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05x18 - Driven to Extremes

Posted: 03/11/22 08:25
by bunniefuu

(Gasps) griffin.

You scared me to death.

What are you doing here?

How come you're not at school?

It's 4:00. You never called

To tell me where you were staying,

And I know I'm not supposed to visit

You at work, but...

Here. I brought you your mail--

Magazines mostly.

You came all the way down here

To bring me the "women in thongs" issue

Of motor mania?

I just thought you should know


You were right.

No one bothered to tell you, but...

Right about what?

My boss is gonna be back any second.

About julia.

Maggie told charlie that ned used to

Beat her up, too,

So bailey and charlie went down there to try

And bring julia home,

But she kicked them out, and now she's not

Talking to us.

She's not talking to anyone anymore, griffin.

Except ned.

You know what? I don't wanna

Know this.

What good is me knowing

This, huh?

She's not gonna listen to me,


Because we have to do something.

Do what? I've done everything

I know how to do,

And you know what? It's only made

Things worse.

Sorry. I gotta get back.

So, that's it?

You're just gonna stay here

And work on your stupid cars and do nothing?

Shame on you 'cause...

Who knows what he's doing to her now, griffin.

Right now--every second that I waste even

Talking to you. I...

Claudia, calm down.

Don't touch me!

And don't tell me to calm down,

And don't tell me no one can do


The only person that can help julia

Now is julia.

That's it. That's the truth.

She's gotta make up her own mind that this

Is gonna stop...

Or else...

Or else what?

He just keeps hitting her?

Is that what you're saying?

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

You want me to ask a judge

To take a child from a perfectly good home.

It's a good home, mr. Cole.

Maybe not the best home.

If charlie were abusing owen

Or endangering him in any way--

No, no, no, no. It's nothing

Like that.

Like I said,

Owen has a learning


That charlie really needs to be working

On, and he isn't.

If you're looking to have owen taken away

From your brother

Based solely on that...

Look, I can give owen what he needs

Right now.

I'd be the better guardian.

Ok. Well, in that case,

The court is gonna want to take a look at you,

And maybe in ways you don't wanna be looked at.

You ever have a problem,

Something that might come up?

A problem?

Extreme case: were you ever arrested?

Arrested? No.


Let me revise that. I was...

I had a d.u.i...

And the charges got reduced.

Not that any of that

Matters now.

It's gonna matter to the court.

I'm sober now. I'm in recovery.

You're asking a judge to take your little brother

Out of a sober, hard-working home

And place him with an alcoholic single

With a record.

Single? No. I have a girlfriend

Who lives with me--

Oh. Make that an alcoholic shacking up

With a young girl.

The court will think you're a terrific role model

For a 5-year-old.

Talk to him, bailey.

Talk to your brother.

I have talked to him. I've tried.

Well, try harder. Get him to change

His mind.

"Try harder."

That's your legal advice?

Every time. Believe me, anything's better

Than dragging your family through the court.



Where do you think you're going?

To be late... Obviously.

Late for what?

I told you about it.

We have that surrealist women's exhibit

At s.f. Moma.


Yeah, me and maggie.

So, what, you two are gonna get together

And compare notes on me now?

No. It's for class. We planned it months ago.

'Cause I can just imagine maggie's

Twisted take

On the whole thing.

Ned, whatever happened with you and maggie,

I'm not... Maggie, ok?

I understand what this is with us...

And I can handle it.

By spending the day with maggie?

Ned, please.

No. I thought we agreed.

I thought it was just gonna be us

Now--nobody else.

Ned, do you honestly think

There's anything that maggie or anyone

Could say to me

To change the way I feel about you?

Huh? 'Cause I'll tell you, I've heard it all...

From everyone. I've heard the worst,

And I'm still here.

I'm not going anywhere.

Except to the museum, and I'll be right back.


I promise.

I promise.

I don't want to have to vote.

I'm not asking you to vote, claud,

I'm asking you to agree, like as a family,

What's best for owe.

Charlie has been a good father for owen,

Like he has for me and you.

Ok, but-- but owen needs more.

More than charlie can give him.

So help charlie.

Don't try to line me up against him.

He won't listen to me, claud.

He's in denial that owen even has a problem,

Which is why I need to do something.

Like what?

Well, charlie's only owen's guardian.

Only his guardian, huh?

No, finish your pitch.

I want to hear you say to my face that, uh,

That I've done a bad job as head of this family.

No, that's not exactly--

This is about owen, charlie.

This isn't about us. This isn't about

You and me.

No? It is about us, bailey,

Because we have to deal with owen's problem.

So you're admitting that he has a problem?


Yeah, yeah. The way you're going about owen's

Problem is a problem.

It's reckless.

So you're saying that I'm the problem.

I'm the reason that owen's acting out.

Wait a minute, you guys. Owen is just acting out


Because that's owen.

He acts out. And when you think about it,

It wasn't until diana came along that he--

Wait. Charlie, you know what I mean.

Claud, you're right.

You're right.

Everybody knows it, charlie. Everybody.

Listen, I am still the legal guardian,

And if you don't believe me, talk to a lawyer.

I have talked to a lawyer.

You what?


What? First a social worker and now a lawyer?

You want to start a legal thing to get owen?

Are you nuts?!

Why don't you step outside and get a little oxygen

To your brain?

What? You want me to leave?

You trying to throw me out of my own house?

You come in here with plans to break up this house,

Then, yeah, you can go.

And that's how you keep the family together,

Huh? Charlie?

You see, claud? You see?

Is this poor car even going to make it to san francisco?

Shh. Come on, the bug's ok.

And she's way better than the beast.

I'm sorry, love bug.

Well, I don't like to brag, but...


You're kidding. In here? It's tiny.

Well, you know what they say,

It's not the size of the car,

It's the fact that the seats go back.

Wait. Where are we going?

We're going to be late.

Hey, my love bug cannot live on love alone.

Mags, you got a full t*nk of gas.

Shh. That old gauge isn't what it used

To be.

Want anything?

Surprise me.

Wow! That was fast.

Griffin! Surprise.

What are you...

What are you doing?

Griffin, stop! Stop the car.

Griffin, I mean it. Stop the car right now.

Griffin. Griffin, stop!

Stop the car.

Griffin, I am not kidding. Stop the car and take me

Back there.

Griffin, this is maggie's car. You can't just...

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Oh, great. So--so what? You're not going

To talk to me now?

You're going to kidnap me and not tell me why?

You're not being kidnapped.


Yes, I am!

God, you've obviously been stalking me.

You drive off with me against my will,

You won't let me out of the car.

What else would you call it?

We're just going someplace to talk,

All right?


You know what? Maggie's gonna call the police.

You're going straight back to jail.

Maggie's not going to call the police.

She's gonna go call a cab, and

She's gonna go home.

At least, that's what the plan was.

Wait. Maggie was in on this, too?

And claudia.

God, I can't believe...

What is wrong with you people?

Why can't you all just leave me alone?

This has nothing to do with any of you.

No, save it, all right?

You think I really want to be here?

It's just that claudia and maggie are so

Convinced that,

If somebody doesn't do something--

Then what?

You know, you're no different than

My sister was,

You know that?

She never needed any help.

Hell, she never had any problems.

She could handle the dr*gs,

She could handle my dad,

Until she couldn't.

So what's the big plan?

I thought maybe I took you some place that

You loved, you know,

Some place you used to be yourself.

Oh, maybe it's stupid,

But I thought maybe your parents' cabin

Up in tahoe.

If I could just get you there and--

Yeah, well, you were wrong.

And you know what else?

Lake tahoe is that way.


Didn't the doorman call up?

He said mr. Salinger,

So, you know...

Oh, you thought charlie.

Yeah. Hi.

Hi. Come in.

I'm--actually, I'm... Kind of glad it's you.

It's like the departure lounge


Oh, yeah, I know.

So many flight attendants live in this building,

They call it the birdcage.

It's kind of... Different for me, huh?

It's a nice place, though.

It's a nice view.

Yeah. I like it.

It''s temporary.

It's nice.


You didn't come here to talk about the view.

No. I didn't. Actually...

Kirsten, I came here to talk about owen.

He's been having some problems.

Is he ok?

Yes, and...

And not really.

He's been having a lot of trouble

With school.


These are learning tests,

Reading tests,

And he's really been struggling.

If you ask charlie, he would say he just

Needs to focus,

And that everything is going to work

Itself out.

Bailey, wait, no.

I'm not...

Getting in between you and charlie.

Ok, well, forget about me

And charlie.

This is about owen. What about owen?

No. No. It still...


Getting involved like that? I'm sorry.

It feels like a step backward for me.

I didn't come to san francisco

To get in the middle of your lives again.

I came back to figure out my own.

Ok, well, I hear all that.

So don't get involved.

Don't get between us.

Where owen winds up is between charlie

And i, but, kirsten--

Wait a minute.

You are someone who knows a lot

About child development,

And I'm telling you, if you look at these tests...

Look at them.


Are you trying to take owen away

From charlie?

Ok, you want to know what I think?

I don't need to look at your tests.

I'll tell you right now...

If--if you think that taking owen away

Is the solution,

You're wrong.

And if you plan on fighting over this,

It's going to do more damage to owen

Than anything that you see

On these tests.

And that's what I think.

I'm going to leave these with you, ok?

You look at them if you want.

No, wait, bailey, I told you

I didn't want--

Just...look at them.

You'll agree.

Sorry if I scared you.

Did I scare you, blinky?

Yeah, you did.

What's going on? Julia doesn't live

Here anymore.

Well, i, uh...

I thought you might know

Where she is.

She's at the museum.

Didn't she tell you that?

I thought you guys went together.

I finished early.

You know julia-- doesn't know

When to quit.


So...did you just come from there?


Then how come I just saw you

At the cafeteria,

Maggie? You want to tell me that?

You know what, ned? Maybe you still

Have the key,

But that does not give you the right--

Want to tell me what's going on?

Where is she? Who's she with?

She's at the museum, ned.

Just cut the crap.


Don't lie to me.

What's the matter, ned? You seem upset.

You know, whatever you're up to,

It's a waste of time.

'Cause julia and me, we're doing great.

It's not like what everyone thinks.

Then why you so worried?

I'm not.

I'm just...

I'd like to know where she is.

You scared she's with someone she'll listen to?

Where is she, maggie?

You scared they'll start to make sense?

Just tell me where she is.

She's where she belongs, ok?

Away from you.


It is not the engine. We're out of gas.

Unh! The gauge says it's full.

The gauge is lying.

Maggie told me when we stopped

For gas.

I thought she said she was going to

Fill it up last night.

Oh... We better get going

Before it gets too dark.

Ok, we are not going anywhere.

There's no way I'm walking 10 miles

To the nearest rest stop

In these shoes

Which are new and incredibly


Just because you're too male

To sit here

And wait for help.


You know what, griffin? Don't, ok?

Just go. Leave me alone.

You're not staying here.

You know what, griffin?

This whole pathetic little kidnapping


Of yours is over,

So you don't get to tell me

What to do anymore!

Since when have I ever told you what to do?

Huh? You've been marching me around

Since the day we first met.

That is not true.

You wanted us to move into the shed...

You wanted me to sell my shop,

You wanted to go back to school,

And every time I said whatever you want, jule,

Like an idiot... Thinking maybe,


But, uh, looks like all you really ever wanted

Was for somebody just to beat the selfishness

Right out of you.

Thanks for coming right over.

Well, when I heard that he got

In a fight, i--

Children fight.

Even best friends.

Hewly was teasing owen

After read-aloud.

You couldn't separate them?

Oh. This was on the playground

During break.

Mr. Salinger,

Is owen getting the extra hours

At night

With his reading?

He's getting what he needs.

3 Extra hours a night?

Do you know the message

We're sending him...

Telling him that he has to

Work like that,

That he has to take 3 hours

To do something

That his friend hewly can do

In 20 minutes?

We're telling him that he's stupid,

Miss lowe.

Learning disabilities have nothing to do

With being stupid--

I'm talking about how he feels,

About how we're making him feel,

Because we're labeling him,

Miss lowe.

That's exactly what we're doing.

Labeling him is what his friends do,

Mr. Salinger.

It's exactly what they did on the playground.

Then teacher to teacher,

It's your job to keep your kids

In line.

We'll see you tomorrow, owen.

Hi, charlie.


He started it.

I told him to stop,

But he wouldn't.

And then everyone else started it,

And then...

Started what, owe?

Calling me names.

They're calling me names after read-aloud,


Because what you were reading

Out loud was hard?

It was hard, charlie, and I was trying, but...

But they were calling me...


'Cause it takes me

So long to read.


I hate them, charlie.

I hate hewly and the others.

And mrs. Lowe. I hate them all!

You can't hate them all.

And you sure can't start fighting

With all of them.

That's only going to make it worse.

Why not, charlie?

You and bailey fight all the time.

Somebody, come on...

Thank you.


Get in.

Um, actually, I was just wondering

If you had a phone or something.

Get--get in.

Well, I would, but it's not my car.

See, it's my friend's, and she can't leave...

Get in! That would be great.

Um...there's room for my husband, right?

Griffin? Griffin!

Griffin, wait up!

How's it going down there?


I don't see a lot of pencil moving.


Do as much as you can, and I'll slide down there

And help you finish up, ok?

You done, big guy?

Those letters are not really...

(Softly) jeez...

I can't, charlie.

I can't do it!'s ok.

It's all right.

It's hard sometimes.

And there's lots of letters...

And lots of words, and we're going to

Spend lots of time

Until we get them right.



It's going to be ok.

What? Nothing.

You just...

Everybody has this idea

That ned is, like, this monster,

You know?

Like I'm his prisoner, living in fear,

And that is so not true.

I mean, you were right.

When have I ever done anything

I didn't want to do?

That's not what I meant.


So ned and my relationship isn't perfect.

He hits you.

He loves me.

Oh, he loves you.

Well, does he hit you because

He loves you,

Or is it the other way

Around, then?

Griffin, that's not...

It's not like that, ok?

We're like any other couple.

We hang out, we see movies,

We...have fun. We're like everybody else.

Until he hits you.

Because he will.

He will hit you again.

I just...


Wh-why do you stay with him? I mean,

Wh-what is it that he does for you?

Everything. He takes care of me.


So you don't have to worry

About taking care of yourself,

Because he takes care of you.

That is so not what I meant. That--

God, look at you.

You're so smart.

And so beautiful.

You can have anybody.

You can do anything.

But instead you hang out with him.


This is so...

Perfect, coming from you.

I'm hiding out?

Griffin, you're the one who's been living

In my family's garage.

I mean, look at you.

We broke up almost a year ago,

And you're still here.

Why are you still here, griffin?

I have no idea.

Because... You're right.

I don't have a life.

I had a life.

With you.

But I gave that up

So that you could have what you want.

So how do you think that makes me feel,


To find out that... You wanted this?

To know that you'd rather be

With some guy that hits you...

Than to be with me?

Julia: finally.

There's a buddy of mine at the shop

Who can probably give us a tow.

Yeah, thanks, but...

Oh, yeah, you're right.

You should probably go call ned

Before he gets pissed.

I mean it. I mean, he expects you to,


It's your life, jule. I'm...

I'm not going to tell you what to do.

You need 35 cents?

You know what?

No, forget it.

No. You know what, griffin?

You think you know me.

You think you know everything

That goes on in my head,

But you don't.

And this whole stunt today,

It just proves to me

That you never did.

And yeah, I'm calling ned.

But not because he expects me to,

Because I choose to.

Because I love him.

You got that?

I need 35 cents.


Hi. Hey.



Oh, um... Sit back down.

Finish your supper.

I'm not going to stay.


What a surprise.

When your note said you were, uh...

Giving me some space, I didn't realize

How much space that would be.

I didn't want to be here

In a way that...

Isn't good for me. That's all it was,


Doesn't mean you have to stay away completely.

Um... I think it does. know, that's--that's not

Why I'm here.

Um... I'm here because...

Well, it's...

It's about owen.

Owen. What about him?

How's he been, charlie?

He's been... Kirsten, come on.

What is this, out of the blue

You're asking about owen?

I read his test results.

Bailey gave them to me,

And I'm--i'm really worried, charlie.

I think owen has a serious problem.


Bailey's been by to see you.

Look, I know...

I know that there's stuff

Between you two.

Him coming by, he was just--

He was just trying to help.

Yeah. To...get the kid away from me.

I told you, I am staying out of that.

Could you just... Tell me what's going

On with owen?


I talked to a couple of experts.

This woman at, uh, at berkeley

Who's written a couple of books on this.

She hasn't seen owen yet,

But she did say a couple of things

That made sense.

I don't get it. This is for owen?

A gift?


He's going to need a reward

For all the extra work we're about to do,

Something that improves hand-eye coordination

Is best.

It could help his confidence.

What do you think?

It all sounds...


Listen, I know it's no coincidence

That owen started to make a mess

Of his schoolwork

When diana first came.

Charlie, that's--

This is going to work, kirsten.

There's nothing

That me spending more time with owen

Can't fix,

And everyone will see it. Bailey'll see it,

And he'll fall in line with me on this...

And the fighting will stop.

(Vehicle approaching)

I won't say anything, ok?


You ok? Mm-hmm.

You sure?

Why don't you go sit in the car?

Ned, don't. Please.


You come anywhere near her...

Ned, let's go home.

It's cold. Here.

No, I'm ok.

What, you want to freeze to death?



Now I'm all yours.

No, I know you're busy and all.

Wait. For you to come down here,

It must be important. So?

You know what this is about.

You can imagine what it's like at

The house right now.


No. Charlie and you.

Both of you. The fact that you're

Not even supposed

To come there anymore, I mean...

I don't even know how that happened.

I know how it happened. Because charlie--

Stop! You're just going to say 'cause charlie

Did this or that,

Or 'cause he's in the wrong, but...

You know what, bailey? I can't take both of you

Fighting like this anymore.

Claudia, believe me.

If I didn't have to be doing this,

If I felt like there was

Any other way...

But I really believe that owen would be

Better off with me,

That he needs to be with me.

You don't have to agree with that.

All I know is...

I don't know what's going to

Happen with julia,

And all you two do is tear each other


It feels like the house is falling

Down, bailey.

I can't help it.

You want to tell me what happened?



He just wanted to talk.


What he say?


He was worried about me.

Jule, I think we got to call the police

On this guy.


Look, I'm not going to tell you

What to do...

But this guy totally went off on me

And basically kidnapped you.

We went for a drive. That's all.

You won't even have to make the call.

I'll go down there, and I'll take care

Of everything.

No, ned.

Thanks, but...

I've got it under control, ok?

So...claudia's pretty upset.

Can you blame her?

And you're feeling like it's your fault.

Well, how can I not?

It's like when you're trying

To fix something,

And you just totally wreck it.

What if kirsten's right?

What, about owen?

Bailey, she didn't even read the tests--

About us fighting.

Me and charlie.

Because look what it's doing.

I made charlie so mad

That he doesn't want me at the house,

So now...when owen needs help,

I can't even go over there

To give it to him.

This isn't working, sarah.

There's got to be a better way

To do this.

Let's go, charlie! Give me the push!

Ok. One more...

And then we go home and hit the books,


You remember our deal.

Now, we're on the bike.

I know, I know. 3 Hours on the reading.

Ok. You ready?

(Diana whimpering)

All right, pedal. Pedal!

All right, you got it.

Keep it going. Steer!

Look, charlie, I'm doing it!

All right, good! Now, now...try to--

Hit the brakes! Put your leg out!

One more time, charlie, please.

No. Come on, buddy.

Remember what we said.

Look, I'm going to take diana over to

The picnic table,

Ok? And give her a pit stop.

Bring your bike over here and then

We'll head home.


(Diana crying)


Sweetie, huh?

I can do this.

Huh? Shh...

Go on...

I got you. Aww...

I got you.

Here we go.

Charlie, help!


Hit the brakes!

Owen turn!

I can't stop!

Come on.



Are you all right?

Charlie, my arm...

Your arm?

Charlie, it hurts really bad.


So I thought we could go see a movie tonight.

Shakespeare in love is still here.


Yeah. I know how you wanted to see it.

Mmm...i do.

It's just I have this study group for my

History midterm tonight,


Right. They called.

Your t.a., Becky something?

Rebecca bloom. Yeah. What did she say?

Nothing. Just confirming.


But I told her you weren't feeling well,

So you're off the hook.

Wait. You--you told her I wouldn't be there?

No. I just--

You seemed so out of it last night, I thought...

Well, hey, I can call her back if you want.

I mean, you've got the number, right?

No. Um...

No. I mean, that's-- that's all right.

I'll call her later.


Call her now, if that's what you want.

No. I said it was all right.

But it's not. It's obviously not.

So what's the number? I'll dial it.

Ned, I don't wanna--

Then take the phone.

Take the damn phone!

I'll call her later, all right?

God, you're mad at me, aren't you?


Tell me.

Ned, I'm not mad.

It's ok.

Stop saying that.

You made me drive all the way out there

Last night--

To god knows where--

To get you away from him.

What? Let me finish!

And I don't even say anything,

And now you're the one who's acting cold

And weird.

What's goin' on with you, julia?

What time is the movie?

Tell me.

What time?


I'll work until then.


Mr. Salinger?

Yeah. That's me. I'm bailey salinger.

Um, we call it a green stick fracture.

It's like trying to break a green stick.

It's pretty common in kids.

So, it's not really broken?

Well, it's a fracture, all right.

We're putting a soft cast on it now.

The nurse will show you how to take care of it.


What? Is that all you really know,


"It's not really broken"?

Look, even a doctor can't convince you.

Bailey, not now.

No. Maybe this isn't the time

Or the place,

But I just don't get it, charlie.

I just wanted to know how bad it is.

Why can't you see this stuff?

Why can't you see that he is not

Some grown-up kid

Who can ride an adult bike

And do everything for himself?

This is not my fault, ok? He took off on his own.

I couldn't leave diana to chase him.

Right. Exactly.

You couldn't leave diana.

That's my point.

I can't be every place at once, bailey.

No parent can.

Sarah: oh, hey! Bailey: charlie,



Charlie, wait.

Owen needs more than you can give him right now.

All of us can see that.

Why can't you?


You about ready?

Now, that's what I call a perfect table.

Perfect meal on the way.



(Knock on door)

I had to say it out loud.

Just a sec!

Oh, damn.






You suckin' your thumb now?

I hurt myself.

Hmm. That's a switch.

What are you doin' here, maggie?

Julia: I called her, ned.

Are you ready, jule?

Wait a minute.

What's goin' on? What are you doing?

I'm leaving.

I'm leaving, ned.


You can't.

I won't let you.

You have to.


I mean...


I mean, you have to tell me why.

No, I don't.

I don't think I do.

We love each other, julia.

You don't want to do this.

Griffin and maggie are telling you

What to feel.


That's really what you think is happening?

Come on, jule.

Ned, don't, please.

Let go. Just let go of the--

Shut up, maggie!

You don't do this.

You don't just leave me.

What are you gonna do, ned, huh?


Please, julia.

Good-bye. Hey.

You think that, um...

That owen should go live with bailey, don't you?

Charlie, when mom and dad raised us,

They had each other and they had you,

And, don't take this wrong, but...

Now there's just you.

What are you saying, that i--

That I can't do this, I can't take care of owen?

Look, ever since you've gotten better,

You've had this feeling of--i don't know--

Like you could take on anything

All by yourself,

And it's good, charlie. It's good that you're

Feeling that strong.

Is this about his broken arm?

Because that is-- that is so unfair

To blame that on--

Charlie, it's not the broken arm.

Then what?

I've been doin' this alone for 5 years, claud.

But that's not true, charlie. It's not.

The truth is, all of us,

We all raised each other.

I mean, I'm not saying you didn't do a lot.

You did an incredible job, but--

You've raised owen and me...

And bailey and jule--

And we took care of you,

And we pitched in with owen.

We all pitched in together, charlie.

And you never had 2 small kids

On your own.

Till now.

I am so sorry, jule.

I just keep thinking...

If only I'd warned you, you know?

If only I'd had the guts to tell you about him.

I wouldn't have listened.

What do you mean?

You left him.

You're here now. Whatever griffin

Said to you--

He didn't.

That's not what happened.

It wasn't what he said.



No. It was, um...


I thought it was love.

You know?

This thing with him.

I thought it was...

Him and me against...

Everything else,

Everything that ever hurt me.

My last year at home, my breakup with griffin,

And even my mom and dad...

I thought, uh...

I thought if I chose him and I pushed away

Everyone else

And I lost myself in us,

That I would be safe from all the bad stuff.

And that I'd be making this really great and

Safe thing with him.

But all I really did was lose myself.

Mr. Salinger.

Did you get that matter worked out with your family?

No, I didn't.

And, now, things have gotten worse.

That's my brother's arm.