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06x03 - Bye, Bye, Love

Posted: 03/12/22 10:32
by bunniefuu
So, not only do I have
my own caseload,

which is, like, 70 kids
on nine different
drug therapies--

Guys, we're home!

But Dr. Franklin
still hasn't hired
an assistant yet.

So guess who gets to do
all his paperwork, too.


[man] Hi.

[nursery rhyme playing]
♪ ...There a oink
Everywhere a oink oink ♪

♪ Old MacDonald had a... ♪

-[man] Hello.

-[man playfully] Hello,
hello, hello...
-[baby mumbling]

Hello, hello, hello.

♪ Old MacDonald had a farm ♪

Hey. You're here.
Charlie, right?

Well, we wanted
to surprise you.

Well, you did.
I mean, uh--

-You're Kirsten, right?

Victor. Hi. Yeah, Daphne's
told me all about you.


Oh. Well, um, she hasn't
mentioned anything about you.

Yeah, I know, um,
I'm a secret.

[Daphne] Victor. Dude,
I'm so sorry I'm late. I'm...

I'm in trouble.

-Okay, look, before you get
mad and start yelling, just...

[sighs] I was fired, okay?

I know. Great big honking
surprise, but it was... it was
telemarketing. It was evil.

But I am looking
for another gig,

but I can't do that and watch
Diana at the same time,
so Victor here

is helping me out,
and he is great.

You guys, he is like
the new millennium
Mary Poppins, no joke.

-Almost done.

It's just, um,
I, um, uh,

completely broke.

My rent is late,
my clothes are being held
hostage at a fluff-and-fold,

and the only money I have
is to buy baby food.

[clears throat] So

let the yelling begin.

No. No yelling.
I just...

I just wish you'd
tell us when stuff
like this happens.

Oh, thanks, guys.

♪ With a moo moo here
And a moo moo there ♪

♪ Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo moo ♪

[Charlie] Will that do it?

[clears throat]

Could you make
that, uh, two?

♪ Old MacDonald had a farm
E-I-E-I-O ♪

[theme music playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

You know, just once
I would like to be on time
for something.

Not even early, just...
Claudia, you're walking
to school!


Just like old times.

Thank you.

Claud, hey!
That's my toast.

[telephone rings]

-Is it for me?

Yeah. May I tell
her who's...

Okay, hang on. Sarah!


You don't have
to shout.

Oh, sorry. It's somebody...
Mindy, for you.

Oh, God. You know what?
I'll just take it upstairs.

Okay. 320 Lexington Drive,
Menlo Park.

Thank you so much,
Mindy. Bye.

Who's Mindy
from Menlo Park?


Hey, um, aren't you
late for work?

I'm the boss.
I can be late.

Who's Mindy
from Menlo Park?

Oh, you know, it's
a really long story,

but, Mindy Zane was
my Mom's... Robin's, um,

best friend
from high school.

Wow. How did she...

Well, Julia said that I
could find some of my Mom's

old high school yearbooks
at the library,

and one of them had
a drama club picture
of her and this woman.


So I did some digging
and made some phone calls,

and she called me back.

Now I'm gonna meet her. Tomorrow.

Wow. I can't believe
you did all of this.

-I had no idea.
-I know. It's just...

When Julia started working
on her book, you know,
it got me thinking

that there is so little
I actually know about
my family.

But, why didn't you
tell me any of this?

Well, because there wasn't
much to tell until now,

and also, I remember how
you felt when I started
looking for my Mom.

Well, I mean I think
you ought to be careful...

-Oh, here it comes.
-No, no, no. No. Hey.

No, I just...

I want to help.

Okay? How can I help?

Listen, I took a look
at your second chapter,

-and I do have some thoughts.

Okay, this stuff
about your parents.

Uh, that confused
me a little.

Now you talk a fair amount
about your father's temper.

Oh, it's not like he was
abusive or anything. That's
not what I was trying to say.

I'm talking about when he got
mad and you gave some examples,

there's all sorts of stuff
about your reactions.

But what about
everyone else?

Everyone else? Like who?

Oh, like your mother.

I was looking for that.

I mean, what did she do
when your Dad got mad?

Mom? Uh...


She was great.

She always knew
exactly what to do.

She'd tell him a joke
or lighten the situation

He could never
stay mad around her.

So you're saying that
she enabled the anger?

No, no, that's not
what I meant.

And it sounds like you
took a lesson from her.

No, I was just saying
she knew how to handle
things when--

Well, listen. You said
that she was great, that
you admired your mother.

Now my only point
is that

you must have wanted
to be that way, too.

Ah, it's getting late.
I thought Daph would
be here by now.

Daphne? But isn't it
Victor today?

Well, she didn't have
any job interviews
lined up, so...


I just... [sighs]

I just wonder if it's
a good idea to give
her money like that.

What was I supposed to do?

Find her a job.

That's what
she needs, right?

Maybe at school
with you, or what about
at the restaurant?

I already asked. Both places,
and there's nothing.

-What about you?

Yeah, didn't you say that
Dr. Franklin was looking
for an assistant?

My Dr. Franklin?
His assistant Daphne?

Sure. It's a job.
Why not?

Um, well, I don't know,
I just...

Why not?


Uh, Claudia, where
have you been
since second period?

I need my S.A.T.
vocab partner.

Oh, my god.
Is everyone sitting?

Okay, if you guys thought
last week's was bad,

wait till you hear
what that internut
posted this week.

-Derek printed it up.
-Yeah, this site is way harsh.

Listen. "Now let's talk
about the kids who want us
to talk about them.

You know who I mean.
The cool crowd.
The beautiful people.

And that includes Rhiannon
Marcus, who, after a summer
in the city of angels,

clearly deserves
her new nickname,
'daddy's little implants.'"


You think that's funny?

[Alexa] No, I'm sorry,
Rhi. Not funny at all.

-But how did he know?

Well, what about me?
Am I in there?

Nah. You're still safe.

How do you know?

She's fresh blood. Isn't even
on the guy's radar yet.

Who says this guy
is a guy?

Well, whoever he is,
the only way to deal
with him is just ignore him.

"And who's Alexa Spence
trying to impress?

to be a big sister?

As if she could help
the poor by doing
their color charts."

Excuse me?
Who am I impressing?

Why-- I told no one
about that. Except every college
recruiter you've met.

[Alexa] Man. This worm
is gonna pay.

[school bell rings]

[hammer pounding]




One sec.

Here. Done.
My furniture project.

Myra, this isn't...

What is it?

It's a bed of nails.

Myra, wait a minute.

Look, I know this isn't
your favorite place to be,

but I asked to take a look
at your transcript,

and the D-plus you're getting
from me is the best grade
you've got.

And a zero on this is gonna
bring you down to an F.

What's your point?

Well, just... If you don't
want to be held back,

I'm kind of the best friend
you've got here.

Now, whatever you need.

If you want a little extra
time to make a real effort
on this--

Look, no offense,
but last thing I need

is advice from the guy
who grew up to be
the shop teacher, okay?

Claud, do you remember
the time that mom showed
us how to make cookies?

And after they started baking,
we fought for the bowl

to eat all
the extra cookie dough?

Mm, I don't know.

And we dropped the bowl,
and it smashed into
a million pieces.

Oh, man. Yeah. That time.

-Oh, Dad, he--

He went ballistic.
Totally freaked.

What makes you
think of that?

You remember
what Mom did?

She made us run up
to him and say that
we were sorry

and tell him we
loved him and hug him.

She did?

Yeah. And it worked like
a charm. Like it always did.

Kind of smart,
I guess, huh?

[Julia] You think?
I don't know.

'Cause his temper never
changed. It never got
any better.

And all of that time, I
never heard her say "stop".

Just stop being angry.

Julia, what are
you doing?


Owen is sitting
right over there, listening
to everything you're saying.

-What am I saying?
-That his parents were
fighting all the time.

That Mom... What,
what are you saying?

That Mom never
backed us up?

Never stood up
against horrible, angry dad?

Bailey, come on, no.
I'm just... I'm taking
a look at the family,

and it seems like
Mom and Dad--

Okay, you know what?
I don't want to hear it.

Whatever you're trashing
them for... for your book
or whatever...

Just leave us out of it.

Claudia doesn't want
to hear it, do you?

-I mean, not really.

And neither do I,
and neither does Owen.

[Bailey] Hey, bud, let's
finish upstairs, okay?

She was a wild girl,
your Mom.

I remember once, she got
arrested for skinny dipping

in a fountain
in Central Park.

The arresting officer
asked her out.

That's how it was.
I mean, she had guys
lined up around the block.

So, there were
a lot of men.

Oh, no. I didn't mean
to say that she was...
She's not--

No, no. That's okay.

You know, I want to know
everything about her.

She was a beautiful
woman, Sarah. And a really good actress.

She was irresistible.

Leading men,
stage managers...

God, I think there was even
an usher who proposed.

Oh, she sent me a playbill

from her first real show.

And I think it's in here.

Here it is.

-She played Roxanne.

And opposite her, the guy...
What was his name?

Oh, um, William Lanford.

Right. She said
he was wonderful,

and that they were
wonderful together.

Wait! Wait, what is this?
She... she signed it.

"Mindy, it feels like
everything in my life
is about to change."

What do you think
she means?

I think that program
was the last contact
I had with her.

We lost touch after that.

But you knew her,
so... so, what do you
think she meant?

Was she talking
about her career?

It was 20 years ago, Sarah.

Maybe she was talking
about you.

Thanks for taking time
out of your day.

-[Daphne sighs]

That was such a joke.

-Oh, Daphne, I'm sorry.
-I know.

What am I gonna do now?

Don't worry. We'll...
we'll think of something.
We'll do something.

Yeah, we better, because
Dr. Franklin wants me
to start, like, today.

-He does?

-You're Dr. Franklin's
new assistant?

He didn't seem to care
about your utter lack
of professional experience?

Yeah, he did.
That's why I lied.

You lied?

Well, how else was I
gonna get the job, Kirsten?

-You lied.
-And you're gonna have
to teach me, like, everything,

because the only thing
I know how to do is make
long-distance phone calls

and steal office supplies.

-You lied.

Honey. We covered that.


Now show me.
What is it that we
actually do here?

[whistle blows]

[man] All right, gentlemen,
that's it. Good practice.
Good practice!


What are you
doing here?

[indistinct chattering]

Okay, the thing is,
I read that web page again.

It says that Rudy Baylor's
a closet nerd who's so good
at Math he tested out of trig.

And the only guy who plays
basketball with Rudy and takes
Mr. Baum's trig class is...

Well, you.


So you knew all that stuff
about Lex and Rhiannon
and Rudy.

-I don't follow.
-No, neither do I, 'cause...

I feel like the story that
should be online is whatever
the heck they did to you.

'Cause it must have
been something.

I gotta get going.

But you know
what I can't figure out?

You're trashing your
friends because you think

that they do anything to feel
better about themselves,

but, I mean, isn't that
just what you're doing?

[indistinct chattering]

Hey. Julia, right?

I'm Isabelle.
How's it going?

Listen, before you speak,
I just have to say I'm sorry.

I have been a total bitch.

Ever since you transferred in,
all I could think was please,

she has the publishing
contract I deserve,
just let her die,

but how unoriginal,
you know?

When everyone in class
already hates you?

Oh, so just...

You look really sad,
and if talking might help...


All right, well, um,

my editor keeps telling me
I'm not being honest

if I don't blame my parents
in some way for what happened
to me.

My siblings, they hear this,
and they're like, "How can
you do that?"

And the truth is
I feel the same way.

But how else can you explain
who you are without at least
looking at your parents first?

Yeah. Please. You think
I came out of the womb
this way?

Hey, you wanna get
some coffee.


Hey, I'm looking for you.


That is your new
furniture project.

-A guillotine?

Something about it
just screamed out Myra.

Look, Mr. Salinger,
let's be honest.

You don't know me enough
to actually care,

and I'm not in the mood
to be some teacher's
good deed for the day.

So what's
the problem, Myra?

You bored?

'Cause what if I told you
that I'm bored, too?

What if I said that I'll die
if I have to see one more
pine branch footstool?

Oh, the "I'm just another
outsider like you" trick?

Be careful. You might have
to pierce your tongue
to prove it to me.

[school bell rings]


Have I told you the secret
to high school?

The reason why
it's such a nightmare?

It's so kids'll work really,
really hard to leave,

'cause you know what happens
to the ones who don't?

They turn into me.

Is that what you want?

To have to teach shop
to put food on your table?

To spend the rest of your life
making speeches like this?

[indistinct chattering]

[Kirsten] Okay. Patient's
name, Kathleen O'neill.

Good. Except that, um,
the last name has to go first,

and the middle initial
goes here, not here.

And it needs to be
in block print.

It's just a couple
of the doctor's pet peeves.

I'll tell you what.
Why don't I finish these up,

and then we can go
over them later?

-How's that sound?
-Fantastic, Kirsten.

She's almost got it.

Hey, muffin-head.
Here, let me help you.

The square shape goes
in the square hole.

Like that. Good!

[Kirsten] Hey, Daph.

Maybe it's better if she
figures it out for herself.

Oh, right. Sorry.

Yeah, 'cause otherwise,
how will she learn?

Right, Kirsten?


[Daphne] Thank you,

You're gonna ruin
your eyes.

Hey, listen to this.

"I for your joy would
gladly lay mine down,

though you were
never to know it.

Too fair the night, that
I should speak thus, that
you should hear me."

It's from Cyrano.

Every night he would
look into her eyes,

and she would look
into his.

Your Mom and that...
that William guy?

William Lanford.

I mean, how could they say
these words to each other

night after night
and not fall in love?

Oh, come on, Sarah.
They were acting.

No. Robin told Mindy they
were wonderful together.

Okay, but that still
doesn't mean--

And I was born a little
more than nine months
after the play opened.


Production started
February '78 and ended
in May.

This man could be
my father, Bailey.

I mean, it's possible.


I did an Internet search,

and it came up
William Lanford studio,
Columbus Avenue.

He's still there, Bailey.
In New York.

Did you get
a phone number?

Instead of calling,
I thought I'd go.

To New York?

Well, it's a lot harder to slam
a door in somebody's face than
to just slam down a telephone.

You're actually
considering flying
all the way to New York?

I'm not
considering it, Bailey.

I already bought
the ticket.

[footsteps approaching]

What's all this?

I'm just looking
at pictures, trying
to jog my memory.


"Elbow crooked,
pulling her head to him.

His hand on her arm,
his hand on her neck--"


What does that mean,
Jule? What point are
you making there?

I'm just trying
to figure stuff out.

Are you saying that he
liked to control her?

-Is that right?
-I'm writing what I see.

So that's the big angle
here for this book.

That Dad was like Ned,
and Mom was like you,
and that's why you got abused.

What if it is? What if
that's a part of it?

Julia, you are putting
all of these what-ifs
into a book.

You're making Mom and Dad
out to be these villains
to thousands of strangers.

No one is a villain,
Bailey. That is the point!

-Not Mom, not Dad,
not even Ned.
-You know what I think?

Julia, you know
what I think?

I think this is a really
nice way for you to let
yourself off the hook.

I think it's really nice way
for you to make it okay

that you're blaming everyone
else for this but yourself.

I am just trying...

I am trying really hard
to make sense of all of this.

So fine then, Julia,
make sense of it.

Just don't pile it
all on Mom and Dad, okay?

And maybe you should stop
digging around in the past
for all your answers

and start looking
for the ones that are
right in front of you.

[indistinct chattering]

So, how heavy am I supposed
to make this thing?

How heavy?

Yeah, the part that
chops off their heads.

The blade... how heavy?

I don't know.

Heavy enough
to cut the tips off
your old man's cigars?

If I had an old man.

Or if I started
smoking cigars.

Just you
and your Mom, huh?

Most of the time
it's just me.

So, you want to show me how
to use this thing, or should
I just cut my thumb off?

All right, let me
in there.

[machine whirring]

[indistinct chattering]

Okay, according
to the Saunders review,

the Ivys won't even
let us on campus

unless we have three synonyms
for words like, uh, Iscariot.

Apostate, quisling...
oh, and here's
an appropriate one,



What's wrong?

I've always thought
one of the hardest things

was knowing who your
real friends are.

Did something happen?

A little girl-talk
at the gym goes a long way,
huh, Claudia?

All the way
to your website.

Oh, I can't wait to see
how you use the rest
of the stuff I told you.

Okay, wait, you guys.
Why... why would I do this?

Nobody started trashing us
till we hung out with you.

I mean, who else knows
all this stuff about us?

-It wasn't me.
-Well, who was it, then?

And why would
they do this?

I really have no idea.

Oh, here we go.


Okay, it's your turn.

I'll be right back.


Are you, um...
are you taking off?


Well, I guess you...
you could say that.

I just quit.

You quit?

Look, I am sorry,
I am, I'm sorry,

but I can't...
I can't do this.

Daphne, you're doing fine,

which, frankly, I wasn't
even sure that you could.

Kirsten, I'm working
my ass off!

-And you're making it!
-No, I am hating it!

I am not the kind of person
that can do the same thing
every day,

and call that "living."
I can't... I can't be...

I can't be like...

Like me?

Like me, you mean?

No, I didn't say that.


This is the way
the world works, okay?

You don't just get to do
what you want. You do
what you have to.

Look, Kirsten,
it doesn't have to be--

You think that I want
to be doing exactly this
for the rest of my life?

'Cause I don't.

You can quit
this job, Daphne,

but next time,
be careful.

Because by the time you
figure out what you do want
to do with your resume,

they might not hire you. [soft rock music playing]


What are you looking for,
chapter three?

Trying to find
an apartment.

I thought you were
living at home.

Well, I was going
to find my own place,

and then I thought
I'd stay at home,
and now I don't know.


Can't live with them,
can't dispose of their limbs
without drawing attention.


But it's not
just my family.

Evan Stilman. The guy
keeps pushing me
and it's driving me crazy.

The way he just sits there,
telling me what to think,

like what I've written
are just words,

when this stuff,
it actually happened to me.

Well, okay, but you gotta
expect him to be kind of
frosty, considering.

Considering what?

Well, duh, his wife
offed herself.

Who wouldn't get cold
after something like that?

I'm sorry,
"offed herself"? Oh, you didn't know that?

Hey, you know, I was thinking
I should stay someplace nice,

in case things don't pan out.

Oh, that's probably
stupid, right?

Maybe too expensive?
What do you think?

I think it's your trip,
it's up to you.

Okay, thank you.

Well, then don't ask
what I think.

You know, it's just five days
looking for my dad, Bailey.

That's all it is.

And then what?

And then I come back.

And then what?

And then...
what do you mean?

Then all your questions
are answered?

I just want
to meet my father.

Bailey, I don't know why
you have a problem--

It is natural for you
to want to meet him.

I want you to meet him.
It's just...

Maybe he and your Mom
were together at some point,

but you know that they weren't
together when you were born.

And yet, you're racing
across the country to see
this guy, like...

like seeing him is going
to answer some desperate
question for you.

And you think
it's about you.

And us, and the problems
that we're having.

I think it is.

But, if I'm wrong...

If you tell me that
it's not, then I will stop,
I promise you.

If you tell me
that it's not.

What happened?

What happened?

What happened
to what we talked about?

About you taking a harder
look at your mother.

I don't know, I just...

I decided it
wasn't the story.

Why not?

Look, this book
is about me, right?

About my state of mind.
My state of mind about
my Mom is not what you--

Julia, listen,
I understand.

All right, she's gone,
you don't want to judge her.

But that doesn't mean
that you can't be honest.


You know what, why don't
you tell me what I should
be saying,

'cause it seems to me
you have a pretty specific
idea in your head.

-Julia, I--
-No, I get the feeling that
this matters a lot to you.

Like it's personal,


Like it's something
you went through, too.

Like someone did something
to you, and there's stuff
that you feel about that,

like there's someone
you want to blame.

You're talking,
about my wife?

I don't know, am I?

You know nothing
about her.

You're right, I don't,
so I would never presume
to tell you how you feel.


You know, this is completely
uncalled for, Julia.

Do you hear me?

Listen, Evan, I'm sorry
if this upsets you, but--

We'll take
this up later. We're done here.

[Alexa] Claudia, hold on!

Okay, look, I know you're
angry, and just because I--

No, no, wait. "And what
about Claudia Salinger?

Big mouth, big ambitions,
big phony.

A desperate climber
in discount boots.

Who's she trying to fool?

Hello, identity wanted.

Claudia, if you want
to fit in somewhere,

try K-Mart."

-I am so sorry.


You didn't write it.

I am such
a loser, Claudia.

I should have known
it wasn't you.

Can I see this?

Mm, Cameron, you're...
you're in here, too.

Yeah, he, like,
eviscerated both of you.

"And here, from
the making-us-puke department,

it's Cameron Wolcott.

There's something pathetic
about a guy who's had
everything handed to him

but can't feel
good about it.

If it's all just too much,
then try this.

Return your car,
your jet ski,

but keep the rich-boy
guilt, as our gift."


Guess he nailed you?

I think he was pretty kind.

What are you doing?

Just trying to catch up
on some of these bills.

I've been putting them off
but they don't go away.

I need to feel
spontaneous, you know?

Find my father, if I can.

Maybe even find out he's
a world-famous circus acrobat,

and that I've been given
a genetic predisposition
to do triple somersaults.

All right, that's
just an example.

I just need to feel

twenty for a few days.

To look at the world
like I don't live
in a three bedroom house

with a grand piano
and a view of the bay.

Like I don't have
kind-of a husband

who goes to work every day

and comes home,
where I'm waiting.

And that's what
this trip is about?


Everything that you
think makes it foolish

is kind of the point.

It's like
I left my I.D.

You know, my passport
in the middle
of New York city,

and I have to go
and get it

and bring it back home,

so that the two of us
can go anywhere together.


I mean, that's not such
a scary thought, is it?


[indistinct chattering]

Hey. Listen, Julia,
the reason that I'm here--

If you came here to yell
at me, I was way out of line.

I know you're not trying
to put all that stuff
about your wife in my book.

I'm just... I'm really
not comfortable blaming
my parents,

I'm really not.
So, I'm sorry.

No, no, you don't
have to be.

You know, I go through
the same thing, every day.

I try to make sense
out of what she did,

and it makes me mad,
you know, it makes me
blame her for leaving.

But, I mean, how can
I not forgive her?

I have to.

You know, I miss her.

Which is just to say,

Don't be afraid to take
a look at the ways that
they might have let you down.

Because you're not
trying to blame them,

you're trying to understand.

And you can be disappointed
and still go on loving them,

Just like you did
when they were here.


Hi. You're leaving.

Yeah, yeah,
I was headed home.

Why, do you, uh...
do you need something?


Well, actually,

do you know anything about,
like, sine and cosine, and...

the other one?



If you're leaving,
though, whatever...
I can blow it off--

No, no, no.

I mean, I can...
I can take a look.

When we're done with that,
do you speak French?

'Cause, my French homework,
like, it's in French,

but it's completely
Greek to me.

Packing up
all your stuff?

Yeah, my friend Isabel said
I could crash at her place
till I find an apartment.

Does Bailey know?

Oh, believe me,
it won't be a problem
when he finds out.

Oh, I don't know.

He is so not into
this book I'm writing.

I guess.

Talk to him, Sarah,
he'll tell you.

Oh, I know.

But I also know that
nobody works harder

to keep this family

Which is exactly why he
wants me gone right now,

'cause this book, which
I am going to write
no matter what he think.

Why do you think
that's true, though?

Why do you think he cares
about you guys so much?

It's because Bailey
needs stuff around him
that doesn't change.

Which is why he lives
in this house still,

and let's face it,

why he proposed.

And why you should stay.

He really needs
you guys around, Julia.

He really needs
you around.

Boy, between the two of us,
we have about 100 kids.

I mean, with my clinic.

My students. Diana.

Her mother.


It feels good,
though, actually.

Don't you think?

Ask me when my feet
stop throbbing.

You know what's weird,
though, Charlie?

I've spent so much time

believing I'd never
have kids

of my own, I mean.

I've basically just
learned to accept that.


You know, first with
my medical problems,

then marrying someone
who didn't want kids.

But the truth is,

maybe I could.

I don't have
to accept that.

-Kirsten, what are you--
-I love all of the kids

that we have in our lives,
Charlie, I do.

But I've been
thinking, and...

and really it just doesn't
compare to the feeling
of having our own.

Our own?

You mean...

You mean, like,
by adopting?

I don't know.

I don't know, but just
saying the words now.

The concept of having
a baby with you.

I want that.

I want that so badly.


Just the idea of it,

Okay, I'm gonna put
the milk in now, and if
you keep stirring,

you'll get all
the lumps out, okay?

There you go.

Okay, we're headed
to the airport.

I'll see you guys
in a couple hours,
all right?

Okay, Bailey, before you go,
I might miss you tomorrow,

so I just wanted to tell
you that I've decided
I'm not gonna move.

I'm not gonna
find my own place.



I am still gonna
write this book, though,

and I want you to know
that if you think this is
easy for me,

asking all these questions
about Mom and Dad,

you're so wrong.

But I also...
doing this, letting them
be something else,

it actually makes me
feel closer to them.

Like, maybe
I know them better.

Like now, they can
actually be who they were,

not who I want
them to be.

Anyway, that's what
I wanted to say.

That's all.

I'm glad you're
staying, Jule.

I really am.

[indistinct chattering]

[woman on PA] Now boarding
rows 30 through 40

on Flight 425 to New York's
Kennedy airport.

That's me.

Uh, I should probably...


[indistinct chattering]

I understand
why you're going.

-Bailey, you don't have to--
-No, I really do.

But even if I didn't,
you want this,

and I would never stand
in the way of something
that you wanted, ever.

You know what, why don't
you come with me?

The flight's not full.

I can't.

I can't, I've got Owen
at home, and the restaurant.


you need to take
this trip alone. I mean, that's part
of the point, right?

Say hello to your
father for me.

Hey, hey, no.

Don't you be sad.

You should smile.


You show that
to your father.

If there's a heart
in the man's chest,
you will own it.

Believe me.

[woman on PA] This is
the final boarding call
all rows on Flight 425

to New York's
Kennedy airport.

All right.

It's only five days,
and I will call you
every minute till then.

You find what you're
looking for, Sarah.

Whatever it takes.
I'll be right here.

I love you,
you know that.

I know it.

I love you, too.