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06x16 - Blast from the Past

Posted: 03/12/22 10:50
by bunniefuu
So who hasn't
spoken today?

Bailey, we haven't
heard yet from you.

[clears throat] Got
anything for the room?

Not today.

I'm pretty good.

Great. Glad to hear it.
That's super.

-[Oliver claps]


These rooms are
supposed to be safe.

No judgment,
just understanding.

That's what
we all give you,

and that's what
you can give us.

You're 100% right.

I'll be good.

Well, yesterday,
we ran out of time

when you were telling
us about the night
of the accident.


[sighs] It's weird

before, before I got
sober the first time,

the drinking would sneak
up on me, you know,

like, one beer
turned into three,
and so on and so on.

But this time was
different. This time...

It was like a decision,
which I guess is why

I'm not really scared that
I'm gonna slip again now.

I mean, it's not like
my problems are gone,

The reasons
that I drank,

whatever they are,
are still there,
but the drinking...

I don't know. It feels like
I switched it on,

so I can more or less
switch it off.

Can I say something?
What the hell
is he doing here?

-Oliver, look--
-He had a slip up.

He got drunk one time
and now he's taking up
space in rehab?

This is not
a competition here.

I mean, Richard drank
half a pint of mouthwash

when they wouldn't
sell him a beer.

Dale parked his car
under 10 feet of water
at Stinson Beach.

So what? I don't have
the right to be here

if I don't have
the DTs or something?

Hey, you paid your money.
You can be wherever you want.

It's just...

You're making me feel
lower than I felt already.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry.
That's not my problem.

That's right.
You have no problem.

You know what,
that is so wrong!

Okay, guys. Settle down.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
It's just...

You have your problems,
I'm sure.

But booze isn't
one of them, is it?

From where I sit,
your life... it's
a beautiful dream.

Be thankful for that
and go home.

You do want to go home,
don't you?

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

-What's up?

-You stuck on a passage?

I've been standing over
there waving at nothing.

-What the hell
is on that screen?

Nothing. You don't want to...
you don't want to know.

Yeah, sure I do.
Now I really do,

Fine. Read it.


I thought you, uh,
hadn't heard from Justin
since he went home.

I hadn't. Not a word
till last night.

Julia, it says he's eloping
with Laura to Vegas.

I know that.
I've read it 50 times.

So, um, are you going?

Well, how do I know that
he wants me to come? Huh?

I mean, he... he didn't
ask in the e-mail.

Oh, come on, Julia.
Why do you think
he sent this?

People don't
mail announcements
when they elope.

But what does he want?
I mean, is he saying
come be at my wedding

or is he saying
come stop it?

You should go.


Well, you obviously
don't want to lose him.

Do you?

Well, I, uh...

Right. Then go.

As a friend,
I'm telling you, go.

[laptop snaps shut]

[phone rings]

I was right, wasn't I?

She's getting worse.

Well, her weight and sleep
reports are still within
the protocol but--

Protocol? What, uh...

Just look at her.
Does she look better?

You have her in the
placebo group, don't you?

That's why
she's like this.

She's not taking
the active drug, right?

See, if you could just
tell me, then I can know
to pull her out or not.

It's a double-blind study,
Mrs. Newman,

which means neither
the patient or the therapist

know who's getting
the nefazodone.

I should have never
signed her up for this.

I mean, that these
drug companies...

They don't care about
my daughter.

Or that she won't eat.

-Or go to school...
-I know, I know.

I'm sorry. I know this is
hard for both of you.

Do you? Or is that just
part of the protocol?

[pager beeps]

Do you really have
any idea...

[sobs] ...what my child
is going through?

I'm sorry, Mrs. Newman,
I'll be right back.

Just wait here
one moment, okay?



[indistinct chattering]

[Bailey] Dr. Frieder. Hi.

-Do you have a minute?

Because I was thinking
about our last session,

and it kind of brought up
a lot of questions--

Bailey, I'm... I'm sorry,
but you were discharged,
weren't you?

Yeah, they just
checked me out,

so I thought I would come
talk to you before I left.

Bailey, I have six more
evaluations, then group.

-Okay, I understand, but--

-I just wanted--
-Bailey, please take
this the right way.

You're doing great. Now,
I know you have issues,

and I'd be happy to talk
about them with you,
just not now.

You can make an appointment
with me any weekday.

In the meantime, talk
to your family. They sound
very supportive.

They are, but I'm not
sure this is something--

Bailey, this is good
news. You're doing
extremely well.

So, what do you
feel like doing?

Um, I... I don't know.

Do you want
to practice or...

Or we could not.

You know?

Just, after
all those sessions,

surrounded by all those
musicians and stuff,

it's nice just being us
for a change, you know?

Just the two of us.

You and me.

I... I wonder what's on TV.

[woman on TV] Touch me,
Eric. I know you want to.

[switches channel]

[audience cheering on TV]

Julia, are you okay?


Julia, what are you
still doing here?

I thought it was
settled. I thought
you were going.

Settled? Claud,
how is that settled?

Well, it will be.
It will be.

When you finally, uh,
talk to Justin.

And... and say what?
I mean, what am I
supposed to say?

I don't even know
why he wrote me.

Julia, you know.

Tell him not
to get married.

Right. B-because why?
What is my argument?

What... what you
were saying before.

You know, about him
getting rushed into this.

I said that to him
the last time I saw him,
and look what good it did me.


The only other solution
is that I tell him

he should be with
someone else instead.

[laughs] Someone specific.

Someone like me, right?

Well, should he?

God, Claud, I don't know.
I mean, we haven't been
together for what, four years?

-I mean--


Should he?

God, I have...
I have to go there.

Don't I?

[nervous laugh]

But how am I gonna do that?
My car won't make it.
I'm too poor to fly.

Take Todd's car.

[Todd] Excuse me.

What? Take it where?

Uh, Todd, we're having
a private conversation.

-About my car?

You don't mind if Julia
borrows it, do you?

It's... it's a lease.

I mean, you know, my...
my insurance won't let
anyone drive it but me.

Then... then
you'll drive her.

-Me? Drive her where?
-Las Vegas.

Oh, this is perfect.
I'll come with you guys.

-This is... this is good. I mean, we've been
working too hard anyway.

We need this,
you know. It's like fun
and just impulsive.

Todd, we need it a lot.

[Charlie] Hold off Perkins
for, like, half an hour,
all right?

Take him for a tour
of the mill or something.

I'll be in there
as soon as I can.

Okay. All right.
Thanks, Ruth. Bye.

Oh, man. It's tough
doing two jobs, huh?

It'd be a lot easier
if this accountant
would get here.

Yeah. Well, tell ya,
it's good having you
around here again.

I mean, it's like the old days,
you and me runnin' the joint.

Yeah. Yeah, Joe.

[telephone rings]


Yeah, hey. Uh-huh. Oh.

Uh, all right. Yeah,
hang on a second. Yeah.

Hey, Charlie, it's Alex.
He got held up.
He's gonna be an hour.

-An hour?

Oh, my...

I got two meetings
at the factory, and I'm
supposed to pick up Owen.

You want me
to reschedule?

With the quarterly
taxes coming up?

All right, look,
I'll tell you what.
Just leave the computer.

Let me meet with the guy.

I mean, it's not like
I haven't done it
a 100 times.

Just tell him to get
here as soon as he can.

And I'll... I'll cancel
my meeting.

Victor, hey, hey, yeah,
it's... it's Charlie.

Uh, listen, I know I was
supposed to pick up Owen
after school today,

but something's come up.


Is anybody here?

[door opens and footsteps]

Hey! Man, you're home.


What? Didn't expect you
back for a couple more days.


So where is everybody?

Uh, Julia and Claudia
took off for Vegas,

Owen's with Charlie.


You got your jacket.
You going out?

Yeah, um, damn it.

You know, I'm supposed
to meet Meredith,

And, uh, it's too late
to call and cancel.

-Oh, well, go.
-No, no wait.

Maybe I'll... Maybe I'll
meet her and send her
back home.

Uh, Will, forget that.

Really, I'm actually...
I'm probably just
gonna crash anyway.

Go, really.
Have a good time.


I'll see you later.


[door opens and closes]

Owen, come on!
Brush your teeth.

We don't want
to be late for school.

[Owen] All right,
all right.

Hey, sleepyhead.

Shouldn't you be
getting ready for work?

I'm not sure I'm going
to go in today.

You, not going in?

You feeling all right?

I'm just tired.

You seem kind of...

What's going on?

It's just work, you know?
This drug trial.

I mean, some of these
kids are really sick.

They're depressed. And...

it's just getting hard
to watch.

Well, they're
in the study, right?

Which means they're
getting therapy.

They need meds.

And some of them aren't
getting the active drug,
and the ones that are,

I'm not sure if it's
even working.

It's just...

I don't know,

but it never used to get
to me before, you know?

But lately, I just...

Well, you know, um,

it's weird. I mean,
you've been fine
for so long, but...

I mean, when we started
trying to get pregnant,

you did go off your
antidepressants, and...

I don't know.

I'm not depressed, Charlie,
if that's what you're saying.

I'm just upset
and I'm... I'm frustrated.

Okay, okay.

I was just...

[knock on door]

[Will] Bay, you in there?

Yeah, come in.

Look, I swear to you,
I didn't plan this.

Okay, if you want to sit
in here all day, that's fine.

I'm not trying to make
you cheer up or make you
come out of your room or--

Will, what are you...

[Holly] Hi.

How you doin'?


You look great.


Thank you for being
so forgiving.

Not at all.

You did
the right thing.

You obviously
needed help.

God, and look at me. I'm
supposed to be the one
learning how to heal people.

No, I was totally
out of line coming to your
place like that, Holly.

And I had been drinking.

I didn't deserve
your sympathy at all.


Will's been really sweet.
He's been giving me updates.

Therapy's obviously working.

Now, look at you.

You look good.
And you look calm. And--

Holly, Holly.

Look, thank you
for coming here.
Okay, I mean that.

But I can't have anybody
else look at me and tell
me that I look great.

I mean, quitting drinking

suddenly seems like
the easiest thing that
I ever did in my life,

because I quit,
I'm finished with it.
And now, if anything,

I feel worse.

It's like now I feel like
there's more questions
than there were before.

And everybody's looking
at me and they're telling
me that I look fine,

because that's what
they want, but the truth
is I'm not.

I'm not fine at all.

[Claudia] Next time I drive
halfway through the night,

remind me to wear
looser clothing.

My leg is still asleep.

Keep your eyes peeled.
They're checked in here.
Laura can't find out I'm here.

Next, please.
How many rooms?

Sir, how many rooms?

Todd, she's asking
you a question.

Todd? Earth to Todd.

What? Sorry,
I... I was just...

Yeah, I know. I saw.

No, I didn't. I mean,
I wasn't... I'm not at all...

[man] Julia!

[Julia] Justin!

[Todd] Claudia, it's not
what you think. I mean...

[Justin] Come here. Come here.
[Julia] What?

[Todd] I was just...

-What are you doing here?
-What am I doing here?

You e-mailed me. You tell me
what I'm doing here.

Laura's letting it ride
on her birthday number.
She's right over there.

Justin, what?
You want me to leave?

No, no, I don't.

Oh, my God!
You actually came.

-Well, yeah.
-Yeah. Justin, talk to me.
Justin, we have to talk.

Yeah, I know. Uh,
not now, though.

-Well, when?
-Uh, I don't know.


Ah, she's looking
over here.

I... I'll see you
later, okay?

Did you tell Frances Newman
to pull her daughter out
of the study?

She was going to pull
Lizzie out anyway.
I just supported her.

That doesn't matter.
You should have discussed
it with me first.

The girl needs meds,
well-tested meds.

I made the decision
based on her needs,
not ours.

But it wasn't your
decision to make.

Then whose is it?
The client's?
Their stockholders?

I did the most responsible
thing, and you know it.


what's the matter with you?

Nothing. Nothing
is the matter with me.

You have had patients
like Lizzie before.
Lots of them.

We've had
this conversation.

These kids are in studies
so that thousands of kids
just like them can be helped.

This is different.
I mean, Lizzie's different.

Is she?

Or is it you?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Last week, you fought
with the prescribing MD.

You've been calling
in sick and now this.

What's happening, Kirsten? What's wrong with you?

[indistinct chattering]

What are you doing
back here?

What? Did you win
the lottery and find out
you have to pay taxes?

Just waiting to talk
to the doctor.

That's nice.

That looks right, thanks.

[Nurse] Hey, put that down!

[Oliver] Back off!
Don't touch me!

[Nurse] Orderly, help!
I need help!

Back off! Did you hear me?
I said back off!


Hey, Oliver, take it easy, man.
You're gonna get hurt.

Get away from me,
both of you!

Bring those back!

[Oliver] Damn!

Oliver, Oliver, don't!

-Oliver, stop it!
-No, damn it.

I need that.

-Stop! Take it easy!
-Let go of me.

Stop it!

All right,
come on. Take it easy.

Thanks for nothing, you
stupid little boy scout.

[Orderly] Why can't you just
leave it alone, huh?


Adam, what are you
doing here?

I gotta come clean,
Julia, okay?

-With what?
-I lied.

Look, I said, as a friend,

That I thought you
should come here.


I have been choking
on that stupid word
for, like, weeks now.

'Cause the thing is
you are not my friend.

-No, I...

Okay, what you
and Justin have,

I can't touch that.

No, it's a... it's a lifetime
of knowing each other,
of loving each other.

And I don't
love you, Julia.

I mean, I...
I barely know you.

But what I do love is...

I love how your
voice gets all flutey

when you try and leave
a funny message on my machine.

Or how you always ask
me for my news first,

even when your news
is better.

I love how you always
come over with
some kind of take-out,

'cause you're so sure
I'll starve on my own.

I, uh, I'm sorry
to dump this on you.
I... I really am,

'cause I've tried not
to put any pressure on you.

You know, I... I kept
my mouth shut, so that
you could be free.

But, now you're here
and... and he's here,

and I can't not
say my piece,

which is just...

I wish you'd
be free with me.

[knock on door]

Uh, that's Claudia.

I'm... I'm sorry. Hold on.


Is this a bad time?

No. No, no, it's fine.

I was...

I was... I was
just leaving.

Excuse me. It doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, I know,
I know, I know.

You decided to get
married tomorrow.

You want it that badly,
but then you call me?

I mean, that
doesn't make sense.

So, since when has it
ever made sense?

I mean, getting married,
you know?

How can two people
possibly know

if something that feels
right today is gonna
feel right tomorrow?

What are you
talking about?

That's what
makes it romantic.

It's a leap of faith.

It's believing that we
can make something together

that's better than
what we can make alone.

And Laura and me...
I mean, we love each other,

and we're... we're
gonna take the leap.

Okay, so then,
what about me?
Why am I here?

[groans] Well, that's the...

The part that, uh,
I wish made more sense.


I want to do this.

I want to get married.

Well, then, Justin,
if that's what you
want, then--

Julia, I love you.

I always have,

and Laura, um,

she wants to get married
and I love her, too.

But the only problem is that
if I'm gonna take this leap,

I keep asking myself,


"Is it supposed to be us?

Should I be taking
this leap with you?"

So I wrote you because
I want to know how you feel.

The last time I saw you,
you said all that stuff and...

How do you feel?

I don't know.

Well, it's a hard question,
I realize that, but, uh--

Justin, how can I
possibly know?



[indistinct chattering]

Receipts are all there.

Final tally balances out.


Any word on when
Bailey's coming back?

Not soon enough.

I don't have time
for this.

Then let me do it.


Joe, it's all right.
I got it covered.

How long is this
gonna go on?

Well, I figure Bailey just
needs a little bit more time--

No, I mean
you and me. This.

How long is this
"not trusting me"
gonna go on?

I don't know, Joe.

I've pretty much done
everything I can do
to prove myself to you.

I sold my condo, I sold
my car, everything I have
of value.

Um, I'm just shy
of paying back
what I borrowed.

See, that's just it,
Joe. You didn't...
you didn't borrow.

What you did is called
something else.

I made a mistake, Charlie.

I mean, I seem to remember
you making one or two mis--

-Joe, this is not about me.
-That's right.

It's about us.
You and me.

It's about how 20 years
of knowing me

seems to mean
nothing to you.


Joe, it means everything.

I... A stranger walks in here
and does what you did,

and I'm... I'm pissed off,
I'm mad, but that's it.

[sighs] But you...

20 years, and then
you do this.

-I'm still me, Charlie.
-How am I supposed
to know that, Joe?


You know what?

If this is how it is,

then maybe there's no point
in me sticking around.

I'll clear out
my stuff tomorrow.


-How are you?
-Oh, hello.

Just wanted to make sure
they didn't lobotomize you.

[laughs] God,
I wish they would.

Would you mind not
staring at me like that?

I'm sorry, I'm just...

I'm fine.

Right. Okay.


Look, thanks.

But it's not like you
saved me from anything.

Even if I got those pills
down, they just would've
pumped my stomach.

Well, then, why did you
bother doing it?

That's funny you
have to ask me that.

What do you mean?

You didn't want
to leave here, either.

I just want to figure out
what the hell is wrong
with me.


Let me save you
some therapy bills.

Pull up a couch.

You're into the cavalry rush,
same as me.


You love a good crisis.
Really gets the blood going.

-What do you mean?
-We've all heard your story.

Those orphans
all pulling together.

Look, I don't do
what you did.

I don't get myself into
trouble, so people have
to come rushing to my rescue.

Doesn't matter.
It's the same disease.

Some of us get off
on needing a 911 rescue.

And some of us get off
on giving it.

[man on TV] It's a trade
secret, Mr. Pendleton.

[man 1 on TV] It's okay
with me. Here we are.

[sensual music playing]

[woman on TV] But don't be
a real man, be a king.

-[knock on door]
-[Claudia] Todd?

Todd, it's Claudia.
You decent?

Oh, you're here.

Hey, what are you doing?

I... I can explain this.

No, see, the remote,
it's... the remote's
broken, and--

Come on. First with
the dancing girls,
and now the porno?

No, the porno, it's...

it's an accident,
all right?

Um, the girls downstairs,
I mean, that was...

I just couldn't help
but notice. I mean...

Hello? Why can't
you notice me?

-Todd, you kissed me.

I mean, you kissed me.
Maybe it was a hundred
years ago,

but... I mean, it's like
I turned into your sister
or something.

I mean, do you want me
to, you know, wear feathers,

and... and sparkly things,
or... or this short
cheerleader skirt?

I mean, tell me, what's
suddenly wrong with me?

Wait, you think that
I'm not interested?

Well, what am I supposed
to think? You're like
the king of mixed signals.

Me? Mixed signals?

Me, me? The one
who is k*lling himself
not to be a pig.

-Because you have this past.

I mean, you tell me the reason
you're scared to get into
a relationship

is... is because of...
what's his name? Derek.

I mean, what am I
supposed to think?

Every time I want
to touch you, I feel like,

you know, what if she just
wants to be friends or am I
forcing myself on her?

Am I making the same wrong
assumptions that he did?

You actually...

That's what you thought?

I've been going insane.

I mean, we're together like
thousands of hours a day,

and you sit there and smiling
and laughing and breathing

and just smelling
so unbelievably incredible.

-And we're in this hotel room
in... in sin city,

and if I don't figure out
what it is that you want,

I'm scared
that I'm just gonna--

That's what I want.


Marriage is a sacred
commitment not to be taken
lightly or whimsically.

It's an oath of love
you both make to each other,

to this congregation,
and to God.

But before we proceed, I must
ask if there is anyone present
who objects to this union,

let them speak now
or forever hold their peace.

Very well, then.
The rings, please.


Do you promise to love,
honor, and cherish Laura

for as long as
you both shall live?

I do.

And Laura, do you
promise to love, honor,
and cherish Justin

for as long as
you both shall live?

[Charlie] We're booking
plenty of seatings,

but, uh, Joe changed
the menu, uh,
to simpler dishes,

stuff that's cheaper,
which means less revenue.

-I think that's a lot
of the problem.

If we upgrade
the menu, and increase--

Charlie, I don't want
to hear this, okay? Please.

Please, just do whatever
you want over there.

I don't care anymore, okay?

Look, I... I know this
probably doesn't seem that
important to you right now.

No, it's just
not right now.

I don't know
if it ever did, Charlie.

People think that
I was good at that job,

so that I must
have loved doing it.

Bailey, why are you
suddenly going on--

You and Julia
and Claud,

you all have this stuff
that you guys do because...

because there's something
inside of you that won't let
you do anything else.

But what's there for me?

What do I have
that I'm great at? Bailey. [laughs]

Practically everything you've
ever put your mind to.


Mm-mm. I'll tell you
what it is.

It's whatever you need.

You got a problem?
You call Bailey.

Something needs saving?
You call Bailey.

Give yourself some credit.

Don't you see
what that means?


I don't know what to do
with myself until somebody
else is in trouble.

I would have no reason
for living, Charlie, if it
wasn't for what?

If it wasn't
for Mom and Dad dying.

Hold on a second.

Charlie, it's true,
it's true!


The absolute best...

The absolute high point
for me in my life

was when you got sick.


Because I took over.
I took the family,
I took the house,

I took the restaurant.
Finally, I was the man.

But you take all that
away and what's left?


I'm... I'm this...

this person who needs
people that he loves

to be dying
for him to be happy.


Hey. Sorry I'm so late.

Bailey had some,
uh, meltdown.

I don't know,
he's really...

I'm worried about him.

I don't know
when he's gonna...


Are you okay?

Hey, what's going on?

You're not the only one
who noticed.

I felt it.

[sobs] I've been
thinking that

maybe that I was
getting sick again.

So I went to the doctor.


And he said...

[softly] He told me...

I'm pregnant.

What? You...

-That's why I've...

I've been such a mess
lately, Charlie. I'm not depressed,
I'm just...

I've been... I'm swimming
in hormones.

Wait a minute,
wait a minute,

So we're... we're gonna...
we're having a--

It worked.

We're pregnant.

A baby?

Our own, we...

-We actually did it?
-We did it.

We did it.

We did it.

[both sobbing]

[knock on door]

You know what I like
about the future?

It's not like the only
choice you have is
to plan the whole thing.

You can also,
if you want to,

you can sit back
and relax and see
what happens.


I... I guess.

That was nice,
what you did.

Coming all the way
down there to say
what you said.

It was exactly
what I needed.

[soft rock music playing]


[indistinct chattering on TV]

Listen. [clears throat]

I know you're feeling
a little bit shaky right now,

but, uh, I gotta
get to the office.

-Anyway, Owen's outside.
-Wait, what are you...

Why didn't you
take him to school?

Well, he's got this assignment
for his reading tutor,

this letters
and colors thing.

I know what you're
trying to do here, okay?

He tried to explain it
to me, but I--

This isn't like basket
weaving at rehab, okay?

You can't fix this problem
by keeping me busy.

I'm not trying
to fix anything, Bailey.

Hey, Owe.

How you doing?

I'm okay.
How are you?

[sighs] I'm fine.


Okay, I... I gotta
get moving.


See you later, okay?

Bye, Charlie.

I wrote you a letter
when you were away.

Yeah? You did?

Yeah, it's just a bunch
of get-well stuff, you know?

'Cause I missed you.

Well, that sounds nice.

Can I show you?

Sure, yeah.

I worked
really hard on it.


Got most of the letters
right too,

I think.

Yeah, yeah, you did.

So, do you think you could
work on it with me?

See, I thought maybe
if I got it real good,

I could, you know,
hand it to Ms. Shaeffer.

Claud and Jule tried
to help me, and Charlie
did, too,

but no one's
as good as you.

[Kirsten] Did you put
forks on the table cloth?

[Charlie] How many
people are coming?

[indistinct chattering]



So, you called me?
What's going on?

Yeah, we're, uh...
we're having dinner.

Uh, Charlie, I was
packing to leave.
What's going on?

Joe, listen, uh,

will you stay
at the restaurant?


-Why are you--
-Kirsten and I got a lot
going on right now.

And Bailey, you know,
who knows?

So I need you there.

-Well, I hope you're not--
-You might be right. I mean,

the past really doesn't
tell you that much
about the future anyway.

So I'm asking you.

Will you stay?

[Julia] Okay,
everybody, dig in.

Hey, Joe, are you
staying for supper?

-Yeah, I guess I am.



-Sit down. What can
I get for you?
-Oh, um, surprise me.


What's everybody
doing here?

What's going on?

It's Tuesday night.
This is our new night
for family dinners.

Yeah? Since when?

[Charlie] Uh...

-Since tonight.

It's not like we had
a meeting about it
or anything. We just...

It's the Chinese, isn't it?
You wanted Italian.


It's okay

I'm okay.

But I'm starving.

Okay. Let's eat.

We need
serving spoons?

[Julia] Yeah. Joe,
they're over there.

-Do you mind grabbing them?
-Oh, yeah, you got it.

Will, you get me
two plates?

[all talking at once]