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05x17 - Fam-i-ly

Posted: 03/11/22 08:24
by bunniefuu
Claudia: "the king's son ascended,

"But instead of finding his dearest rapunzel,

"He found the wicked enchantress.

"In his despair, he leapt from the tower,

"But the thorns into which he fell pierced his eyes.

"Then he wandered quite blind around the forest,

"And at length came to the desert

Where rapunzel lived in wretchedness."


Sarah: maybe everyone's gone to sleep.

Bailey: it's only 9:00.

Claudia: "he heard a voice, and when he walked toward it,

"Rapunzel fell on his neck and wept.

"Two of her tears wetted his eyes,

And they grew clear again."

Hey, I brought some ice cream over.


They're--they're reading.

Claudia: "and he could see with them as before.

He led her to his kingdom, where he was joyfully received."

Charlie, she shouldn't be reading to him.

She should be trying to get him to sound out

Words on his own.

Look, let's not get into this again, ok?


I've thought about everything

You've been saying,

And I think you're right.



If you think you had a problem like owen's,

And it slipped through the cracks, then you

Should be involved.

Pick him up after school. Keep him until dinner.

Do the assignments.

He naps after school, charlie.

Owen needs to be doing his studying

When he's at his best,

Not when it's convenient for us,

Which is after dinner when he's settled down

And there are no more distractions.

So, come over to the house every night after dinner.


What do you mean no?

Look, I'm trying to be reasonable here.

You haven't done a thing about it

All week, though, have you?

I--i talked to miss lo.

We're going to get him retested.

The weschler test?

Results the end of may!

And, meanwhile, the next two months

Are a complete waste

Unless we start the i.e.p.

What's the i.e.p.?

Claudia, please just stay out of this.

Individualized education program...

Which we probably should have started

A year ago,

If anyone was paying attention.

"Anyone" meaning me, right?

Anyone meaning anyone,

Including you, including myself.

And including the school, right?

Sarah, please, this is none of your business.

Look, the point is, charlie,

That every day counts.

And if he were living with me--

But he's not, bailey!

And we've been over this a hundred times!

I know. And I'm not going to let it go,

Because I'm not going to let your ego

Get in the way of owen's well-being.

My ego!? Yes.

Wow, bailey!

Your "I don't need anybody's help, I can do

It all by myself" ego.

Listen, you can continue to fight me on this

Or you can wake up and realize that owen

Is never going to live with you!

Ever! All right? End of story.

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they want to live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they want to love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Ned: ok, does this prove it or what?

Julia: prove what?

That we did the right thing

Moving out,

Off campus.

(Ned laughs)

I mean, if this were the dorm right now,

Ray would be storming in around

Back from one of his god-squad meetings

Or something.

Yeah. It's better here.

And no maggie.


I said it was better, ok?


Don't be touchy.

(Telephone rings)

Julia's voice on answering machine:

It's us. Do your thing.

Claudia: julia? Julia, are you there?

This is claud-- for the tenth time, it's claud--

So I'm beyond feeling blown off, now I'm just--worried.

God, are you there, jule, or what?...are you ok?

'Cause we're not that ok here.

I need to talk to you about all this stuff that's

Going on over owen...

The way charlie and bailey are going on over him...

If you don't call back tomorrow, I'll--

Why'd you--

I didn't see you making any effort

To pick it up.

I was listening, though.

Look. The whole point is that we're dropping out

Of everybody's problems but our own.

But my family's problems are mine, too.

Then call her back.

You know they'll just suck you back in where

You don't want to be.

I'm just worried.

I left her, like, 12 messages in

The last two weeks.

Julia's in college, claud.

She's not supposed to be calling home.

It's not about calling home. It's about calling me back.

And owen. I called her when he was so upset last week.

When was owen upset?

And why was he upset?

You guys were fighting. He wanted to talk to her.

Listen, claud, don't drag julie into this owen thing.

All right? If he's upset,

He'll talk to me.

And speaking of which, I need you to drop him

Off at school,

Because diana's got a cough. I'm going to call in sick.

Can't. Yearbook meeting.

You don't have to take the bus.

I'll give you cab fare.

Can't you just call bailey?

Julia: I'll take him.

I got all your messages, claud.

I'm sorry I've been so flaky, ok?

No, it's not ok, jule.

You call people back.

Salinger rule.

I really needed to talk to you.

Ok, well, I'll stay over for dinner, all right?

Listen, um, owen's upstairs.

Make sure he has his show and tell stuff, ok?



(Shower running)

I just think that one kid with a special need

Would be better off in a two-parent household

Than in a one-parent household

With two other kids.

Don't you think?

Hey, will you pass me my toothbrush?

So I'm meeting with that child welfare guy today.

Hey, maybe you should come.

Maybe you should be there with me.

Oh, you know what, I would really love to,

But my mom--she has a meeting with this caterer,

Florist or something--

She wants me to come along.

Did I tell you that she wants me to give her away?

I'm so weirded out.

That would be nice. You'll be great.

That'd be great.

Bailey, I think they've decided

To limit the guest list...

Immediate family only, I guess.


That's fine.

Are you sure, because--


I'm not her son-in-law.

I'm just the guy who stole her only daughter

Away from her.

I wouldn't want me at my wedding, either.

Mmm. Tasty.

(Door closes)

Hey. I'm meeting my mother

At a boutique near here.

Bailey asked me to drop these off.

They're for learning monosyllabic words.

You beat them.

They're for owen.

You beat the drum with the syllables.

It's a phonics thing.

It's in everything we read.


I pulled this stuff off the internet.

And it all says that owen should live

With you guys, right?



Have you even thought about this?

Because this is a commitment that I'm not sure you're

Prepared to make.

I mean, do you even know where you're going

To be in a year?

What if you and bailey break up?

That's not going to happen.

And besides, charlie, I mean,

Parents don't even know where they're going to

Be in a year from now.

I mean, look at my mom and dad,

You know, look at you and daphne.

But you're not owen's mother, sarah.

Or even his sister or his aunt.

You're his brother's girlfriend.

I mean, are you prepared to raise a 5-year-old kid

That's not your own and is never going to be?

So claudia's been calling me

Every 5 minutes.

Yeah. Charlie's been totally pigheaded

About this whole thing.

But you do understand his point, right?

I mean, he has been doing this for 5 years,

And he's done fine.

I don't know that. How do you know that?

Last year we were home all the time.

Last year he was sick.

And he had all of us, bailey.

I mean, he's handled all of us.

And the last 5 years have not exactly

Been easy.

You make it sound like he did it alone.

And he's never done this alone, julia.

I just think--

And you know what?

I guess I don't even want to hear this from you.

Because you're not involved in this

Day-to-day anymore.


What does that matter? That doesn't disqualify

My opinion.

I think it does.

Unless you're willing to take part

In raising owen...

I do take part in raising owen.

Why do you think I came down here?

I don't know.

Maybe because it was convenient for you?

Right. Really convenient.

In the middle of midterms, in the middle of moving.

And it was really convenient last year when I had to move

Home completely.

That's right.

And we were all scared and sad

Because charlie was so sick.

But you-- you were different.

You were miserable.

Of course I was.

Not just because charlie was sick.

You were miserable because you had

To come back

And take care of the kids again.

We all got stuck, julia, but you felt stuck.

And here's me and charlie fighting over owen

Because we both want this so much.

And you come back here to give us your vote.

I don't think so.

I don't think you get a vote anymore.

I don't know.

Sarah: I don't know.

I guess I'm just a little nervous,

That's all.

You're nervous, why?

I don't know... I don't know,

It's just--

God, you know, a new family,

New life, people.

I'm not really a part of it.

Not a part of it? Sweetheart, you're

My daughter.

I know that.

I know that, it's just--

God, I've only met andrew, like, 5 times,

You know, and he's already got 3 kids.

I'm not really sure where I fit in...

If I fit in.

You are going to have a very special place

In this family.

I always felt like your father and I

Had failed you,

That we hadn't given you brothers or sisters

To help you through

If, god forbid, something happened to us,

Which it did.

You always used to ask at christmas and birthdays,

Do you remember?


You asked for a sister all wrapped up in a bow.

Ha ha!

And now I feel like I can give you that

Kind of family,

The kind you've been wanting.

So I had no idea about this owen thing.

Well, did claudia tell you about it?

I was just at the restaurant.

What, to get bailey's side?

No, apparently to get chewed out.

But he did say one thing.

He...he reminded me about last year

And how tough it was on all of us.

You had two kids and there were

3 Of us,

And now you have 3 kids and it's

Just you.

What's your point?

Well, just that, um, maybe you should

Think about it,

You know, let him stay at bailey's

For a month or so.

No, I don't think so.

He's so crazy about this,

And it's upsetting you.

And it's upsetting claud.

I am not just going to give up like that.

It's not giving up.

Look, this is just like you, isn't it?

Telling me to quit on something

That I've committed 5 years of my life to.

Something that I happen to consider to be

My greatest achievement.

Charlie, I'm not--

I don't make commitments to someone

And then quit, jule.

Quitting's sort of your m.o.,

Not mine.

What are you talking about?

Like your marriage, maybe?

And college until you came to your senses.

Every hobby or subject that you've ever had.

The job at the museum, the job at school.

I mean, do I have to go on?

How has this suddenly become about me?

Because you're the one who's trying

To give me advice

About something you don't know

Anything about!

Hey, where you been?

I told you I was going home.

8 Hours ago.


8 Hours wasted.

You could've called.

Yeah, I could've called.

I would've called if I were a thoughtful,

Intelligent, successful person.

Whoa, wait a second.

(Julia sobs)

If I wasn't so selfish

And such a failure at everything.

What happened, jule?

Wh--what happened to you, jule?

What is this?

I'll show you later.

No, let me see it.

Ah, ned, it's...

You and me, 8x10.

It's so beautiful.

I mean, forget about meeting

The family, right?

Forget about the first kiss.

The photograph, blown up and framed,

It's a very big step.

It's like evidence.

Where should we put it?

You decide that. You're the artist

In the family.

(Telephone rings)

Let it ring.

Answering machine: it's us. Do your thing.

Claudia: nice, friendly message there, jule.

You said you'd stay for dinner

And you bailed again, without a word.

What is going on? If you don't call me back, I'm...

Cutting school and going down to stanford today.


Charlie, you can't stop me.

Claud, you remember mr. Day. Right?

Claudia: oh.



Charlie: it would have been nice if you'd called.

Mornings are kind of hectic around here.

Thank you.

Well, we don't call for unannounced visits.

Claudia, your records indicate that your

Grades are back up

And no more cutting, right?

Yeah. Yep.

School's great.

Actually, I don't think I've ever been happier.

When you have a home life as close-knit as ours--

Claud, claud, it's ok. You don't

Have to impress him.

He knows we're doing fine.

Right? I mean, everything is fine, right?

I got a visit from your brother


A visit?

Why? What did he want?

Well, it seems to me he has some concerns.



Wow. Well...

Do you see anything here you need to be

Concerned about, mr. Day?

Well, I don't know. That's why I came by.

Maggie: ok, I just spent 80 minutes

Of that 9o-minute lecture on some

Beach in maui.

And by the look on your face you may

Have been with me,

But did you get notes on half of that?

Yeah. Can I get them back by friday?




I want to know what's going on with you.

I want to know everything now.

What everything? What are you--

Why you didn't stay for dinner last night.

You didn't even leave a message.

Why you never return my phone calls.

You didn't even tell me you moved.

We've been busy, claud.

You're distant. You're quiet.

You're weird, julia.

You're not yourself. It's like...

It's like there's this big secret you're

Trying to keep from us.

Maggie, can you excuse us for a minute, please?


Griffin's been saying all this stuff about ned.

I'm starting to wonder if it's true.

Wh--what about him?

Maggie, stay out of this, please.

And you know what, claud?

You, too-- stay out!

Why, julia?

Why are you shutting me out like this?

I'm not, claud, ok?

I just--i can't go up there and

Solve everything.

But you haven't even tried.

Nobody wants me to.

Bailey and charlie have both made it

Perfectly clear

They want me to stay out of this.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do.


I can't try to find resemblances anymore.

You're basically like a younger, prettier

Version of me.

Ok, that is definitely not true, not true.

But you know what? I'll bet you people

Would believe us

If we said we were sisters.

What's blood got to do with it, right?

Oh! That reminds me, I meant to ask you.

I've been taking this genealogy course.

Look what I made, our two family trees

Converging at the roots.

Wow, um...

Maybe you could help me out with

Your mother's side.


Maybe we could give it to them together

As a wedding gift.

That's-- that's a great idea.

You know, my dad said when I was little

I used to ask for a sister for my birthday.


I need to talk to you in private.

What, are you going to rough me up

Or something?

Not if you can give me one

Damn good reason

Why you went to child welfare

Services yesterday.

How--how did you know that?

He came by the house this morning.

He did? Yeah.


Unannounced home visit.

Questions about claudia leaving hanover.

The laundry piling up, owen sleeping in the tent.

It's not my fault, charlie.

I talked to the guy for, like, 10 minutes.

What'd you say to him?

I wanted to get some facts, or some case study,

Or an official opinion to help convince you.

You convinced me, all right.

You convinced me that you have no idea

What's best for that kid.

He could take him away from both of us,

You know that?

Is that what he said?

Charlie, I'm telling you,

I asked this guy a couple of questions,

That's it.

Questions like, "wouldn't owen be better off

Somewhere else," right?

I never said that! Well, that's

What he heard!

I'm not responsible

For what this guy comes up with on his own!

I'm telling you,

If something happens to this family

Because of this,

I will hold you personally


(Knock on door)

Oh, hey.

I--i never got those notes from you.

Oh, sorry, i--

Would you mind waiting out here a sec.

It's still such a mess in here.

I--i--i couldn't help overhearing your fight

With claudia.

Yeah. Things have been a little

Stressful lately.

Yeah. They say moving is, like, one of the 5 most

Stressful things you can do.

No, I mean at home with my family.

I thought I heard claudia say something about ned.

And I was remembering how he used to get

When he stressed.

Pretty bad moods, right?

Well, we all have our moods.

Henry's not moody at all, actually.

The only time I can tell when he is mad is when

He gets quiet.

Sort of a change from ned, don't you think?

Maggie, I don't think we should be talking

About ned.

And I don't know what you're saying.

I'm talking about what he's like

When he's mad, jule.

I mean, he's never gotten

So upset or angry--

Maggie, this is not right or fair.

What happened with you guys

Is your business,

And ours is ours now.

All right?

Now, you want these notes or not?

I didn't come here for your notes.

All right.

(Books slam down)

Well, I have a lot to do around here,

So could you go?

(Maggie sighs)

Hey, maggie.

Hey. Is charlie here, too?

Is everything ok?

No, not really.

Charlie: hey, maggie.

I, uh, sort of need to talk to you guys.

It's about julia.

You're scaring me.

Did something happen?'s just...

Just promise me one thing.

Promise me you will not get mad at her, ok?


I think julia's in a lot of trouble.

I know she is.

Most of the time he was this great guy

That I was crazy about.

He loved me.

I believed that-- he could convince me

Of that.

Even though he hit you more than once?

I don't understand.

I know...i know it's hard to put yourself there.

You don't want to, but he could say things.

He convinced me that nobody could love me

The way that he did,

Not my parents, not my friends.


Yeah, most of the time he made me feel like

I was this goddess,

Like I was this idol to be worshipped.

And the rest of the time?

This is hard for me to talk about.

I still feel like I did something wrong.

Maggie, you got to tell us.

Labor day weekend, right before school,

His family was away,

And we had this fight about stanford--

I don't even remember.

He threw me into a television.

I don't want to talk about every time, charlie,

But let me just tell you that was

Not the worst of it.

And you are positive the same thing's happening

With julia?

Yes, I am positive.

Griffin said that she, uh...

That she came home with a sprained wrist

Or something,

That she lied about some car accident.

Yeah, I did that, too.

I lied all the time to everyone,

Especially myself.

Over and over in my head I kept saying, "he loves me."

As long as you're telling yourself that--

That lie...

It makes it hard to walk away,

So no matter what, you just keep saying,

"He loves me."


I just left joy in charge of an over-booked

Lunch shift for what?

To get chewed out some more?

Maggie was just here.


Everything griffin's been saying about ned,

And this whole...

Maggie says it's true.

Ned used to hit her.

You're kidding me.

I can't believe it, either.

I can't believe how stupid I've been.

So, griffin's...

Been right.

Guy's got a problem.

Yeah, you're damn right he's got a problem.

Let's go. Let's go down there.

My thought exactly.

I'm coming, too.

No, you're not. No.

Stay here with diana. All right, wait, wait.

Somebody's got to pick up owen.

Call sarah, she'll do it.

What are you guys going to do?

Talk to him. k*ll the guy.

Man, all the times that that guy's been

In our house.

I know.

I mean, who does this?

What kind of guy would do this?

Well, he doesn't know who he's dealing

With, does he?

He thinks griffin was it?


Another trip to the hospital...

Look, maybe we should just pull

Her out of there.

I don't know if messing up ned's going

To solve anything.

He's got it coming.

Well, let's just see what it's like when

We get there. Ok?

He needs to know that he can't get

Away with this.

I know that, but we can't just

Fly in there

And beat the crap out of ned.

Why the hell not?

Because it's not a cartoon, bailey.

This is a dangerous situation.

Fine, let's deal with it your way, charlie.

Let's deny any signs that something's wrong.

That's not what I'm saying.

Why don't we just stop the car and turn

Around right now?

And go back home and think about it

For a week or a month.

Let's not face this head-on, just in case we might have to

Admit the fact that we missed it.

Charlie, we missed this.

Sounds like a charlie salinger

Plan to me.

Andrew: all right, big shot,

How's the new office?

Matthew: good, it's nice.

We're over the ocean.

We're going to throw the best party

For you, dad.

Best bachelor party.

(Woman laughs)

Hello, sweetheart.

Hi, um, sorry I'm late.

That's ok, who's this?

Oh, this is my boyfriend's little brother owen.

Owen, this is my mom,

This is her fiance.

And this is her fiance's children.

How you doing, owen?

Hey, owen. Hey, owen.

I'm confused.

Well, let's get you an extra chair,

And we'll explain it to you, owen.

Sally, why don't you pass some chicken?

Sarah, this was supposed to be a dinner to discuss

The wedding plans.

I think that owen might be a little bit bored.

Oh, we can discuss that another time.

So, uh...

Are you a chicken and potatoes man, owen?

Are you baby-sitting?

Um, no, no.

They called me, and they needed

Somebody to pick him up.

I guess there was a problem over there

Or something.

That's the salingers.

Always seems to be some kind of a crisis,

And she's always helping somebody out of something.

Then they always call in sarah to

Pick up the pieces,

But she's too sweet to ever say no.

Mother! They're my friends.

And I'm your family.

Excuse me.

Ok, there are more cobwebs

In this apartment.

Yeah, but we don't want to get it too clean

Because then we'd have no excuse to get dirty

And sweaty...

And smell as bad as I do.

I'm going to take a shower.

You want to come?

Sure, just let me get these webs first.

(Doorbell rings)

Did you order food?


Come in, I guess.

Pack a bag, jule. Let's go.

What? What are you--?

Julia, maggie told us about ned.

What? What are you talking about?

You aware this guy spent five years throwing

Maggie into walls?

You guys can't just barge in here--

Is that him? Is he in

The bathroom?

Charlie: bailey!

Julia, stay here. Stay here.

What the--?

Get out here!


You are never going to touch her ever again.

Do you hear me?

You can't come in here--

We can't? We just did.

Charlie: bay! Bay! Bay! Get off him!

Bailey: get off me.

Get the hell out of here!

Get out of here!

Get out! And stay down!

You stay down.

Trust me. Just don't come out.

Who the hell do you think you are?

Julia, please come on. Please get your stuff.

We want to take you home.

I am not coming with you!

Julia! Pack your stuff. We'll talk about this

At home.

This is my home!

Julia, you can't lie to us about this anymore.

Ok, we know what's going on.

No, you don't.

Like you said, I don't get a vote

In your lives,

You don't get a vote in mine.

This is not about a vote.

This is about keeping you safe.

Now, just pack your stuff, and we'll

Talk about it later.

I don't want to talk about it later.

Charlie: julia, please, come on.

Come with us.

Ned and I are working this out.

Ok? He's getting help. He's seeing someone.

I'm going to work this out, charlie.

I'm going to make it work.

Shocking but true, I'm not quitting on him!

That guy beats women, all right?

It's not your problem to work it out.

No, it is, because he loves me.

If he loved you, he wouldn't be

Hitting you., he does love me.


Don't touch me! Don't...

Please, just go!

Just go!

I'm sorry I couldn't find anything.

That's ok, but you should try to if

You ever have the time.

You suddenly realize you're a part of

This long line of people, you know?

Gives you such a feeling of belonging.

So, mom, I have to take owen home.

I'm sorry that I can't stay for dessert.

I'm sorry, too.

Ok, why are you mad at me?

I mean, you've been mad at me since

I got here tonight.

I wanted tonight to be special,

And I just don't understand why or how

The salingers always come before family.

Before family?

Mom, just because you're marrying andrew

Doesn't automatically make them my family.

Andrew is going to be my husband, sarah.

I know that,

And I am really, really happy for you.

I am, but mom, andrew's your choice.

You love him, and he's going to

Be family

Because you chose him.

You know, kind of the way

That you chose me

When you decided to adopt me.

But it's not blood or genes or dna,

And it's also not a license

Or a ceremony, either.

It's a choice.

And, I don't know, I guess, you know,

Maybe I've made my choice, too,

And the salingers have been my choice for

A very long time now.

Well, I guess I can't ask you to accept my choice

If I can't accept yours.

Please ask bailey to come to the wedding.

I don't know if we should have left her there.

I don't know, either.

You see his face?

See it? I wanted to smash it in.

You should have let me.

Yeah, well, I just kept thinking, you know,

We got to do this right.

I kept thinking how would've dad done this?

Of course, if dad was here,

This probably wouldn't be happening.


I mean, what the hell is

She doing with him?

Staying with him.

I know what she's doing, charlie.

She thinks that you think she's a failure.


She thinks you don't accept her the way she is,

And you don't.

Oh, man...

So, she's staying with this guy to prove you wrong.

I can't believe you're finding a way

To blame me for this.

You always find something, don't you?

Charlie, you never accepted her.

Her and griffin, you never accepted

Her and griffin.

Last year, all year, they were in the house

Busting their butts for you,

And you were so critical of them.

Yeah, and I was right.

It was a huge mistake.

And getting daphne knocked up was some

Grand achievement.

(Tires screeching)

Julia and I are completely different.

Ok? You think...

You think 5 years ago,

If mom and dad had predicted where

We'd be right now

That me getting some girl pregnant would

Have been that far off?

'Cause I don't think so.

But julia?

You think they'd have said

That she would be married and divorced to

A motorcycle mechanic

All by the ripe old age of 20?

And now this? I don't think so,


So, go ahead and blame me.

Blame me because I want my kid sister

To be everything she was supposed to be.

Just don't do it where I can hear you, ok?

Well, did she come with you?

Where is she?

Julia didn't want to come home with us, claud.

Why not? What happened?

She, uh...

She didn't want us butting into her life.

So, she admitted it.

Yeah. She said that it was a problem,

And that they were going to work it out alone.

I don't understand.

How can they work it out alone

When he's the problem?

I don't know,

But she's going to have to figure that

Out for herself.

But she's admitting it.

Yeah, she is, claud,'s kind of like the same thing

With my drinking.

She knows that there's a problem.

She doesn't know what it is yet,

Or how bad it is.

And she thinks she can take care of

It all by herself.

You remember how mad I got when you guys

Tried to help me?

But we did help you.

Well, you did, and you didn't.

It really wasn't until sarah got hurt that i...

Finally sort of woke up, you know.

But if anybody gets hurt,

It's going to be julia.

Claud, we can't help her until

She wants our help.

Owen: bailey.

Hey, hey, buddy.

I'm sorry, did we wake you up?

A bad guy was trying to get in my tent.

A bad guy? Who?

Someone, I don't know. He didn't say his name.

Can I sleep at bailey's house,

Where there isn't any bad guys?

I'm sorry, bud, you got to stay

Here for now.

But you promised I could. It was our secret.

That's good, bailey.

No, what I promised was that we'd try

And work it out,

But for now you have to be here.


Charlie: ok?

Owen, come on, get back to bed.

Go on, owen. Do what charlie says.

You know what, owen? Come here.

Sarah, what are you doing?

Just let us handle it.

(Whispering) good night, everybody.

Bailey: good night.

Charlie: good night, bud.

You know what, charlie?

I really, really hate it when you say "us"

Like it doesn't include me.

Look, I am not his baby-sitter

Just because he and I aren't

Married or something,

And you of all people should know that.

I'll be out in the car.

I'm going to go tuck owen in.

Sorry about that.

What are you apologizing for?

I'm glad you said it.

Are you ok?

Yeah. Yeah, I just kind of

Had a really bad night.

You and me both.

Not nearly as bad as yours, of course.

Families, huh?


My mother just expects me to love them already.

That's not fair.

It's not, right?


'Cause I love you, bailey,

And that's ok, right?

I mean, for me to love you and owen and claud

And julia and charlie.

Yes, of course it is.

Is it, though?

You're "us," sarah. You always have been.

I looked everywhere, owen.

Looks like he's gone, whoever he was.

I think he went into the kitchen.

Nope, I looked there.

Under the couch?

Looked there, too. I think he's gone.

It's so late, he probably got tired,

And just went home to go to bed.

Are charlie and bailey mad at me?

At you?


No, why would you think that?

Because they always yell my name a lot.

No, owen, they're not mad

At you at all.

I think they just... They love you so much,

That they end up getting mad at each other

Because charlie wants you here,

And bailey wants you there with him.

You sure?

I'm sure I'm sure.

Night night, sleep tight.

Don't let the bedbugs bite.

See you in the morning light.

Good night.


How many times?

How many?

In all three years, I don't know.

I'd have to say too many.

I'm sorry.

Me, too.

I'd always thought it happened because

I'd done something wrong...

Until I saw it happening to you,

And then I realized

It wasn't me. It was him, it was ned.

It's still him, julia. You know that, right?


Oh, hey.

Maggie fell asleep in that dostoevsky lecture

Last week.

Here are my notes.

Can I get them back on monday after class?

Sure, thanks.

You're welcome.

Bye. Bye.