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06x02 - Allegiance

Posted: 03/13/22 12:20
by bunniefuu
[CLAIRE] Previously...

There's a face I never
thought I'd see again.

Tom Christie.

[TOM] This is my son, Allan,
and my daughter, Malva.

You're not harboring
one of those rebels, are ye?


[JAMIE] It is between me and him.

I canna let him do it.
I'll be your Indian agent.

Well, I come from the future.

years from now.

[YOUNG IAN] And ye?

You ken all this time, Uncle?

Not many people would understand,

so we kept it between ourselves.

A man must surely build a house for God

before building a home for himself.

Aye, well, we don't have a church yet.

I've recreated anesthetic.

Well, it's called Ether.

And it sends you to sleep?

[CLAIRE] Something deeper than sleep.



♪ ♪

Osiyo, ginalii.

[STILL WATER] Osiyo, ginalii.

We want more g*ns.

Who doesna?

Who indeed?

You're here on King George's behalf.

You tell him this:
we want more weapons...

r*fles, muskets, g*ns.

So what do you have
to say on the matter?

I say trade goods are certain.

Knives... likely.

g*ns are a different matter.


You must understand,

the King may be hesitant to arm you

against his own people.

You must understand

that we can k*ll them without g*ns,

if we want to.

Of course ye can.

But you are wise enough not to.

Not yet.

I like you, Bear-k*ller.

You're a funny man.

Maybe. Give it time.

Perhaps you have forgotten,

the Cherokee have
fought with the King before,

and we may choose
to fight with him again,

if the time comes.

But that is a decision for another day,

because our w*r is with
those who cross the treaty line.

They build houses, plant crops,

take game from our hunting grounds.

If the King cannot keep his people

where they belong,

how can he protest
when we defend our land?

So, Bear-k*ller,

you will tell the King these things?

I'll consider it, certainly.


It's only that...

I canna promise it.

Wado. Thank you.

For your honestly, at least.

I hope you'll stay the night.

[MAN] ♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lad that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lad ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ He sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

[WOMAN] ♪ Billow and breeze ♪

♪ Islands and seas ♪

♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪

- [MAN] ♪ All that was good ♪
- [WOMAN] ♪ All that was good ♪

[MAN] ♪ All that was fair ♪

[BOTH] ♪ All that was me ♪

♪ Is gone ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪


♪ ♪


[MALVA] Does it hurt?

[CLAIRE] Well, I shouldn't think so.

There. The wound has almost healed.


That should be back
to normal in a week or two.

Then we can see about
mending that right hand of yours.

Well, I've decided that I shall
leave this hand as it is.


If this infirmity be God's will,

then so be it.

Is it God's will
that your goat should injure her leg?

'Cause if so, then
you should have left her to die

instead of having me mend it.

Do you think God
regards you as less deserving

than your goat?

Now, I shouldn't think
so, given his famed regard

for even the smallest of sparrows.

[TOM] Indeed.

Then I'm sure you will
be familiar with the letter

from St. Paul to
Timothy in which he says...

"Let a woman learn in silence.

"I suffer not a woman to teach,

"nor to usurp authority over the man,

but to be in silence."

Well, clearly, St. Paul also met a woman

he couldn't out-argue.

No, no, better to put
a stopper on the entire sex

than to win your point fairly.

The devil finds
work for idle hands, Malva.

Be off with you.

You know, the truth of the matter is...

you're afraid.

[CHUCKLES] Afraid?


You're afraid that I will hurt you.

Or that you'll lose
what use you have left

of this hand now.

But when I operate,

I have a medicine called Ether,

and that can put you to sleep,

so you won't feel a thing, I promise.

Thank you.

But I've much to do today.


♪ ♪



How's your back?

Much better, Mistress Fraser.

The salve you gave me helped.


Only yesterday we were
saying how remarkable it is

that you're a physician,
you being a lady.

- Weren't we, Allan?
- Yes, we were.

Particularly when others might accuse

such a woman of witchcraft and the like.

Well, if I should need
to sharpen my broomstick

or my surgeon's knives, Mr. Christie,

I'll come to you first.

He doesn't take
the slightest bit of interest

in the subject of healing,

whereas I'm eager to learn.

Well, if you'd like to
accompany me in the morning,

my daughter Marsali's with child,

and I'm going to examine her.

You might find it interesting.

Malva has duties to attend to at home.

Well, perhaps another time.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪



[YOUNG IAN] What is it, Uncle?

There is a woman in my bed.

[YOUNG IAN] There's...
two of them, Uncle.

And the other one's waiting her turn.

Two of them?

What do they think I am?


No, Uncle, they dinna think ye're Him.

They ken ye're the King's agent.

Suppose they think it's an honor

and a privilege to...

Madam, cease.

The two of you.

You're very beautiful,
but, uh, I canna lie with you.


She says she wants to know why not.

Tell them I have an oath over me,

and, well, I s... I swore... I've...

I've sworn fidelity to my wife.

They dinna seem to care so much.


Well, give them
an excuse, and tell them to cover up.

[GRUNTS] I'll try.

But it is Mohawk I speak.

Hardly any Cherokee.

Well, try, please.

All right, all right.




- Watali.


Uh, I-I told them that the, uh,

the Creator came to you in a dream

and instructed
you that you mustn't lie with a woman

until you've brought g*ns to Chief Bird.

Well, at least I hope I did.

Until I what?

It's the best I could
think of in a hurry, Uncle.





One of the lasses, well,

she's disappointed,

because you have a verra nice, um...

And the... the other,

she's a little more philosophical.

She says she might
have borne ye children,

but they might have had red hair,
I think.

What's wrong with red hair?

I gather it isna
somethin' ye want yer bairn

to be marked with, if ye can help it.

There's no danger of
that happening now, is there?

Thank you.


Ye'd be advised to stifle yer glee.



♪ ♪

[GERMAIN] Avast, ye scoundrels!

Into the wind we go!

Your money or your life.

♪ ♪

What are they doing out there?

One day, 'tis highway robbers,

the next it's sailors,
or worse, pirates.

Give no quarter!

I'll get it.

Sorry. I did knock, but...

Oh, Malva, come in.

I wasn't expecting you.

I was able to finish all my chores.

Marsali, you don't mind, do you?

I invited
Miss Christie to come and observe.

Well, let this be a lesson to ye, lass.

If you do have the misfortune to marry,
dinna let them touch ye,

or else you'll end up like this.

Here, I'm examining the stomach

to make sure
the baby is in the right place.

With time and practice,
you can feel when the baby

is in the proper position...

Head down, towards the pelvis.

It seems to me the proper position

would be out of my womb.

I agree with you.

But everything... everything feels good.

Now I'm going to check Marsali's pulse.

And you do that by...

locating the blood
vessel below the thumb.

Take your two fingers.

Feel the pulsing?


We can count that.

We count the heartbeat
until the minute glass runs out.


And anywhere from to ,

even up to beats
per minute is quite normal.


Quiet, Germain!

Or I will smack your bottom

so ye'll no' sit 'til the sabbath...


would you mind taking the children

outside again for a bit?

Of course, Mistress Fraser.

Come, children. Let your ma rest.

I'm at my wit's end with him.

Where is Fergus?

Shouldn't he be helping you?

Oh, aye.

Believe me, Fergus is their first mate.

Is everything all right
between the two of you?

I've noticed some more bruising.

Ah, no, I fell is all.

Chasing after Germain, of course.

[CLAIRE] And you've had no spotting?

Or bleeding, I mean.

No. None.

But my head aches most days,

and my feet feel as heavy as lead.

I have noticed some
slight swelling in your ankles.

What does... what does it mean?

It's probably nothing.

But I do think
you should come up to the big house

and stay with us,

so I can keep a closer eye on you.


I have to ask,
for the sake of the baby...

where did those bruises come from?

Did Fergus hurt you?

It's no secret that he's been drinking

more than usual lately.

It wasna his fault.


He did... grab my arm...

only because I went after him
wi' a posser.

I am cursed with my mother's temper,

and it got the better of me.

So he was defending himself?



I was so tired of him...

being gone, being drunk.


If only we could get to the bottom of...

what's been troubling him.

[MARSALI] I ken what's troubling him!

He's ashamed, the fool.


He's taken a notion...

that he should have
been there to defend us

when what happened with that...

bastard, Lionel.

That wasn't his fault.

I've said that time and time again.

How could it be
his fault when he wasna there?

But he willna hear it.

He thinks I shouldna been there.


[SIGHS] Look at me, going to pieces.


♪ ♪

It was nothing
compared to what happened to you.

I'm sorry. I didna mean to upset ye.


It's, um...

oh, it's just...

I think I have
a headache coming on, that's all.

♪ ♪


[LIONEL] Dr. Rawlings.




♪ ♪



[LIZZIE] Careful. Careful. Ooh, careful.


♪ ♪

Whoa! [LAUGHS]

What's that?

[BRIANNA] White phosphorous.

Present from Lord John.

Isn't that expl*sive?


White phosphorous doesn't explode,

but it does burst into flame
the minute it's exposed to air.

That's why it's packed in water.

Is that all?

Jemmy's with Lizzie, I hope.


I'm going to make matches.

I know how, in theory.
And I'll be careful, promise.

I just spoke to Tom Christie.

Hiram Crombie's mother-in-law died.

How sad.

I'm sure the journey here didn't help.

Hiram wants a quick funeral.

Tom's asked me to do it,
since their minister's been delayed.

You know what you'll preach about?


I have absolutely no idea.

I suppose I'll have to pray about it.

hopefully it's just the once,

before their minister arrives.

For now...

I think I'd better do this outside.


♪ ♪

[JAMIE] Sassenach!


♪ ♪

[MRS. BUG] Welcome home, Mr. Fraser.


[JAMIE] Claire!

You're back early.

How was your visit with the Cherokee?

I missed you, Sassenach.

I must have ye.


What? Now?


Did I not tell ye I've missed ye?

[CLAIRE] You just did.

♪ ♪


Just so we're clear,

why don't you show
me exactly what you mean?





Mm, you're smiling.

Nice, was it?


I was trying to rank your words...

"I like you," "I love you,"

"I worship you,"

"I must have my cock inside you"...

In terms of the relative sincerity.

Oh, I meant every word of it.

Especially the last one.

Especially the last one.


Mm, the flesh requires a bite to eat

and a wee rest before
I can think of doing it again,

but... the spirit is always willing.


You're lucky you're
married to an auld man, Sassenach.

Or I'd have you on your knees

with your ass in the air this minute.


Aw, I'm happy you missed me.

I missed you too.

I want to ask you something.

But uh...

every time I ask you about the future,

the answer is...

Not to your liking?

I can't promise anything, but go ahead.

In the coming w*r,

do you remember from your books

if the Cherokee side with
the loyalists or the rebels?

I'm sorry.

My knowledge of American history

isn't that extensive.


The w*r chief,
Bird Who Sings in the Morning,

has requested weapons.

And you're worried you might
be arming a potential enemy.

Before I was appointed Indian agent, uh,

I would not question what
a man might need to defend himself.


once again, I'm
wrestling with my conscience.

And if you don't provide
them with weapons, then...

Then they may decide
to fight alongside the rebels.

With me.

If I do give them g*ns,

they'll likely fight with the Crown.

So they'll lose either way.

Damned if you do
and damned if you don't.

I know one thing.

Richard Brown would
have made a terrible Indian agent.

But you...

I know that you'll do the right thing.

- [YOUNG IAN] Uncle.

Major MacDonald's coming.

No rest for the weary.

[MACDONALD] They haven't
always been keen to parlay with us.

Then again, they were
with us in the Tuscarora wars,

between and .

Or was it ?

Several prominent
Cherokee visited King George II

some or so years ago.

And of course, they fought
with us against the French.

That said...

there was that trouble with
the Cherokee Rebellion in ' .

[JAMIE] Forgive me
for saying so, Major, but...

Oh, my apologies.

You asked one simple
question about past allegiances,

and I bored you half to
death with my ramblings.

Well, sometimes we get
a better idea of what's to come

when we look at what's gone by.

But, as I was going to say,

in speaking wi' them...

it seems they are
undecided as to what they want.

what do you think they want?

It's more a question
of what they don't want.

Settlers crossing the western boundary.


There's an expectation
the Crown will intervene,

take a more aggressive stance.

Are you suggesting
that we send soldiers?

Not soldiers.

Forgive me, Uncle.

But they did say what they wanted.

- Ian.

Ah, blast.

Have you a cat, Colonel?

Oh, aye.

Yeah, wee Adso.

Hiding somewhere hereabouts.

The plight of the Indian...


Wretched creatures.

I always seem to
suffer in their presence.

- Indians?
- Cats.

Although, some Indians as well.


Forgive me, I'm in need of some air.
Will you excuse me?


Why did ye no' mention

Chief Bird's request for weapons?

Because I decided against it.

It's not your place to
speak up in front of the major.

'Tis only that ye told the chief.

I promised him I'd consider his request,
nothing more.

I spoke wi' yer Auntie

about who the Cherokee
will fight for in the coming w*r.

She couldna say wi' any certainty.

But she has knowledge
of what will come to pass?

The royal provinces will
unite to become a new nation.

But they'll have no King.

Claire is certain of that.

Those loyal to the Crown will lose?


And us?

Well, there will come a time

when I will fight alongside the rebels.

They will win the w*r.

But I dinna ken
which side the Cherokee will fight.

Do ye see?

If Chief Bird acquires weapons,
they may soon be pointed at us.


♪ ♪

It would be a shame

if our Indian
neighbors became our enemies.

I'll stand by ye, Uncle.

I trust you'll keep to
yourself what I've told ye.

♪ ♪

And for those of us that have
this knowledge of the future,

it must inform our decisions.

Aye, Uncle Jamie.

[JAMIE] You have it now too.

Take heed,

it can be both a blessing and a curse.

♪ ♪


Well, they've put that up fast.


[ROGER] Today we give
thanks for the life of this woman.

A servant of God, faithful and true.

A fellow Scot that came to this colony

but now stands before
the Lord in Heaven.

Is she going to eat it?

No, lad.

She's dead.

That's for the Sin-Eater.


God rest ye.

[ROGER] Let us pray.

O, God, our Heavenly Father,

who art leading us
through the changes of time

to the rest and blessedness of eternity,

be thou near to us now, to comfort...

- Grannie.
- [ROGER] ...and to uphold,

- make us know...
- Shh.

[ROGER] ...and feel
that Thy children are precious

in Thy sight,

and that they live evermore with Thee...

[GERMAINE] Grannie.

Do you need to go to the privy?

No. Look.


Oh, my Lord.

Roger, here.
Help me get her comfortable.


Christ, defend us.


[CLAIRE] Stay back. She needs some air.

[PARISHIONER] Is she possessed?

[CLAIRE] Mrs. Wilson?


Can you hear me?


wh... where am I?

You're in the church.

And your family is here with you.

[MRS. CROMBIE] Aye, mother. I'm here.

I'm here.

What devilry is this?

[CLAIRE] Pulse is weak.

It's an aortic aneurysm.

She's bleeding internally.

It's probably a slow leak.

Long enough for her
to lose consciousness

and feel cold to the touch.

She will live?

Not for long.

Her aneurysm will rupture soon,

and then she really will...

She has minutes, at most.


What sort of a funeral is this?

Why, Hiram Crombie,
ye shameless skinflint.

Have ye laid me out in a barn

with nothing but a crust of bread

and a drop o' wine for the Sin-Eater?


And where is my good brooch

I said I wanted to be buried with?

Stole it for yer own, nae doubt.

[HIRAM] Stole it?

Have I not given
you a home these past years?

Fed and clothed you as my own mother,

put up with your wicked tongue?

My tongue, wicked?

Good people, enough.

I'll not have this.

It's not fitting, and I won't have it.


Mrs. Wilson, do you not
know that you stand before God?

As do you.

I... I'm afraid you're closer.

Your condition's temporary.

You are still bound for eternity.

It's best you try to compose your soul.


[PARISHIONER] The Sin-Eater.

♪ ♪

You're not dead.

What of it?

Did not my
son-in-law pay ye to eat my sins?

Ye did pay him, Hiram.

Well, I'm not gonna pay
him before he's done a job.

What sort of a way
is that to be carrying on?

I... I brought the money.

I have it.


ye best be about your business, sir.


♪ ♪

I give easement and rest to thee,

and for thy peace, in Christ's name,

I pawn my own soul.

♪ ♪


I forgive ye, Hiram.

Ye've been a good lad.


I am not afraid.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


"I am the resurrection and the Life,
saith the Lord.

"He that believeth in
me though he were dead,

"yet shall he live.

"And whosoever liveth
and believeth in me

shall never die."


♪ ♪

[WHISPERING] And sometimes,
out of the flames...

Out of the flames comes a parrot,

a parrot with a big sort of...

Thank you, Mrs. Bug.
This looks delicious.

'Tis a new recipe
I'm trying for the neeps.


I'm not sure there's room
in my belly for anything else.

Will Mr. Fraser be joining us?


Er, he's at the still.

Of course he is. Forgive me, my dear.

we have some exciting news.

Well, more Brianna than me.

You're with child.

Oh! I dinna envy ye, Bree,
but I'm very happy for ye both.

A... a toast!
And get the whisky, Sassenach.

No, no. Stop, no.

I'm not with child.

I was going to say
that I have a surprise.

I've invented something.

- [CLAIRE] Ah.

[MARSALI] Wee...

wee bit of flint, is it?

Well, no, it's easier than flint.

They're called matches.

They're easier to light, it's faster,

and they hold a flame.

You can take them with you
and light a fire wherever you go.

Oh, never had trouble lighting a fire.

Putting one out, maybe.


Well, I'm sorry it's not
the news you expected.

Not so. Well done, a leannan.

These uh, matches will be very useful.

I think it's wonderful, darling,

and I, for one, can't wait to use them.

Thank you.

Well done, you too, Roger,

for your deft handling

of Grannie Wilson's strange funeral.


So rousin' I hear ye woke the dead.

Well, Mr. Christie must
have been impressed, anyway.

He's asked if I might
preach the sermon on Sunday.

As a lay minister, of course.

He did?

Why doesn't Tom do it?

Well, Tom's not a preacher.

Neither are you.

It's just temporary.

Maybe the reverend's
up there watching me, proud.

There's any preaching to be done,
I'd rather you do it than Tom Christie.

I've known him to stir
up trouble with his beliefs.

I'll not have it on the Ridge.

I'm happy to fill in.

I was asked to never
darken the doors of the church again.



due to Mrs.
Wilson's rising from the dead,

some of the new
settlers think that I am a witch.

- And that doesn't bother you?

Well, it's not as if it's
the first time I've heard it.

And besides, I've no intention

of complying with their demands.

[ROGER] Especially since
I'll be doing the preaching now.

- [CLAIRE] Hmm.
- Wouldn't want to miss that.




Ah! Ah!


[MARSALI] Lord Almighty!

Something feels wrong.

Claire, something
feels different from before.

Here, help me get her to the surgery.

- Ah.
- Okay.


[JAMIE] Seaweed?


You place it into the cervix,

and it absorbs the moisture
and forces it to open further.

To help the bairn along?

I thought perhaps
it was already on its way.

We had one contraction earlier.

The baby hasn't moved in hours.


♪ ♪

What is it, Sassenach?


[CLAIRE] Could be anything.

Things I'm completely
unprepared to deal with here.

Now, I could perform a Caesarian

to save the baby, but...

But not Marsali.

Where the hell is Fergus?

I was hoping you would know.

Marsali said that he's feeling guilty

about what happened with us, with the...

With the Browns.

Well, aye, he would.


It's not his fault.

It makes no difference.

If Marsali should die or
mischief come to the child,

do ye think he'd not blame himself?

Ye think I dinna curse myself every day

for what happened to you?

There's nothing either of
you could have done to prevent it.

Besides, you came to our rescue.

You better find him quickly,

or he may end up regretting this too.

I'll have Roger fetch him.


- Bree.
- I brought Malva.

Malva, thank you for coming.

If you're truly
interested in helping me,

then tonight's the night.

I'm pleased to be here, Mistress.



♪ ♪

What in God's name are you playing at?

Your wife's at the big
house having your child.

Claire's with her.

She can take care of her.

I'd be in the way.

She wants you.

She needs you.

What can I do?

I don't know what it is you can do,

but she thinks there's something.

She's been crying out for you.


You'll regret it if you're not there,
trust me.

Maybe not today,
but there'll come a time

where you'll look
at your child and you'll-

You'll never forgive yourself

if you're not with
Marsali on this blessed day.

No. No.

Leave me alone, yeah? It's too late.

Bloody hell, Fergus.
Your wife is in harm's way.

I don't know what it is
that has you in this state,

but it doesn't matter.

Marsali needs you now.

So for tonight, pull yourself together

and be the man
that Marsali thinks you are...

The man that you promised her you'd be.

Even if you have to pretend.

And maybe when you see her,
you won't have to.

Just give some time for
the laminaria to do its work.

Thank you, Malva.

I'll make some tea.


if I am to die...

don't be letting Mistress Fraser

be doing any autopsies on me.


I dinna doubt yer skill, Claire.

But I ken ye well enough.

I ken what ye look
like when you're worried.

D'ye think I could...

have some paper and some ink?

Of course.


I think...

it would be as well

that I write to my mother.


- You're going to be all right.
- Mm-hmm.

And I will do everything
in my power to make that so.



But if it will help put
your mind at ease,

- then of course.
- Mm-hmm.



[FERGUS] Mon amour, I'm here now.

- How are you?
- Better now.

The baby needs to come quickly.

Help me, mon cher.

[FERGUS] I'm here for you.



[FERGUS] I'm here. I'm here.


I suppose you would not
have heard of this, milady?

But when the birth
pangs are slow to start,

suckling and massaging
the woman's breasts

encourages the womb to move.

I've heard of it before,

but it's... not quite
the conventional method.

In the brothel,
if les filles had a difficulty,

another would do such service for her.

I've done it before. It helps.

When Joan came.

I think I'll uh,
give you both some privacy.


♪ ♪



I think I'm gonna die.

You always think you'll die.

All women think it.


That's because a great many of them do.

Not you.

I'll not let you go.


♪ ♪



You sure the lass
is safe in there wi' him?

Quite sure.

I dinna ken a man could
have so much to do at this part.



[JAMIE] Well... huh.

That's what the wee
bugger's up to, then, uh...

I'm gonna go for a walk. [CLEARS THROAT]

There's some post needs sorting.

They're really...


At first, I thought she was in pain.

But some women...

like it?

They do.


Sinners, you mean? Whores?


No, I mean...


when you love someone,

well, you want to give them pleasure.

And they want to do the same for you.

You know, many women...

they enjoy it.



Just saying a prayer for the bairn.


Can I ask you about the Cherokee?

What about them?

Uncle Jamie told me of the Revolution.

He spoke of a new country after the w*r.

The United States of America.


And the Indians will
be a part of this nation?

White people will
tell them that they are,

but no.

No, not... not really.

They'll be forced to
live in places far away

from their ancestral homes.

But why?

The Cherokee are strong.

Not strong enough.

Settlers have been
coming and will continue to come,

from all over the world.

They'll take what they want, and...

the Indians will suffer because of it.

I'm sorry.

Why are you apologizing?


knowing what happens to them...

I'm responsible too.


The bairn's coming.

♪ ♪

[CLAIRE] Okay. Now push.


That's it. Not too hard.

The head's rather large.

Is that so?

All right, and breathe.


[CLAIRE] That's it.
You ready to go again?

One, two, three,

and push!



Listen for yourself.

[CLAIRE] One last time.

One, two, three.

- Push!



- Never again.
- No.

Fergus Fraser.


[CLAIRE] Bonsoir, Monsieur.

- Monsieur?
- Monsieur.






♪ ♪




♪ ♪

Il est un nain.



Fergus. Fergus.

What did he say?

"Nain"? What does that mean?


♪ ♪

It means he's a dwarf.

But he's perfectly healthy.

♪ ♪




Oh, he's beautiful.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

[CHUCKLES] Works like a charm.

Pointless. Nobody cares.

Oh, come now.

What if Edison has said that?

Edison was a man.

Apparently the only worthwhile
thing I can do is get pregnant.

Is that really what's bothering ye?

Or is it that we've
been trying for a while now?

Maybe it's just not the right time.

And seeing as we have
decided to stay here for good,

I guess I should be patient.


[ROGER] Aidan.

What are you doing here? Come in, lad.

[BRIANNA] Are you all right?

You must be cold.

Come on. Let's get you by the fire.

[ROGER] Is everything all right?

I was out chasing rabbits.

I tried to make my way home,

but must've got turned
about in the dark.

Well, I was just going for a walk.

Why don't I show you the way?

Your mother must be worried about you.

Get you home.

Aidan, would you like to see a marvel?

A trick of sorts?


Watch the stick very closely.

How did you do that? It's a miracle.

[CHUCKLES] It's not a miracle, lad.

It's science.

My wife made it.

She's a genius.


♪ ♪

The fox pelts should fetch
a good sum at Cross Creek.

Well, when ye take
the whisky onward to River Run,

be grateful if you'd see if
my aunt has any letters for me.

Yer humble servant, sir.

Bread and sausage for the week,
as requested.

Don't envy yer gut, Mr. Bug,

nor that one's nose.

We'd best be on our way, lad.

Be safe, Kezzie. Hurry back.

You mean you'll miss me, Lizzie?

A wee bit, perhaps.

But dinna let that go your head.

I'll try and keep
your brother out of trouble.

I hope you're not the talkative one.

Chief Bird.

You're most welcome.

I'm glad of it.

Seeing as we gave
you a warm welcome in our village.

Is there something we can do for you?

Did you convey my
request for g*ns to your King?

I decided against it.

Why did you not convey my request?

You must trust me.

It's for the best.


♪ ♪

This is not the last you'll see of us,

Speak, lad.

Can tell you want to.

I canna agree with yer decision.

Despite what I told you before?

Because of what you told me before.

I have a kinship with them.

And what of our kinship?

You ken well my reasons.

You told me that my
knowledge of what's to come

must inform my choices.

Aye. So?

Then that's my reasoning.

Brianna told me of the injustices
the Indians will face.

If that is their fate, then they deserve

every chance to protect themselves.

And if you willna help them,
then I will.

And where do
you expect to find g*ns for them?

How will you pay for them?

Dinna ken.

But I'll find a way.


[BRIANNA] Should
we start calling you Atlas?

You look like you've got

the weight of the
world on your shoulders.


Heaven and Earth
and everything in between.

[BRIANNA] Well, whatever it is,

I hope it's nothing too serious.

I'm not sure there's
much ever put right in this world

with gunpowder and b*ll*ts.

It seems one of
the ways most favored by men.

You, um...

you were up at
the fisherfolk camp this morning.

I was with Roger at Amy MacCallum's.

Building her a cabin.

Aye, I heard.

They're really making
good progress over there.

Tom's nearly finished with the church.

They're working on a steeple now.

You don't seem too pleased.


The church in Tom Christie's hands...

can become a w*apon of w*r.


♪ ♪





Mr. Christie.

[TOM] Aye.

What do you think?

[JAMIE] Thought ye were intending

on building a cabin here.

I didna say anything before,

out of respect for Mistress Wilson,

As I told your son-in-law,

a man must build a house for God
before he builds one for himself.

We've come a long way since Ardsmuir,


That place was enough
to make any man lose faith,

but... I'm glad to
see you've kept God first.



you willna have forgotten
your Freemason's vow, will ye?




Then let this be a meeting house.

Neither Protestant nor Catholic.

A place where every man, woman,
and child may enter freely,

with God in their hearts.

Every man, woman, and child.



My wife too, Tom.

♪ ♪

And if I hear of anyone accusing her
of witchcraft again...

I suppose you'll have me
bring down the steeple, then.


It's a bonnie sight.

It should have a bell.

One that calls all to worship,

or to their lessons.

As I said... a meeting place.

Some windowpanes
wouldna go amiss either.

Always good to have
windowpanes on a meeting house.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

The milk has turned.


I was going to make some butter.

Why haven't ye?

It must have slipped my mind.

Mistress MacNeill
brought us some ale, father.

Would you like some?

I don't want ale.

I want milk.

"Come to a land of milk and honey," eh?

What do I have?


♪ ♪

It's because you're
spending too much time

with Mistress Fraser!

You have the same...

dark soul as your mother!

And you know what became of her.

Stand up!

I won't ask you again, Malva.


♪ ♪

I didn't do anything.

Lift your skirts.

♪ ♪

Damn hand!

Damn hand!



Take that look off your face.

♪ ♪

His name is Henri-Christian.


[MARSALI] What was that you said?

A sort of blessin'.

You call upon the wind to welcome him,

the sky to give him shelter,

and the water and
the earth to yield him food.

I had a child.


♪ ♪

Did ye?

Believe me, cousin,

your husband grieves,

but he'll come back.

Mr. Christie.

- What brings you here?
- [TOM] Uh...

My hand is worse. It's, uh...

It's preventing me from... writing.

And-and I have considered the matter

and prayed upon it,

and I understand now

that God brought you to me for a reason.

I will undergo your... operation.

Well, who am I to stand in the way
of the Almighty's plans?

But as I told you before,

we need to let
that left hand heal properly first.

- [TOM] Aye.
- So come back then.

Who are you writing to?

The governor.

So, you've decided to pass along

Chief Bird's request for weapons?

More than that.

I'm recommending we do as they ask.

Come what may?


I may have cause to regret it, but...

if Governor Martin sees fit,

the Cherokee will have their g*ns,

to do with them as they please.

I, uh...

I'll give the letter to Major MacDonald

before he leaves.

What made you change your mind?


He, uh...

he had a child with his Mohawk wife.

He what?

He told Marsali.

Dinna say more about it.

He fights for them because...

they are his family.

His allegiance is to them.

And my allegiance is to him.

I think it's the right thing to do.


♪ ♪

Come what may.