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22 vs. Earth (2021)

Posted: 03/13/22 20:27
by bunniefuu

No, wait, Neptune, trust me.
Do not go to Earth. It's not worth it.

That place is dirty
and wet and lonely and...

Come on, Neptune, remember our,
our spontaneous dance party.

What? Stay here with me
if you wanna get funky!

But I can go to Earth now.

Yes, you can. Congratulations.
You completed your Earth Pass.

- And did not.

She has no reason to live.

COUNSELOR JERRY B: She's working on it.



Oh, what makes you so great,
you stupid floating rock?

Stealin' all my friends.

How would you like it if I...

If I stopped souls from visiting you?

Then they would have to stay here with me.




You are mindless blank slates.

(TOGETHER) We are mindless blank slates.

You have no purpose.

(TOGETHER) We have no purpose.

Until right now.

(TOGETHER) Until right now.

Congratulations. You five souls
have been chosen...

Congratulations, you five souls...

No, stop it.
Don't repeat that part. Stop it.

Don't repeat that part. Stop it.

You have been selected to be members
of an exclusive, secret organization

whose only purpose is to prevent souls

from going to
the dumb planet known as Earth.

Does our unstoppable g*ng
have a really cool name? Yes, it does.

We shall be known as The Apocalypse.

You can repeat that.

- ZIMMY: Amock-a-trips!

MOONBEAM: A-pick-a-fizz!

Apocalypse. Anonymous Provocateurs
and Other Culprits

that are Against Leaving Your friends
to go to Pathetic Stupid Earth.

- But I like Earth.
- No, you don't. You hate Earth.

I hate Earth.

Me, too. I hate Earth.

I hate Earth!

- (CHANTING) I hate Earth! I hate Earth!
- Yes!

The Apocalypse is now.

- Follow me.
- ALL: Apocalypse now!

Our mission, stop souls
from discovering their inspiration.

Without inspiration,
they can't complete their Earth Pass.

Bingo, Macaroni.

And then they have to stay here with us.

Oh, by the way,
I gave us all cool codenames.

Macaroni, Zimmy, Peanut, D-pac, Moonbeam,

Cheese, and Crackers.

We are The Apocalypse!

ZIMMY: Amock-a-trips!
MOONBEAM: A-pic-a-fizz!

Steal everything you can.

Nice job. Keep going.


We are The Apollo-Miss!



Go! Go!

Nice, Peanut.

Driving is fun!

I'm goin' to Earth!

No! I told you to steal, not be inspired!

PEANUT: Whoo-hoo!

Wait! Peanut, stop! Earth is bad!

- Ugh. Fine. We don't need Peanut.
- I thought I was Peanut.

In fact, this is good.

- I'm glad Peanut left.
- Me, too.

- You always agree with everything I say?
- I agree!

You have no original thoughts
and I like that. Zimmy's a follower.

I'm a follower!

- No!
- Whoo-hoo!

Not again. Zimmy, come back! Ugh!

Hey, . What a coincidence.

(WHISPERS) Deny everything.

It's so nice
to see you making new friends.

These aren't my friends.
I've never seen them before.

I love .

(WHISPERS) You don't know me.

I don't know .

I love lying!

Ugh! As if Earth needs another politician.

You can't stop us.

We're The Acapulco-lisp.

Whoa, there. Stop it. Tickles.

Fight the power, Moonbeam.

- Oh, come on!
- I'm a doggie! (BARKS)

I'd hate to be that soul's parents.


We failed.

I failed.

(SIGHS) None of my friends
stay my friends.

They all leave me.

Except for you, Macaroni.


- Whee!

You've won this round, ya dumb planet.

You can take everyone
that ever meant anything to me,

but you'll never get this soul.

I swear over my nonexistent body,
I will never go to Earth...

Maybe someday will finally go to Earth
and learn what the meaning of life is.

Come to think of it,
what is the meaning of life?

- You don't know?
- Nobody told me.

Oh, it's simple, really.
We're all here for the purpose of...


Is that it?

Sounds so banal when it's said out loud.

Too bad, really.