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06x19 - Isn't It Romantic

Posted: 03/12/22 10:55
by bunniefuu
Wait, ok. Hold on. Reality check.

You're not mad at adam, and he just up

And took off?

You're not mad that he left the country?

I mean, after saying-- saying nothing?

No, no. If he wants to blow off steam

For a week,

That's fine. I mean, if he thinks

He's gonna get happy at some mexican

Artist's colony,

Then I support that. I'm just--

I'm mad 'cause he left after saying so much.

Ok, I don't understand this.

Well, see, we got in this big fight,

And he kept saying all these things

That came way out of left field,

And before I could figure out

How I wanted to respond,

He was gone.

Out of left field? Like what?

Well, like-- here, thank you.

Like I'm not living my life

Like I should,

Or--or writing to my potential

Or something,

'Cause I keep doing things for other people

Instead of myself.

Yeah, but, I mean, what is this based on,


Well, he thinks I dropped my book

Because one or 2 people rejected it, you know,

And then if I really believed in it,

Then I wouldn't care what other people think,

And I would keep submitting it.

Huh. I--i didn't know you dropped it.

No, i--i didn't.

I'm just not done with it yet.

It's got problems.

Really? Like what?

I don't know, claud.

It's just not working somehow.

I mean, people read it,

And they don't quite get it.

Well, they don't,

'Cause otherwise, they would

Publish it, right?

I mean, how else am I supposed

To judge it?

I don't know, claud. Do you think

He's right?

I'm, like, getting hung up?

Julia, quiet.

What, claudia?

Come over here.

Oh, my god.

Don't let him see you.

What's he doing here, claud?

I don't know. Let's go.


Please, just get in the car,

And let's go.

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free... ♪

♪ Closer to free... ♪

Hey. Hello.

There you are. Hi.

I've been trying to call you all day.

I tried to call you at home, page you.

Where have you been?

"Principal of economics,

Perspectives on cybercommerce."

How many extension courses

Are you actually taking, bailey?

Um, just 3.

Just 3?

Well, to tell you the truth,

These courses, they're not

That challenging.

Which is why I've been calling you all day.

I'm thinking of going back to real school, full time.

Wow. Bailey.

Yeah, so that-- that raises a question.

Now, I know you haven't decided

Where you want to go to med school yet,

But, since stanford's your first choice,

And it's so close to home--


Not--not to put any pressure

On you at all,

But I was thinking that I might apply

For undergrad there.

It's a monster long shot, I know.

It doesn't look like I'm gonna go

To stanford.

Not in the near future, at least.

Really? But you said-- you said that's who

Offered that fellowship.

You asked where I've been today.

I've been with my lawyer.

Your lawyer.

It seems that the one thing

That you can't do on a student visa

Is work full time, and that happens

To be the way that I pay my rent.

So? So...

My student visa's been revoked.

They say that I can stay

Until after the exams,

But after that, I'm gone.


Gone, you mean, back to england?



A few weeks.

But, that's--

No. No--no--no-- no--no. We'll--

We have to call somebody. We have to do something.

I've been with my lawyer all day,

And he's doing everything possible,

All right?

No, this is ridiculous.

They can't kick me out.

We both know that, right?


So, I have to believe this is gonna work.

I have to believe it.

(Alarm rings)

Oh, I think you want to wake up.


What's this?

Spinach omelette, brioche,

Sweet cream butter,

Raspberry preserves, and coffee.

Wow. This is...


I think you know.

This is a very special day.

It is? Mm-mmm.

Think back. What happened

A year ago today?


Can you give me a hint?

You don't know? You have no idea?

No, I do, I do. I just--

I just need a hint.

Boy, so much for romance.

Well, kirsten, wait a minute. Wait.

No, it's no big deal.

It's just, a year ago today

We got back together,

That's all.

Kirsten, hold on. Hold on.

I'm sorry. If I didn't have

All this factory stuff

And I'd had a decent night's sleep

In the last month,

I'd have remembered.

I know it's not an official anniversary

Or anything,

But we've just been so busy,

And I just thought it was a good excuse

For us to have some fun together.

Ok, I'll tell you what.

How about if I blow off my contractor's meeting


And we'll celebrate then?

That's ok. You don't have to do that.

No--no--no, I want to.

You're my wife, and I love you.

So, are we ok?

Then, can I have my breakfast back?

So, I thought that ross would be

A good person for you to talk to,

'Cause he's been through a lot

Of what you're going through

With charlotte.

I thought you said tess was adopted.

She was, but the custody issues

Are similar,

Especially if you're a single parent.

Which he definitely is.

Anyway, I have a lawyer whose main practice

Is custody issues for single gay men,

If you're interested.

Ok. Oh, yeah, he is. Definitely.

Ok, you really need to not be

Setting me up with the violin teacher.

What? I'm not.

Please. "Victor's single. Victor's interested."

What was that?

I was talking about you and charlotte,

Not you and ross.

Hey, now that you mention it, why not?

You should go out, you're both single.

Yeah, I got that.

You both have daughters the same age,

Ross is a musician, you love music.

Everyone loves music.

Dogs and cats love music.

You're the one always complaining

About your love life.

I am not.

All right, whatever. But that

Doesn't mean

That I'm supposed to fall

For the only other gay man

That you happen to know

In san francisco.

Why not?

Because love doesn't work that way,

That's why not.

It doesn't work that way

If you don't let it.

Honey, love doesn't care what I do.

Love just happens.

You can't make it happen, or set it up,

Because the minute you start doing that,

It's not love anymore. It's work.

And besides, he's not my type.

Why not?

Why not? Victor, he's my best friend.

He's smart, he's sweet.

Exactly. He's sweet. He's smart.

He's smart and sweet, which for me, it's ugh--

It's too sweet. It's too smart,

You know?, tell me, anything yet?

You heard from your lawyer?



It's not good. Is it good?

It's not great.

He said he'd appeal,

But they don't often overturn

Their decisions,

So...for now, I just have to sit

Tight and wait.

Holly, wait? Wait for what?

Till you're on a plane back to london?

Till your slot at stanford's been given away?

What do you want me to do,

Phone president clinton, or chain myself to

The british embassy?

Ok, look...

I've done some research into your situation

Here, ok?

And there are ways around this thing.

Not that it's anything we would do if we weren't

Totally in a jam here.

I had a feeling this was gonna come up.

Yeah, but if your only option is going

Back to england...

We could do it. I mean, we could--

We could make them buy this thing.

It's not that much of a stretch.

Yeah, we could make 'em buy it, but...

Do we really want this? Do we really want that

Kind of pressure?

We have just got back together, bailey.

What kind of pressure? We'd just be pretending

A little.

But it's a hell of a lot to pretend.

I mean, people get caught doing this.

I could get deported, and you could get

Sent to prison.

The only people who get caught doing

This kind of thing

Are people who don't actually love each other. know...

You see, you're already being pressured into

Saying something

That you... Probably don't mean.

No, that's not...

The point is, it's better than you

Having to leave.

Right? And we don't have to make a big deal out

Of this thing at all.

You just bring some clothes and a toothbrush

And keep 'em at my place.

Other than that, everything else stays...

The same.

We still have our separate lives.

We still only see each other when we

Want to see each other.

All of that. No obligations,

No promises...

We'd just be married is all.

You have the mail?

Hello? Earth to julia.

Mail? You have the mail?

Oh, god, I'm sorry. My mind wandered.

Ned, huh?

I'm sorry. I shouldn't be reminding you.

Don't worry, claud. I'm reminding myself.

Every corner I walk around, I'm expecting to see him.

I'm practically checking out the window before

I leave the house.

You can't live like that, julia.

You can't do that.

I know.

Maybe I don't have to.

What do you mean?

Well, maggie gave me his address.

If I really wanted to see him, I could just go.

You know, face it head-on.

You'd actually just--

This morning, I actually started

Towards his place,

And then I lost my nerve.

Whose place?

Oh, just, um... A friend of julia's.

What, like a new boyfriend

Or something?

You don't have to hide that stuff

From me.

Well, actually, it's ned.

We saw him at a store yesterday.

He's living a couple of blocks from here.

It's not a big deal.

Griffin, I called maggie,

And he's taking a year off, working

At his dad's office,

And seeing a psychiatrist.

He's not here to come after me.

You just said you were going over

To his place.

Yeah, well, it's better to bump into him

When I'm ready

And not when it's an accident.

Julia, don't.

Why not?

You actually have to ask me that?!

Griffin, he's not a m*rder*r.

He's not gonna drag me off into some alley.

Then why are you scared to see him?

I'm not. I'm not... Physically scared

Of him.

I'm not scared he's gonna hurt me.

Listen to you.

You're already making excuses for him.

You know his m.o.

If you see him, he'll start playing

Head games again.

No, he's not gonna-- don't see him.


Please? Will you promise me that?

Charlie: hey! Sorry I'm late.

I had to talk one of our

Hotel executives

Out of a so-called design innovation.

But, uh, I pushed our reservation

Up to 8:00,

If that's...


Do you like it?


Well, it might look a little bit better

With these.


Oh! You didn't have to get me roses.

Are you kidding me?

After this morning, I almost bought you

A pony. these aren't "happy anniversary" roses.

These are "don't be mad at me" roses.

(Doorbell rings)

Hi! Daphne!

How you doin'?

We didn't expect you until next week.

I know. I wanted to surprise you.

Look who's there!

Oh, my god! Look how big

You are!

Look how big!

Hi, sweetheart! It's good to see you.

We missed you.

I know! We missed you.

So how long can you stay?

Well, I don't know.

Kinda, maybe, for good.

(Knock knock)


Hi, ned.

Uh...did-- did you want to come in?

Well, um...

It's ok. I'm--i'm not gonna...

(Clears throat)

Are you thirsty?

Um, here. You want to sit down?

No, I don't want to stay.

I guess I just, uh...

I guess I just wanted to see you.


So is that it, you just wanted

To stare at me?

I called maggie. She told me

What you were doing.


How did...

She must have talked to my parents.

Man...i mean, I leave school

To start over,

But you guys--

This stuff follows me everywhere.

I wrote a book about us.

Did you know that?


You did what?

Did--did you use my name?

Yes, I did.

Julia, why-- why would you do that?

Just to get back at me?

No, I didn't do it to get back at you.

I did it to figure stuff out.

It wasn't enough that you reported me,

That you practically got me kicked out of school?

Ned, I just finished saying--

I mean, god, I am trying!

Ok? I'm--

I'm trying so hard.

But no one wants to let me get past this.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry.

I mean, is that what you think?

I deserve to be punished?


Yes, I do.


I lost a year of my life, ned.

There is a year of my life

That I am too scared to go back to,

And you did that.

You took that from me, ned!


No--you know what?

I didn't come here to punish you.

I would have preferred never to see you

For the rest of my life.

Forget it. I'm not gonna

Talk to you.

I'm not gonna look at you.

Forget it.

Julia, wait. Listen. Just one--

Luke has been wonderful.

He got us this sweet little apartment

Right near the base,

And he's doing great at his job.


But he's so incredible at training these guys,

He gets deployed to all these other bases.

So he could be gone for, like,

A week at a time.

Wow. So what do you do?


I like to think

That I am an independent person

Who can entertain herself,

But the truth is that the nearest town

Is, like, 20 minutes away.

It's really more of, like, you know,

A truck stop

Than a town. Yikes.

Yeah, I know.

So this time, when he went up to

North carolina,

I said, why not take off myself, you know,

Go home and see some family?

Well, we're glad you did.

So how do you guys do this, anyway?

Do what?

You both have careers.

You're incredibly busy.

But you have this really strong marriage.

So how do you do that?

I don't know.

We just make time for each other, I guess.

No, I know, but, like, when?

Well, we try to have breakfast

With each other

Every morning.

Yeah, except for this morning.



We try to talk for a while

Before we go to bed.

Yeah, except for when he comes home

At 3:00 in the morning.

When that happens, when you don't see him

For, like, days at a time,

What do you do? You just...

You just try to be more patient?

I try.

Yeah, but, god, kirsten,

How can you keep doing that?

I don't know.

Passport or birth certificate,

We fill out the application...

So you're saying that we definitely

Don't need a blood test.

Ok, great.

But we both have to be there

To get the license.

Fine, that's no problem.

So how long would we have to wait, then,

Before we could legally--

Uh, you know...


And that's, uh,

That's freshwater or saltwater?

Uh, ok, great. Thank you very much

For your help.

Ok, bye.

So let me get this straight.

You don't need a blood test

To go fishing?

Actually, no.

Turns out you don't.

You want to keep going with this or just spill?

I mean, 'cause either way, I'm entertained.

Ok, look, it's not what you think.

So you're not getting married?

Ok, so...

It is what you think.

Kind of.

That's pretty serious.

No, see-- no, it isn't.

So, what, does she need to get her green card

Or something?

You gotta find new material, man.

Ok? You gotta say to yourself, let me get through one year

Without popping the question.

It's not like that, will.

This is just for show.

Ok? This doesn't mean anything.

Oh. Oh, that's a relief.

I know what you're thinking.

Ok? But I'm not gonna wake up one day

And find myself trapped in something

That I don't want to be in.

We're just 2 people that are dating

That happen to have--

Hey, slow down, slow down.

Like, a legal arrangement.

So you don't have to--


I think it's great.

You do?


The one thing you're not totally

Up in the air about

Is her.

Man...if I felt the way you did...

I would marry that girl in a heartbeat.

So, he seems great-- victor.

He is. He's...


Did he happen to say anything?

Oh, not really.


You want to help me with this?

So nothing else--

About me?

Yes, actually.

He said that, um,

You were incredibly...


Helpful? Huh.

Well, anything else?

Yeah. He said that you were, uh,

You know, very sweet and smart.

Smart and sweet.

Wow, he must have really hated me.

No, he did not hate you.

You're just not his type.

Really? What's his type?

I just think that victor has this thing

For angry guys.

Oh, no, no, no, I get it, believe me.

I get it all the time.

Why is it that guys just assume

That if you happen to like to have

Your shirts pressed--

Ross, that is not it.

Victor doesn't like being set up.

He doesn't believe in it.

He thinks that love is something--

I don't know-- he thinks it should be

An accident or something.

She said the people at the base are great,

But she doesn't know them.

And luke's family asked her

To stay with them

When he's out of town, but she doesn't really

Know them, either.

So basically she and diana

Are all by themselves out there.

(Telephone rings)

Charlie, they're sleeping.

I'm sorry.


Hey, sid, what's goin' on?

No. Yarsky's scheduled,

But if he doesn't show, just ask kennedy

If he can work third shift.

And, uh, if not, then we'll have to

Pick up the slack tomorrow.


Thanks, sid.

Have a good night.

I thought you were gonna tell them

They weren't supposed to call past midnight.

I did, but, you know, if there's an emergency...

I'm sorry. What were you saying?

I'm just worried about her.

Well, don't be.

I've had friends in the army.

And as soon as luke gets established out there,

He'll be able to pick his own hours.

Daphne just has to be patient.

Yeah, but how long is she supposed to wait?

6 Months? A year?

She's all alone with a child

In the middle of nowhere, charlie.

She's thinking of moving back,

And maybe she should.

Kirsten, she's only been gone a month.

And luke's just doing his job.

I mean, what does she expect?

I don't know.

But if he wants her to be there

When he gets home,

He better think of something.

So, at first I was thinking

Just, you know, a simple little


At the city hall.

You, me, and the commissioner

Of civil marriages.

But...then I was talking to will--



You told will?

I thought we weren't going to tell anyone.

He found out by accident. Ok?

But then I thought,

Why not?

Well, because we discussed this.

We said that we didn't want this to take on

A whole ugly life of its own, bailey.

Ok, but, holly, relax. Relax.

I know that this is just pretend.

Ok? But it has to be good pretend.

And it has to look real.

That means you and me smiling

And enjoying ourselves for the camera.

Which means...

If we just relax and...

You know, enjoy ourselves

A little bit,

You know, we'll do our jobs better.

And...maybe we can even have

A little fun.



You're right.

There's no reason why this shouldn't be fun.


All right. So then for

The honeymoon,

I was thinking--

Ahem. Honeymoon?

Maybe we could drive up to napa.

I got an incredible discount at--


A honeymoon?

What do you think the first thing

The i.n.s. Asks for?

It's pictures.

Who do you know comes back from

Their honeymoon

Without a zillion boring sh*ts

Of themselves

Hugging and kissing in front of...

Historical landmarks?


(Clears throat)

I--i guess.



Ned, what are you--

Look, calm down.

I don't want to see you.

You ran out before I could

Answer you, julia.

I just have 2 words.

I don't care.

No. Julia--

I spent half my time last year

Listening to your words, ned. They're just words.

I want you to leave.

But can't I just--

Tell you I'm sorry?

I saw someone after we broke up.


We went out 6 months.

But after she told people about us...

About me--

I spent--i spent 2 weeks in jail.

And the judge, he practically spat at me

Reading my sentence.

You know, I know...

I have problems. I know that.

But I wasn't lying to you.

I am actually trying.

I saw a doctor. I'm seeing a doctor.

And I made a promise.

I'm not gonna be with anyone--anyone...

Until I know...

She's safe.

Wh-what's it gonna take?

How long till people stop looking at me

Like that?

I don't know.

I just...

I just want to feel...


That's not up to me, ned.

Griffin: what's going on?


What's going on?

Did you let him in here?

It's none of your business, ok--

What's the matter with you?

Griffin, would you leave--

Get out of here! Get going!

I'm leaving. I'm leaving.

Ross: she was supposed to meet me here after school.

We were gonna head over to the music school.

I'll just get my glove and we can go.

Do you want me to wait outside?

No. Don't be silly. Come in.

So did you have a chance to call that lawyer

I recommended?

Um, actually,

I've decided not to go

The legal route.

But thanks.

Owen, come on, let's go.

Owen: victor, I can't find it!

Did you look in the backyard?

Hey. What's going on?

Hi, ross.

Oh, I totally forgot I was supposed to

Meet you.

Of course you did.

I did.

I did.

That's ok, claud.

Victor's the only one here with a problem.

Excuse me?

I'm sorry.

I guess that wasn't very smart...

Or sweet.

What did you tell him?

Look, don't get mad at claudia.

She was just trying to help.

We both were.

Look, ross, it's not about you.

Believe me, I know.

You don't want to go out with me, fine.

But, god, for you to reject my help

Getting your daughter back...

What does that have to do with it?

Everything, victor.

This whole idea that you have

That love just magically happens,

That there's no point in working

To help it along--

Why are you--

Because I have to tell you,

If I'd just sat around waiting for love to happen,

I wouldn't have a daughter right now.

I spent months searching.

I went to dozens of agencies.

And you know what it was in the end?

It was a match made by lawyers.

And guess what.

There's no one on earth

That I love more.

I'm sorry I made us so late.

I had to keep trying to get him, you know?

Don't worry. Charlie's probably

Much later.

Hey, he's actually here.

Diana, where are you going, sweetie?

Daddy's over here.

Ha ha!

Hey! Hi!

What are you doing here? You're supposed to--

Turned out they didn't need me

The whole week,

So I wanted to come up.

I missed you.

Kirsten. God, it's you.

Hey, come sit down with me.

I got some stuff I want to tell you.

Ok. Come on.

Hi, sweetie, how you doin'?

He's telling her that he's gonna find, um,

A place in dallas so he can commute

Every day.

He is?

Yeah. He's also gonna ask for

A permanent post on the base

So he doesn't have to be deployed

So much.

How do you know all that?

Well, i...

Kind of helped.




You called him?

You told him to come here

And to make all those promises?

Well, they're not just promises,


It's not gonna work.

I mean, give them some time.

No. I...

I'm not talking about them, charlie.

I'm talking about us.


Charlie, you made those same promises.

You said that things would start getting easier.

But they keep getting worse.

First you-- you take the job

Running the factory,

Then you get that big huge order,

And then you bought the business from gus.

I mean, when does it start getting easier?

Ok, listen. Listen.

No. I know that I signed up

For all of that.

And I'm not saying that you're lying.

I'm just...

I'm about to have a baby really soon,

And I don't want to have it all by myself.

That is not gonna happen.

You know I won't let that happen.

I know that you don't want that to happen.

But sooner or later, I have to wonder

How much that means. Kirsten...



If you want to do something,

Don't tell me about it, just...

Because I just...

I can't...

Hear any more words.

So what'd he say?

Have a lot of excuses?


Did his old man beat him up?

Is that his routine?

He wanted to say he was sorry.

Yeah, right.


Why do you have to be nice to the guy?

I wasn't nice to him.

You forgave him, though, didn't you?

No, I didn't forgive him. I was straight with him.

I told him I wanted him to leave me alone.


But you know what, griffin?

I do want to forgive him. I hope I can.


I don't know.

Because maybe I want to forgive myself.

Because maybe I'd be able

To look back and say...

I wasn't all wrong.

'Cause I did actually love him, griffin.



It's just...

A bunch of crap.

You can't have it both ways, julia.

If you forgive him, that's like saying

That what he did to you was ok.

That like if he says he's sorry and--and--

And eventually he acts like he means it

That it's ok.

Griffin, that's not--

Look, you...

You wanted my opinion.

You might not agree with it,

But that's it.


Hey, you.


2 Seconds, ok?

I'm just finishing up here.

You're a very strange person.

You know that.


Is "strange" one of those words

That's actually a compliment in england?

No. Just, really...

There's no one else like you.

No one I've ever met.

And here I am on the verge

Of being deported,

And not only do you come up with

A solution, but...

You've managed to make it fantastic.

And I love you for that.


Did you hear what I said?

I said I love you.

Yeah, I heard.

And I need you...

To understand that, because i...

I need you to understand that that's...

Why I can't marry you,



Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Is this because of all the...

The honeymoon stuff? Did I freak you out

With that?


It's nothing to do with you.

It's, uh...

It's me, uh...

I was walking back from school today,

And I passed this department store,

And I thought,

I need some clothes...

To get married in.

So, I went in, and...

I found this incredible dress,

And it was kind of expensive,

And I thought, what the heck,

It's my wedding day, right?

And then I had to stop myself and go...


This is a mistake.

Because...all of this, bailey,

All of this is just pretend.

And what if I was leading you on?

Holly, wait a minute--

No, because I don't want to be second-guessing

Every decision that I make about us.

I don't want to be thinking

That when you're sleeping over,

Are we acting like we're too married?

Are we moving too fast?

Ok, so then we won't do that.

Yeah, but what if something goes wrong?

What if you find a dream job in alaska?

I just don't want you to think that we can't

Take a break

Because... We might be jeopardizing

My green card.

Ok, look. I know that this isn't easy.


I can't.

And I won't...

Do this to us.

I won't.

Hey, were you gonna drive me to school?

Yeah, just a sec. Can you wait?


What's this?

It's, uh...

It's a site for abuse victims.

Hmm. Why are you--

Well, they, uh, they asked for

Letters and stories and stuff

So people can share their experiences.

Julie, is that your book?


Trying to upload it,

But I can't figure out how to tag the file.

The whole thing?

Sure. Why not?

I don't know, I just--

Thought you weren't done with it.

You know, I thought it had some problems.

Yup, it does.

But you know what? I read it again last night,

And I added an afterword about seeing ned

After all this time, and...

It's good enough.

Since when is good enough

Good enough?

Well, I don't know.

I mean, griffin would say I'm too forgiving of ned,

And ned would say it's not forgiving enough,

Any editor would say

It's not ready to put out there yet,

And adam would say

I shouldn't care about any of them.

And the truth is

They're all partly right.

So you know what? Bottom line is

If I think it's ready,

Then it's ready.



Just click on that button there

That says browse.

And you'll find what you're looking for.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

There it is.




Hi. Hey.

What are you doing here?

I've got a session around the corner

In a few minutes.

How about you?

Just having coffee. That's all.

I'm just gonna set this down.


Listen, I mean, I'm really sorry

About the ross thing.

You were right. It was none of my business.

Ok, no, you know what? It's fine. Really.

You were just trying to help.

Oh, wait.

Do not turn around.

It's ross.


Yeah, uh huh.

I'll just, uh, distract him and you can

Head out.

Oh, wait, are you here with someone?

Me? Why?

Well, you've got two cups of--



You're here with ross.


You are.

You're on a date with ross.

No. This is coffee.

I knew it.

See, I knew it. I was right and here you are

Saying it just has to happen.

Nothing is happening.

Not yet.

And especially if you don't get out of here.

If he sees you, he's gonna ask you

To join us, so...


Hey. Hey.

What are you doing here? I thought you had

To work late?

I did.

But, uh...

Then I realized that I had

Something that I had to do more.

Oh. What?

I had to come home

And celebrate our anniversary.

Charlie, our anniversary was days ago.

Or months from now if you mean the real one.

I know.

But, this is a different anniversary.

It is?

This is the anniversary of the day

That I came home from work early to tell you

That from now on, I'm gonna make sure

That I'm home to you no later

Than 7:00 in the evening.


3 Nights a week, minimum.

With an option for a fourth.

Charlie, I know you mean well.

But I don't want you to make any promises

That you can't keep.


I'm unplugging the phone.


I'm turning off my cell phone.

And also my pager.

And please notice

3 Unanswered calls already.

I was too busy calling out for take-out in the car--

Which should be here any minute.


(Music playing)


Three nights a week?

And that's just my opening offer.

You can always counter.

I think...

I'd just like to dance.



Can I talk to you guys for a sec?

Yeah, what's going on?

I lie in bed in that laundry room,

I look up at those pipes,

And you know what I dream about?

Other than my own apartment?

I dream of having what you guys have.

Somebody I care about so much

I'd risk getting arrested to keep her around.

Or fly thousands of miles

To protect the relationship.

Will, what are you--

Bailey, you're my best friend.

Ok, and you've proven that to me

Again and again.

I mean, last year with hannah,

And this year with letting me move in

With you.

The point is,

This is my chance to give something back.

What's going on?

Will you marry me, holly?

I think you should-- you should marry me.


Too dramatic. Sorry.

That's--it's just--

God, I hope this is easier

When I have to do it for real.

Will, you got to be kidding?!

No, I'm not. I--i've given this all kinds of thought.


I want to do this for you.

I--no, will. I--i--

I can't let you do this.

Yes, you can.

You are the best thing that's happened to him

In a really long time.

You guys can't talk me out of it.

I have right on my side, so...

Say yes.


That means you could stay.

Oh, my god!

Well, good. This is--this is great.

I'm, uh, I'm so glad.

Oh, will. Thank you so much!

I don't believe it.


Woman: what a shock when I looked for posts today

And saw your book.

I thought, "wow, that's gutsy, posting a 250-page book."

Then I started reading.

Second woman: you put stuff in words

That I never knew how to say.

It was like someone was telling my story

To me.

Woman: I have all kinds of friends who try to help,

Thank you, julia.

But there's no substitute for people who actually know.

Woman: they all think seeing him like

Some kind of monster

Is some kind of answer.

The answer is, go get help.

Woman: but most of all, thanks for reminding me...

I'm not alone.

These things happen to people.

Second woman: and afterwards,

Even if I have to start from scratch,

And there's no one around,

I'll be fine.

Because I'm never alone

Once I've learned how to count on myself.