01x03 - The True Adventures of Rudy Kazootie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". Aired: September 27, 1996 – April 24, 2003.*
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Based off the comic book series, Sabrina a magical witch and her black talking cat Salem navigate the teenage years together.
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01x03 - The True Adventures of Rudy Kazootie

Post by bunniefuu »

I need a piece of sky,
with a smidge of smoke,

and a slightly bulbous doohickey.

Here you go.

You know, it's funny.
But when you live a thousand years,

jigsaw puZZles
don't seem like such a waste of time.

Hey, I'm home.

Wow. You guys haven't moved
since I left this morning.

- Hi, Sabrina. How was school?
- Great.

Libby dropped her tray at lunch
for the third day in a row.

I'm getting really good at that.

Yes! Now you can read

There's nothing in the freeZer.
We're all out of ice cream.

Aren't you forgetting something?

I know. I'm not supposed
to eat sweets before dinner.

No. We're witches.

Dig in.

- Cool. You want some?
- Of course.

And you shouldn't eat sweets
before dinner.

I've got to get better at this magic.

Rollerblades. Why can't I find a spell
for Rollerblades?

Salem, help me.
It's like you don't care.

SALEM: Oh, I care. I care deeply
about your-- What was it?


SALEM: Did you check
under sporting goods?

"Sporting events.
To win, lose, or tie."

That's all you have to do
to influence the game? Easy.

Don't mess around with that,

unless you give me time
to call my bookie.

Here we go. "Sporting goods."
They have in-line skates.

Okay, I need an old shoebox.

"A gift from a quick-footed animal."

Ow! That wasn't a gift.

Okay, here goes.
Come on, Rollerblades.

Yes. It worked.
I made "Rollerblahs"?

Sabrina, you want breakfast?

- No, thanks. I'll be out "Rollerblahing."
- What's wrong?

SALEM: She wanted in-line skates,
but she wanted a brand name.

Oh, you can't do that.

We have strict copyright laws

ever since the ' s
when witches way overdid the Gucci.

You can still get decent knockoffs
from the Hong Kong witches.

I don't care about labels.
"Rollerblahs" aren't the same.

I mean, even the kid on the box
isn't having any fun.

Well, then there's only
one thing to do.

You'll buy me Rollerblades?

No. You'll get a job
like the rest of us.

"Babysitter needed. Triplets."

It's been up there for years.

Oh here's one.
"Earn money watching TV."

Hey, that was mine.

You've got to be more aggressive
in this job market.

Oh, here's another babysitting job,
and just one kid.

And I'm very responsible,
and I love children. I even was one.

- Tonight, can you start tonight?
- Tonight?

I guess I could.

Not so fast.
You're gonna fall down, honey.

No, this is great.
I really appreciate this.

My husband and I never get out.

Oh, I really should get to class.

Wait. Don't go, please?

I need adult conversation.
What's happening in the world?

Look, I'll see you tonight, and in the
meantime, you can watch MTV news.

Now, cells reproduce by mitosis.

Thank you for joining us,
Miss Spellman.

I was just about to tell the class
what mitosis is. Do you know?

It's a science thing?

Listen closely.
You just might learn something.

Mitosis is a process in which...

And there you have it in a Zygote.


All right, since we covered
so much material today,

I'm gonna move the test up
to tomorrow. Have fun studying.

But Mr. Pool, tonight's game four
of the World Series.

No, really?

Well, since I'll be stuck here hosting
parents' night,

I guess we'll all be missing
the series together.

Vindictive? Perhaps.
But it's what gets me through the day.

Hey, Sabrina.

My hand kind of cramped up
after "mitosis is,"

so I was wondering if maybe we could
get together and study tonight?

You and me?

That's what we means.

Yeah, sure.

Oh, wait, I can't.
I'm babysitting tonight.

But I bet you could come over.
They're desperate.

- So cool?
- Yeah, cool.


Hilda, hurry up, we've got to go.

I still don't understand

why I can't go
to parents' night with you.

Because, Salem, it's weird enough
that we're two sisters

who live together
in an old Victorian house.

If we show up with a cat,
we cross the line into Looneyville.

Zelda, feel my head.
I think I have a fever.

I can't go to school.

It's just parents' night.

But I hate school.
Oh, my stomach hurts.

Oh, grow up.
And don't try making it snow.

Hey, it just started snowing,
and it's really coming down.


Okay, okay.

It's stopped. There.
No one was hurt.


- Well, I'm off to my job.
- You're all dressed up.

Yeah, well, I wanted to make
a good impression on the baby.

And Harvey's gonna be there.

- Don't "oh." We have a study date.

HILDA: Uh-huh.
- Don't "uh-huh." We have a test.

SALEM: Uh-huh.
- Don't you start.

Look, it's no big deal.

I mean, Harvey could have asked
anyone to study with him.

Of course, he did ask me.

Gotta go.


- His "babas" are in the fridge.
- Fridge, "baba." Got it.

And I'm so sorry
there's not much food

for you and your friend Harvey
to snack on.

I'll be able to whip something up.

Let's go.

Now, if he gets fussy or anything,
just try reading him "Goodnight Moon."

And also, you'll always get
a big smile out of him,

if you call him Rudy KaZootie,
or more formally, Mr. KaZootie.

- Honey.
- Okay, there's his baby monitor.

And here are his cookies.

See why we have to get out?

We won't be late.
And you call if you need anything.

I guess you'll need this.

So, Mr. KaZootie,
what should we play first?

CraZy Eights?

- Hi, you found it.
- Yep.

Should have said it was the house
with the flying duck on the mailbox.

You really notice mailboxes,
don't you?

Yeah. So how's the babysitting?

Excellent. The baby's asleep,
so it's just the two of us.

Not that I planned it,
it's just, you know,

the baby was really tired, so--
Hey, look, they've got a TV.

Yeah, I bet the World Series
would look great on that.

But I came here to study.

Right. So let's study.

Except my notes aren't very good.

Oh, we can work off of my notes.


Mitosis is-- Mitosis is--

You know,
studying makes me hungry.

Yeah, me too.
I'll go see what I can dig up.

I found all kinds of great stuff.

It's not brand name,
but I'm sure it tastes fine.




Where do these people shop?

I don't know.
But if you're thirsty, there's "Popsi."

- Do they have Yoo-hoo?
- No, but they have "Hey, Over Here."

I think I'll just have a diet "Popsi."

- So should we get back to studying?
- Yeah.

Mitosis is--


Baby needs me. Be right back.


Rudy, it's okay.

Look, your favourite book,
"Goodnight Moon."

"Hello, moon. Goodnight, moon."
That was a good book, huh?

Come on, Rudy, be a pal.
Harvey and I have a study date.

Don't "oh" or "uh-huh."

Though, I do sort of think
he's cute and--

I don't know why I'm telling you,
but enjoy your book.

MAN [ON TV]: And another
quiet inning comes to an end.

The baby's fine.

I was just checking the score.

You're really into baseball, huh?

Yeah, but sports
aren't my only interest.

I don't tell a lot of people this,
but someday, I wanna be a dentist.

A dentist? That's great.
Who doesn't love the dentist?

And I've noticed
you have really good teeth.

- I do?
- Yeah.

But that's not a professional opinion.
It's just me.


Excuse me. I've gotta go to work.

MAN [ON TV]: And welcome back
to the World Series.

Oh, it's okay, Mr. KaZootie.
Come here. Don't be sad.

Come here. Big boys don't cry.

Come on, be a big boy.
Be a big boy. Be a big boy.

That's better.

MAN: We go to the bottom of the th,
and a yawner.

Somebody do something.

Well, the baby's got his bottle now.

Shall we get back to "mitosis is"?

Yeah, right.
I mean, the test is tomorrow.

I really gotta focus.

Mitosis is--


- What was that?
- Better go check the baby.

I'm coming, Rudy.

What happened?

Oh, my God. Rudy, is that you?


Mr. KaZootie.


What have I done?
Oh, I am in so much trouble.

- I broke the baby.
- Ba-ba.

We have to undo this. Okay.

- Pesto change-o, go back to normal
- Ba-ba.

- Go back to normal
- Ba-ba.

Oh, that's not even close.

Here's your "baba."

Oh, this is so creepy.

We've gotta get help.

- "Bankie."
- Keep "bankie" until you're dressed.

- Hey, Sabrina, you need some help?
- No, everything is fine.

Why don't you watch the game?

It's one strike from the end,

unless this guy knocks one out,
it's over.

Hey, look.

It's a home run.


Folks, we're going
into extra innings.

- You could help a little. Ow!
- Nose.

That's not helping.

Okay, there.

Now, just don't spit up
on your dad's suit jacket, okay? Go.

- Up. Up.
- You've gotta be kidding me.


I gotta get the phone.

Did she answer yet?

Am I talking?

Oh, hi, Sabrina.
Yeah, it's Jerry, Rudy's dad.

Is he okay? Ask her if he's okay.

I know what to ask. Is he okay?

Rudy's having a real good time.

He's riding his banana right now.
How's your dinner?

- They were a little late in seating us.
- Really?

But since we got a table,

they've been rushing
the heck out of us.

Oh, don't let them.
You're there to relax.

Take all the time you want.

Well, that's very sweet of you,

Well, we were just checking in,
so we'll see you soon. Hm?

Okay, not too soon. Right. Bye.

See, everything's fine.

I'm sorry.
It's just been such a weird day.

I mean, you almost went off the road
in that freak snowstorm.

And now I just have
the funniest feeling.

Stop with the feelings.

Harvey, I'm going to walk the baby.

You stay here
and watch the game, okay?

Okay. But it's almost over.

Only a grand slam will tie it.

MAN: --deep right field.
He got a hold of that one.

It's up. It's hanging there.

It could be. It might be.

It's a grand slam.

All right.

There's magic in the air.

Welcome, parents. I'm Mr. Pool.

You may look at me,
a man in his prime, and wonder:

"Why is he teaching
high school biology?"

Well, it's because I believe

that science is the foundation
upon which we build our future.

That and I tanked my MCATs.

Mr. Pool is cute.

You have got to get out more.

- I wonder if he's single.
- Excuse me.

Is there something you would like
to share with the class?

I need to go to the nurse.

Is there a problem, Mrs. Spellman?

- Yes, my tummy--
- No, she's fine.

And it's Miss Spellman.

- Who are you?
- Oh, I'm also Miss Spellman.

We're Sabrina's aunts. Sisters.
Not an alternative couple.

- So you're single?
- Yes.

- And you?
- Extremely.

Now I really am gonna throw up.


Okay, just sit here.

Here. You can read your book.

Or just chew on it.

Yes. Yes!

- Salem, what are you doing?
SALEM: Uh-- Nothing.

- It looks like you're playing with yarn.
SALEM: I have urges, Sabrina.

Look, can we deal
with your issues later?

- I've got a bigger problem.
SALEM: My yarn.

Okay, now, what do I do about this?

SALEM: Dear Lord, you picked up
a guy at the bus station.

No. It's the baby I'm babysitting for.

He's months old.
Something happened to him.

SALEM: Do I smell teen witchery?
- Salem, you've gotta help me.

Change him back before his parents
get home and prosecute.

SALEM: What do you want me to do?
I'm a cat.

Go talk to your aunts.

They're at my school.
I can't bring him there.

- Can you watch him?
SALEM: I suppose.

Thanks. I owe you one.

Horsey. Ride horsey.

Get him off of me. Get him off of me!

What an amusing
Erlenmeyer flask story, Mr. Pool.

Really? I've told it a thousand times.
No one's ever gotten it.


You know, we should exchange e-mail.
What's your address?

Me? I'm on Quick Net.

My screen name is Biostud.

You're Biostud? I'm Chemkitten.

Oh, didn't we meet in a chat room
and discuss polyvinyl chloride?

Yes. And you are very naughty.





- Hey, Sabrina.
- Sabrina?

- What are you doing at parents' night?
- Nothing.

Oh, I see you brought your father.

- Moon.
- Don't play with that. Dad.

It's nice to meet you, Mr. Spellman.
Mr. Spellman?

Actually, he likes to be called
Mr. KaZootie.

Mr. KaZootie?

- That's our real name. It's Scottish.
- I'm Scottish too.

And I know not of the clan KaZootie.
Be you a highlander?

Oh, we're lowlanders. Yeah.

Is your dad okay, Sabrina?


Darn. I gotta go work the bake sale.

It's a prestige thing.

You do it all, don't you?

RUDY: Bye-bye.
- Yeah, bye-bye.

Oh, yes, bye-bye to all of you.

I thought you were supposed
to be babysitting.

I am. That's him.

That's the little baby?

- Funny clown.
- Watch it.

Look, I'm desperate.
You guys have to help me, okay?

Rudy's parents are gonna be back
really soon,

and they might notice they missed
a big moment in their son's life.

Well, obviously,
you've cast some kind of spell,

so all you have to do is reverse it.

Well, I didn't mean to cast a spell.

This magic ruins everything.

He's supposed to be in his crib,
and I'm supposed to be with Harvey.

- Oh.
- Uh-huh.

Stop that. This is serious.

Oh, calm down, Sabrina.

Just try to figure out
exactly what you did.

I don't know. I don't remember.

Rudy was crying. I picked him up.

I said big boys don't cry
and I rubbed his back.

- Did you say anything else?
- I don't think so.

Be a big boy.

He's right. I said be a big boy.

- And I bet you said it three times.
- Ah! Mystery solved.

- You cast a passion spell.
- Passion spell? What's that?

If you want something enough,
and say it three times,

it might just happen.

- We like to call it a Travis.
- Why?

Randy Travis,
Randy Travis, Randy Travis

I love this spell.

What am I doing here?

Oh, we were just illustrating
a point for our niece.

I hope we haven't caught you
at a bad time.

No, it's fine. My wife does wonder
where I keep popping off to though.

- Will there be anything else?
- Maybe later.

If you need me,
you'll know where to find me.

You always do.


Now, he is so cute.

I love his new album.

Can we get back to me?

What do I do to fix this?

Exactly what you did before,
three times, but in reverse.

This is really weird.

Boy big a be,
Boy big a be, boy big a be

It tickles.

Nothing happened. It didn't work.

It just takes time.

Well, his parents
are gonna be home soon.

HILDA: Better hope
they have a sense of humour.

Maybe I can blame it
on a radioactive spider.

Let's go, Rudy. Rudy.

Where's the baby?


- It's on the house, Mr. Travis.
- Well, thank you.

Does it have nuts?

Yes, but you can pick them out.



- Hey, hey, hey, you can't do that.
- Mine.

Mr. KaZootie!

You can see
why I changed my name.

It's the bottom of the th.

Put on a pot of java,
we could be here all night.

That's what
so great about baseball.

- Sabrina, is that you?
- Yeah.

You are missing a freaky game.

It moved like it had
a string attached to it.

You've had a big night.
Now, let's go over what I taught you.

Rudy, how did you get this way?

Good. Okay, now it's sleepy time.

Read me, "Moon."

I'm too tired. Play with your toes.


I could sure use a "Popsi."

Is the game still on?

Yeah. Man, it could go on forever.

Come on.

And it's an unassisted triple play.

It's over.

Wow. See, now, that's what's so great
about baseball.

Anything can happen.

Yeah, yeah. You never know.

We really should study now.


- Mitosis is--
- Can we take a break? I'm wiped.

This babysitting
is a lot harder than I thought.

Sure. I mean,
we could just sit here and talk.

- I'd like that.
- This is kind of nice.




JERRY: We're home.
HARVEY: Mitosis is--

I didn't expect you so soon.

We skipped dessert.
I missed my baby so much.

How much do we owe you,
$ an hour?

Actually it's , but would be fine.

Jerry, you've gotta come see this.

Thanks. Gotta go.

Look at our sweet little angel.

They grow so quickly, don't they?

Oh, yeah.

Do you ever think
about having another one--

No. We should go now.

I'm looking for a slanted green piece
with a funny little waddle.

Here you go.

Thank you.

You know, you really have a flare
for jigsaw puZZles, Randy.

I spend a lot of time on a bus.

This is kind of nice, though.

Popcorn, puZZle, lightly falling snow.

It's real nice.

Can I go yet?

- No.
- No.


Looking for a sky blue rhombus
with a little puff of clouds.

Oh, there it is.

Mitosis is--

Salem, I can't concentrate.

SALEM: You wanna play Risk?
- I'm sick of Risk.

Hey, I've got a great idea.

- Salem, I think I hear the can opener.
- Really?

Please be tuna. Please be tuna.

Eddie Cibrian,
Eddie Cibrian, Eddie Cibrian

Uh-- What am I doing here?

I was about to pull Hasselhoff out
of a burning corvette.

Oh, well, you can do that later.

I was just kind of wondering
if you would turn around for me.



- Is that it?
- Yeah.

Unless you're into jigsaw puZZles.

My aunts are working on one
downstairs with Randy Travis.

Hm. Sounds like fun.

Well, guess Hasselhoff
will have to wait.

Wow, this magic thing isn't so bad.

Brad Pitt, Brad Pitt, Brad Pitt

You have the test.
You may commence failing.

Mitosis is-- Mitosis is--

Great game, huh, Harvey?

Yeah, wasn't it freaky?

Freaky? You want freaky?

Randy Travis
came to parents' night.

Have you met Sabrina's father?

He's pretty freaky too.

Get back to your test there.

Mitosis is--

Mitosis is--
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