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06x07 - We Gather Together

Posted: 03/12/22 10:36
by bunniefuu
Mary Anne, I'm...

I'm running out
of patience here.

You said to sit tight
until you check out
their story.

Look, be grateful
Myra's mother
is letting us look into this

before she files charges.


The whole thing is made up.
The whole thing is a lie.

Well, Charlie, that's why
you might wanna hear
what she has to offer.

She's offering something.

She says
she won't file charges,

she'll let
the whole thing go away,

if you'll resign
from your job.

You've gotta
be kidding me.


Mary Anne,
I didn't do this.

I don't doubt that.

But I gotta face
reality here.

An offer like this
spares everyone,
you and the school,

tremendous expense
and heartache.

You're saying
I should do this?

The school can offer
a severance package,

something affording you time
to look for other work--

Mary Anne, stop.

There is no way.

No way.

It's like saying
that I'm guilty.

Listen to me.

No one else knows
these charges exist. So to everyone else,
it's like saying
this never happened.

Which it didn't.
I mean...


Doesn't that matter at all?
This never happened.

You don't understand.

If this gets out,
if these charges
go on record, it happened.


Charlie, in the eyes
of the parents,
lots of them,

you'll be guilty.

No matter
what verdict there is,

that's the way
these things work.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Good morning.

Who are you?
What are you doing here?

Well, technically
I live here.

What's your excuse?

Oh, God, of course,
you're, uh...

Evan's son.

Brian, right?

You go to UC Santa Cruz?

And you're...

wearing his shirt.

I'm Julia Salinger.
Did he not tell you I was...

'Cause he didn't tell me
that you were...

He didn't know
I was coming.

Which is probably
why he never
mentioned you.

"Untitled memoir
by Julia Salinger."

So how did you fill up
all these pages?

You're like my age, right?

It's, um,
it's a long story.

Hey, good morning.

Hi, um...

Hey, Dad.



So you got out
for Thanksgiving
after all, huh?

Sort of.
I dropped out.

When did this happen?

Yesterday, actually.

Mm-hmm, any idea
when the deadline for
the tuition refund passes?

I think it was
last week.


Because it's all
about the money, Dad?

Well, that seems to be
what you're making it.

Three schools,
three years' tuition,
how many credits? Zero.

God, that's really
all you care about,
isn't it?


I am not the one
destroying my college
career out of spite.

You know what?

I don't know why I'm here.

You're obviously
too busy sleeping
with other people's kids

to care about your own.

[door closes]

Hey, you wanna take a look
at this Thanksgiving menu

before it goes
to the printer?

Thanksgiving menu?

Since when are we open
for Thanksgiving?

Well, since I've got
nothing better to do,

and since our numbers
are trending down
a little lately.

Joe, our numbers
are fine,

and besides,
you have plans
for Thanksgiving already.

You're coming
to our house.

Oh, yeah? You gonna do
The Big Salinger
Thanksgiving Feast?

Well, I don't know
how big...

I'm sorry, miss.
We're not quite open yet. That's okay, I'm here
to talk to the owner.

Oh, okay.
Excuse me.

You haven't
returned my calls.

Tracy, come on.
We've talked about this.

You're married.

Yeah, I know,
'cause you tell me that
every five seconds.

Well, what am I
supposed to--

Bailey, you care more
about my marriage

than, well,
the two people in it.

You and I, we have
a good time together.

I just keep thinking
that if my marriage
doesn't bother me,

why does it bother you?

Because there's a guy
out there
who would be bothered,

who thinks
you're being faithful.

Franklin couldn't
care less. His...

His secretary
called me yesterday
to tell me

that he's spending
Thanksgiving in London,

Well, I'm sorry.

No. It's just
the way it works.

He gets to go to England
with his secretary,

and I get to have
all to myself,

which wouldn't
bother me

if I had it with you.

Look, Tracy,
I wish I could, okay?
I do.

But I'm sorry.


Me, too.

[school bell rings]

Hey, Claudia.

I heard you were sick.

What? Are you okay?

'Cause I was gonna call you,
but I thought that...

I don't know, I thought
that you'd probably
still be, uh,

mad about the party.


-Yeah, I guess I...


I guess I had
a few too many.

I got a little
out of control, huh?

A little?

-Well, come on,
we were just having fun.

Well, anyway, I...

I said I was sorry, okay?


What? What else
do you want me to say?

[school bell rings] Look, I gotta...


This job
looks promising.


[chuckles] Of course,
that looks
even more promising.

What? "What?"

Oh, are you kidding? No way.
That could never happen.

He's Julia's ex-husband,
and I'm Charlie's
ex-whatever I am.

I would just...
It would be too weird.

It would be
too perfect.

I know, but, okay.

There's this
one minor detail.

He's completely
not interested.

So make him interested.

Well, how am I
supposed to do that?

Am I supposed
to walk up to him,

and go like,
"Oh, Griffin, oh."

[Griffin] Yeah? How's it going?



What? Nothing.

Actually, I was just,
um, leaving.

Week two of my pathetic
job search continues,

and I actually have
a job interview
at Yogarama, so...

-Wait, Daphne.

How will you
get there?

You know, with your car
in the shop and everything?

What's wrong
with your car? -Nothing.
-It won't start.

Uh, nothing a little
maintenance won't fix.

Well, do you need
a ride somewhere?



Thank you.

Okay, um...

All right,
I'll tell you what.

I'll go get another helmet,
and I'll meet you out front,
all right?


All right.

You are pure evil.

And you are welcome.


It was called Golden Dragon
or Golden Palace,
something like that.

So I know
this is completely
none of my business,

but you wanna tell me
what happened this morning
with Brian?

Oh, don't worry about that.
He'll be back.

He's just blowing off
some steam.

[sighs] By dropping
out of school?

Yeah, well, that's just
a little game that we play.

You know, he claims
to hate every school
that I send him to.

Dartmouth, Grinnell.
I guess he hated
Santa Cruz, too.

You guess?

Yeah, well,
Brian and I
really don't talk.

He yells, acts out, trying to get
some sort of reaction.


Well, wouldn't it be
cheaper just to react?


Well, you don't think
that I tried that?

I've yelled,
I've cried.

I've done family therapy
with him.

Yeah, maybe it's my fault.
Maybe we had him too young.

I was 18
when he was born.

But it seems like everything
that I say right now

is, is, is wrong somehow,
you know.

So, uh, so I just...
I end up doing nothing.

All right,
so we've got Charlie,

Kirsten, Julia,
Claud, Owen, Diana,
you, me.

Well, remember when
it was Salinger,
party of five?

Will, you coming
for Thanksgiving?

You mean,
since my parents
stopped speaking to me?

Where else am I gonna go?

All right,
so we've got Will,
Griffin, Daphne,

and if people
bring dates...

Man, how many
turkeys is that?

All right,
so I'm taking off.

I told Owen
to finish his math
before cartoons.

-So I'll see you guys later.
-See you.

Hey, Vic.

You got plans
for Thanksgiving?

Oh, well,
my family's kind of, um,

all over the map
right now, so...

So great,
you'll have dinner with us.

[Victor] Oh, wow, um...

Thanks, but it sounds like
you guys have a pretty
full house, so...

Come on,
you can't be alone
for Thanksgiving.

We'll have plenty.
We'll do potluck.

We're not doing potluck.

There's no shame
in potluck.

-Really, guys--
-[Bailey] Joe. We're not scraping
bottom here, okay?

Business is a little off,
but we don't need donations.

You know what?
You don't have to.

you're joining us, okay? It's no big deal,
because it's no big deal.

Okay? Okay.

You can't do that.

Look, I know. I know.
I felt the same way.

You'd be saying
that you're guilty.

You'd be saying
that she's right.

Kirsten, calm down
for a second
and listen to this, okay?

It actually gives us
some options.

You can't let her
do this. Charlie.

Kirsten, listen.

This severance money.

It means
that I can add on
hours at the factory,

and still get paid
by the school.

I'd be making twice
what I'm making right now,
and we need that money.

-You know that.
-I don't care
about the money.

I hope the school
didn't tell you
to take this.

Please listen.

Look, we just did the IVF,

and the doctor said
that any kind of stress
is a bad idea, so--

Who the hell
is this woman?

She should get
on her knees
and thank you.

-You were trying
to help her daughter.

-And then she goes
and does this?
-Do you hear me? Please stop.

This is the reason
to take the deal.
Right here.

Look how upset you are.


There's a very good chance
that you're pregnant, Kirsten.


for us to start
some kind of w*r
about all this, it...

We have way too much
to lose.

Hey, you're up early.

I couldn't sleep.


If I tell you something,
will you...

Will you promise
not to tell anyone?

Sure, Claud,
of course.
What's up?

It's just...

I went...

I went to this party
last week. Mmm-hmm.

At this guy,
Derek's house, and...

He was really sweet,
you know?

So we were talking,
and at one point,

we go upstairs,
just to talk,

except he doesn't
wanna talk.


So we're kissing,

and before I know it,

He's got me on the bed,

and he's on top of me,

and I can't move my arms.

I can't move,

so I tell him no,

but before I know it,

he's undoing my pants,

and I tell him no,

but he just keeps on
until I have to...

I have to knee him,
you know,

just to get him to stop.

Just to make him stop.

Because if I hadn't,
he would have...

[crying] He would have...


It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.


Oh, God.


First of all,
you're gonna have
to report him,

to the school
and to his parents.


Claudia, you have to.
This guy, he...

He assaulted you.

I'll come in with you
if you want.

This is just why
I didn't wanna
tell anyone.

You're not the first person
he's done this to, Claud,

and if you don't report him,
I promise you,
you won't be the last.

Could we just...

Could we not talk
about this anymore?

Okay, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


Just promise me
you'll talk
to someone, okay?


There he is,
20 minutes late.

I had to drop my wife
off to work.
We share the truck.

You can see
how seriously
he takes this.

There's supposed to be
something for me to sign.
Where is it?

Not quite ready yet.

What's going on?

I'm not happy with this,
that's what.

-I want him to say
that he's sorry,

and I want that
on this piece of paper
that he signs.

You want me to apologize?

You betcha.

Forget it.

Charlie, calm down.

No, no, she's the one.

I mean,
look what she's doing.
I'm losing my job here

because she doesn't
wanna take responsibility
for Myra's problems?

This from a man
who takes advantage
of children.

Oh, you know
that is not true!

Why offer a deal
if you think I'm guilty?

Because I don't want Myra
to be in the same courtroom
as you.

I'm protecting her
from facing--

Protecting her?

Where have you been
for the last ten years?

Where were you when Myra
had to get drunk in some park

to get someone
to pay attention to her?

Or to steal stuff
from a drugstore?

Charlie, stop.

I don't have
to take this from him.

[lawyer] Sylvia, please--

Mary Anne,
this is my life here.

I think
I can clarify this
for everyone.

Charlie, just answer
this question.

When was the first time
you had concerns for Myra?
Late October, right?

Yes, but I mean,
what is that--

And you knew
it wasn't your job
to intervene.

You knew that you should have
reported your concerns
to Social Services.

Well, technically,
yes, but--

Is it fair to say
that you regret

not following
proper procedure?

In some ways,
I guess, but I--

How about language
to that effect?

That he regrets
his handling of this?

Will that work?

Mary Anne,
what are you doing here?

Charlie, that's enough.

Is that gonna settle this?

I am so sorry, Claudia.

God, how can guys
do that, you know?

They just get drunk
and become these,
like, totally other people,

and then we're supposed
to just forgive them

and pretend
like nothing happened?

Maybe we shouldn't.

Maybe we should
tell somebody.

Oh, like who?

I don't know.

The school, or...

Or Derek's parents?


Wait, you mean report him?


Come on.

If, if you report him,
you're basically saying
he tried to, you know...

Alexa, he did.

He got drunk,
and he made a mistake,

which he admitted.

I mean, if you report this,
you could, like,
ruin his life.

What about my life here?

You're supposed
to be my friend, too.

Why do you think
I'm saying this?

I mean...

Do you really want
the whole school debating
if you're a tease or a slut?

I mean, I'm sorry,

but you didn't have sex,
you didn't get hurt--

I told you
what happened.

And I believe you,

but not everyone will.

[school bell rings]

So then the first thing
I should tell you

about Thanksgiving
at my house is,

don't ask Bailey
about his cooking,

'cause once
you get him started,
he'll never stop--

Can you just explain
one thing to me,

so I know, you know,
who my audience is?

Who's the act for?

The act?
I don't understand.

Julia, just ignore him.

What act
are you talking about?

The happy family act.
Who's it for?

Your brothers and sisters,
or is it for you, too?

Is it for me?

can we just ignore this?
-There is no act, Brian,

just dinner at my house,

which I really hope
you're not planning
on turning into this.

Julia, please,
just let him...

What would this be?

You know what? If you have
something to say,
why don't you say it?

'cause I'm really getting sick
of the free-floating
sarcasm thing.

Okay, why don't you
take your pick?

You're half my dad's age.

You're telling me
how to behave
in my own house.

I didn't even know you existed
until yesterday, and--

[door slams]

Did he just...

Look, I'm sorry
if this isn't
what you expected.


Is that it?
The agreement?


So, what's next?
I mean, when do they
want you to leave?

I actually...
I haven't signed it yet.

Oh. Okay.

It's for the best, I guess,
to get this over with, but...

Charlie? Yeah?

Um, I went
to the doctor today.

Is everything okay?

I was having
some cramping, so...

It just felt
kind of weird,
so I went in and...

And Dr. Vasquez
took some tests,
and they came back.

It's called
a low positive,

so I'm not...

Oh, Kirsten.

The thing is,

part of me
wants to be angry,
you know.

To blame that woman
because of what
she's doing to you.

But part of me
wants to be happy,

Because I was
actually pregnant,
you know, Charlie?

I mean...

I mean, for...

[voice breaking] For a minute,
I was actually pregnant.

Myra basically said
that I abandoned her,

and Sylvia,
the second
I tried to help,

it was all about
how I was,
I was judging her.

I don't know.
Maybe she was jealous
of how Myra felt.

I don't know,
and frankly,
I don't care.

But for me
to do nothing now,

to just stand by
and take this,

I'm not gonna
do that anymore.


Have you thought
about that, Charlie?

I mean,
you do this, and...

and everyone knows.

I mean, the entire school
will be talking,

picking apart
what you did.

I know. I know.
It's gonna be hard.

And it's your school, too,

which is why I wanted
to talk to you about it.

We have a lot to lose
if I fight this,
Claud, but...

I have to believe
that it matters
that I didn't do it.

I have to believe
that the truth,
that it matters somehow.

[music playing]




Hey, guys.
Happy Thanksgiving.

It's like
pilgrims broke in
and redecorated.

[Joe laughs]


What's all this?

What, you didn't do
all this?

No. I thought
we were just gonna--

So, what
do you think, Bailey?
Too much?

No, Joe, it's...

I can't believe
you did all this.

Oh, no,
I only did the menu.

I mean, all of this,
this was Victor.

Can't help it.
Holiday fetish.



-That's Evan?


I haven't met him yet.

give him a minute.

He's working
some stuff out
with his son.

It was all we could do
to get him to come.

His son? His son.

Hey, remember
how I told you
in wrestling

we have ring girls?

Beautiful, strong,
yet silent women,

who aren't shy
about their bodies
in any way?


Two of them said
they'd go out
with me, Bay,

If I could find
a fun guy
to double with.

-Look, Will--
-Yeah, yeah, I know.
You're not in the mood.

And frankly,
a wet bag of laundry
is more laughs than you.

But I feel this odd,
inexplicable need
to help you, so...

Thank you.

Thank you,
but, really,
ring girls?

What's wrong
with ring girls?

I don't know.

What do we
talk to them about?

Who cares?
These are kind,
gymnastic women.

Who we fool around with
for one night,
and then what?

And then what?
We smile at the memory
the rest of our lives.

I guess.

Look, I thought we agreed
you were trying
to act your age,

have some actual fun
for a change,
be spontaneous.

I know,
I'm working on that,
I am.

Moron, you can't work
on being spontaneous,

or plan it,
or put it on your list.

You actually
have to just do it.

-Look, I--
-Do it.

For your sanity, Bay.

Okay, you've gotta
get out of yourself.

I mean,
not to harsh on you, man,
but it's what Sarah did.

-Do it.

-Do it. -Will--
-Do it.


-I'm sorry.
I didn't see you.

Yeah, you seem
a little skittish there.

You know something?
It's the holidays.

You definitely
need to relax,

and I think I know
just the thing.

What is it?

This here
is a little something
that I like to call,

Pilgrim's Punch.

Here's to you, pilgrim.


Oh, yeah, wow.
No, it's good, thank you.


Wait a minute.

My recipe's a little rusty.
I need some help here.

Try this.


Oh, wow.
I don't know.
No, it's kind of...

Yeah. Yeah,
you're right,
you're right.

Here. How about
some of this?

Whoa, whoa.


-Much better.
-Mmm-hmm. Yes.

on the right
track there.


Who made the little onions?
Those look good.

-[Brian] No.
-[Evan] Listen to me.
Just stay here, all right?

[Brian] You know what, Dad?
Forget it.

I'm not gonna
hang around here
if that's how--

[Evan] Please do this for me. [Brian] I'm not gonna do that.

-[Evan] Please.
-[Brian] Let go of me!

[door slams]

What happened?

What happened?
He took off. He ran.

So... go after him.

What for?

We have the same conversation
over and over and over.

How I don't have
any emotions.

Because I won't let him
manipulate me.

All that same stuff
that his mom
used to talk about.


We fight and we fight,
and nothing gets better,


Evan, you can't
not go after him.

I mean,
who else is there?

Who else is there
to chase him,
or yell or...

Or whatever?

I mean, I know
that I would want you
to go after me.

Fine. I'll do it.


All right.

I'll go.


[Daphne] Okay, I'm sure
that there is some bourbon
down here someplace.

In Bailey's basement?

-Yeah, possibly.


-Are you okay?
-I did that on purpose.

You're fine.


Oh, look.

Top shelf. Top shelf.

-I can't reach.
I need something--
-All right, leg up, leg up.

-Little more.

-All right.
-Here we go, up.

[Daphne screams]

-No, I don't think
that's gonna work.

-Here, hold on. Ready?

-Okay, here. Ready?
-Yes. [grunts]

Okay, I got it.
I got it. I got it.


It's balsamic vinegar.

Well, that's got
alcohol in it, right?

Not enough.

I guess
we're gonna just

have to look for it
someplace else.

-[Victor] Those are good.
-[Julia] Yeah.

[Bailey] Everybody?

[Kirsten] This is...

-Hey, Charlie? Charlie.

I have somebody
at the door for you.

I don't know.

-You want some of that?
-[Kirsten] Yup.


You shouldn't be here
right now, Myra.

Does your mother
know you're here?


You hurt my family, Myra.

I know.

Mine, too.

Mine is hurt, too.


You know what? I'm sorry
I can't feel bad for you
right now.

Listen, I told her, okay?
I did. But she didn't care.

She already read my diary,

and there was some stuff
in there about you,

and it was just...

Like, how cool it was
to actually have a friend.

She made up her mind
what that meant.

And you didn't deny it.

I know.

I was just... confused.

She was all worried
about me.

Okay? That never
happened before.

And so I just...

didn't say she was wrong.

Myra, listen to me. I...

I don't care
how it happened, okay?

It's too late for that.


You don't understand.

There's this lawyer,

and he says you're gonna
take this to court.

And that means
you're gonna say my mom
is some horrible parent.

We cannot be having
this conversation
right now, Myra.

And that means
they might take me away,
Mr. Salinger.

I might lose my mom.


I just...
I just wanted
my family back,

and now I might lose her.

[sobs] I might lose her.

[indistinct chattering]

-Hey, you okay?

Can we eat?

Yes. Can't wait to eat.


Let's do it.

[glass clinking]

Hi, everyone.
Um, excuse me.

Uh, I just wanted to say,

you know, it
being Thanksgiving
and everything...

Thank you...

for having me here.

Not a lot of families
have what you do.

I don't know
if you guys know that.

But me, I feel
really lucky to share it.

Anyway, back
where I come from, um,

we usually said...

Actually, we sang.

We sang grace.

So if you don't mind...

-[all] Come on. Sure.
-Please do.

Go for it.

♪ We gather together ♪

♪ To offer Thanksgiving ♪

♪ For all of the heavenly ♪

♪ Blessings we've known ♪

♪ The troubles that find us ♪

♪ Serve only to bind us ♪

♪ And daily remind us ♪

♪ We're never alone ♪


Were you just gonna
ring and run?

I'm sorry.

It's late.
I should have called first.

Were you sleeping?

What are you doing here?

I'm sorry. I just...

I just wanted you
to know that...

That I used to be
a lot of fun.

Seriously, I was.

I mean, not seriously.

I mean,
yes, I was, but--

Come on inside.

Why are you here?

We need to talk.

I don't wanna see you.

Myra came to the house.
Did you know that?

Is this a threat?
Are you threatening me?

You know why she came?
She came because
you won't listen to her.

Do you want me
to call the police?

She told you
that I'm innocent, Sylvia.

And that's what
she's gonna say
to a judge.

So you can ignore
your own daughter,
but you can't ignore me.

What do you want?


You know what?
I don't know.

Because coming over here,
after what you did to me...

But the truth is,
we both want the same thing.

We want to protect
the people that we love.

So I guess
that's what I
want from you.

-Do that.
-I am.

No, you're not.
No, you're not.

Not if she's still
coming to me for help.
You're not.

You're protecting yourself,

from me, from the truth,
whatever it is,
I don't know.

But it's time to look
after your family, Sylvia.

Look after
your little girl.

[music playing over radio]


-How you doing?


I was just...

A little bit hung over.


Yeah, a little bit.

Last night,
that didn't make
much sense, did it?

You and me? That was...

Well, actually,
I've never really done much
that makes sense,

so probably not.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

But, um...

We could still
be friends, right?

Well, yeah.
No, yeah.

So, um...

Maybe we could, uh...

You know, we could go
to a movie sometime together.

Yeah, sure. Why not?

And no big deal, you know,
just as friends.

-Right, just as friends.

Okay. Good.

Then I'll just let you
get back to work.

And I'll see you later.


Okay, good.
So a movie sometime.

-Right, a movie, yeah.


-Hey, there you are.

Yeah, I was just
on my way out.

You disappeared
last night.

I went to bed early,
you know.

Too much turkey, I guess.

So you never told me.
How did everything go
at school?


What did the principal say?


I didn't tell her.

What? Claudia--

No, Julia, I know
how you feel about this.

I do, but I...

I want this to just
go away, you know?

It's not gonna go away
because you decide
to keep quiet, Claudia.

-Believe me.

You've been there, but... this is my life, Julia.

You know what?
You're not the one

who's gonna have to spend
the next year-and-a-half

with a thousand people
discussing if you're
some slut.

Or a liar. Or worse.

You're right. I'm not. But I'm also not the one
who's gonna have to worry

about running into Derek
again and again.

I mean,
how are you gonna deal
with that, Claudia?

I guess I'll just have
to figure something out,
won't I?

Make like
it never happened.

For all I know,

maybe it never did.

[door closes]

I don't know.
Whatever you feel like.

We could, you know,
dinner and a movie,

or we could just order in.


Uh, Tracy,
can you hang on
one second?

Okay, thanks.

Those aren't...

They are.

Ring girls.

They're like superwomen.

Yeah, and they're hungry,
so grab your coat.

-No, Will, I can't just--
-No, no.

There's no "can't."
You're between shifts,
I timed this on purpose.

You don't understand.
I have plans.

Yes, with Tribeca there.
She's from New York.

And she's very interested
in the restaurant
business, Bay.

She eats out
all the time.


Okay, just give me
a second.

Tracy. Hey,
you know what?

Something's come up here
at the restaurant.

I'm gonna have
to work late tonight,
so can we maybe reschedule?

Uh, how late? I think pretty late.

Just come by whenever?
Are you sure?

Okay, that's perfect.
I'll see you tonight.

Okay, bye. Having fun yet?

Well, you have no idea.

Fifteen minutes they said.

You wanna just go home?

No. No, let's wait.
I love this place.

I wanna celebrate.

So she, what...

She just dropped everything
without any explanation?

Mary Anne said that, um...

She even apologized.

To her, not to you.

Look, that's not
why we're here, okay?

We're here
because we got pregnant.

Which means
that we will again.

I wanna start
trying again
right away.

Charlie, God...

I don't know.

I mean, maybe
we should wait.

This was hard.

You know, the IVF.

On top of all that,
all this stuff with Myra
and the school.

Yeah, but that's over now.

We fought it
and we came out all right.

So... let's be all right.

Maybe before we start
the sh*ts again

we could practice
the old-fashioned way.

It's been a few weeks.


You're taking off?
It's pretty early.

Yeah. I was just
writing you guys a note.

So you're going back
to school?


Dad tell you about
our little chat last night?

A little.

Yeah, it was weird.

You know, he basically
drew the line.

Told me he'd make me pay back
every cent of lost tuition,

unless I went back.

So I am.

Why is that weird?

Well, it was kind of like
he'd been coached, you know?

Like I was arguing
with someone else.

Like you.


You are way too young for him,
you know that.

I know you think so.

Yeah, well...

I also think...

he's lucky.

Thank you.

You know what?
Have a safe trip back.

Brian, um...


I'll see you.