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05x15 - Whatever Works

Posted: 03/11/22 08:22
by bunniefuu
Wait a minute. Hold on.

Hitting her?

You think he actually hits her?

Just look at what's been happening

With her, man.

Because, man, if that's true...

Griffin, we've been over this.

She comes home from school acting like they broke up.

I mean, and her arm's hurt.

She makes up some bogus story

About being in a car accident.

Listen, I've watched them,

And there's no sign of anything--

What bogus story? How do you know

It was bogus?

I went out to look at the car.

There's no dent where she said

She got hit.

I've watched them-- a lot--

And all I see is, is they're...

They're in love.

And maybe that's what's bothering you,

When you're right about to sign your divorce papers.

They are? You are?

You think I like this,

Charlie? Huh?

You think it's fun for me to look

At you guys

And see that you're thinking,

"Poor stupid griffin.

Can't get over julia."

Hey, man. Nobody's saying...

I mean, what if it's possible?

Really, let's just for argument's sake.

Because if it's at all possible--

Bailey, it's not.

Come on. She's, like, the strongest one

Of all of us

And the smartest.

The idea that she would let someone hit her--

Sarah: it could happen.

It could.

Are you serious?

There's this woman in my victims group,

You know, who I thought was a counselor.

She was always on her cell phone

And telling everybody else what their problem was.

But do you wanna know why she was there?

She was there because her secretary--

This guy that she was having an affair with--

Was beating her.

Beating her so badly

That she had to miss giving her acceptance speech

For being head of her sales division.

The bruises, she, um...

She couldn't cover them up anymore.

No amount of makeup would do it.

I'm gonna talk to her.


No. She can hate me if she wants to,

But I'm gonna ask her.

She'll probably say no.

Ok. You'll see, right?

Just talk to her. You'll see.

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Captioning made possible by fox broadcasting,

Columbia tristar television

And coca-cola classic

Guess who.


Ok. Not who. What.

My very tardy boyfriend?

Ok. Not what. Why.

A very good reason, I hope,

For leaving me alone and bored

For half the morning.

Sorry. Correct answer was valentine's day,


Not for 48 hours.

Who you calling stupid, stupid?

See, but that's a normal person's


You, you get more than that.

You get the valentine's weekend

With a special opening ceremony

So breathtaking

You need to be blindfolded

To get the full effect.


No hanky, no surprise.

Your choice.

Ok, but not too tight,

And don't take me through the english department.

I work with those people.


Come on.

So all of their california locations.

That's gotta be-- how many hotels

Is that?

7. And they want a restaurant

In every one.


That could be huge.

Well, it's just a bid.

They're asking me to make a bid

For the business.

And you're talking to me because...

Well, I need a package--

Not just numbers, but faces.

Successful faces.

And I think, they meet you, they feel your passion,

They see how young you are.

Being 20, that's a good thing?

Young is hot.

Bailey, this is the chance of a lifetime here.

No. I know.

It's just...

You and I haven't always seen

Eye-to-eye on everything.

I'm not handing you something on a platter.

This is gonna be tough and risky.

It's just, you know,

I've seen how hard you work,

And I think maybe a piece of this

Is worth a piece of that.

Dr. Baring: police reports,

Doctors' files,

Texas social services.

Is there any overview in here?

Not really.

I guess I should, uh...

Um, basically...

Daphne's mother locked her in the basement

And disappeared.

Left her there with no food or water

And just...took off with her boyfriend.

And, um, the neighbors started to worry

Because the lights had been left on

And daphne's mom had left her alone before.

So after 3 or 4 days, someone broke a window.

It's all there in the police report.

Who'd she stay with after?

Cousins, grandmother, all different family.

18 Months. Then her mom came back.

There were some hearings,

Some court-ordered parenting classes,

And then she got daphne back.

So, what does this mean?

I mean, does it make sense to you

That she'd be the kind of person that...

That wouldn't want kids?

Well, from what you've just said,

A girl like daphne-- 3 years old,

Her mother leaves her, leaves her like this--

I'd be amazed if she trusted any

Emotional commitment,

Never mind with a baby.


We call it primary attachment aversion.

And this little girl, she's a classic case.


Anthro 12. Ok. You were saying?

It's a long shot, for sure,

Like any new business is,

But you can't beat the location.

We'd be partnered with these huge hotels--

Really deep pockets and a c*ptive clientele.

That's great. That's...

Notes for my take-home. I almost forgot.

Yeah, so definitely, let's celebrate.

I mean, let's nuke up a good time tonight.

Well, tonight I can't

Because I have to go see julia with charlie.

Right, right. Of course.

Which is why we're having lunch instead.

Lunch. I can't.

I can't. I've got, um...

Medieval civ, I know.

Which is why I'm gonna drive you to class,

So I can drive you back.

So we can have a ridiculously


Expensive lunch at le chevre

Where I've already made reservations.



Oh, my god. That's--no.

No. No?

I forgot. Charlie called,

And he's got a doctor's appointment

Or something.

You have to pick up owen.

Now? I do?

Well, who am I gonna celebrate with?

Sit up straight, o. You're in a nice

Place here.

What are we doing here, bailey?

I'm supposed to be practicing my dribble.

You're supposed to be coaching me.

It's a special occasion, o.

Well, why aren't we at salinger's then?

Because it's not a special occasion

If I have to work.

So have some more... Have some more caviar.

It tastes like mushed-up seaweed.

No, it doesn't.

I've had mushed-up seaweed, bailey.

It tastes just like this.

Ok. Here.

Just let me tell you

What's special about this occasion, ok?

Our family has a tradition

Of being in the food business,

And your big brother is about--

Mushrooms! Gross.

I'm gonna gag.

Psych me, cody.

I need psych.


The crowd is hushed as master bowler stu

Prepares to throw his patented


Adoring women of all shapes and sizes

Come from every corner

To see the wonder boy bowl.

Oh, yeah. Yes!

Told ya. All I needed

Was psych, baby.

Claudia, you're up.

No, no, no, I'm not.

Not playing.

Come on, you're on raff's team.

He already went. You're up.

Can I talk to you a second?

I can't bowl.

I told you that, like, 6 or 7 times.

Everyone says that,

But they love it when they try.

Cody, this is supposed to be a date.

And I don't know about you,

But my idea of a date is when 2 people go out

And do something that both of them

Want to do.

Stu and raff are my buds, you know.

I always have a good time when I'm with them,

So I thought, if they come along,

You'd have a good time.

Come on, bro.

Is she goin' or not?

Guess not, huh?

I just feel so bad.

Ok. But, charlie, why?

I mean, if it's like you said,

If it lets her off the hook...

The stuff I said to her.

I mean, here she was hating being a mother

And hating herself for feeling that way,

And all I could do was push her.


And all this time

There was stuff to explain it,

Stuff that could help her.

Help her?

If she saw what was in that file,

If she knew the stuff that had happened to her.

Do you really think this is such a good idea?

Do you really think that this is something

You should do?

I don't know.

I mean, I always thought she just wasn't cut out

To be a mother.

She was missing a gene or something.

But--but now I can see that this...

The trouble she had, it wasn't her.

It was something that happened to her.

And maybe she'd start to see it that way, too.

Maybe she'd start to feel ok about--

About stuff that felt wrong before.

Like what? Like--like...

About being with diana?

Like being with diana.

Like being here.

All of it. You know, maybe we could...

Maybe we could be a family again.


Hey, kiddo.


So, is it time?

It's time.

I gotta...

I'll, uh, see you later.


I can't believe that's what you think of him.

I can't believe that's what you think of me.


Julia, we don't. Ok? We don't.

Well, you must have thought it was possible,

Because you came over here

To talk to me.

Griffin was just...

He was really sure about it.

Griffin is jealous.

Don't you see that?

Don't you see that's why he would do this?

Yes, we do, but--

No. Don't blame griffin for this,

Because you're the ones standing here.

You're the ones asking me if my boyfriend beats me,

And how am I supposed to answer that, huh?

How am I supposed to convince you

That he isn't?

You want me to tell you everything that we

Do together?

You want me to tell you what we say when we fight?

'Cause we do fight, if that's ok.

Julie, nobody's asking--

Or is that not enough? You wanna know

How we make up?

You wanna know about the sex?

Julia, that's enough.

Ok? That's enough.

This just really hurts.

You know?

'Cause while you guys are having babies

And managing restaurants,

Ned is there for me every second--

Worrying about me and taking care of me

Like no one has since...

God, since mom and dad.

So maybe instead of insulting ned,

You should be saying thanks.

No, i--

None of it.

I don't want his money, martha.

It's not that kind of divorce. That's not why I hired you.

Look, if it's your fee that you're worried about,

I have other expenses to take care of first--

Just, you know, moving expenses, but--

Well, I'll get a job.

I haven't thought it through yet,

But obviously I have to.

I'm on my own now, so..

So I'll...

I'll do what I have to do.

Ok, can we just...

Can we just get this part done?

Ok. Ok.


Where are you?


I was just--

I need-- I need your advice.

I'm going to need to find a job in a hurry, and--

I'm going to go see her, kirsten.


I'm going to go see her.

I mean...

What else can I do, you know?

She won't return my phone calls.

There's no way I can talk to her.

And I can't just mail it to her.

No way.

Unless you give it to one of her friends.

No, no.

No. I have to be there when she sees it.

I gotta tell her what the doctor said.

I mean, this is...

This is way too intense.

Ok. If--if that's what you think.

Ok. Bring it back now. Let's go.

He's open. He's open.

Sean: that's why we have an opening.

They're all softened up for our pitch.

Now if we--

Was this the only place we could meet, or what?

I'm sorry. Let me just--

Hey, guys.

Ok. Ball.

Guys, guys, guys, guys.

Hey, hey, hey. Guys.

Don't just hog the ball, ok?

Sometimes you gotta look for the open man.

Well, we're actually working on sh**ting.

Yeah, but if they're 5 feet out,

They can't even reach the hoop.

Hey, bailey. I got rutledge on the line.

He wants to hear about our floor plan.

Ok. You guys are on

A team here.

Ok? So don't try and play every position.

If everybody's on you, look to pass sometimes, ok?

Good. Thank you, bailey.

Good idea.

Passing drill, guys. 2 Lines, single file.


Right. Ok. I'll describe it to you.

You walk into a vestibule.

No, no. The kitchen's across from the bar.

If you try and picture--

Jerry, yeah, hang on a second.

Look, we can't do this over the phone.

He's 20 minutes away downtown.

Why don't we just drive over there,

Put the drawings right in front of him?

Coach: good. Back of the line. Pass.

Sean, I've got these kids.

Bailey, come on. You wanna close

This deal or not?

We are this close.

Pass. sh**t.

Back of the line.

Pass. sh**t.


Wait. Listen.

Before you say anything...

Ok, last night with stu and raff,

I've been thinking about that a lot,

And it was bad.


I mean, the bowling thing and stu and raff...

Look, I'm not gonna lie to you.

It sucked.

Yeah. Those guys can be such jerks, you know?

You know what?

I don't care about them.

They're not the ones who asked me out.

I know. I know.

Which is--here. Wait.

Tomorrow's valentine's day,

And I just...


Open it.

It's jimmy garrison's pick.

He used to play with coltrane.

Cody, i...

I don't--

I got it from this collector guy I know.

And he didn't have any papers or anything,

But I trust him.

It's real.

Ok, but...


I mean, why?



'Cause nobody ever made me feel

The way you did last night.

You know, embarrassed or whatever

Of me and my friends.

And I don't know why that is,

Except that maybe I just never cared

What anybody thought of us before

Because I never met anyone that I liked that much...

Until you.

Wow, cody.


Should we call him again?

My sister said he left an hour ago.

I don't know where he could be

If he isn't--

There you are.

You're 40 minutes late. Where were you?

I was trying to figure out

What I was gonna do.

Now that you got your brothers fooled.

Ok. You know what you can do?

You can cut it out.

Griffin, leave me alone.

I don't need your help, ok?

I'm fine.

He-he's got you fooled, too.

Ok, you know what, let's just sign

The papers

And get this over with,

All right?


No. I won't.

Griffin, you've wasted enough money as it is

Making everybody wait.

I'm not signing anything. Send them home.

God! Oh! What is the matter with you?

What the hell do you want?

I want it to stop.

I don't know what to say to you, griffin.

Tell me you won't see him again.

Tell me that he won't come near you.

You promise me that,

I'll sign anything you want.

You'll never see me again.

Can he do this to me?

Can he lie and refuse to do what he promised?

Why do we even need him to sign these papers?

Can't I get a divorce without him?

Well, there's an extra hearing process,

But if you can show just cause--

I can show whatever you need, believe me.

You think 2 jumbos will do it?

Well, they sell diapers in l.a., I guess.

I guess.

Should I call joe? 'Cause I don't know

If I'm gonna have time to see him.

I don't know how long this is gonna take.

Yeah. There's a lot you don't know, huh?


What are you doing, charlie?

Are you going so you can drop

This file off

And hope for the best?

Are you planning on taking her

To see a doctor?

Or, I mean...

You said you wanted her to come back here.

Is that so she can be diana's mother?

Or is it more than that?

Are you hoping that you two can be

Together again?

Kirsten, what's...

Are you mad at me or something?

Did I do something wrong?

That file that you have, charlie,

That's a really big deal.

It could shake her up

And not just in the ways that

You want it to.

Ok. But i--

You put her in this position

In the first place, ok,

When you asked her to keep the baby.

You rushed into something

Without really thinking about it,

And now look what you've got.

So this time...

You should know what you're doing.

You should really think this through

Before you do it, charlie.

Hi. Excuse me.

Is cody here?

I hope not.

Well, when he gets back,

Could you give this to him?

He's not coming back.

He doesn't work here anymore.

Why not?

Well, it's a store policy.

If I catch a customer stealing,

I throw him outta here.

If I catch an employee

Stealing... caught cody stealing?

I'm not calling the cops.

That's assuming I get my pick back.

(Loud music playing)

So, I was thinking, for the anaheim location,

We're not far from disneyland there,

So why not cater to the kids a little bit?

You know, um,

Paper tablecloths and crayons.


Maybe look into a tie-in with one of the parks.


So who's next for a dance?


Uh, no. No, thanks. Not for me.

Do a little something for my pal flackett

Over there.


Now I had some thoughts on speeding up

Food delivery,

So I made some kitchen drawings here.

Who's got a light?

This cuban's dying on me.

Could we maybe so this somewhere else?

It's a little, uh, distracting--

All the moving body parts.

Bailey, relax.

We got the gig.

No. I know.

I just...

I thought we were supposed to be working.

We're working.

We're also having a little fun.

We are?


Have a drink. Just relax.

Thanks. I don't drink.

Come on, kid.

Take the edge off.

I don't drink.

Guess the kid doesn't drink.


What's the matter with you?

I'm wasting my time here

Is what's the matter with me.

Everybody's getting wrecked.

This place is disgusting.

Yeah? Well, guess what.

That's the way these guys work, ok?

They meet in disgusting places. They drink too many drinks.

So that's it?

It doesn't matter that I don't wanna be here?

Well, when you're as big as them,

Hold your meetings in a convent.

Until then, just grow up.

'Cause this is the job, ok?

And we're lucky to have it.

You know, you're, uh,

A lot better than my old man was.

The only person he managed to fool

Was my sister.

How'd you get in here?

My ma, she-- she was smart.

She just took off.

And me, as soon as I got big enough,

I just started to hit back.

Look, you're gonna have to leave now.

But, uh, you, uh...

You, uh...

You managed to fool everybody, huh?


Her brothers.

Even her.

This is my dorm, moron.

There's college cops like 10 feet away.

Sit down!


That's the thing.

The messing with her head.

That's what makes me want to k*ll you.

You know, you're gonna be

In a lot of trouble.

You guys are done. You hear me?

Because you're not gonna hurt her anymore.

I don't care how it works,

But you're done.

And you're not gonna see her anymore, ever.

Actually, I am.

I'm gonna see her in about 15 minutes.

No, you're not.

'Cause I'm telling you, if you see her...

You're gonna get hurt.

It's valentine's day, griffin.

Like it or not, we're in love.

Are you listening to me?

Want to know what we're doing

On our date?

I'm giving you fair warning.

Strip poker in her bedroom.

I know. It's not so romantic,

But we did hearts and flowers


Hey, man! Get off him, man!

Let go of me!

Who are you?!

Let go of me! Let go of me!

Let--go of me.

Let me go.

Let me go.

I'm just gonna, uh, get your stuff,

Then I'll be right over, ok, ned? Ok?

So nobody heard how it started?

No. We just heard a noise,

And when we came in, he was already

Whaling on ned.

You want to wait for your boyfriend's


Or shall we bring him right in?

You mean arrest him? Are you kidding?

Did you see what he did?

Did you see what he did to ned?

Yeah. Yeah. I want him arrested.

I'm gonna need you to put your hands

Behind your back.

I'm placing you under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be

Used against you

In a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one,

One will be provided for you.


(Horn honks)


(Honk honk)

I'm coming! Jeez! Hey, listen,

I brought that thing that you wanted

For the, um...


Listen before you get all mad,

All right?

Listen, I've been-- I've been calling you

For days,

And you obviously don't want to talk

To me, and I get that,

But there's what's it something really been, like,

Important. 3 Weeks?

Listen. There's stuff about you, about you

As a baby--

Do you have any idea how hard that was

To say good-bye to her?

Do you have any idea?

And you brought her here? What are you

Trying to do to me?

Don't you understand? You've gotta read this.

You've gotta know what's in this.

No. You...stay... Away from me.

Daphne, please. Just read it and call me.

I wrote my motel number on here.

Just read it and call me, daphne,

Please! Ple--


X-rays look ok. No broken ribs,

No bleeding.

I'm gonna send you home.

Good. That's great.

Now, the, uh, stitches over his right eye

Need redressing once a day. Can you

Handle that for him?

Ok. Good.

God. I'm so sorry.

I knew he didn't want us together,

But I never thought--

I mean, he's not the kind of person


Do something like this. You know?

Who'd hit someone.


What's that mean?


It...means nothing.

Hey! I got your message.

What's, uh--

Don't get out.

Look, I know it's none of my business,

But I'd...feel better

If you just gave this back to your boss.

Look, I was gonn--

I was gonna pay him back or whatever, all right?

No, you don't understand.

I don't want to hear what you were "gonna"

Do, ok?

You were supposed to be more than this.

You were supposed to be worth the fight.

Worth what fight?

The fight with griffin. When he said that you

Weren't good enough.

When he said that you were basically the same

Kind of loser as him.

'Cause that's the thing, cody.


He's not.

He's this amazing person, who...

That no one sees for how great he is.

I wanted you to be that, too.


Ok, guys!

Ok, guys, defense!

Defense! Guard him! Don't let him sh**t!

Boy: get it!

Don't--don't let him--he's setting

Up to sh**t! Don't--

Yay! Yay!

It's ok! It's ok!

It's all right. It's fine. Come on.

We're dead. We are through.

We're not dead. We're down by 3 points.

Y-you know how long it took us

To get the first 3?

It's 9 to 6 with a minute left.

Ok. Owen.

Just find the open man,


Girl: come on, owen!

Boy: go! Go! Go!

sh**t it!

Uhhh! Ok! Ok! Just... Don't let him convert!

Right here! Eric, sh**t it!

Yes! Owen! Yes! You cut it off!

Ok! Come on, buddy! Go, go, go, owen!

Find the open man and make the pass!

Owen's brother! Owen's brother! (Ring)

Your belt's ringing, coach. (Ring)

Here. Just... Tell 'em I'm busy.

sh**t it! Go, go, go!


It's hughley.

No, he's busy.

Ok! Don't let him take it!

Find the open man!

Coach. It's some guy. Sean. He says

It's important.

Sean. It's sean?

sh**t it! Hey!

The clock's almost-- just sh**t!

Just sh**t it!

(Lots of shouting)

Yay! Yay!


We did it! We lost it by one!

We lost it by one! We lost by one!

Yeah! You did it!

You did it! We lost by one!

You did it!


Thank god you're there. I never thought--

Jule, listen. Please? dad won't help me.

And I can't remember the name of that lawyer

You guys h...have.

Listen, I understand if you don't want

To help me.

Look, I didn't go over there

To hurt him. Ok?

I just... I said what I said,

And he-- he wouldn't listen!

Which is...god, I mean, it's no excuse.

I--i just...


Don't let this make you forget

What he did to you.

Don't forget what he did to you.

Officer: that's it.

You only get one.


(Knock on door)

One second.


Daphne. Wow. I didn't-- I want you

To tell me something, charlie.

I know. You gotta have a lot of questions.

Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?


Nothing. I thought you should know this stuff.

You thought that I should know my mother

Almost k*lled me? I wasn't trying to upset you.

Then are you trying to punish me?

Are you trying to say that I did

The same thing to diana?

No. No!

I thought that if you-- if you saw this,

Then you'd--

You'd see that this stuff with diana...

It's not your fault.

Then what do you want from me, then?!

Do you want me to stay away from her? Because

I was trying to do--

Daphne, wait. Just-- just listen to yourself.

This is what I'm talkin' about.

You won't trust me because you can't...'Cause

That's what this did to you.

You're scared that it's gonna be

Like it was with your mom,

But...daphne... You can trust this.

You can trust your daughter.

She's not gonna leave you. She's never gonna leave you.

(Crying) shh!


It's ok. It's ok.


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Shh. Shh. (Crying)


She's never gonna leave you, daphne.

So you don't have to leave her first.

You don't have to leave her.



(Door closes) (sighs)


(Cries out)

Hey, it's ok.

Shh, shh, shh.


Shh, shh, shh, shh.





(Breathes fitfully)






Yeah. Hi. I, uh, wanted to get

Your schedule of flights to san francisco

Tomorrow morning.

Ok. And after that?

And, um...

What do you have in the afternoon?


Thank you very much. Bye.




So, I know that you have meetings all day with sean,

But I'm not gonna be able to cover with owen

This afternoon.

You know what owen said to me yesterday?

He said...

That of all the dads on his team,

That I'm the best...

Because I'm most like a kid.

He calls you a dad?

Yeah, but that's not even the part.

Sarah, he's right.

I'm 20 years old,

Which...basically, is still a kid.

And here I am, tryin' to figure out...


Um, deciding whether I'm gonna

Be a family man

Or a--or a guy who's starting his own business.


There's a decision to make?

Well, yeah.

There is.

You mean whether to do this thing

With sean?


Bailey, I thought this was, like, the chance

Of a lifetime.

Yeah. I know.

But you know what I realized?

Maybe the chance of a lifetime

Means something different to me.


Mom and dad dying took...a ton away,

But it also gave me something.

It made me grow up really fast.

And so now... I'm getting a shot

At stuff that most guys have to wait for

Till they're twice my age.


If I pass this one up...

I still have a whole extra lifetime

To go after it again.

Are you sure?

I mean, what about those restaurants,

You know,

That you were gonna build from scratch?

I know. I know. I think about that.

But I just...

I go back to yesterday...

Watching owen sink that wobbly shot,

That one...

Stupid basket.


I can't miss that.

I don't want to miss that.

I can't.

Claudia, what are you doin'?

You should not be here.

Well, someone had to bail you out.

Oh, with your own money?

Relax. You'll pay me back.

(Sighs) ohhh!

When will I learn?

Why can't I stay the hell out of stuff?


God, i...try to get julia to stay away from him,

And now she just feels sorry for the guy.

You guys would all be better off if I just stayed locked up.

I don't think that, griffin.

Yeah, well, maybe you should.

I don't know if you're right about ned or not.

But what I do know...

If owen gets lost or...

Diana needs eardrops at 3 a.m., Or...

I'm hooking up with some bass-playing


You're just there.

And not for any reason...


We need you.

You're like this...

This angel, griffin...

This guardian angel.

Ok, the, uh, g-gauze is stuck to the stitches,

So...almost got it. There. God, are you ok?

Did I hurt you?

I'm fine. Ok? Just...

Wrap it back up.

After this, I'm gonna order you some food.

And I don't know what you're reading,

But I know your eye's hurting,

So I'll read to you.

Unless you want to watch a movie or something.

Uh, julia...

You don't have to do this. Please.

Actually, ned, I do.

Your face is covered in stitches.

And your arm is in a sling.

And, I mean...

God, ned, my husband did it.

So just...

Lie back and-- and let me do this

For you, ok?

I need you to let me do this for you.

What do those colors mean?

These highlights here?

They tell me when reservations get here.

Why's that one pink?

Oh, that's to mark customers

Who come here a lot

So we can give 'em, you know, like,

A free dessert or something.

I come here a lot.

Where's my dessert?


You like coming here, owen?

You like comin' to visit?

Yeah! It's fun.


When you grow up...

If you want... You could do

What I do.

You could be the boss here.

Me? Be the boss?

If you want.

Dad gave it to me.

And I can give it to you.

Could I use different colors

In the book?

You could use any colors you want...

When you're the boss.



(Knock on door)


Hey, I hoped you'd--

Charlie, uh...

Can I ask you a question?

Ask you a question about that, um...

Police report thing?

Uh, was there anything...

(Clears throat)

Um, was there anything about, uh...

One of those... String things?

A marionette?

Was there...



There was.

They said when they came

Down the stairs,


They saw this thing.

At first they thought it was you,

But it was this, uh...

Little blue soldier.

Right. That's right. A soldier. remember being...

Every door I ever tried to go through

In my dreams?

It was guarded by that soldier.

And I thought that that was just

A nightmare thing.

But it was real.

So don't--

Doesn't that make you feel better

To know that?

That everything in my dreams was real?

And--and everything real was a dream?

(Chuckles tearfully)


Do you know what they told me?

Why mom was missing from so many family


They said it was because she was sick.

And they told me that so many times

That I can still see the hospital

Where they said they took me to visit.

Oh, daphne, I'm sorry.

And what about all the lies

I told myself?

Wondering why I could never keep

A boyfriend?

Hating myself so much as to strip, even though I knew

That it made me miserable?

And what did I say to myself?

I said, "hey, daph, buck up.

Your life is great.

You've got your friends. You've got your family."

I don't even know what my life is anymore.

I don't know a single thing.

I don't know a single thing.