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06x11 - Fear and Loathing

Posted: 03/12/22 10:45
by bunniefuu
[knock on door]

Hey. Claud, thanks for checking
Owen's homework.

I thought I'd be home
to do it myself but...

What's with the suitcase?

My East Coast
college trip, remember?

Yale, Columbia, a few others.
I fly out tomorrow morning.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Tomorrow morning?

I thought we were still
talking about the date.

Well, yeah. That was before
I called all the schools.

There's a chance I can get into
some of them midyear,

-but I have to apply right away.

-What's with the suitcase?
-Did you know about this?


Claudia thinks she's
going to New York

tomorrow morning
to check out schools.

What? Without me?
I thought we were
going together.

We were going to visit
Justin at Yale.

-You did?

Because I thought
I was going with you.

Look, you guys are busy.
You're busy.

I didn't want you to have
to change your schedules.

Claud, we talked
about this already.

It's not a problem.
I got a bunch of free time
coming up in a couple weeks.

Or I can make time
even sooner.

There's no need to worry.
I'm staying in dorms.

I have, like, a million tours
booked. I'll be fine.

Okay. You're
not going alone.

But I already
have the ticket.

So you can change
your ticket.

But I've made
all these appointments, Bailey.

You can change those,
too, Claud.

So you're just
forbidding me from going?

Okay, y-you know what?
Easy solution. I'll just...

I'll spend all my miles
I saved up going to Europe.

I'll go with her.
I'll book it right now.

[Bailey] Okay. Works for me.

You don't have to, Jul. I--

[Julia] Oh, I've got to call
Justin, make sure he's in town.

Claud, this is so exciting.
We're taking a trip together.


It's better for everyone
this way, Claud.




[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[people chattering]

Hey, we're almost caught up

on those end tables
for Home Central,

but we're still behind
on those bookshelves.

Yeah, I was thinking, listen.

What if we cut both orders
at the same time?

We'd save... We'd save time
resetting the saws,

and then we could double up
on the finish work.

-[phone rings]
-Yeah, that could work.

Now, on those bookshelves--

Aren't you going
to answer that?

Oh, right.

Still can't get used
to carrying this thing.

Thanks for the fix, Charles.


-[mobile continues ringing]

Well, the insurance company
finally processed our appeal

on the laparoscopic surgery.

Bet I can guess
what they said.

Good thing you're not
a gambler then.

-You mean they--
-They're going to cover it.

They're going to cover
90% of the operation.

Are you kidding me?
Ninety percent?

We might even be able to have
a baby the old-fashioned way.

You know, like,
no more dr*gs,

no more wacky regimens.

We can just live our lives.

And-and keep doing our
work stuff, and you know,

whatever happens, happens.

-Well, did you call Dr. Vasquez
and schedule the surgery?
-Not yet.

I mean, do you think
that I should...

I should have it right away?

No time like the present, right?

Okay. [chuckles]
I'm going to call.

Do that right now.
Hang up and call him.

Oh, but wait, wait.
Um, you haven't told me yet.

What did...
What did they say?

Are they going to go ahead
with your design
on the bedroom set?

Not yet. I, uh, still, got
a couple of bugs to work out,

And I'm totally swamped running
the line right now, so...

But I thought that you had to
get that going, you know,

in order to make
the design expo date.

Kirsten, we'll make it.

What are you doing
talking to me?

Call Dr. Vasquez right now.

Okay, I'm calling.

-Okay. Bye.

[cell phone beeps]


Hey. Prepare for the best
after-school snack of your life.

Krispies ala Victor.

I'm not hungry.

Trust me.
They will knock your socks off.

Speaking of which,
where are your shoes?

Morgan Twombley's got 'em.

You gave some boy your shoes?

It was more like,
"Give me your shoes
or I'll beat your face in."

Is this the same boy
who's been pushing you
around at soccer practice?


But promise you
won't tell Bailey,

'cause he'll just
call Mrs. Winer.

That'll just
make things worse.

You have to get
those shoes back, Owen,

to show this Morgan
you're not scared of him.

But I am scared of him.

That doesn't matter.

You can still stand your ground.

And I'll bet
he'll leave you alone.

But what if he doesn't?

Hi, guys.

Where's your shoes, O?

You want to tell him?


[Bailey] Tell me what?

Okay, then I will.

-Mud frisbee at recess.

They're being steam cleaned.

Hey, Rice Krispy Treats.

I'm starving.


So this note says that
your roommate had to go home,

so you're going to be
on your own.

You sure you don't want to stay
with me at Justin's apartment?

No, I'm sure.

I want to see how
the students live here. -Julia, I'll be fine.
-Okay, so...

So thanks for the ride, Justin.

-See ya.
-Yeah. She's trying to lose us.

Old folks are
cramping her style.

You call and check in.
Do you have Justin's number?

-Did you give her your number?
-I have it here and here.

Yeah. Come on. If we hurry,
we can catch Laura.

I want you to meet her.

What about food?
How are you going to eat?

You know, you gave me
this thing called money.

I think they take
American dollars
here, right, Justin?

Mm-hmm. She's
going to be fine.

When are we
going to see you?

Oh, I have, like,

lots of, you know, interviews
and tours set up so...

Yeah. Come on. We have
a schedule, too. Let's go.

I'll see you guys
maybe tomorrow night.

Maybe? Not maybe.
You'll see me--

-Come on. Let's go.
-Call me. You promise?






No kidding.

That was...

[softly] That was...

No, I meant hello.

I don't think we actually
said that bit.


Right. Hi.



No, wait a second.

[laughs] I'm dizzy.

Let me just get
some blood to my head.

Sorry. I couldn't
help myself.

It's been almost
a whole 48 hours.

I know.

Absence certainly
makes the heart grow.

How does it make it grow?

I don't know,
but trust me, it grows.


I was just wondering.

What if we spent
less time apart?

Who wants to risk it?

Yeah, well, I can't
help remembering

that tomorrow's
one of our nights off,

And... I'm missing you

What if we just
threw caution to the wind

and spent two whole
nights together?



You know, okay, I know
that we are, uh,

casual and nonexclusive
or whatever,
but I can't help it.

I just want to get naked
with you, like 24/7.

Yeah, but see, the problem
with that is...


This. You. Right now.

This whole sexual
desperation thing.

[chuckles] Why would I
want to lose that?

[laughs] Don't push it.

No, I'm not. I'm not.

I mean, that's
the whole point, really,

is that I don't want
to... push things.

You know?

[softly] Okay.

So just tonight?

I'm all yours.


From now until dawn for...
whatever you want.

Aha. You know what I want.

Okay. Let me just
get these groceries.

Bailey... Forget the groceries.

-[knock at door]

Who is it?

-[Charlie] It's me.


I'm sorry to
come by so late.

Oh, no, it's okay.
I was wiped.

I didn't think
you were coming,
so I just crashed.

What time
is it anyway?

-Mmm, a little before midnight.

I was working
on these designs. I kind of lost track
of time.

Oh, that's okay.
That's fine.

Anyway, I'll just grab Diana
so you can go back to bed.

Everything okay, baby?

Yeah, Charlie's just
picking up the baby, baby.

Hey, Luke.
I'm sorry to wake you up.

I didn't know
you were staying over.

[laughs sheepishly]

Well, actually, um...

To tell the truth...

[Daphne] Uh...

Well... um, Luke is...

He's not really staying over.

Charlie. [laughs]

-He's not?

Because, well,
cause we kinda...

You know, We sort of
moved in together.

Moved in?

As in, you two
are living together?

I really had meant to
talk to you and Kirsten.

But you guys, you've both
been so busy, you know.



Pretty trippy, huh?

Oh, yeah.


Yeah, it sure is.


Oh, I am so sorry. My heart monitor's set to go off
as soon as I enter the zone.

Hey, Just!
Are you almost ready?
I'm in the zone!

[Justin] Coming!

-So you must be Julia.
-Yeah, and you must be--

Laura. Exactly.
It is so great to meet you.

Justin talks about you
all the time.

I feel like I
already know you.

I must say, I think it's amazing
that you wrote that book

about that horrible
relationship you had.

-When's it being published?
-Oh, actually, it's kind of not.

Oh. Well, I guess
the most important thing
is you wrote it, right?

A guy I dated freshman year
tried to get tough
with me once, too.

Yeah, what'd you do?

Oh, I fractured his larynx.
I'm a third degree black belt.

Oh, good for you.

Hey, hey, hey.

I see you guys
have met, huh?

You are right.
She is really great.

How can you tell?
I'm not even conscious yet.

Oh, hey, while you're up,
why don't you come with us?

We're gonna do
a quick eight miles,
then grab some green tea.

You're going to run eight miles?

Yeah! Laura's got me
hooked on this.

It's amazing what
you can accomplish

when your body's at peak
metabolic performance, right?


-Oh, boy! Okay.

I'm in the zone.

You, uh, you want to come?

Oh, you know, thanks,
but I'm still on
California time.

Okay. Bye-bye.

Okay, listen.
I made reservations

at this amazing
Mandarin place.

You and I have so much
to talk about.

-Good. That sounds totally--
-[door shuts]


[Charlie] Well, do the best you
can with the guys you got, okay?

I'll be in soon.

-[phone beeps]

How's it going?

Well, [sighs] three guys
on the early shift

just called in with the flu,

so I got to find replacements.

I mean, the designs.
Any progress?

Well, I found out a few ways
to save some money,

but I'm nowhere near
figuring out how
to produce this stuff

with the money
we have to spend.

You'll make it work, Charlie.

I guess.

Sure doesn't help I was up
half the night

stressing about this
Daphne thing.

[sighs] Look,
Daphne's a big girl.

If she wants to
move in with Luke--

What about Diana?

Daphne just met this guy.


He seems great, but
what's it been, a few weeks?

-Then I started reading these.

Those risk disclosure things?

Those are all
worst case scenarios.

It says in here that
the surgery can damage
your bowel, your bladder.

Well, yeah,
that's incredibly rare.

There's also a bigger chance
of ectopic pregnancy.

Charlie, we knew that.

That's part of
why we went for the IVF.

But after the operation,
for as long as we're trying,

they're going to check up
on me every month.

So please stop worrying.

You can't stop someone
from worrying, Kirsten.

Well, try. Okay?

You've got to focus.

This project
could launch you, Charlie,

-If you could just--
-[phone rings]

[phone beeps]


Hey, Tommy, thanks
for calling back.

Listen, is there any way
you can, uh,

you can work
a double today?

Hey! I didn't know
you were home.

So how'd it go
with Morgan Twombley?

Got my shoes back.

Aha, see? Didn't I tell you?

All you have to do is
stand up for... Oh, no.

No, your pants?

He said something
about the flood being over.

Didn't you take him
the Victor Krispies
as a peace offering?

Guess he wasn't hungry.


Uh, Claudia Salinger?


Hi. I'm Peter Carlton,
your student host.
We spoke on the phone.

Right. Right. Hi.

So a-are you by yourself?

Yes. Well, I mean,
technically, no.

My sister came with me,

but she's hanging out
with her ex-boyfriend.

Ah, you're lucky.
My dad's an alum, right?

So he just had to come along
when I visited.

I got to hear about
every lamppost

he kissed some
debutante under.

Anyway, these are the places
that I really wanted to visit.

I marked them on the map.

Uh, Sterling Library,

Yeah, okay. I mean,

if this is what
you want to see.

What do you mean? Those are
the recommended places.

Yeah, I-I know.
It's the standard freshman tour.

A bunch of boring buildings.

It's, uh, no, it-it's fine.

It's just it really
won't tell you anything.

It won't?

Why don't I give you
the insider's tour?

You know, all the stuff they
don't put in the brochures.

At least that way,
you'll know what you're getting
yourself into.


All right, cool.
Let's, uh, let's hit the road.

[people chattering]

Owen, what's wrong
with your banana split?

I changed my mind.

I want banana soup.

You know,
you spent the whole
afternoon with Owen.

If you want to go see her,
I can take him bowling.

Go see who?


Why? Why would you assume--

Oh, maybe because every other
word you say these days

starts with "H"
and ends with Olly.

I mean, why not
just go see her?

Thursday's our night off.

So make Friday your night off.

-Can't do that.
-Why not?

Because-because I know
exactly what would happen.

We'd just turn Friday
into Saturday,

then Sunday we'd come up
with some other excuse,

and pretty soon, we wouldn't
have a night off at all.

And this would be bad

Because we're
keeping things casual.

Nonexclusive, no commitment.

You can't get together
an extra night or two

and still keep things casual?

This is our system.

Thursdays off, Fridays on,

and Saturdays and Sundays
we alternate.

Oh, I see. Casual.

Makes perfect sense.

Hey, I'm flexible.

I can... I can call her
whenever I want to call her.

I'm going to call her
right now.

Okay, that's it.

Food is not a toy.

Clear your tray,
go get cleaned up,

or you can kiss
the bowling alley good bye.

-[man] Whoa.


Hey, what do you think
you're doing?

Hey, is this your kid?

Uh, yeah. Look,
uh, I'm sorry. Um--

No, I like getting ice cream
dumped all over me.

I said I'm sorry.

Look, uh, why don't you let me
pay to have that cleaned?

Stupid kid. Somebody
should smack him.

He said he was sorry.

So just let it go at that.

You know, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe
somebody needs to smack you.

-We apologized.
-[man grunts]

And I offered to
make things right.

Is there anything else
you feel you need? [grunts] No, forget it.
I'm good.

Great. Come on. Come on.

Let's get Bailey
and... go bowling.

Who cares about bowling?

I want to learn how to
do that wrist thing.


Here he is. Surprise.

Hey, uh, I need
to call you back.

-[baby cooing]


What are you guys
doing here?

Well, uh, me
and Miss Diana

were on our way back
from the park,

and we thought
we'd say hi to Daddy.

Great. It's just, uh...

It's kind of crazy
around here right now.

Hmm. Yeah, I
knew that actually.

It's... always sort of
just... been the arrangement

that, you know, she sleeps over
at your guys' place.

But I was thinking, you know,

both of you are working
your butts off so much that

maybe it would make sense,
you know, if she were to stay

a few nights
in the week with me.

You know, what? Uh...

we're okay with the way
it's working.

It's no problem for us.

Yeah, I know. It just...

you know, it seems silly
to wake her up

so that she can go sleep
at your place.

Well, I just...

feel better knowing the kind
of environment she's in.

What, uh, what is that
supposed to mean?

Daph, look, I... [sighs]
It's nothing against him.

It isn't, but I mean, how well
do you really know Luke?

-You like him. I get that.

I like him, too, but I mean

what about Luke and Diana?

What about it?
Luke is not her father.

He's living with you now.

What happens when you
go take a shower

or run some errands
and she's with him alone?

I mean, do you know
how he's going to handle

a discipline situation?

Or-or what if she chokes?

I mean, has he taken
baby CPR like we have?

Charlie, Luke is
so great with her.

You have no idea
how good he is.

That's exactly my point.
I have no idea.

I mean... Look,
you're always saying

how you want to be
this responsible parent,

and most of the time you are,

but this time,
I'm sorry, I just...

I don't think it's
the most responsible move.

But the most amazing thing
about Kenya was the people.

I lived with the Masai tribe
for six weeks.

I, uh, I helped them
build huts made of cow dung.

I watched them
sacrifice goats.

Wow, that must've been--

Incredible. It was. It was.

I mean, these people...
They have no mall to shop in.

They are completely

I have to use the restroom,

but remind me to show you
my photo albums later.

And I have slides, too.

-Hmm, hmm, miss me.

[sighs] I tell you
she's amazing?

You told me. She's really...

I know.
She's a force of nature.

I mean, just being around her
is like being on a drug.


You know what?
I should try Claud again

before Laura comes back.

Actually, Julia, I kind of
wanted to talk to you
about Laura.

You do? What about her?

Well, see, the thing is that...

I mean, she has changed my life.

And being with her,
my GPA has gone up.

I'm finally headed
in one direction.

Well, that's great,
but give yourself some credit.

I mean, it's not all her.

See, the-the thing that I love
most about Laura is

she doesn't have one of these
five-year plan things.

She has a plan
for the rest of her life.

-I believe it.
-And I've seen it, too.

You know what she has penciled
in there after graduation?


-Me. As in me and her.

I know, so I'm thinking,
you know, why wait?

Why sit around
and talk about something?

You just go ahead and you do it.

So you're saying what,
that... you might propose?

[softly] I might. Yeah.

But I wanted to see
what you thought first.

I-I wanted to see if I'm crazy.

But you get it, don't you?

I mean, you see why
I love her so much.

Well, yeah.

I mean, yeah. I mean, Justin,
how-how could I not,

when she's just so...
[giggles] Well, you know.

She's... Yeah. Yeah.

I can't tell you how much
it means to me to...

hear you say that.


[indistinct chattering]




Must've just dozed off.

I was up all night
trying to work these numbers.

Where's Diana?

She was just
playing on that rug.



[Daphne] Sweetie,
where are you?

There you are,
you silly girl.

Okay, you've made
quite a mess here, haven't you?

I was only asleep
for a second.

Well, she's way into
toilet paper these days.

Aren't you, boo?

-Aren't you? Yes.
-[baby chortling]


Okay, wave goodbye to Daddy.

-Look, Daph, uh...

...this-this never
happens, okay?

I've just been so exhausted

trying to figure out
this problem with work.

Yeah, I know.
Stuff happens.

Even to responsible parents.

[murmurs to baby]

So, you all clear
on the social landscape?

I think so. Let's see,

Durfee's is where the sugar
and caffeine addicts hang out.

And for your salt
and fat fiends?

Uh... Naples? Right?

Hey, there's
hope for you, Salinger.

So, are you sure it's no hassle
if I tag along to your class?

Not as long as you promise
to take good notes.

Oh, okay, so that's why
you give these tours, huh?

To find good
note-taking slaves?

What sl*ve?

I just bought you
a double-mint latte.

Ooh, we gotta go.

-Oh, okay.
-Here. Put this on.

No, I'm okay.

Trust me, we gotta walk
all the way to Science Hill.

That blazer alone
won't cut it.

-Thank you, but--
-Come on, take it.

I get in big trouble
if visitors die of pneumonia

before they fill out
an application.

-It's a long walk, you said?

I should just use
the restroom.

Yeah, there's one
on the way.

See, it's not about kicking
as hard as you can.

It's about foot placement.
Like ballet.

Okay, forget ballet.

You try.

Yeah. Not bad.

You're gettin' it.
Now, what's rule number one?

Only use self-defense
to defend yourself.

That's right.

v*olence is always
the last resort.

You use your words,
and you use them again.

And then, and only then--

Can you show me
a flying scissor-lock?

Excuse me?

Will and I saw
the Asian assassin do it on
The Wrestling Death Match.

Just in case
my words don't work.

Whoa, what are you
doing in here?

Uh, I was waiting for you.


Well, class is an hour
and I just couldn't wait to...

Whoa, wait.

I smile at your jokes
and I take your scarf

and suddenly
I'm your girlfriend?

No. No, C-Claudia,
that's not what I--

I mean, why can't a girl just
be friendly with a guy

without asking him
to come after her?

Wait, what are you...

This is a co-ed bathroom.

I came in here to pee.

[softly] Oh, man, what
is the matter with me?

No, it-it's okay.

You know, a lot of girls
get freaked out
when they see guys in here.

-I have to go.

Come on, Claudia.

Hey, you're home early.

-Yeah. Been missing my...
-[baby gurgling]

two best girls lately.


Well, give me a couple
of minutes to eat some dinner

and then I'll take her
so that you can work, okay?

Uh, there's no rush.

-I'm not gonna work tonight.

Does that mean you
figured out how to build it?

Um... No, actually,
I didn't,

So I, uh, told Gus to put it
on hold for a while.

On hold? Till when?

Just till, uh, things
settle down a little bit.

Well, I don't understand.

You were taking
that stuff to the expo.

The expo's
next week, right?

Yeah. Well, I tried
to find a way
to make this thing work

without machining
the headboards

or buying
prewelded frames

or 100 other shortcuts.

I'm just...

out of ideas.

So you're just giving up?

No, I'm not giving up.

I just, uh, I just don't have
the time right now.

I mean, I've already
got a full-time job.

And then there's
your surgery tomorrow

and there's Diana
to think about.

But those things can all
be worked out, Charlie.

I mean, okay,
so it's a challenge.

So what?

You can't just drop out

the first time it looks like
it might not work.

Kirsten, what
is your problem?

I mean, you've been on my case
about this for weeks now.

How long have you been
dreaming about this?

Since before your company
went to Seattle.

And how many chances
have you had since then?

Just this one.
Am I right?

Look, I'm not trying to
tell you how to live your life.

I just...

I hate to watch you let
this opportunity go by.

If you're giving up
on this one,

I hope it's
for a good reason. What is that
supposed to mean?

You know what, Charlie?

You figure it out.

[sighs softly]


-Ready to hit the town?
-Uh, just about.

Just finishing up here.

Mmm. So how was
your day? Uh, it was good.

I have... I have to
ask you a question.


What exactly is
our policy on dating?

Oh, um, as often as possible

up to the maximum permitted

within a casual,
nonexclusive relationship.

Oh, really?
It's that open?

Oh, yeah. Open
between each other.

Oh, right, yeah.
Of course.

You meant
between other people.

No, I didn't. I didn't.

I just... I couldn't remember
what we had said.

Do you want to ask
someone else out, Bailey?

No, not at all. I don't.

Why, do you?

No. I'm sorry to say
that you're the best
I've come up with so far.


But if you did...

If you did want to ask
somebody else out,
would you tell me?

Well, would you
want me to?

Yeah, I would.

Well, then I will.



Holly, where were you
last night?

I tried calling three times.

I was out
with a friend from work.

A C T resident, actually. Why?

So you work with him?

Who says that he is a him?

[inhales deeply]

Holly, I saw him.

Okay. Hey, I'm not saying that
you don't have the right.

It was within our agreement,
but you just got finished saying

that you would
tell me the truth--

-You were spying on me?
-No, I wasn't "spying" on you.

I wanted to see you.

And I called and I
got your machine,

so I figured I would
just come by and surprise you.

What, you were lurking around
outside my house?

-Holly, relax.
-And what?

I mean, I kissed a colleague
good night on the cheek,

and now I get all
these weird innuendos.

-Holly, I'm only--
-No. God, this is...

This is just fantastic.

I mean, it's so nice
to know you have

all this deep, invested
faith in me.

No. God, I'm going to leave

before I say something
I don't regret.

Holly, wait. Holly.


So I'm sitting there thinking,
"No, don't do it.

Please don't propose to her."

I mean, God, he only
just met her.

And Laura, I mean, she's fine.
She's just a little pushy.

But it's like he's obsessed
with her or something.

Not that I'm j-jealous.
I'm-I'm not.

I mean, if he's happy,
that's great,

But the thing is
I still feel like

I should've been
honest with him. You know?

I-I feel like
he's rushing into it,

because I just sat there
and I didn't say anything--

Julia. I really don't care.


I've had a very bad day,
and I just...

I don't even know
why I'm here.

Okay, I'm-I'm sorry,
what happened?

You don't want to hear this.

Well, of course I do.

Well, anyway, I just figured
you should know that

I'm flying back
tomorrow morning.

What? Claudia, tomorrow?
What about Columbia?

What about NYU?

I changed my mind.
I just...

I want to go back,
so you can come

or you can stay
with Justin, whatever.

Wait. Hold on. I don't
understand. What happened?

Could we not?

Okay, I'm tired and I just want
to go back to my room.

Claudia, talk to me.
Tell me what I can do
and I'll do it.

Can you travel back in time

and stop me from going
into that room with Derek?

Can you do that, Julia?

No, I can't.

Then you can't help me.

[baby grumbling]


Um, Daphne's at the store,

but she's going
to be right back.


Hey, there, lady bug.

-[chuckling] Hi.

Hi. Hi.

So, uh, how's it going?

Not bad, you know.
Okay. No complaints.

What's that?

Well, um, I guess
I should get going then.

Oh, um, Kirsten left
her diaper bag here,

so you-you want to
come get it?


It's right... Here we are. This one right here. [laughs]

-Good girl.
-[baby gurgling]


Did you do all this?

Oh, yeah. I was going
to get some of them
glow-in-the-dark stickers,

but, yeah,
it's getting there, huh?

This must've
taken some time.

Oh, it's no big deal.

Uh, so, listen, if it's easier,

I can just drop Diana by your
place tonight, you know.

Save you a trip.


You know what? Actually...

Kirsten could probably use
a good night's sleep tonight.

So, uh, would you and Daphne
mind taking her overnight?

Sure you're okay with that?

Yeah. Yeah, that'd
help us out a lot.

Yeah, sure. Yeah.


So if you could
just tell Daph, uh...

Just tell her that
I said thanks.


She took off for
her informational interview.

She going to be all right?

How would I know?
She won't talk to me.

Well, if you want
to go find her,
you know, Laura won't mind.

We can have lunch later
or we can just meet
for dinner.

Yeah, you know what?
Maybe I should do that.

-Okay? Yeah.

Oh, Julia. Um, thank you.

Why? What for?

Well, for what
you said last night.

Uh, it really helped me
make a-a decision.

-It did?

I think I made up my mind.

I'm gonna ask Laura
to marry me.

Wow, Justin. [chuckles]


Who knows?
Maybe at lunch.

No time like
the present, huh?


-Thank you.

I love you.

I love you, too.

[footsteps approach]


You're home early.

That's because I had to
pick Owen up from school.

From the principal's office.

Seems he kicked
another kid in the chest

on the playground today.

Oh. Um...

That would be
Morgan Twombley.

If there was a problem
at school, Victor, why didn't
you tell me about it?

Well, you've been
a little distracted lately,

being with Holly or whatever.

Plus which,
Owen asked me not to.

He didn't want you
calling the school.

Great. So instead
the school calls me.

What were you
thinking anyway,
teaching him how to fight?

I don't know.
It just felt right.

It felt right to tell him
that it's okay

to solve his problems
that way?

Yeah, if he's tried
everything else,
yeah, I think that's okay.

-Well, I don't--

I've been there, you know?

I mean, I look
at a kid like Owen

walking around afraid.

I spent too many years that way,

scared to look at other kids
in the eye, ashamed.

I mean, maybe you don't
see it that way,

but... I think a person
should face their fears,

no matter what.

It's the only way
I made it through.

They told me you canceled
your meeting with the dean.


Listen, Claud,
last night you left

without telling me
what happened.

Now, I don't know, maybe...

Maybe if you
explain it to me, then--

I can't.

Why not?

'Cause I can't,
so please stop asking me.

Just leave me alone.

No, I won't
leave you alone.

I won't let you say nothing.
You have to
say something, Claudia.

-Just go away.
-Claudia, will you stop?

Just stop for a minute.

Don't you think
I want to talk to you?

Okay, so talk to me then.
I'm right here.

I can't.

I can't talk
to you because...

I don't know
what to say.

I'm a mess and...

I'm so confused.

[softly] Okay, so don't...
Don't talk.

I don't know what to say.

It's okay.

[muffled announcement on PA]



How do you feel?

Um, kinda tired, but okay.


I spoke to Dr. Vasquez,

and, uh, he said the procedure
went really well.

Does he think that I might be
able to get pregnant?

He didn't make any promises,

but, uh, he thinks
we've got a real shot.

You know what's weird?

[whispers] For some reason... that scares me.

It does? Why?

Well... the doctors
have done their thing.

There's no more excuses.

It's all up to me now.

Kirsten, you shouldn't
feel that way.

Like you need excuses.

Come on. You've done
everything you possibly can

to make this happen for us.

You've been so brave.

In fact, I could stand
to take a lesson from you.

What do you mean?


Well... last night
you were right.

It's been five years
since I've had the shot
that I have right now.

And... somewhere along the line,

I started to wonder
if I could do it,

if the luck I had
back then was just...


Don't start doubting.

Always having all these
huge obligations,

this family to take care of,

has always been
the perfect reason not to try.

But now there's nothing
keeping me from this.

I have no more excuses.

You don't need excuses, Charlie.

You just need to do it.

I know that.

What if I can't?

Hey. I'm not
spying on you.

Okay? I just came here
to talk to you.

-[clears throat]

I've been thinking a lot about
what happened last night.

Yeah, me, too.

Okay. Well,
let me go first.


I've been acting
like an idiot.

Okay? I know that, but there's
the reason that I have.

I've been scared,
Holly, that's all.

I've been scared
of losing you.

Listen, Bailey--

Which is harder for me than it
is for some other people

for a lot of reasons,
but especially because...

I mean, let's face it,
I'm-I'm just getting over the last relationship
that I lost.


I've been aware of that.

Which is why I know now
that I want to change
all of that.

Okay? Just face that fear.

I want us to be
exclusive now.

Holly, I-I don't want us
to be casual anymore.

Okay? Because whatever it is
that I have been hiding from,

hiding from it is not
going to fix anything.

Neither is this.

You just said it a second ago.

You're not over her.

I know,
but I'm getting there.

Okay? Which is why
I want us to do this.

Do what?

Have a rebound relationship

-to dull the pain?
-No. Holly, wait.

It's okay. I mean, I have been
as naive as you have.

I mean, I honestly believed
that if I stuck around
long enough,

that time would
take care of this.

-And it will.
-Yeah, eventually, maybe.

But right now...
I can't take this.

You know, it's been
stopping and starting
for the last few weeks.

And it's nobody's fault.

But it's breaking my heart.

-Holly, listen to me--

Please, don't.

'Cause there's nothing
that I want more

than to believe whatever it is
that you're about to say.

We're breaking up,
aren't we?

You need time.

So take it.

And... when you're ready...

to fall for someone...

really ready...

I just hope
I'll still be around.

Hey, what's up?

I was just having this, uh...

this dream,
this factory dream, and...

-Well, I've been

trying to find a way
to afford this finish

that'll make this stuff
feel high-end, right?

And in my dream,
all of a sudden, I just...

I just saw it.

Frank Gehry left his stuff
unfinished all the time

as a choice, so... why can't I?


That's great, Charlie.

Yeah, that's really...

That's really...


Can I ask you something?

Of course.


After Ned...

did it take you a long time

before you felt like you could
really trust someone?

Yeah, it did.

That's the thing.

I feel like...

I don't really know anyone.
You know?

I think I do, but I can't
really trust my feelings.

You know what I mean?

I know.

[inhaling deeply]

You want to tell me
what happened?

Yeah. He was this boy,

this very friendly boy,
like I thought Derek was.

Anyway, the first day he showed
me all the cool stuff

that wasn't on the regular tour.