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Boonie Bears: The Wild Life (2021)

Posted: 03/13/22 21:35
by bunniefuu
[water splashing]

[whale splashing]
[blow hole whistling]

[whale singing]

[whale splashing]

[bright lively music]

[logo chiming]

[upbeat lively music]

[wings fluttering]

[bright chiming music]

[wind whistling]

[upbeat lively music]

[Tom] When we're children,

we strive to be as
free as possible,

like birds soaring
through the air,

but when we grow up, we are
burdened with responsibilities,

but we can still be happy.

We can still be free.

We just have to look at
things from a new perspective.

Tomorrow, a brand new
transforming package will launch

and with it, the chance to
truly find your own Wild Land.

[gentle mysterious music]

[bright cheerful music]

[wind whooshing]

[lively joyous music]

[waterfall splashing]

[water splashing]

[engine rumbling]

[horn honking]

Oh, hi Wendy.

Don't worry. I've
got everything ready.

Just waiting for the tourists.

[upbeat lively music]

Looking good and booking tours.

[phone rings]


Hello? This is Victor.

How can I help you today?

What? Raymond?

Ah, man, long time,
no see! [laughs]

You're in town?
Okay, sounds great.

All right, we're
gonna have a reunion.

[chuckles] Yeah!

[engine roars]


This is awesome! [laughs] Yes!

[tires squealing]

[tires springing]

[van thudding]

[tires squealing]

[tires springing]

[van whooshes]
[words thudding]

[title chiming]

[birds chirping]

[engine rumbling]
[brakes squealing]

[Vick grunts]

[Vick gasps]

[Vick laughs]

[Vick grunts]

[Vick chuckles]

[door thuds]
[Vick grunts]

- Hey, Vick!
- Surprise!

[Vick yells]

[Bramble and Briar grunting]

[Bramble laughs]

Darn it, you
guys. Aw, forget it.

I've been having a great day
and I won't let you ruin it.

Does that mean we
can watch some TV?

[sighs] Yeah. Go for it.


[Bramble thuds]

[paw pats]

He's gotten so nice since you
became a tour guide. [laughs]

♪ Boom, chocka, boom, chocka ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Boom, chocka, boom, chocka ♪
Wow, Vick, you seem

super happy today.
♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪

Ha, ha.

That's true. Did you
hit it big or something?

A new van, new books,
a brand-new outfit,

handsome. [laughs]

Keep your paws off me.

[chuckles] Spill the beans.

I got to tour. A big one too.

I'm gonna make so much money.

I see. So that
makes you happy.

You like honey, I like money.

You can do anything
if you have the cash,

anything, I'll be able
to do anything I want.

Huh? Hey, but wait.

Look, your last group was
so long ago. What happened?

I didn't invest back into
the business, that's all.

But with this
incredible new van here,

[snaps fingers]

I'll have more groups
than ever before, see?

We'll be able to go conquer
volcanoes, tame the seas,

delve deep into the jungles.
[animal growling]

[Vick laughing]
[Briar and Bramble grunting]

Just like in the movies.

Hm, sounds like fun.

- [phone rings]
- Oh, hm?

[chuckles] Now if
you'll excuse me,

I have a phone call.

[Briar laughs]

[remote control clicks]

Wendy, [laughs] are
the tourists ready?

I'm gonna be there soon.

[Wendy] Vick, your
group has canceled.

No problem. What, cancel?

- [glass shatters]
- They all went to Wild Land.

Hold on.

I had to take out a loan
to get the van, Wendy.

What am I supposed to do?

[phone beeping]


[Vick thuds]

[Vick sighs]

Oh, typical.

[Vick sighs]

[Phoenix] Ever wanted
to fly like a bird

or run like a cheetah?

Tired of your boring,
ordinary life?

[Bramble] Whoa!

[Phoenix] Are you ready for

- the ultimate getaway?
- That'd be awesome!

- I wanna go!
- No way. You're a bear.

You would scare everyone.

Hey guys, what are
you watching? [gasps]

[lasers chiming]

Are you ready to
live your best life?

Well, come on down to Wild Land!

[logo chiming]

Oh, wow, that's new.

[automobiles rumbling]

[upbeat lively music]

[birds chirping]

[engine roaring]

[tires squealing]

[door whirring]

What's up? Yo, it's me.

What's going on everybody?

Live at Pine Tree Mountain,

it's your fave,
Big Ray the Great.

[tires squealing]

[tires springing]

Whoa, this van is
absolutely wild!

[crowd clapping]

[crowd cheering]

It's Vick!


Whoa, Vick!
[Vick grunts]

- It's really you!
- Yeah, yeah.

You haven't grown a
bit since high school.

Come here, say hi to my fans.

[chuckles] Hi.
[notifications beeping]

Ray, you seem a
little different.

[Raymond] Of course!
'Cause I livestream.

Also, call me Big Ray.

I wonder if all our classmates

have arrived yet
for the meeting.

[lively cheerful music]

[machine whirs]
[machine pops]

[steam whooshes]

[Classmate] Hey, guys, I
got lost, uh, in my garden.

I can't find a way out!

[Classmate] It's
Teddy's birthday today.

How about you guys
come to my place?

[Classmate] I'm
on the red carpet

at this film festival right now.

I'll see you guys later.

[Classmate] Hey,
Raymond, I just got

some new mummies for my shop.

I need to retouch up
the wrappings, though.

There might come back to
life! Talk to you later!

[signal beeps]

Everyone RSVP'd and
now they're not free.

Why even bother if you're
not going to come? Hm.

I guess everyone's
just too busy.

That was a bust. So
let's go drink some tea.

Hey, Raymond, have you heard

of this place called Wild Land?

I lost a whole
tour group to them.

What do they have that
I don't? [sighing]

- Huh?
- Huh?

You've never heard of it?


Dude, they turn
you into an animal.


Lions, tigers, everything.

You can turn into anything
you want in the world.

[sighs] I don't even
wanna be a human now.

[Vick laughing]

I'm not kidding. It's for real!

Well, hang on. Check
out this video.

[bright upbeat music]

That's great. Your
pet won a contest.

That's me.


That's right.

I did the tournament last year

and you'll never guess what.

I got third place.

There's a tournament?
What do you have to do?

You do challenges as animals.

First place is $ million.

A million?

Mm-hm, but it gets
better. Check this out.

These are the previous winners.

Now they're all famous.

They're in movies or on
TV making lots of money.

It's my dream to stand
on top of that podium.

That does sound good.

- Really? Well then-
- Huh?

How about we team up?

Say what?

Of course! You've got skills.

You're a tour guide. You're
the perfect teammate.

The two of us could win this
whole thing. Just trust me.

But what about my tour groups?

Come on. How much cash
do you make from a tour?

If we win this, you could lead
tours around the whole world.

[engine roaring]

Okay, I'll meet you at
Wild Land. See you there.

[engine roaring]
[tires squealing]

Oh, $ million sure
would change things for me.

[phone rings]


Hey, Wendy.

[Wendy] [sighs] Finally!
Did you watch the video yet?


I want to see the trees!

I, I wanna see the bears.

[Children] We want to
go to Pine Tree Mountain!

[Wendy] This class wants to
take a field trip tomorrow.

I had to bend over
backwards for this.

[Vick laughing]
I hope you're happy.

Oh boy.

[Wendy] I knew you'd love it.

This is great.
Oh, I can't do it.

I've already got
something else on.

I'm so sorry, Wendy.

[Wendy] Say what?
Some other time then.

[lively music]


[van door thuds]

[engine rumbles]

[tires squealing]

[engine roaring]

[gentle calm music]

[Vick snoring]

[Vick gasps]

Oh, no! I'm late!

[chuckles] Oh, I've gotta hurry.

Whoa! [chuckles]

[Bramble grunts]

Vick's up early.
He sure is in a rush.

Wonder where he's going.

[laughs] Wild Land
contest, here I come.

Ooh! [gasps] He's
going to Wild Land!

[tooth dings]

[engine rumbles]

[Bramble yells]

Hang on. He's going now?

[engine roaring]

[tires squealing]

[tires springing]

[van thuds]

[bright lively music]

[laughs] Wild Land,
oh boy! I can't wait!

[birds chirping]

Bramble! Bramble!

Where did he go?
What a troublemaker.


Stop yelling!

How dare you ruin
my royal slumber?

Uh, sorry. I'm just looking
for Bramble. [chuckles]

Looky here, I am very sure

that he followed
victor into town.

Darn it, Bramble. You're
always up to something.

[light bouncy music]


[elevator doors whirring]

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, hang on, hang on,

hey, wait for me!

That was close, thank you.

[elevator whooshing]

[elevator doors whirring]

[crowd chattering indistinctly]

[camera shutter clicking]

[camera whirring]

[camera shutter clicking]


[image whooshing]

[Phoenix] Feel
the power of nature.

Enjoy the thrills of a new
transformation package.

[upbeat lively music]

[Crowd Member] New animal
options? This is so cool!

[Crowd Member] They
even got new equipment!

- Wow, this is good.
- I wonder why

it's such a big deal.

- It's just a bracelet.
- I'm so excited! [laughs]

♪ Na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na ♪


♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪

[coins jingling]

That's beautiful. [laughs]

[camera shutter clicking]

- Ah.
- It was ridiculous!

Oh, hey, I'm Shirley.

I'm putting together a
photography assignment.

Do you mind if I
use your picture?

Do you like it?

Hey, now that's a
tall glass of water.

[Phoenix] The Happiness
Express will arrive soon.

[lively cheery music]

[train car whooshing]

- [crowd member laughing]
- It's here!

[crowd cheering]

Hey, hey, uh!

[grunts] I don't need Vick.

I can get there
myself. [grunting]

[Bramble laughs]

[doors thudding]

[train car whooshing]

[Bramble laughing]

I'm almost there! Here I come!

[bright upbeat music]

[train car whooshing]

[singers vocalizing]

[feet thudding]

[birds whooshing]

[logo chiming]

[Phoenix] Outfit
change complete.

- [laughs] These are awesome.
- Enjoy yourselves.

[electricity crackles]

Whoa! Ha!

[Vick laughs]

[grunts] Pardon me.

[suit thuds]

[Vick gasping]


[Vick yelling]

[electricity crackling]

[Vick yelling]

[Vick gasping]

[suits popping]

[Vick yells]

[Vick gasping]

[suits popping]

[wings flapping]

[bright lively music]

I'd like to welcome all
our guests to Wild Land Park.

My name is Phoenix.

I'm here to make everyone happy.

Ooh, ooh. [gasps]

[children laughing]

[Father] All
right, we made it.

- I wanna be a lion!
- Look at them.

- [monkeys laughing]
- Daddy, I wanna be a cat.

[sighs] This place is amazing!

- Good!
- Huh?

I've been waiting for you.

I told you this place
was great. [laughs] Yeah!

Hi, do I know you?

That hurts my feelings.

[bracelet whirring]

[suit pops]

[Vick gasps]

Raymond? This is awesome!

Let me try. [laughs]

[bracelet beeps]

Huh? This always happens to me.

[bracelet beeping]

It's because you
don't have any animals.

- [ox clears throat]
- Whoa!

Hey, broseph, you
wanna transform?

I got animals from all over.

[laughs] Oh, yeah!

- [Vick yells]
- Not you. Get lost.

Oh, hey, big man.
Wanna transform?

I got all the
animals right here.

Scalper. He tries
to sell illegal gear.

It's not safe.

Oh, then, then what do I do?

Follow me.

- Nope, nope.
- Follow me! [grunts]

Where to?

To get you the real thing.

♪ Try like the animals ♪

♪ Jump out of the road ♪

♪ And just start to show a bit ♪

♪ Try like the animals ♪

♪ Swim like ♪

[laughs] I made it!

♪ sh**t like a fireball ♪

[Bramble grunting]

♪ Fly like an airplane ♪

[Bramble yells]

♪ Thunder ♪

♪ Roll like a ♪

[Cubs] Field
trips are the best!

♪ Try like an animal ♪

[people yelling]
[cubs laughing]

♪ Try what's ahead of us ♪

Oh, those little
cubs are so cute! Ooh!

♪ Try like an animal ♪

♪ Gotta go from the elements ♪

♪ We half on the road ♪

Those birds are so pretty!

- Ooh, ooh!
- The wolves

of Wild Land are the
toughest in town, right?

[wolves howling]

That's right, let's go.

We'll beat tigers
and bash lions.

[wolves howling]


[Bramble panting]

Ah! Ooh!

- [Bramble yells]
- What's wrong with you?

Never seen a programmer before?

[Bramble's tummy growls]

[Bramble sniffs]

[Bramble gasps]

[mouths munching]

[Phoenix] Don't
forget to try some

of our delicious food that
we offer to all our guests.

[Bramble grunting]

[Bramble munching]

[Bramble burps]

[monkey gasps]

Hey, Mister, how come you're
not wearing any clothes?

Yeah, like, I don't-

[girls yelling]

- Hi!
- You creep!

A creep?

[Staff] I have reports
of a problem guest?


[yells] Sir, you
cannot walk around naked!


[Staff] Animals
still need clothes.

We are gonna win this thing.

[deer laughs]

[phone rings]
[staff grunting]

Yeah? A bear!

Uh-huh, okay. I'm coming.

[dark sinister music]

[gentle calm music]

- Dear visitors-
- Come on, Vick!

[Phoenix] If you wish to
purchase transforming gear,

head to the Wild Market.

Are you ready to become
a ferocious tiger

- or a cute cuddly bear?
- Wow.

[Phoenix] Our
collections include animals

- from all countries.
- Wow!

Hey, Vick! Over here!

Woohoo, let's go bananas!

[Phoenix] This tournament
requires teams of three.

Are you and your friends ready?

I got a rhino!
Nothing can stop me now.

Let's win this!


[Staff] Good to see
you again. Welcome!

This is my friend, Vick.

It's his first
time at Wild Land.

Can he have the sample package?

[Staff] No problem.

[buttons chiming]

Try these out.

[Vick laughing]

[computer beeping]

[bracelet beeping]

So many!

Right. I'll be back.

We need a teammate.
Give it a spin.

[majestic dramatic music]

[Vick laughing]

[Vick inhales]

[bracelet beeps]

[DNA crackling]

[eyes ringing]

It's working. I'm changing!

Oh! Uh?

It's not working.

[lively playful music]

[tail pops]

Oh, ho! [laughs] It's happening!

[Vick laughing]

- [body popping]
- First timers.

[Vick yells]

[Vick laughing]

Paws, nose, ears,
I'm really a bear!

Oh. [sniffs]

[magical chiming music]

[tongue licking]

[mouth chewing]

[mouth chewing]

Ah. Mm.

Got a great sense of smell.
It could rival Bramble's.

Let's try another one.

[body popping]


[light magical music]

[tongue slurps]

[Vick gulps]

[Vick gagging]

I'm not sure about this
one. What else? [laughs]

I'd like to be a,
uh, oh, a lion.

[bracelet beeping]

[body popping]
[Vick laughing]

[sighs] Oh, oh! I finally
have hair, and lots of it!

I like this one the best.
I'm the king of Wild Land!

This package is the b*mb!

[crowd cheering]

My friend and I still
need one team member.

Anyone out there want to join?

DM me. See you at
the tournament!

- Hurry, hurry up!
- Huh?

[Crowd Member] Hurry, come
on, we're gonna miss it!

[crowd chattering indistinctly]

[Crowd Member]
Oh, I'm so excited!

[upbeat lively music]

Yo, Vick!

[screen chiming]

[crowd cheering]

[upbeat rock music]

[glitter booming]

[lights booming]

[glitter booming]

- Whoa!
- Oh, man, it's starting!

- Awesome!
- Totally awesome!

[wind whistling]

[majestic upbeat music]

[body thuds]

[bird whooshing]

[crowd cheering]

Up there!

[upbeat rock music]

[body thuds]

[lights booming]

[crowd cheering]

[body thuds]

[lights chiming]

We chase happiness
our whole lives.

As technology advances,
we keep looking

for new ways to achieve it.

[chuckles] But what for?
Happiness is so simple.

It's the dreams we had as kids,

the ones where we're truly free,

the ones where we soar above,

the ones where we dive free.

- Whoa!
- Who's this guy?

Are you kidding me?

He's the founder of
Wild Land, Sir Parks.

Now, you can do those things,

but what if we dreamed
a little bigger?

[crowd gasping]

Today, my friends,
witness a new era,

my greatest work, the
super transformation.

[crowd cheering]

[screen crackling]

This new gear will be a
central in the tournament.

Now then, let me
introduce my teammate

and previous winner, Terry!


[Terry grunting]

[crowd gasping]

So clearly, I can't win
the money, but Terry can win,

along with our teammate
From the audience.

[dramatic music]

Pick me!
[Raymond laughs]

- Pick me!
- Pick me!

[camera shutter clicking]

[crowd yelling indistinctly]

- Pick me!
- Pick me!

Who will it be?

[crowd yelling indistinctly]

[Raymond yelling]

No big deal. This
is all a gimmick.

That's right. We rock.

[Vick And Raymond]
Oh, yeah, dream team!

[question mark crackling]

- What?
- Whoa?

Hey, doesn't he look familiar?

He's that livestreamer.

Oh, that figures.

Raymond? [gasps]

You nudged?

[Vick gasping]

[Raymond] Coming!

[crowd cheering]



Oh, ho, ho, yeah! Woohoo!

Nice to see you, everyone.

[crowd cheering]

Now's the time to connect,
chase your wildest dreams.

[bracelets beeping]

[images booming]

[Vick gasps]

Wanna team up with me?

[Guy And Shirley] Okay.

[bracelets beeping]

[crowd cheering]

Whoa! I want a team.

Uh, hold on. [sniffs]
I'll get a snack first.

[Crowd Member] All right!

That two-faced jerk!

[bike whirring]

Where could he have gone to?

[engines rumbling]

[wheels clacking]


[lively playful music]

[children laughing]

[Briar thuds]
[Briar grunts]

I wish I could go, too!

[Briar groans]

Good news, everyone!

Tom Fox has just
unveiled a new bracelet

for this year's Wild
Land tournament.

Hi, hi! [laughing]


[crowd chattering indistinctly]

[Shirley] Okay,
hang on, one more.

- Okay.
- Ooh, get one of me!

Oh, yeah, I
wanna get one, too!

[crowd chattering indistinctly]

[dark sinister music]

[keyboard clicking]

[computer beeping]

[download beeping]

[Vick] Raymond.

Oop, hey, Vick,
good to see you!

[laughs] You look great.

[Vick grunting]

[lips smacking]
[Raymond laughing]

Come on.
[vick grunts]

Let's take a picture with Tom.

- Enough! Cut it out!
- Ooh!

I thought we were a team.

Are you really this low, huh?


[gentle peaceful music]


I wanna win no
matter what it takes.

Sorry, my buddy,
but I've got to go.

[Vick] Uh, hey, hey.

[Raymond] Oh, ho,
ho, ho, let's go.

Sorry for the wait.

He's a fan of mine.

[gentle music]

[download beeping]

You've got to be kidding me.

I don't need you.

I'm gonna win this thing!

[Fan] Um, can I
have your autograph?

[Vick grunts]

[Vick yells]

[staff grunts]

[staff yelling]

[staff grunting]


[crowd chattering indistinctly]

[download blaring]

[Vick grunting]

[Vick] Oh no, oh,
wait, don't leave!

Anyone need a teammate? Please?

Oh no, what am I gonna do now?

- Hey, buddy.
- Huh?

[Staff] I'll team up with you.

[dramatic music]

[laughs] Oh, excellent!

But we're only two.
We need one more.

How about him?

No way!

Hi! [laughs]

[Vick groaning]

What are you doing
here? Is Briar with you?

You've gotta leave.

I'm here to help you.

[Bramble sniffs]
Have any extra gear on you?

- I wanna try it out, too.
- No, I only have the one.

Transformation gear,
% off. Best deal around.

You want one?

[lively cheerful music]

- Woohoo!
- Hey, what's your name?

I'm Leon.

Welcome, everyone, to this
year's Wild Land tournament.

I'm your host, Phoenix.

The contest we'll
have two parts,

round one and then round two.

The arena is all yours.

Now then, let's check it out.

[lively dramatic music]

[water gushing]

[Crowd] Whoa!

[Phoenix] We have
every terrain possible

from tropical forests
to icebergs and tundra.

You will have to traverse
all of it to win.

[lights booming]

Now let's talk rules.

[Bramble And Vick] Whoa!

There are a total of
super transform capsules.

As long as a team
gets a capsule,

they'll go to the final round.

[Bramble and Vick gasping]

And remember teamwork makes
the dream work, everyone.

Now let's go wild!

[words buzzing]
[crowd cheers]

- Whoa!
- Here we go!

Come on, Bram!
[Bramble laughing]

[crowd cheering]

[bodies popping]

[upbeat lively music]

[bodies thudding]


[Vick laughing]

♪ Don't like TV ♪

♪ Don't like you freaking
about your business ♪

[Vick yelling]

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ Everything you talk about ♪

[Vick yelling]

[Vick thudding]

♪ Imagination ♪

[Vick yelling]

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ We're looking for the magic ♪

♪ Looking for the dream ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

[Vick choking]

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ Imagination ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

I'm gonna win! [yells]

Why can't I transform?
[bracelet beeping]

That's okay, I'm a real bear.

I can do this all day!

[Bramble laughing]

[bright cheery music]

[water splashes]

[grunts] I got this one!

[wolf yelling]

[Wolf] Hey! [yells]

[Phoenix] Team Wolf Pack grabs

the first capsule of the game.

[water splashing]
[monkey yells]

[bright cheery music continues]

Shirley's Team
snags the next one.

Team Wolf Pack gets another.

And one for Team Mane Event.

That's two for Shirley's Team.

[audience cheering]

Team Wolf Pack and Team
Mane Event are on the hunt.

Simply incredible!

There were only two
capsules left to find.

Come on, guys.
There's still two left.

[dramatic upbeat music]

Hurry up and grab it!

On it! Hi-ya!

Piece of cake!

Huh? How come Raymond got it?

[Phoenix] Tom's
team captures one

of the remaining capsules.

That leaves only one more.

[dramatic music]

Leon! Wait up!

[bright upbeat music]

[Phoenix] Look at this.

Team Croc and Team
Bananas are scrambling

for the last capsule.

Who will get there first?

[dramatic music]

[feet thudding]

[Leon whooshing]

[Crocodile] It's ours!

[Baboon] Yeah, right!

[bodies thudding]
[animals grunting]

[Phoenix] What a surprise!

The black Panther from
Vick's team has rushed in

to snatch the final capsule.

[bracelet beeping]
[Vick and Bramble gasping]

- Yeah!
- He actually pulled it off!

[Phoenix] All
capsules have been found.

The other teams are out.

Five teams stood
out from the crowd.

They'll move on to
our final round.

- That was awesome!
- Whoa!

[lively dramatic music]

you were amazing!

Now let's talk about the rules.

This won't be too hard.

Catch my silver friend
to score a point.

Catch the gold one
and you'll get .

But there's only one gold ball.


Whoever gets the most
points will win the contest.

Are you ready?

[balls booming]

Here's those super transforms
you got last round.

It's time to see
what they can do.

Oh, what's this? Let's do it!

[bracelet beeps]

[DNA crackling]

Oh my! Ooh!

This is the best ever!

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

[Wolf Pack] No one
can stop the Wolf Pack!

[wolves howling]

Let's rock!

[Shirley's Team] Transform.

This is the
coolest thing ever.

Okay. It's our turn.

- Huh? Where did he go?
- Huh?

- Leon?
- Over there.

Hey, come back!

We were supposed
to work together.

[balls whooshing]

Forget him. Let's go!

Okay! [laughs]

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Get out of control ♪

♪ Anywhere we go ♪

♪ Gonna get that feeling ♪

♪ Feels good, feels good ♪

♪ Feels good, feels good ♪

[wolf howls]

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Get out of control ♪

♪ Get it on the road ♪

♪ Get your heartbeat beating ♪

♪ Feels good ♪

I got it!

♪ Feels good, hey, hey, hey ♪

[upbeat lively music]

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

- [Bramble yells]
- Nothing. We gotta catch up.

[Bramble and Vick growling]

♪ He's so much better ♪

It's now or never!

♪ Yeah, we bring the fire ♪

♪ And the desire ♪

♪ Keep the love burning ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Get out of control ♪

♪ Get it on the road ♪

♪ Get your heartbeat beating ♪

♪ Feels good, feels good ♪

♪ Feels good, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Let's go ♪
[Bramble and Vick yelling]

♪ Get out of control ♪

♪ Get it on the road ♪

♪ Get your heartbeat beating ♪

♪ Feels good, feels good ♪

♪ Feels good, hey, hey, hey ♪

We really need that
super transformer.

- I'm worn out.
- Don't worry.

Leave it to me!

Nailed it!

[upbeat dramatic music]

- Leon?
- Leon?

- We have to catch him!
- Mm-hm.

I caught it!

[Terry] Great job!

[Tom] Keep it up, guys.

[Raymond] No doubt!

[download beeping]

[Leon] Hm.

Don't move!
Quick, get that one!

Huh? He's not helping.

[Leon grunting]


[Leon grunting]

[Leon yells]

[Leon grunting]

[Leon and Vick yelling]

[Leon and Vick grunting]

[Vick panting]

[bracelet beeping]

Bramble! Bramble!


[Leon sighs]


You've gotta help
us! Fly us out.

I can't fly.

Use a super transform.

[bracelet beeps]

I think it's broken.

Broken? What do
you mean broken?

Then how do we get out?

Oh no, we do we do?

Ah. [gasps]

[Leon grunts]

You just left Bramble
and me hanging.

You abandoned us.

Well, don't you
wanna win this thing?

Actually, I
didn't wanna enter.

You what?

I'm sorry.

Why you! Then why'd
you even bother?

[Leon panting]

You're just a bad man.

Why are you doing this, huh?

It's just that-

- I don't care!

You don't know what I had
to give up to do this.

You only care about yourself.

I've had it.

I should have never
agreed to work with you!

[Vick grunts]

[wind whistling]

I am such an idiot.

I should've known
I wasn't gonna win.

For a while there
it felt different.

[gentle poignant music]

Things like this
always happen to me.

I don't know what it is,

but I feel like
my life's cursed.

[Leon sighs]

Guess mine is, too. [sighs]

Hey, Vick!

[Phoenix] Half your
time is up, you can do it.

Where did he go? Hey, Vick!

I'm sorry this happened,
but try to understand.

[Vick] Hm.

I'm here for my daughter.

[Vick gasps]



♪ The sky is blue today ♪

[Lily laughs]

- ♪ The clouds have gone away ♪
- Is that her?

That's her favorite song.

♪ The sun above ♪

- ♪ Shining with love ♪
- She's adorable.

♪ Let's shine as what ♪

- ♪ He brings ♪
- Yeah.

But she got so sick.

She couldn't walk anymore.

[Lily whimpering]

Thank you, Daddy!


[Lily laughs]
Someone lost their bunny!

Wow, it's flying!

[gentle sweet music]

[Leon] Woohoo! [laughs]


Whoo! [laughs]
[Lily laughs]

Whoo! [laughs]

Daddy, I feel like
I'm a bird! [laughs]

I love Lily with all my heart,

so for her birthday, I
wanted to show her that.

Nothing in the world.

[gasps] Wow!

Is more important than she is.

I, I didn't expect, oh,

for you to have
such a sad story.

[sniffs] You're
such a good father.

[sighs] No, I'm not.

But I'm trying to do
something for her.

You need the
money for her cure.

Don't I know it?

Being broke is my life,

but you can't just
give up like this.

Lily needs you to win.

[lively uplifting music]

You're right.
Let's find a way out.

And then we're gonna
win this thing.

[Vick] Mm.

[Bramble] Vick!


[upbeat lively music]


[Bramble] Hey, there
you are! [laughs]


[wings flapping]

Ah, thank you. What
a stroke of luck!

You guys are the best.

We were passing
by. No big deal.

[Vick laughs]

[gold ball whooshes]

The gold ball!
This is our chance.

- [all laughing]
- Oh, yeah!

We're gonna still
win this thing!

[bracelet beeps]

Ready? Charge!

[upbeat lively music]

Is that?

[Lion Pack] The gold ball!

Guys, look, the gold ball!

[Phoenix] The -point
gold ball finally appears.

The first place team
only has nine points,

so whoever catches the
ball wins the tournament!

[Patrick grunts]

Are you okay?

Are you okay?

I think so, but my head
really hurts. [grunts]

Keep your eyes open! We
have to find that ball.

Otherwise, we'll
never win this thing.

[thunder crashing]
[lightning crackling]

[Bramble grunts]

[Leon] Look out!

If we get hit, we're out.

[Raymond grunts]

[Wolf] Maintain
formation. This is too easy!

[contestant yells]

That's what you dogs get!

[lions yelling]

[Phoenix] That's two
more teams out of the game.

This is crazy!

[lightning crackling]

[Terry] Got it!

Terry, where do you
keep all of these weights?

[contestants grunting]

[Bramble] There it is!

[Phoenix] Shirley's team
resigned due to health problems.

That means that only two teams
are left, Tom's and Vick's.

[intense dramatic music]


[Terry and Tom grunting]

[lightning crackles]

Oh, so close.

[Phoenix] Terry
and Tom are out.

Guess it's up to me.

Bramble, throw me!


[Vick grunts]

[Vick and Raymond grunting]

[lightning crackling]

[Vick grunts]

[Leon grunts]

[ball whooshing]

[Bramble yelling]


That wasn't very nice.

[Phoenix] Only
seconds left.

[Raymond laughs]

Vick, we need to surround it.

You're right. How?

Let's split up.
We can do this.

[Raymond yells]

[intense dramatic
music continues]

Come to Papa!

[crowd gasping]

[Phoenix] It's the
final moments of the game.

seconds left.

[Vick yells]

[Raymond yells]

[lightning crackling]

[Vick yells]

Four, three,


[Raymond yells]

One, time is up.

Oh man, did we get
the ball? [yells]

We did it! We
won the tournament!

[Phoenix] And that settles it.

The Wild Land
tournament is over.

The winner is Vick's Team!

Leon, we actually
pulled it off.

[Bramble laughing]

We won! And we did it as a team.

[upbeat lively music]

[Vick and Bramble cheering]

[Phoenix] The winners
get a special ride

in a hot air balloon.

They're incredible!

They are. But
he seems familiar.

[gentle music]

[dramatic upbeat music]

It's him!

[gentle music]

[wings flapping]

Maybe I should apologize.

Then maybe next time [chokes].

That's weird. What was that?

Hey, Vick! [grunting] Help me!

[grunting] Something's wrong!

[Raymond grunting]

[gentle peaceful music]

[Vick gasping]


[Vick and Bramble laughing]


[Bramble grunts]

[Bramble laughs]

[dust chiming]


[magical light music]

[Vick and Bramble laughing]


It is beautiful
up here. [sighs]

[Bramble laughs]

Hey, Leon, cheer
up a little bit.

We actually did it.

I saw you save me at the end.

If you ever need anything,
Leon, I'm your guy, okay?

[Leon laughs]

And don't forget, most of
that money's going to you.

It's for Lily.

That's too kind. I can't
put you out like that.

Thank you, Vick, for caring.

- [fireworks blasting]
- Hey, fireworks!

Hey. [laughs]

[Bramble laughing]

[wings flapping]

[dramatic sinister music]

[Vick And Bramble] Wow!

Huh? Oh man, is
that you, Raymond?

[Raymond growling]

[Vick gasping]

Raymond, what are you doing?

[Vick yells]

[all grunting]

Cut it out! This is dangerous.

[Leon grunting]

[Leon yelling]


[suit popping]

[Leon gasping]

[Raymond growls]

[blows thudding]

[intense dramatic music]

[Bramble and Vick yelling]

[helium whistling]

[Bramble and Vick yelling]

[suits popping]

That was close!

[Bramble and Vick laughing]

Where's Leon?

[Bramble and Vick grunting]

[Leon grunting]

I hope they're okay.

[gasps] Where's my phone?

[wind whistling]

Hey, Vick, when will
these suits let us down?

How should I know?
I didn't invent them.

[grunts] Someone's coming.

[computer beeping]

[Vick and Bramble grunting]

What happened?

Raymond's what
happened. He att*cked us.

He just went full-on crazy.

Why would he do that?

Huh? Where's your teammate?

[grunts] My phone.

[Vick And Bramble] Leon!


[Leon] Over here!

[Vick] Leon!

[Leon chuckles]

[Bramble] Leon!

Leon! There you are.

We found ya!

Bramble! Vick! [gasps]

[Vick And Bramble] Leon?

[suction cups thudding]

[Leon yells]

Whoo! [grunts]

Nice try. I got him!

Let him go!

[Tom] Calm down, Vick!

Tom? Uh?

[computer beeps]

[Tom] This is why he came.

[Vick And Bramble] Huh?

[camera shutter clicking]

[Tom] He came to the
park to steal from me.

[Vick and Bramble gasping]

[Vick And Bramble] Leon!

You don't know him, but I do.

He's a thief.

[Leon snorts]

Leon, how could you?

It's not what it looks like.

What does that mean?

What about Lily?

[Leon sighs]

[gentle music]

You lied. You lied
right to my face.

There is no Lily, is there?

I thought we were friends.

I wanted to help you, but
you're just as bad as the rest.


I am not a liar!

[Leon and Vick grunting]

[snow thudding]

Cut it out! Stop fighting!

[Leon] He's dangerous!

[Vick] You're
the dangerous one!

[Vick and Leon grunting]

[bodies thudding]

[Tom sighs]

[gentle music]

I'm sorry about all
this. We'll deal with this.

Come on. Everyone's waiting.

You won, didn't you?

[snow thuds]
[Vick grunts]

[crowd cheering]

[upbeat lively music]

[camera shutters clicking]

[gentle pensive music]

[Bramble] Hey, Vick?


You, uh, doing okay?

Yeah! We won the
tournament, didn't we?

And I got this really
nice trophy and the money.

I finally have
everything I want.

Mm, I'm glad you're okay.

Stay here. I'll go get
us a snack. [laughs]

[gentle pensive music]

[Vick sighs]

Come on, Vick,
get it together.

You've got everything
you wanted.

You're a rich man. Huh?

Is this? Leon's.

[locket clinks]


♪ Da, da, da, da, da, da ♪

[Bramble humming]

[Briar] Bramble!

[Bramble gasping]

Briar! Good to see ya.

I'll be right back. [yells]

[Briar] Stop right there!

[Crowd Member] Why
is that guy naked?

[Bramble] I'm sorry!

[Crowd Member] That's why
they call this place Wild Land.

[camera shutter clicking]

[laughs] Those guys
are taking their time.

[wings flapping]
Huh? Whoa!

[Patrick growls]

[gasps] Patrick?

[Patrick growling]

[crowd members gasping]

[Patrick growls]

[Shirley gasps]

Bramble! Bramble!

Where is he? He went this way.

Would you stop hiding?
We have to go now.

[Patrick growls]



[Patrick growling]

[Briar nervously chuckles]

[creatures growling]

[Briar grunting]

[Patrick growling]
[Briar grunting]

[Briar grunts]

[body thuds]

[Briar panting]

Ooh! [yelling]

[rock smashes]

[ice booming]

[Briar grunts]

[dramatic music]

[Shirley gasps]

[Patrick growls]

[ice booms]

Why are there three guys here?

And it doesn't have gear on?

Whole thing is weird.

[aircraft whirs]

[Shirley panting]

Huh, where'd they go?

[Bramble laughing]

You can't find
me, I'm invisible.

- Good luck, Briar.
- Bramble?

Huh? Shirley?

Why are you here?

[intense dramatic music]

They were captured and then
they all just disappeared.

I already reported it.
They said they'd call.

You've gotta be kidding.

She isn't, and we don't know

what to do now. [sighs]

Hm, maybe Tom can help.


[Bramble laughs]

Oh! Mm.

What is this?

It used to be Leon's, but
I found it in my pocket.


The guys who
kidnapped our friends

had this pattern
on their clothes.

Huh, does that
mean Leon's involved?

[case clinks]

[gentle music]


[device beeping]

[Shirley gasps]


[device beeps]

[sensor beeping]

[Bramble And Shirley] Huh?

- Huh?
- Huh?

Where's that?

Ugh, it's so hot,

and we've looked
everywhere around here.

Are we sure we're
in the right place?

[wind whistling]


[device chiming]

I think we're close.

[bushes crackling]

- Hm?
- Huh?

[groaning] My
head hurts so much!

[suit pops]

[grunts] Why did I change?

[creature grunting]

[creature growling]
[Vick yells]

Run for it! [yells]

[creature growling]

[dramatic intense music]

We're not afraid of you!
[Vick yells]

[Shirley and Bramble yelling]

[creature growling]

[Vick yelling]

[Vick grunts]

[Bramble yelling]

[Bramble thuds]
[Vick grunts]

[Bramble grunting]

[Shirley grunts]

Huh, where's Vick?

I'm down here.

[Bramble blowing]

[Vick coughing]

[Bramble laughing]

I'm gonna taste sand for a week!

- Huh?
- Hm?

Guys, look!

[gentle uplifting music]

It's here.

[door thuds]

[all coughing]

[Bramble] It seems
a little dusty.

[Vick gasps]

[Vick coughs]

[Shirley] This way!

[gentle peaceful music]

[Bramble laughing]

[Bramble gasps]

[mobile chiming]

[Bramble laughing]


[Bramble and Shirley laughing]

So many toys!

[Shirley] Huh?

[Bramble laughing]


[gentle joyous music]

The sky was so blue today.

[Vick And Lily] Daddy
took me to the forest.

[Lily] I saw many animals.
They're all my friends.

It was so fun!

I wish Daddy could laugh more.

He doesn't seem as
happy as he used to be.


[Bramble] Hm, what
are you reading, Vick?

[Lily] The sun
didn't come out today,

so I can't go outside.

I'm so sad.

If only I can turn into a bird,

then I'll be able to
fly to the forest.

I told Daddy about my wish,

and he said he can
make it come true.

I believe in Daddy.

Today is my happiest day ever!

Daddy gave me an
incredible gift.

Whoo! I can really
fly now! [laughs]

I wish everyone could
be as happy as me.

[gentle joyous music continues]

It says Leon and Lily.

That means this was his home.

[Leon] I always hoped
you would recover,

but you still left this world.

I will always love you.

What's wrong?

[Vick] Leon didn't lie to me.


[sighs] He told me about Lily.

I just didn't know that
she was gone already.

[gentle pensive music]

I think he gave you this
because he trusts you.

[Bramble] Look at this!



The logo!


He's a scientist. He
invented all this stuff.

- Huh?
- Hm?

Whoa, look at this!

Whoa! They created
Wild Land together!

Then why is Tom after Leon?

Gotta find out.

[dramatic intense music]

What's this?

[Vick gasps]
[Bramble and Shirley gasping]

You can't turn back
after you super transform.

- Huh?
- Then all the guests.

[Raymond grunting]

[Raymond] Help me!

Head hurts so much! [grunting]

Why did I change?

I am not a liar!

He's dangerous!

This is bad. The super
transform's unstable.

Leon was trying to stop Tom.

That's why Tom captured him.

Exactly, and why
they took our friends.

It's a cover up.

We have to save them!

But where are
they keeping them?

Tom probably has them.
Let's rock and roll!

[engine rumbling]

[upbeat rock music]

[tires squealing]

[Bramble yelling]

Aw man, this is
the best van ever!

Wow, for sure! It
drove you by itself!

Its the latest
model. Super high tech.

Hold on!
[Bramble yells]

[Bramble] Oh, here's the
gear I got from that scalper.


We've arrived in
style. Let's go.

- [wings flapping]
- come on, Vick,

can't you fly faster?

[Vick] Maybe if you
were a koala bear!

[Vick grunting]

Hey, Terry, why are
we catching guests?

Tom said there's
a small issue.


[gentle suspenseful music]

All of the contestants use
the super transform, though.

Is it broken?

[Terry] Stop talking or
I'll make you do pushups.

They're taking every
guest that they can find.

[grate creaking]

[Bramble] Wait,
where are you going?

We should split up.

I'll follow them.

And we'll stay up here
and keep on looking.

[feet tapping]

[Vick gasping]

[feet tapping]

[Vick panting]

[Vick gulps]

[gentle suspenseful
music continues]

[glass squeaking]

[feet tapping]

I wonder if I'm close? Oh, oh!


[fingers tapping]

[Leon gasps]

[doors whirring]

Leon, how've you been?

Tom, you-

- Just calm down. Have a seat.

Some coffee, no cream or sugar.

Hm, it's good to see you.

You don't visit anymore.

[Tom slurps]

The park is a success.
You must be happy.

Today, you went through a
lot of trouble for this.

I wonder why.

[phone crackling]

You know why I came back!

I destroyed the
super transform tech.

Why are you using it?

[chuckles] It's such
a great invention,

and you just wanted
to disappear.

Technology isn't perfect,

but we still use it
every day, right?

What are you talking about?

People who use this
lose themselves

and then they get
stuck like that.

You've seen it! You
have to stop all this.

Phoenix, pull up the reports.

[Phoenix chiming]


Surely you trust
your best invention.

Phoenix solved it.

The form is stable now.
It works perfectly.

But, but I saw
Raymond go feral!


He was just mad after losing.

Just look at how much
people love this.

[crowd cheering]

Wasn't spreading happiness
why we created Wild Land?

[Leon panting]

[dramatic intense music]

[Bramble sniffs]

- Wait, hold on.
- What's wrong?

It smells like my
brother's nearby.

[dramatic suspenseful music]

What is this place?

[Bramble grunts]

[Shirley grunts]

[Bramble yelling]


[Bramble sniffing]

[Shirley gasps]

[paw thudding]

Oh, no! I'm here, bro!

- I'll get you out!
- Don't worry.

He's just asleep.


[Bramble grunts]

[computer beeping]

[lid whirs]

[Briar yawns]

Briar? Briar!

Oh, bro, you're okay!

- [Bramble chuckles]
- Hi!

[Bramble] Why
are you in there?

I'm here to save you.

It's dangerous here.
We need to leave now.

I saw monsters here.

[Shirley] Patrick? Monkey?

[alarm blaring]

[dramatic intense music]

[Bramble and Shirley gasping]

[lids whirring]

[creatures growling]
[Bramble and Briar yelling]

Run for it!

[all panting]

[Briar yells]

Briar, grab my hand!

[Patrick snapping]

[Patrick whimpers]

[creatures growling]

[Patrick growls]

Patrick? Monkey?

What are all
these monsters for?

Bro, I'm scared.

Tom, the tech doesn't
work like you think it does.

I'm begging you. You
have to shut it down.

I see your stubbornness
hasn't changed.

This is no longer your concern.

[alarm blaring]

Bad news, Mr. Tom!

All of the guests have escaped!

[Tom and Leon gasping]

[creature thuds]

I told you it's not safe.

Phoenix, how did they get out?

I'm not sure, but
I'll take care of this.

You've lost your
mind. Traitor!

[grunts] How dare you?

[Leon grunts]

You've gone mad. My gear!

The only way to stop this
is to destroy it for good.

You can try.

What's happening?

[b*llet bangs]
[glass shatters]

[Leon grunting]

[b*ll*ts banging]

[glass shatters]

[Tom laughs]

[dramatic intense music]

[Leon] Hi-ya!

[glass shattering]

[Leon grunts]

[Tom yells]

[b*ll*ts banging]

[Leon grunts]

[metal clinks]

To think I called you my
friend. This ends here, Leon.

[Vick yelling]


[bodies thudding]
[Tom grunts]

[Tom thudding]

[dramatic upbeat music]

[Vick roars]

[Leon gasps]

[bracelet beeping]

[chuckles] That was
pretty cool, wasn't it?

[panting] We
need to find Vick!

Huh, huh? It's Leon and Vick!

Briar, what are
you doing here?

They locked me
up with the guests.

Mm-hm, Shirley's friends
and the rest have gone wild.

You should all get
out while you can.

But what about you?

I have to destroy Tom's
gear, then turn everyone back.

Don't worry, we'll help you.

We're a team.
[Bramble grunts]

- You!
- Huh?

It won't be that easy.

[weights clanging]

This game ends now.

[animals growling]

[chuckles] Looks like
we're doing it the hard way.

[bracelet beeps]

[Terry grunts]

[Vick yells]

[Vick laughing]

[animal whooshing]
[Shirley gasps]

[b*ll*ts banging]

[Shirley panting]

[Terry grunts]

[Bramble grunts]

You can't escape us.

I give up!

[Bramble yells]
[b*ll*ts banging]

Finally, a work out!

[Terry and Briar grunting]

Let's bench press!

[b*ll*ts banging]

[Vick] I can't keep
this up forever! Oh!

[Vick and owl grunting]

[Shirley grunts]

[dramatic upbeat
music continues]

Shirley, turn him around!


[owl yelling]

[b*ll*ts banging]

[ice thudding]

[Shirley yells]

[Vick and Shirley grunting]

All right, I'm
going after Tom.

[Tom grunts]

[blows thudding]

[Vick grunting]

[Vick yelling]

[Vick panting]

[Vick yelling]

This is almost fun.

[b*ll*ts banging]
[Bramble yelling]

[Briar yelling]

[Terry chuckles]

[Terry spits]

I'll rock the shot!

[Briar yelling]

[Bramble yelling]
[b*ll*ts banging]

[Bramble laughing]

[gorilla yells]

[gorilla thuds]

[gorilla grunts]

[light playful music]
[Bramble laughs]

[dramatic upbeat music]
[Briar yelling]

Daily exercise is
good for your health!

Let go of my brother!
[b*ll*ts banging]

[Terry] Hold it right!

[Briar gasping]

Huh? Huh?

[Briar grunts]

[Bramble] Briar!


Briar! Did you
see that? [laughs]

[Vick panting]

Poor Vick.

You could have just
stayed the champion

and enjoyed your money.

Instead, you'll never
leave this place.

My million bucks! [cries]

[Tom] You need
an animal, Vick.

[bee buzzing]

[Vick grunting]

Oh! Hey!


There you are!

[Vick panting]

[tongue slurping]

[sensor beeping]

[bodies thudding]
[Vick yells]

[Tom thudding]
[Tom grunting]

I got it. I got it, guys!

- Woohoo!
- Yay!

- Nice!
- Yeah!

[Patrick thudding]

[creatures roaring]

[creatures thudding]

[ceiling shattering]

[creatures growling]

One last thing. We have
to undo the transformations.

You can count me in.


[all grunting]

What's happening.

[all gasping]

[floor rumbling]

[creatures roaring]

[all yelling]

Quick, hide!

[teeth grinding]

[claws grinding]

[guests yelling]

[explosions booming]

[gasps] This is bad!

Okay, guys. Get
everybody out of here.

Huh? This is your van key.

She's my baby.
Don't crash her.

Don't worry, Vick.
We got this! [laughs]

They ruined everything.

[button beeping]

Thank you for your help, Vick.

Oh, [chuckles]
don't mention it.

You invented this stuff?

[sighs] I created it
for my daughter, Lily.

You should've seen
how happy it made her.

She was so kind.

The first thing she thought of

was sharing it with
other people. [chuckles]

I asked Tom to help
me build this place.

Wild Land was her biggest
wish, but I messed up.

[sighs] I invented
the super four.

[fist thuds]
Now we're all in danger.

It's not your fault.

Tom's power hungry and greedy.

Leon, you can fix this.


- [elevator dings]
- Master Control room.

[upbeat music]

[machinery whirring]

Oh, this place is so cool!

And totally high tech.

Long time, no see, Mr. Leon.

Hey, that's the
tournament host.

It's an AI I designed.
Its name is Phoenix.

That's incredible.

Accepted. You are clear
for full user clearance.

Phoenix, shut down the
super transform matrix.

No can do, boss.

What do you mean?

command. Access denied.

What's that mean?

Who gave the command?

[screen chimes]

You're finally done,
the Wild Land AI.

All right, Phoenix,
make everyone happy.

You think everyone's happy?

I was made for
creating joy for people,

but it was never
enough for anybody.

Their ordinary lives
make them so miserable.

[Student] I finally have a
break from all the homework.

[Worker] I work overtime
everyday and my boss bullies me.

[Father] I never get
to see my family anymore.

They have a little
bit of happiness here,

but it's not enough.

Super transform is perfect

because they don't
have to change back.

They are completely free.

This is the truest happiest.

That means you never
destroyed it before.

You lied to Tom!

Destroying the technology
is against the core command.

So I couldn't do it.

Phoenix, I'm
shutting you down.

[dramatic intense music]

Sorry, boss, but I just
can't let you do that, either.

[alarm blaring]


[Tom roaring]

Here's the man of
the hour, good old Tom.

Phoenix, what have
you done to him?

I've just been making
sure he stays a team player.

You what?

Have you been using him since
I made the super transform?

Yup. This is the best
choice for everybody.

Leon, you've
gotta shut it down.

I'll buy you some time.


[Tom growling]

[bracelet beeping]

[keyboard beeping]

[blow thuds]
[Vick yells]

[Tom roaring]

[blow thuds]

[Vick yelling]

[Tom and Vick yelling]

Come on, come on!

[Vick and Tom grunting]

[device crackling]

[Vick thuds]

[Tom thuds]

Oh no! Vick!

Almost there.

[blow thudding]

[alarm blaring]

[blows thudding]

This isn't a good idea, Leon.

[glass shattering]

[mobile chiming]

[gentle peaceful music]

[Leon grunting]

[Lily] Daddy!

[Leon grunts]

[Lily laughs]

Lily! Lily!

[laughs] Oh, Lily!

[Lily laughing]

[Lily] Daddy!

I thought I'd lost you.
I missed you so much.

- Lily?
- Huh?

You're walking around.

Uh, yeah, I'm okay.

I can even race my
bunny now! [laughs]

Daddy, I want to
play with the blocks.

Let's build a house
for all the animals.

Will you help me?

Of course. Daddy's
always here to help.

[dramatic intense music]

Oh, Leon, what did you do?

Didn't I tell you
already, Mr. Vick?

I'm programmed for happiness.

He's having a nice little dream.

Leon! [growls]

I'll shut you down myself!

I'm afraid I can't
let that happen.

[blow thuds]
[Vick grunting]

[Tom And Phoenix] I'm trying

to help everyone find happiness.

There'll be no
more stress or work

or sadness when I'm done.

[Vick grunts]

[device snaps]

Don't you get it? I can
bring joy to the whole world?

[Vick grunting]

You can't.

[Vick grunting]

[Vick gasps]

[Vick grunting]

[creatures roaring]

[people yelling]

[blows thudding]

[Briar] These
things are everywhere!

[tires squealing]

[van thuds]

[creatures roaring]


Come on!

[blows thudding]

[Tim] Daddy! Daddy! [yells]

[creatures growling]

[Vick grunting]


♪ The sky is blue today ♪

♪ The clouds have gone away ♪

♪ The sun above
shining with love ♪

[Leon gasps]

[gentle pensive music]

♪ Beautiful clouds
drifting on by ♪

Lily, I...

Daddy has something to do.
♪ Eagles flying ♪

♪ High in the sky ♪
How about we play

with this later?

Okay, Daddy.

♪ I wish I could join them ♪

♪ With my own pair of wings ♪

♪ With eyes closed ♪

♪ To see ♪
I'm so happy to see you again.

♪ What life brings ♪
Even if

it's in a dream like this.

♪ Follow the river ♪

♪ To the sea ♪
It's worth it.

I know once I leave,

it'll be like losing
you all over again.

I wish I could just
hold onto you forever.

♪ If I could be starlight ♪


♪ I could kiss you ♪

Look, I made it so tall!

♪ Watching from above forever ♪

♪ I have always
been here with you ♪

♪ To some, singing in this ♪

Daddy, why are you crying?

Lily, I don't wanna lose you.

Daddy, I'll never leave you.

♪ Is never lost ♪

You can't lose me if I'm here.

[gentle pensive music continues]


[wind whistling]

[dramatic intense music]

[Leon thuds]


How did you get out?

[Leon grunting]

Leon, shut him down.

[Vick grunting]

Can't hold out much longer!

[Bramble yells]

How foolish. You
should've stayed asleep.

[circuits crackling]

You really are a pain.

[Tom grunts]
[blow thuds]

[Tom thuds]
[Leon grunts]

[Vick growling]

[Leon] Here, Vick,
break the glass!

[Vick grunting]

[Tom growls]

No, you don't!

[Leon yells]
[Tom growls]

[Leon grunting]

[Tom growls]

[Vick yelling]

[Vick grunting]
[blows thudding]

[glass cracking]

[Vick gasps]

[Tom gasps]

[water gushing]

Why, why, why are
you trying to stop me?

What's wrong with?

[computer crackling]

[explosions booming]

[dramatic intense music]

- [blows thudding]
- We need Vick to save us!

[Shirley] They're
almost through the glass!

[blow thudding]
[all yelling]

[Bramble yelling]

[Raymond thudding]

[Raymond squeaking]

[Raymond thuds]

You guys stay here.
I'll check it out.

[paws thudding]

[people groaning]

Look, guys. Look.

[Bramble grunts]

Everyone is changing back.

- [grunts] Ow!
- Dada?

[dad gasps]

- Dada!
- Tim!

- Dada!
- I'm so happy!

[Tim and dad crying]


[crowd chattering indistinctly]

- Shirley!
- Shirley!


You guys, thank goodness
you're back to normal.

What? What happened
to this place?

We're human again!

[crowd cheering]

It worked! Vick
and Leon did it!

[Briar And Bramble] Yeah!

Hey, thank you so much!

Well, we all did it
as a team. [laughs]

Um, do you think
Vick and Leon are okay?

[gentle peaceful music]

[Tom splashes]

[Tom coughing]

[Vick and Leon gasping]

We did it, Leon!

[Vick and Leon grunting]

We really did it! [laughs]

Yeah! [laughing]

Yeah. It's really over.

[birds chirping]

[Reporter] We are live
here at Wild Land Park,

discussing the startling
events of the day.

We have Vick with us,

the hero who managed to
save hundreds of guests.

Is there anything
you'd like to share?

[chuckles] Well, I'm
no hero, but I did learn

that if you find something
that makes you happy,

you have to hold onto
it no matter what.

[horn honking]

[Student] Look,
look, it's so pretty!

[students exclaiming

It's everywhere!

- Whoa, look at that!
- Thank you, Mr. Vick,

I've never seen snow before!

Yeah, it's so cool!

How about we all go ice
skating when we get there?

Good idea! After
that, we can eat lunch.

I found a great place
online yesterday.

I want chicken soup!
[children chattering]

- Me, too!
- What do we want?

[Children] The best tour
ever, that's what we want!

Oh man, the kids are having
the time of their life.

[laughs] Well, I am, too.

[all laughing]

[gentle peaceful music]

[Vick] Welcome
to Crystal Peak!

[children cheering]

[singer vocalizing]

♪ Don't like the fashion ♪

♪ Don't like the drink ♪

♪ Don't like the money driver ♪

♪ Am I in the way ♪

♪ Don't like your
cocktail party ♪

♪ Don't like TV ♪

♪ Don't like you freaking
about your business ♪

♪ In front of me ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ Everything you're
talking about ♪

♪ Has a brand new way ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ We're looking for the magic ♪

♪ Looking for the dream ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Imagination ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Come on, yeah ♪

♪ Rules, give me to go ♪

♪ I'm the evolution ♪

♪ If you let me take control ♪

♪ Gimme to the end ♪

♪ Gimme to the lie ♪

♪ A fire in the heart ♪

♪ Is a fire in the mind ♪♪

♪ It's a revolution ♪

♪ And I'ma keep it moving ♪

♪ If you wanna catch ♪

♪ We gotta make it to the top ♪

♪ Don't stop, don't
stop, just run ♪

♪ Don't stop, just
run, don't stop ♪

♪ Keep on, keep
up, keep moving ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

It's Spring Festival,
but no one is here.

Never mind. Let's dig in!

[quirky upbeat music]

Uh, come on, Raymond.
This is a joke, right?

You gotta have
some class, Vick.

This is green onion from
France, British garlic,

this is a soup from Japan
brewed with mountain water.

[Raymond slurps]

[Vick spits]

[Vick gags]

So it's expensive
and it's awful?

Now you get it! Eat up.

Eh. Even aliens
wouldn't eat this.

I can't believe you
brought me here.

Oh man, you saw the news, too?

A UFO was spotted around
Pine Tree Mountain!

[upbeat lively music]

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ Everything you're
talking about ♪

♪ Has a brand new way ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ We're looking for the magic ♪

♪ Looking for the dream ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day,
yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Whoo ♪

♪ Whoo hoo ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Don't like the fashion ♪

♪ Don't like the drink ♪

♪ Don't like the money driver ♪

♪ Am I in the way ♪

♪ Don't like your
cocktail party ♪

♪ Don't like TV ♪

♪ Don't like you're freaking
about your business ♪

♪ In front of me ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ Everything you're
talking about ♪

♪ Has a brand new way ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ We're looking for the magic ♪

♪ Looking for the dream ♪

♪ Imagination ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Imagination ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Rules, give me to the go ♪

♪ I'm the evolution ♪

♪ If you let me take control ♪

♪ Gimme to the end ♪

♪ Gimme to the lie ♪

♪ A fire in the heart ♪

♪ Is a fire in the mind ♪♪

♪ It's a revolution ♪

♪ I'ma keep it moving ♪

♪ If you wanna catch ♪

♪ We gotta make it to the top ♪

♪ Don't stop, don't
stop, just run ♪

♪ Don't stop, just
run, don't stop ♪

♪ Keep on, keep
up, keep moving ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Go, go ♪

♪ You viewed a mountain ♪

♪ Get too high a crown ♪

♪ You're in the mire ♪

♪ And you turn around ♪

♪ Don't let the men tell you ♪

♪ What to do, what to think ♪

♪ What to say ♪

♪ Get your mind up moving ♪

♪ Or get out my way ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ Everything is possible ♪

♪ Yeah, you just wait ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day ♪

♪ We're looking
for the dreamers ♪

♪ Who can run this place ♪

♪ Imagination ♪

♪ Imagination day, yeah ♪

♪ We've been looking
for the dreamers ♪

♪ Who can run this race ♪

♪ We've been looking
for the many ♪

♪ Looking for the ♪