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Joey and Ella (2021)

Posted: 03/13/22 21:20
by bunniefuu
- [lively indistinct chatter]
- [screaming]

[screams continue]


[people screaming]

[man] There's one like this
in that truck.

[man ]
That's good. Thanks.

Feeling any better,

How's the little one?


[man] You've never tasted

anything more perfect
in your life, have you?

You're not wrong,
Jerry. Mm.

Take a crate
home with you,

for Sandy
and the kids.

- Really?
- Yeah, it's the last day of the fair,

I can't eat them all
by myself.

Just follow the lead vehicle,
and then we'll fall in behind you.

Make sure the leads are
double-checked before we head out.


Just one more stop and
then we're headed home!

Hang in there!


- [Jackie] Where are they?
- Check your pockets.

I checked my pockets.
There's nothing!

The inner pocket.

Why am I
the curator?

Don't worry about it.
I'm gonna do all the talking.

That's what I'm
worried about.

- Just hurry up.
- [card reader trills]

- [buzzes]
- Huh?

[reader trills, buzzes]

Did you hold it
against your phone?

- No, it was in my pocket!
- [trills]

- [buzzes]
- I just think you should...

Will you stop?!

- [trills]
- Try holding it...

- [buzz]
- Knock it off!


- [beeps]
- [sighs]

[tone plays]

Follow my lead.


[Jackie gasps, sighs]

[breathing heavily]

[stifled chuckle]
We did it!

We actually did it!

Keep it together.
We're not out of the building yet.

- What?!
- Your, um...

- [elevator beeps]
- What's your problem?

You've got a crooked
cookie duster.

You hit your head
or something?

- I don't think so.
- What are you trying to tell me?

- Straighten your lip strip.
- Come again?

- Your dental drapes?
- What?!

- Your muzzle fuzz!
- You're not making any sense!

You need to resituate
your soup strainer.

"Soup strainer"?

You know, the old
push broom?

Why can't you
just talk in plain English?!

Your mustache
is falling off!


[elevator buzzes]

Excuse us.

So sorry!


Where are
your getaway clothes?

- I left them in the truck.
- [Jackie scoffs]


[door closes]

Call security!

[tires squealing]

- We may need to go with Plan B.
- Not yet!


[alarm ringing]

[engine revving]

You really think
we can outrun them in this?

Not in the slightest!

- [engine revving]
- I don't see 'em!

- I really think we should consider...
- Don't say it!

[engine pops, hisses]

[engine rattling]

[scoffs, grunts]

[groans] Fine!

- Plan B.
- [tires screech]

- [groans]
- Meet at the rendezvous point.

See you there.


Stop the car!

[brakes screech]

[distant screaming]


[train whistle]


[low growling]

- [snarling]
- [yelps]

That oughta do it.

[tailgate closes]


[eerie chimes playing]

[engine turns]


[guitar playing on radio]

- [scoffs]
- [turns off radio]

Not a fan.

We're in the country

Putting country music
on top of that experience

just feels like overkill.

Whoa, what's wrong with being
in the country? Look at it!

- It's beautiful.
- Nothing.

Because there's
nothing here at all.

Just miles and miles
of flat nothing.

You used to love
to visit.

It's not visiting if I'm
never going back home.

Just until we get back
on our feet, you know that.

And besides, country music
is not that bad.

If you get country music,
then I get a dog.

Whoa, that escalated quickly!
Where'd that come from?

You wanna go
full country? Fine!

I'll go full country.

But that involves
me having a dog.

Mm. [sucks air through teeth]

Okay. Okay.

No more country music, then.


I'll wear you down,
old man.


[birds chirping]

- [grunts]
- What? Really?

You trying to botch
this entire operation?

Sorry! There was
a crocodile.

No. No way am I
getting in here.

You're clearly
the smaller person.

You wanna be
bicycle man? Huh?

Didn't think so.

The important thing is,
we have the package.

Right here.

I don't know how long
I can last in here.

Oh, don't be
such a baby!


On second thought...


- [dolly squeaks]
- [Billy grunting]

Ow! Oh, Jackie!

- You didn't have to be so...
- Oh, quit your yappin'!

- [gasps]
- Take it easy out there!


Sorry, baby Billy!

Mommy doesn't want to hit the
nice children on the sidewalk!

Goo goo ga ga!

[nervous giggle]


[chickens clucking]


[car door closing]

Bella, Bella!

Come here.

Hey, are you
okay, little one?

I'm just tired.

Rough trip?

- Rough year.
- [thunder rumbles]

Well, let's, uh,
unload that trailer later.

It's about to rain
any time soon, now.

Come on inside.

- The house looks great, Dad.
- Thanks.


Thanks, Grandpa.

We're so glad
to have you here, kiddo.

Yeah, I set your room
up in the guest room.

Come have a look.

[rooster crows]



[sighs gladly]
It's nice. Thank you.

We can do whatever we
need to make it your own.

Fresh coat of paint.

Put up some posters
of, uh, Brad Pitt.

- [light chuckle]
- Oh, wrong generation, Dad.


Oh, I was just
trying to help.

Um, toothbrush, jammies,
all that good stuff.

[bag thuds lightly]

Dinner around : ?

Thanks, Dad.


[thunder rolls]


[thundering continues]


- [rain pattering]
- [thunder rolls]




[lamp explodes]


[footsteps echoing]

"Something so precious

that its value cannot be
fully understood."

That's the meaning
of "priceless."

- That's right.
- Mm. Yes.

"Decades ago, a meteor,

formed of a mineral
hitherto unknown,

struck the Earth and shattered
into a handful of shards.

One such shard was recovered
by an Estonian farmer,

and it later became known
as the Mazinski Diamond.

The properties of this mineral

are still not fully

and with so few shards
in existence

on the entire planet,

I'd say the Mazinski Diamond

as one of the most priceless things
on Earth. Wouldn't you agree?"

- Sure.
- And yet...

You two clumsily stumble
your way through this operation,

accomplishing the absolute
bare minimum,

to bring it here
to me tonight.

- Job well done.
- [relieved sigh]

Thank you.

I'm really glad to hear
you say that, boss.

Have neither of you ever
heard of the word "sarcasm"?


Why do you suppose
I'm in a sour mood?

We're a little late,

but the weather, it's...

Perhaps you two
should take a look

at today's news!

Not my best angle.

Just... tell me
that you have it.

Right here!

[latches clack]


[both join in laughing]

[gasps, laughing hysterically]

I didn't know
you were so funny!

[laughing continues]

And here I thought you
didn't have a sense of humor!

[all laughing]

- Okay. All right.
- Heh.

Okay, so where is it?


Where is it?

- The real case?
- The real case?

- That's the real case.
- Uh-huh.

The only case.
The case you're looking at is the case.

Okay. Um...


All right, well, now...

Somebody please
tell me what this is?

It's for feeding babies.

[yelling] I know that it's
a feeding baby bottle!

Where is the diamond?

What happened,

We both saw it,
and it wasn't a baby bottle!

It must've been
at the funfair,

when the crocodile
snapped at me.

Are you kidding me?

I swear,
it snapped at me!

I dropped the case,
it popped open for half a second,

but I grabbed it
and I put it right back.

Clearly not!

It's easy, we just go back to
the funfair and pick it up.

Don't you get it?

You idiot!
You've been made!

We've got to be very
careful from here on out.


I'll think of something,
all right?

But for now,
I just would like

for you to [yelling] get out
[normal voice] of my office.

- So sorry about...
- [yelling] Now!


"When I waked up
just at daybreak,

he was sitting there with his head
down, betwixt his knees,

moaning and mourning
to himself.

I knowed what it was about.

He was thinking about his wife
and his children,

away up yonder, and he was
low and homesick,

because he hadn't ever been away
from home before in all his life."

Can anyone summarize
some of the themes

from what we just read?


Um, they...

they're going
on an adventure.

Yes, they're going
on an adventure,

but I'm looking for themes more
specific to what we just read.

What about you,
Luke? Any thoughts?



or maybe just
hesitation, or...

fear of something

Yeah. Yes, exactly.
Thank you.

Guys, please make sure
you're following along

when we read in class,

I know it's difficult

but, please,
it's important.

Um, okay, so before I give
your essay assignment,

we're actually gonna take just a
minute to meet our new classmate.

Ella, can you join me at the
front of the class, please?

I know, I know.

"Mean Miss Erin."
Come on up.

[desk rattles]

Why don't you tell us
a little bit about yourself?


My name is Ella.

I just moved here from
out west with my Dad.

I like to surf.

- Uh, I used to surf.
- [Maddie yawning]

[class laughs]

Oh, grow up, Maddie!

[Miss Erin] Okay,
enough, both of you.

I'm sorry about
my unruly students, Ella.

And we've had
such a great day today,

I would hate to hand out a
strike right at the end of class.

[scoffs] Okay, sorry.
Please go ahead.

So, uh...

yeah, not much more
to say, just...

a weird experience being
this far from home.

[Miss Erin]
Yeah, I'll bet.

Well, thank you for
sharing that with us, Ella.

And I hope that we can all
help you feel at home here.

Okay, so...

Adjusting to new

feeling like a fish
out of water, okay?

These are the two ideas
we're going to focus on

for this week's
writing assignment.

I want you to find examples of
these themes in your own lives,

and write an essay about someone
adjusting to an unfamiliar experience.

Okay? It can be you,
can be someone you know,

but make some observations,

find those story threads,

and write me
a narrative conclusion.

Yes? Yes? Okay!

All right, guys,
we're out of time for today.

- [bell rings]
- Please make sure that you're focusing

on your creative
project ideas, okay?

We're going over those
next week.

And don't forget tonight's
reading assignment, please!

Luke, Ella, can I grab you
for just one second?

Um, Ella,
what's your next class?

- Geography.
- Geography, with...

- Mr. Clifton? Okay.
- Yeah.

Luke, can you please make sure
she finds Mr. Clifton's classroom?


I was an Army brat
growing up,

so I totally know
what it's like

to be the "resident
new kid."

You ever need to talk,
I'm-I'm here.

- Thanks.
- Okay, no problem. Thank you.

Have a great week!

So, the West Coast, huh?

What brings you
out here?


Well, don't worry about
Maddie, she's just a...

A cookie-cutter
pretty girl

who's never been
told no.

- Mm... yeah.
- [both laugh]

- Well, this is it.
- Oh! Thanks.

- Capital of Argentina?
- Oh, Bue... no, uh...

- Oh, watch out for the eraser!
- No! No hesitations!

- Yeah.
- That's the difference

between us making the regionals
and sitting this season out.

- I see.
- [Luke] Tsk.

- Well, good luck.
- Thanks.


- Detective Zamora.
- Reese.

We dusted for prints and sent
the rest down for processing.

Anything new
at the museum?

I don't think
they skipped town yet.

Why's that?

[Zamora chuckles]

This did not go
the way that they planned.

So it didn't go
the way we planned.

Minor setback.

You lose the diamond
by an animal truck

the day they pack up
and head out of town.

My money is on the Mazinski sitting
safe and sound on that truck.

Lucky for us...

we know where
they're going next.



[door squeaks, locks]


We made it
to Grandpa's. [chuckles]

The drive was okay whenever Dad
wasn't in charge of the music.

I just...

I wish you were here
so I could talk to you.

I went to a new school

I wasn't afraid as much as I was lonely.

This is the part where you
tell me to say it out loud,

so I know
what I'm up against.

Okay, well...

It's a big world.
I have friends in California.

And now, I just need to
make some friends out here.

Thanks, Mom.

- [clatter]
- [gasps]

Who's there?!


I'm not gonna hurt you.

It's all right,
little one.

You're safe here.


[footsteps depart]



Just a baby! Aw!

I've never seen anything
like you around here before.

I bet you're missing
your mom too.

not a rabbit.

Not a possum.


Brown fur
and long legs...

short arms...

long tail.


Oh! You're a kangaroo!

"The young kangaroo
or joey."


A young kangaroo
is called a joey.

[laughs] Joey!


- Did you just...
- [giggles] Joey.


Am I imagining
things or...

did you just...

- [Joey giggling]
- Say "joey."

Joey. [laughs]

[laughs] You really
like that, don't you?

Is that what we should
call you? Joey?

Call you... Joey?

Wow! This is insane!


[Adam] Ella,
you out here?

- You need to hide.
- Hide? [giggles]

You need to be quiet.


Come on,
this is serious!

He won't let me have pets
and you can talk, so...

we need to keep this a secret
until we know what's going on.

[door squeaks]

There you are!

Lots of memories
out here, huh?


[crickets chirping]

Dinner's almost ready.


- [door squeaks]
- [Joey giggling]


Is that a new ringtone?

[laughs] Something
like that.

I'll see you inside.


- [door closes]
- [exhales sharply]

I'll be back soon
with more food.

Stay here and stay quiet.

- Deal?
- Food. Deal.




[eerie chiming]

[woman on TV ] Police continue
investigating a robbery

at the Museum of Art
and History

that took place yesterday.

We're told the suspects
wore disguises

in order to impersonate
authorized personnel

to steal the famed
Mazinski Diamond

and escaping in a white vehicle
moments later.

- [TV continues indistinct]
- You know,

I thought when we left
the West Coast

we were leaving this kind
of excitement behind.

[TV] please contact them.

- [dish thuds lightly]
- [remote clatters]

Uh... Ella?

Uh, sorry.
Thank you, Grandpa.

Well, your dad
basted the ribs.

Thanks, Dad!

I just want to see some protein
on the plate at some point.


Grandpa, do you mind if I store
some of my stuff in the barn?

I don't think my surfboard
will fit in my room.

Well, I don't see
why not.

I don't use it
for too much these days.




Joey! Where are you?

Whoa! Careful in here,
I don't want you getting hu...

Did you just grow?

Like, over the last
couple of hours?

This is not normal!

[Joey, giggling]
Not normal.

[continues giggling]


This can be
your home for now.

- Home?
- Yeah!

At least until
we figure things out.



Good night, Joey.



- How's it going...
- Perfectly! Normal.

Uh, nothing out of the
ordinary in my life.

What about you?

Uh, same...
I guess.

So, it was a quiet night
and I... made you... these.

- Oh.
- Uh, you know...

Notes for Miss Erin's
class to study with?

You did all this
last night?

[chuckles] Yeah.
It-it's no big deal,

it... like I said,
quiet night.

- Thanks!
- Yeah. Don't mention it.

[Miss Erin] So why do we think

Twain paired Huckleberry
and Jim together?

- [phone clicking]
- Maddie?

Um... because they're
going on an adventure?

No. Ella.

Give it a try.


At the beginning
of the story,

Huck seems to take
advantage of Jim's...

perceived gullibility.

But over time,
we discover that...

Jim's the only person
in Huck's life

who genuinely has
a pure heart.

Maybe he paired them
together for contrast...

so they could learn
from each other.

Very nice, Ella.
Thank you.


[eerie chimes]


- [clatter]
- [TV turns on]

[music playing on TV]

[man on TV] Like the shadows
on the sundial,

these are
The Days of the Restless.

That was impressive.

- What?
- In class.

Oh! Well,
I read the book.

And someone shared some
pretty detailed notes with me,

- so that didn't hurt.
- [chuckles]

I can't take any credit.
That was all you.

Do you mind?

Can I snag
some of that lettuce?

Uh, sure.

What's that about?

Can't a lady have
her secrets?

Okay, I'll leave you and
your lettuce hoarding alone.

[Ella laughs]

[Jackie over radio] Anything?

[Billy] It's completely
empty in here.

You sure you checked

There's nothing in here.

It must be back
in the first town.

[Sally] Oy! Who's there?

You're not one of mine.

You part of Tommy's crew?

Yeah, Tommy's crew.


- [music playing]
- [chickens clucking]



- Joey! Joey, wake up!
- Huh?

What? What is it?

This is the best day
of my life.

I'm sure it is.

We need to get you back
to the barn. Quick!

[grunts, sighs]

- [groans]
- How do you grow so fast every day?

Beats me, but you wouldn't
believe how hungry it makes me.

And full sentences now?

Yeah, that's a new development.
I've been watching a lot of TV.

[chuckles] Apparently
we have a lot to talk about.


So... how did you
end up out here?

My memory is so fuzzy
about the whole thing.

I've been trying
to piece it together,

but it's hard to say.

I remember my Mum,

being warm in her pouch.

- I bet you miss her.
- Yeah.

I miss my Mom too.

Where is she?


passed on.

Oh. I'm so sorry.

At least we have
each other.

We'll figure all this
out together.

But that means
no more this.

[laughing] Yeah.

[exhales sharply]

That'll do nicely.

This is some light
reading material.


- Joey?
- Yeah?

Until we have a better handle on
things, I need you to stay here.

Out of sight.

Aye, captain.

G'nite, Joey.

Good night, Ella.

All right, guys,
we're taking a minor detour today.

Okay, but sticking with Jim and
Huck's journey down the river,

what can you tell me about the
relationship with the environment

and the world around them?

- Maddie?
- [phone clicks]

[scoffs] I don't know.

- They're going on an adventure.
- No!

Still, not the answer.

- Just give me the phone. That's mine...
- [Maddie scoffs]

...until class is over.
Thank you.


[Ella] I guess it's kind
of a theme throughout the book,

like a... conflict

between nature and...

[Luke] Yeah.
It's like...

Huck's journey
down the river is...

his way of leaving civilization
and society behind.

Nature is
Huck's comfort.

Yeah. Very well said.

Thank you
for phrasing it that way.

Let's keep in mind
that the effect

mankind had on the environment
back in those days

was very different than
what it is now. Okay?

I want you to consider what type of
world Huck Finn would exist in today.

Do you think his journey down the
Mississippi would be as carefree?

I've got some handouts
here for you.

I want you to take a look

and you'll see
that civilization

and nature are still
at a bit of a conflict.

The human race plays
an even more active role

in shaping the environment
than ever before,

from deforestation
to carbon emissions.

I mean, civilization has
definitely come at a cost, okay?

And now we're paying
the price

by dealing with the effects
of climate change.

Climate change has greatly
affected Australia.

Wildfires are probably
the most obvious example,

because it's destroyed
their ecosystems

and reduced the food sources
for their wildlife there.

So kangaroos
could become extinct?

Yeah, it's a possibility.

There are many areas
of Australia

that have
kangaroo populations

in grave risk
of becoming extinct

because of the droughts
and the fires.

Is there anything
we can do to help?

From this side of the world,
there's not a lot that we can really do

to specifically help the
kangaroo population in Australia.

I mean, duh.


Do you want
your phone back?

Okay, so I was saying

we can't really specifically
help them there,

but there are things
we can do here at home, okay?

You can turn the lights off
when you leave a room,

you can take shorter showers,

walk or ride your bike instead
of taking a bus or a car.

These are all things that
you can do easily at home.

Okay, that's
your assignment today.

We're gonna be just
brainstorming ideas,

thinking of ways we can all be
more environmentally conscious

in our everyday lives.

[windmill squeaking]


Check this out.


- Ta-da!
- [chuckling]

Very impressive,
but very unsafe.

I've got
to keep myself busy.

You did not read
all those books already?

- I'm a quick study.
- Okay, smartypants.

Well, there's some snacks
down there for you.

- Oh, thanks!
- It's not much,

but Dad's coming home
soon with the groceries.

I put in a few requests

after you basically
cleared us out yesterday.

And what's school like?

You just go to this place
with a bunch of other kids

and people teach you
different stuff.

Okay, well,
what are the kids like?

Well, there...
there's this boy,

and I think
he kinda likes me.

Ooh la la!

Don't "ooh la la" me.

Do you like him, too?

[gasps] You do!

- What's his name?
- Okay, that's enough of that.

Let's just focus.

Come on,
tell me more!

I'll tell you more
about school.

Aw, but what about
the boy?

There's a boy who likes me

and who I may or may not
have a crush on.

[both chuckling]

But most of the time we're just
doing assignments and homework.

- So...
- Is that what you're doing now?

Mm-hmm. It's what
I'm supposed to be doing.

What's the assignment?

I have to write an essay about
adjusting to new circumstances.

"What lies behind us
and what lies before us

are tiny matters compared
to what lies within us."

- That's deep.
- That's Emerson.

It's in one of your books.

Can I help
with your essay?

I think this is a subject we're
both pretty familiar with.

So like Ralph Waldo Emerson
once said...

"What lies behind us
and what lies before us

are tiny matters compared
to what lies within us."


- Hey, great essay today.
- Oh, thanks.

- You wanna grab a slice of pizza?
- Look, I-I need to get going.

Oh, yeah, right.

Well, you wanna stop by
later tonight instead?

We can go over some ideas
for the creative project?

- Sure. [chuckles]
- Okay, great.

No dice.
We're doomed.

- Not quite.
- How's that exactly?

If the cops recover the
Mazinski, she's gonna k*ll us.

Well, the way I see it is,
it hasn't been reported as found,

so that means we just need to
find the right place to look.

Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

I didn't look in here last time.

Oh, that's
the good stuff.

You're gonna need help with it, though.
Let me find the scooper.


Oh, no, I forgot!

Forgot what?

How long have you
been standing there?

Long enough to see
your talking kangaroo.

She can't talk.

Is that not normal?

Come in.

So you have no idea
where your family is?

Not a clue.

Or why you can talk?

Didn't really think it was
weird until you brought it up.

We're working on it,
but you can't tell anyone, okay?

Which part? That you got
a kangaroo in your house?

Or that it speaks
perfect English?


Your secret's
safe with me.

Wait a minute!

Is this that boy?

The one who likes you and
you may or may not like back?

Thanks, Joey.

No problem. Just wanted
to clear that up.

So what's the deal
with you two?

I'm just trying to talk about
our creative class project

- that we're doing in Miss Erin's class.
- [chuckles]

The creative project, Joey.

It's another assignment
from school.

Right, okay.
So we'll just circle back

to the relationship thing
in a bit.

[clears throat]

Um, do you have any ideas?

I honestly
completely forgot.

What if we...

did something that was useful
and interesting at the same time?

Remember Miss Erin's lecture on
Australia and climate change?

Yeah. The bush fires
and wildlife.

Pretty close to home.

I just wish there was more
we could do about it.

Exactly. That got
me thinking.

What if we could raise money
for a... a charity or something?

I've never really thought about
that before. That could be fun.

Maybe we could
host an event.

Like a competition.

Or a dance?

Oh, that's a great idea!

The Australian Walkabout Ball!

- Oh, I love it!
- It's got a nice ring to it.

We charge a cover fee
and the money we raise

goes to saving animals
in Australia!

We can get party lights
and DJ equipment.

And host it at school.

- That is a brilliant idea.
- [Luke chuckles]

I'll get everything squared
away with the principal

and then we can work
together to figure out

which charity organization
you'd like to work with.

Thanks, Miss Erin.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.


[indistinct chatter]

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Hey, Ella.

Hey, Maddie.

So this little
project of yours...

is actually pretty cool.
I can totally help

and I can get the cheer squad on
board to help spread the word.

That would be great.

- Thanks.
- Yeah, of course.

[confused] Okay.

[leaves rustling]


So I was wondering,




I... I know we're both gonna be
super busy at this thing.

And I'll be there,
you'll be there,

we'll both be there...


- Yeah.
- Right.

Luke, do you wanna be
my date to the dance?

[chuckling] Yeah.

- Yes. Yes, I do.
- Okay.

[both chuckling]

There's plenty of space in here
to work on signage and decor.

We need to start getting
supplies for posters and flyers.

There's an art store in town
next to the fairgrounds.

My dad said we can charge it
to his account there.

I'm getting good at this one.
Check it.

- Oh. Oh...
- [both chuckling]

You okay?

I may have

I'm just getting
stir crazy in here,

so I'm super excited
we're going into town.

You can't go
into town.

Why not?

Uh, we've been
over this. You're...

you're supposed
to be hiding out.

Right, I had
an idea about that.

[birds chirping]

- [Ella] Yeah, it's a really nice day.
- I think we're gonna do

- totally awesome, just like...
- Yeah, exactly.

[clears throat]

Dad, you're home early.

Yeah, I had a few things
to wrap up around here.

Hello, sir.
I'm Luke.

Your daughter and I...

W-we go
to school together.


And you two were
just out in the barn alone?

- No.
- Yeah.

- No.
- Yes.

We were just using it
as a work space

for the dance

Right. I see.

And where were you
heading just now?

Well, we just need
to get a few...

How about you hang here
just a minute, Luke?

You know, maybe you and I

can get to know each other
a little bit better.

I'll be right back.

Uh, okay.

Luke, was it?

Yes, sir.

Have you ever
been hunting?

No, sir.

I love hunting.

You know,
maybe you and I,

maybe we can go
sh**ting some time.

[nervous chuckle]
Okay, bye, dad.

Bye, sweetheart.

Bye, Luke.


So, uh, your dad,
he hunts a lot?

Dad? No, he's
a lousy shot.

Couldn't hit fish
in a barrel.

- [sighs]
- Bow hunting, maybe.

He was almost selected to represent
in the Olympic archery team.

Oh. Okay.

You sure
this is the spot?

My calculations
are correct.

Your "ifs" are what got us
here in the first place.

Are your calculations correct
or do I need to do it all?

You make one little mistake and
they hold it against you forever.

"Little mistake"?

The central focus
of all that planning,

all those details,
all that work

was the Mazinski,

which we had
in our possession,

and which you decided
to swap out for a baby bottle!

I didn't decide, okay?
There was...

- An alligator, right.
- A crocodile!

It doesn't change the fact
that we're in jumpsuits,

sifting through garbage
all day.

We might as well be locked up
doing community service!

I get it, I get it.

Listen, if you find it,
let me know.

I don't want you to
get spooked by a lizard

and switching it out for an
orange juice or something.

It was a very specific
set of circumstances!

Can I get the seasonal

Mm, machine's broken.

How about
a chocolate croissant?

Mm, we're out of those.

Just give me
a coffee and a donut.


- [Jackie] Oh, you need to take responsibility.
- All you do is complain.

- No, you only complain.
- You and Miss Millington.

[Billy] Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum.

Hey, watch it!

So sorry,
excuse us, ma'am.

Quite all right,
young man.

- You okay?
- I'm all right.

- Do you think they noticed?
- I don't think so.

That was too close
for comfort.

[gasps] Can we go
to the Antiquey Mall?

Antique Mall.

And we'll have to come back
another time, grandma.


We're supposed to be home
soon, remember?

Don't push your luck.

But there's
so much cool stuff in there!

Right now we're here
for supplies, that's it.

Hmm, you're no fun.

Hi, Ella. Hey, Luke.

Oh, nothing! I mean,
hey, Miss Erin.

Uh, we were just getting
supplies for...

for flyers and...
and posters.

Okay. [chuckles]

Okay. Well, let me know
if you need a hand.


The aisles in there
seem pretty narrow.

I think you need
to stay out here.

Ooh, can do.

Uh, on second thought,
maybe I should stay out here with you.

No, no, go help Luke.

You'll have lots
of supplies to carry.

I'll behave.
I... I promise.

Best behavior.
No funny business, grandma.

[in elderly voice] Take it
easy, whippersnapper.

Now get in there and spend some
quality time with your man!

This is a shopping trip.
Not a date.

Uh, and he's not my man.

[door bell rings]

You notice anything funny
about that old lady?

Good day to you, sir.

What? She's
extra friendly.

Hello there. Good afternoon.
Beautiful day.

Stop trying to get away from
the conversation we were having

where I get blamed
for everything.

- It's always your fault, Billy.
- Always my fault?


- Why don't we ask Miss Millington?
- Let's ask Miss Millington.

- Let's call her right now.
- You call her.

- I don't have a phone.
- Say, don't I know you?

You must have me mistaken
for someone else.

No, I've seen you

- No. Mm-mm.
- TV maybe.

Howdy, partner?

Okay, grandma,
time to head home.

It's so wonderful
out here.

We'll make sure
you come back real soon,

but... but we better
get going now.

That's it!

You're that criminal
from the news!

- You gotta be kidding me!
- Meet at the rendezvous.

- Help, help!
- Yeah, yeah.

Stop him!
Citizen's arrest! Go!


[woman] Stop him!

[Joey] Whoa!


Are you all right,
young man? What?

Uh... uh... oh.

Uh, ha, ha.

[woman] Get out of the way!
I can't see!

Oh, yeah.


I'm gonna go.

That kangaroo has the
diamond from the news!

- [both breathing hard]
- Hey, guys.

You said to let you know
if we needed a hand.

Well, yeah, yeah,
of co... of course.

Um, weren't you
with someone?

Uh, about that.


Animal Control?

There's a criminal kangaroo
running loose on Third Street!

- [honking]
- [brakes screech]

[Ella] Get in!

[tires squeal]

And now,
it's in a minivan.

Nice ride.

Sorry, what's...
what's happening?

You're part
of the inner circle now.



So until we can reunite her
with her family,

we figured the best place
to keep her was here.

Uh, surely a zoo could take
better care of a kangaroo

than a -year-old girl.

I don't know. I'd say
she's doing an excellent job.


Well, I can't argue
with the talking kangaroo.

Who else knows?

That you, Luke?

You know,
we never got to finish

our conversation
about hunting.

[clears throat]

Well, hello.

Sorry to intrude.
I was just helping the kids

for their fundraiser.

That's very kind
of you.

Adam Patterson,
at your service.

Miss Erin.

Sorry, Erin Blake.
I'm an English teacher.

Ella's told me
a lot about you.

She loves your class.

Well, she's
a lovely student.

Um, actually,
I was just on my way out.

Could I trouble you
for a glass of water?

Right this way.


We have to be
more careful.

I like her. She reminds
me of someone.

Sarah, Sandy...

Miss Sally!

Who's Miss Sally?

I think that was her name.

All I remember is
she was nice,

like Miss Erin.

I guess that's not
too much to go on.

- Having a name is a great start.
- Yeah.

Now we just need
to narrow our Sally search

to people who know
how to look after kangaroos.

[Miss Millington]
How did you manage

to screw this up so badly?

I just didn't
see it coming,

but it... it makes sense
if you think about it.

Which part, exactly?

The talking kangaroo.

- What?
- What?

The roo
has the Mazinski.

All I saw was
a mob of people.

Sure, the mob
was chasing me,

but it was the roo
that knocked me flat.

I fail to see how this
clarifies anything at all.

Think about it.

The Mazinski goes missing
near the animal trucks

and accidentally gets swapped
with a baby kangaroo bottle.

You swapped it, Billy!

No need to name names
or point fingers.

The point is, I saw her
tuck it in her pouch.

Okay, you...

you lead
with that information, Billy.

- Noted.
- [chuckling]


Get me that roo!


Through rather unusual

we're pleased
to announce a breakthrough

in the case
of the missing Mazinski diamond.

Though I can't offer
any details at this point,

what I will say is
that unique situations

require unique solutions,

which is why I've called
in the experts.

The International Animal
Incident Inspection Squad

has flown in one
of their expert trackers

to help
with this investigation.

While I will continue
to lead a special task force

to find the humans involved
in this robbery,

Randy will help us uncover this
kangaroo's connection to the theft.

With his help, the culprits
will be in custody in no time.


[cheering and laughter]

[chuckling, sighs]

Things just got
a little more urgent.

A reward, huh?

- I wonder how much.
- Forget that.

If the cops find her first,
they'll find the Mazinski!

If we find the kids,
we'll find the roo.

It's okay.

- Sounds like it's hunting season.
- Mm-hmm.

[birds cawing]


[insect buzzing]

[critter chattering]

[owl hooting]


Jackie... Jackie!
Jackie! Jackie!

[exhales sharply]






Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, I'm not trying
to offend you.

[Billy screaming]


[wheezing, groaning]

What happened, Billy?

She... It was a he.

She was a he.

- What do you mean?
- [stammers] Wrong roo.

Wrong roo.

Wrong roo.

We must be close.
Where was he headed?

- I don't know, I don't know.
- [scoffs]

We need to hurry
if we wanna get these done

in time
for the dance tonight.

Oh, I almost forgot!

I made you something.
Over there, by the paint.

This box?

Yeah, just open it.

What's in it?

You'll see. I just...

I thought you could
wear it in your hair

or pin it to your dress
for the dance tonight.

Joey! [sighs]

Thank you!

You're so thoughtful.


These were
my mom's favorite.

What do you remember
about your mom?

I think the thing
I remember most...

is the way she smelled.

It was like the ocean
on a warm day.

[sighs] That's really why
I miss the beach so much.

Whenever I was there,
I felt like she was with me.

I think I can remember
what my mom smelled like.


All I'm getting
is wet fur.

But that
might just be me.


I wish I could
remember more.

We'll find her.
I promise.

Have you guys
seen these?

Oh, no.

Okay, that looks
nothing like me.

[Miss Erin scoffs]

Do you think
we should move Joey?

[exhales sharply]


Mr. Patterson?

- What can I do for you?
- Detective Zamora.

I have a warrant
to search the property.

- [Adam] Ella, you out here?
- [sighs]

What now?

Ella, where are you?

Hi, Erin.

This is
Detective Zamora.

She, uh, says she needs
to take a quick look around

for a wild animal.

Um, we haven't seen

Then we won't be long.


Um, have we met?

- What's this all about?
- Sorry for any inconvenience.

We'll be out of your hair
just as soon as we can.

[thumping jumps]


Whoa! [grunting]

- [Joey screaming]
- [heavy thud]

[chimes and music playing]

What was that noise?


[woman on radio] Suspect spotted
near Lakeview, headed East.

Copy, I'm on my way.

[radio beeps]

[Ella sighs]


- That's how it's done.
- [radio crackles]

What do we do now?

We wait.

I'm okay, I'm fine.
Don't worry about me.

[heavy thud]

There was a roo in my rafters.

How about that?




[drawer rattles]


I just had
the strangest dream.

[Joey] I've tried
"Sally Kangaroos,"

"Sally nicest human
in the world ever,"

present company excluded,

and "Sally Australia,"
but nothing.

Was it a dream about a talking
kangaroo living in your barn?

So... not a dream.

No, mm-mm.

You know, this
actually explains a lot.


They seem really close.
What's her story?

Her name's Joey,
but the rest is kind of a mystery.

Ella's been working
as hard as she can

to try to figure out
where she came from

and how to reunite her
with her family.

And in the meantime, she wanted
to keep her safe here.

- [Jerry] Yeah.
- Yeah.

That's my girl.

Do you remember
anything else about her?

I think all the traveling
messed with my memories.

Whoa. Whoa, traveling?

- Mm-hmm, between towns.
- How often?

Maybe six times
since I was born.

- Where?
- I don't know.

I was in my Mum's pouch
most of the time.

So why would a kangaroo be
traveling between towns?

Well, this conversation
can keep for another day.

You can't be late for the big
dance you're in charge of.

I'll hide out in the barn.
You guys should go get ready.


You know, I never got
a chance to go

to one of these
when I was your age.

Ugh, we were never
in one town long enough

to be around for one,
let alone be invited.

I find it hard to believe that
no one would ask you to a dance.

[scoffs] Trust me, stranger
things have happened.


This feels weird. [sighs]

What? Are you worried
about Joey?

- [sighs]
- Listen,

we're gonna find
her family, okay?

And she'll be free.


[Luke] I'm hopeless.

It's just
a simple box step.

I don't know,
Mr. Patterson.

Luke, the worst possible thing
you can do at a dance

is not dance.

Come here.


Give me your hands,
up here.

Nice and firm.

This hand here.
Not that low.

- Ahem. Thank you.
- Yeah, sorry.

Now, just count it out.

[together] One, two, three.

One, two, three.


One, two, three.

- One, two, three.
- [chuckling]

One, two, three.

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

One, two, three.

[door creaks]

I'm almost ready to go.

But I wanted to show you
my dress before I left.


Where are you?


[Miss Erin] Oh,
I can't believe this.

Are you sure?

No, it was definitely
there last night.

What's happening?

The, uh, money collected
for the dance is missing.

Someone broke into the school.

What? How could that happen?

All right, I'll be
there as soon as I can.

- Okay.
- [phone beeps]

All right, I gotta
get down to the campus.

Uh, do you wanna
come with us?

I have to find Joey first.


Joey did say
she was gonna lie low.

Grandpa Jerry can take you
to the dance in the truck

and I'll see you there, okay?


You look beautiful,

- [smooches]
- Thanks, Dad.



It's a shame
about Ella.

Maddie, what are you
doing here?

Wait, what do you mean?

[siren whoops]

Well, she said
she couldn't make it tonight.



You can't keep coming on
my property without cause.

We have cause.

We received an anonymous tip

that we would find the stolen
dance funds in this barn,

and lo and behold,
here they are.

[police radio indistinct]

So I'd like to revisit
our previous conversation.

Where is
this bandit kangaroo?

She's not a thief.

She said that we should
go together,

make the best of it.

That doesn't make any sense.

You know what, kid?

You got moxie
and I like that.

Also, I'm inclined
to believe you.

This whole thing
smells a bit fishy.


Luke, just be a gentleman
and take me to the dance.

Nah, mate.
How about you tell me

how you know Ella
ain't going to the dance?

- [grunting]
- Quit fighting.

Ain't gonna do
nothing for you.

[both grunting]


We're either gonna do this
the easy way

or the hard way.

Which is it gonna be, hmm?

Are you gonna behave
or not?

Open the bag.


Now, you take it easy,
little kangaroo.

We're not gonna hurt you.

We just wanna reach on in

and grab what's ours, hmm?

Then you can scurry along
your little way, all right?


Or you can have
a taste of this.

- [Taser crackles]
- [laughing]

What's it gonna be?



Get that roo!


[breathing hard]

Okay, so hardball it is.

[Taser crackles]

Ow, watch it!

My, my, my.

I can't believe it.

What'd I tell you?
What'd I tell you?

Well... [chuckles]

Let's just put a pin

in this pouch conversation...
shall we?

What else can you say?


She told you
to say something.


We don't wanna make this
any more difficult

- than it has to be.
- [crackles]


[police radio indistinct]


I'll give her a free ride
back to her parents.

This entire day
has turned into a real circus.

Yeah, with this many kangaroos,

we might as well be a part of that
traveling Australian animal show.

What did you say?

You know, the exhibit
from the fair?

What's it called?

"Sally Leonard's
Australian" something.

- Luke!
- On it.

Thank you, Detective!

[chuckling lightly]

One mystery down.
Now we just need to find Joey.

I think I can
track her down.


Those flowers,
did she touch them?

She made this for me.


Hmm, she went that way.

I'm picking up
a few more scents as well.

Three humans.

- Do you think she's in danger?
- I don't know,

but I guess there's
no time to lose.

Mind if I borrow these?


Just think about the
merchandising rights alone.

Forget about the Mazinski!

This kangaroo is
gonna make us a fortune!

And best of all,
it's all aboveboard.


Not more holdups,
no more pantyhose masks.

- [chuckling]
- Endless pineapple daiquiris

on the beach in Maui.

- Mm, mm.
- That's right.

I won't help you.

Oh, yes, you will,
Miss Chatterbox.

You're gonna talk
until the cows come home,

- or you're gonna get a dose of this.
- Mm-hmm.



They're inside.

We can't just
burst in there.

They may be armed!

Leave this
to the professionals.

First, we'll take it
on the talk show circuit.

Highest bidder
gets the exclusive.

Then we'll take
the show on the road.


[gasps] Can you sing?

Mm, mm, mm, mm.

[loud gulp]

[clears throat]

[inhales deeply]

[high-pitched screaming]

[glasses shatters]

What a voice!

That wasn't her,
you dolt.

Well, go check it out!

But it's dark
out there.

What do I pay you for? Go!


- [clattering]
- [pipe rattling]

[Billy] I tripped on a pipe.

[Jackie] Well, watch it,
would ya?

I can't see a thing
in here!

- Jackie, help me!
- [landing thud]


- [Jackie grunting]
- [clatter]

[Billy screaming]

- [Jackie screaming]
- [glass breaking]

- [Jackie screaming]
- [Billy] Whoa!


Why don't you pick
on someone your own size?

- What's going on in there?
- I think we're winning.

Going somewhere?


I was just kidding
about the Taser.



We found this inside.

Well, I'll be. Tied up
with a neat little bow.

- The roo planted that!
- [Miss Millington] She's telling the truth!

That kangaroo can talk.

She's been the mastermind
behind this whole operation!



Okay, let's wrap this up.
We're done here.

[police radio chatter]

[Jackie] But...

Okay, you two,
let's get you home.

Thanks, but I think we'll walk
if it's all the same to you.

Thanks for everything,

Thanks a lot!


I've gotta get more sleep.

Thank you
for saving my life.

May I escort you
home, little lady?

Hello. [chuckling]

Oh, brother.

[crickets chirping]

So much for the dance.

[chuckles] Yeah.

I'm sorry you missed it.

I only wanted to go to spend
more time with you anyways.

[stammers] Okay, well,
good night, Ella.

[stammers] Uh, I was just
leaving, Mr. Patterson.

Nonsense, Luke!

Hey, why don't you come help
me with something in the barn?

- Dad.
- No, no, no, it's okay.

You come, too.



I couldn't have you
miss the dance

after all the effort
you put into it.


[Jerry] So if you can't go
to the dance,

we are gonna bring
the dance to you.

[dance music playing]

There's someone here who I think
would very much like to see you.



Ella gave me their info and
they came as soon as I called.

I thought
we'd lost her for good.

Thank you for taking
such good care of her.


Thank you for finding
my family.

Just like I promised.

Oh, Sally, where are
you heading next?

Oh, it's fortunate Erin
contacted us when she did.

We leave for Australia
the day after tomorrow.

- Australia?
- I'm afraid so.

But you're welcome
to visit us.

You can stay
as long as you like.

There's plenty of room
on our , -hectare property.

Thank you for helping me
find my voice.

You helped me find mine.

Come here, you.


Care to dance?


[dance music playing]

♪ I believe in you and I ♪

♪ I believe in you tonight. ♪
