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04x09 - Wizards vs. Angels

Posted: 03/12/22 08:41
by bunniefuu
Delivery day is the worst.

It takes so long for you to lug
everything inside while I stand guard.

You know, I can't imagine

why you would give yourself
such a tough job.

Yep, it's pretty grueling.
I'm not gonna lie.

Ah, brain freeze!


Oh, here come the lovebirds.

Oh, my gosh!
I can't believe it.

Did you just see Justin take those flowers?

I don't know what he was thinking.

He's allergic to flowers.
He's gonna lean in for a kiss,

and then sneeze and give her a headbutt.


I saw you take those flowers
without paying for them.

You've never stolen anything in your life.

Correction, he's stolen my heart.

Yeah, so stay out of it...



What's going on?

Eh... I don't want
to tattle.

Harper, you tell dad that
Justin just stole those flowers

to give to Rosie.

I wanted to tattle.


That doesn't sound like you, Justin.

You won't even use
the bathrooms at our restaurant

unless you buy something first.

Oh, big deal, I stole something
that grows out of the ground.

Come on, Rosie. It's just
no more fun. Let's bounce.

See, dad?
He's acting weird.

And Rosie's an angel.

It doesn't make sense.

Just being around her, he
should be influenced to do good.

Maybe you should find out what's going on.

And how am I gonna do that?

I don't know. Maybe you should
talk to some guardian angels.

Come on, dad, how am I
gonna find an entrance

to the angel world?
They're hidden.

Yeah, but they're always near something

that has to do with angels.

Mysterious, yet obvious.
I am on it.

Come on, Harper.

These boxes aren't gonna
move inside by themselves.

I'm gonna sit guard.

Brain freeze!

♪ Everything... ♪

♪ is not... ♪

♪ What it seems ♪


♪ Well, you know everything's gonna be a breeze ♪

♪ And the end will no doubt justify the means ♪

♪ You can fix any problem with the slightest of ease ♪

♪ Yes, please ♪

♪ But you might find out it'll go to your head ♪

♪ When you write a report on a book you never read ♪

♪ With the snap of your fingers you can make your bed ♪

♪ That's what I said ♪

♪ Everything is not what it seems ♪

♪ When you can get all you wanted in your wildest dreams ♪

♪ You might run into trouble if you go to extremes ♪

♪ Because everything is not what it seems ♪

♪ Be careful not to mess with the balance of things ♪

♪ Because everything is not ♪

♪ What it seems ♪

That was Mr. Laritate.

He wants to know when Max
is returning to school.

How are we gonna send Max
to school if he's still Maxine?

Does he really need to go?

Okay, one BLT coming up.

Hey, Mom, how do you spell BLT?

Yeah, he needs to go to school.

Hallelujah Angel Food Cake Company.

All right, here it is.



Uh, what are you doing?

Uh, official...

Brick checker.

So, everything seems to be in order.

You're worried about somebody, huh?

What? No.

Yes, you are.

And it's your brother.

How do you know that?

I can feel it.

Who are you?

I'm Tina, a guardian angel in training.

And I know you're a wizard.

You can feel that, too?

No, I can see your wand
sticking out of your boot.

You know, I'm surprised
more people don't notice that.

I really am.

All right, Tina, can you show me

where the Guardian Angel
Dispatch Center is?

Can I?
I would love to!

Oh, I finally get to help somebody.

Usually people don't let me help
because they say I'm too young, and...


I guess I should've started
with "I'm in a hurry."

Oh, yeah, sorry.

This just really means a lot to me.

And the door is right here.

Oh. It's kinda bright.

Not very subtle for a hidden location.

You couldn't find it.

That is a good point.


Well, we have to hurry up,

'cause the light attracts moths,
so just squint and run.

No, I don't run.

So, this is where all the calls come in

and guardian angels are
dispatched to help people

all over the world.

And these are the poles they slide down.

Ooh, that is the moral compass,

and this is our air hockey table.

Oh, my gosh.
Air hockey.

If I so wasn't into helping my brother

I'd wipe the table with these guys.

All right, so what's this
moral compass thingy do?

It looks like a grown-up clock.

You know, the ones without the numbers.

Well, when it's pointed to "good,"

it gives guardian angels
the power to help people

make good choices.

What if it's
pointed to "bad?"

Well, that could only happen if
the angels of darkness take over.

Then everyone everywhere would
act terrible to each other.

Man, that's a scary thought.
Whoo, did you get a shiver?

Hey, Tina.
Did you just go outside

and sniff out somebody in trouble?

Yeah, I sure did!

I'm impressed with your enthusiasm,

but I'm a little tired
of asking you time and time

and time and time and time and
time again to stop doing that.

Oh, hold on.

Guardian angel dispatch.
What's the trouble?


Angel , see the boy
about to give a wedgie.

Hey, let me take that one.

It'll help me get my wings.

Come on. Please?
Please? Please?

Tina, you know what happens to angels

who get their wings before they're ready?

I don't know.

Because nobody gets their wings
before they're ready.

Look, I'm sorry to interrupt,

but my brother is suddenly acting bad.

And the weird part is that
his girlfriend is an angel.

I mean, shouldn't she be steering
him to make good choices?

Well, that's what angels do

when they're not out looking for trouble.

How about I dispatch a guardian angel

to check on your brother?
Yes, please, thank you.

Monty, you're up.

Thanks, Monty.

Oh, he's kind of cute.

All right, well, thanks little

Good luck getting
your wings. I'm out.

Wait, I can help more.
Just let me come with you.

Please? Please? Please?

No. No. No.

I think I just made a new friend.

So, you see, the reason
Max isn't here is because

he's participating in the Russo
cousin exchange program.

We've been doing it for
generations, right, Jerry?

So, you exchanged Max,

but you didn't exchange Alex?

Feels like a lost opportunity.

We just talked to Max,

and he is having a great time

on the Russo farm in...

Fargo, north Dakota.

And little Maxine here, she can't wait

to live the life of a big city gal.

Isn't that right, Maxine?

That's right, aunt.

Well, it's a pleasure to have
another odd Russo kid

running around the place.

Welcome to the fourth grade, little Lassie.

Will I have to have
Mrs. Bialato again?

Whoa, ho, ho.

Carry that back to old Virginny.

How do you know
about Mrs. Bialato

if you're from north Dakota?

Because... because

there is a Miss Bialato in every school.

Right? Huh?

You know what I'm sayin'.

Please say you know what I'm sayin'.

Ah, you mean the kind of teacher

who gives certain glances
and giggles at all your jokes.

But then you realize it's
only at teacher review time.

Then after she gets her good review,

all she does is bark at you
about the broken copier?

Yeah, I get that.

Hey, it's eddy g.
And the guys.

What's up, guys?

Wanna play some zombie circus
later and own some noobs?


Max, those are your old friends.

You have to try to fit in with
the girls in the fourth grade.

How am I supposed to do that?

I don't know one fourth grade
girl who can own a noob.

Hey, guys.
Oh, Harper.

Can you help Max fit in?

Oh, sure. OK.

The key to fitting in
is to never stand out.

Don't draw attention to yourself.

Don't sit next to Harper
at lunch and you'll be fine.


Hey, Maxine, what are you doing for lunch?

What took you so long?

Usually when I ditch people,
their feelings get hurt

and they don't try to find me, OK?

That's the beauty of the ditch.

But the more people I help,

the closer I get to getting my wings.

Come on, give me a chance.

Please? Please? Please?

You're not gonna give up, are you?

I like you.

I like you, too.

Hmm. That's unnecessary.

Ooh, here they come.

Rip torn, rip Taylor, rip bag.


That's the meanest thing
I've ever seen Justin do.

Where's the guardian angel they sent him?

Oh, my gosh.
That's Rosie.

Wait, wait.
How do you know her?

She was my teacher when she was
a guardian angel. What do

what do you mean "was?"

Rosie's an angel of darkness now.


That's why Justin's acting bad.

Rosie's changing him.

You know
what I say to that? Yes!


Go away, we're busy.

You're not too busy for this.

Rosie's an angel of darkness.

She's been deceiving you.

Hello, Tina.

Hi, Rosie.

You know her?

Tina was one of my guardian angel students.

I see you haven't gotten your wings yet.

No, but I will.

Even if I don't have a teacher anymore.

Why don't you tell my brother
what you really are?

What is she talking about?

Justin, um...

I wanted to wait and tell you
until the time was right.

I'm not the kind of angel you think I am.

But that doesn't mean that I
don't still care for you.

I hope that you'll still care for me.

I made my wings white around
you, so you wouldn't judge me.

Well, he judges you now!

Because you've done nothing
but make him act bad.

So why don't you get to flappin'
those grungy lookin' wings,

right back to...

Where do angels of darkness live?

The dark realm.
The dark realm.

Fine. If that's what
Justin wants.

I don't think that's
a good-bye hug.

Justin, keep up.

She's an angel of dark-ness.

Rosie, I don't care what
kind of angel you are.

As long as we're together.

That makes me feel so good.

Or should I say bad.

Justin, stop it!

Can't you see what she's doing to you?

She's influencing you.
You're not yourself.

Rosie, why are you doing
this to these people?

Why don't you just leave
them alone and come back

and be my guardian angel teacher again?

It's too late for that
now, Tina. Now go away.

Come on, Justin.

It's time for us to do
something really fun.

Or should we say "bad."

I just used that one, sweetie.

But I stole it from you.

Just like I stole this money.

We are terrible!

Let's go.

I can't believe this.

Where is Justin's guardian angel?

He's supposed to be protecting him.

I don't know.

But I do know how to find out.

You see, some day I'll get my wings

and I'll really be able to fly

instead of making that weird
flying noise with my mouth.

Hey, everybody.
How was your day?

Because mine stunk.

Ew. Whatever mom's cooking
does too.

Hey. I was gonna ask you
how many new friends you made

over dinner, but now
you're not getting any.

Max didn't make any friends.

I told him to zero in on one friend,

and then eventually move in
with her family.

I heard that works.

I don't want new friends.
I want my old friends.

But when I tried to talk to them

they told me they'd meet me
at the jungle gym.

But they never showed up.

I hung upside down for
an hour waiting for them.

Don't worry.
Everything will be fine.

I figured out a great way for
Max to meet tons of new friends.

Are you ready?

A slumber party!

Harper, honey...

We don't want to say that's a bad idea,

but it's just...
No, Theresa.

I think we do want to say
that's a bad idea.

What is so bad about a slumber party?

It's what every girl dreams of.

And if they never experience one,

they go through life never knowing the joys

of friendships cemented
with all night giggling,

secrets, popcorn, singing, texting,

movies, games, pillow fights...


You never had a slumber party, have you?

How'd you know?

Can we have a slumber party
for Max anyway? Please?

I don't think so, Harper.

Then we have a little problem.

An old brick wall in a dirty alley.

This is the kind of place
where bad things happen.

I love it!

What are we doing?

There's an angel door here

that leads to the guardian
angel dispatch center.

That's where they keep the moral compass.

An angel of darkness like me can't go in,

so I want you to get it for me.

The moral compass?
I've heard of it.


Yes, there's this very powerful
leader of the dark realm

who wants that moral compass
more than anything.

If you can use your magic,
then we can get it

and take it to him.
And then he'll let us

stay together in
the dark realm... forever.

Together forever?

Show me the door.

Right this way.

Whoa, that is bright.
They need a dimmer.

OK, adjust, adjust.

I'm good.

Lisa, you're up.

See the girl about to spit
chocolate milk at her brother.

Excuse me,
official-looking angel.

Oh, hello.

Did Tina bring you in here,

because she's really
not supposed to do that.


Is that the mighty instrument
used to influence good or bad

throughout all worlds in the universe,

also known as the moral compass?

Yes. Why are you asking?

Because I'm gonna steal it.

Is it heavy, because I get back spasms.

You know what's good for back spasms?

If you stretch like this.

Whoever felt it, melt it.

He's working for the angels of darkness!

Protect the compass!

Without wands or cloaks,
you all turn to slow pokes.

Sorry, angels.

I think I'm gonna get it first.


It's not there, angels, 'cause I've got it.

OK, so guess what this is.

Oh, and don't say "halo," because
then the game will be too short.

Bath towel ring.

No, it's a halo!

I borrowed it from a friend, and
guess what you can do with it?

Oh, and don't say
"see angels."

Uh, see angels?

Sorry, I was tired of playing the game.

Oh, me too.
The thing is,

angels are invisible,
unless they want to be seen.

So, this is how we're gonna
find Justin's guardian angel.


My gosh, they're everywhere.

Yep. We're everywhere.

Except bathrooms, because our wings
can't usually fit in the stalls.

Oh, no.
There's Justin's angel.

Monty. The cute one.


Thanks, Tina.

What happened, Monty?
Who did this to you?

It was Rosie.
Your old teacher.

As soon as I got here to
look after Justin Russo,

she came up behind me and,
well, you can see the rest.

What does she want with Justin?

Why is she steering him to the bad side?

I don't know.
All I could get

is this piece of paper I snatched
from her before she left,

but it's confusing.

"Rosie's angel of darkness to do list."

One: Take Justin Russo
to angel club.

Two: Shampoo wings.

"Three: Get Justin to steal
moral compass."

And what part of this was confusing?

You are no longer cute to me.

Left hand, balloon.

All right!
I can do it.

I can do it. Yeah!

Spin again! Whoo!

Harper, when are we gonna get to play?

When I fall down.

Listen, break up your
stupid slumber party now,

before I call the cops.

Cops aren't going to
break up a slumber party.

Oh, they will if rattlesnakes

start crawling out of people's underwear.


Don't you ruin my slumber party.

I'll crush you.

I want to go home.

No! No, no, no.

No one's going home.

We're having fun.
You hear me? Fun!


Everything's fine, 'cause it's time for...

A dance party!
Whoo, yeah!

Dance, everybody, dance!

Master Gorog.
We have succeeded.

And where is the mighty wizard

that we have chosen to fulfill the
dream we've carried for ages?

Whoa, this is so cool!

We... we were...

We... were...
We were just down there,

and now we're way up...



The moral compass.

My brothers and sisters of darkness,

we now have the power
to influence all mortals

to make the darkest of choices!

This fine, corrupt wizard

has brought us the dawn of a dark new day!

You're welcome.
All of you. Mm-hmm.

Excuse me, your majesty,

greatness, highness, badness.

I did a very, very bad thing for you.

Don't you think I deserve something,

like my own wings?
Justin, be careful.

No, I want wings.

Vanity and greed set in.

Wings? Sure.
Why not?

How about an evil clap of thunder?

How about...
Do not ask for more.

Enjoy your wings, fallen wizard,

as we cast our shadow on earth.


Hey, think I can get one of
those glowy-hand thingys?

I said no more.

I'm sorry, but the sandwich
was a little dry.

Oh, no, I'm sorry, sir, that
you didn't enjoy your sandwich.

So, you think you can make
a better one, you jerk?!

Yeah. Anybody can put
cardboard between bread!

Hey, wait.
Let me lube it up for ya.


Oh, that's hilarious.

That is not hilarious.
That's mean.

Alex, stay focused.
We need to find your brother

before Rosie gets him
to steal the moral compass.

I don't care about my brother anymore.

Hey, why don't we plop down
with a bag of something fried

and watch people on the Internet
pretend they can sing.

Oh, no!

You're acting bad, and
your parents are acting bad.

This can only mean one thing.

Justin already got the moral
compass to the angels of darkness

and they've changed it from good to bad.

I'm not turning bad, you little twerp.

Alex, listen to me.

You're being influenced by dark forces.

You have to fight it, so we
can save your brother Justin

from the dark realm.

You know what, I am tired of you

yakking in my ear all day long,

with your perky little voice, OK?

There's no point in trying to help Justin,

or anybody in this
dark world now, so just go.

Alex, no.

Just do that annoying flapping
thing with your mouth and go.

Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

Come on, Maxine.
Everyone else did it.

Pretend it's Zac Efron and kiss the pillow!

No, wait.
I've got a better idea.

Punch Zac Efron!

Punch! Punch! Punch!
Punch! Punch! Punch!

This slumber party is lame.

I don't want to hang out
with these squealing girls.

I want to hang out with guys my age.

News flash: This slumber party
was really for me.

So, why don't you go hang out in the
kitchen with the rest of the dips.

Punch! Punch! Punch!
Punch! Punch! Punch!

That's it.

Stop these cries, turn
these girls into older guys.

Hey, they're supposed to be ninth graders,

not one-hundredth graders.

You turned my slumber party
into an old fogey fest.

Well, I'm not gonna let anything ruin it.

Which one of you geezers
wants to braid my hair?

All right.

So, my bad brother,
what's on the agenda? Hmm?

Steal? Lie?

Spit off the roof?

A little dry.
Why don't you go first.

Your wizard is...

Yes, very interesting.

And cute.

I meant interesting
as in "strange."

Nonetheless, you've done well.

You shall be rewarded.

You can be the one who decides
how he will be destroyed.

What do you mean?

That was never part of the plan.

Of course it was.
He's an outsider.

But he brought you
the compass as you asked.

Just let him go.

Let him go?

Is that sympathy?

You're not becoming weak, are you?

Like the guardian angel you once were?


You are an angel of darkness.

Do not betray me!

My, Rosie.

I haven't even thanked you for showing me

the evil of my good ways.

Does that make sense?
I think it does.

Justin, we have to get out of here now.



I care about you.

But we can just stay here
forever, just like you said.

Justin, we have to leave now

because Gorog is going to destroy you.

Gorog won't destroy me.
He needs me.

No, he's used you and now he's done.

Please, let's go.

I'm never going back.

I'm no longer a wizard.

I'm an angel of darkness.

Thanks to you, I now know where I belong.

What have I done?

Shh, shh!

Alex, I need your help.

Whatever it is, I don't have time.

I have a slumber party to go to.

This bag of angry badgers
and six obnoxious little girls

are about to have a screaming contest.

Alex, your brother is being held by Gorog.



That sounds like a boost
you put in your smoothie.

"Excuse me, I'll have the strawberry dazzle

with a vitamin C
and a shot of Gorog."

I'm funny.

Alex, Gorog is the leader
of all the angels of darkness.

He's going to destroy your brother.

Then why did you bring Justin to him?

I didn't know this was gonna happen.
I was tricked, too, Alex.

Oh, you'll have to do
so much better than that

if you want to out-lie a liar.

No, Alex, I'm telling
the truth. I promise. Please.

This was all Gorog's plan,
and I followed it,

but I never expected to
fall in love with Justin.

Hold on. Are you...
Are you crying?

I thought you were an angel of darkness.

You're starting to sound good.

Well, I guess that's what
falling in love does to you.

Alex, please.
There isn't much time, OK?

Do the right thing for your brother.

I know there's still some good left in you.

No, there isn't. Wait.

There it is.
A little piece of good.

Darn it!
Here, hold this.

Oh, no. Alex!

Hey! Guardian angels!
Come on!

I need your help. You have
to help me save my brother!

Come on! Break time's over.
What's going on?

Calling all angels.

We've got some dark realm butt to kick.

OK, who else really likes hearing the
word "butt" over the loudspeaker?

Uh, butt!

OK, no, come on, come on!

You're too late.

The moral compass has been set to bad,

so guardian angels are powerless.

I can't even scratch my own
wings. Can you get it, dear?

Where's Tina?

She went to the dark realm
to get the moral compass

and help your brother.

She went by herself?

She's not gonna stand a chance.

Then, I guess it's on me.

Tina's got some back-up coming.

Oh, wait, wait!

Wizard powers are weak in the dark realm.

If you have any chance
of saving your brother,

you'll need wings.

We keep an extra pair
in case of an emergency.

Oh, my gosh! Awesome!

What do these do?

Do they sh**t like, lasers and stuff?

No, they're just wings.

You'll need them to get to the dark realm.

Oh. OK.

You know what's good for
emergencies? Lasers.

You know what's not?

Well, I'll still look cute anyway.

So, Gorog.

Now that I've broken my wand,

that's proof that I'm
totally committed to you.

Is there an angel of darkness handbook?

Because I'm not quite sure
if my shirt should be tucked,

or untucked. I mean,
untucked does seem badder,

but I can see that you're tucked.

What's going on?

Oh, you'll soon see.

You brought me the moral
compass, so I'm done with you.

No, no, no, Gorog!
Wait, please! Listen to me!

No need to be afraid of
heights, if you're an angel.

Of course, if you're
an angel with no wings,

then you have a problem.

No, no, no!
Not my wings!

How can you do this?
I brought you everything you wanted.


Leave Justin alone and give us
back the moral compass.

It's ours.

OK. You can laugh now,

because I'm about to make all y'all cry.

Gorog, let me dispose of this
pest and prove my loyalty to you.

And if you let me live, I swear I'll
always guard the moral compass.


Yes. I can see the
possible value in that.

An angel of darkness committed to keeping

the moral compass in the dark realm.


Wait! No, Justin,
I'm here to save you.

Maybe you should be saving yourself.

Let her go!

Where are the brakes on these things?!

To your right!

I know it doesn't look like it,
but I'm here to help you.


Let him prove himself.

Justin, you're not an angel of darkness.

You're a wizard, a good wizard.

You know in your heart
you don't belong here.

And neither does that moral compass.

I'm not leaving.

Justin, please.

Well, then I'm gonna
take this back with me.

No! Give it!

Turn the arrow around!
Turn the arrow!


OK, grandpa.
It's your turn to kiss Zac Efron.

Jerry, what's going on in here?!

Hey, everybody, stop!
Right now!

Give us those pillows!

Justin, you're breaking it!
No, I'm not. You are.

No, look, you're cracking it.

Stop her!

Don't you mess with the wizard!

Give that back to me.

What? My wand!


No more!

I'm sorry I did this for you!

Angels of darkness never feel sorry.

She does now!

Oh, dear. What a mess.

Oh, mom.
I'm really sorry.

I promise I'll pay for a new
pillow with my allowance.

What happened to the little
girls from the slumber party?

I got mad and turned them
into old guys. Sorry.

That's all right. I'm sure
it was an accident.

Just turn them back into little girls

and I'm sure everything will be all right.

Or, we could turn them into something else.

Like fruit.


I'll make them into one of
my signature fruit hats.

The fruit flies ate my last one.

Turn them into talking fruit.

I want to hear them beg me not to eat 'em.

Fruity pa-tootie.

I want to go home!

This party stinks.

Let it go!

Hold on, Alex! I'll take
Justin down with the halo.

He threw it.

Give it to me! Stop it!

I'm serious, give me the compass, Alex!

Give it here!



I've got it.

No, I've got it.

Now, give me that moral compass

or you'll never see her again.

Not if I turn it to good.

My allegiance lies with Gorog.

The dark realm prevails!

Justin, don't!

Justin, I'm so, so sorry for
everything that's happened.

I pretended to fall in love with you

to carry out Gorog's plan,
but along the way,

you touched my heart
and you made that love real.

You love me?

Justin, give it to me.

Take this to the guardian
angels. I'll be fine.




You have betrayed me,

and forsaken the dark realm.

Get out!

I'm gonna go to, if that's OK with you.

I'm sorry. It's hard
to have a soft landing

with a broken wand.

Look, Justin.

I totally deceived you

and I don't even deserve
to be here with you right now,

but if you can forgive me,

I'd love for us to start all over.

Of course I forgive you.

Oh, I'm so glad.

But we can't be together.

What? Why?

Rosie, everything we've been through

has made me realize something.

The world is a fragile place.

It's always teetering between good and bad.

Look how easy it was for me
to forget what's right.

Of course I want to be with you.

But the world needs another
guardian angel more.

You are such a good person.

But Justin, I don't think I have what
it takes to be a guardian angel again.

Hey, you saved me.

When the whole world turned bad,
you stayed good.

Because of you.

Rosie, I will miss you.

I'll miss you, too.

Hey, do me a favor.
Every once in awhile,

do something a little bit bad
so I have reason to come visit.



Sorry. It felt like
the right time to sing that.

Alex and Tina,

you went where no guardian
angel dared to go,

and returned the compass
to its rightful place,

saving the world from an
indefinite age of darkness.

For this incredible bravery, Alex,

you can keep the wings we gave you.

Oh. Um, good,

because I don't think you're
gonna want these back.

Now, Tina, for your part,

I hereby promote you to
official guardian angel.

And there's someone here who
wants to congratulate you.

Rosie, you're back!

My wings!

Congratulations, Tina!

They smell brand new!

Can my first assignment be
to watch over Alex Russo?

No, no. I will be good.

I promise, OK?

This is the first time I've
ever said that and meant it.

Don't follow.

Excuse me.

Guardian angel dispatch.

She's done something bad already?!

All right, Tina.
You're up.


Excuse me! Pardon me,
excuse me!


What are you doing
still up? It's late.

I stayed up because I owe you something.

I found it in Washington square park.

A two-headed dog had it.

I'm pretty sure he didn't
start out that way.

Thank you.

What about your wand?

I, uh...

I'll find a spell to fix it.

And I owe you something else.

Thank you for saving me.

It's for all the times that you saved me

when I wasn't so good.

And for a couple more times
in the future, so we're even.

No, we're not.

You saved the world today.

You gave up a girl to protect it.

Why do we have to keep
dealing with stuff like this?

We're wizards.

I don't think we have a choice.

Knock knock.
Who's there?

Apple. Knock knock.

Who's there?
Apple. Knock knock.

Who's there?

Lemon who?

Lemon-know if you want me
to say apple again.

See, Alex, I told you.

All they do is tell bad food jokes

I am getting the blender.

Oh wait wait wait wait wait. I got another one.

It better be funny.

Knock knock.