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02x02 - Penance

Posted: 03/11/22 14:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on Star Trek: Picard...

PICARD: And how is Seven these days?

You know Seven.

There's always folks
out there in trouble.

What kind of assh*le needs to
be more important than that?

Show me your ugly Borg face!

SEVEN OF NINE: The medical
supplies you're attempting

to steal are the property
of the Fenris Rangers.

But you would like to be.

LARIS: When I first came to work here,

I saw you as a man who chose the stars.

After all this time,
I've come to wonder...

have you been seeking or running?

PICARD: Laris, last night...

- I was...
- You.

Nothing has to change.

It's too late for that, Jean-Luc.

What's the big hurry, Captain?

SOJI: And what about
you and you know...?

Yeah, I have to confess,
the whole "we can totally still"

"work together" thing made a
lot more sense back on Earth.

- It's so good to see you.
- You, too.

Welcome to the Stargazer.

Some kind of subspace anomaly.

Starfleet's ordered us to investigate.

- This is Admiral Jean-Luc Picard...
- LEGION: Picard.

RIOS: Warp vessel,
cease transport attempt,

or you will be fired upon.

JURATI: The queen is actually coming.

She's assimilating the ship!

JURATI: Not just our ship!

The entire fleet.

She's using us as a hub.

- RIOS: We're out of options!
- Computer!

Activate auto-destruct sequence!

BORG QUEEN: Picard, look up.

PICARD: What is happening here?

Q: An excellent question, Jean-Luc.


Welcome to the very end

of the road not taken.



FEMALE VOICE: Atmospheric
sweepers coming online.

Particle pollution down to
% in upper troposphere.

What is this?

This? This is home.

And where are the crew of the Stargazer?

Oh, how quaint. How provincial.

How yesterday's Enterprise of you.

There is no Stargazer.

What do you mean? What have you done?

Show them a world of their own making

and they ask you what you've done.

So human of you.

Q, have you had enough of playing games

with other people's lives?

I am no longer your pawn.

Oh, you undersell yourself, Jean-Luc.

You are more than just a piece.

Why, you're the very board
upon which this game is played.

And I am too old for your bullshit!

Old. Yes.

How unfair time is.

So many wrinkles.

So many disappointments.

What do you want, Q?

Will you come to the point?

- You want me to cut to the chase?
- Yes!

Well, the chase is cut,
Picard, the chase is bleeding,

the chase is dying in your arms.

And I am but a suture in the wound.

Are you...?

Q, you are not well.

Harvest was... this morning.


Same day, same time.

Different harvest.

Q, I ask you once more.

And for the last time.

Where is the Stargazer and her crew?

I intervened.

You see, I thought to myself, I thought,

"I really must see Jean-Luc."

So I simply sought out
the nearest expl*si*n.

- What do you want, Q?!
- Oh, I could tell you,

but you're far too clever to listen.

- That said, we're never too old

to be students of our
own behaviors, Jean-Luc.

I have had enough

of your stupid patronizing.


And I've had enough of your
obstinance, your stubbornness,

your insistence on changing in all ways

but the one that matters.

This is not a lesson.

It's a penance.


♪ Non

♪ Rien de rien...

Do you like the skies here?

♪ Je ne regrette rien...

In your history,
humanity discovered a way

to spare the planet they were
in the process of murdering.

Here they just...

keep the corpse on life-support.

♪ Je me fous du passé.

In heaven's name...

Q: Well, paradise has to have staff.

Come on, who's gonna mow the grass?

Fertilize the apple tree?

And why pay for help when
you can have alien slaves?

- I would never, ever...

"I would never." Such moral convictions

are the luxury of the victors.


Through a mirror darkly.

And here the man who holds the glass

is darker still.

Let me show you.

Gul Dukat.

ex*cuted in the Ithian Forests

just outside the capital city...
Put up a hell of a fight.

In this reality,

he's the reason you have that nifty

synthetic body.

General Martok.

Defeated in armed combat

after a bioengineered virus...

By all accounts, a
nasty little creation...

Decimated his Klingon homeworld.

And Sarek.

Director Sarek.


on the steps of the
Vulcan Science Academy

in front of a crowd
that included his wife

and son.

Nice touch.

And all carried out by
the same withering hand.

- Who?

Why, the greatest general
the mighty Confederation

of Earth has ever seen.

The most bloodthirsty,
merciless, ruthless human

to ever set out to conquer the galaxy.

You, of course.

What is this hellhole, Q?


is the only life you understand.

Shall we see what else has been lost

in the wake of your fear?

Now, you're welcome to remain here

in the body of a madman,

in the world of a madman,
to attempt, like Macbeth,

to wash the blood from your hands.

But I assure you, Jean-Luc...

it's un-washable.




Maybe even...


Forgiveness for what?

I think you know.

But don't worry.

I won't let you do this alone.

Whatever it is...

I won't do it anyway.

Q, I refuse.

I'm sorry, do you wish me to respond

to the designation "Q," sir?


Forgive me, I can't remember your name.

Harvey, sir. Your valet?



Harvey, I suppose

y-you didn't see the individual

I was talking to just now?

No, sir. My sensors
confirm no one has been

here all morning.

May I ask if you're all right, sir?


I don't know who I am.


I'm not myself.

PICARD: In the name
of the Confederation,

I fought for a pure universe.

One by one, with the
aid of the brave crew

of the CSS World Razer,

we conquered the stars.

We sought out and subjugated

savage civilizations,
boldly conquered w*r-like alien worlds,

increased the wealth and resources

for future generations of humanity.

And you could be
Earth's next great hero.

Because a safe galaxy

is a human galaxy.


Apologies for the interruption, General.

- Your morning usual.
- Thank you, Harvey.


What the hell is this?

Colombian roast. Black.

This really is the circle

that Dante overlooked.

If I may be so bold, sir,
you appear disoriented.

Harvey, I would like to locate

someone who might have worked here.

She may still be here now.
Her name is Laris.

Yes. You mentioned her before.


My records indicate that we
have never had a Laris here.

I see.

Thank you, Harvey.

There was a Laris you encountered
during the Romulan uprisings.

She and her husband Zhaban were
leaders of the Free Romulan movement.

My records show both were
k*lled at the gates of Romulus.

There may be tribute
photos of their bodies

on file at the Museum of Conquest.

Would you like me to inquire?

- I know how you enjoy such...
- That will not be necessary.

Well, you should be getting ready.

Your shuttle will be landing
on the south lawn in two hours

to escort you to the president's palace.

For what exactly

is the great General Jean-Luc Picard

being summoned to the palace?

Why, sir,

it's Eradication Day.

glorious Eradication Day.

Mankind moves ever closer
to securing the galaxy.



- COMPUTER: Good morning, Annika.



This can't be real.

[EXHALES] Psychological assessment.



Sensory parameters.

[SNIFFS] Check.

Pain receptors.


You can't smell in a dream.

No, this is real.

How? How is this possible?

We were on the Stargazer.

The... Borg.


- Raffi? [EXHALES]

Happy Eradication Day, dear.

Coffee is coming, I assure you.

, some light.

Annika, my love,
we have four hours until your speech.

The moment has finally arrived,

so let's rise to meet it,

shall we, Madam President?

I'm sorry, what?

FEMALE VOICE: The Eradication
Day ceremony will begin...

Eradication Day

will forever serve as a reminder
of humanity's "universal might"

or its "merciful power"?


Uh, right. Um, the second.

We have dissident activity in Okinawa.

And our morning update
from the Vulcan Front

has the casualty count

- at eight...
- Yes. The Vulcan w*r. I'd...

... like a Federation officer
to brief me on the situation.


FEMALE VOICE: All cranial
implants must be scanned before...

Confederation. Sorry.
Just a little tired.

Of course.

- I'll comm General Sisko right away.
- No.

I want an unfiltered
perspective from the field.

I want privacy, some coffee,

and a secure comms channel to a...

What was his name?

To Colonel Cristobal Rios.



COMPUTER: Deflector shields

- at %.


COMPUTER: Deflector shields at %.

ZILAH: Colonel? Colonel, you all right?

Looked like that Vulcan
bastard tagged you.

COMPUTER: Autopilot engaged.

- Vulcan?
- ZILAH: Don't worry, sir.

We'll come around and put that
green-blooded bastard down.

No! No, no, no.

Don't. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Why are we...?


- What is this?!
- Victory, sir.

Your plan worked. Bait and switch.

Once we mop up here,
what are your orders?

What are my orders?

Take two squadrons and cut
off the Vulcan escape route?

Okay. Uh-huh.

- Good.
- Like you said,

if we don't stomp
these green-bloods now,

they'll meld your minds and scramble
your balls until you're begging to die.

I said that, did I?

Enjoy the fireworks.

No, no, no, no.

COMPUTER: Incoming transmission.

Alpha-level priority.

From President Hansen.




This is Rios.

COMPUTER: Secure channel activated.

Colonel Rios?

For the moment, it seems.

I requested a personal
briefing on your progress.

The line is secure, I assure you,

so if you've... encountered anything

out of the ordinary,

I encourage you, speak freely.




Do you have any idea
what's happening here?

My last memory is the
Stargazer auto-destruct code.

Well, unless being dead looks
a lot like D-Day over Vulcan,


or someone

moved us.

Consider yourself recalled
back to Earth on...

[SCOFFS] ... presidential authority.

We need to meet face-to-face.

Yes, ma'am.

Once I figure out how to get there.

Oh, there you go. I found you.

I guess some things never change.

On my way.



FEMALE: Elnor, hurry! We have to go.

Security gene-tagged me on
the way out, I'm sure of it.

- What is...? What is happening?
- Rebellion,

Elnor. Rebellion is finally happening.

- MAN: Move! Move out!
- Two down.

Of how many?

- One for Cardassia.

One for Andoria.

One for Qo'noS.

One for Vulcan.

One for Romulus.

They can call us insurgents,

t*rrorists, whatever they like,

but soon we'll be free.

- [w*apon FIRES]

- OFFICER: There he is!


- ELNOR: No!
- OFFICER: Hands up! Target acquired.

- OFFICER : Ready to execute.
- You Romulan scum.

WOMAN: Enough!

Chief, we're sh**t to k*ll.




Last I remember, we were on the
Excelsior. What is going on here?

- I have no idea what's going on, but...

Right, come on. Let's get out

- of here.
- Lockdown initiating.

Keep off the street.

Sorry, baby. Just go with this

until I figure out what this is.

I want this one kept
alive! For questioning!

- OFFICER: You got it, Chief.
- I don't know anything.

Me neither, kiddo.

OFFICER: Don't try anything.

I trust your conversation with
Colonel Rios was informative?

Yes. Very.

You seem distracted, dear.

I understand if you're nervous

about this momentous Eradication Day.

And you seem preoccupied with me, dear,

rather than your duties.

Explain what we're doing

and why today is so special,

and maybe then you can convince me

that you're focused on
the right priorities.

Of course.

As is per tradition on this day,

we are eradicating dissidents,
alien sympathizers, t*rrorists.

But today is special because
we are also eradicating

the last of one of the Confederation's

greatest enemies.

Dr. Jurati should have
finished prepping her

by now.

Agnes Jurati is here?

MALE VOICE: It's barbaric, you know.

Public executions are
needless displays of authority

to a people already
sufficiently subjugated.

It's cruel and unusual

and beyond disturbing that this day

is so celebrated amongst the masses.

- Where am I?
- Of course, I say all this

subject to the faith

customary between a
domesticant and their master.


What are you exactly?

M-Maybe don't tell me.

I am Spot ,

your very best friend, of course.

- And I made you?
- Obviously.

- Meow.
- Right. Okay.


Okay, let's run the alternatives here.

Uh, I'm crazy,

although I feel like I could
come up with a better delusion.

I'm dead,

although see last supposition
and replace me with God.

I'm in a crazy mirror universe

where it turns out I'm exactly the same,

only with slightly more sophisticated

- pet-programming skills.

COMPUTER: Now announcing Her Excellency,

the President of the
Confederation of Earth.

- Seven.
- Agnes.

JURATI: Um, not that you
don't look hot, which you do,

but where are your...?

You do, of course, remember my husband.

Yeah. Of course.

Is anybody else hot with these collars?

It's been a while, Doctor.

It has. Has it?

Yes. The last time I
saw you, you were...

gazing at the stars.

Yes. Yes, the Stargazer. Yes!

I mean, I'm a starga... I'm a stargazer.

Madam President.

Which, way to go, by the way. [CHUCKLES]

Earlier, why did you call her Seven?

College nickname. It
was a drinking game.

- Dr. Jurati.
- SPOT : Meow.

- What is that, exactly? Have you, uh...
- SPOT : Meow?

JURATI: Uh, well, apparently,
I am mind-bendingly lonely

basically anywhere.

But you are president,

- so that's terrific.
- Enough.

Is the prisoner in
stasis-cell M - ready?

Would you, please?

So, we're going to assume

that this is something
that I know how to do.


Uh, okay.

- Um...
- COMPUTER: Welcome, Dr. Jurati.

Sure. Uh,

M - .


MAGISTRATE: Of all the enemies of
humankind brought under heel...

... none have ever been
quite so dangerous as...

The Borg.

Holy shit.

This is not right.

The hive is gone.

The hive is dead.

Chronometer misaligned.

Quantum-level deconfiguration.

Tertiary Adjunct of
Unimatrix , assist me.

There's a splinter in her flesh.
No beginning, no end.

What's wrong with it?

Isn't that kind of
obvious? You ripped her

- from her body and stuck her in a tube.
- Hansen, Annika.

Assimilated . Hansen, Annika.

Escaped assimilation. But you,

you fragile teacup.


... are accustomed to
this feeling anywhere.

What feeling?


Put them in a cage,
and how easily they go mad.

I am in a cage.

I am burning the quadrants
of distant systems.

Reality has been split.

There is division.


Time has been broken.

The Borg Queen has a kind
of transtemporal awareness.

It bridges into adjacent
times, realities.

They hear echoes of themselves,
of-of each other.

So I hear.

COMPUTER: Tritium PADD has
injected interplexing nullifiers.

Borg nanobot inhibitors
functioning at...

[WHISPERS]: That's it, Seven.

There's been a corruption
to the timeline.

- MALE VOICE: Magistrate,

you asked to be informed
of General Picard's status.

He will be docking shortly.

PICARD: Because a safe galaxy

is a human galaxy.

General Picard.

I have been asked to
escort you to the office

of President Annika Hansen.

FEMALE: Prisoner remains stable. Copy.

glorious Eradication Day.

Mankind moves ever closer to securing

- the galaxy.
- Give me a moment.

RAFFI: Captured this Romulan t*rror1st.

- SOLDIER: By order ,

we accept delivery of this prisoner

for psycho-interrogation.

I'll handle this t*rror1st myself.

- I've been granted authority.
- SOLDIER: Alien S.O.P.

comes straight from the magistrate.

Authorized by whom?

PICARD: By me, soldier!

SOLDIER : Ten-hut!

My sincerest apologies, sir.

PICARD: You, bring the prisoner.

That you in there, JL?

I'm beginning to wonder.

I'm not. It is you.

It is good to see both of you.

We've been deposited in
a mad world by a madman.

But I will get us home together.

- Oh, Raffi.
- RAFFI: Hmm?

It seems that, uh,
Seven is the president.

Oh. Oh, she's gonna
wear that gracefully.

MAGISTRATE: And, after today,

Picard has petitioned the title



General Picard.

With respect, you bring
an alien t*rror1st

in close quarters with the president.

I remind you she is also my wife.

Say what now?

It's fine, dear. I asked him to.

An exercise in knowing thy enemy.

Tell me minutes with your angry wife

isn't greater t*rture

than anything the
Confederation could administer.

PICARD: President Hansen, I need

to discuss a sensitive
piece of intelligence

your head of security has
extracted from this prisoner.

In private.

RAFFI: And I assure you,

Magistrate, your wife will be just fine.

Of course, General.


Is everyone all right?

I'm the human president

of a xenophobic authoritarian regime.

You're also married.

Looks like someone worked
out their commitment issues?

I'm a rebel.

Well, obviously this
is an alternate reality.

SEVEN OF NINE: Actually,

the Borg Queen here
has a different theory.

The Borg Queen? Here?

She's in the basement with Jurati.

Jurati and the Borg Queen?
From the Stargazer?

No, this one's more typical.

She suggested that there may
have been a divergence in time.


Of course.

That's how he did it.

This is not another reality.

This is our reality.

He went back in time
and changed the present.

Who, exactly?

Ah, an entity called Q.

Q. I know him from your biography.

So, how do we make
this Mr. Alphabet undo

what he did to us?

I'm afraid it's not just us.

He transformed the entire galaxy.

From my experience with Q,

he won't undo something
until he's certain

that we have passed some kind of test.

But this morning, even for Q, he...

he seemed unstable.

Not quite sane.

Oh. That's great news.

- Not really great news, Raffi.
- No, I-I know, honey.

So, what do we do now?

we're not the only ones

who recognized that time is broken.

This world is a lie,

the fiction of the
"what if" of what was.

Tell me about it, sister.


RAFFI: All right, let's
take these off of you.


- Hey, mister.
- Hello, Agnes.

- There you go.
- Thank you.

- Huh.

Don't see that every day.


You... are Locutus.

And you are not.

I know you can see the
divergence in time.

What did Q do in the past

when he turned our world

into a polluted, totalitarian nightmare?

Friend, then foe,

- and now...
- Answer the question.

What did Q do?

A temporal recision.

A single change.

What was it? When was it?



That is the when. Where is the where?

Calculating. Earth.

The change in the
timeline originates there.

In Los Angeles.


There is someone there to help.

A Watcher.

Seek the Watcher.

- There's a splinter in her flesh.
- Los Angeles.

That's got to be our destination.

We cannot live in this reality.

If we want to save the future,

- then we have to repair the past.
- SEVEN OF NINE: I'm afraid

my cursory review of
Confederation briefs

made no mention of any
time travel capabilities.

The tech here seems similar to our own,

albeit with a slightly more "Boy,
that t*rture device

"really looks like it's gonna hurt"
kind of look.

So, what do we do?

there are cruder methods of time travel.

A star's gravitational pull.

A slingshot maneuver

at warp to generate a temporal fissure.

Kirk's Enterprise did it
on more than one occasion.

But for that, you need an intelligence

that can isolate the divergence

and micro-shift for any
chronitonic radiation.

They had Spock.

And we have her.

PICARD: She has the capabilities.

But why would she help us?

All this talk of eradication.

BORG QUEEN: Trapped in a forest.


How did it feel when your
people were eradicated?

You don't have to answer

because I know.

What a pitiful end to
the Great Borg Empire.

Is that what you want?

Or do you want a way
back to our present?

The collective waiting for
you in the Delta Quadrant?

Will you help us?


JURATI: Great.

Now what?

Captain Rios.

Standing by, Madam President.

SEVEN OF NINE: Five to beam up.

Plus the Borg Queen.


I'm sorry, for a moment there,

it sounded like you said "Borg Queen."

She's in a stasis tube if
that makes it any better.

Agnes? That you?

Can't get rid of me that easily.


Hold on.


We're still here.


- COMPUTER: Attention.

Security protocols initiated.

They've instituted a
palace-wide lockdown.


- Are they on to us?
- No. It was in my brief.

They're initiating
heightened security measures.

All transporting has been deactivated.

Try to find a blind spot
in the security array.


Do you copy?


And now communications as well.



I can't stop it.


What the hell just happened?

The Eradication Day ceremony has begun.

COMPUTER: Prisoner M - in transit.

Stasis field modified

for neural transmitter deflection.

Where has she gone, Seven? Do you know?

She's been put in the queue.


The ceremony calls for the Borg Queen

to be terminated onstage.

Oh. Barbaric.

By your hand.

Maybe that's our chance.

Oh, wait. How are we supposed
to Borg-nap the queen

and get away in front of
thousands of witnesses?

A smart, strategic question, Raffi.

- Well, thank you.

Elnor, improvise.
Communication. Make a hole.

Transport. Make a bigger hole.

- And you and I will find the queen.
- COMPUTER: Now announcing

the Magistrate of the
Confederation of Earth.

And as for you...

Find out what this thing knows.

And that's an order.

Yes, sir.

What are you doing down here?

What's going on with you today, Annika?

I've half a mind to have you
tested for telepathic incursion.

- How dare you even suggest...
- [Jurati sputters]

This was... This was all my fault,
Mr. First Husband, sir.

The-the... The Borg Queen was claiming

that Romulans had infiltrated the palace

with spies from a little-known sect

called the Qowat Milat,
or Final Stranglers

as they were known in the North,
and I postulated

it wasn't true,
but I-I didn't have any proof

until I saw that Picard
had apprehended a Romulan.

So, out of an abundance of caution,

I sent a coded message

to my old drinking pal, the president,

aka Annika Seven Shot.

[CHUCKLES]: It's a funny story.
That's for another time. Wow.

Uh, so that I could test my hypothesis,

which we just did.
There was a lot of screaming.

Did you hear it? Anyway, it-it turns out

the queen was totally lying

in a typical "weaker-than-thou species

bargaining for her
life" kind of strategy.

And, so, she's off, you know,

going to be beheaded or whatever.

And basically, um...

As you were.

Madam President,

we need you and General Picard onstage.
It's time.


Have a good...

- You know.


Oh, God.

Let's figure this out.

ADAM: A safe galaxy

is a human galaxy.


[CHANTING]: Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard!


MAN: Yeah! Yeah!

My fellow Confederates,

today we honor the heavy costs
of bloodshed and suffering

as they are returned in
victorious celebration.

Eradication Day will
forever serve as a reminder

of humanity's merciful power.

And who better to
remind us of that mercy,

that power,

than General Jean-Luc Picard?


[CHANTING]: Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard!


Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard!


Come on, work.




Let the general's actions today

echo as a warning

to any species who dare
defy the Confederation.


For no monster

from any dark corner of the stars

can survive the
righteousness of human might.



[CHANTING]: k*ll! k*ll!

k*ll! k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

k*ll! k*ll!

k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

k*ll! k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

La Sirena?


[EXHALES] Yes. Oh, my God, so sorry.

They clamped down hard for the ceremony.

Please tell me you still have
transporter locks on everyone.

There must be some kind of inhibitor.

You'll need to boost everyone's
signal and then just open a tra...

Transporter window, I
know. I know. Raffi's on it.

Well, hurry.

Could you please stop
being so g*dd*mn impatient?

We're doing this now? Seriously?

Come on.

- I need your console. Now.
- OFFICER: Chief?

- What's going on?
- Damn Romulan

just confessed to uploading a virus.

So I brought him along
as a little present.

- Merry Christmas, boys.

Targeting's down.

- Turrets are misidentifying friendlies.

We'll be wide open

unless I can scrape it out.

[CHANTING]: k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

k*ll! k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

witness what awaits rebellion.




we eradicate the Borg.


[CHANTING]: Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard!


- Yeah!
- Yeah!

JURATI: You think maybe

it's your problem that this
whole man-on-the-move thing

is just because you feel
like you never fit in?

Says the woman who won't
share a single feeling.

Oh, I'll share a feeling
with you right now.

Synthetic cats, synthetic people...

With them, you're
intimate. Other humans?

[INHALES] They're the problem.

You know, I would hang
up on you right now

if it wasn't gonna get us all k*lled.

COMPUTER: Warning.

Palace shields deactivated.

What the hell are you doing?!

Elnor, they're yours.


The admiral said to improvise.


Jurati, shields are down.

I bought us about a minute
before they reboot and raise.

Tell me we're good to go.

Shit! Shit!

I'd say that's not encouraging.

Yeah, yeah, I-I'm working on it!

Picard! Picard! Picard!

Picard! Picard! Picard! Picard!



Come on, Jurati, we're out of time.

Jurati, you got ten seconds here!

Almost there.



MAN: k*ll her!

Seven, we may have to
fight our way out of here.

- MAGISTRATE: Get him off the stage!
- [w*apon FIRES]



Still can't get a lock, Agnes!

Ah, oh, boom! Yes! Oh!

How do you like that sh...?

Well, that was all kinds of terrible.

Uh, I could use some help up there.

On it.

- Raffi, deflector shields at maximum.
- Copy that.

COMPUTER: Deflector shields at maximum.

The main array access is here, right?

No, no, no, no, no, absolutely not.

Don't-don't even remotely
consider connecting

that thing to my ship.

What the hell are you doing?

Rios, we need her to go back in time.

Time travel is not a way
to make me feel better.

About anything.


RAFFI: They're on to us.

We got to move.

Whatever this is, it better work, Agnes.

It probably will.

- COMPUTER: Warning. Incoming ships...
- Rios!

PICARD: Captain Rios,
get us out of here!

COMPUTER: Warning.
Presidential override.

- Deflectors disabled.
- Wait, what?


- No!
- Elnor!



MAGISTRATE: I wonder...

what a trophy of your head will say?

How about "Jean-Luc Picard,


"k*lled while rescuing a Borg."