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06x14 - One for the Road

Posted: 03/12/22 10:47
by bunniefuu
So, Luke got us
a barracks apartment

That is two doors away
from the infirmary.

See, right there.

And I have a line
on the daycare situation

on the base, which really
won't be a situation

till I get a job anyway.

So I figure
one month to settle in, and then we'll fly her back
for a month with you.


Now, this is
right when the midwest
furniture show ends,

which will be perfect,
because then you'll
really have time

to actually
hang out with her.

So it just
works out perfectly,
don't you think?

Well, you've pretty much
covered everything, I guess.

I know,
planning for a baby,

it's like waging
a w*r or something.

Doesn't make sense, though.

-What? Doesn't--
-No, Daph, it doesn't.

I mean, I've been
thinking about this
a lot, too.


I mean, it's great that you
want her with you. It is.

But you don't know
what your life
will be like yet.

I mean,
just the Diana stuff.

You don't have
a pediatrician yet.

You don't have
her room set up,

You don't know people
with kids her age
to play with.

Plus there's also...

I mean, let's face it,
you're not married to Luke.

You've only
been living together
for a couple of weeks.

I mean, what if
something goes wrong?

I'm not saying
that it will, but--

Charlie, I really
don't think that's
going to be a problem.

I just think
it makes much more sense

for you guys to get
everything smoothed out

before she comes down
for a visit.

A visit?

And besides, it'll be
a lot easier to get set up

without having to chase
her around all the time.

And then we'll
come down and see you.

Me and Kirsten and Diana,

We'll all
come down and see you.


Where's that snack bag?

Somebody's stomach's
growling here.

-Right here.
-Oh, here we go.

Everything okay?


[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Where you going?

I'm going to work. Why?

You don't even have
a minute to talk?

-To talk or to yell?

Look, I blew off
that meeting, okay,
but I just don't--

Bailey, we don't
want to yell.

-You don't?
-We found out from Alex

when he showed us
all the accounts.
We heard what you did.

You spent all your own money
to keep the restaurant going.

So, you're mad at me
because I didn't tell you?

No, no, we're trying
to tell you we're not mad.

-We're sorry. Really sorry.

You're sorry?

Yeah, 'cause all we do
is get on your case,

and every day you're out
there running the restaurant,

running this house.

Making sure that
everything's paid for.

I mean, the truth is you
pull so much more than
your own weight,

and we let you.

I mean, we've
let you for years.

So, what are you saying?

So, we're saying
we have Owen for the day,

and Joe is covering
the restaurant.

[Claudia] And your
breakfast is made.

And we picked up
The Weekly for you,

It's open to, uh,
the best of S.F.

So, go out and have
some fun, okay?


[Julia] Everyone said you have
to see American Beauty.

I never thought it would
live up to the hype.

Oh, but it totally did.

Totally. I want to have
Kevin Spacey's baby.

[both laughing]

You guys actually
liked that movie?

They told you the ending
before the opening credits
were over.

Oh, but, see,
I love that.

-It's so, uh--

Yeah, it's just like
that other movie
I love, um...

[both] Sunset Boulevard!

[Julia] Yeah, that's good.

[Laura] So, where
do you stand, Adam?

[Adam] I have a 24-hour
rule on movies.

No rash,
sweeping judgments.

Oh, but you see, making
rash, sweeping judgments

is half the fun
of seeing a movie.

I have tried
telling him that.

Hey, listen.

Is anyone else
feeling hungry?

Yeah. Hey, let's
go to Elmo's diner.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm really not
up for diner food.

Isn't there some place
we could get a salad?

Oh, come on, Laura,

We can jump off
the health food
train for a night.

[Julia] Elmo makes amazing
chocolate milkshakes.

Oh, and they got
these chili fries.

-Oh, mama!
-[Julia] Yeah.

Okay, whatever. That's
fine, I guess. But--

Oh, hey, I just remember
where we saw that girl,

The daughter,
she was in Patriot Games.

She was? Yeah, that's right!
Yeah, she was good.

[Justin] Hey, we saw
that together, huh?

[Julia] Yeah, we did.

So, uh, read any
good books lately?


Hey. What are
you doing here?


To tell you the truth,
I have no idea.

Sounds good to me.

[reggae music playing]

You remember how I told you
how pissed my family was?


Total 180.

Now all of a sudden,
they're like,

"Take a vacation.

Relax and have some fun.
You've earned it."

So, you're

No, no, not at all.

I just...

I don't know
what to do.

Well, let's see, um,

My old roommate
Jo Jo, she's...

No, forget it.


She's having a party
down on the haight,

and it's not your scene
and it's not mine anymore.

Why not?

At Jo Jo's last soirée

somebody tapped
a keg with a tire iron,

and beer went everywhere,

and it took two fire marshals
and 14 cops to break it up.

Well, that sounds like fun.

Unless you're not into it.

No, I love watching
Jo Jo get busted.
It's just that--

Cool. We're there.

Let's do it.


I hope you brought
bail money. [laughing]

I feel like I ate
a small village.

Those chili cheese fries
should be against the law.

Yeah, well, Elmo's
isn't exactly famous
for its spa cuisine.

Now, stop
changing the subject.

Can we please talk
about tomorrow?

Justin and Laura's
engagement party.

Yeah, um... Well,
you know the thing is,
is that, uh...

I am way behind
on my story
for narrative study,

So I should...
I should really write.


Why are you
suddenly bailing on me?

I have a story due, too.

Look, I, uh, I just
feel weird being there.

Why? They invited you.

No, I know.

-It's just, uh...

Look, they're
a lousy couple.

What? A lousy couple,
are you kidding me?

They're a great couple.

Ask Justin. I mean,
she changed his life.

You know,
well, from what I saw,

they don't have
a whole lot in common.

How do you know?

She leads him
around by the nose.

I mean,
they don't click.

They don't riff off
of each other.

Riff off of each other?

Who riffs off
of each other?

Well, Justin and you.

What? Justin and what?

Why, you kidding?

If you videotaped
our evening tonight

and asked people to pick out
the loving couple,

you and Justin would win,
hands down.

Yeah, well, you know,
that's just 'cause

Justin and I have known
each other for, like, forever.

And we have history.

Yeah, and present and--

Listen, forget it, okay?

Who cares?

Justin and Laura
are having a party tomorrow

because they are engaged.

It's a happy occasion,

and I'm going,
and you said you would too,

so we're going
together, okay?



[rock music playing]

[indistinct chattering]

There you are!


Are you having
a good time?


I was dancing with
some crazy bald girl.

At least I think
it was a girl.

Hey, what's that taste?

Come on, let's dance.

Wait, is that...
is that beer?


Well, oh, no, it's
just non-alcoholic.

At Jo Jo's? No way.

Okay, hey, wait.

Listen, don't freak out
on me here, okay?

But I had a beer.

You were drinking?

Just one. One beer.

That wasn't
the first one, is it?

No. I've been having a beer
every now and again

for a couple of weeks now. But it's not--

That's why you
didn't come into
the meeting with me

because you're
off the program.

I'm just...
I'm in a different
place right now.

Can I have a shot
of tequila, please?

No, wait,
no, no, no.

Evvie, that's a bad idea.


Because I've been sober
for a lot longer
than you have.

So, fine. Spot me.

Don't let me have
more than you do.

No, Evvie.

What? Just relax.

You know, your family
said have a good time.

So, have one!

Can he get
a beer, please?

Hello, stranger.


That tastes good.

You want a sip?

[knock on door]

Okay, I've been thinking
about this a lot, and, uh...

What if I don't agree
with you, Charlie?

Agree about what?

What if I want
to take her with me?

Take Diana?

We talked about this.
We figured this out.

No, actually,
you figured it out.

And you said that
eventually she could
come visit me,

which I don't even know
if you want that to happen,
like, ever.

Daph, come on,
that's ridiculous.

So I'm just asking.

What if I want to do
something different?

Why are you suddenly--

What if I want
to take her right now?

What if I want
to take my daughter?

Okay, Daph,
just calm down.

I don't even
want to calm down. And I don't even
want to discuss it.

Well, you don't have
a choice, okay?

-I'm her father.
-And I am her mother!

Do you even realize that?

-Of course I do.
-Oh, really?

It's kind of hard to tell
with you making
declarations like

you're the dad and the mom.

Not just of Diana's,
mine too.

Daph, this is not--

Okay, you know what,
I don't want to have
this conversation

because I know
where this gets me.

I want to take my daughter
with me to Texas.

Well, I'm sorry, but that's
not a decision you get to make.

Not alone.

Are you saying that
you'll try to stop me?

I don't want to have to,
But if you don't
give me a choice--

I am not scared
of you, Charlie.

I'm not trying
to scare you, Daphne.

No, you're just trying
to get your way.

Like always.

I am not going
to let that happen.

Not anymore.


[door shuts]

[Evvie sighs]

[Evvie] Hm. Wow.

[sensual music playing]

That was fun.

Wasn't that fun?

That was fun.

Are you relaxed yet?

Yes, I do have to say
I am relaxed.

Would your family
be happy?

I don't know
about that.

Well, they should be.

We had a few drinks,
a few orgasms,

and nobody died, right?

I guess that's right.

When's our appointment?
I don't have time for this.

Neither do I.

I just can't believe
we're here again
meeting with lawyers.

I know.

But you didn't hear her.

I mean, I've never seen
Daphne that way before.

She's saying she might
want to fight me for custody.

And, Kirsten, I mean,
this time

I'm going to be ready.

So, then what?

She finds out
that you hire a lawyer.

She gets one herself.

And pretty soon,
that's what you have.

Exactly what you had
last year with Owen.

I didn't start this.
I was willing to talk.

-So keep talking.
-I tried, Kirsten.

She didn't like
what I had to say.

And now, suddenly,
she's making threats.

But think what this means.

It means pretty soon
you guys aren't speaking,

except through a lawyer.

It means suddenly you're not
deciding what's best for your
daughter, neither of you.

Some judge will do that.

Kirsten, I have
to protect myself

and Diana.

You really think that
this gives you protection?

Daphne's the mother.

And I don't care what
a judge hears about her.

If you think you're ever
gonna win custody from her--

I don't wanna win anything.

I just wanna know
what I can count on.

That's it.

Charlie, listen,

You know that I will
support you, whatever you do,

but look at the facts.

You had a child with a woman
who's not your wife.

You had to know that
this could happen someday.

Like it or not,
you created this situation.

And if you don't wanna
risk losing Diana,

you better find some other
way to deal with this.

[indistinct chattering]


-Hey there.

Great party, you guys.

We're so glad
you could come.

Well, I wouldn't
have missed it.

-Hey. Hi.

-Good to see you.
-Good to see you, too.

Laura, beautiful party.

Justin told me you practically
did it all on your own.


Yeah. The food
and the flowers.

You know what? My mom's
been bugging me all night

to take some pictures.
Let's get it over with.

Now? They just got here.

You can talk to them
later. Come on.

Don't say a word.

God! Did you see
how they are together?

I am busy
not saying a word.

No, no. Too late.
You're the one who put
this thought in my head.

Now I can't shake it.

You know, last night,
I thought it over and over,

and you know
what the problem is?


The very thing that
he loves about her most,

the fact that she turned
his life around,

that's why
they should get married.

He thinks this is his idea
because he chose the moment,

because he asked her,
but, really, it wasn't.

It was her idea from the start,
and he told me that.

That she has
this whole life planned,

and he saw his name penciled
into it like a dentist's
appointment or something.

So if that is how
you feel, say something.

What? Are you kidding me?
I can't do that.

-Why not?
-Well, 'cause...

'cause you saw how
she just was with me.

I mean, she's suspicious of me
already because of last night,

because of the riffing thing.

She still thinks
I still want him, Adam.


do you?

No. Of course not.

Justin and I
are just friends.



Look, it's just...

If I were him, I think
I would want my friend
to look after me.

Wouldn't you?

[indistinct chattering]

[camera clicking]

[Daphne] What do you think,
that I want it this way?

[Luke] I'm not even sure
what you want anymore, okay?

-Who is it?
-It's Charlie. Oh, for God's sake.

I'm sorry. Um,

I just... I just
wanted to talk.

I should just...

No, wait. Listen,
listen. Hold on.

Listen, I don't know
what I'm supposed
to tell you, but--

I'll just come back later,
or tell Daph to call me.

You're here. You might
as well hear this.

I don't wanna drag you
into the middle of this--


She's staying.

She's not going with me.

She... she's staying
in San Francisco.


She couldn't do it to you
or to Diana, I guess.

I ought to get back
with her.

[door closes]

[indistinct chattering]

Hey, uh, you guys
aren't leaving, are you?

We were just coming to say
good-bye, actually.

Well, Laura's got this whole
elaborate present-opening
ritual thing planned.

Oh, that sounds like fun,
but we have work due

I'll get the car.

Um, congratulations again.

Thanks. Thank you.


I really appreciate
you being here.

This whole thing's kind of
a mind bender, you know?

You tell your girlfriend,
"let's give it a shot,"

and the next thing you know,
this big machine starts going,

and you got
parties and plans,

and it keeps grinding on,

and then you feel like
you can't even slow it down.

You can, though, Justin.

You can slow it down
or even stop it.

What does that mean?

No. Nothing.
Never mind.

What? Julia, what?

Justin, nothing.

Don't lie to me.

I know that look.
Come here.

[indistinct chattering]

All right, what's the deal?

What, you think
this is a mistake?

-Is that what you're saying?
-No, I never said that.

I just thought that maybe
if that's how you feel,

then you should slow down.

So, basically,
I should call it off.

-No, not necessarily.
-That's what that means.

To slow it down means
to not get married yet.

-This is a big deal.
-Okay, listen, forget it.

Forget it?
I can't just...

You tell me
at my engagement party

that I should think twice
about getting married.

I can't just forget that.

Why would you
say this now?

Is it Laura? Does she
bug you? Do you hate her?

No, no, she's fine.
She has nothing
to do with this.

Well, then
what is it about?

'Cause I'll tell you
what Laura thinks.

She thinks
that you're jealous.

And I told her no,
but now--

Okay, Justin, please,
I am begging you.

Just forget that I said
anything, all right?

Just put it
out of your mind, okay?

Oh, okay, yeah,
that's what I'll do.

Thanks, Julia.
Thanks a lot.


[rock music blaring]



Evvie, you here?

[lowers volume]

Hey, you told me
to come by at eight.


[suspenseful music playing] Evvie, damn it,
where are you?

Oh, my god.

Oh, no!

Evvie, hey.
Evvie, wake up.

Evvie, wake up!

Hey, Evvie, hey.

Evvie, please, wake up.

Damn it.

Damn it!

Come on, answer!

Yeah, yes, I need
an ambulance, please.

Uh, alcohol poisoning,
I think.

Yeah, she's breathing,
but she... I don't...

Look, I just got here,
so I don't know,
but please hurry.

I don't know how much
she had to drink,
so please hurry!




I wondered if
I'd bump into you.

What's going on?

Your friend in
for tests on his hand?

Uh, no. Griffin's...

No. This is, uh...

I'm here
with somebody else.

Oh. Is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, she's fine.
She just...

This girl that I know,

um, she had
too much to drink,

so they had
to pump her stomach.

But everything's fine.

What about you?
You okay?

Yeah. Great.


Well, you look...
you look great.


-So do you.
-[woman] Bailey salinger?

He brought her in?

What the hell is
the matter with you?

Wait a second.
I don't even know you.

I'm Evvie's sponsor.
She told me what happened. Okay, wait. No.
This isn't...

Listen, before
you go off here, okay,

I wasn't with her.

I went to her place,
and I found her.

You gave her a drink
at some party last night.
She told me.

That isn't true. I was
trying to convince her
she shouldn't drink.

She said you offered
to spot her or something

to make sure
she didn't get drunk.

No, I did not
ever offer--

And then you
had sex with her

after you both
had been drinking?

Damn it! Hold on!

Holly, wait, Holly!

Are you insane?

Evvie told me you had
been sober for two years.

Two years of meetings!

How could you do this? [knock on door]


Um, Charlie's just
getting her dressed.

He'll be right out.
Do you want me to--

I'll get her.

Hey. I'm sorry we're not
ready yet. She got...

I got bogged down in this
game of runaway diaper girl,
didn't we?

Listen, uh, I tried to call.
I wanted to offer to take
her today

if you wanted to spend
some more time with Luke
before he leaves.

No. It's Luke's last day,
so he wants to spend
time with her. So...

Does he need any help
shipping stuff to Texas?

'Cause I got all these
deals with carriers.

[Diana crying]

We're good.


Will you tell him
good-bye for us?

Yeah, I'll tell him.

Daph, look, uh,
I just feel bad--

I'm running late,
so I gotta go. Bye-bye.

All I said was that
it wouldn't k*ll him
to slow down a little,

and the next thing you know,
he's, like, losing it at me.

Well, I kind of
can't blame him.


Okay. No, no,
you're right.

Why did I do that?
I mean, what kind
of a friend am I?

If they're happy together,

they know better
than I do, right?

No, I didn't say
that either.

You just said I blew it.

Well, your timing.
That sucked.

You say they're not right
for each other,

And they're probably not.

How would you know?
You've never met her.

Come on. You and Justin,
you got this whole
soulmate thing going on.

You know, it's
like you guys click.

Please don't say we riff.

No, that's just it.
You guys riff off
of each other,

You know, which is why
you had to dump it
on him last night.

You couldn't
keep quiet about that.

You know,
besides the timing,

it just means
you're being a friend.

You think?

Yeah. I mean, unless...


Well, unless it's you
being jealous and not her.

Griffin, it totally isn't.

Why does everyone
keep saying that?

I don't know.

When we were married,
we had all kinds of problems.

The money, the business,
your family, us.

None of it scared me
as much as he did.

What, Justin?

Yeah, you know, that
he'd show up one day, and suddenly, you'd realize
that you should've been
married to him instead of me.

[indistinct chattering]

What are you doing here?
I just dropped Diana
with Kirsten at your place.

I know.

Do you have to be
at the factory or something?

Isn't there like nine trillion
things you should be doing?

Daph, look.

I don't want us to turn into
one of those divorced couples.

I don't wanna fight
every time we talk
about Diana.

I don't want us...

I don't want her
asking me someday,

"why are you and Mom
so angry at each other?"

Yeah? Well, guess what.

You don't get
to control that, Charlie,

and you don't get
to make all the rules.

But there's gotta be
some way to work this out.

I mean, there's
gotta be something--

You wanna know why
I'm so mad at you, Charlie?

Because I have been good.

I have done everything
you asked me to do.

You asked me to move back
to San Francisco and be a mom,

and I did that.

You asked me to not be afraid
to love her completely,

and I did that, too.

But now it's like...

You did this horrible thing
to me, Charlie.

You showed me
everything that I can have.

And then, like, just when
I'm about to have everything,

everything that you have,

a baby and a person
who loves me,

you take that all away.

-Daph, how am I
taking that away?
-I don't know!

By frowning on this, by acting
like I'm not a mom again
all of a sudden,

like I'm putting myself
ahead of Diana.

Wait a minute.
That is not--

No, because you
know what? It's true.

If I left right now
with Luke, I would be
splitting her life up.

I would be taking
our daughter away from you.

See? And you don't
want that to happen.

And I completely
understand that.

Well, then, okay.
Things between us
don't have to--

But you can't have it
both ways, Charlie.

You can't expect me to see
everything that you have

and pretend that it
doesn't k*ll me that
I can't have it too. This is really good, Julia.


Where, um... where
did you come up with it?

Well, um...

You remember that cute
older couple we saw
at the movies last week?

Well, that image,
I didn't know how to use it,
but it stuck with me.

And then today
I realized, well, what if...

what if instead
of being married,

that was their first date
in 50 years?

What if they spent
their whole lives apart

and just now were
rediscovering each other?


That's exactly the kind of
cheesy, hyper-romantic premise
that usually creeps me out,

But you... you did it

without getting
all weepy and maudlin,

and it pisses me off.

-What? Why?
-Because it's the kind of
stuff I can't do.

Messy and emotional.

You know, it feels like
I can't control it.

But you?
You don't care.

You just dive right in.

You're so sweet to me,
you know that?


That's, uh...

-No, I don't think so.

We both know
what's going on.



The story you wrote is
so obviously you and Justin,

and that is all that is
on your mind here.

What? What are you...

No. The simple fact
is that you are
trying to prove

you're not still
attracted to him.

Because you don't wanna
admit that you might
actually have

some selfish reasons
for wanting to break them up.

But guess what?
You know, who cares?

They probably
should break up.

-Adam, wait.

You need to deal
with this, Julia.

You need to talk to Justin.

Because I... I would
love to kiss you.

You know that.

-But when and if I ever do,

I don't wanna wonder
when you close your eyes

if you're thinking of him.


What are you
thinking about? Oh. Stupid question.

I'm just...

There's so many
sides to this.

I wanna be fair,

but I am not gonna
lose my daughter.

You said it yourself.
Legally, I don't have
much of a leg to stand on.

I mean, what if she
just changes her mind

and, you know, takes her?

Charlie, she's
not gonna do that.

That's not who she is.


I know.

And I hate that she's
that unhappy, but I mean,
bottom line,

I have to figure out
what's best for Diana.

Man, this situation
is just so...

I'm trying to do
the right thing here,
you know?

I know.

I really don't know
what I'm supposed to do.



This just keeps
happening to us, huh?

Just when you start
to think that I might
not be a loser--

Look, I don't
wanna be rude-- Okay, I know that looked bad.
That looked horrible.

I really...

I'd really rather
you didn't.

Listen, I was trying
to help out this other
person, okay, and...

Which is getting to be
a really bad habit with me,

trying to fix everything,

when the truth is that I know
there's some things that
you really just can't fix.

-I want you to leave.
-Holly, wait. Just let me--

No. I'm not interested.

See, now, that's not true.
I know that isn't true.

I told you that I hope
that I'd be around

when you got things
sorted out,

But after what I saw
at the hospital last night,

it's just obviously
not the case, is it?

I don't know! What is that
anyway, "sorted out"?

What does that mean?

When does a person have
all of their problems
all figured out?

Never, ever!

You're actually
beginning to scare me.

See, you know what
your problem is, Holly?
You know what it is?

It's the way you look down
at everything that you don't
think is absolutely perfect.

You actually really think
you're ever gonna find that?
Do you?

Somebody who's got all their
problems all sorted out?
That's a fantasy.

-I want you to leave now.
-You know what's real?

This is what's real, Holly.
People who have problems. -That's what's real.
-Get out of my house now.


Listen, is she, uh...

Go on in.

You know, it's weird
in a way. I, uh...

I wanted it the most,
and I was the last one
to see it.

You're really her mom.

-Charlie, what are you--
-There are some things that

I don't want her
to miss here.

Like, uh, her pediatrician's
appointment in March.

That's... that's four weeks.

And, uh...

I know this
is gonna sound silly,

but there's some
birthdays comin' up,
Claud's and Owen's,

And, uh... Diana just loves
that stuff, so--

I don't understand.

I want you
to take her, Daph.

I want you to go to Texas
with Luke, and, uh,

take our girl.



Uh, Kirsten's downstairs
in the truck with her
right now.

We packed up
all of her stuff.

You what?
You did what?

Yeah, we'll have
to figure out a system
that's best for her.

We'll trade months
or seasons or somethin'.

But we need to plan.
I need to know when
she's gonna be here.

Yeah, I can't
believe that this is--

It just makes more sense
for you to take her first.

I mean, me
and Kirsten will be

a lot less busy
in March, and, uh,

she'll just be a lot
happier with a full-time
parent anyway.


I, uh, I marked down some
dates on the calendar.

Nothing's in stone,
but, you know,

the sooner we get
all that settled...

I understand.


[doorbell rings]


Thanks for letting me come.

You want something
to drink? Coffee or...

I lied to you, Justin.

You what?

I'm jealous
of you and Laura.

And then I tried
to pretend that I wasn't,

but that's what it is.
I'm jealous.

Well, listen--

See, um,
you're my friend.

You are, but you're
also, in so many ways,

you're sort of my first.

So seeing you do this,
committing yourself
to this other person,

It's, uh... it's weird.

I mean, how am I
supposed to feel?

Am I supposed to feel hopeful
because you met someone,
so maybe I will, too?

Or am I supposed to feel
sad because I'm losing
one of the few people

who ever made sense for me?

I get it.

You don't have to say
that. If you're angry
with me, then--

Why do you think I asked you
if I ought to slow down?

It's because I'm afraid
that, uh, there might be
somebody else

that I ought to be with.

And you know,
if I were to make a list
of who that might be.

Who do you think's
number one?


So, um,

what do we do now?

I'm engaged, Julia.

Right. I... I know.
Um, right.

I mean,
I'm not married,

but I'm engaged.

So, I'm gonna go back
to New Haven with Laura,

and then, um...


We'll see.

[Adam] Hold it down.
I know how to do it.

I know. I took roping...
I know what I'm doing.

I don't know how to explain
how long a month is,

but it's not that long.

You'll go night-night,
and you'll wake up,

and you'll do that
again and again and again,

and then... and then
daddy will be there, okay?

Kirsten and I will be there,
and we'll be together again.

And until then,
well, just...

Well, remember
that I love you, okay?

I love you so much.

And we'll talk on
the phone every day, okay?

All right?


I'll see you real soon.

I love you.

Uh, okay,

so I will call you as soon
as we check in tonight,

and as soon as
we have a phone number--

-I know. I know.
-I'll give it to you.

I know. It's okay.

[car engine starts]

You'd better get going.

You gotta make
Nevada today, so...


-Take care of them.
-I will.

[sentimental music playing]


Oh. Sorry. I knocked,
but I didn't hear you
answer, so...

What do you want?

I don't know. I just...

Your jeep was parked
kinda funny, and your keys
were just thrown on the rug,

So I just wanted
to make sure--

Claud, could you not
be here right now?

Please, I'm tired.
I need to rest.

What's goin' on?
You seem kinda--

Hey. What's up?

[sighing] Nothing's up!

[thudding on floor]

Sitting here,
minding my own business, and Claudia
gets all paranoid.

-Have you been drinking?

You told me to relax.

Well, I did.

Oh, my god, Bailey.

-I'm calling Charlie.
-No, wait. It's not
some big emergency,

you guys, okay?
I had a bad day,

So I had a couple of drinks.

That's it. I'm not
gonna burst into flames.

Bailey, what happened to you?
How did this happen?


-Well, let's see...

Let's see, we had
these parents, you remember?

And then we didn't.
And then, suddenly,

their whole life,
their... their job

and their baby and their
house landed on me.

-Bailey, that's not--
-No, no, now, I'm not...

It's fine. It's fine.
I'm not complaining about it.

If I've been behind
the wheel for six years
or whatever it's been,

then maybe it's good
that I pull over now,

and I get out, and I stretch
my legs for awhile.

Bailey, I can't believe this.

Listen to me.

Whatever is wrong
with you, Bailey,

this has nothing to do
with them. You know that.

Don't blame Mom or Dad
or anything else.

This is the alcohol,
Bailey. That's it.

Yeah, thank you
for your help.

I'm gonna watch some tube.


-What are we supposed to do?
-I don't know. Um...

Do we have the number
for his sponsor?

-Oh, man, it's been
so long since--

Oh, my god.

[Julia] Bailey!
[Claudia] Bailey!

[engine starts]

-His keys are gone.

They're gone.

[tires screeching]

[radio playing]

What's that?

[station changes]

[smacks radio]


Come on, buddy!
Drive a little slower,
why don't ya?

[horns honk]


What are you honkin' at?

I didn't hit anybody.

Why don't you get over
yourself, man.


[tires squealing]