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06x12 - Bad Behavior

Posted: 03/12/22 10:45
by bunniefuu
[Owen] How come I can't wear
my basketball uniform
to school? Hughley does.

[Victor] Well, somebody
should tell Hughley
that it's January outside.

[Will] Hey, I bet
I can get you a Niners jersey
you could wear to school.

[Owen] Cool.

[Bailey] Morning!

Hey, where'd
you come from?
You weren't in your room.

I was, uh, out...

Getting some exercise.

I was exercising.
I went to the gym.

Without me?

How come Bailey gets
to wear the same clothes
every day?

But I can't?

Let's ponder that
on our way to school, shall we?

Come on.

Oh, Bailey,
don't forget my
basketball game today.

And you said Hughley
could spend the night
after, remember?

I remember.

I'll see you there.


I'm not gonna
have time to stay
for the whole game, so could you take him
home afterwards for me?

Yeah, you got
another all-nighter planned?

No, I don't.

I have dinner plans.

Yeah. I'll see you
at the game.


Come on, Owen.

[door closes]

So, for those
of us keeping score,
and I am,

have you slept
in your own bed
at all this week?

I'm not-I'm not judging.
I'm jealous.


I thought you
and Deborah were, uh...

Yeah, we're fine.
We're just, you know,
taking it slow.

excruciatingly slow.

And now with her
little sister in town,
we'll go even slower.

So...hey, bring her
by the restaurant.

We'll have dinner,
I'll distract
the little sister,

and you and Deborah can...

Now, when you say little,
how little is little?

I mean, forget it.
Okay? She's 18.
She's from Tulsa.

And what? You don't
trust me with her?
Is that what you're saying?

Based on what I'm seeing,
I don't know. But, I mean,
what-what happened, Bailey?

I thought this whole
sex pirate thing
wasn't hoisting your sail.

Oh, come on. That's--
It's not like that, man.

Listen, Holly
had a good point.

I'm not ready
to be settling down
with any one person yet,

so the best thing
for me to do, maybe,

is to get out of the house
and get out of my head...

And...relax a little bit.

Prove to myself
there's more than one
person out there for me.

And if that means having
to be there with every woman
in San Francisco?

Then so be it.

Will, I'm kidding.

Look, here...

Call Deborah.
I will take excellent care
of her little sister. I promise.

Okay. You better,
'cause Deb and me,
we are so close.

Will, buddy.

Trust me.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[Charlie] We're, uh, we're
going for quality here.

Non-metal joinery,
imported wood.

It takes time.
A lot of our orders
are custom--

How much time?

Well, that... that varies,
depending on--

Well, how much time?

If I have to tell
people six weeks,
it's a pretty tough sell.

Okay. If it's, uh,
if it's a catalog order,

nothing custom, uh...

Look, can't you just
give me a ballpark here?

I'm so sorry
to interrupt, I'm sorry.

I need to talk to you about
that fax to Sao Paulo.

Uh, it needs to get
there before the siesta.

You know,
just the wording of it.

This is... it's
gonna be a second.

Excuse me.

What're you doing?

You're supposed
to be helping me prep
for the design convention.

I am helping you.
Will you just listen to me?
Just listen, okay?

Now, I learned this
in telemarketing,

the first rule of sales
is close the deal.

Find out what they want
and promise it to them.

I'm not gonna--
I'm not gonna promise them
anything I can't deliver.

You are gonna
deliver it to them.

You're just gonna deliver
it a little bit late.

Daph, no.

Do you know any contractor
who actually delivers on time?

Your own suppliers
don't even do that.

You need
these orders, Charlie.

Didn't you say yourself
that this business
was about to go belly up?

-Yeah, but I'm--
-Okay good.

I am so sorry about that.

Now did you say that
you needed this order
shipped in 6 weeks?

Well, six is a little long--

-Okay good.
-But, um--

Then we'll ship it in four.

[Daphne] Do you need
a brochure?
[customer] Yeah.

The elusive flow.

What we crave every time
we sit down to create.

How do we get
into the flow?

Who knows?

It's an unconscious event.

You can't turn it on
like a spigot.

You just have to...

Write and write and write.

So, let's try it now.

So, I want everyone
just to start writing.
No thinking...

On a subject
I'll name in a moment.

Pens and pencils ready.

Excuse me, uh,
what're we--

The subject is shadow.

What about, uh,
word count or
syntax? Is there--

Now, go.

All right! Come on,
guys, come on!

Come on!


Hughley, come on.
Come on there, son!

Come on, come on!
All right!

[buzzer sounds]


Whoa! Good game, guys.
Good game!

Was a good game, huh?

Hughley looked
pretty good out there.

He needs to work
on his defense.

[coach] Let's go.
Let's get into line here.

Uh, so what time
do you want me

to drop him back
at your place?

Or do you want
to come by
and pick him up?

Bailey'll be there
tonight, right?

Right. Probably not until
after I put them
to bed, but, yeah--

Excuse me.

Guys, fellas, fellas,
hey, I've got an idea.
How about you stay
with us tonight?

We can go out for pizza
and a movie.
What do you say?

Hmm? Does that
sound good?

Can I spend
the night at Hughley's?

I thought you
wanted him to come
to your house.

Yeah, but Mr. Ward
wants to take us for a pizza
and maybe a movie after.

Come on, Owen, let's go.

Well, it's really
not up to me, kiddo,
it's up to Bailey.

Well, if he has a problem,
just tell him to get me
at Hughley's.



[Stan] Let's go, guys.

Excuse me. Uh, excuse me,
can I... can I ask
you a question?

Why didn't you
turn in your piece
back there?

-Well, I, I saw you.

Everyone else put
theirs in the pile
except you.

For a good reason.
It stinks.

[elevator dings]

Great. 'Cause, um,
oops, sorry.

'Cause really good writing,
that-that's something

you have
to sweat over, right?

-Guess so.
-Can I--

Can I just, um, hang on--

No, I'm not really--

Wait, this is...

Good, this is funny.
Your grammar's
not perfect, but...

Oh, no.

-Why didn't you hand this in?
-I don't know.

I, I thought I could
make it better.

Yeah. Well,
none of my writing
is good, either.

My answer is don't
write anything.

You, you write
two solid pages,
and it's not that bad.

Ah, thanks, but I'm--

Look, I'm sorry
to dump this on you,

but I just poured
my entire life
into a book,

and now it's, like,
there's nothing left.

And Friday I have
an assignment due.

I'm supposed to
create a character,

but I can't come up with,
with anything.

And I look at you,
and it seems so easy.

So I'm just wondering,
how do you do it?

Uh, okay, well, uh...

One thing is coffee.
Tons of it.

Makes my hand move faster,
and that makes
my head move faster.

Also plenty of fried foods.

You know, 'cause
that lubricates the brain--

-You're making fun of me.

Okay, fat,
why not? Coffee...

And I also like to keep
myself in a constant
state of yearning.

Yearning. Yearning for what?

You know, the usual stuff.

Uh, respect, material objects.



I've tried all of that.
Is there anything else?

Uh, no. Mmm-mmm.

Who's Lane Victory?

So, uh, listen.
Good luck with that.

Uh, hey!
What's your name?

You never told me...

Thank you. I'm sorry.

Claudia? Claudia Salinger?


Todd Marsh.

Junior High All-City
String Competition?

I limped my way
through a Brahms Scherzo,

and you kicked my butt
with a Bach Partita?

Oh, Todd Marsh.
You look so different.

Yeah. Uh, you, too.

You really, uh, yeah.

So are, are you still playing?

I, I guess.

It's embarrassing.

I mean, you're Claudia Salinger
and I, I'm this, like,

sellout session musician guy.

Oh, you mean for, like... For, like albums and stuff?

That's, that's great.
That sounds so--

So what about you?
Are you touring?

Are you with an orchestra?


No, I, I actually
don't really play anymore.

Why not?

You know, I should
probably get back to my seat.

Well, you know,
I, I've got
an extra ticket, I--

Second row orchestra.
Be a shame to waste it.


Thank you.


So, uh, I kept
meaning to call you today,

'cause the wildest
thing happened--

I know, me, too.
Uh, a dozen times
I reached to dial you,

but work
kept raining down.

You first.

Well, um...

I had these buyers
in today, right?

Uh-huh. Buyers.

And Daph shows up
and starts to ruin
my whole presentation.

I mean, I'm about to k*ll her.

And then I opened my
eyes and she completely
saved my tail.

When she was done with them,
half of them agreed
to carry our stuff

in their showrooms.
I mean, she's, like,
a sales genius.

Or a sales idiot savant.
I don't know.

Hey, guys, more coffee?

-Uh, I think we're all set.
-No, thank you.

Okay. Well, enjoy
the rest of your night.

-So, what is the rest
of our night?

'Cause I read an article
in The Weekly about
this new club.

Kingdom Come.

Kingdom Come? No. No way.

What? Why not?

It is supposed to be
this ultra-skeevy
meat market.

Actually, you know what?
It's not that bad.

You've been to Kingdom Come?

How? How did you get in?

Can you get us in?

Uh, sure, yeah.
I know the owner.

That's if you guys wanna go.


Um, I don't know.
It's a little late.

So, Will can put you to bed
and Bailey can take me.

You don't mind, do you?

No. Not at all.

See, this is great.

You two have fun. Come on. Let's go.

Don't worry.
She'll be safe with me.


Now that I have
you all to myself--

Um, how long have
you known Bailey?

Um, pretty much
my whole life, I guess.

I don't like him.


Hey. What time is it?

Late. As usual.

Like yesterday,
I'm late for every meeting.

As it turns out,
Dr. Miller's gonna be
at the cocktail party tonight,

so we had
to prepare our pitch
for the gabapentin study.

You remembered
about the party, right?

You gonna be there?


Okay, good. 'Cause I need
all the support I can get.

I mean, this is
what I wanted to gossip
to you about yesterday.

The guy is our last hurdle.

We need him.
But I swear he thinks

research peaked in the 70s.

Why doesn't he
just go into his own
private practice, you know?

[Hip-hop song playing]

[Todd] You think I'm a hack.

[Claudia] Shut up. I think
you're great. [Todd] For a Hip-Hop hack.

You know,
you seemed like
you were having fun.

Well, we were. I mean... You know, you could, too.

What? You mean, this?

You sight-read, right?

Mmm, well, yeah. But--

Well, then
the only other thing
that you need to do

to be a session musician
is to go out with me.


Um, see, there's
this party tonight...

-And I-I was just--
-Oh, you know what?

I mean, it's really
nice of you to ask, but I--

Oh, okay, maybe, maybe
party's too strong of a word.

It's really just the guys
that I play with,

and the people
who book our sessions,
who you should meet.

It doesn't really
have to be a date.

We, we could
just meet there, or--

No, you know what? That's--

Yeah, that sounds great.


[Adam] So what happened,

you see they found
the sub on the bottom

with 200 pounds
of undershirts
blocking the water intake.

And it was dropped overboard
by the crew of this ship.

So it's the first
and last time
that an enemy sub was sunk

with a depth charge
made of laundry.


Um, so, um,
why don't you go ahead
and, and look around

for a few minutes,
and then we'll go below.
All right?

So this is
Lane Victory, huh?


I couldn't think
of what that was

till I remembered reading
about her dedication ceremony
last year.

So, undershirts?

You're very creative,
Adam Matthews.

Well, you know, the true
story is not worth
the price of admission.

[girl] Can you take my picture?


Oh, okay.

-Hold on one second.

If you'd get up
against the ship,
I'll take a picture.

All right. Ready?

One, two, three.

[camera clicks]


So, look, you know that
creating a character
that I told you about?

Well, I thought I would
mold my subject around you.


Well, I just thought if I...

Wrote about someone
who's not blocked,
then that might help me.

I mean didn't you say
you were supposed
to "create" a character?

But then when
I tried to find you,

you weren't
in the facebook.

Which made me think
about how you didn't wanna
hand in your assignment,

or tell me your name.

There's no Adam Matthews
enrolled at CFA, is there?


You know, I really,
I really gotta get back
uh, to my crew.

You know, I could have
checked. I could have
called the school, uh...

I thought I'd rather
hear it from you.

Hey. Hey, man.

So, did you have fun
last night?


How much fun exactly?

[Victor] Hey.

Oh, Victor.

We'll get
into this later, okay?

No, we won't.

Victor? I'm sorry.
I'm so, so, so sorry.

What? Who died?

Me. When you k*ll me.

Owen's spending
an extra night
at Hughley's.

So we're not
going to need you
here tonight.

And I totally spaced
and forgot to call.
I'm sorry.


Did Hughley's father call you?

Owen did. Why?

Well, it's just, last night,
after you left the game,

when Stan found out that
I'd be watching the kids,

he went over and said
something to Owen,

and suddenly they're
spending the night
over there.

And you think--

Well, look.
I mean, I know the vibe.

And I think that Stan Ward
doesn't want his son

anywhere near
Owen's gay nanny.

-Wait, wait.
Where are you going?

I'm going over there
and I'm going to bring
Owen back home.

But, come on, Bailey,
Owen's not
gonna understand.

Good. I don't want him
to understand.

I just don't
want him hanging
around those people.

Well, that's only
gonna make things worse.
You have to talk to him.

And what? And say what?
I'm just gonna
get him outta there.

-Okay, that's great
for starters, but--
-Victor, I'll talk to him.

Okay? Believe me,
you won't have to worry
about this anymore.


But, Dr. Miller, complex
co-morbid cases

make lousy
precedents for--

[cellphone beeps]

It's just Daph again. I'm sorry,

Uh, you were
talking about gaba...

Uh, it's gabapentin.

It's an anti-epileptic
analog used for
partial seizures.

[cellphone rings]

I'm sorry.
Maybe I should just--

You know, I've got
a drug-resistant case
on the research ward.

And I would love
to discuss it. I would.

Um, but would you mind-- Would you excuse me
just for one second?

I'll be right back. Thanks.

Daph, no way. No.
Tell them that we need it
to be centrally located.

Yeah, the booth will
get lost in a corner.

Hey, you should just go.
Go, go and help her.

Hold on a second.

No. No, I should
be here with you.

Well, you're not.
Not really, and that's okay.

I mean, this convention
is a big deal, right?

It could launch
your whole line.

Daph, I'll be there
in a half an hour.

-See ya.

[Claudia] Okay.
That was scary.

I had no idea
it would be
an audition.

It wasn't an audition.
It was just a jam session.

You were incredible.

Hmm, my pitch was off.

You have perfect pitch.

In fact, Joanne's
gonna call you
about a film score

that we're doing this week.

She is?

Wait, this week?

This, this week. I, I can't.
I have to practice.
And practice, and--

You can't.

I mean, that's the thing.
None of us

ever knows what
the music will be
till we get there.

Man, that, that is horrifying.


At first, but
then it's kinda
liberating, too.

I mean, you know
you're gonna make mistakes

and it'll never be perfect,

But then you
learn to listen
to yourself,

to hear how you blend
with the other

You learn how to trust
your instincts.

I don't know
if I could do that.

You can.

Believe me.

I, I'm sorry.

Claudia, wait.

I'm sorry, Todd.

I can't.

So, four years and not a word?

No. She sends postcards.

Pictures of her
in the outback
studying aborigines.

That, that kind of thing.

But she doesn't
send any money.

No. When my Dad
died, all he had was debt.


-You know, It's
sad, but it's true.
-I'm just--

I mean, Adam, not only
are you constantly

on the verge
of getting caught,

But you also, I mean,
you can't get grades or credit

or feedback like
any of the rest of us can.

Now the thing is,
you probably could.

I mean, you'd get
financial aid.

Forget it, I can't.

I mean, they see me around.

If I go to
the Dean of Admissions,

he will recognize me.


Look, I don't want to risk it.

-Here you go.
-Why not? Thank you.

You know how I found out
I like to write?

It was, um, in
the hospital when
my Dad had died.

And my Mom was
such a basket case,

so she asked me
to write the obit.

So I just--
I just made up this
whole second career for him.

And then people
kept coming up to me
at the funeral

and saying, "You know,
Hal never told me
he knew how to yodel.

And he toured
Switzerland? Really?"


And ever since then,
you know,
the writing is...

Look, I want to keep
going there, Julia.

You know, to hear
the professors,

to just be around
the people who know
how it's done.

I don't want to lose that.

Here, let me get you
another soda.
Would you relax, please?

He'll be here any second.

Ah, see?
Speak of the devil.
There he is.

Hey. What are you
doing here?

Where have you been?

Joe said you'd be here
an hour ago.

Why? What's going on?

You weren't by
any chance with
Megan, were you?


Deborah's sister. Megan?

Who you had sex with
last night.


Did you know
she was a virgin, Bailey?

Until last night,
did you know that?


No way. W-wa-wait.

[sighs] How was I supposed
to know that, Will?

I mean, this girl
was practically
begging me--

Just shut up, okay?
Megan is wrecked
right now,

because the jerk
that she was stupid
enough to sleep with,

for the first time in her life
didn't have the decency
to call her.

If I had known--

I mean, I'm sorry, Will--

Forget about it.
You can't say
you're sorry now.


I said no to this girl
like a hundred times.
I swear I did.

She was going home
with somebody.

I asked you not to.

You promised me
you wouldn't.

I mean, why did you have to go
and sleep with her
anyway, Bailey, huh?

What the hell is
the matter with you?

Kirsten, come on.
You said you'd be here.

I know, I know.
And I want to be there.

I could use
the moral support.

Charlie, I am
going to be there
as soon as I can.

Okay, okay. The sooner
the better.



[indistinct chatter]

[woman] One pine
king-size bed

and two pine night tables,
one armoire.

Excuse me, excuse me.

-And we just sign here.
-Daph, Daph.

-What is going on here?

I know.
It's a little bit crazy.

Here. Can you just
put your company
address right there?

Thank you so much.

See, I realized
that if you need
to sell something,

it's good to display all
its potential uses, right?

So, things just started
to get a little bit
out of hand.

Yeah, a little bit.

And it was this
last minute idea.

Otherwise I would
have called you.

So I just called
Ginger and Pinky.

They said yes, and,
um, I need you to specify

Cherry, oak, or maple.
Thank you so much.

Daph, Daph, are they
actually naked
underneath the sheet?

Um, you know,
isn't Kirsten coming?

We could really
use her help.

-She's coming later.
-Say cheese.

It's really great
that there's all
these people here, okay?

But I'm not sure
that this is the image
that we want to project.

Oh, please tell me
you brought more order forms,
because we're almost out.

-Out? Already?

Yeah, oh, hold on one second.

Uh, you next.
Oh, you wanted
the two nightstands

-as well as the bed,
didn't you?

Great. Hop on in.

[man] Go for it, Norman.

Okay. Say "cheese."

What are you doing?
It's freezing out here.

Nothing. I was
just...sight reading.

I thought you weren't
playing anymore.

I'm not.

Then why are you out here?

I don't know.

He said I should
trust my instincts,
and you know what, I should--

But my instincts,
they're like all
over the place.

-He who?
-This guy.

This really cute guy who
tried to kiss me, but I
got scared.

I mean, he's nice
and smart and
plays the violin.

And I just--
I don't know,

he thinks I'm like this totally
sophisticated person.

Wow! He sounds great.

Yeah, but he's
got his own job,
his own car,

and it's like,
you know, okay,
here I go again,

dating this guy
who's so far ahead of me,

so I'm gonna have
to move so fast, you know,

to keep up with him.
Maybe too fast.

Well, maybe he's
not so great, then.

Oh, no, no, no, no.
He's amazing.

Julia, and I wanted
to kiss him.

I mean, I wanted
to kiss him, but...

I just don't know
if I'm ready.

You know, then
I can't help you, Claudia.

I mean,
you're the only one
who can say, right?

Where are my
instincts, you know?

'Cause I used
to have instincts.

[knock on door]

Hey. What are you
doing up here?

I thought we were going
to the comic book store.

I don't really wanna.

Okay, who are you and
what have you done
with Owen?

I'm gonna go outside
for a while.

Okay, okay, not so fast. It's like wherever I am
today, you're not.

Can I go outside, please?

Yeah, yeah, sure.

As soon as you tell me
what's going on with you.


What did I do?

You're a f*gg*t.


Hughley said you're a--

Okay, you know what?
Can we not use
that word again?

I'm not yelling at you.

I'm just, do you even know
what that word means?

But it's bad.

Hughley said.

What else did Hughley say?

He said you're gonna
make me one, too.

Owen, no. I--

I thought Bailey
was supposed to talk
to you about this.

Why? What'd I do? Nothing. You didn't do anything.

It was, he was,
he was supposed
to explain.

Explain what?


Okay. Um...

The first thing
you should know is...

Every single person
in the world is different.

Different like how?

Okay, um...

You know how some people
like DC Comics
and some like Marvel?

Yeah. I like both.

Right. And some like both.

Um, people like
different things.

Which is not good or bad,

it's just what it is.

[sighs] Man, Kirsten
was supposed to be here
like four hours ago.

Where is she?

Uh, running towards us,
dodging a hand truck,

catching her breath, and...

I'm late, and--
and I missed it, didn't I?

God, how was it?

It was a huge success.

Charlie here
is a big ho-ha now.

[sighs] I kept trying
to get away,

but Miller got me
into this question
and answer session--

It's no problem.

I am the project
leader, Charlie.

Yeah, yeah.
They can't do
anything without you.

This study is just
really important--

I heard all about
the study last night,
Kirsten, remember?

I was--
I was at your thing.

Yeah, you were.

Course you were taking calls
on the cellphone all night.

Well, I guess I really
should have been here,

But I knew how important
that party was to you,

so I found
a way to do both.

Look, it's just--

Today went incredibly well.

And I wanted to
share that with you.

I mean, to be with you
at all lately
would be great.

I'm busy, Charlie,
like you are.

What can I do about that?

Try harder.

I mean, something's
gotta give here.

Someone's gotta
make a concession.

Which one of us
should that be?

Are you volunteering? Excuse me, who's Aaron?

-Aaron. Aaron Martin.

You know,
your character study.

What, you couldn't
have even, like,
changed his initials?

You were supposed
to create something,
Julia, create.

But this--
This is totally me.
It is my life.

No, no, it's not.
I changed all kinds of stuff.

Both his parents are dead,
which is arguably me
more than you.

And he lives in Des Moines.

You wrote that
he is going to school
without paying tuition.

Okay, okay, so I used
some of that stuff.

But it's just an assignment.
One professor's
gonna see it, that's it.

-I'm not publishing it.
-One professor.

Well, guess what?

One professor
is all it takes.

Why? What do you mean?

One professor
who has half a brain

that he happened to notice
the 900 similarities
between Aaron and me.

Adam, what happened?

He checked up on me.

Just like you did.

Found out there's
no student enrolled
in my name,

so he called
president Erwich,
and I am done.

Banned from campus.

Oh, God, Adam.
I never planned--

And you said
you were blocked.

Man, I guess
I had no idea you
were this far gone.

Oh, Victor,
thank you so much
for staying late.

Had a computer
meltdown. I thought
Joe was on it,

he thought
I was on it, so...


I guess you didn't
get a chance to talk
to Owen about--

Uh, no.

Not yet. But I will.

I hope so.

'Cause Owen was afraid
I was trying to turn him
into a f*gg*t.


His words, not mine.
Actually, Hughley's words.

And I can only imagine
where he got it.

[sighs] Victor, I'm sorry.

He didn't know what it meant.
He just knew that
he didn't want to be one.

What did you say?

I told him the truth.

I had to.

And he seems to be
okay with it now, but--


I wasn't supposed to
have that conversation
with him.

I know. I just,
I didn't know how
to explain it to him,

So I thought if I just
got him out of there--

I'm not his parent, Bailey.

He needed to talk
about this.

Look, I know
you have a lot on
your mind right now.

But the thing is,
if my being here with Owen

is making it easier
for you not to be,

then I don't know--
I, I mean--

I wonder if I should
even be here.
I wonder if I should leave.

-Victor, wait.
-Look, look.

Don't get me wrong,
okay? I care about
Owen a lot.

And I know that
he cares about me,

but you're the one he needs.

Adam, wait.

You know, if this is
"I'm sorry,"
then it's too late.

It's not.
It's better than that.

It's you might be
able to stay here.

Not according
to president Woodshed,

whose shoes I'm digesting.

No, according to someone
who I know on the board.

He read your stuff,
thinks you're great,

said if you just apply,
they might be able
to find a place for you.

Well, how?

How? Fill out
an application form,

check the box
that says financial aid,
write some essays--

Which they'll be all over.

I mean, you've
seen how I spell.

Well, I'll proof it
for you. You won't
have a problem.

You get your high school
to send in your transcript,
and that's it. It's done.

-J-j-just forget it.
-Adam, why can't you--

'Cause I never
finished high school.


My Mom was gone,
and I needed to work.

I mean, come on,
why do you think
my grammar is so lame?

Why do you think
I can't spell?

Adam, you can
still get through
that stuff.

You can still get a place.

You know what?
Julia, please.

Just leave me alone,
all right?

What are you doing?

Getting ready
to practice with you.

I thought Victor
was gonna practice with me.

Victor's not coming today.
Today's your day with me.


But listen,
before we start,

there's something
I want to say, okay?

Um, first of all,

I'm sorry that
I've been kinda AWOL
this past little bit.

Because the thing is...

[sighs] There's been
some stuff going on
since Sarah left,

that's just been
kind of distracting to me.

Stuff? What stuff?

Um, nothing. Nothing.

I'm just, I just--
I'm saying that
I want you to know...

One thing
will never change.

And that's how important
you are to me.

Okay? I care about you
more than anything else.

Anything in the world.
And that will
never, ever change.


You ready to play?

[softly] Ready.

[Bailey] Nice. There you go.


Look, thanks for coming.

I just--
I had to say a few things.

Yeah, me, too.

[both] About
the other night.

I can't keep doing this.

I mean, I might
have been able to fool you
for a little while longer,

but sooner or later,
I'd laugh and spit milk
through my nose

or space my contacts
and trip over something.

What are you talking about?

My sister dresses me.


The clothes, the hair,
the clip-on--

It's all my
little sister, Lisa.

She says hi, by the way.

I'm still just the same geek
from seventh grade.

I don't want to be,
but I am,

and between work
and school and

I've pretty much
never had time
for a girlfriend.

Pretty much ever.

And I'm sure you
could tell by that
ultra-lame kiss.

No, no--

It's just when I saw you,

I thought, man,
you finally have
a second chance with her.

Just don't blow it
by being yourself.

Anyway, that's all.

Whatever you came
to say, I'm sorry.


I was just gonna ask...

Do you think you can
still get me into
that film scoring gig?

I mean, you know,
us band geeks,
we have to stick together.

[Adam] So everybody,
um, before you go back

if you want to take
some pictures of
the communication tower,

the best light
you're gonna get all day
is right about now.

So, uh, go ahead.

Okay, go.

Ok, look,
I have been thinking,

and you are not
being fair to yourself.

The whole high school
diploma thing...

My sister checked out
the G.E.D.

It is not
gonna be a problem.

And the stuff
that you don't know,

your grammar
and your spelling,
I'll help you with that.

No, no, thanks.

You know, you've
really done plenty
for me already.

Adam, what are you afraid of?

[scoffs] Here it comes.
Free therapy.

No, listen to me.
You made me promise
to keep your secrets

so you could keep
going to classes, right?

And then, what?
The second you find out

your work is
gonna be judged like
all the rest of us--

Ok, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.

So it's why I am afraid?
Now what about you?

I mean that is
why we're here
in the first place.

You were afraid
to try anything new,
so you wrote about me.

-Face it, Julia--
-No, you face it, Adam.

Okay. Okay, fine.

Okay, you'll apply
for school?


But not unless
you deal with
your stuff, too.

Adam, this
isn't about me.

Okay, fine.
We're done, then.

Wait. Okay, okay.


You think I have something
to deal with, I'll deal with it.



-Get up there.

-What are you gonna--
-No, it'll be fun. -It'll be great.

-So everyone!
-No, no.

I'd like you to
meet a colleague of mine.

Julia is here
from Seattle,

where they just, um,
decommissioned a frigate,

that I'm sure you'd
all love to hear about.


Tell them about
your frigate.

What frigate?

You know, the, uh,
what is it--

The S.S. Spontaneous.

No, I don't.

-Adam, I'm not--
-No, go ahead.

Okay, well, um...

They called her
the S.S.S.

Because during
the Great w*r,

she made the German
SS shudder.

And, and another
interesting fact,

actually, um,
the word 'frig' didn't
start where you think.

It started when
the sailors who
were scared,

'cause they saw one
coming over the horizon,

they would yell,
"frig it, we're dead!"


Which reminds me of
the bloodiest battle
actually they ever had.

You know, most history books
don't tell the real story.

Hey, you. Hey.

Listen, um,
we didn't really talk
about the other night,

and, uh, we need to.

Um, does it
have to be now,
'cause I'm--

No. Now, Kirsten.


This is worrying me.
I mean, we gotta find
a way to, you know...

Stay connected. Okay.


Maybe dinner together
a fixed couple
of nights every week.

Or go to Napa again.

Remember that
bed and breakfast
we stayed in that one time?

Which one?

You remember,
that place where
you wore the, uh...

The little red
satin thing?

The thing
you ripped off me
with your teeth?

[laughs] Did I do that?

I thought I was in
high school again.
All that groping.

First of all,
the zipper was broken.

And second of all,
that was not groping.

That was...
That was caressing.

I've always loved
that word.

Can you, can you
say it again?

But wait, start, um... Start from the beginning
and remind me
what happened.

Well, uh...

There was a romantic
walk back home.

You were cold and put
your hand in my pocket,

Uh-huh. [whispering] Keep going.

And we weren't even
through the door

when you started
with that whole ear thing.

With my teeth? Uh-huh.

I'm pretty sure
we got the front
door closed,

but I don't
really remember.

[r&b song playing]

♪ Talkin' about ♪

♪ How she can make it right
Yeah ♪

♪ Nothin' wrong with ♪

♪ Being in love with someone ♪

♪ Love and happiness ♪

♪ Love and happiness ♪