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04x16 - Live Your Life

Posted: 03/11/22 17:44
by bunniefuu
♪ Stay with it ♪

♪ You don't need to water it down ♪

♪ No one else has the same story ♪

ZOEY: For the last four years,

my friends and I had spent all our time

preparing for the many possible

outcomes and variables of our future.

♪ You can take all the
time that you need ♪

But just as our time together
at Cal U was coming to a close

and our separate paths had
begun to come back into focus,

something unexpected
brought us all back together.

And it was this traumatic event
that left us all to realize

that no amount of higher
education could ever prepare us

for the worst-case
scenario of adulthood...

watching helplessly as our parents age

and fall critically ill.

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'mma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪
♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

Poor Vivek. Ugh.

If I was in his position, I'd be a mess.

Right? I mean, going
through this with a parent

has to be the hardest
thing in the world.Yeah.

I mean, guys, imagine if
I was in there with Luna

and it was her having
to worry about me and...

and hold my hand.

No, this whole thing is just awful.

I mean, Vivek and his
dad were just starting

to repair their relationship.

It feels like the universe
is just playing a cruel joke.

We bought snacks 'cause... I don't know.

What do you do in a situation like this?

- I don't know.
- I know these are your favorite.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, no problem.

- Thanks.
- Oh, those aren't bad.

I don't even really have an appetite.

But Vivek and his family,

they must be starving.

So I was thinking,
like, maybe I'd go out

and grab them some stuff
from my dad's food truck.

That's a good idea. Let
me know if you need a hand.

I'll roll with you.

- Okay. Thank you.
- All right.


This is just so unbelievable.

I just feel so bad for Vivek, Aaron.

Like, what if his dad doesn't make it?

Hey, no, no, no. We're
not gonna think like that.

We're gonna keep the energy positive

- and have faith, okay?
- Yeah.

Oh, there he is.

- Hey.
- Hey, how's your dad?

Well, he's out of
emergency heart surgery,

and the doctors say he's stable.

He's resting comfortably now.

- Oh, thank God.
- Won't He do it?

- God is good.
- All the time.

Whew, and all the time, God is good.


Guys, I appreciate you being here.

It means a lot, really, but
you should go, all right?

My mom and my family are
here, and the doctors say

there's nothing else anyone
can do right now to help him.

We just have to wait
for my dad to recover.

Are you sure, man? 'Cause
we can totally stay.

- Yes.
- No, no, no. No. Go.

- All right?
- Okay.

AARON: All right. Later, man.

Thank you.


- Love you, bud.
- Love you, too.

[GRUNTS] It's gonna be all right.

Please just let me know
if you need anything, okay?

- Yeah, of course. Of course.
- Love you, Vivek.

- You too.
- Bye.

Hang in there, okay?

Hey, I know all of this is
a lot, but, um, you kn...

I was thinking, you know what
helps me in times of distress?


I was actually thinking
about heading to the chapel,

if you want to come with?

I appreciate it, Ana, but I think

I'm just gonna get back to my dad.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

Of course.

Text me if you need anything, okay?

Yeah, I will. Thank you.


FYI, she's not really into teddy bears.

She's more like a soft
blankie kinda girl.

- Jeffrey.
- It's Phil.

And I know you know it's Phil.

But I get that you're
trying to bust my balls,

so I'm not gonna take the bait.

Instead, I'm gonna thank
you for watching Luna

till I got off work.

But I got it from here, Slim.


Thank you.


What books are you gonna
read her at bedtime?

Something pedestrian like "Hop
on Pop" or "The Alchemist"?

Okay, listen, dude.

I know you and Nomi are tight.

You were there through her pregnancy

and for the first year of Luna's life.

I cut the umbilical cord.

And I'm vegan.

- Thank you?
- You're welcome.

Obviously, you're harboring some
sort of resentment toward me,

but I'm here now,

and I'm trying to respect the role

that you play in both of their lives.

So I would appreciate
it if you'd at least

try to respect mine.


Come on, baby girl. It's
time for a nappy noodle.

Don't patronize her with baby-talk.

She's not a baby.



Sorry it took so long.
I had to take that call.

Uh, not a problem.

So, is it a girlfriend?

- I don't have a girlfriend, Zoey.

We're actually engaged.

- I'm kidding.
- Ha ha ha.

- I get it. You're screwing with me.
- Of course I am.

Dude, come on. It's hard not to.

It was just a call for this
possible job opportunity.

Um, a big one, in fact.


Well, that's amazing. What is it?

It's an academic grant I applied for

to take Afro-Salon to the next level.


But I don't want to get into details

'cause I don't want to jinx it.

That's fair.

Uh, well, my fingers will
be crossed that you get it.

Thank you. And thanks for understanding.

It's just, like, whenever
I talk about something

- before it happens, it never happens.
- Mm.

And I swear, that's the reason

that I'm still not
the Batman of Oakland.

Because we just talked about it a lot.


So, um, since we're on
the topic, do you have a...

you have a man?

Not that I care, because,
I-I mean, I don't care,

but, you know, just... do you?

Yeah, I do.

We're starting a family.

- You serious?
- Mm-hmm.

That's not funny.

- Okay, don't peek, okay?
- Mm-hmm.

You're gonna tell me
what flavor this one is.

- Uh-huh?
- Ooh.

What flavor? Don't look.

[MUFFLED] It's easy. It's cherry.

[IMITATES BUZZER] Wrong. Blueberry.

- Mm.
- You really suck at this game.


Blueberry is the worst.
It tastes like ass.

You just spit up on a perfectly
delicious piece of pie.


- You're lucky I like you.
- Please.

You love me.

You're sick.

But you do.

Yeah, maybe.


It's ridiculous, but,
um... I do miss you.

Yeah, me, too.

Maybe we can do this again,
sometime in the future?


- Okay, Dad.

So, I know you hate it when
I dress all flashy and drippy,

even though I came out of the
womb stuntin' on the haters.

I bought you a pair of my socks.

Right? Had to.

These hospital ones are trash, right?

And as father of the Didge, you
got to represent me well, bro.

Come on, man.

Why do your feet also look like
they need medical attention?

First order of business
when you're out of here,

deluxe pedicure on your boy, all right?

But I'm dropping you off because
after looking at these things,

I don't know if I can be seen with you.


I-I'm sorry. Did I do something?
I just switched his socks.

NURSE: Your father's
oxygen levels have dropped.

I need you to clear
this room immediately.



Hey. What are you still doing here?

Leaving just didn't
feel right. Are you okay?

Not really. I'm kind of freaking out.

I mean, I was just in my dad's room,

and then all of a sudden,
the machines started beeping,

- and they came in, and they just...
- Okay, Vivek, Vivek, breathe.

Is there anything I can do?

Um, maybe we could try your prayer idea?

Yeah, of course. I think the chapel...

No, can we just stay right here,

because I just don't want to
be too far away from my dad.

Yeah, of course. Whatever
feels right to you.

We can pray anywhere.


Dear Ganesh or, uh, God

or Muhammad... who-whoever's up there.

I-it's God.


I know I haven't lived my
life in the most, well, uh,

sin-free manner lately.


You know, I've definitely
slipped up here and there,

corrupted your world a little bit.

If you could please,
just please find a way

to help my dad through this,
I promise I'll clean up my act

and do whatever I can to
make you and him proud.








Hey, yo, this is mad food.

Your pops really hooked it up for Vivek.

Especially during his crazy dinner rush.

Yup, Kerm is seriously
k*lling the food-truck game.

- Hey, yo, you think he's ever thought about

expanding the business?

You know, like, beyond the food truck?

You know what? I highly doubt it.

You know my dad. He isn't a businessman.

He's just a really sweet
guy who likes to feed people.

He even tells his customers
not to leave Yelp reviews

because it's unfair
to other food trucks.

Yeah, but I think it's time for
Kermy-Kerm to get more serious.

You know, turn that
truck into a, you know...

a real restaurant or something.

- Mm-hmm.
- You know?

Your pops is sitting on
a gold mine on wheels.

- Skrrrt skrrrt!


When you said we should
get together soon,

I really didn't think
it would be this soon.

- I did.
- Mm-hmm.

I knew you couldn't resist me.


Aaron, um, are we bad people?


I mean...

maybe my wife would think so, but...

Dude, stop, I'm being
so serious right now.

Like, if you think about it,

- Vivek is literally at a hospital, suffering...
- Mm-hmm.

... while we are here
having this amazing moment.

Look, knowing Vivek, I'm
pretty sure he's found

his own happy-go-lucky, optimistic way

- of seeing a silver lining in the situation.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm sure he'd be thrilled
to know that he led us here.

He's a good friend that way.

You're right. He is.

But if it makes you sleep
better at night and...

and helps clear your conscience,

I will... I will check in with him.

- Oh, it really would. Thank you.

- I got to take that.

- Oh, shit.
- Wait, what?

- Oh, shit.
- What?

They hit me up about
the grant opportunity.

Okay, uh, well, what'd they say?

They said I got it.

- You got it?
- Yes.

- You... You... You freaking got it.
- Yeah.

- Of course you got it.
- Wow.

I knew you would get it. What'd you get?

- A Black Leadership Grant...
- Mm-hmm.

... and it's gonna allow me
to take Afro-Salon abroad.

They want me to create a... like,

- individual guidebooks...
- Mm-hmm.

... for a bunch of
different universities.

- Yeah.
- What?

- Yeah.
- What?

- That's amazing.
- It's crazy.

You're literally helping Black
students around the world,

from... saving them
from micro-aggressions.

You are Black Batman.

You just... You know
how to get to my heart.

- You really do.

Okay, so, where's the first stop?

University of Johannesburg.

Is there a Johannesburg in
Wisconsin I don't know about?

No, South Africa.



Well, that's, like, way
farther than Wisconsin.

Yeah, it is.


MAN: Internal medicine,
call extension .

Internal medicine, extension .

Ana, is everything okay?

You good?

[CRYING] No, I'm not.


Vivek's dad died.

ZOEY: A week after
suffering the hardest blow

life had ever served him,

Vivek gathered himself
to do the one thing

that no child ever
wants to do for a parent.

All I know is this.

♪ And the flames ♪

I'm gonna miss my dad more
than anything in the world.

♪ They won't stop ♪

This whole experience
has made me realize

how pointless worrying
about stuff really is.

You know, we stress and we
worry about every little thing,

and it doesn't even matter.

Because it's the thing that
you never even think about

that sneaks up on you

and levels you and gets you in the end.


Dad, I know that we didn't
always understand each other...

♪ When love is gone ♪

... but thank you for
giving me a second chance

to be the son you deserved.

♪ With no shelter from the storm ♪

I love you.

♪ 'Cause life is hard
when love is gone ♪


♪ With no shelter from the storm ♪

♪ No, I don't feel like I belong ♪

♪ 'Cause life is hard
when love is gone ♪


Man, what an awful day.

Yeah, man, I hate
seeing my people in pain.

It makes me want to get on a flight

and go hug my dad, you know?

You could go hug Kerm.

He always said you were
the son that he never had.

Which wasn't a very nice
thing to say in front

- of my brother, but...

You know, he's a good dude, Kerm.

Yeah, he really is. [SIGHS]

You know, with Vivek's dad passing,

it put a lot of things
in perspective for me,

and I've been thinking
a lot about what you said

about expanding his food truck.

And, honestly, pushing my dad

to be the best version of himself

like he's done for me all my life

sounds like the exact
thing that I need right now.

You know, like I said,

I-I really think
there's something there.

Yeah, but I-I can't do it alone,

and I see what you've been doing
with Luca and those parties,

and I thought, with my Econ degree

and your entrepreneurial skills,

maybe we could collaborate
on a business plan?

I got you. Say less.

- Wait, really?
- Yes.

- Really? No way.
- Yes.

- Thank you so much.
- Come on. No, let's go.

- [CHUCKLING] Thank you.
- Of course.


Oh, my God, I just walked in
on Phil singing Luna a lullaby,

and if that doesn't heal a sad
heart, don't know what will.

You should go take a peek.

I don't really need to peep dude flexing

in his dad jeans right now.

Random question... do you think
he started wearing dad jeans

before he became a dad?

- Are you kidding me?
- Yeah, you're right.

- He definitely did.
- No, no, no.

Luca, I just got into Yale Law.

Oh, shit.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.


What does that mean for, uh,

[CLEARS THROAT] "dad jeans," though?

I don't know.

Hey, thank you for, um...
for getting her down.

- Yeah, of course.
- Yeah.

Happy to do it.

Just wish it were under
better circumstances.

Yeah. I'm sorry about Vivek's dad.

Definitely made me squeeze
Luna a little harder, for sure.



Hey, you okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Just, uh, thinking about
the Johannesburg opportunity.


Well, look, dude, I know
today has been a horrible day,

but it's okay to feel good about that.

- Yeah, I guess.
- Mm.

What's up?

It's just... when I was
trying to get this grant,

there was a million
things to worry about.

- Mm-hmm.
- A million things.

- And now I got it, which is great...
- Mm-hmm.

... but there's one thing
that I didn't even consider

that's... that's blindsiding me.

Which is?


- Me?
- Yeah.

- You, this, us.
- Mm-hmm.

You know, I always thought
that we would reconnect.

I just didn't think it
would be right before

I had to leave the country.

- It's just...
- Mm, yeah.

- It's a little inconvenient.
- Yeah.

No, I didn't think so, either,

but you can't let that trip you up.

It's kind of like, uh, what Vivek said

during his dad's eulogy,
about how it's the thing

you don't worry about
that always gets you,

but, um, can't let that stop you

from living your life to the fullest.

We broke up so that you
could be your best self,

and I really want that for you,

no matter where you are in the world.

When did you get so wise, Freshman?

About, like, a day or two
after you broke up with me.

I'm sorry about that.

Oh, yeah? Thanks.


I will miss you, though.


How are you doing?

Eh, just going through this
box of old stuff from my dad.

He had this engraved
for my college diploma.

Look, diploma or not, he loved you,

and you should be happy
you guys got to reconnect,

even if for a short time.

No, I am.

But I got to do more. [SIGHS]

I'm gonna follow through
and fill this frame

with a diploma to honor him.

He deserves that much.

That's the sweetest
thing I've ever heard.


The sweetest thing you can hear

is your dad saying he's proud of you.

And I'll never hear that now.

♪ Swim against the tide ♪

- ♪ Before it pulls you under ♪
- Come on.

- ♪ When you feel it in your bones ♪
- Come on.

♪ And your arms are tired of fighting ♪

♪ Remember every single storm ♪

One thing we had all learned
over the challenging few days

of Vivek's father's passing

was that the thing that
terrifies you the most

and that you expect the
least will always happen.

Vivek had no idea what life would
look like without his father,

and none of us had any idea
of what tomorrow would bring.

But the one guarantee that he had...

that we all had...

was that we would always
be there for each other

as we figured it out,

even if life took us
halfway around the world.

♪ All right ♪

♪ All right ♪

♪ All right ♪

[SIGHS] I needed this.

Life can be great.

Just a tap of a button, and
I can have a beautiful woman

tending to my toes in my own house.


How does it feel,
buddy? Too much pressure?

Not enough?

Oh, that's more like it.

Gentle with my dad, Lisa.

It's his first time.

Yep, there you go.