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06x08 - Fate, Hope and Charity

Posted: 03/12/22 10:37
by bunniefuu
[laughing hysterically]

That joke
just cracks me up!

It really does? Because
it's not actually a joke.

I tried to tell it
to my girlfriend
the other night.

I go, "You've got to hear
what Bailey said to his fruit
and vegetable guy last week!"

[laughing hysterically]

You know what, can you
excuse me for one second?

My manager is signaling
me over there.

A restaurant owner's job
is never done.


You are funny.
[continues laughing]


Do me a favor. Will you
talk to me for a minute?

And please don't laugh
at everything that I say?

Well, if you were
a little less funny or cute.

Whatever the hell else
your secret is.

Hi, there.

[Bailey] Hey!

-I'm sorry, did we--
-No, no, no, no, no.
I was just bored

and I thought maybe
I could lure you away.


I wish but, um...

It's a really
busy night tonight, so...

Well, I'm sure that
they could spare you
for about 10 minutes,

and then, we could
check out the wine cellar.

[woman giggles]

I... Another night,
another night. I promise.

All right.

Your loss.

Sorry about that.

It's okay.

So, uh, who was that woman?

Is it someone else
you're dating?

Actually to be completely
honest with you, yes.

She is.

Is that a problem?


[laughing hysterically]

Did you go in there?

[continues laughing]

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ Everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Kirsten, it's no big deal.

I mean, it's just
a number.

Of course. I know.
It's just a number.

It's still
the same old me.

Hey, not so old, Charlie.

The point is, is that
thirty is just another
birthday, okay?

So, no big parties
or anything.

Maybe just dinner with
the family or something.

Good, that's good.
Just surround yourself
with loved ones.

I mean, if you feel
like it's no big deal,

you just want to ignore it,
then, that's fine.

Well, I never said,
"ignore it."

Because, truthfully,
I mean, what is it really?

-It's nothing.
-Not nothing exactly.

I mean, it is
a pretty big milestone.

If you want to have
your brothers and sisters
come by...

-Make some pasta...
-Kirsten, I'm turning
thirty here.

I mean, something
a little fancier
than pasta at home.

Charlie, I don't know
what to tell you.

Ready to take
my medicine, Doctor.

Are you ready
for yours?

Well, we were set
on the harvest theme,

but then, Mrs. Pinchman
got some deal on palm
fronds or something,

so, now it's gonna be
a tropical island homecoming.

Great! Okay, so that covers
the decorating committee.

Now, how about


[Claudia] What?

Oh, refreshments, yes. Let's see.
Okay, I was thinking...

Well, I was thinking,
maybe crudite,

but, I don't know,
maybe this is a chip 'n' dip
kind of a crowd.

So then, they could--

Excuse me, Claudia,
now that Derek plus 20
minutes is here,

we'd better hear from
our music committee.

Cam and I have found
this k*ller DJ

at that underground club
in the Haight, all right?

And this guy...
This dude's like madman
on the dance floor, okay?

-You better watch out.
-Me, man? You are so full
of... get out of here!

Come on, you guys,
focus, will you?

-Come on.

[shrieks and laughter]

[indistinct chatter]

[laughter continues]



I thought you went back
to school in Santa Cruz.

I did... I just came back
cause, uh...

Okay, you probably think
I'm stalking you here,
and I'm not I'm just...

All right.
I am, a little.

It's only because
I wanted to apologize.

For that...
For that kiss thing.

Yeah, what about
that kiss thing?

It was inappropriate.

-Look, I crossed a line.

-And there was
no excuse for it.
-You know what, Brian?

It's... It's whatever.
Let's just forget it happened.

Can we?

Great, 'cause I really
don't want to wreck

whatever it is you
and my Dad have going.

[Bailey] Will's gonna be home
from his trip on Sunday, so I got to make room
for a bed, down here,
by then.

Wait a second,
hold on, let me
get this straight.

One at the table and one
in the wine cellar?

There wasn't one
in the wine cellar.
I never actually...

Look, this is
your drafting stuff.

I thought you might
want it before it gets
lost someplace else.

Man, I thought
I was the dog.
You put me to shame!

-It's nothing
to brag about, Charlie.
-Nothing to brag about?

Bailey, two women begging
for you? Simultaneously?

Well that's the thing,
that they were begging!

I mean, where's
the challenge in that?

There's such a thing
as the thrill of pursuit.

-Way overrated.
-[doorbell rings]

Take it from an old man
who's had it both ways.

Whoa, hey, whoa.
Where are you going?
Come back!

More details here!

[doorbell rings]

[in British accent]
Hi, I'm Holly.


So, uh, is John
almost ready?



I'm really sorry.
There's no John here.

You're not...
You're not his roommate?

-This isn't...?

Oh, my God!

Oh, God, I have got
the worst writing.

Um... I can't even
read it myself!

Let's see...

Yeah, see that
looks like a three.

-Right across the street.
-Oh, God, I apologize.

-[laughs] Really. Profusely.
-No, hey.

God, now I'm going
to be horribly late

Making it, probably,
our third and final date.

-Well, three is a charm.
-Yeah, so they say.

Well, I best be off.

Uh, do I look okay?

I mean, no sweat patches
or anything?

No. Very...
Very presentable.

Thanks, okay. Sorry.


[Bailey] Hey!

Hey, hey, hey,
hold on a second.


What's wro... Did I leave
something? What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong. I mean,
in fact, it's kind of
the opposite, don't you think?

I mean, what are the chances
of you knocking
on my door like that?

I'd say slightly worse
than the odds of me
finding my actual date.

You don't understand.
It's like...

It's like it was
meant to be.

Oh, I get it.

This is one of those
we were fated to meet,
kind of things.

-Essentially, yeah.
-Yeah. I'm not into that
kind of thing.

Me neither.

Go out with me.

-Go out with you?

Now? I'm on a date,

Okay. So, then, go out
with me tomorrow.

Look, I'm sorry.
That thing at your
door was really cute

and coincidental
and everything, but, I really
don't know you.

My name is Bailey Salinger.
I live in that house.

I'm 21 years old.
I run a restaurant.

I like sports,
I like music--

Look, just stop it!
And go away, please!

Don't ring that doorbell.

Too late! Rung it,
three times, see?

-Now go away.
I mean it.
-I'm sorry. I just...

Sometimes you just
can't take no for
an answer, okay?

When you feel
a connection like this,

and when fate
has spoken so clearly...

You are out of your mind.
You do know that.

Here's my card.

Will you call me?

Call me.

Are you Holly?

Hi, um... I'm so
sorry I'm late--

John's on the phone.
He'll be right here.

Who's he?

Hey, looks good, Owe.

It's Charlie's
birthday card.

Great. Oh, hey, Victor.

Uh, Saturday,
Charlie's 30th birthday.

Yeah. Claudia told me.
I'll be there.

What about you guys?

Us guys?

Yeah. Charlie
would definitely
want you two there.

Us two? Why would you
think that...


[Victor] What?

Why does it
have to be me?

You're the one
stopping by every day
to borrow sugar.

They figured it out
for themselves.

I just didn't deny it.

What? What's the big deal?

Hey, as long as
you guys are happy.

These are terrible,
all of them.

No, they're not terrible.
They're just standard
editorial criticism.

"Author's verbiage
suggests material
may be better suited

for a teen magazine
column." That's not terrible?

Look, Julia, uh,
I know that it's hard.

But, this is how
a book gets good.

It's getting the toughest
reactions you can, and then
responding to those.

I should never have
asked to read these.

No, no. You were
smart to ask.

It's better that you look
at these comments yourself,

rather than having them
filter through me.

I spent so much
time on this.


I mean, if you're gonna
take your publisher's hat off
to slip me some memos,

can't you keep it off
long enough to show
the tiniest bit of sympathy?

I mean, can't you say,
"Hey, honey, this sucks."
Or you know what?

"It doesn't matter what
other people think.
I believe in you"?

You know that's true.

Well, it would be nice
to hear it said from
the person that I'm dating.

What... Do you want me
to say what you just said?

Fine. I believe
in you, Julia.



[door opens]

Is he asleep?


Late paper?

Midterm tomorrow?


No. Um, notes came in
on my first draft
from the rest of his staff.

And they're harsh?

Let me see.




How do you know?
You haven't read my book.
Maybe the guy's right.

Oh, I'm not saying
he's not. It's just...

-He spelled ineffectual wrong.
-No, he didn't.

-With an "a".
-He did?

Let me see that.

Huh, "inaffectual".
You're right, he did!

And this one.
[clears throat]

By P.U...

[both laugh]

Oh, you know what
the problem is, uh,
with initials like that?

I'd probably hate
everything, too.

Stop it! How am I supposed
to stay depressed when you
won't shut up?


it's pretty obvious.
They're just jealous.

Oh, come on.

What, are you kidding?

To be as young
as you are...

and as smart as you are...

and as...

as smart as you are.

Well, anyways, thanks.
I... I should, um...

I should stop obsessing
and go to bed.

-I'll see you in the morning.

Night. Goodnight.

[Bailey] First kiss.

Oh. Let me see.
Uh, that would be,
Theresa Osmond.


-Okay, I'm intrigued.
-Well, you know,
I was practicing

for my second kiss
with Doug Harrison.
Very dreamy.

I seem to remember
wearing his spider ring

for the first half
of my seventh year, actually.

Only half? You kids
couldn't make it work?

Well, you know,
he was terribly clingy.

A bit like you in the street
yesterday, actually.

But you're here,
though, right?


Two, Please.

Okay, my turn.

First time a girl
won you a stuffed animal.

Uh, let's see...

That'd be today.


And I have to say that
my charm bracelet is no
less meaningful to me

for the fact that
you had to bribe
the man for it.

Yeah, well, it's
no spider ring...

No. I like you.

I had a feeling.

I don't know if you've
noticed, but my

suave, charming levels
are way up.

Yeah, but you get
serious points off for having
to point that out.


I like you, too.

Only not as much
as you like me.

Which I sense is what's
gonna keep you interested.

So you know
my type, do you?

Premed since freshman year.

Refused to take any money
off my parents, hence,
the 2 part-time jobs.

I'd rather drive
than be a passenger.

I think that ordering
in a restaurant should
be a competitive sport.

Tell me that
I can't do something
or be something

or have something
and... I'm there. See? I don't just
know your type, Bailey.

I am your type.

I could have told you that.


You're here a lot lately.

Yeah, well,
business is good.

Daphne's here a lot, too.

Guess I should have
put that together, uh?

Julia, look, um...

I think it's cool.

I mean, honestly,
my immediate reaction
is to be a little jealous,

the thought of you
with anyone.

Yeah, well, uh, you know,
there's nothing really
to be jealous about.

I mean, uh,

Daphne and me, we're
not together like that.

I mean, she's nice
and she's fun and stuff,

but I don't think I can
see myself with her?


Well, before you and I
got together, could you
picture us?

Oh, well, that's...
that's just it. It's...

You and I were
a terrible match.


But that kinda
made it for me.

You were always
this big surprise.

But, um, Daphne...
She's, uh...

I don't know.
She's so much like me.

Have you told her
how you feel?


You should probably
let her know.


Rolled up papers
and junk.

You want 'em?

Yeah, those are
all my designs from
the furniture business.

Mmm. This one's just
pencils and rulers.

I need that. That's
my drafting stuff.

Hey, you want all these
teddy bears, Charlie?


That a doll house?

No. No, it's a, uh... it's
a model of a real house
that somebody could build.

Where'd you get it?

-I made it.
-You made it?

Yeah, yeah. For school.

You made that yourself?

Long time ago, I did.

Listen, um, I'm quitting
the homecoming committee.

Quitting? But why? I mean...
Claud, we need you.

Do you need Derek?

Alexa, I just don't get
how you can sit there

and joke around with him
after what he did.

You're right.
He was a total jerk.

But I guess, you know, that
was a while ago now, and--

A jerk?

He was worse than a jerk!

So, that's your
position now?


I'm sorry, but...

Claudia, you were the one
who decided not to report him.

You let it slide.

And... If suddenly
you regret that, well,

it's not fair to ask us
to punish him for you, is it?

Hey, Evan,
I brought food.


-Is he back yet?
-Uh, I don't know.

I just stopped by
to, uh, pack up.

-Pack up? Are... are you...?
-Yeah, I'm going back,
to Santa Cruz.

Oh. Well, uh, why...

why so suddenly?

Look, uh, turns out
I... -I sorta, uh,

talked myself into
believing that kiss was

a weird combination of you
helping me with my Dad,

and how you looked,
coupled with my

Brian, you don't...

You don't have
to dwell on this.

Really, I mean, we're okay.
You and me, we're friends.

Actually, um, you're
okay with this,

but me... I swear,
I'm fighting against it,
but deep down

I'm a guy who's waiting
for an opportunity here.

-It's not right, because...

Well, obviously
you're with my Dad.

So before I, like,
kiss you again

or start behaving like
an even bigger idiot,

I'm just gonna go, okay?


-How much of that did you--

Sooner or later
Bailey, this date is

gonna have to end.

I vote for later.

[both laugh]

So, cappuccino,
espresso, aperitif?

Whatever you recommend.

I recommend, you go out
with me again.

You know, there are a lot
of advantages to having
one really nice date,

and then never seeing
each other again.

Such as...

Well, you're left with this
really perfect intact memory,

and you never get around
to disappointing each other.

And that's inevitable?

Sure. I mean, everyone has
skeletons in their closet

that have to come out
sooner or later.

Well, my... mine are your
normal standard-issue


Problems that I've overcome

a long-term relationship
that ended in the fall.

And scars from that?


Excuse me.
I'm sorry, miss.

Hey, Joe, do me
a favor, will you?

Send over like
an assortment of desserts.

Absolutely. But there's
a gentleman here
to see you. So...

This is him?
You're salinger?

Yes. What's going on?

She told me... Tracy.
About what you've been doing.

-Okay, hold on a--
-Not that I couldn't
have figured it out,

she's got matchbooks
from this place lying
on the damn night table.

All right. This is
not the place.

I had to get a look at you.

I wanted to see what kind
of guy would actually chase
a woman who...

You are scum, pal.
You know that?

Is this one married, too?

[manager] Let's take it
outside, shall we? Come on.

Hey! Come on!

Cut it out!
Let's go! Let's go!

Evan, can we please
talk about this?

Told you yesterday
it was okay.

But it's... it's not.

It's not okay. I mean,
I should have told you.

I don't know why I didn't,
and this makes it seem as though it meant something
to me, which it really didn't.

No, forget it.

You didn't want to upset me.
I understand.

And I'm not...
I'm not angry.

Okay, you don't have
to say that, Evan.
I mean, this is...

Well, it's pretty
horrible, and I--

It's not hard to explain.

You're his age. It makes
sense, his interest in you.

And I'll tell you
what else,

I'm sure that
he's angry at me.

For everything with his Mom
and for my being with you.

So I'll clear.
You relax.

[rock music playing]

[girl] Beautiful, I love it!

Oh, you two
are so adorable.

Oh, hey! We should get one
with the whole court.

Of course. Can we
have the princes and
princesses here please?

[overlapping banter]

-[boy] Oh, yes! Lovely!
-[girl] Nice!

[girl] Liking it.

Man, this crap's gonna
drive me to drink...

Look, I know you
probably hate me.


But I talked to your
brother, and he's cool.

Yeah, he told me
about it.

[boy] Hey, Salinger!

-Come here!

-[girl 1] Hey, hey,
-[girl 2] Claudia, come here!

You'd better hurry, they're
ready for your close-up.


You got enough
of that to go around?


How did you...?

I walked up and down
the block,

until I found the car
with the med center
parking sticker on it.

-I wanted to explain--
-No, listen, Bailey.

Look, I'm not storming
out of your life in some
indignant huff, you know?

I really haven't earned
the right. I mean,
I barely know you.

God... Look, uh, all I'm
trying to say is, uh...

uh, that this isn't...

You aren't right for me.

Okay, so... Can't we
just leave it at that
and walk away?

No. No. I don't want to.

Listen, I was
in a relationship

for 4 years that meant pretty
much everything to me, okay?

And it just ended.

And so, I felt like I just
needed to do the opposite--

-What? A relationship
that meant nothing?

The fact that this woman
was married, that she
was unavailable--

-Made it more exciting.
-Made it pointless.

Made it just
a stupid exercise,

just a way of getting
Sarah out of my head.

Listen, Bailey...

To be honest, I think
that you're probably
an okay guy.

More than okay, probably.

And yeah, I don't believe
that you make a habit

of having elicit affairs
with married women.

I don't.

But you're still a kid.

A kid?

See, I want to be
with somebody

who knows a meaningless
affair is stupid before
he starts having one.

I don't want a boyfriend
who is learning all his
life lessons on my time.

It's really that simple.

So thank you

for a lovely date.

And have a nice life.

I guess.


You leaving?

Yeah, you know what,
I've got a lot of work
to do, and I'm sorry,

I know you just rented
those Almodovar movies,
so I'm really sorry.

No, no, no, I... it's okay.
It's okay. I understand.

You understand?

Yeah. No problem.
I'll just rent 'em
another time.


It's never a problem, is it?

-Whatever it is,
you understand.

I mean, how is that
possible, Evan?

No one is that understanding.

Julia, is this
about Brian still?

No, it... it's not. It's...

it's everything, Evan.
It's about everything.

I mean, every step
of the way with us,
it's been this.

I have to force you
to feel any emotion!

-I'm not unfeeling.
-Okay, then to express it.

You can't actually tell me
that knowing that your son
kissed your girlfriend

made you feel nothing!


So it bothers me.
What do you want me
to do, Julia?

Do you want me to start
yelling and screaming?

-Maybe. Maybe you should!
-You want me to draw a graph

that has every single emotion
that I feel, Julia? Because
I'm not that kind of--

Not every emotion,
Evan, just some!

Just some. I want...

I want more of you, Evan.
I want you to give more to me

than you would some
editor you just hired
or a bank teller.

'Cause otherwise...

What does this mean,
the two of us, together?

So I get to see you
naked, great.

But anything deeper
than that is off limits?
That is not...

That is not gonna
work for me, Evan.

It won't work.

[soft rock music playing]

Hey, Claudia!
Over here!

Oh, hey!

Hey, how you all doing?

Claud, hope you saved
some of that for us.

[giggles] Sorry,
it's all gone.

Guess I better grab
that bottle I stashed
in my locker.

Uh-oh! Whoa,
watch out, girls!

Yeah, this is one dangerous
guy when he drinks.

Yeah, I mean, you...
you all should know that.

Um, hey, Claud, how about
we go do a little lipstick

I mean, I know you
know that, and...

Oh, hey.
Hey, yeah, maybe

Cam knows it, too.

Yeah, Derek probably
told you.

Hey, wait... wait a minute
what are you--

Oops, I've been drinking,
so that excuses everything,
doesn't it?

Come on, Claud.

-Let's go walk this off.
-Whoa! Why, Cameron?

You afraid what I'll
say about you?

-Don't, Claudia.
-Don't what?

Don't say what I think,
or what I feel?

Because why?
Because then what?

God forbid things
might not stay the same!

I mean, that's what it's
all about, right?

When you're up on the top
looking down, everything's...

It's a nice view.

You know what?

I'm so tired

of what I'm seeing.


Look who's here!

It's my knight
in shining denim.


-How you doing?

This, uh, comb-over divorcee
took a fancy to me, and he
left me a huge tip.

And all I served
him was a beer.

Listen, uh,

do you think
maybe we could,

uh, go--go somewhere,
and talk or something?


How 'bout we go
for a quick ride instead?

I was thinking...

I don't know.
Maybe some coffee or...

Come on. Just give me
another lesson on this thing.

I think I remember here.

You turn the key
and press the start button.

[engine starts]

Look, I only have
one helmet,

and, uh, we really
need to talk.

Can we just go for
a quick ride? Please?

All right, but you're
wearing this.

All right. Now,
put the kickstand up.

All right,
and the clutch in. All right, gear
with your left foot.

All right, now we're gonna
let out on the clutch
slowly, slowly, okay?

That's good, now take it
easy, all right. Okay.

All right, slow down,
Daph, slow down.

I'm getting better
at this, aren't I?

Yeah, you're doing
all right. Look out!

Daphne watch it!

[Daphne screaming] Griffin!

[indistinct chattering]

I, uh... I tracked down
Griffin's father.
He's in Germany.

-Well, we're here, right?

You know what his Dad
said when I told him?

He said, "Stupid kid,
not wearing a helmet."

He actually said that.

Hey. How are they?
I heard Griffin was--

He's still in surgery.

-And Daphne?
-She just got scraped up
a little.

They're keeping her
overnight for observation.

I think she's
sleeping, but--

Are you
Griffin Holbrook's family?

We're... Yeah.
Yeah, that's us.

How is he?
Is he okay?

Well, he had some
inter-cranial bleeding,

but we evacuated
the hematoma and there
was no brain damage.

So he's gonna be
all right?

Well, as far as his
head injury goes,
we believe so.

As far as his head?
What is that?

Was there
something else?

Well, his right hand
was badly injured.

Multiple fractures,
lacerations of the nerves
and the tendons.

What does that mean?
I mean, you just said
he was gonna be okay.

Well, he'll have to undergo
re-constructive surgery...

And there is a chance
he won't regain the use
of his hand.

So, when do you
do the surgery?

Well, it's complicated.

He's uninsured, and this is
a very expensive procedure,

which means as soon
as he's stable, we have
to transfer him to county.

Now, certainly they're
adequate, but they don't
have our facilities

or our staff. So...

You gotta be kidding me.
He'd lose his hand because
he doesn't have insurance?

I'm sorry. I don't make policy.
I don't even agree with it.

Really. I'm sorry.

You know what?
Do the surgery.
We'll pay for it.

Julia, hold on.

Let's think about this.
We don't even know
how much--

He could lose
his hand, Charlie.

That's Griffin's
whole way of life,
working with his hands.

I'm not saying
that we shouldn't do it.

I think we just need
to figure out how we can.

Do the surgery.

We'll find a way.

Okay. I'll put you with
our administrative director

while I put a surgical
team together.

Excuse me, I'm looking
for a Griffin Holbrook.

Am I in the right place?
He was in a motorcycle

-O.R. Six. That way.
-This way. Thank you.

Ooh! Sorry.

-I don't believe it.

You're following me around.
Are you insane?

You know that I can
have you thrown out
of here.

I didn't even know
you were here.

Someone I know
was in an accident.


-Hey, Daph.

Is, um... is Griffin...

Do they know
if he, uh...

-Oh, God.
-It's gonna be
all right, honey.

-You're gonna be fine.
-What have I done?

[sobbing] What have I done?

[Evan] Julia?


So how is he?
Is he okay?

I don't know.
They don't know.

-You didn't have to come here.
-No, no. I wanted to.

I'm glad you called me.

I mean, you know,
I... I, uh,

I want to be able to...

to be here
for you when,

you know, things
like this happen. I'm not great at it,

Evan, it's all right.
You don't have to--

No, no, no!
I do. I do.

You know, my timing
here, it stinks,

and you can tell me
to shut up any time
you want to, Julia,

but I have been thinking.

And what you said
about me...

I mean, it's true.
It's true.

I mean, you're not
the first one, you see, Brian,

my wife, you know, they've
all said everything that
you've said,

you know, that I get
all kinda bottled up.

You know, I made
all sorts of excuses...

everyone else.
It was their problem.

But the truth is that

I've always known that
there's work to do.

And I want to do it, Julia.

If you could just
bear with me.

You know what
the problem is?

I just wrote this book

about my whole life.

And now I'm finding it
hard not to notice

that I keep doing this,

I keep getting involved
with guys who say,

"I have a problem,
bear with me."

I don't know. Maybe I
thought you'd be different,

because, Ned, I mean,
he... he had no control
over his feelings.

Or maybe I, uh...

Maybe I thought
you'd be the same.

But the thing is, I, uh...

I care so much about you.

I might...

I might even love you. But it's too much work.

It's too much.

And I'm sorry,
I really am.

But I can't anymore.

I can't.

Happy birthday.


You know, I was looking
at Griffin lying there,
lying in that bed.

Not too long ago,
that was me.

I remember.

And I promised myself
that if I ever got
out of there alive,

I wasn't gonna waste
time on the stuff that
doesn't matter.

I'm gonna quit
teaching, Kirsten.


Yeah, the factory
pays more, and we
need that money.

Yeah, but you... you love
the teaching better.

That's not what matters now.

What matters the most
to me right now
is making this baby.

The rest of it...

It'll come in time.

Stuff I always dreamed
about, the designing stuff,
it'll come.

Are you sure?


Funny thing is, I am.

There's just been
so many times that...

I mean, when Mom and Dad
died and I had to put
my whole life on hold.

When you went away,
when I got sick...

I kept just having
to trust fate, you know?

And if I just held on,
the things that I wanted

would come back to me.
And they always did.

And they will again.

If I just hold on,
they will again.

Thank you so much.

Funny how we keep on
bumping into each other, huh?


I'm so sorry about
what I said before.

You know, downstairs.

-Is your friend--
-We're still waiting to hear.

He's in pretty bad
shape, though.

God, motorcycles.

What, they're too out
of control for you?

Too young?

I'll keep my fingers
crossed for your friend.

You pegged me wrong,
you know.

I'm a lot of things and not
all of them good things,

but a kid?

I wish.

I mean, if you only knew
what the last 6 years
of my life have been like.

I made a mistake, Holly.

And I'm gonna make
a lot more before I'm old,
but you know what?

You rang my doorbell
by mistake,

and I ran after you
like an idiot, like a kid.

And I got you
to say yes.


So don't tell me that
there isn't something
that's worthwhile

about taking chances,
and about being reckless

and saying to hell
with the consequences,
because, Holly,

you said "yes".





[groans] Ohh.

Oh, is there
some water?



How you feeling?

I've been better.

How's Daphne?

She's fine.

Have you been
here all night?

Isn't there
someplace that--

No, I... I wanted
to stay here.


[groans] Ah.

They, um... they had
to do some surgery
on your hand, so...

It hurts like hell.

I'll get the nurse.

No, Julia. No, just...

Just tell me,
am I gonna be okay?

Yeah, you're gonna
be great.

Just tell me, okay?

Well, the doctor...
there was a...

a hand surgeon. She's...
she's really helpful.

But I mean, this place
is the best in the city
for this kind of thing, so...

So, they don't know?