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Super Monsters: Once Upon a Rhyme (2021)

Posted: 03/13/22 20:41
by bunniefuu
Super Monsters!

Once upon a rhyme.

I'm so excited!

Me too! It's story time!

And we're in charge!

Are you ready for this?

I am, I'm going to tell everyone
my favorite fairytale ever.

It's going to be so much fun!

Did you and Lobo decide on a story?

Aha, it's one of our favorites.

I can't wait, I can't wait,
I can't wait, I can't wait!


Oh, yes!

There they are!

Zoe! We can't wait for story time!

I know!

There's just one thing we need
to do first.

Sun down,

monsters up!





Super Monsters!

Is everyone ready for story time?




It's gotta be here somewhere.

Here you go, cousin Lobo.

Thanks, Vida.



Got it!

Alright, kiddos. Now,
who would like to go first?

Oh, oh, I have a great one!

Pick me! Pick me!

I guess we're starting with Spike.

"Once upon a time, a brother and sister
named Hansel and Gretel

were lost in a forest."

Hansel, how will we ever
find our way back home?

Leaving a trail of breadcrumbs
would've helped.

Too bad we ate them all.

I know, but I was hungry.

And now I'm even hungrier.

"In the middle of the forest was a big,

giant house made out of gingerbread.

With frosting on the roof, and completely
covered in cookies and candies!

But the gingerbread house was owned
by a gruesome, old witch!"

I may be old and truly gruesome,

but I'm still sweet and adorable.

Nice, but I'm going to need
a little more frosting.

"And just then, Hansel
and Gretel happened by."

Oh. I sure hope we find something to eat.

I'm so hungry I could eat
a barrel of candy.

I could eat a house full of candy!

Oh, I could eat a house made of candy!

Look, Hansel!

A house made of candy!

What are the odds?

Oh... We could probably eat without going:
"Nom, nom, nom."

Yeah, but what fun would that be?

"Just then, the old and gruesome witch..."

Who is also sweet and adorable!

"...heard the children's ravenous
'nom, nom, nom.'"

Hello, children. You look so hungry.

Come on in.

A good witch is a helpful witch.

Make yourselves comfortable
while I make preparations.

Are you wondering what I'm going to do
with these two hungry,

house eating children?

I'm going to cook them!

♪ Please, sit down, dear kiddies ♪

♪ And just make yourselves at home ♪

♪ When I'm through with you
You'll both be stuffed ♪

♪ Why? It won't be too long now ♪

♪ Conjure up a pinch of salt and sugar ♪

♪ And a course of two very hungry kids ♪

♪ Fire up the oven, get it hotter ♪

♪ I bet you'll never guess what this is ♪

♪ I'm gonna cook them up ♪

♪ Oh, they be surprised ♪

♪ I'm gonna cook them up ♪

♪ I see the hunger in their eyes ♪

♪ I'm gonna cook them up ♪

♪ I'm gonna cook them up ♪

♪ A great, big, blueberry pie ♪

Wait, come back!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Oh, bats!

Now I don't have anybody to share it with.

And the moral of the story is:

It's OK to eat someone's house,

but always ask permission first.

Spike, I'm not really sure that's
the point of the story.

Look, kiddos!

It's an itsy bitsy spider.

Oh, like the song!

♪ The itsy bitsy spider ♪

♪ Climbed up the water spout ♪

♪ Down came the rain
And washed the spider out ♪

♪ Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain ♪

♪ And the itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again ♪



Oh! I love it when
a story ends with a treat.

Just like my favorite fairy tale!

Oh. "Once upon a time,

Little Red Riding Wolf was racing
through the forest."

Hello! I'm on my way
to grandmother's house.

And I have to get there fast, fast, fast.

Hello, Grandmother.

"Then, he discovered there was
a wolf in his grandmother's bed."

His very own Abuelita!

My sweet little, nieto!

Have you brought me a treat?

Come closer so I can see it.

But, Grandmother, what big eyes you have.

They're better to see you with.

But, Grandmother, what big ears you have.

The better to hear you with.

But, Grandmother, what big teeth you have.

The better to eat with you!

Oh, that reminds me.

I need to pick up
some ingredients for enchiladas.

I'm making a surprise for dinner.

Hum... Is it enchiladas?

Oh! How did you guess?

I'll be back in two shakes
of a cub's tail.

Abuelita, are you home?

Who is it?

It's me, Abuelita,

I've come to visit you.

Oh. Come closer, my dear, and let me see.

But, Grandmother,

what big ears you have!

Oh! The better to hear you with.

But, Grandmother,
what big eyes you have.

The better to see you with.

But, Grandmother, what big paws you have!

The better...
To tag you with!

You're a wolf!

But you're not the wolf I was coming
to visit.

I'll tag, you're it!

No, you are!

I got you. Oh, you're it!

-Uh. I'm not!
-No, no, no!

I got you!

Mamá, are you in there?

Hola, mamá. I brought you some... Oh...

Hola, mijo.

But, mamá, what big, hairy toes you have.

Nieto, I'm home!

Ah, you're taking a little siesta.

But, nieto, what a big nose you have.


♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, Abuelita ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

And the moral of the story
is: Abuelitas are awesome!

And so are surprise parties!

Got you, Henri!

Does anybody know a nursery rhyme
about a kitty?

Oh, I know one!

Oh! Where is it? Ah!

And it's right here!

Ahem. "Hey, diddle, diddle.

The cat and the fiddle.

The gargoyle jumped over the moon.

The ogre girl laughed to see such sport,

and the dish ran away with the spoon!"

- Snack time!
- Oh!

But be careful, these cookies
are still hot.

Sometimes you have to wait
for your food to cool down.

Like the three bears.

What three bears?

"Once upon a time, there were three bears.

Mama bear, Papa bear
and Baby Bear.

One day, they all sat down
to eat some porridge.

But their porridge was way too hot.

So they went for a walk
while they waited for it to cool down.

And that's when Goldilocks came along."

Anybody home?

Wait, I thought Goldilocks
was a girl!

Boy, girl, it doesn't matter as long
as Goldilocks has yellow hair.

Because that's where the name
comes from.

"Goldilocks had walked a long way

and wanted to rest his big, tired feet.

But the first chair was too big!

And the second chair was too small!

But the third chair was just right."


"Goldilocks felt really bad

because this kind of thing happened
to him all the time."

All... the time.

"Then, Goldilocks smelled
that yummy, yummy porridge.

But the first bowl was too hot.

And the second bowl was too cold.

But the third bowl was just right!

And then, it all went wrong.

Like it does all... the time."

All... the time.

"Goldilocks really needed a nap.

Luckily, there were three beds.

But the first bed was too hard.

And the second bed was too soft.

But the third bed was just right!"

Huh? The feathers in these pillows
are making me...


♪ If there's a chair I'm gonna break it
It sure will never make it ♪

♪ Things like these happen to me
All... the time ♪

♪ When the porridge bowl was flying
You're either laughing or you're crying ♪

♪ But things like these happen to me
All... the time ♪

♪ Even though I try my best
To do things right ♪

♪ I guess I just don't really know
My own might ♪

♪ Crushed it ♪

♪ Accidents and missteps
Smashes, stomps and mishaps ♪

♪ Yeah, things like these happen to me
All... the... time ♪

Goldilocks, we've been
looking for you everywhere!

You're in the wrong cabin!

We're staying in that one over there.

This one belongs to the three bears!

Oh, no! What's gonna happen
when the bears come back?

Well, first we'll need to apologize.

And then we'll help clean everything up.

Oh, dear!

Mrs. Bear, I'm really sorry!

We all are.

Please accept this pot of honey
as an apology.

And don't worry. We'll repair
all... the damage.

It's OK, Mrs. Mash.

This happens to us all the time.


All... the time!

And the moral of the story is...


Bears like honey?

Great story, Frankie! And now our cookies
are cool enough to eat.

♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star ♪

♪ How I wonder what you are ♪

♪ Up above the world, so high ♪

♪ Like a diamond in the sky ♪

♪ When the blazing sun is gone ♪

♪ When he nothing shines upon ♪

♪ Then you show your little light ♪

♪ Twinkle, twinkle, all the night ♪

♪ As your bright and tiny spark ♪

♪ Lights the traveler in the dark ♪

♪ How could he see where to go? ♪

♪ If you did not twinkle so? ♪

♪ Then the traveler in the dark ♪

♪ Thanks you for your tiny spark ♪

♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star ♪

♪ How I wonder what you are ♪

That was a wonderful song, Olive!

Here, let me help you with that.

Thank you, and let me help you with this.

Zoe, you have such amazing hair.

Oh, thank you!

I know a story about another girl
with amazing hair.

Her name was Rapunzel.

And she lived way up at the top
of a really high tower.

And she was very, very lonely.

If only I had
somebody to play with.

Meanwhile, not far away,
a royal traveler was wandering.

She had really great taste.
And, of course, a crown.

She was also a great adventurer.

She went all over the world
exploring lost cities,

finding hidden treasure,
and best of all--

Cleo, isn't this supposed
to be Rapunzel's story?

Who? Oh, right!

I don't want much,
just one really good friend

I could read books with,
braid each other's hair,

maybe do a little finger painting.

- Hi, there!
- Oh.

We could have a tea party
with our teddy bears!

Hi, there!

If you're looking for someone
to play with, I can come on up.

Oh, could you? Would you?

Be careful, oops!


I'm good!

Here I come, Rapunzel!

Oh, not again!


Oh, timber!

Oh. Have you considered maybe using
a hair clip?

We need to come up with something

you can use to climb up the tower.

Yes, but what?


You know? Maybe you can use my hair.

To climb up the wall?

Why didn't I think of that?

Rapunzel, Rapunzel!

Let down your golden, purple
and orange hair!

Sorry, you're not in this one.


You made it, hooray!

Honey, what are you hooraying about?

Oh, I didn't know you had company.

Are you hungry? Would you like
a lovely waffle?

Wait, you have an elevator?

An elevator?


And the moral of the story is:

They had an elevator!

That was a funny story.
Want to hear another one?

Hmm, the way it starts out not so funny,

because, well...

"Little Bo Peep had lost her sheep!

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
and doesn't know where to find them.

Leave them alone and they'll come home,

wagging their tails behind them.

She looked high and low,
over hills where they'd go,

and still couldn't manage to find them.

Little Bo Peep wanted to weep,
and decided to rest for a spell."

One, two, three.

"She fell fast asleep
while counting her sheep,

Dreaming they came home with a smile.

Little Bo Peep had lost her sheep
and didn't know where to find them.

She left them alone
and they came back home,

wagging their tails behind them."

That was great, Samy.

Who'd like to go next?

Oh, yeah! Does anyone want to hear
a Transylvanian Folk Tale?

-Yes, please!
-I would!

"A long time ago, in a forest far,
far away,

a handsome young count was heartbroken.

Because he wasn't able to dance
at the Royal Ball.

Now nobody would get to see
his moves,

which had their very own moves.

Never before had he felt so alone!"

Oh, ah!


"It was a mermaid!
A beautiful mermaid!

And she had some awesome moves too."

♪ Yeah, what? ♪

♪ Check me out
These dancing shoes might be small ♪

♪ But they got a monster soul
I dip and dab with speed and grace ♪

♪ And break-dance like a pro ♪

♪ And if a friend comes joining in ♪

♪ Well, they better best keep up ♪

♪ Cause this cabbage patch
Is shaking loose ♪

♪ We're going up, up, up
Whoa! ♪

♪ Dancing across the sky ♪

♪ Shining bright in moonlight ♪

♪ I'm gonna show ya ♪

♪ Just how I flow, yeah ♪

♪ Just watch me now
Moon-walking on the moon ♪

♪ Fantastic flow, see ♪

♪ These arms are boss, yeah ♪

♪ So scorching hot and in the groove
That even my moves, they have moves ♪

♪ They have moves ♪

♪ They have moves ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah
They have moves ♪

♪ We're gonna show ya ♪

♪ Just how we glow, yeah ♪

♪ You've never seen an electric glide
So smooth ♪

♪ Breaking the wave down
Vampire zone now ♪

♪ What? No, we can't stop
We're in the groove ♪

♪ Yeah, even my moves, they have moves ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, they have moves ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah
They have moves ♪

♪ What?
They have moves ♪

♪ Oh. Even my moves have moves ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

"And the count's heart
was as full as the moon."

- The end.
- That was pretty good!

Drac, that was
a really heartwarming story.

And one I've never heard before.

It's always great to hear a new story.

-It's all so magical.

♪ It's fun to tell our story
A once upon a time ♪

♪ A fairytale, adventure
Favorite nursing rhyme ♪

♪ It helps our new friends
Know that they belong ♪

♪ Laughing with old friends
And singing silly songs ♪

♪ Sharing with friends
A once upon a time ♪

♪ Making new friends
Sharing nursing rhymes ♪

♪ And all the night now ends ♪

♪ While we had ourselves
A monster of a time ♪

Sun up, Super Monsters!

And they all lived happily ever after!

♪ La la la la la la
Super Monsters ♪

♪ Super Monsters ♪

♪ We're Super Monsters
We're human in the daylight ♪

♪ We're Super Monsters
We become monsters at night ♪

♪ In Pitchfork Pines we learn
And help each other grow ♪

♪ There's magic in twilight
That's when we start to glow ♪

♪ Sun down
Monsters up! ♪

♪ I'm Drac, flying fast ♪

♪ Cleo, wind power
Spike, dragon clouds ♪

♪ Zoe, zombie vision
Lobo, super speed ♪

♪ Katya, magic spells
Frankie, stomp ♪

♪ We're Super Monsters
Monsters ♪

♪ Monsters!
Until next time we monster up! ♪