01x09 - Geek Like Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". Aired: September 27, 1996 – April 24, 2003.*
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Based off the comic book series, Sabrina a magical witch and her black talking cat Salem navigate the teenage years together.
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01x09 - Geek Like Me

Post by bunniefuu »

And we are definitely...


...getting rid of this.

My cuirass. Ugh.
Where did you find it?

You can't throw that away.

Oh, give me a break, Hilda.

You haven't used your cuirass
for centuries.

Oh, I was waiting for it
to come back into style.


And when were you
going to use this?

Oh, my mace.

Oh, remember the good times?


Only you would be nostalgic
for the Dark Ages.

I never wanna trip over this again.

My cannon.

Why would you wanna keep an
instrument of destruction

- in the house?
- Sentimental reasons?

We don't have room for all this junk.

Junk? You call this junk?

Put the mace down.

All right, I'll make you a deal.
You have a week.

If you use these things, you can
keep them. If not, they go.

Fine, I accept,
because it just so happens

that you've selected three items
that are very useful to me.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to put my cannon away.

Okay, okay, I'll clean my room.

See, I told you it was useful.

Be cool, daddy-o.

And the best way to remember it
is mandible has a B,

and that stands for bottom.

But how do we remember maxilla?

It's the other one.


Oh, wait, wait, wait.

Before you bolt, Gordie
has a very important announcement

that just might change your lives.
Take it away.

- Okay, in , Galileo began--
- Make it quick, Gordie.

Jumping to the end
of the millennium,

the Science Club will be meeting
every day after school

to celebrate National Science Week.

- You mean National Geek Week.
- Heh.

We hope you'll all join us.
Any questions?

Yeah. Can we get out of here?

Sure. Oh, sign up early, win a ham.

It's a tough room, Gordie.
Believe me, I know.


Hey, Gordie, why don't you come up
with a scientific explanation

for why you're such a loser?


Zit master.


Poor, Gordie.
I feel so bad for him.

Well, he needs to be more in touch
with his audience.

No one knows or cares
what Galileo did in .

He entered the University of Pisa.

Sabrina, I didn't know
you were a geek.

I'm not, I just like science.
Does that make me a geek?

No, I guess not.

I'm even thinking about going by
the Science Club after school.

- Okay, now that could be a problem.
- Why?

Because this is high school.

If you show passion or enthusiasm
for anything, you're doomed.

You might as well be wearing
a big "kick me" sign.

Hey, Harvey. Help us out.

- Sabrina's got a problem.
- What's up?

Well, I was thinking of joining
the Science Club.

Really? I didn't know you were a geek.

I'm not. That's the problem.
I'm afraid everyone will think I am.

Well, they will.

I explained that we can't change
the whole system just for her.

Well, why does everyone have to be
stuffed in a category? I don't get it.

Look, the cheerleaders
only eat with the cheerleaders.

The geeks only eat with the geeks.
I just don't want to be labelled.

You have no choice. You have
a grace period as a new student,

but pretty soon,
you're gonna be stereotyped.

Well, what are you guys?

Well, I'm a quasi-jock with semi-literary
aspirations and a hint of nihilism.

If only it were that simple for me.
Jenny, what are you?

I tried to be an outsider,
but I didn't really fit in.

Now Libby calls me a freak,
and I'm okay with that.

Well, why can't I just be me?

That's a pretty small group.

We've got spirit.

Let's hear it. Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

I think we should take her advice
and just go.

It's Spirit Week at Westbridge.

We're playing Eastbridge
this weekend, and we're number one.

GIRLS: Whoo!
- Yeah, at turnovers and penalties.

We'll be wearing our uniforms
every day this week,

and leading cheers at lunch
reminding you to support our team.

- Ready?
GIRLS: Okay.

East meets west,
and we know who's the best.


I don't get it.
I mean, to me, that looks geeky.

How can she do that
and still be so popular?

Libby's not popular. She's powerful.

- Well, how did she get the power?
- She seiZed it.

And as long as there are people
backing her up, she'll keep it.

It's all very Stalin.

I don't know what you guys
are talking about.

Libby's always been nice to me.

I'm going to get more Tater Tots.

- I'll go with you.
- Okay.

See you tomorrow.

We're number one.


Watch where you're going, geek.

You got my uniform wet.

- I'm sorry.
- You are so transferred.

Libby, lay off him.
It was an accident.

It's just like a freak to defend a geek.

Maybe the two of you
can get weekend jobs at the carnival.

- Hi, Harvey.
- Hi.

See, she's nice.

Sabrina, I thought you were
going to Science Club.

I am. In a minute,

per our previous discussion.

Got it. Later.

Well, this is a delightful turnout. Five,

same as last year,
which means none of you

were k*lled at summer camp.

Ahem. Okay.

See Sherman's sporting a new look.
Did you get contacts?

No, someone stole my glasses.

All right.
Well, let's begin by discussing

the biggest science breakthrough
in recent months.

The possible evidence of life on Mars.

What does this discovery mean to us?

It means that the government's
been covering this up for years,

and that Scully and Mulder are right.

- The truth is out there.
ALL: Yeah. Yeah.

All right, calm down. Calm down.

Look, how many times
do we have to go over this?

The X-Files is fiction.

Scully and Mulder
are played by actors.


Now, come on, don't get upset.

Hi, is this Science Club?

Did you leave something
in your desk, Sabrina?

No, I was thinking of joining.
Unless you're all filled up.

Not at all. Everyone's welcome.
Have a seat.

There's a girl in Science Club.
Don't panic.

Hey, how's it going?


I never knew a pickle
could be used as a light bulb.

They're super versatile.

Bye, guys. See you later.

What are you doing here so late?

Was there a meeting
of the Freak Society?

- Libby, why don't you just--?
- Great having you in Science Club.

Don't forget to bring
your rock tumbler tomorrow.

You went to Science Club?


That is too perfect.

You're a geek in freak's clothing.

I am not a geek.

That doesn't prove anything.

Here. Let me help you.

See you later, geek.




it still fits. And it's great
for lounging around the house.

- That doesn't count as a use.
- Why not?

No one wears metal
after Labour Day.

Aunt Hilda, what's the range
on your cannon?

I'll get it. We'll find out.

Hilda, will you please sit down?

Sabrina, a cannon is not a solution
for a land-based problem.


What's going on?

Libby caught me
coming out of Science Club.

You went to Science Club?
Oh, that's wonderful.

No, it's not. Now Libby
thinks I'm a complete geek.

I knew this would happen.
It's Zelda's influence.

I begged you to watch TV
with me so you'd be normal.

Oh, be quiet.

Hey, it's dark in here.

Now, it shouldn't bother you
what Libby says.

It shouldn't but it does.

I wanna use my magic
to teach Libby a lesson.

That sounds very constructive.

I'm gonna give her a snout.

Oh. Good idea.

You need to talk to my friend Cicero.
He's an expert on these matters.

ZELDA: Come on, we'll look him up
in the book.

- Are you coming, Hilda?
- Yes.

No, I can't.

My outfit's too heavy.

But it's very useful.

See, when you said,

"Look him up in the book,"
I thought you meant phone book.

No, magic book.

Cicero is figure A.

He's one of the ancient geeks.

Oh, there he is. Hello, Cicero.

There's a girl looking at me. Mmm.

Don't panic.

Ask him what he'd do.
He's very knowledgeable.

His was the first recorded wedgie.

Hey, Cicero.
I'm Sabrina, and I have a question.

Ask away, but make it quick.

If the centurions catch me here,

it's a guaranteed swirly
in the aqueduct.

Okay. See, there's this girl
in my school,

and she keeps calling me a geek,
and I really don't like it.

I suggest that you ignore her.
Okay? Bye-bye.

No, wait. I can't ignore her. No one
can ignore her. You've gotta help.

Well, there are two ways
to teach her a lesson.

The first is to just give her a snout.

- I knew it.
- What's the second?

Give her a taste of her own medicine.

Turn her into a geek.

She'll see how it feels, and she'll learn
that it's what's inside that really counts.

But how can I do that?

A simple spell. Just point.

Like this?

Well, actually, you just have to point.
My glasses were slipping. Heh.

Thanks, Cicero.
You've been a big help.


Nice move, four eyes.

- Hi, Libby.
- Are you okay?

Oh, my eyeballs just started itching.

It must be my contacts.
I'll be right back.

Libby wears contacts?


Much better.

- Oh, my God.
- What happened to you?

You look totally weird.

I took my contacts out.

But what did you do to your hair?

Well, I ran my fingers through it
a couple times.

Doesn't it look shiny?

- More like greasy.
- What's with the uniform?

I was cold, so I pulled up my socks.

- It's function over fashion.
- Since when?


The bell.
We'll be late for class.

We're always late for class.
That's what we do.

But we might miss something
that's on a test.

Come on.

What are you looking at?

Hey, Harvey, Jenny, over here.

- You look happy.
- What's going on?

Oh, just a new world order,
and butterscotch pudding.

Oh, boy, butterscotch pudding.

Hair check.
Matt Sabetti's heading this way.

- Hi, girls.
- Hi.


What was that noise?


My asthma just kicked in.
I need my inhaler.

Get it later. It's time to cheer.

We've got spirit.

- Let's hear it.
- Hear it.




East meets west,

and we know who's the--

Ow! You poked me in the eye.

Emergency huddle.

Not you.

You're huddling without me?

You can't huddle without me.

You can't exclude me.

We just did.

You're sitting out Spirit Week,

You're a threat to the whole team.

But where will I go?

- Who will I sit with?
- I'm sure you'd fit in over there.


I don't think so.

Watch where you're going, geek.

Who do you think you're talking to?

Just because I wear glasses
and have asthma

and wanna do well in school,
does not mean that I'm a--


Oh, no. Oh.


There's something different
about Libby.

Did she change her hair?

Ready? Okay.

It's Spirit Week,

and Libby's now a geek.


People are laughing at Libby.

I know it's mean to say this, but yes.

Hey, she's always been nice to me.

I'm gonna go talk to her.

Well, whatever Libby's going through
doesn't involve you.

Who said it did?

It's not like I feel responsible.
I'm just a really empathetic person.

Gotta go.



I know you're in here.
I can hear you wheeZing.

- What do you want?
- I just came to talk.

Don't you mean gloat?

I can talk and gloat
at the same time.

Look, I thought
you might need a friend.

Why? Because all my other friends
dumped me?

Don't they realise that geeks
have needs and wants and feelings?

If you trip us, do we not fall?

If you prick us, do we not
scream and pass out?

- And what does that teach you?
- To hate cheerleaders.

No, it teaches you that
it's what's inside that counts.

- That's what I've learned?
- Man, I hope so.

Wait a minute, let me process this.

It's what's inside that counts.

So no matter how I look or dress,
I'm still me.

I'm still Libby Chessler. Heh.

This is very exciting.


But not over-exciting.

Let's go back to lunch.


- Can I sit here?
ALL: Huh?

Relax, I'm one of you.



What's going on?
Libby's sitting with the geeks.

See, I told you she was nice.

What did you say to her?

I just told her to be herself.

Let's talk about power.

How to get it.

How to keep it.

Hey, did you see
Xena: Warrior Princess last night?

Quiet, this is important.

- Are you catching the bus?
- No, I'm going to Science Club.

Are you sure
you wanna broadcast that?

Yeah, I do.
Today the halls are safe for geeks.

But you can't protect them
from themselves.

Hey, I brought my rock tumbler.

May we help you?

What are you doing here?

I'm the new president.

And by the way,
membership is closed.

Science Club is now limited
to six people.

That's how many can fit
in the space shuttle.

You can't do that.
Where's Mr. Pool?

I sent him for Tang
and Fig Newtons.

Besides, you don't belong here.

You're not a total geek.
Is she, guys?

No, she's not. No.

Yeah, you never
sat with us at lunch.

And what's your eyesight,


s*ab me in the back with a protractor,
why don't you?

I can't believe you guys
are siding with Libby.

She made fun of you all the time.

Yeah, but now she's our leader.

She's not my leader.

What did you say, Gordie?

I said, you're not my leader.

You're pushy and bossy,

and if Sabrina goes, I go.

- That was very brave of you, Gordie.
- Don't talk. Run.

Look, Salem. I'm tenderiZing
the beef with my mace.

It's a deadly w*apon
and a handy kitchen tool.

Oh, please.
We've all seen the infomercial.

Hi, Sabrina.

I just had a big, stinky day.

Aunt Hilda, my magic never works
the way I want it to.

Would it make you feel better
to pound some beef?


You'll be happy to know
I got kicked out of the Science Club.

How come?

Because Libby says
I'm not a total geek.

I thought you were upset yesterday
because she said you were one.

- Yes.
- There is no pleasing you.

All right, you're a little
too good at that. Heh.

- Let's take a break.
- Hey, can I lick the mace?

Oh, all right, but be careful.

Mmm. Oh!

But it's worth it.

You know, the point was
to teach Libby

that it's what's inside that counts.

But I just forgot that inside, she's just
a manipulative conniving dictator.

So are you reconsidering the snout?

No. I'm just gonna
turn her back to normal.

I think I need to pound
some more beef.

Hey, Cee Cee. Nice uniform.

What does the W stand for?

- Where's my brain?
BOTH: Ha-ha-ha.

Well, you geeks...

Hey, look at me. I'm Jill,
and I wash my hair every day.

Shields down. Direct hit.
Fire again.

Hey, how many cheerleaders
does it take to screw in a pickle?

I don't get it.

You wouldn't.


Did you see that? The cheerleaders
are being teased by the geeks.

The revolution is upon us.

I wouldn't be too sure about that.

That's funny.

My eyeballs stopped itching.

So anyway, I checked out
the Weird Al Yankovic website,

and I think I'm gonna link it
to my home page.

Hey, Libby.
Can I speak with you a moment?

Make it quick. I don't wanna
be seen talking with you.

Okay. Well, I was just wondering

if you tried doing any cheers lately?
I bet you could.

Any seal can clap.

I am a higher life form.

I never would have guessed it, but
I think Libby really likes being a geek.

Doesn't surprise me.
Libby doesn't care what group she's in.

As long as she can exclude people,
she's happy.

Jenny, I want you to come
to Science Club with me.

Sorry, I'm not into organiZed science.

- Maybe I can convince you.
- I doubt it.

Ow. I hope I didn't suffer
a haematoma.

Save it for Club. Come on.

- Hey, Harvey.
- Hey, guys. What's up?

- Wanna come to Science Club?
- No way.


Suddenly I wish I had every episode
of Mystery Science Theatre on tape.

Hurry up. We're gonna be late.

Calm down. I'll be right back.
Stay here.


For the good of mankind.

I can't look.

And the handwriting recognition
on my Newton turned it into:

"Are you afraid of the dork?"


I'll get it.


- Hello, Mr. Pool.
- Sabrina?

Let's talk Philip K. d*ck.

- Hey, you can't come in here.
- Well, of course she can.

And I brought some friends with me.
Come on, guys.


- Hey.
- Hi.


You're all here for Science Club?

Yeah, science rocks.

Well, welcome, welcome.

Oh, what a happy day.
I've touched you kids.

I'm gonna save the space programme.

Wait one nanosecond.

Science Club was supposed to be
exclusively for geeks.

It is, but now we're all geeks.


Hey, Science Club
is for everyone.

Are you kidding?

This isn't a club.

It's just a bunch of people with shared
interests hanging out together.

Well, not me.
I'm going home to wash my hair.

Wait, don't leave. You'll miss out.

The rest of us are gonna play
with really strong magnets.



Look at you. Geeked to the gills.

This is awful.

I blame myself.

No, wait. I blame Zelda.
This is all your fault.

My fault? Oh, Sabrina,
you look adorable, and so smart.

I feel smart. And you know what?
I learned something.

No matter what we're labelled,
Libby will always be Libby,

and I will always be me.

You had to become a geek
to figure that out?

Well, it's actually rather complex.
I just put it in layman's terms for you.

I have to do that all the time.

Oh, so, what are you saying,
you dumb things down for me?

- Well, C, colon, backslash: Duh.
- Would you speak English?


- How come I always figure out the tip?
- Without technology you wouldn't--

I am going to take a shower.

ZELDA: --VCR. None of it would exist
without science.


Here, let me help.

Wait a minute.

Here you go, Gordie.

You're setting me up, aren't you?

Oh, so now we're helping geeks?

I just don't feel like making fun
of him anymore.

You know, geeks are people too.

But if we can't make fun of geeks,
who will we make fun of?

Hi, Sabrina. Super-freak.

I just thought you should know

the kid next door is chucking
water balloons at our house.

Mm, I know.
Hilda already went out there.

She said she was gonna do
something about it.

He's such a little creep.
He's gonna break my window.

Arr! Prepare to be boarded, Timmy.

[expl*si*n, GLASS SHATTERS]

What was that?

Yes. I used my cannon. It stays.
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