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Panda vs. Aliens (2021)

Posted: 03/13/22 19:29
by bunniefuu


I'm going to destroy
the entire planet.


You are mistaken evil one,

for Chen is here to protect

the kind citizens
of planet Nuwa.

Chen, not you again.

Oh, every time I'm about to
destroy this stupid planet,

you appear, you're
a real party pooper.

You know that?

True, but only if
it's a party of evil.

The goddess Nuwa gave me
this magical medallion

to my grandfather, making
him vow to use its powers

to protect her creations.

My grandfather passed this
medallion down to my father

and he passed it to me.

Along with its powers,
comes the secret charge

to protect Nuwa from evil.

All I want to do
is destroy this world

and everyone who lives in it.

Is that so evil?

Extermination of all life?

Yeah, that's pretty much
like the definition of evil.

I'm trying to think of
something more evil than that,

Aussie, I got nothing.

That is terrible.

Nothing's coming to mind.

Small minded fool.

[upbeat music]

I'll wipe you off the map.

You can't wipe me off the map.

Maps are for places.

I'm a person.

Honestly, don't they teach
you anything at evil school?


I'll catch you next time Chen.


The Great Chen, our hero.

Thank you Chen, our hero.

Marry me.

I'm just happy to help.

[Narrator] Thanks for
tuning in once again

for the adventures of Chen

based on actual
historical events.

Don't miss next
week as Chen faces

the malevolent forces
of the swamp beast king.

People of Nuwa, I
will be here for you.


Was that one good?

Nice Pandy, really.

But why don't we do just a
few more just for safety.

Take .

Pepe of Nua.

Ah, I said Pepe.

Take .

People of Nua, forever
will I be with you

to protect you here.

Take .

People of Nua, I will
be here to protect you.

- Forever.
- Forever.

Marvelous, that's a wrap.

Hey, how are my scenes?

It took takes, which
is better than takes.

Can't believe he remembered.

That guy is such a joke.


Why do people like
this show so much?

Bud, you were doing so well.

Yeah you know,
it's the th season,

so I've pretty much
got this on lock.

So locked in bud.

Hey Duke, as a writer,
would it be too much to ask

for a little depth for me?

Depth, what are
you talking about?

My script is so deep,
lava could come out.

I mean, seriously, this line,

I'm going to destroy
the entire planet.

Ha ha ha.

I mean, how can I say that?

Who says that?

Someone who's going to
destroy a planet says that like

[laughs hysterically]


Wow, that was great the
way you did that Duke.

I liked your ha ha ha
too Bruno either way.

Either way.

You mean what
you'd really prefer

is, I'm going to destroy
this entire planet.


That was, yeah, fantastic.


Just one problem.

No villain anywhere
would ever say that.

I'm going to destroy
this entire planet.


I never get tired of
hearing you say that

and that laugh, it
gets better and better.

The laugh is %
of the job, son.

You try it.


Try like this.


Wait, there.


Not enough base.

Go lower, like this.


- Sir.
- Not Now Samrott.

But I thought
you'd like to know...

I said not now.

As your treasurer, sir,

I have to point out that
this excursion has cost you

far more than we
can possibly gain

by annexing this tiny planet
into the Treksorian Empire.

Well then as treasurer,
what do you think

would be a better
use of our resources?

Well there's any number of
uprisings in the core system

that could cause...

Uprisings are boring.

They're always over too fast.

Yeah dude, come on.

Rise up and down,
rise up and down.

Where's the fun in that?

Where's the,


I have need Samrott.

I have to explore new
worlds to reach untouched,

unchartered civilizations.

I understand, but if some
of these quests of yours

could help the
empire's bottom line,

we can make several

Speaking of improvements,
I'm just not sure

my title as king is big enough.

It's not awful.

King is okay.

I just feel like
we could go bigger.

What about supreme?

I was thinking beloved leader,
president, prime minister

Karuph the Great Grand Poobah.

Your Highness, we
really should move out.

What's the rush?

Well sir, we've mined the
planet down to an empty shell.

Any minute now, it'll implode.

Final lesson son,

always leave the planet
before you destroy it.

Don't fret my boy.

There are still plenty of other
worlds out there to destroy.

So I see the Tom Cat Cruise.

Maybe it wasn't so much
the jumping on the couch

that upset Orca Winfrey.

Maybe it was the fact
she had to buy a new one

after her clothes tore up.

That story is getting so old.

So what?

I tell it so well.

- Yeah, totally.
- Loved it.

I deserve better than this.

Get me an indie
film, a commercial.

And here comes Charles.

Yes, that was who
you think it was.

That's my point.

So stop talking to me
and make some calls.

A little prestige.

Is that too much to ask?

Penny, I have some
tiny script notes.

Hey, we can give notes.

I've got a note for you.

Stick to the script.

He said it was
going to implode.

Just kind of deflated.

We could blow up that planet.

Which one?


What's wrong?

You love blowing up planets.

I'm just not in the mood.

I mean the death ray
is already charged.

[suspense music]

Two blazers with it.


That was okay I guess.


I mean the expl*si*n was nice,

but there are no
people to oppress.

No civilizations are destroyed.

It's not personal, you know?

I mean, when I destroy
a celestial body,

I prefer to be teeming
with life first.

Of course, that's slimy
little bean counter

with write that I'm wasting
more imperial resources.

Where is that dimwit anyway?

Sorry, your Highness.

You wanted something?

When I was a young Treksorian,

no one could command more
respect than my father,

the Great Zaso.

The old man smashed me with
a cro lack so many times.

I'm surprised I have
any brain cells left.

Why ever since I was
just a royal sprat,

I've been just Gaga
for excessive v*olence.

Anyway, Samrott,
here's the thing.

We need another
planet to destroy.

But sire the budget.

We just talked about this.

I know, but look
at my kid over there.

How many trips like this are
we going to have together?

They don't stay
innocent forever.

You're right, sir.

He is adorable.


Get it off, get it off.

Look around me,
my pride and joy.

After all, my only son.

Surely your majesty
has not forgotten

that he has another son.

There's also eldest, Crusher.

How did we get here Samrott?

You tried to bring up
kids with good values,

destroying planets, burning
him to the ground, the basics,

and now your firstborn
son, what does he do?

He goes off and joins the
Galactic Peace Foundation.

Where did I go wrong?

It could be just a
phase, your majesty.

That boy's burned
up every second chance

I've ever given him.

Find me a planet Samrott.

Any planet.

Just as long as you
get to destroy it.

I was at the top of my class

at the Nuwa Academy
of Dramatic Arts.

They said, I possessed
a singular talent.

Oh, I know all about
your singular talents.

Well, right now
it's being squandered.

Five years acting
with a cut rate panda

that can't even
remember his lines.

What is it you want from me?

How do we keep you on the show?

I'm tired of
playing the villain.

I want to be the hero.


That's ridiculous.

Who's Pandy supposed to fight?

Fine then, I quit.

Bruno, wait.

Don't you know you're
the most nuanced

villain on screen right now?


Why do you think
people keep tuning in?

Certainly not for Pandy.

I mean, not just for Pandy.

Come to the premiere tonight.

Watch how the fans react
and tell me I'm wrong.

Well, yes.

This is worth investigating.

You owe it to yourself

as a true vessel of
the dramatic arts.


You're really something Penny.

- You okay?
- Sorry.

Bruno's not the only one
with a case of your envy.

What do you mean?

Look at them all.

Real heroes, actual legends.

Then there's me,
the great pretender.

Pandy, you know your dad
left all of this for you.

What's your point?

That he knew what he was
doing when he set all this up.

You make millions
of people happy.

That's not nothing
and you're good.

You really think dad
wanted me the mooch off

family fame and play
out like a hero?

He was a hero and
granddad before him

and great grandma before that.

It's not like that.

I know he was very proud of you

and you remind me
so much of him.


Well you're
quick on your feet.

You understand people.

You get them here and
that's the real talent.

I always wanted
to be like him.

You're getting darn close.

What did you
guys say to Bruno?

Like did you give him
a spinoff or something?

Cause man, I have not
seen anybody that happy

since we were renewed
for our second...

Did I interrupt?

Nothing that can't wait.

Come on Pandy.

Let's go help Duke get
started on the next episode.

Penny, there's
something I want to...

You're watching an MMZ.

Nuwa's prime channel
for entertainment news.

I'm Sylvester,
here to update you

on all the scandal
you can handle.

Word here at the Pandy
generations, th season premiere

with a slippery
tip about the show

almost losing its main villain.

Look at them.

This is it.

This is the night.

They really like me.

Us, they like us.

This is really exciting.

Sure is.


I've done this like one or two
dozen times before at least.

Could you let them
enjoy the night?


I was just wondering kind of
candy you would like Bruno.

I don't do any
processed sugars.

So maybe just some
sugar free gum.

Sugar free gum.


Real life for
the party, right?

You guys are the best.

The fans like me, they like us.

I'd like to breathe.



Of course they love him.

He's got the perfect
foil and your villain,

complicated, complex.

The multidimensional heavy
without whom there'd be nothing.

Yeah so we're not exactly
what you would call stars.

Don't worry, you get used to it.


How would you
address all the haters

that say you're losing
too much weight?

Lost weight.

Oh, I'm still in shape.

As long as you get
round is a shape.

See, my shirt still doesn't
even cover my tummy.

Any truth to the rumor

the show might end
after this season?

It's up to the fans, not me.

If they want more episodes,
I'm happy to give it to them.

Did you see?

Almost like someone knew
you were going to be here.

You guys set that up?

How was the ride over?


Nothing more love than a limo.

No, it's cool.

Sit, no big deal.

I'll find a spot.

Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you all so much.

I hope you enjoy
our screen tonight

and please remember to
switch off your phones.

We're freedom of
the press people.

And now if you please
a warm round of applause

for our star, Pandy.


Thank you so much
for being here tonight.

I know my father
would be pleased

to see so many smiling faces
if he were still here with us.

However, I do feel a
spirit of innovation

for entertainment
is here with us,

which is why our studio
recently launched

brand new high
powered satellites

to ensure uninterrupted signals

across our entire
television broadcast

and tonight is the first
time they all go live.


From what I've been told,
these bad boys are so strong

they could send a signal
across the whole galaxy.

Isn't it true that
you're going to fire Bruno

before the season ends?

I don't know where you
would have heard that.

Things are going
well on the set.

If you don't believe
me, ask Bruno.

MMZ has it from
two unnamed sources

that Bruno will be...

Security, can you.

Hey, watch it.

Let me go.

I have a press pass.

Alrighty, let's
fire up the signal

and get this bad boy started.

People of Nuwa, I will
be here for you forever.

Man, they are so great.

Awesome heroics.

Their news broadcast
are so moving.

Why doesn't our news have a
soundtrack like Pandy does?

You know this planet
shows the news every day

for months at a time, we hear
nothing new from your Pandy.

Almost as if he takes
the entire summer off.

We just don't get all
their broadcast is all.

Our reception is
terrible out here.

I've started to
think what would happen

if your father ever caught wind

of Pandy's power
or his battalion.

It guess it's not all bad.

I'm gonna travel to the
furthest edge of the empire

just to watch Pandy's heroics.

Father would stop at nothing

to get his mitts
on that medallion.

We better hurry
to planet Lehuya

before your father
gets done with it.

That's right.

Fire up the engines.

- We'll be back next week.
- Aye aye sir.

Dad's been busy, I see.

An incoming
transmission from Pandy.

Oh no, it's their news.

That's crazy.

What are they doing
broadcasting it out here?

Sir, if we can get the
transmission out here,

doesn't that mean...

Trecksor can get it too.

Once the old man sees
there's a strong force

for good in the universe.

He'd stop at
nothing to crush it.

We have to warn that planet.

Every second counts.

- Course is set captain.
- Maximum thrust.

Punch it.

Your Highness, your
mother, the queen

insists that you pick
up some yam root milk

on your way back.

I'm king of the Nuwa galaxy.

I refuse to count on her demands

like some zagnerium lapdog.

Ask if she wants
two percent or skim.

I'm getting a strange signal.

Put it on screen.

Make sure my son's not watching.

Unsubscribe to the
channel at once.

Turn it off.

Wait, what is that?

Unknown sir.

The signal is coming to us
from outside Trecksorian space.

Who is that?

Computer says it's
a species known as...


That's dolly thing is supposed
to be their protector?

Locate the source of that
signaling and set course at once.

I'm unable to get
any kind of reading

on the object you
asked about sire.


I don't care about
energy readings.

Just look at it.

It's beautiful.

It must be be mine.

I'm not sure we can afford

to undertake a
new campaign sire.

I mean you know how the queen
gets when you go overspending.

Don't you worry about that.

When she sees the jewelry
I'm bringing back,

our budget will be the
last thing on our mind.

Patch me in so I can introduce
myself to this Pandy.

You'll never stop me Pandy.



What's gonna make this
time so different?

This time I've set up bombs

in a dozen major
capitol buildings.

I've hung up busload of orphans
off the main street bridge.

Oh, and that girl
you met last week,

I've tied her to
the train tracks.

You fiend.

Yes, I'm fiendish and
evil, but I'm also complex

and have a most
compelling backstory.

Another time.

Right now, I have
to go save the day.

What does that mean?

He pressed the button.

Was this supposed to happen?

I don't remember sh**ting this.

Relax everyone.

It's just a slight
technical problem.

We'll have it all
fixed in a minute.

Who is this life
form they call Pandy?

Down here.

You're not like a really
enthused fan, are you?

I'm King Karoth,
the destroyer.

Ruler, tyrant and
all around big trees

from the Treksorian Empire.

Is this a press stunt?

Hi, this is my producer Penny.

I've traveled the
galaxy to find you.

I was greatly impressed
by your expl*sive powers.

Thanks, I get that a lot.

But you know, really
it's a team effort.

And modest too.

Slaying you will be an
honor I intend to savor.

No, seriously.

The honors is all...

Slay me?

A fair fight to the death
of course, but you'll lose.

To be honest, I
never fight fair.

Hold on.

I think there's something
you're not getting.

You realize that this
is just a show, right?

It's all made up.


I'm not a fighter.

I'm an actor.


I will not be mocked by
lesser beings such as you.

My flagship is in high orbit.

My troops are sending
even as we speak.

Prepare for battle.

Your show is about
to be preempted.

Whoa, yes.

Got them good with
that last line.

Did you hear?

They were calling it
a show, so I said,

hey, your show's
getting preempted.

I think preempted is just
temporarily interrupted.

He's right dad.

If you wanted to say the
show's ending permanently,

you should've been
like, I'm canceling you

or I'm pulling the plug.

Are you sure?

In that case, what
I said was lame.

Okay, fine.

Reconnect me and I'll work
to plug pulling line in.

I'm afraid you
never gave the order

to disconnect your majesty.

What are you saying?

We're still connected?

They're hearing
everything we say.

I swear to Nuwa,
I didn't write that.



We're all gonna die.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Do you?

It's all right.

[bell clangs]

I don't get it.

Aren't the translators working?

Please can you tell
us where Pandy is?

Hang on Crusher, I think
yours got switched off.

We need Pandy's help fast.

Where can he be?


Did you do just say
you need his help?

Listen to me.

You hear me in your
native language, right?

Just wait, listen.

We're not part of this thing.

We're trying to help.

Stunned them.

They're be very lovable evil
selves in a few minutes.

In the meantime, we need
you to help us find Pandy?

Hey, little brother, how's Dad?

Oh, he's great.

I'm his favorite now.

We laugh together all the time.

Turns out laughing is
like % of the job.


I'm so sorry.

I couldn't have been there
Martin, but I'm here now

and I'm going to stop Dad.

You're not going to stop him.

I'm going to find Pandy,

Dad's going to get him

and we're bringing his
medallion back to grandma.

[dramatic music]


Okay, come on.

Your lasers can be reflected?


[dramatic music]

Not so fast.

- Pandy?
- Go.

- But...
- I said go.

It's me they want, not you guys.

They don't seem to have
very good name aim.


But you love limos.

There's no time, go.

[dramatic music]


Get away from me.

Oh for the love of...

I'm not with them.

Why didn't you use the amulet?

I keep telling you
guys it's not real.

It's a TV show.

Brother, betrayer.

We gotta get you out of here.

I can't believe it.

This is the worst
season premiere.

Driver, why are you stopping?

- The freeway is down.
- What?

You mean the whole
freeway's closed?

[Driver] More like the
entire freeway is down.

Take us back the other way.

Let me go.

You're one of the aliens.

I'm a good alien.

But my friends.

You're the one King Karoth
wants to k*ll, remember.

Hurry, hide please.



Didn't I tell
you to stay hidden?

Forget you ape, I'm leaving.


My crew.

This is incredible.


It takes a while to
get your space legs kid.

There is a , chance

I might puke in the
next five minutes.

That's fine.

There's only a , chance

we'll survive the
next five minutes.

Target that cruiser.

Take down my brother's
cruiser at once.

Take it down now.

That didn't take long.

sh**t to cr*pple them
but don't destroy them.

Invasive maneuvers.

We're hit.

Slow down.


Hang on everyone.

It's my brother.

Weapons ready, hit.

Initiate protocol RPS.

[upbeat music]

[Man] Defeat.

Blaster up ahead.

- Initiate protocol CBH.
- Copy that.

[dramatic music]

We're hit.

- How bad?
- Bad.

[dramatic music]

Damage report.


Rollins confirms it sir.

The ship's a complete loss.

So it's totaled.

Well, we just call
the insurance company

and phone for a limo, right.

I could go for a jacuzzi.

You know, that would
have been a dynamite chance

to help us out with
that medallion of yours.

You could have
shielded the ship.

You could have swatted
those ships out of the sky.

How many times do I
have to tell you people

it's a TV show.

I mean, I'm a veritable
fountain of ideas

in the writer's room, but
this is the real thing.

What do we do?

I don't know.

Our best friend is
out there somewhere.

Did you try giving him a call?

- Hey there.
- Hey.

[Pandy] You've reached
Pandy of Pandy generations.

Voicemail which he hasn't
changed since season three.

Can we officially panic now?

Oh, that idiot.

What could he?

Right, we have to go find him.

Go, you mean go outside?

We have to.

Don't worry.

We're in plenty
of actual danger,

so there will be chances

for all of your panic
monologues along the way.

I wish Pandy's father were here.

He'd know what to do.

Pandy's father?

Yeah, he'd have a plan.

He built all this.

He had a plan for everything.

Now we're an actual danger

and all we've got is one
missing superstar and...


My child, if you're
reading this,

then the worst has happened

and the medallion's
power is needed again.

The medallion is tuned
to our bloodline,

but it can be used by others.

Do not let it fall
into the wrong hands.

Its power will need
time to awaken.

Keep it safe.

Oh my Nuwa.

The legends are true.

Wait, you're telling
me that all these stories

about adventures and
Pandy's ancestors.

I don't think
they're just stories.

I think we follow it
where it wants us to go.

We find Pandy so
we can save Nuwa.

Let's go.

Where the heck
have you taken me?

Well I don't know.

How would I know.

It's your planet.

Don't talk to me like that.

You're the ones who abducted me.

We saved your life
you big ungrateful bear.

So you expect me to believe
that the exact same time

that this huge swarm of
alien invaders arrive,

a foursome of good
aliens show up to help?

[Group] Yes.

We came to stop my father.


Your father?

Your dad is leading
the invasion?

Meet Prince Crusher,
deposed son of King Kharouf.

- Deposed?
- Well, she's exaggerating.

My family, I just don't
support what he does.


I bet family reunions
or a barrel of laughs.

Feeling alright Pandy?

Sorry, you just
look so different.

You look like a gorilla that
fell into a vat of grape juice.

So to us you look like
a overfed glass norm.


- It's true, you do.
- Indeed.

Your appearance would be quite
comical on Treksor prime.

So we're not on
Treksor prime, are we?

No, we just look different.

I'm saying when we get
back to civilization,

folks might think you're
with the bad guys.

Take it the wrong way.

We crashed from over there,
so let's get a move on.

Father's not wasting any
time, neither could we.

[guitar music]

♪ Always the villain
in dramatic acts ♪

♪ He's had about the distress,
dances on the tain tracks ♪

♪ When he tries out further ♪

♪ Hero, they never
called him that ♪

♪ Because he's
just way too good ♪

♪ Way too good to begin ♪

♪ Way too good to be bad ♪

I'm looking for a bear, Pandy.

Recognize his life form?

It's hard to tell.

It's a black and white photo.

It's a color photo, but
it's a black and white bear.

In exchange for information

leading to his
successful capture,

I would gladly
grant your freedom.

Excuse me, down here.

I don't know where Pandy is,

but I do know someone who might.

You look familiar.

I know, I know.

I get that a lot.

I'm in entertainment.

Various roles.

You're that...

No, seriously, no points
training yourself to remember.

- I just...
- Set up bombs.

Suspended a whole bus of
children from a bridge.

Guards, remove this prisoner.

- No, no, please.
- Silence.

I need to set an example
before my subjects

so this will never happen again.

Oh, good lord, no.

I want an immediate
flogging of whoever it was

that put this fellow behind bars

while failing to
recognize his evil genius.

This is no ordinary ape.

This is Bruno,
archenemy of Pandy

and future cold ruler of
this entire trivial planet

along with Treksor,
if you're available.

So let me get this straight.

You want me to betray
my co-star of five years

in exchange for power,
respect and prestige?


I'm your man,

[dramatic music]


Oh boy.

What happened?

I don't know.

It just stopped.

The note said it would
need time to recharge.

Look, if it's not working
anymore, we might as well rest.

Let's head back to the office.

It's got to be
almost dawn anyway.

- Penny.
- Morning, Duke.

- How'd you sleep?
- Oh, just fine.

Yeah, me too.

I have $ , mattress at home,

but this was honestly
some of the best...

This is just a bad dream.

That's all it is.

I'm going to pass back out

and wake up and my $ , bed

looking forward to another
hour day at the studio.

Oh, a sleeping mask.

How kind of you?

It's a blindfold Penny.

They're taking us somewhere
else, so just put it on, okay?

Hey now there is a great tune.

Squarely Mendez
in Brazil met .

Quality nova.

Look, I'm just trying to
upgrade everyone's music taste.

Duke, is that you and Penny?


Take off those blindfolds.


I just realized
how awkward this is

considering how much trash
you talked about my script

and then there was this rumor

about you getting
fired from the show.

It's okay.

I'm completely over it.

Good, because I
was still wondering

what the exact problem was
that you had with my writing.

Hey, we've worked together
for almost years.

Bruno is family.

Yeah, family.

It is crazy hot.

Wow, what was that?

We all have our own
special abilities.

Gliders got a fire in her belly.

Do you have to
use the word belly?

You're like superheros?

You're the real thing.

It's just like you Crusher.


Wait, wait, Blaster,
what can you do?

Water blasts, laser blasts.

Wait, wait, communication
with the deep ones, right?

Okay, I can take a hint.

So what's the plan?

How are we going to
fight your father?

That is not our
priority right now.

What's our priority?


This is most tiresome.


And all this sand,
it gets everywhere.

Say Rollins,
what's your secret?

Right, me too.

Hey Glider can you fly up and
see how far we have to go?

Now that, that
gives me an idea.

Rollins, can you fly up
and see how far have to go?



No sign of anything?

That's impossible.

Nothing in a distance?

Let me fly up.

Be my guest.

I mean, fly me
up from my planet.

I should be able to
recognize something, I hope.


You're one strong bug.

Rollins is a side fax.

Don't be rude.


- Bruno.
- Oh yeah.

So as I made my way to
the city under attack,

I found myself looking
for a way to fight back,

a resistance, this is my team.

Okay, granted they're not
much to look at right now.

What have you two been up to?

We're looking for Pandy.

Is that a prop?

Say hello to the
genuine article.

Chen's medallion.

That thing that's
been collecting dust

in your office for years.

Yes and right now we think

it's trying to lead
us back to Pandy.

It can't fall into
the wrong hands.

No, it absolutely can't.

What are we waiting for?

[mellow music]

You know, this reminds me
of that season two episode

where Pandy loses the medallion

and winds up lost in the jungle.

So his friends use the
medallion to find him again.

I remember.

Life imitating art.

Well put sir Bruno.

Any idea what else
this thing can do?

It didn't exactly come
with an instruction manual.

It's supposed to be tuned to
Pandy, whatever that means.

But anyone can still use it.

Otherwise, why can't it
fall into the wrong hands?

You're probably right.

We don't know how it works.

May I?


That's really something.


It feels like you're
holding a live wire.

Stubborn thing, isn't it?


Surrender now or be destroyed.

Duke, no.

Hey, I've got a
career to think about.

They probably have TV
shows I could addition for.

surrendering anything.

Very well.

We don't need you to be alive

to take the medallion from you.


More powerful than I thought.

Fortunately, I
got an inside man.

These things are worse
than studio executives.

Get them off me.

Retreat, retreat.

They were aliens in disguise?

Those sneaky rats.

See anything Pandy.

Yeah, there's
all kinds of stuff.

There's abandoned car, some
kind of dead decaying body.

I feel better already.

Give him a minute.

Oh wow, vultures
are eating it.

Anything else Pandy?

Well sand.

We're so dead.

Oh wait, I know where we are.

The the windy spinny things.

We were out here
sh**ting an episode.

The freeway's right
over that hill.

I can't see it,
but I'm sure of it.

It's right past that.


What's happened?

What is it?

It just shut off.

It's not doing anything now.

Maybe you used up its charge.

How'd you make it do those
things with the force field?

I don't know.

I wasn't thinking at all.

I was just scared then angry.

Maybe it responds to
feelings, not thoughts.

Well, whatever it does,
it's not doing it now.

Well, how the heck are we
supposed to find Pandy now?

Keep it down.

We don't want to be spotted.

Relax, I'm on an
important mission here.


I could eat a
Treksorian horse.

Guess the place is closed.

I don't think they ever close.

Pulling up my sleeve, Carl.

I'm doing a live report
on the alien invasion.

What could possibly be?

Oh, a celebrity cut
the invasion feed.

This is real news.

Hey Pandy, Sylvester from MMZ.

This is Sylvester with MMZ news

reporting on superstar Pandy

who has sunk to
begging for handouts.

We're not looking
for handouts.

We were going to buy everything.

Precisely and at
a time like this,

all you can think about is food.

Can you explain
it to our viewers?

What puts you above the law?

The press will not be denied.

I think you just were.

Hey, you have high
fives on your planet?

Everybody has high fives.


Dad, I sent you a text.

Do you ever check?

It was terrible.

They used force to
protect themselves.

The very nerve.

I know they had an even
stronger force than our force.

They used the medallion.

This sounds expensive.

You're not kidding.

Now I need new soldiers
and new armor and...


What about Bruno?

He's still down
there with them.

Maybe he's really
a triple agent.

On the contrary, he's
playing the long game.

Learning the strengths
of the medallion,

waiting for the opportune
moment to strike.

- Your majesty.
- What?

News of the target.

Put it on screen.

On superstar Pandy who has
sunk to begging for handouts.

We're not looking
for handouts.

We were going to buy everything.


My no good exile of a son

has banded together with that
sorry excuse for a panda.

It is time I entered the fray.

You know we really
shouldn't steal.

Don't worry.

I have an account with
every grocer in town.

I'll just leave a note.

They'll put it on my tab.

You would buy us this food?

Least I can do.

It's about the only
thing I can do.

[dramatic music]

This is delicious.

It's vegetarian.

You guys don't have food
like this on your planet?


Nothing that tastes this good.

This planet might have
some perks after all.


How are we supposed
to find Pandy now?

What is it?

Oh, I have an app
that lets me know

whenever a Pandy makes the news.

It looks like our boy
has done it again.

From high society
to street tough.

Pandy and crew
raid local grocer.

Oh, let me see that.

He's at gone's?

That's two blocks from here.

Come on.

I'm stuffed.

Don't mention it.

It's the least you can do.

Stop that.

I mean this is great no, but
nothing beats your heroics.

It's all fake.

It's a lie.

Just a big fat fraud.

No, you're not a fraud.

Rollin says you
are kind of fat.

See I know what
a real hero is.

My Dad, he was a hero.

He made me a star.

Listen to me.

There's more to big a
hero than being brave

or strong or fast.

A hero is someone people
look up to and my crew,

we look up to you.


You taught me a
hero could do more

with his strength than
just push people around.

You could help them.


It is so good
to see you alive.


Calm down, calm down.

They saved my life.

- They did?
- Hello.

Oh, I have to tell you your
father's medallion, it's real.

It's got actual magic powers.

Here, go on, take it.

[dramatic music]

Your shops really do have
everything I'm looking for.

You're the guy
from the theater?

Ah, yes we meet at last.

Did you think it would
end up any other way?

No, I just, you look so
much larger on the big screen.

What you is insolent peasant.

Bruno, let me go.

Sorry Pen.

It's time I joined
the winning side.

You fiend.

Sticks and stones you hack.

Looks like betrayal
is all the way around.

You're a disgrace
to me, Crusher.

You can't do this.

You've got to stop.

Crusher, you're the prince

of the great Treksorian Empire.

Act like it and
blow up that planet.


Do it or you'll regret it.

You taught me respect
comes with power.

That those without power
don't deserve respect

but we're the ones
without respect.

We don't have respect.


What do you know about respect?

They hate us.

No one in the galactic cluster
looks up to the Treksorians.

They'll have no choice
but to look up to us

after we drag them
through the dirt.

- Fire.
- No.

[dramatic music]

What have you done, you fool?

I just wanted to
do what's right.

You're fired on
your own people.

Don't you lecture me
about what's right.

Guards, lock him in his quarters

until we return to Treksor.

That was a warning shot.

Next one won't be across
your nose but up it.

A sci fax?

Crusher come back.

If you leave now, you
will be hereby banished.

Crusher, come on.

Rollins and I came
to break you out.

You have alert of thing.

- Dad.
- Yes, son.

This the medallion.


You truly are my son.

Hot potato, hot potato.

Tie them up and why are
they still standing walls

with expl*sives?

Dad, come on.

What are you doing?

You two get to stay
and enjoy the fireworks.



At least I remember
to pick up the milk.

Hey, not me.

You're making a mistake.

Well you can't go
rewarding traitors.

Their word isn't any good.

Take him away.

Oh man, tied up next
to a ticking time b*mb.

We've done this in the
show like a million times.

I'm glad you
appreciate the classics.

After we incinerate
the building,

we'll do the same
to the whole planet.

Father, please.

Can't hear you traitor.

Rot next to your precious hero.

[dramatic music]

What are you doing?

Cutting through the
ropes with friction.

I used it to escape
a trap like this

in season one and
season two and three

and I think there was four.

Duke tends to reuse
certain plot devices.



Hello, anybody?

Hello son.

- Dad?
- Not quite.

But your dad left quite an
impression on the amulet

which is what's
speaking to you now.

Just as his father
did before him

and his grandmother and so on.

What is it?

This medallion
is very special.

It resonates with all the energy
of Nuwa, the entire planet.

- What?
- It's a conduit.

If you trust your feelings
and empty your mind,

you can use the medallion
to help your friends.

Help save the whole planet.

You've seen your own
show, haven't you?

You mean the things
I do on the show...

Are based on what the
medallion can really do.


I made sure that Duke followed
those guidelines carefully.

Then I already
know what it can do.

- That's right.
- But I'm not.

- I can't.
- Can't what?

I'm no hero.

Not like you not like Chen.

Son, just because your
bravery has never been tested

doesn't mean you don't have any.

There was never any real need
for heroics before today.

You succeeded at every
challenge I set before you.

Now you have a different one.

Are you ready to save
Nuwa and your friends?

- I am.
- Then go.

Use the medallion,
become the hero.

Pandy are you okay?


How long was I out?

A couple of minutes.

You sure you're okay?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Do you have any idea how we're
going to get out of here?

Like this.

- Wow.
- Let's go.

We'll need a ship to
get up to father's fleet.

Then let's go get one.

All is clear.

Let's get back before
we miss the party.

What's the plan?

I've got an idea.

Halt, evil doers.


Halt evil doers?

What, it always
worked on the show.

Let's hear it for my
non idiot son Martin

and yours truly for leading
such a victorious crusade.


Wait, I've got a
broadcast to make.

Let's turn it down a notch.

People of Nuwa, let me
express my condolences

for the loss of
your hero, Pandy.

We'll be sending mining ships

to strip your planet of
all resources starting now.

When we're done, it'll
probably implode.

Hey Bruno.


Listen, I'd like to apologize

for casting you was a villain.


Yeah, you're more
the hitchman type.

One or two episode character.

Yeah, I get it.

Someone who gets blown to
bits before the opening teaser.


Dad, I got some bad news.

I despise bad news.

Tell it in the form of a joke.

Okay, well it's
black and white

and kicking your
soldiers keystrokes

with a medallion of
incredible power.

That's a terrible joke.

- He's alive.
- Not for long.

For I shall set a trap
of such insidious cunning

that he will be
utterly destroyed.

Seems a bit too easy.

- Welcome, welcome.
- I'm not getting any readings

of fighter pilots or anything.

Okay, stay close when we land.

[dramatic music]

Pandy, no.

Good guys always fall for
the flashing arrow trap.

If you find any pieces, save
them for my trophy room.

Go ahead.

Use your big boy words.

They're not here.

Well of course.

You obliterated them
with your blasters.

Follow us.

Did you obliterate them?

Just there's no actual sign.

No sign?

The ship is full of
holes, they must be dead.

It'll take them a while
to get through that.

- How did...
- Remember that episode, we...

It smells like we've got
much more important things

to deal with right now.

Where'd your father
put his prisoners?

Let's go.


King Karoth, is that you?

Your Majesty,
before you k*ll me,

you're gonna want to hear this.

It's a feel good
Sitcom starring you.

King Karoth knows best.

I'm flexible.

I take constructive
feedback very well.

Writers or weaken cowardly
bunch, but this is a bit much.

You're alive.

I knew it, I knew it.

And Penny, wow.

Pandy, I'm sorry.

Why the heck
should we trust you?

Because I know how
much I screwed up.

I want to fix it, please.

What's stopping you?


The jerks family.

What, what is it?

I don't get it.

Dad told me the
medallion can draw

all the power needed from Nuwa.

Pandy, you're not
on Nuwa anymore,

which means you're just used up

whatever charge
the thing had left.

Not so fast.

So kind of you to come to
the prison cells on your own.

You survived, my, my that
medallion really is powerful.

Hand it over or I'll
take it by force

which I always enjoy.

No can't do.

The medallion doesn't
work away from Nuwa.

It's true father.

You can't take it with you.

Alright, shucks.

Fire when ready.


Foolish panda, none
of you can defeat me.

[dramatic music]

Everyone, get through
the docking port.

We'll escape there.

Oh heavens.

The damage it's
almost incalculable.

The blazers with the cars.

I want them back.

Get them, get them now.

Go, they'll need you.

I can't.

Just go get big ape.

[dramatic music]

Pandy, come on.

We never would have made it
without Crusher and his crew.

I can't leave them behind.

You're not coming with us?

If they don't make
it, I don't make it.

This is no time
for long goodbyes.

Come back in one piece.

You made it.

Coral is not too far behind.

Come on now.

Head to the last to escape port.


Such is the reward
for all treasonous scum.

I'll take treason over
your stinking empire any day.

Do you really think you
and your crew can escape?

I destroyed your last
hope of fleeing this ship.

That may be true, but
all this destruction

looks awfully expensive.

I'm afraid your
son is correct.

Say hi to grandma for me.

Our financial losses were
sent directly to your mother

and she's calling us home.

And you thought it
was all just a TV show.

I have been wrong before.


Your old man looked really mad.

Oh, you think he's mad?

You should see his mom.

I think it'll just let
Karoth see her for me.

The only thing I'm
seeing to is your demise.

You'd think I'd
let you escape?

I'm not Karoth the runaway.

I'm not Karoth the bankrupt.

I'm Karoth the destroyer.


What's wrong?

You were so snide a second ago.

We need to do something.

Like what?

Help me.

We need to get closer to Nuwa.

Why would that?

It's over.



[dramatic music]

We're saved.

What are you doing Pandy?

You guys get to safety.

You aren't getting away.

Is everyone okay?

[dramatic music]

- You're on the air Penny.
- Thanks Bruno.

Everyone please listen.

Right now our hero Pandy

is fighting against
the king of the aliens

that att*cked our planet.

Their king is strong
and merciless,

but Pandy is fearlessly
taking him on.

For Nuwa, believe in him.

Please cheer him on.

Make these aliens learn
the power of Nuwa.


[upbeat music]

No, I'll get you
next time Pandy.


Hey guys, get over here.

I don't think that's such a...

You're all part
of the family now.

You thinking
what I'm thinking?

Way ahead of you Penny.

This might be our
last adventure together,

but who knew you'd finally
join the forces of good?

Last adventure?

We'll get out of this together.

You really think
you can escape me?

Lord of the galaxy?

[laughs hysterically]

I'm so sorry.

I don't know something got.

Are you kidding?

- That was great.
- Absolutely.

In all my days at Nada,

I've never seen him
maniacal laugh like that.


You know, like father like son.

Well let's hope you're
not too much like him.


That's a wrap for the day.

Let's go home.

Hey, I still owe you one

for making me a
hero this season.

I was thinking us
guys could head out

for a bite to eat.

A little bonding time.

It could be good for the show.

Guys, I'd love to, but...

♪ I think there's been
a miscommunication ♪

♪ There must be some other
bear you're looking for ♪

♪ So before you hook those
claws inside my fluffy heart ♪

♪ There's something that
you aliens should know ♪

I'm not the bear
you're looking for.

♪ With plastic laser swords ♪

♪ So go ahead so jump ♪

♪ For that next world w*r ♪

♪ I'm not the bear
you're looking for ♪

♪ I've always been a
lover not a fighter ♪

♪ And though I choose to
sleep Netflix and chill ♪

♪ Dangerous scenes by desire ♪


♪ I'm not the bear
you're looking for ♪

♪ I just got chopped
in for bamboo trees ♪

♪ They don't really
do much more ♪

♪ Don't take me to your leader ♪

♪ That is through the backdoor ♪

♪ If I'm not the bear
you're looking for ♪


♪ I'm not the bear
you're looking for ♪

♪ All my fine scene are CGI ♪

♪ With plastic laser swords ♪

♪ Don't take me to your leader ♪

♪ Let me slip out the backdoor ♪

♪ 'cause I'm not the ♪

♪ Not the bear
you're looking for ♪

♪ I'm not the bear
you're looking for ♪