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06x04 - Wrestling Demons

Posted: 03/12/22 10:33
by bunniefuu
See, my philosophy
to parenting is...

You don't use Mountain Moe's
log cabin anymore, do you?

-Hello, thank you,
that's my bagel. Give it back.
-Make me.

You see, my philosophy
to parenting is to parent
as you would...

-Owen, please, just...
-Claudia, do you mind?

I'm trying to talk
to Victor here.

Yell at Owen.
He just stole
my breakfast.

Whether it's what they eat
or when they go to bed,

or what their limits
may or may not be,

to what you want them
to do for Halloween.

You mean what I don't do.

What you don't do?

There's no trick
or treating this year.
It's not safe.

All that sharp stuff
they been finding
in the candy.

Owen, get your own bagel.

Bailey, all you have to do
is just, like, check
his candy for sharp stuff.

Or there's plenty
of fun stuff we can do
here at home.

Like what?

Uh, like make
a haunted house.

I do it all the time.
I have half the props
at home.

Haunted house, cool.

-Can we? Can we?
-Owen, no. I'm sorry.

I gotta try to clean
this place up
for Sarah, okay?

My girlfriend's coming
back from New York
any day now and...

-[phone ringing]
-That could be her now.

Hello? Oh, hi. Hi, Les.
How are you?

-If Sarah clicks in,
I gotta get her flight...
-I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.

You couldn't hear?
Why, did you get a beep?

-So, we haven't been
introduced yet.

-I'm Victor.-
-That's okay.

None of the nannies last more
than a couple of days.

Just listen... Hey, if Sarah
clicks in, tell her she can
call me on my cell.

Bailey, leave me alone.

Claudia, did you hear me?
Claudia, nod if you heard me.

Go figure.

[Bailey] Claudia?

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

You can't... What are you...
What is wrong with that?

It's too much too soon.

I'm establishing
a character.

You know, watching
somebody slowly undress
is far more provocative

than seeing them
already naked.

Someone wrote that sentence,
you know?

About their life.

The person standing here.

Look, I am trying
to work here.

Yeah, well... Maybe that's
what's bothering me.

It's like we're
not even here,
Just the work is here.

With you and that
red pencil drawing these...

These lines.

Julia, I've got
a deadline on this.

Well, that doesn't mean
we can't interact
like humans,

share a pleasantry
once in a while,

maybe get a hot dog,
or I don't know...
Tell a joke.

A joke.
You wanna share a joke?

Sure. Why not?

You know, I don't know
any jokes. Do you?

Not really, no.


Owen, has Sarah called yet?

[sighing] Okay.

Um... Listen,
I'll call back later,
okay? Bye.


Hey, Will, man.

-Hey, Bay.
-What are you doing here?
When did you get into town?

When? Uh, oh, a while.

A few weeks
or maybe a month.

A month?

Yeah. I was gonna call
as soon as I settled
into this job,

but it's been so crazy.

Job? What job?
What about school?

I took a year off.

I mean, I've been wanting to
for a while, and then...

Really? You never said
anything about doing that.

Yeah. And then this guy
I know introduces me
to Chuck Pullman.

Chuck Pullman,
he pretty much owns
the Wrestling Federation.

Anyway, Chuck offered
me an internship,
and I'm...

Wait a second,
you left college to intern
for wrestling?

There it is.

That exact expression
my parents had
when I told them.

Wait. No.
I didn't mean...

I just didn't know
is all.

-You know?
-Look, the truth is I also...

I wasn't sure that you'd want
to hear from me.

Are you kidding me?
Will, you're my...

I mean, we go back,
you know?
We go back a long way.

You know what?

You wanna go grab
a cup of coffee?
Catch up?

Um, actually, I gotta do
a pickup at the airport.

Oh. Okay. Yeah, uh...

Restaurant stuff.

So, are you staying
at your parents' place?

Yeah. Yeah,
you should, uh...

I'll give you a call.

It's good
to see you, man.

[engine starts]

What're you doing?

It's a half hour
to the airport.
Hour round trip, right?

I got an hour.


See, that paddle bit
makes a big difference.

So, try that
and see if it works.

Is this your free period,
Mr. Salinger? What are you doing here,
Mrs. Salinger?


Well, I've got news.

Okay, maybe not news,
but information. All right.
Bear claws.

See, I've been looking
into what we were
talking about.

You know, about starting...
I mean, expanding
our family.

Me, too.


"Adoption and you.
Adoption, the best choice."

This is great, Charlie.

Really, I am so glad that
you are so behind this.

Yeah. I'm excited.

And adoption is great.

But it's not like having
our own, right?

Well, no, but since
that's not gonna happen...

But what if it could?

Fertility medicine
has come amazingly far

since they first
said I couldn't have children,

Even when I looked
into it later.

You mean with Paul?

Like with laparoscopic

To fix the damage
from my endometriosis?

Those operations
are much more successful now.

-Really, I...
-The problem with that is

the risks
of ectopic pregnancy
go fairly high.

But, lucky for us,
there's IVF.

You know,
where they take
the egg out

and they mix it with the sperm
And then they put
the egg back in.

And my odds for that
get much better.

-They do?
-Well, yeah!

They used to be practically nil,
but now there's
a 1-in-10 shot at least,

Which basically means
that invitro is the way to go.
Don't you think?

Think? I think, uh...
I mean it's just a lot...

'Cause... 'Cause if we
could actually have
our own...

Charlie... We'd have
to try, right?

Yeah. I guess so.


I am so... I am so glad
that you feel the same way,

Because... 'Cause, I, um,
I called a specialist,

and he had a cancellation.
Um, at 3:00 today.

So, do you think that you...
you could make it?


Well, uh... Sure.


Okay, good.

"Another Friday night bash,
hosted by Grant's
Prom Queen.

Only the elite, chic,
and slender
were allowed entrance."

Oh, what? I was supposed
to invite the entire school?

"And speaking of chic,
if the girl spent
half as much time

in the library
as she does in the mall,

maybe she'd make
more of herself

than the Country Club greeter
she's destined to be."

Oh, that is so unfair.
I study all the time.

But to quote
the prom queen herself,

"A good life
is a good-looking life."


I mean, I said that,
but to be funny.

Some people just don't know
what's a joke
and what's not.

Well, he's saying
I'm completely superficial.

Well, maybe you should
skip the mall this weekend.

Just to prove him wrong.

Oh, so now I have
to stop being me
just to make him happy?

This is so...

I don't think
anything would make
this guy happy.


Uh, hi.

Um, who...who are you?

What, are you
the new nanny?

I'm Griffin.
I, uh, rent the shed
for my business.

Good luck.

Victor! Claudia called
for her messages.

-So I asked her,
and she said yes.

And Julia already
said she didn't care,

so that means
we can have
the haunted house.

And Bailey said
what, do I recall?

No... But, see,
we're all brothers
and sisters,

So we have majority

That's how we decide
important stuff.

And it's 3 against one,
I swear.


No one loves
a haunted house
more than I do.

But we do this,
we have to be willing
to live with the consequences.

-The what?

You throw a coconut up,
it comes down
on your head.


You throw a party,
it comes down
on your head.

-There won't be consequences.
I swear.

Okay. Let's do it.

Yes! All right!

Oh! Excuse me!

-Ah, there you are!
-God, I wish you'd stop
missing class, Julia!

I'm spending
way too much time
denying rumors about you.

Evan wouldn't let me out.
He kept slicing and dicing.

Wait a second.
Rumors. What rumors?

What do you think?
Julia got this book deal
on her back,

and her book ain't
the only thing Evan Stilman
wants between covers.

What? You're kidding me.

That is so... [scoffing]
You're kidding me.

Why would they
say that?

You're not too bright,
are you?

Iz, the guy is twice
my age, and I work
for the man.

Yeah, the rumor mill
knows that, honey,
but they don't care.

Why not?

Well, 'cause you two,
you're such a cliche.
You're so obvious.

Evan and me. How?


You've both got looks.
You've both got brains.

You've got matching
Joneses for books.
Did I mention looks?

Iz, it is so
not happening.

Evan has,
like, less than
no interest in me.

And I have...
I... I basically
feel the same.

Okay. Fine. That's fine.
I was just passing
on the information.

He drives me nuts,
to tell you the truth.

I mean, he just works
and works and works,

and I sit there
and I'm completely invisible.

-I mean if he would stop

ripping on my work
for 15 seconds, or so much
as smile at me, then...

That does not
prove I'm interested in him.

I said nothing.

Did I say something?

I mean at first,
I was just running errands.

You know,
fetching coffee
and stuff.

Then they put me
in charge of stocking
the dressing rooms.

Including the ring girls.

The ring girls.

You know the girls
that walk around the ring
holding up the score cards,

wearing those little
thongy things?

Oh, those ring girls.

You know, I'm going
to call home one more time

to see if Sarah
left a message yet.

[Will] There he is.

Hi, I'm Will, your driver.

And this is my friend Bailey.

Bailey, this is Mr. Mayhem.

How are you?

Walnut Creek.

Did he just say,
"Walnut Creek"?

Hi. Excuse me,
Mr. Mayhem.

-Um, but did you say...
-Walnut Creek.
849 Creekside Drive.

Take the 68
to the Ignacio exit.

But, see, I'm supposed
to take you to the city,

where you're supposed
to meet with publicity
and sign some pictures.

I haven't seen
my wife in a week.
Now move it!

Will. Will! I can't
go to Walnut Creek!

Well, what am I
supposed to do?

-Tell him!
-I told him!

Tell him again!

You tell him.
I have to drive.

You know, it sounds
like you've got some
people waiting for you.

And the truth
is I kinda have
to get back to town, too.

So, hey. I got an idea.

Why don't you call
your wife, have her
meet us in the city.

That way
everybody's happy.

I want
to surprise her.

You got a problem
with that... Bailey?

Nope. No problem.


[Bailey] Look at him.
What is he doing?

He's just seeing
if she's home.

There's something
called a doorbell.

Well... What are we
sneaking around
the back like this for?

Well, see, things
are a little dicey
with him and his wife.

Since the whole
Monstra thing.

-Yeah, Monstra
is a female wrestler

who's putting
the moves on Mr. Mayhem.

Now, !sis caught them
on Monday Night m*ssacre,


!sis is Mrs. Mayhem.

She thinks Mr. Mayhem
has a thing for Monstra.

And is any of this
actually real?

Hey, Mr. Mayhem met
his wife in the ring.

I mean, what is realer
than that, huh?

I mean, look at him.

He misses her.

Listen, hey.

Can we check in with
our home planet here,
for a second?

I am currently
stranded with you.

No cell phone,
no pay phone
to call a cab,

while someone named Mayhem

works out his issues
with !sis and Monstra.

Look, couldn't you maybe
just roll with this thing,

I have rolled
with it, Will,

all the way past
a staff meeting, inventory,

and past any possible
chance to connect
with Sarah.

You know, if you...
If you would just
cut yourself loose

every once in a while, huh?
Maybe take a vacation

from this middle-aged
Bailey thing...

Middle-aged... What?

What are... Listen...

I'm sorry that
I'm not all jiggy to be
running around with you

on your teenage
thrill ride, okay?

Okay. You, Bailey.

I'm gonna hoist you
up to that balcony.


She turned off
the phone,

changed all the locks,
it's the only way in.

I'm not goin' up there.
No way.

Forget it!
I won't.

[Will] You okay, Bailey?

Yeah. I'm just great.

[Evan] And the dog says,
"Yeah. I can do the same thing,
too, as the bird."

[both laughing]

Oh, hey,
you look like you're
contemplating escape.

What? Uh, no.
I was... No.

Well, so you just
missed my joke.

Yes, yes.
I told a joke.
Can you believe it?


Uh, listen.
Before we start,
I was, uh...

I was thinking about
what you said.

And you might
have been right.

So I thought, um...

Well, tell me, are you
busy tonight?

I'm sorry.
Busy tonight?

'Cause it's true.

We've been all about
work around here.

-And maybe that's wrong.

Yeah. I've got these tickets
for this Halloween
fundraiser ball tonight,

and it's a costume thing,
and I know
it's the last minute...

We have this whole chapter
to do, don't we?

Yeah, sure, but this
is a chance to kick back
a little bit.

You know, and drink champagne,
maybe dance,
eat some oysters...

You know what,
that sounds really nice.
It does.

But I... I don't know.
Are you sure?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Because otherwise these babies
are going to go to waste.

And my date, she wants
to have a quiet dinner
instead. So...


Oh, you, uh,
you have a date?

Yeah. Yeah. Who is not
a part of the whole book world

and has no use
for these events.
But you do.

So I thought,
starving writer,
free food...

Come on. You can
take a date. Hmm?

Okay. Um... I guess.

-Thank you.
-Good choice.

Yeah. [bell ringing]


Lex says she's coming
to your place tonight...

Some haunted-house thing.

Yeah. Hey, you could
go as Houdini,
Master of illusions.

Look, I know
the website bugs you.

Oh, forget about me.
She's your girlfriend,

I mean, if you have
a problem with how much
she shops or whatever, tell her.

I tried, okay?

But forget it.
She has some obsession
with how she looks.

She's a girl, Cameron.
Wake up.

You're a girl,
and you're not like that.

I'm not your girlfriend.
Alexa is.

And I think
she deserves better

than getting
anonymous life advice
over the Internet.

I'm trying to do
something for her.

So do it in person.
You're such... Oh!

You're this... Cameron,
you're this original person,

and she has no idea.

I mean, if you could
just be yourself with her...

Now, that's how you
do something for her.

It wouldn't hurt you
any either.


[eerie laughter]


[woman screaming]


Little life advice
for you, papo...

Always cultivate friends...

In the theater.
[laughing] And wait till
you see the costume
I found for you.

This is the best
haunted house
there ever was.

All right,
where do you want it?

Oh, my God.

Hey, watch the wall.

How'd you get Bailey onboard
for this?

Isn't he on some kind
of cleaning kick?

Yeah, but, see,
Owen said it was okay.

-Oh, Owen did, huh?
-Mmm-hmm. Yes. He did.

on the doctor yet?

He's running
a little late.


A little.

-Maybe we should reschedule.
-Forget it.

It was a miracle
they had a cancellation.

-Alice, is that you?


-Oh, my gosh.
I haven't seen you since...

Yeah. Thought that
was gonna take.

But, hey, you're
going for it again.

-Round 3.
-Round 4 for us.

Of course, it wasn't easy
talking Wayne into it.

He says all the stress
is affecting his health.

His health?
Well, give him
the hormone sh*ts.

Yeah, the emotional
roller coaster.

[women laughing]

Any idea how long
it's gonna be?


Larry, please, he's all
in a twist 'cause our
insurance was cut off

and we had to take out
a second mortgage and...

I tell you, every time
I leave this place,

I don't know whether
to drive to the poorhouse
or the loony bin.

Um, could we maybe
wait inside?

Why am I so scared here?
The woman's my wife.

I've known her forever.

Hey, hey,
you love her, man.

You just want this thing
to go right.

Where is she?

She's normally home
from her hair thing by now.

Well, why should
anything else
go normally today?

Hey, if you
wanna call a cab,
I'll pay for it.

Don't you remember?
!sis turned off
the phones.

Although why she'd
need phones at all

with her godlike powers...

-What the hell is...

Honey, it's good
to see you.

See? This is it. Exactly
what I was talking about
in our last session!

I say I need
some alone time
to figure stuff out,

and you don't
hear a word!

-Look, give me a chance.
-And you even bring backup.

God! This is what I get
for sending you
to a support group?

You know what?
No. I'm not doing this
right now. Come on.

But... But... Can we...

-No. No.
-Can we...
can we talk?

-Get out, Bob. Now!
-But... But...

-[pounding on door]

Can't we just talk?

-[continues pounding]
-Honey, please...

-Um, what about us?

You'll just have
to wait till he leaves.

I'm not gonna open
that door for him.

Okay, you know what,
this is insane.
I'm out of here.

I told you
he's not coming in.

I don't care
what he does.
I'm leaving.

[Mr. Mayhem] Can't we just talk?

I'll kick every butt
in that support group
if I have to.

-[Mr. Mayhem] Honey...
-Okay, look,
not to make trouble here,

but I wrestled
in college, okay,

So I'd be careful
who you thr*aten.

Okay, all right,
time-out, you guys.
All right, let's just chill.

Sounds like
an invitation.


-Hey, hey, what are you...
Let go of me!

-No, no, no, let him go.
-Get off of me!

Okay That's it.

-[!sis] Oh!
-Nice, Bay!

What the hell
are you doing?

It's called wrestling!

-[Mr. Mayhem] Honey...
-Get him back in here.

We're talking this out
like adults.

[Mr. Mayhem] Please...

[music playing]

How come you get to be
the belly dancer?

I can't be Tippi
two years in a row.

Just be thankful
I saved the costume.


Hey, I thought
your favorite editor
wasn't coming tonight.

He's not. He...

What's he doing here?

I don't know,
but my, my, he certainly does
fill out that uniform.

I don't understand. He...

-Evan. Hi. I thought
you had a date.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, my cousin
backed out at dinner.

Typical of her.
So, uh...

Anyway, I drummed up
another ticket
to this thing.

Your date was your cousin?

-We haven't met.
Isabel Santos.

Really enjoy
your magazine,

especially that series
by Houston Albright.
He is one of my favorites.

Well, I'm impressed.
You know,
I publish his poems,

But I never pretended
to understand them.

[both laughing]

So, um, any decision
on the clearance of those names,
the students for the...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Stop right there,

because tonight
there will be no work.

Tonight it's all about fun.

I love this man. -To fun.
-Yeah. It's my new religion.

Ooh. Convert me?

On the dance floor maybe?

Oh, here.
Hold this. Thank you.
Come on.

-Charlie, can we...
-Owen's making
a big deal out of this.

He's invited
half the city.

You might want
to put together
a costume.

Can we talk about this?
'Cause you've been quiet
for hours.


What's the point?

If you wanted
to talk about it,

you wouldn't have kept
all that stuff from me.

I didn't keep anything
from you.

You came to the doctor
with me.

Which you weren't
planning on, I'm guessing,

considering you made
the appointment in the middle
of the day.

Charlie, you're making it sound
like I'm trying
to pull something here.

Well, that's how I feel.

I mean, you threw all this
stuff at me

giving me no time
to think about it.

I was just...
I was excited,
that's all.

Look... You obviously knew
how I was gonna take it.

It probably
was the same with Paul.

He didn't like what he heard,

and that's why you guys
ended up trying
to adopt instead.

Charlie, it was hard enough
to convince Paul

to have kids
in the first place.

The idea of even taking
the smallest risk to do it--

The smallest risk?


You'd probably
have to go off
your antidepressants

And, on top of that,
take hormones that...

What did those women say?
Put you on some sort
of emotional roller coaster?

That is not
a small risk, Kirsten, okay,

not for you.

But you know what, Charlie?
They're my risks to take.

It's my body
and my emotional state,

and if I am okay
with all of this...

That's what you're saying?
You're okay with all this?


Yes, I am.


Let's forget
that there's two of us here.

Let's forget that these
are the kind of decisions

that we should be
making together.

But... If you're so okay
with all of this,

I mean, why did you feel
like you had to gloss over
all that stuff?

Why'd you... Why'd you
feel like you had to avoid
the truth?

[panting] Bailey! Bailey,
wait, wait! Hold on.

Man, that was...
That was awesome.

That was two hours
of my life spent

trying to convince
a couple of actors that they're
actually playing parts.

But, you, you were amazing.
I mean, you might have
saved their marriage.

And plus,
you took down !sis.

You know what? You really
gotta let that go, Will.
It's pathetic, okay?

Are you telling me
there was no part of that
that was fun for you?


Are you...
You gotta be...

I just spent an entire day
completely out of control. Will,
I mean, I have a life, okay?

I have people
that depend on me,

And maybe that's...
That's sad to you or...
Or middle-aged or whatever,

But you know what?
If this is my option...

Some pointless detour
with a steroidal nutjob...

Then you know what?
I will take my boring
existence anytime.

[slow music playing]

[indistinct conversation]

You gonna eat that
or just poke holes in it?

-What are you doing, Isabel?
-What am I...

What are you doing
with Evan?

Mmm. Whatever I can,
darling. [laughing]

Yeah, well,
please don't.

Why not?

Why not?
Why not? Because...

Because I work
with the man,

And seeing you
dance with him like that
makes me feel very...

You know...
I don't know.


Are you my friend
or aren't you?

Okay, look, I can see
how me hitting on Evan
might bug you.

Thank you.

But I don't care.

-It's just too dry
out there, Julia.

As far as
decent guys go,
it's a desert,

so if you're just
a little bit awkward
with this, I'm sorry.

I can't pass up
an oasis like him.
I'd die of thirst.


Unless you're saying
you want him yourself.

Me... Want him?

-Evan? No. This is not...
I'm not...

Look, see that chick
over there who just
dumped her drink on him?

She's making her move.

One of us
has to counter.

Now, you're in first position.
That's only fair.
You found him first.

Are you moving?
'Cause if you're not,
I am.

Okay. Here I go, then.

Okay, wait.
I'm moving, all right?

I think.
I guess. I'm...
I... I'm moving.

[music playing]

Excuse us.

-[machine beeping]
-You have
no new messages.

Hey, uh, look...
I know you didn't want this,
and I know it's insane,

And yes, I got a little
carried away. That happens
to me sometimes.

But, uh, Owen and I
had some stuff
to work out, and...

Anyway, uh...
Don't blame Owen
for any of this.

Uh, it was
all my decision.

I asked him if he thought
you would mind the party,

and he said yes,
but I went ahead anyway,
so it's all my fault.

I take all the blame.

Isn't that right, Owen?
That's how it happened?

Well, um...

No. Not really.

[Victor] Not really?

Would you like to tell Bailey
another version?

Um... No.
Not really.

Well, I bet he'd
like to tell you
a few things...

About consequences,
for instance.

I don't get it.
Why didn't she call?

Who? Sarah?

How could she
not have called all day?

She did. She left a message.
I think. Did you
rewind the tape?


Alexa, where's
your costume?

He broke up with me.


He said that...
He said...

I don't... I don't even
know what he said.


-What happened?
-I don't know.

We were just hanging out,
and then...

All of a sudden,
he says that...

That he can't talk to me
and that he just wants
to be himself for once and...

And all this other stuff,
and it's...

It's like
it wasn't even him.

I mean...

What happened
to us, Claudia?

What happened?

[continues sobbing]


What are you
doing out here?

Just... Thinking.

It's just...

I know that I would be happy
with any baby we shared.
I know that.

But I have this dream,
this fantasy...

Where we have
a baby who

has your eyes
and my nose,
your laugh...

[both chuckle]

And cries like me.

Well, it's just a dream.

The reality...


Remember when I was sick?

'Cause the funny thing is...
I mostly don't.

I know you do.

I know that in some ways
that it was harder on you
than it was on me.

And I know that I can dream
about all kinds of things...

But that's what's real.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

You're very sweet,
but I'm gonna go out here.

Oh, what the hell.

-Ow, ow, ow!
-Whoa, whoa! Whoa, Julia,
what are you...

Whoa, did I...
did I do...

No, no, no, it's okay.
Listen, um,
I came over here

to, uh, I don't know
exactly how to...

-Let me... Let me look.
-No, no, it's fine.

Listen, um...
This is crazy.
What am I thinking?

Let me just see. Maybe these
could be broken here.

No, they're...
Broken, you said?

-Yeah, yeah, maybe.
-What's going on?

You know something? We had
a little accident.

I'm gonna take Julia
to the emergency room.
Come on.

-Well, anything I can do?
-Well, it might take
a little while.

So why don't you call her house?
Make sure that they don't worry.

Mind the birds, people.

[Sarah] God, there are
all these wild, surreal things
going on,

and all these
new people.

And I would have called sooner,
but it's been sort of insane,
you know?

But... But not in a bad way.
In kind of a good way, really.

I mean, you'd probably
hate it, but...

Anyway, I'm sorry
that I keep missing you,
I'll call later, okay?

I love you.


I'm sorry
that I keep missing you.
I'll call later, okay?

I love you.


...missing you,
I'll call later, okay?
I love you.

-Bite it.

-Owen, bite into it.
-Okay, yeah.

-[phone ringing]
-Bite into it. [laughing]

Hello? Jule?

Speak up, we're having
a party here.

You're where?

Are you sure you're okay?
You're sure.

Okay. All right, all right.
Well, I'll bring
the insurance forms over.

Okay, all right.
I'll see you
in a little bit. Bye.

-Did you get it?

[knocking on door]


Hey. Uh, I'm really sorry
about all this.

It was just kind
of an elaborate way to make
a point to Owen...

-And looks like
he got it, though. Yeah?
-Yeah. He's a great kid.

But tricky sometimes,
but smart.

Anyway, I'll throw
everyone out and get things
under control...

You know what?
Why don't you
maybe hold off?

Everyone's having fun,

And the truth is,
I think maybe things

are a little too under control
around here as is.

I'm sorry?

It's Halloween.

People should
go a little crazy.

I'd join you, actually,
But all I have for a costume
is this stupid tie.

Look at those.

How many 21-year-olds
own that many ties?

Well, I'm not sure,
but, um...

I hate ties.

You know that?

Well, I'm not too crazy
about ties, either.

Big surprise. But, um...

This little number
ain't so bad.

Hey. How's it...

-What did you do?
-You mean?

I know what you did. Why?

I mean, you couldn't just...
Just talk to her,

tell her what's going on?

I mean, she's in there
crying her eyes out,

trying to figure out
what happened.

Why would you
do this? Why?


You know what, Charlie,
I... I can do this.

-You sure?
-Yeah. Go home.
I've got a ride.

All right.
You want me to
take that stuff?

-Would you?

Okay. Oh, sorry. [laughs]

Hey, I'm glad
you're okay.

Oh, thank you.
I'll see you later?


So, how's the patient?

-Oh, uh, no problem.
I'm fine. It's just a sprain.

Well, yeah,
it looks like they
did a decent job.

[both laughing]

You waited?

-Excuse me.

I need Dr. Lew
down in the ER.

I... I saw your family
back there.

I decided that I would,
uh, make sure you're okay.

You were worried?

-Well, sure. Hmm.

So, maybe it's not
such a crazy idea.


I, um...

Wait, this is...

-Oh, oh!

Oh, wow, I am so...

Oh, no, no, no, no, no,
You know, the...
It's been a crazy night,

And you're full
of all these pain pills,

and, uh... You know,
I look so much younger
in this light.

I am so sorry.

No, don't worry
about it.

It's Halloween,
and it's hard to tell
what's real and what's not.


Bailey? You've changed.

Yeah. You have a minute?

Yeah. What's going on?

Uh, I don't know.

It's like... The thing
that I do the best,

the thing that I spend,
like, half of my life doing,

is fighting off chaos.

At work, at home,
I'm like constantly
holding it off.

But maybe that's wrong.

Because everyone else,
everyone else

is into that stuff.
Everyone else enjoys it.

You and Sarah, with this trip
she's taking, and your job.

And I get so down
on you guys for that stuff,
but, God...

I think maybe
I got it all backwards.

You know?
This whole stupid thing.

It's my whole life,
and it scares me.

It scares me,
because it feels like...

Like I'm losing people.

You're not losing
anybody here.

So what do I do, Will?

I mean, I... I don't know.

Well, if I were you...

First of all...

I'd stay away from pink,
'Cause it's really
not your color.

[both chuckling]



-Is Julia okay?

Yeah, she's fine.
It was just a minor sprain.

Was Owen mad
that I left early?

No, no, he's fine.

You know I, uh,
I realized tonight that, um,

I come from
a really big family.

You just realized that?

No, not exactly,

I forget sometimes,
you know,

Just how lucky I am.

-I was just thinking.

I don't want Diana
to miss out on that
because... I was afraid.

-Look, don't do this to me if...
-I'm not. I'm not.

If having a baby like this
is what you want,

and you're ready
for the risks,

I'm ready, too.