Nice to meet you.

[Chase] Incredible yacht.
What's her max? 17 knots?

[Hen] On open sea she'll do 20.

Come on, I'll show you round.

[Talia] Bryce. Steve.


So I've definitely seen you
at Soho House, right?

No, I… I don't go there.

Oh, did they reject you?

I mean, Steve can totally hook you up.


I'd rather hang out at a McDonalds

or maybe start my own club
where I reject their members.

You should.
They let way too many people in.

It's so bro-y now.

Oh. Wait, I love your dress.

I know! It's perfection.

Thank you! I got it in town.

- Uh, I'll bring you by there. My treat.
- Oh, you really don't have to do that.

Yeah, not for me anyway.

Steve, like, gets off on buying me shit.

Don't you, Steve?

[laughs] Well, I'd argue,
but even if I win,

I lose, so yeah,
I get off on buying her shit. [laughs]

No, please, I'm happy to.

It's the least I can do
in return for the hospitality.

Well, salud.

- Salud.
- Salud.

- [Todd] Catherine!
- Did we have a meeting scheduled?

No meeting. I was just
wondering if we're playing dirty.

Because I wasn't planning on it,
but here you are, playing dirty,

so I thought I'd warn you,
this ends badly for you.

Todd, in order to feel threatened,
I have to know what you're talking about.

[laughs] Discovery?
You sent over a shoebox.

- Lane?
- It wasn't a shoebox.

It wasn't a shoebox.

I see, so I should plan on
showing up to trial with ten empty boxes

for all the evidence that
you'll have just magically discovered?

That's dirty!

Todd, two tips for you.
One, I do not play dirty. Ever.

Two, you will never know the law
better than I know the law.

- Oh.
- That is literally impossible.

And the law requires me
to process discovery disclosure

to the defense
in the most thorough manner possible.

That is what I have done.
And what I will continue to do.

Ad infinitum. In perpetuity.

I want every piece of evidence
you have by the end of this week.

Are you asking me
to waive my ethical responsibility

to act with due diligence in the execution

of my prosecutorial
professional responsibilities?

Everything, Catherine.


- You're sure?
- End of the week!


Sorry I'm late.
I needed to do some extra laps.

For me, Neff?

Thanks, love.

[exhales] So is this about visiting Anna?

You talked to Rachel?

She called. Crying.

Did you try to beat her up?

Kacy. It's Rachel.

[laughs] Don't. She's a sweetie.

She won't visit Anna.

[Kacy sighs]

You know Anna.
She is not ready for the real world.

She is going to
get upset about the service

or be herself to the wrong chick
and end up with a beatdown.

We cannot leave her alone in there.

She needs to look forward
to something. And Rachel…

She acts like
she barely knew Anna all of a sudden.

Like Anna is some stranger.
As if she's new to the situation.

She literally is walking
in Anna's shoes as we speak.

Red bottoms. Spring collection.

I wish I had hit her.

- My fist in Becky's face…
- Okay. Stop.



Neff, Rachel
is not visiting Anna in prison.

She has her reasons.

But I think it's wonderful that you are.


So do you want to do visits
every other week with me?

- Or twice a week, or…
- [chuckles] Baby.

I'm setting some boundaries
where Anna is concerned.

I will also
not be going to Rikers to see her.

But I'll always be here for you.


- Neff?
- I don't understand.

How do you just turn your back on someone?


The person in prison is not Anna Delvey.

Not the person we knew.

Anna Delvey doesn't exist.

That person in Rikers is somebody else.

Somebody who was pretending
to be Anna Delvey.

We don't know her.

- You don't know anything about her.
- She's Anna.

She may be your friend, Anna.

Or she may be a total stranger.

Do you want to go down there,
walk into that prison

and find out the person you thought
was one of your closest friends

was just a made-up character?

[all cheering]

[speaking Russian]

Vash… What's that?


What? I… I have no idea.

Sorry, I thought I caught
a little Ruskie in your accent.


To your health.

I did a year in Moscow during college.

The only thing I remember is the toasts.

For you.

- For you, my dear.
- [Bryce] Cheers!

- [Steve] A little sloppy.
- Cheers.

["Party for Me" playing]

- We're here.
- We made it.


I don't know how you do it, Talia.
Working sucks.

I just want to follow the party year-round

while those bozos
figure out a way to pay for it.

You know what I mean, Anna.

So where's next?

Oh, well, Stevie thinks…

Data is the new time.

Yes, but it's dream data.

Subjective, and honestly it sounds
about as valuable as, well, dreams,

which, I mean,
what's a bigger waste of time

than listening to someone
tell you their dreams?

Totally. The worst.

That's a small part of it.

…Miami in two weeks,
and who do you think wins that argument?

We're harvesting massive…

God, Chase is working Hen
so hard on this app of his.

He's so shameless.

…fantasies and the value…

He's just really passionate about it.

Sure, and that's great and all,
but we're on vacation.

He needs to chill.

[Talia] Hen!

Come on, let's dance!

- Just to close the thought...
- Chase, enough with the shop talk.

Uh, Hen, hold on.

Quick question. How old are you? Late 50s?

About that, yeah. Why?

Well, I'm just curious
what the age is when you draw the line.

I mean, a lot of what you just said,
and your whole attitude,

my father said the same things
to me back in high school

when I told him to invest in Facebook.

"Well, I have a telephone."

"Why wouldn't I just call my friends?"

But really what he meant was,

"I'm smarter than you, little girl,
and it's impossible that I'm not right."

Add a dash of misogyny
to that attitude and boom,

you too can lose
$100 million, just like that.

Which isn't a problem for Hen.
Obviously. He's doing just fine.

Well, so was my father.

The money is not the point.

The question's bigger than that.

You know, I wonder.
Is it that the closer you are to death

the more sure you need to be about life?

About the stuff you know,
or you think you know?

Because [laughs softly]
it can be scary to get old.

[Talia clears throat]

Is it?

This convo is really bumming me out.

Yeah. Let's all just...

What, no! Because I can relate.

I'm scared about what to do with my life.

So I avoid the question.

Try to outrun it.

But it haunts me.

Does death haunt you?

Anna, stop.

- You are a guest, my guest...
- [Hen] It's fine.

I can handle it.

Of course you can.

And he wants to answer.

Look at him.

I think about death
more these days, sure. So what?

Do you ever dream about it?

Do you think other people your age
dream about death?

The fear.

[Steve] Yeah.

They do.

If I'm Big Pharma,
wouldn't it be valuable to know this?

So I can sell you Xanax or whatever?

You're good.


She's good!

You say you're looking for a job?

Me? [laughs]

No, no. I made a pledge
not to work for others.

[Hen] Ah.

You can make a pledge too. If you like.

Here's the Kickstarter page for Wake.

I think you get a T-shirt.

If he reaches his goal, or something.

How's 100K?

Very generous. Thank you.

Great, now we dance.

[upbeat music playing]



And you, do you know how lucky you are?

She's incredible.

Be my partner.

Head of PR. Or funding. Or both.

I'll think about it.

You should be working for her, dude.

[all laugh]

[both laughing]

[Talia] Her energy was just… [sighs]

It was incredible to watch her blossom.

She blew us all away.

- And she was mad about Chase.
- You know what happens if you do this?

- What?
- I…

[Anna shrieking]

[Talia] And he was glued to her
every second of the day.

- [line ringing]
- [Anna] Talia, hi!

[Talia] And about a week later,
I got this strange call from Hen.

Where are you?

We're here, in Ibiza.

On the boat?

Yeah, we miss you!

Anna, what the f*ck?

We all left.

Hen left five days ago and just got a call
from his crew saying you were still there.

And I told him that was impossible

because who would just
stay on someone else's boat

that was a guest of a guest?

Ordering the crew around
as if they were your own...

Talia, Talia, calm down.

The boat's here, so we just
thought we'd stay for a few days.

Anna, get off the boat.

I can't believe I have to explain
to you how f*cked up this is,

and how bad it makes me look
that the people I invited...

Sorry, we'll leave. It's all fine.

How are you?

How am I?


Get the f*ck off the boat!

Wait, they stayed?

We had all gotten off together
and said goodbye.

- Who does that?
- How did they even get back on?

No idea.

But you know,

the cost alone for keeping the captain
and crew on a yacht for an extra week is…

It's about the same as if they'd
pushed Hen's Tesla off the dock.

That's how much boat time they stole.

Mmm. Do you think because Anna
grew up so entitled that she...

Anna, no.

Anna knows better.
This couldn't have been Anna's idea.

Chase was on the make,
taking whatever he could get.

But why would Anna
let him do that, or go along with that?

She was in love and stupid.

Did she ever apologize?

We never spoke again.

And that's the end
of our story, I'm afraid.

God, I'm so sorry. It's late, isn't it?

We should be going.

I… Let me just call my husband and...

You guys should stay.

It's too late to drive back.
There's plenty of room here.

Thank you, no.

- We have a motel, we're all set.
- Motel?

[Talia scoffs]

Nonsense. There's a guest cottage.

Anna stayed there a few times.

I put the Sherman in there, actually.
You could soak up the vibe or whatever.

- Jack, what are you...
- Do you feel that?

I feel you are insane.

Stop walking, stop talking,
just… do you feel that?

What is that?

The stone, it's...

Ninety-seven degrees.

Heated floors, literally equalized
to our body temperature.


No offense, but I want to f*ck this floor.

It gets better.

Inhale. [inhales]

- What is that?
- Sage.

This whole freaking compound
must be infused with it.

And yet, I can't find sage anywhere.
And I've looked.

Maybe it's not sage we're smelling,
maybe it's money.

Don't bother with that cheap thing.

[Jack] Hmm?

First we are going to use
every product in this cabinet,

and then we are going to have so much sex.

Hell yeah.

I could swim home.

- That's how well I slept.
- Mmm.

These sheets are
made of kittens or something.

I can't move. I won't move.

How many rooms like this
do you think Anna's been in?

She had a good life.

[sentimental music playing]

[siren wailing in background]

[doorbell rings]

If only you could afford me.

You saw them in Paris
right after they left Ibiza, right?

Okay, Ibiza.
What exactly went down in Ibiza?

Do you know? Did Talia tell you?

Look at you, all intrigued.

Why do you care what happened in Ibiza?

All I know is that when I met up with them
in Paris everything was different.

It was Fashion Week.

I was styling three shows

and we were holed up
in the suite at the Hotel Gulacsy.

I was working hard,
they were partying hard,

and the seams
were really starting to show.

[exhilarating music playing]

- [applause and cheering]
- [Anna speaking indistinctly]

Too much personality up there.

- Never pull focus from the fabric.
- Sorry, Val.

[Anna] Talia saw my potential,
and you totally k*lled that connection.

I'm offering you in
on the ground floor of Wake. Angel level.

And I don't want it!

Do you have any idea what that's worth?

A percentage of nothing
is still nothing, you moron.

You just want my money.

Your money?
What money? I pay for everything.

And it doesn't matter
because I want to do my own thing.

What? What thing?

I don't know yet! I don't know. I…

Something big. Something that's mine.

- That's monumental.
- Wake is going to be f*cking huge.

[Anna] No, you're not listening.

Try getting outside
of yourself for one f*cking second.

Try being less
of a psycho for one f*cking second!

Okay! Enough, Chase. Cool it.

Walk away, Val.

Like you did on the VIP tickets
that I busted my ass to get you?

It's clothes on stick people.

Who gives a f*ck?

[Anna sighs]

You know what?

She's all yours.

I'm out.

[Anna] Chase!

Chase, seriously?

Seriously? What? He's a child.

He… he's a f*cking toddler. I swear!

Let's find some f*cking champagne

and watch some movies
and hate all men but me.

[Anna] Yeah.

Hey, where are you?

- Are you with Anna?
- Yeah.

I need a favor.


I need you to check Anna's passport.

Why? Check it for what?

Just check it.
Look at it for me, will you?

I'm not checking her passport.
That is so creepy.

I think she's lying to me.

- I know she's lying to me.
- About what?

- I'm hanging up.
- About her money, for one thing.

Chase, seriously.

The girl's a walking ATM.
She's practically royalty.

Just check. It'll only take a second.

- No.
- What's the big deal?

If it's not a big deal
then check yourself.

Where are you?
Are you high? You sound high.

Just come over here
and talk to your girlfriend.

Never mind.

Did you tell Anna? Ask her about her name?

I had no reason to.

The questionable behavior
was all Chase at this point.

At this point?
So there's a point where that shifted?

[Anna giggling]

[elevator dings]

- Come on, one night cap. Loser.
- Lush. No. Uh-uh.

Ms. Delvey.

Ms. Delvey,
we haven't received the transfer.

We called the bank.
They haven't been given any instructions.

I'm afraid I have
to ask you for another credit card.

- Not now.
- She gave you a card.

- Didn't you?
- [Anna] I did!

- Ms. Delvey.
- You have all my cards.

- Run them again!
- I've run them already.

Then there must be
a problem with the system.

- I need another card or cash.
- Well, run them.

Don't you want to be paid? [chuckles]

My father will be very unhappy
that I was treated this way.

You could call your father
and get a working card.

Are you siding with this little
power-hungry middle manager?

- Insulting me won't help.
- I need my pills and to lie down.

Well, my father will wire
the money as soon...

It's the middle of the night.
There are no banks open to wire it.

In the morning then. Come on.


My God. We can't even… This is absurd.

I just need the pills from my bag.

We're holding your possessions
until payment is received.

You have several forms of payment.
This is your problem, not ours!

f*ck this. I'm gonna call Chase
and he'll cover it.

No. I will fix this.

- How?
- Well, just run them again.

Anna! No, I need my pills.
I need to sleep.

I have a big day at work tomorrow.

- Let me call Chase.
- No, you will not call him. I'll fix this.

- Fine, I'll call Nora.
- Wait, no, do not call Nora.

- It's embarrassing.
- It's beyond that. We'll be homeless.

Val! No!

Okay, this is absurd. Let us into a room.
This is becoming a medical emergency.

There is a very simple solution to this.

I need a working credit card.

Ms. Delvey.


Val, I'm…

I'm… I'm sorry. I've…

My father…

I'm… I'm so… I'm so alone.

He cut… he cut me off.
He… he cuts… He cuts me off. I…


I'll pay.

I'll… I'll pay. I'll… I'll pay.

I just… I just need to…

I can… I can pay.

I can… I can pay.

I can… I can pay.

I can… I'm sorry. I can… I… I can pay.

I… I…

Sorry for all the trouble.
She's going through a tough time.

[speaking French]


This way, please.

So Chase paid? Why? Was she broke?

Broke? No way.

Broken, perhaps. [chuckles]

I've never seen anyone so fierce
turn so fragile so quickly.

I'd say get a room,

but with you two
that can be rather fraught.

[chuckles] Good morning.

I'm already late.

So many shops, so little time.

- Bye.
- Bye.


This on-again, off-again
is giving me whiplash.

What can I say? I'm in love with her.

We had a long talk and she's just…

She's now totally committed
to building Wake with me.

And watching her,
how passionate she is, how smart.

And posh.

Once that trust of hers kicks in.

I'm still covering her expenses.

But yeah, someday soon.

One way or another,
we'll be an unstoppable power couple.

[laughs softly]

Listen, uh, I did what you asked.

I checked her passport.

And you were right.

Her last name is listed as Sorokin.

Not Delvey. It's Russian.

Common as Smith, apparently.

The passport is German,
but she was born outside of Moscow.

I'm sure that
there's a logical explanation

and I'm guessing it was traumatic,

given what was on display
in the hotel lobby last night.

Maybe they escaped.
You know, got run off by Putin.

Or some oligarch's personal militia.

But whatever happened,

there is something
seriously broken inside of her,

and we need to find a way to help her.


I should go.

I wouldn't have told you,
but if you saw how upset she was…

No man, I appreciate it. Really.

What about London? Are we still going?

Uh, yeah.

What are we going to do
about this situation?

- This girl needs help.
- Don't worry. We'll talk about it later.

Meet you at the hotel.

[Val] I met up with them.

It wasn't even an hour later.

Not even 60 minutes.

God, finally. Ten more minutes
and we'd have to swim the Channel.

- You could have gone without us.
- Nonsense, you'd be lost without me.

[Chase] You'd be lost without your pills,
that's what I hear.



Did something happen?

Something like
you rifling through people's bags.

Checking their passports.

[Val] He's joking.


Tell her.

He told me to do it.

You told me to do it!


You're f*cking with me.
Oh, God. You f*ckers.

I would never do that to you.

He told me to.

- Chase? Tell her, you f*ck!
- It's f*cked up, Val.

- It's just like a total invasion...
- You told me to do it!

You begged me. I said no!
And then you begged me to.

Sorry, my friends have gone insane.

Bat-shit crazy.

This is exactly the type of outburst
that is warranted in this situation.

You're such a disappointment.

You're entitled and unstable.

And you are straight-up lying
about how all this went down.

You're the one who went through her shit.

That's f*cked up, Val.
Can you not admit that?

You are the f*cked-up,
f*cking psycho assh*le

who told me to check her f*cking passport!

- Sir, you must leave. Now.
- I couldn't agree more. He is using you.

You know you're just
a walking piggy bank in his eyes.

Now come on and let's get out of here.

We'll miss our train.

- [Chase] See you around, Val.
- [car door closes]

[car engine starts]

Oh, my God, that must have been horrible.


Nothing in my world
lasts more than a season.

Normcore, that was traumatic.

But why would Anna turn on you like that?

I don't understand.

Stop following me. I've got work to do.

Can you give me a contact for Chase?



I still don't understand
why they dumped you.

You did nothing wrong.


What do they have her in?





♪ You know you gotta feel your destiny ♪

♪ And no one can tell you
It's not meant to be ♪

♪ You're gonna make it
Oh, you're gonna make it… ♪

[truck beeping]

[Todd] That beeping sound,

that's the sound
the universe makes to inform you

that you just f*cked
yourself really, really hard.

♪ I believe in you and me
We about to get this money ♪

♪ I believe in you and me
We about to get this money ♪

♪ Manifest the bag, the swag… ♪

[softly] f*ck me.

♪ No one can see
All the things you can see ♪

♪ And you know
You gotta feel your destiny ♪

♪ And no one can tell you
It's not meant to be ♪

♪ You're gonna make it
Oh, you're gonna make it ♪

♪ You're gonna make it
Oh, you're gonna make it ♪

♪ Make it, oh, you're gonna make it ♪

♪ You're gonna make it
Oh, you're gonna make it ♪

♪ No one can see
All the things you can see… ♪

[prison guard] Check. Check. Check.

♪ And no one can tell you
It's not meant to be ♪

♪ You're gonna make it
Oh, you're gonna make it ♪

♪ You're gonna make it
Oh, you're gonna make it ♪

♪ Make it, oh, you're gonna make it… ♪

[sensor beeping]

♪ How bad do you want it? ♪

♪ How bad do you want it? ♪

♪ This bad, how bad? ♪

♪ This bad, how bad? ♪

[indistinct chatter]


[door buzzes and opens]




Sorokin, that's you!

[door buzzes]

Where the hell have you been?

We need to talk about Chase.

Is he the reason you're in trouble?

Or are you the reason
why I can't find him anywhere?

[door buzzes and opens]

[keys jingling]

[door closes]

[Anna] I don't have
to be friends with everyone.

You think that there was some evolution,
like in the movies or whatever…

But I was always who I am.


We have to go. We're going to be late.

[sighs] God, what now?


Or is it Sorokin?

Anna Sorokin, da?

- I changed my name, so what?
- Your name or your identity?

There are lots of Anna Sorokina.

But only one Anna Delvey.

Plus, it just sounds better.

Better? As in, not Russian?

What the f*ck?
Why are you sulking like a little baby?

So you are Russian?

[scoffs] I was born there, who cares?

- Who the f*ck are you?
- Wh…

[groans] We really
don't have time for this.

What else are you lying about?
Who the f*ck are you?

I do not have time for this!

I do not have time for you!

I have offered you everything I have

and you don't have the time
to tell me the truth about who you are?

Who are you?

I'm building something.

A home. In New York.
For artists, for patrons.

Studio spaces,
rotating exhibitions open for the public.

But also spaces for the most
exclusive and fabulous club of its kind.

It will be the pinnacle
of the global art world,

and I will stand at the top of it.

The gatekeeper and the glue.

Who am I?

This club,
this foundation will be who I am.

What I am.

I have to build this

so artists and people like me
finally have a home.

Somewhere safe.

A place where they belong.

A place where I belong.

Are you going to stand in the way of that?

Or help me?

Tell me now because I can't.

I honestly just have way too much to do.

And I've wasted too much time as it is.

It's beautiful.


I want to help you realize this,

whatever it takes.

Is where I'm born going to get
in the way of who I want to be?

No. Why should it?

Because I can't have anyone
questioning my background as I do this.

- I know.
- No one.

They won't.

You did.


Your passport.

You read my f*cking passport?


Then who did?


No one?

No one.

[grunts in frustration]

[keys jingle]

[cell door opens]