03x15 - Sabrina and the Pirates

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". Aired: September 27, 1996 – April 24, 2003.*
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Based off the comic book series, Sabrina a magical witch and her black talking cat Salem navigate the teenage years together.
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03x15 - Sabrina and the Pirates

Post by bunniefuu »



Oh, who'd call us at this hour?

Oh, we have to send our magic in
for its -year overhaul.

Consumer Reports says

be careful where
you tune up your magic.

You could get ripped off.

Well, it's gonna
take me a couple of weeks

to clear off my magic to-do list.

When do we have to send it in?


Hilda, is it possible

that you forgot to mention
a previous warning?

- Or three.
- Three?

Zellie, you wouldn't hurt
an unarmed girl, would you?

So how about that weather?

Is it seasonal, or what?


Well, Sabrina,
thanks to the incompetence

of your Aunt Hilda, the two of us
are going to be without magic

for a couple of days.

Wow, that sort of makes me
the most powerful woman

- in the household.
- In a way.

What would the most powerful woman
in the household have for breakfast?

I know, ice cream.

Long live the teen.

Tonight's show will bowl you over.

Why do we have to look
for the Family Secret Board now?

Because Sabrina's at school,
and I wanna surprise her with it.

Oh, yeah.

I can't wait to see the look of
indifference on her face. Oh!

Didn't you get the memo?

This is my fort.

Salem, what are you doing here?

Looking for something to play with.

All my toys have developed

an unfortunate patina of spit.

Have you seen
the Family Secret Board?

No, but it might help
if I knew what it was.

It's an ancient heirloom.

Sabrina will use it to display
the clues to the family secret,

so she can decipher them
and solve it.

- There.
- See it?

No, but I believe that's an old
shoe I haven't had my way with.

- Wait. I think I found something.
- In the rodent family? Please, God.

One priceless antique.

Oh, wonderful.

And three pirates.


Hilda, you were supposed to
free these men a hundred years ago.

I blame the McKinley
administration. Sorry.

- Oh.
- That's okay.

Well, the Witches' Council
isn't going to be happy about this.

Housing prisoners is a sacred duty.

Almost as sacred as letting them go.

Excuse me.
May we have some water?

And maybe some oxygen?

Oh, yeah.

Yes, of course.


And maybe a bath.

Oh-ho. Ho-ho-ho.


Oh, y-- Oh, y-- Oh, yes!

Hey, where'd Hilda and Zelda go?

Oh, well. Tassels.

Guys, the new club on Grover

is opening tonight,
and we have to go.

I can't. I've gotta go to the library.

I promised my mom
I'd research car seats

to find the safest kind.

Apparently, the ones they used
for us were death-traps.

See you later.

We have to go to this club.
It's an over- club.

That means people there are driving,
getting ready to go to college

and maybe even have
part-time jobs.

- Valerie, you just described us.
- Yeah, but they're all over .

Oh, don't you tickle me,
you little stringy thingy,

because I'm the boss, and I-- No!


The Family Secret Board.

Well, needless to say,
Uh-oh. "SpaghettiOs."

So, what did
the Witches' Council say?


"Since their release is so--"
And "so" is underlined.

we have to rehabilitate them

before the council
will restore their magic

and return them
to polite witch society.

Well, that shouldn't be so hard.

They seem to respond well to food.

Sit. See?


You know, I've said this a lot
over the last few hundred years,

but I'm going to say it again-- Oh.

This is all your fault.

I can't pick a diaper service.
It's too hard.

You said the same thing when your
parents asked you to do their taxes.

I found out the club has
a great band playing tonight.

Listen, Valerie, I'm not in the mood,

Harvey's busy, we're not .

- It's 'N Sync.
- And that changes everything.


"Tidy Diaper"?

"Dr. Doodie"?

Why couldn't my parents
just get a dog?

"Heirloom: A family item

passed from
one generation to the next.

Usually irreplaceable."


I guess I gotta fix that board,

or find a more forgiving dictionary.

Let's try it again.

Walk through the living room
like gentlemen.




- Big improvement.
- Yes, much better than last time,

when you got liquored up
and set the couch on fire.


Hi. I've gotta hurry.

I've gotta wait in line
to see a cool band.

The club's on Grover, the Mineshaft.

Valerie'll be there.
I'll be home by curfew.

Love you both.

Why are there pirates
in the living room?

- Hello.
- Ha-ha-ha.

What we're doing is not bad.

No. It's not close to bad.
It's...not bad.

- We're practically .
- It's a just number.

- We won't smoke or drink.
- I won't curse.

We'll tell them our friends are inside,
and they have our ID's.

Sail in like we've been here
a million times.

- ID's?
- We don't have any.

We're only .

Maybe we should've rehearsed
a little bit more.


Deh. There. That's one.

Only about a million more pieces
of this heirloom to go.

Maybe it's time to start exploring

the options
in running away from home.

I'm looking forward to cringing every
time I think about what just happened.

Sabrina, Valerie.
I saw what happened.

Here's a place where
you can get fake ID's fast.

- Tear it up. We're not going there.
- You're right.

Let's hurry it up. 'N Sync is starting.

This doesn't seem like
a very good neighbourhood.

Yeah, the place where
I commit my other crimes

is usually much more upscale.

- Yeah?
- Actually...

- ID's? Twenty bucks.
- Yeah.

Come on.


Heh-heh. Here.

Can you see the picture?

Urban decay doesn't make
for the best light.

- We're not doing anything wrong.
- No, absolutely nothing wrong.


I feel very proud-- Cops!


You know what would
make this go faster?

Hands, and a work ethic.

You're at a dinner party
and there are ladies present.

- Oh!
- Ladies.

- So you...?
- I know.

- Excellent.
- There you go, milady.


Now the ladies are seated.
And then you...?


- Hilda!
- What?

We're just minutes
away from being deaf.

- Out.
- What happened?

I think I see the problem.

I'm not a cross-eyed redhead,

and you're not
a middle-aged black man.

Now, Hilda's going to pretend
to be a salesman.

- Let's review.
- No running.

- Or screaming.
- Right.

Good, good.


- Hello there.
- Ha, ha!


Okay, no.

You don't greet a guest
by stabbing them.

- Oops.
- This bumbling-idiot thing,

it's really starting to wear thin.

Sabrina, you're home early.

Yeah, it hasn't been a good night.

Sorry. Mine hasn't exactly been
stellar either. Would you mind?

Okay, this once.

If I start leaking bile, mister,

someone's getting a time-out.

Meh. Finally, the last piece.

Now all I have to do is put
the whole thing back together,

or I could tell
Hilda and Zelda the truth

and take my punishment like a man.

Where's the hot glue g*n?

Uhn! What are you doing home
in your room?

'N Sync was playing at the Mineshaft,
but I couldn't get in,

because I'm not
completely old enough.

You should get a fake ID.

What kind of person
do you think I am?

A person who should be
out of the house on a Friday night.

Especially out of her room.

You know, the Other Realm
has excellent fake ID's.

Really? The Other Realm?

- What is this, a fake ID franchise?
- Evening. Fake ID?

Two, please. One for me
and my friend Valerie.

- She looks like--
- No problem.

Huh. These are great.

I especially like my evening gown.
But do you think my hair...?



First, I'll get
all the edge pieces together.

Let's see... Hmm.

A tassel.

Don't toy with me, you saucy minx.

Oh-ho-ho. Ha-ha.

I can't believe how good these are.

- Where'd you get them?
- Oh, the same place.

I just complained to the manager,
and they made everything right.

I never think to do things like that.


They're not fake,
if that's what you're thinking.

- Not that you would be thinking--
- She's just very excited.

You know, us being able
to vote and everything.

Go in.


- Hey, I'm an organ donor.
- Ha-ha.

Now, there's soda, and there's rum.

Which would you like to drink?

Now, remember, you're on parole.

- Oh.
- Exactly.



- Go for the jugular!
- Hilda!

I am sorry, but they're
getting on my nerves.

Come on! Come on!


Baby, I don't understand

Just why we can't be lovers

Things are getting
Out of hand

Coming to this club
was the best idea I've ever had.

- God bless fake ID's.
- Whoo!

But, baby, we can win

Let it go

If you want me, girl
Let me know

I am down

On my knees

I can't take it anymore

It's tearin' up my heart

When I'm with you

But when we are apart

I feel it too

And no matter what I do

Nah! It took all evening,
but I put the board together.

Man, -year-olds have fun.


- What was that?
- Candy wrappers.

Boy, am I beat.

I'm going to put this away
the magical way.


- Hey!

Sorry, sweetie, but now that
you have an Other Realm fake ID,

your magic is also fake.

My magic is fake?

Why can't they just outlaw
all the illegal stuff?

Okay, I'm not gonna panic.
Maybe it's just certain types

of magic that are fake. I'll just
put myself over there by the window.


Okay, now I'm queasy.

Try seeing that
with cat food in your stomach.

Your magic is now just an illusion.

It may look real,
but when you examine it closer,

you see it's really fake.

Gotta get rid of this thing.

Stupid lamination.

Maybe your aunts can help.

Good idea.
They always get a kick out of

"Sabrina defying authority" stories.

- If told with puppets.
- I just have to avoid them

until I can figure this all out.

Sabrina! Hurry!

- Stupid.
- I just asked:

"What do you do
when a lady comes in the room?"

- He got it wrong.
- Could you help, please?



- Odd.
- Oh, I think my finger's tired.

Have you tried this?


- Gotta go.
- I'll just keep this for a while, mister.

Aha. It says here, "If more than one ID
was procured, all must be returned."

That's the answer.

One a.m.
Too late to visit Valerie?

Not if you don't mind an arrest report
on your record.

You're right.

I'll just get it from her
first thing tomorrow.


What are these hard pieces
in my bed?

The broken shards of my future.

- Very nice.
- Ho-ho-ho.

- Fine.
- I'm fine. Heh.

- Have you been gutting fish again?
- Well, just...

I've gotta go. Early Bible study.

Could you zap in breakfast
before you go?

No time. First prayer's
always the best.

- Okay, well, I guess it's Tang again.
- Oh, Tang. No.

Hey, Sabrina.

My mom liked
the changing table I picked out.

- Oh, terrific.
- It's brown.

- Wanna see a picture?
- Sure.

Valerie, I need to get
that ID back from you.

- My mom has it.
- Why did you give it to her?

She found it,
but luckily she was lenient.

I'm just not allowed
to have any fun ever again.

So would it be a problem
to steal it back from her?

I know I've said it before,

but the pirates being here
is all your fault.

Oh, pipe down and help me
find the cattle prod.

ZELDA: What is this?
- Toast.

Oh, yeah. You got a message
from the Other Realm.

- Got stuck in my sourdough.
- Do you remember what it said?

"Your magic is ready
to be picked up."

Give or take a butter stain or two.

- Finally.
- Yes!

Now when those barbarians
go to kiss us,

we can remove their lips. Let's go.

Wait, wait, wait.

We can't just leave
the pirates here alone.

- They're sleeping.
- Yes, but for how long?

You don't know how hard
you hit them with that vase.

I'm home.


Dear, would you mind
keeping an eye on the pirates

while we run to the Other Realm?

You can handle them.

- You've got magic.
- But--

They're sleeping in the dining room.

Don't ask.

Okay, I can handle this. No problem.

I'll just tiptoe
so they don't wake up.



Sabrina, my parents
are freaking out.

- The ID is talking.
- What?

Oh, that's just a security device.

I'm the only one
who knows how to turn it off.

- I'll bring it right over.
- Good.

- No! Pirates!
- Pirates?

I didn't say pirates. I said, by gum.

By gum, don't come here.
We'll meet halfway.

At school.

What if they wake up?

There. That should hold them.

There. One crisis averted, one to go.



So our magic is being delivered
to our house.

And, as usual,
Salem got it wrong.

And as usual the Magic
Maintenance Department

- was rude about it.
- At least Sabrina's

keeping an eye on the pirates.


I hope that was just fiction
about pirates eating cats.

Whoo! Ha-ha.

Oh, not the board.
Anything but the board! Oh!

Or the cat.





We got magic.



- I love magic.
- Ha-ha-ha!


I'm so sorry.

I never should've gotten
the talking ID's.

- I saw the lips move.
- Oh.

Hologram. You know criminals.
They're always a step ahead.

Yeah, but it was yelling at me.

Oh, hey! I think I see your parents.
Aren't you grounded?

- I'll crawl back through the sewers.
- Okay.

Two of two ID's do I wield

Take them back
So my magic will be real

Yes. Pirates!

Oh, thank heavens they're still here.


What do the words

"stay home and watch
the pirates" mean to you?

- Sorry. I'll free you.
- You can't. We're magically tied.

- How? The pirates don't--
- The pirates got our magic. Don't ask.


- Please, do something to stop them.
- Sure.

You should just know
that I only left

to help someone in trouble: Me.



Thank goodness I have magic.

Which witch should we k*ll first?


- It's Peter Pan!
- You're all codfishes.

- We're doomed.

A wire? I was flying by wire?
It was an illusion?

Gotta go.

Ah. I'll never bat a tassel again.

I sent back both ID's.
Why is my magic still fake?

They said you had to return all ID's.
They didn't say that would fix things.

You know, I'm getting a little
tired of these technicalities.

ZELDA: Sabrina!
- And that!

Please let this be good news.


- Oh, could be worse.
- Sabrina, there are sharks!

- Help!
- Okay,

this may not be the best
time to tell you,

but I got a fake ID
from the Other Realm

- and now my magic is no longer real.
- Just point!


You couldn't have replaced it
with pillows?

Get up fast. The t*nk's gonna
come back. It's just an illusion.

You're fine now.
Get our magic back.


Why did my magic come back?

To get rid of fake magic
caused by a fake ID,

you have to confess
to the adults in charge

and accept their punishment.
Get my magic!


All I-- All I have to do

is get the board down to the basement,
and no one will ever know.

What the--?


What's my punishment?

We'll let you know
pending our survival.

- Look out!
- Aah!




Thank you.

- Aah!
- No, it's going for my magic.



You fought a good fight.

Thanks. Man, it was tough.

Like a real test, you know?

- Almost like a punishment, I'd say.
- And yet, it wasn't.

- No. We had something else in mind.
- Taking down the boat.

By hand.


Ow! I got another splinter.

Why couldn't the pirates
have conjured a sanded boat?

How ever you decide
to handle that wound,

do not, I repeat,
do not chew your hand off.

I had a cat friend
who learned that the hard way.

This seems
to be coming along well.

I got a splinter.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
tell it to Child Services.

- What about Valerie?
- I told her parents I got the ID's.

Expect a phone call
from them berating you.

Well, this whole pirate ordeal started

because we were looking
for the board you need

to decode the family secret.

I see.
So the punishment continues?

- Salem!
SALEM: I tried so hard.

I'm not a puzzle person.

It's okay. It's the effort that counts.

Were you drunk?

We'll just have
to use the other board.

Th--? There's another board?


Okay, these are my clues
to the family secret.

Which relative gave me
a picture of fire?

SALEM: One of the pirates.
- I'm related to them?

It involves a third cousin

and a crazy night
in Kingston, Jamaica.

You know, with all the clues
nicely displayed like that,

I still can't begin
to figure out the family secret.

Think it has something
to do with manure?

- Where do you get that?
- I just like saying manure.


- Please?
- I've got an idea.

Enjoy the show. No ID required.

Your love is like a river

Peaceful and deep

Your soul is like a secret

That I never could keep

When I look into your eyes

I know that it's true

God must have spent

A little more time on you
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