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06x10 - Dog Day After New Year

Posted: 03/12/22 10:41
by bunniefuu
So let me get this
straight, Bailey.

You're gonna spend
the final moments
of the 20th century,

the turn
of the millennium--

Uh-uh. Not the turn.
Not till 2001.

No, it is the turn
'cause mankind says it is.

You're gonna spend
this incredibly consequential,

world-uniting celebration
at a stranger's wedding?

She's not a stranger.
She's Holly's cousin.

What do you care, anyway?
What are you, jealous?

What are you guys
gonna do?

I'm watching it on TV
with Owen and Claud and Griffin.

Not with me. I've got
better things to do,
like sleep.

Owen, what are you doing?

I'm coiling the lights
like you told me.

So if Holly's cousin,
whom you've never met before,
is not a stranger,

then Holly is what?

Is she...
Is she family?

No. Look,
It's just a party, okay?
It's no big deal.

She and I are just
still pretty causal.
We're just dating.

Bailey, a wedding
is so not just a party.
A wedding is serious.

You are so naive, Bailey.

I mean, she's willing
to put you on record,

like permanent wedding album
photographic record.

[Julia] Yeah.
And you're gonna meet
the entire family,

which in girl speak
is commitment
with a capital "C".


No! No.

You guys are totally wrong,
I'm telling you.

She hasn't said one word
about commitment.

Actions speak louder
than words, Bay.

Will you--
Owen, what are you doing?

You got me
all tangled up here.
Get me out of this.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪


Wow, look at this.
You made dinner.

Yeah. It's a...

special occasion.

Today at work,
I kind of got--

Look, I should warn you.
I had a really bad day.

So I may not be able to get
to that happy place with you.

Really? What happened?

Suffice it to say
that my drug company liaison

has all the bedside manner
of a sink disposal.

What did he do?

We're testing these
anti-anxiety dr*gs
on these kids,

But by the way
he treats them,

you'd think
they were beakers of...

No. You know what?
Let's not relive it.

So what's your news?

Well, maybe now
is not the best time.

No. Tell me.

Okay. I, uh...
I got a promotion.

Really? You did?

I thought...
I thought you
hated that place.

No, no,
I don't hate it.

I mean,
the assembly line gets
kind of repetitive sometimes.

So you're off
the assembly line now finally?

Not exactly.
I'm, uh...
supervising a shift.

-But the money's better.
-A little.

But, I mean,
that's not the reason
to get excited or anything.

I get it.
The hours are shorter.

Actually, they're
a little bit longer.

Well, I don't...
I don't understand.

Well, I mean,
this is a chance for me
to move up in the company

and get to a place
where I can build
my own designs.

Gus saw your designs
and he liked them?

Well, I was waiting
to cost them out first,

but I'm sure
when he sees them...

So how's that
a good thing?

I'm sorry.

I don't know
what's wrong with me.


You're happy
and that's...

that's all that matters.

How come
all your customers
sound like pets?

Spike, Spot, Stinky?

You wanna fix bikes,
you gotta know bikers.

[grunts] Ah...
You know what?
Forget this.

I can't do it, Jules.

No, Griffin,
we're already at "S".

You've got Stinky to Zippo,
and you finish your accounting
for the year. Come on.

My hand's k*lling me,
and this is taking forever.

Come on, I just
don't feel like it.

Griffin, the only way to
be sure you don't get this
is not to try.

[telephone rings]

The cordless.
The cordless.
Where is it?

The machine will get it.

That's why I brought it in here,
this Elaine,
I'm supposed to meet her.

Where is it?
Where is it?

Thank you. Hello?

Yeah, this is
Julia Salinger.

Hi. Um, are we still--

She's leaving.

I understand.

So when, then?
I mean, she's canceled
three times already.

Not until next...

March? Are you serious?

Okay. Yeah.
Yeah. Fine. Bye.


What's wrong?
Who was that lady?

[sighs] Some editor friend
of Evan's

who, when he dropped my book,
he sent it off to her,

and she actually called me,
all excited to meet me,

but now she keeps

And her assistant Tim
says she's leaving
for two months now,

which means I have
to wait till March

to find out if my book
Is getting published.

And you're just
gonna take that?

What choice do I have?

I can't get past Tim
on the phone,

and I can't exactly
barge into her office.

Griffin, you're smiling.
Don't do that.

Just see if this
sounds familiar.

The only way to be sure
you don't get this
is not to try.

[knocks on door]
Claud? Hey.

I need some help
with some stuff, okay?

It's groceries
and dry cleaners
and the vet.

I'm busy. The vet?

Thurber's been
kind of lying around lately.

As opposed to what?

This morning,
a piece of bacon fell
right on his nose,

and he didn't even eat it.

Well, he looks fine to me.
Why can't anyone else
do this stuff?

Julia's with Griffin,
and Victor's not
working this week.

you've been in here
half your vacation.

Be good to get out,

stretch your
legs out a bit.

What about your legs?

I have to meet Holly.

For what?

Picking out china.

She's already got you
shopping for china.

It's for her cousin,
Claudia. Here.

Bailey, I can't.
I have a deadline.

This test has to be
postmarked tomorrow.

What test?

The postsecondary
standard test.


That's the test
that you take

to say that you
finished high school.

Why? What are you...

I wanna skip senior year,
you know, go to college early.

Relax, Bailey.
Lots of people do it.

I know it's really late
to apply to colleges,

but that's why
I'm looking at schools
with rolling admissions.

And that way,
when I finally find out
which schools I'm accepted to,

I can just, you know,
transfer the credits. And I'll be
that much further on.

Further on from what?
I don't get it.

Why do you suddenly
want out so bad?


I'm just... over it.

High school.
You know,
all the standard stuff

you're supposed
to go through,

finding yourself
and the cliques
and gossip and...

I'm just done with it.

But why haven't
we talked about
any of this?

We just did.

Surprise, surprise.

She's not there.

Yeah. And guess
when she left?

Uh, about 20 minutes
before we got here?

Right. So since Tim
refuses to give up
her home phone number,

the odds of finding
her now are...


Griffin, there's, like,

10 million people
in San Francisco.

Yeah, but there are
only 17 card readers
on Union Street.

I checked.


While you were up there,
I joined a little
smokers circle back there,

and I bummed a cigarette
from Burt, who, uh,
works with Elaine.

Says that she's
really superstitious.

Told me that she
won't do anything,

won't go on a trip,
won't put out a book,

or anything without having
her tarot cards read.


And so he heard her
book a reading for tomorrow

from a psychic on Union.

I mean, if she's really
that superstitious,

you know, maybe you just

kind of bump into her,

Smack on the evening
of the new millennium.

How could she not
take that as a sign?

I can't believe
I'm considering this.

All right, the truth is,
I could use this too.

I mean, otherwise,
what am I doing
on New Year's Eve

except for sitting
on my sorry,
self-pitying ass,

thinking of ways
to pop a beer
with my one good hand, huh?

Ecru shiny,
Ecru matte. Bone matte,
Bone shiny.

I think, uh,
that one's pretty.

What do you think?

Um, I don't know.
I, I don't really...

It's just paper.

[tears paper]

Now, ribbon.
one-inch white.
two-inch bone.

two and an eighth-inch bone
with wire.

Yeah, fine, Great.

Pick a card.

So, um, should I
sign you too?

Sign me...

You mean sign it
as a couple?

You think?

Uh, I don't know.
What do you think?

What do you think?

Are you dating,
seeing each other, exclusive,

pre-engaged, engaged,
or married?

-We haven't really defined--
-What does "seeing"--

Why don't you two
have a little chat?

So are you seeing
someone else?

[both chuckle]


No, not...
Not right now, no.


Do you want me
to want you to...

not see...

anyone else?

Because I think
that I want you to want me
to not see anyone else.

Hmm. That's...

That's a...
That's a...
It's a good question.

A necessary question...

at some point
for us to answer.

God, could they
crank the heat
any more in this place?

So what do you say?
Uh, about the card?

I say yeah.
I say yeah, all right.

Let's... We'll sign it
as a couple.

Why not?

Now, this one, uh...
I know the proportions
aren't right yet,

but you could also
save some money

by getting rid
of this cross-hatching.

These are very pretty.

They're nice.

I had no idea
you could actually do this.

Yeah, well, I had
my own furniture business
a couple of years ago.

I can see that.

Now these are chairs
you could actually build.

Well, look, I showed these
to a couple of guys I know
in the restaurant business,

and two of them said that

they might buy some
if they could
just see a prototype.

You'll sell a lot
of these, Charlie.
No doubt about it.

You think?

Oh, yeah. You just need
to get the right person
to make them for you.

Yeah. Well,
that's, uh, that's why I...


What about you?

[laughs] Oh, Charlie.

What? What's so funny?

It's just...

You remind me of me
30 years ago.

I came to my boss.
I pitched him this line
of high-quality knockoffs.

Some of them we're still
making right now.

That's how I got started
in the business,

getting told no
by a guy just like me.

Well, he was wrong then,
wasn't he?

Yeah, he was wrong.

So the right answer is yes,
isn't it?

Charlie, I can't afford

to start a new
product line just now.

I can barely afford
to make payroll this month.

What? What are you...

I don't like
to advertise this,

but you're management now,
you may as well know.

We live...
order to order right now.

We could go under
just about any time. Your furniture's
beautiful, Charlie.

I just wish
there was anything
I could do about it.


Here he is,
Holly's restaurateur.

What a life story you have.
You're a real survivor.

God, I'm sorry
I ditched you.

We have a bit of
a wedding cake crisis.

They delivered one
with an almond paste,

and the groom
has a nut allergy rash.

There she is.
Come with me. Jane.
Jane is a chef.

Aunt Lydia, I need
to steal Jane away from you.

This is Bailey Salinger.
He'll take over.

The boy your mother
told me about?

Yes. Probably.

She forgot her cane.
Do you mind?

-Uh, no. Not at all.

You have two hours
to bake a cake.

this is Barry Salinder,

Holly's boyfriend.

It's Bailey Salinger.
It's nice to meet you.

This is Barry Salinger,
Holly's fiance.

It's Bailey,
and we're not
engaged yet.

We're not even
close, really.

I think maybe Aunt Lydia
had a mistaken--

This is Bailey Salinger,
Holly's husband.

Did I get it right?

Close enough.

Griffin, no more.
I can't take it.

We've been to
11 psychics already.
We're not gonna find her.

Come on,
just two seconds, okay?

Madame Olga?

No, I'm Trudy.
Olga's inside.

Let me guess,
you're a skeptic.

You read my mind.

Yeah, well, me too.

How's that?
You work here.

Olga says I have the gift,
but I'm not sure.

'Cause she's
just one person.

I haven't read
for that many people,

so my work kind of
hasn't been tested,
you know?


Why don't you
practice on me?




Think of a question
you want answered.

I have one.

Let's see.

It's about a man.

Big money problem?

There's a gift
you'd like to receive.

Wait a minute.
Oh, these are upside down.

It's about your work.


You've made great efforts,

and now you're waiting to see
if they'll be recognized.

Wow, that's um...


Really, I got that right?

Yeah. Uh...

So can you tell me
what's gonna happen?

The hermit.
That's a hard one to read.

Are you a writer?

It means that you'll find
the answers you seek

by yourself, looking inward.

By myself?

Or in a gathering of others
looking outward, one of those.

Those are
two complete opposites.
Can you pick one?

Let's see. Uh...

I'm gonna say--

Hey, I found her.

She'll be at
a New Year's Eve party tonight.
I got the address right here.

Definitely gathering.

-Come on, Jules.
-I was...

I was totally gonna
say gathering.

-I was gon-- I was.


Owen, let's go.

The post office
closes in half an hour.

Okay, are we ready, Diana?
Let's double-check.

Thurber won't come.
He's being stubborn.

So grab him by the collar
and tug him a little.

Okay, the history,
Geometry, English.

Good to go.



I think Thurber's sick.
He just threw up.

[sighs] Let's take a look.

[Kirsten] But the way
you explained it to me,
he has no choice.

Either he starts
selling new things,
or he goes out of business.

That's the way I see it.
He sees it differently.

Um, guys?

[Kirsten] Well, how else
could he see it?

Well, he thinks
his way is safe
and my way is riskier.

I don't mean
to be rude, but I--

[Kirsten] How is his way safe?

His way,
he's definitely
gonna fail.

But your way,
maybe he won't.

Kirsten, why are you
so worked up
about all this?


[Kirsten] Because we gave up
on trying to have
a baby right now

to make room for this.

You know, for stuff
that's really important to us,
and you are so close.

[Kirsten] If this guy,
if you made him see reason--

Is there any way
that maybe you guys
Could just, you know, hold off?

You know
what I mean, Charlie.
You know--

Could you save it, please?

I'm sorry.
That was so rude.

I'm sorry.
It's just...
You know what?

Luke is my brand new boyfriend.

We're supposed to be
having fun here, okay?

And it was so, so nice
of you to squeeze us in

before the--
your company party
thing, Charlie.

But, you know,
this is not my fantasy
New Year's Eve conversation.

I mean, the factory
going under? Come on.

No more shoptalk.

-We're sorry. We're sorry.

Oh, my God,
I hope you like him.

We will. We will.

Do you know that he grew up
two towns from me in Texas?

So every time
I hear him say--


He's here.

Okay. Luke, meet, uh...
This is Charlie.

-Uh, it's Charlie.

-This is Kirsten.
-Ma'am. Sorry I'm late.

Oh, no, you're not late.
We were early, and--


Hey there, darling.

[Luke] Oh, I missed you.
[Daphne] I missed you.

That Regis.

He let a contestant
call up a friend.

Well, who couldn't
win a million--

Excuse me, excuse me.
Could you...

Would you mind
taking over for me
just a second?

Aunt Lydia
forgot her cane,

And I gotta,
you know, pee.

I'd like to be
on that show.

I wouldn't
have to call-- Bailey!

We've been
looking for you.

Here he is.
I found him.

Stand over there
next to Holly.

No, Bert.
He really doesn't have to.

Oh, you know what?
This is a family picture.
I really shouldn't--

We insist.

Come on,
Get in here.

[whispering] God, I'm so sorry.
Listen, just humor them,

And this will all be over
really soon. I promise.

This will be you and Holly
a year from now
if she has her way, huh?

Smile, everyone!

[camera snaps]

There she is.

That's her.
There she is.
I've seen her picture before.

Well, so go over
and talk to her.


What if she says no?

What if she says yes?


Wow. Hey,

What a coincidence.

You're Elaine Crowe, right?

I'm a friend
of Evan Stillman's.
Julia Salinger.

We spoke once, actually.


Yeah. Yeah,
and here we are
speaking again.

What are the chances
of that?

Not very good,
this is my party,

and you weren't
on the list.


Okay. Um, look,
before you get mad,

and before I, uh,
I get out,

I just need
to know something.

I wrote a memoir that you read
about a relationship I had--

I remember the book.

Right, and you told me
you thought it was good.

That's correct.
I did.

Okay, so, um,

why have you been
dodging my calls?

I'm gonna answer your question,
and then get back to my friends.

This just came out today.

See this piece right here?

"Shaken. Heidi Roth's memoir
Picked up by
Trousdale Publishers."

She's a Princeton sophomore

who survived
a college relationship
Like yours.

My managing editor signed her
two weeks before Evan
sent your book.

I found that out later.
I never would have read you
in the first place.


I'm sorry.

She got there first.

So hers is better,
Is that what you're saying?

Not better,
Just too much like yours.

And in this business,
First to press is everything.

Okay, but mine
has to be different.

I mean, mine is mine.

That may be,
But it doesn't matter.

You wrote a nice book.

You just...

You missed your moment.

[glass clinking]

It's 10 o'clock everybody.
Time for the bouquet toss.


On behalf
of both of us,

we would like
to wish you all
a very Happy New Year

and a future
full of love.


[male host] Okay, everyone,
here comes the toss.

Who will be the next bride?

Go for it, ladies.

There he is!
The lucky winner.

["Here Comes the Bride" playing]

All right, your decision.
What are you gonna do next?

[music stops]

[crowd gasping]


I ran some tests,

And I'm very sorry,
but Thurber's very sick.


Meaning what?

Meaning you might have to make
some difficult decisions.

You should probably
call your family.


About what would be
most humane.

[man speaking on TV] Your cousin Jane
really made this thing
in two hours?

She really
saved the day. Good.

Where are you going?

I'm not gonna pretend
that didn't happen.

What do you mean?

I mean, you just stood there
holding that stupid bouquet

like it was a grenade
about to explode
in your face.

Holly, come on.
What did you expect?

If I threw that bouquet to you,
your family would have thought
I was setting a date.

No, they wouldn't.
That's absurd.

You're right,
You're right, I forgot,

because half of them
already think
we're engaged.

And the other half
think we're married.

Oh, God. Look,
So a couple of them
got carried away.

They're my family, you know?
They're just excited for me.

They're pleased
that I found
someone nice.

Okay, see,
what does that mean?
You found someone?

That sounds...

so final, you know?

I mean, is that
how you talk about us?

Well, yes, actually.
It is.

Holly, yesterday
we weren't even sure
if we were a couple.

God, what is your problem?

I mean,
Found someone?
A couple?

I mean, who cares?
They're just words.

They're just words
that other people
are using.

What matters here
is, is this, is us,

What happens
with our feelings and...

I thought we felt
pretty good.

I mean, am I wrong?

Am I way
off base here?

[cell phone rings]

I'm sorry.
This will just
take a second.


Yeah, Claudia. Wha--

You're kidding me.

Okay, where are you
right now?

Okay, sit tight.
I'll be right over.


My dog,

Thurber, he's sick.

Your dog?

Yes, my dog, Thurber.

We've had him since...

I mean, I can't
even remember.

But anyway,
he's really sick.

Okay, if you wanna leave
so badly, just go.

Wh-- You don't believe me?

Of course
I believe you.

So go.

[Kirsten] It's just sometimes
the people who run
these trials,

they get too caught up
in rules and regulations.

So basically you're
just trying to put
a human face

on the medicine
these boys and girls
are taking.

Well, I guess.
That's a nice way
to put it.

Mmm, speaking
of little girls,

[clears throat] I have to use
the little girls' room.

Be sweet while I'm gone.


now she's not here.

so, uh...

so I can say this.

Where I come from,
when a man

feels a certain way
for a woman, he, uh...

he picks a time
to sit with her family,
you know, so

they can know
his intentions.

And, uh, well,
since you all are
the nearest thing here

to a family for Daphne,

I just thought
that maybe--


Ask us?

What for?

Well, uh...


your blessing, I suppose.

We're really not
in a position to--

That is sweet.

But, um,

why ask us?

I mean,

if we said no,
if we didn't approve,

what would you do?


I don't know.

Yeah, you do.

You'd stay with her.

You wouldn't let anyone
stand between you

and what you really want.
Right, Charlie?

You would do
everything possible
to change our minds,

and if that didn't work,
you'd find some other way.

Yes, ma'am.

Don't worry so much
about what other people think.

Believe me, there are
more important things.

The blood tests
show a high level
of creatinine.

It's a by-product
of muscle breakdown

which the kidneys
usually eliminate.

So his kidneys
aren't working?

It happens.

But, you know,
for a dog of his breed,
he's lived a very long time.

Okay, well,
what can we do?

[Thurber whimpers]

Is there anything?

Well, dialysis
for a few weeks,

But you're talking

and very little chance
of recovery.


It's 11:30.

Can we wait to decide?


You know
what we have to do.

What about
Charlie and Julia?

We have a brother
and a sister,
and they're out,

so I haven't been
able to get a hold of them.

Okay, you can wait.

But you have to consider
the pain he's in.

He's suffering
quite a bit.

[Thurber whimpers]

[keypad beeping]

Where are they?

He's hurting, Bailey.

I can't even
look at him anymore.

I know.

If we do dialysis,
we won't be
doing it for him.

We'll be doing it for us.

I know, Claud, I know.

[sighs heavily]

Hey. Hey, Thurbs.

You're being
such a good boy.

Yes, you are.
You're being such
a brave puppy.

So what?
What do we do?
We put him down?

That's what you think
We should do?

[Thurber whimpers]

Well, you wanna watch
the millennium on TV?

I don't know.
I think I'll just go to bed
and read about it tomorrow,

if there is a tomorrow.

[clicks on answering machine]

Hey, Julia,
Are you there? It's Claudia.

Look, I'm okay
and so are the kids,

but, um... [sighs]

It's Thurber. He's sick.
He's really, really sick.

We're at the animal hospital
on 16th Street.

The vet here says that...

we have to put him
to sleep.

So if you get this
and you wanna say goodbye,

get down here
before midnight. Okay?

Oh, my God, Thurber.

You okay?

No, I, um,

I got to get down there.

16th Street,
That's quite a haul.

You might not
make it in time.

Yeah. I'm gonna go, anyway.

I'll come with you.

[pop music playing]

[Kirsten] Wow! I thought
you said he was broke.

Look at that.
He's got two open bars
and a raw bar.

Ooh, shrimp.

Hey, Charlie!
Oh, I'm glad you came.


You must be Kristen.

Um, it's Kirsten.

And you must be Gus.

Well, I don't see
any glass in your hand.

No bubbly for you?

No. I don't feel like it.

It's a fiesta! Relax!

It's a little easier
said than done, Gus.

Do you want me
to get you anything?

The countdown's
about to start.

No, I'm all set.


What? What's wrong?

I don't know.

I guess that little
conversation we had has kind of stuck
in my head.

Oh, now, look,
just forget about that
for the night.

I'll forget about it,

you tell me this
party's costing
a lot less than it looks.

Well, these guys
bust their butts for me.

They deserve a reward.

A reward?

What about a place
to work in a month?

Now, hey, come on.

You said you didn't
have money to start
any product lines, Gus.

This is because I said no
to your designs?

Forget my designs.
I don't care
what designs you use.

This place is dead
if you don't add customers.

What, you're a foreman now,
you're gonna tell me
what's what?

You know what?

Maybe I don't want
that job anymore.

you don't mean that--

You know what?
I don't. I don't.

Make somebody else
foreman, Gus.

I don't wanna be the one
telling everybody
they're losing their jobs.

[cab driver] Everyone makes
such a big deal over Y2K.

A third of the world
does not even have
your New Years.

Like in China,
we celeb-- We're not in China,
are we?

We're not even
in Chinatown now,
thanks to you.

it's not his fault.

But I told him
to take Market,
and he didn't.

And now
it's almost midnight. Whoa! Look at that.

[fireworks cracking]

Well, that was
kind of perfect.

Yeah, perfect.

Oh, what?

That psychic,

she said
I would find my answer.

At what?
At a gathering.

Not that I really believed her,
but I thought
maybe at the lit party.

And when that
didn't work out,
I thought, okay, well, maybe it means
with my family at the vet's,

because then, at least,
I'd have them.

But now,

now it's like, no,
the answer is
give it up already.

That's what it feels
like the world is telling me

when I can't even make it
to see my poor dog
and say goodbye.

You shouldn't tell Owen.

Of course
I'm gonna tell him.
Why wouldn't I tell him?

Because it's
too horrible, Bailey.

"Thurber's in terrible pain,
so we're gonna give him
a shot that makes him die?"

What choice do we have?
You want me to lie to him?

Why not?

Why not tell him
we just sent him somewhere
to let him get better?

A dog farm or some
animal hospital somewhere?

Because then
he'll ask us what farm,

where and can we visit him,
and why can't we visit him?

He's only six.

Why can't we
spare him this?

Why does everything bad
that happens

have to be put out
in the open?

Claud, what are you
talking about?

Why can't we just
let him be young...

a little bit longer?

Look, I understand.

But think about this.

Owen has a chance
to say goodbye,

and no one should
miss that chance.

Don't you think?

-Thank you
for watching them.

Hey, bud.

Okay, so you...

you understand

that Thurber's
real sick, right?


[sighs heavily]
the truth is...

there's not a lot
that we can do
to help him,

to help him get better.

So if we
really love him,

then what we have to do,

we have to figure out
what's the fairest
thing for him.

You know what I mean?

Okay, this is the spot,

his favorite place
in the whole world.


anybody wanna say something?

I don't know.

It's a nice view from here.
I hope he's happy.

This is so sad.

Just makes me wish
he was here.


Who says
he's not here, Owe?

Bailey, you're
holding his ashes.

Yeah, but who says
you can't still see him,
you know, like,

in your head? Yeah.

Yeah, I see him
eating that family's
picnic over there.

Hmm. I see him
peeing all over that wall.

What about that
rope toy he loved?

We'd spend half
of every afternoon

trying to figure out
where he hid that thing,

over by that tree
and behind those bushes.


So where should we
spread him, then?
Maybe this isn't the spot.

How about...


[Bailey] Okay.

All right.

Everybody take
a little handful.

[Julia] You know,
this might be the first time
Thurber's dumped

and we haven't
gotten a ticket.

Yeah, lay some
Thurber on me.

[Kirsten] Goodbye, Thurber. [Bailey] Want to throw
a little bit of Thurber
out here?



Yeah, you called me.
What's up?

Hey, look, we said
some things last night.
Come in.

I was feeling
a little festive, a little

for the wine, and...

Anyway, I just,
I just wanted to say

I hope you weren't serious
about what you said.

About quitting
as foreman.


If it's about the party,
I'll say it.

You were right.

I shouldn't be spending
so much money.

Just... I see these guys,
how they sweat for me
day after day, and I--

What about
the rest of it?

Making something new here?

Charlie, if I start
spending money
I don't have,

and if one thing
goes wrong,
I'm finished, like that.

So the answer is no then.

Well, wait, come on.

Gus, you don't understand.

I need what I do...

I need it to be
about the future.

Okay? I don't have
any more time
to be moving sideways.

I'm sorry.

Now, Charlie, wait.


you said you could
build these chairs and

not lay out a lot of money.

That really true?

Depends. I mean,

if I line up
the right customers
first, yeah.

Could you lay it out
on paper for me,

see how it all works?

Of course.

Is that a yes
that we can do this?

We'll try.

Let's try.

-All right.
-All right.

[both chuckle]

Holly, you really
shouldn't have.

Yeah, well,
to tell you the truth,
I didn't really.

They were left over
from the wedding.


I'm really sorry
about Thurber.

I feel so bad.
You know?

You know what,
I'm sorry too.

I should have thrown
that bouquet to you.


It's okay.

Well... how about one?

How about

one at a time?

How would that be?

That's really sweet.
Thank you.

What's it mean?

It means...

[sighs] It means

that as long
as I get to be with you

and not know
what it means,
then I'm happy.

Because that's all I want.
I wanna be with you.

I don't wanna know

what the future is yet.


I'll see you...

[clears throat]

[door closes]

No way.
Ours was definitely worse.

Are you kidding?
We were stuck in a cab
with some guy that was telling us
it wasn't even New Year's.

At least you guys
saw fireworks.

Excuse me.

Animal hospital
watching my pet
be put down.

You win.

I can't top that one.

Come on, guys.
It was one millennium.
There'll be others.

[Kirsten] Yeah, right.

I'm depressed. I mean,
we totally missed it.

We missed, like,
the biggest moment ever.

Claud, I thought
you were planning
to miss it.

I was kidding myself.
I watched it on TV
at the vet's.

Last night
was not nothing.

Yeah, okay, but

who said
we missed it, really?

I don't know,
the clock?


You know what?
I have spent
the last 24 hours complaining

the world said
I wasn't gonna have
my moment.

Whatever it was,
my book coming out,

my new millennium eve
to remember,

but I don't know.

Who says the world
can decide that for me,

what my moment
should be?

I mean, who says
we can't all decide
for ourselves?

You wanna wake up d*ck Clark,
Raise that ball again?

You know what?
Julia's right.

Oh, accept it, you guys.

not a Salinger holiday.

Then you know what I say?

I say... ten...


-[all except Claudia]






two, one!


[all] Happy New Year!