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05x14 - Stand by Me

Posted: 03/11/22 08:21
by bunniefuu

[Julia] Do you think
this is a good idea?

You said you wanted to do
something different,
something wild.

This is illegal.

Don't tell me you've never
been skinny-dipping before.

No, I have as a kid.

I've just never crawled
by the night watchman
on my belly.

Julia, you don't
wanna be constrained

by the small-minded morality
of the system, do you?

It's like Nietzsche said:
Be the super woman.

Oh, speaking strictly
from a socio-political

Nietzsche was nutbucket. But I like
the super woman stuff.

In that case, tomorrow night,
let's bungee-jump of the roof

of the Transamerica
building holding hands.

Tomorrow night?

Jule, I'm kidding.

No, no, I know.

I've just been wanting
to tell you,

but about tomorrow night
I can't see you.

I've got something
I have to do.

What, you've got a date? No, of course not.

I've just got, Justin's
parents' anniversary party.


You mean your old
boyfriend Justin?

Ned, this is so not a big deal.

You know, one time
it's your ex-husband,

then it's your ex-boyfriend.

What is it with you?

Guys coming out
of the woodwork.

I'm not going to see him.

I'm going to see
his Mom and Dad.

They were like
my second parents.

And he was your boyfriend.

That's ancient history.

He's got a girlfriend now,
and Ned, I'm with you. Then I'll go with you.
I'm gonna go with you.

You wouldn't have a good time.

Hey, if you're there,
I'm gonna have
a good time.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Hey, mister, can I have
my ball back? Thanks.

Your baby's really pretty.

Did you hear that, Charlie?

I think that little girl
thinks I'm a Mom.

That I got up
and bathed Diana,

and put her in that
little pink jumper
instead of the yellow one.

You think Diana
will be an athlete?



It's just, ever since
Paul said, "let's adopt",

I mean, sure, he only
said it to make me happy,

but now that
he's backed out,

I can't go back
to the way things were.

It's like finding out that
I can't have children
all over again.

-Kirsten, don't.
-Only it's worse this time,

'cause at least before
it was just nature.

Now there's someone
to blame.

I wake up wondering
why I'm there,

or, or why he's there.

That's how you feel now--

No, that's how I feel.

Kirsten, listen to me,
because I know
something about this.

Giving up, I mean.
I thought a lot about

lying in a hospital bed
last year,

and I think that people
do it too easily.

So, please, Kirsten, don't.

Go home, be with Paul,
and don't give up.

[dogs barking in a distance]

Hey, you didn't forget
to pick up the newspaper,
did you?

I thought you weren't
reading it anymore.

Didn't wanna hear about
all the bad stuff that
happens in the world.

I need the classifieds.
Want ads, actually.

How are you gonna
find time for a job?

It's not for me. Hi.

Look, Bailey,
I've done something,

and you're
not gonna like it,
but before you lose it--

What? What, Sarah?

I told Albert Terry that
I would help him find a job.

What? You...

Sarah, what are you doing?

First you make yourself
the judge and the jury,
and now what?

You're gonna
be his guardian angel
or something?

You know what? I should
have never told you,

'cause I knew this is exactly
how you were gonna feel.

How am I supposed to feel
when I watched the guy hold
a knife to your throat?

-Good morning, Mr. Belmont.
-Hi, kids.

Say, where's
that boy of yours?

You know, my grandson's
coming to visit,

so I thought I'd
teach him some chess.

Oh, that's Bailey's
little brother, Mr. Belmont.
He doesn't live with us.

Oh. Well, I'm sure
you'll have one of
your own someday.

Have a good day,
Mr. Belmont.

You know what, Bailey?

Albert's got a baby.

Okay. Fine.

I'll give you the number
of the temp agency
I use for the restaurant, okay?

Thank you, thank you.
I appreciate it.

Oh, my god! By the time
he gets here,

-I'm gonna have so many leads!
-Wait. What?

He's coming here?

Albert Terry's
not coming here.

My victim support group said--

Said what? You're supposed
to invite your attacker
to your apartment?

No. That I should do something,
you know, take control,
feel empowered,

and this is my way
of doing it.

God. Okay, if you're
really gonna do this,

you're not gonna
do it alone, okay?

I'll stay home with you.

Protecting me like a cop?
No. No, Bailey.

Just by the way you'll look
at him, you'll make him
feel like a criminal.

He is a criminal, Sarah!

Aren't you even
a little afraid?

Bailey, I'm doing this
because I think that
facing my fears

and helping him...

Helping him
is gonna help me.


Fine, Sarah, but...

Don't do it here, okay?

Yeah. Sure. I'll call him
and tell him downtown
instead of here.



Thanks for coming down.



I heard you and Julie
were having trouble,

but I figured I'd
be the last person
you'd wanna see. No, not the last.

There's this, new guy
she met at school.

That's tough, man.
I'm sorry.

Well, he's hitting her.

Yeah, well, of course
he's hitting on her.

I mean, you gotta get
used to that.

No, Julia's new boyfriend
is hitting her.

Well, then, what the hell
are you doing here
fixing fan belts?

She won't let me
anywhere near her.


She filed for divorce.

Oh, Okay. I get it.
That's what this
is all about.

No, no, I'm not jealous here.

I mean, I am, but...

Look, somebody that she'll
listen to has got to get her
to admit what's going on here.

Okay, so let me
get this straight.

You want me to go down there
and drag her away from a guy

that she wants to be with? Because you say,
he's hitting her.

You're right.
I wouldn't wanna mess up

your squash game at the club.

Oh, the hell
with you, Griffin.

Justin, listen to me,
damn it!

I know what you think of me.

I don't like you, either.

How you wanted her
to leave me, and she did.

So you gotta know
you'd be the last
person I came to

if there
was any other way.


She's always
been able to talk
to you better than me.

All right, look...

I'll check it out.

For Julia.

Cody. Cody, I need
to talk to you.

Look, I can't talk
to you right now, all right?

The boss is totally
riding my butt.

Oh, you know what?
I am, I'm really interested
in the new John Lee Hooker CD.

Oh! That would be
right here. Bin three,
Blues you can use.

Did Griffin talk to you?

Yeah, he told me if I didn't
stop hanging out with you
I was out of the band.

I can't believe him.
I mean, why is--

You know what? I am really
interested in this new
Muddy Waters CD down here.

Muddy wa--
Oh, right, Muddy Waters.

I mean, who does Griffin
think he is, just telling us
what to do like that?

Right. Why would he
even think we like
each other, anyway?


And if we did
like each other...

You know what?
I wouldn't worry about
what Griffin says, all right?

He runs the band, not my life.

Where does he
get off ruling
over me like that?

No one tells me what to do,
not even my old man.

-Me neither.

Okay. Uh, all right, here we go.

John Lee h**ker's
Best of friends.

Great. Thank you.

Hey, you know,
Hook's playing tonight
at the boom boom room.

Santana's sitting in and,
well, I know
the guys at the door

if maybe you wanted to go?

Absolutely. It's a date.

I mean, it's not...
It's not date, date.
It's a...

It's a... I'm going.

Okay. Bye.


So, how was your day?

[both] usual. You?

Oh, did some shopping.

Sale at Macy's.

After that I stopped
at a travel agent.

I thought maybe
we should get away.

You know, like,
take the long weekend
at Cannon beach.

What for, Kirsten?

Well, do we need
a special reason? Right now, yes, we do,

'cause, well, the idea
of the two of us alone
on a beach,

you looking at me
with those "you've
let me down" eyes,

doesn't exactly
sound like fun.

Paul, I'm not--

You know what's even worse
than the way you look at me?
The way I look at myself.

Well, maybe getting away
will help.

Our problems will
follow us, Kirsten.

We're not talking about,
about not going
to cannon beach, are we?

Kirsten, when we didn't get
on that plane for Texas,
you asked me to be honest.

Can't you be honest
with me now?

I love you.

I know.

But it's over.

I know.

Ah, the leisure class.
This brings back a few.

[Justin] Julia

Justin, hey!

-How are you?
-Yeah? I'm fine.

Yeah. How's Stanford?

I'm enjoying it.
I'm studying a lot.

Ned Grayson.

Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
Ned, um, Justin.

Yeah, I've heard
about you.

Me, too.

So, Justin, where's
your girlfriend?
I really want to meet her.

Oh, Jennifer.

Well, um, about an hour
before we got on the plane,

she told me that
she was sleeping

with our ethics teacher,
so we broke up.

[Elaine] Julia?

Oh, my.

-How are you?

Oh, it's been so long.

And Stanford?
We are so proud of you.

Well, what about you?
25 years.

Oh, I know.
Can you believe it?

-I got you a gift.
-Oh, thank you.

You didn't have to do that.

Come on over here.

So, the famous Justin.

Yeah, Justin.
I don't know about
the famous part, though.

Look, I know all
about you and Julia.

So just 'cause
you're here solo,
I hope you get...

I'm not planning
on hooking up
with Julia.

Then there shouldn't be
a problem.

I'm just saying it,
so you know.

Justin? You know what'd be
so sweet?

To see you and Julia
dance together again.

No, Mom, that's not
a good idea.

Oh, come on,
just for old time's sake.

Mom, please.

Mrs. Thompson,
I think you're right.

-Hey, Jule, go ahead.
For old time's sake.


[slow music playing]

-So... this guy Ned...

He seems... I don't know.

What's his story? Uh...

Well, he's from Oakland,
and he's a philosophy major.

You know, uh, you can
tell me anything, Julia.
You know that, right?

I mean, just because I'm
gone at Yale doesn't mean
I'm gone from your life,

And, you know,
if this guy is,
I don't know--

Justin, what are you asking?

Hey, there, Justin.

Mind if I dance with my girl?


Um, what are you doing here?

I thought that
we were supposed to
meet at union square at 8:00.

You said here at 7:00.

Yeah, but I called
your sister.

Uh, you know, if this is
not a good time right now,

I can...
You want me to go away?


No. Um...

Come in.

Nice place.

You, uh,
live here alone?

No. No, with my boyfriend,
um, and he's gonna be
home really soon.

We better
get started then.

Look, Albert, I think you're
making a big mistake.

You don't have to do this, okay?

You don't have to put
on the application
that you were arrested.

Yeah, but, you know,
I wanna be honest.

Look, you are
being honest, okay?

The job application says
"were you ever convicted
of a felony?"

Albert, you weren't convicted.

Okay. Um, it asks here
about your education.

Dropped out
in the ninth grade.

Okay. Um...


Special skills, and robbing
a restaurant doesn't count.

[imitates laughter]

Okay. Do you know how
to type or...

I can cook. Well well,
not exactly cook, but...

My sister, you know,
when her husband left,
she had to get to work,

and somebody had
to cook breakfast
for all the kids.

And, I'll tell you,
I learned how to make
a mean pancake.

Used to put berries
in 'em and everything.

When, when we could
afford them.

Sometimes, sometimes
I think I can do that,
you know?

What, like be
a short order cook
or something?

Hey, why not?

You think somebody
would really hire me?

Well, that depends.

How good are those pancakes?

Paul knew. He made me
say it, but...

He knew our marriage was over,
maybe even before I did.

You can't build a life
on the absence of things.

Things that he doesn't
want and I can't have.

And, Charlie,
I heard what you said
about giving up too easily,

but this isn't easy.

And you know what's funny?

Most of the time, when, when
people like Paul and me,

when people get divorced,
everyone always says,

"Phew. Well, at least
there were no kids."

And with us,
if there were kids,

this wouldn't even
be happening.


What am I gonna do, Charlie?

I can't go home,
and I can't face him.

You'll stay here with us.

Double nonfat cappuccino
with the extra foam.

That's how you like it, right?

You know, I e-mailed you
twice last week.

I've been busy with studying
and classes and--

And this guy Ned?

Why do you keep calling
him "this guy Ned"?
His name is Ned.

Is he, uh, is he
treating you all right?

I mean, I don't know.
I just... last night
he seemed sort of...

Uh, I don't know...
Uh, intense...

As in possessive.

Intense, yeah, yeah, about me.

And he pushes me to take risks
and challenge myself,

and we do stuff like, uh,
we snuck into the school pool.

Mmm? I haven't done that since
I was with you, remember?

Something I won't
easily forget.

Griffin and I, we never
did stuff like that.

It was all about finding
the money to pay the rent,

or how are we gonna keep
the shop, or--

Julia, is that you?


Oh, good. Does this mean
that I can go back
to my room now?

I had to spend the night
on a couch in the student union.

My back is k*lling me.

Oh, sure, Ray.
I'm, I'm sorry.

I gotta go.

What? Wait a minute.
You just got here.

That guy Ray
is Ned's roommate.


So, I didn't tell Ned
that I was coming here.

What, oh, you gotta tell
Ned what you're doing
every second of the day?

I mean, you gotta get
permission to see me?

What is with
the third degree, huh?

Why don't you just ask,
are things perfect?

No, no, but they're
so, so close.

Listen, guys, I got
an announcement to make
about the future of our band.

Uh, I nailed down
our first gig.

Tomorrow night
at the chop shop. -Cool.

Did he say
tomorrow night?

Yeah, because our search
for a lead singer is over.

Thanks to Cody's tip,
the Julienne fries
are breaking up,

and guess who said
she'd sing for us?

Melanie! Come on down.




Hey, how are you? Wow.

How's my favorite
bass player?

Oh, I'm good. I'm great.
Wow, it's been a long time.

Just promise me when
you quit this band you'll
wait until the gig's over, Okay?

-I told them--
-[both] No new wave.


-Oh, I'm sorry. Melanie,

This is Claudia.
She plays the fiddle.

Hey. I'm really
psyched to be playing
with you guys.

Yeah. No disco either.

You made breakfast?


Sarah, hey.

If this is about the fight
we had yesterday,
forget it, okay?

I understand you had
to deal with this guy.

I'm just glad
you did it downtown.

I didn't meet him
downtown, Bailey.

Tell me that means that
you didn't meet him at all.

I called him. I tried,
but his sister didn't
give him the message,

so he showed up here anyway,

and what was I supposed
to do, just slam
the door in his face?

Yes, you were.
Sarah, you told me that--

Bailey, I couldn't do that.

I mean, I invited
him here to begin with.


No, I can't live my life
thinking that around
every corner

somebody's just
gonna hurt me.

So you take somebody
that did hurt you,

and you bring him
into your home, our home?

Bailey, I feel better.

I mean, isn't that
what matters?

So instead
of yelling at me,

why don't you try,
"I'm proud of you, Sarah,

for doing something
that you set out to do,"
you know?

Or "I'm happy
that you're safe
and that you feel safe."

Of course I'm happy
that you feel safe.

Okay, so then leave it.

You know, I don't have
to see Albert anymore.

It's over. Let me just explain to you--

I just don't
understand, Julia.

You said you were
going to the library.
Why would you lie?

I thought you'd be upset.

Then why would you go?

Why would you
actually go and do
something purposely

that you know would upset me?

Because he left me a message
saying he needed to see me.

So Justin's more important
to you than me?

No, of course not.

Do you even know
how it made me feel?

To have Ray casually
walk in and say
he'd seen you

at the cafeteria
with some guy?

And then, worse,
it turns out to be him?

It was stupid.
I'll never do it again.

I've told you how I feel
about you talking

to other people
about our business.

I didn't say anything.

I'm not stupid, Julia.

All I said was how much
I love you.

You got a funny way
of showing it.

Taking me to
some stupid party,

telling me,
"Oh, don't worry,

Justin's got a girlfriend,"
when he doesn't!

-You were dancing
with him!

You told me to do that.
You practically pushed me
out on the dance floor.

'Cause I didn't wanna
look like a jerk, in front
of your friends.

But you don't look
like a jerk.

And you should have
known that, Julia.

You should have known that,

because couples are supposed to
understand how the other feels.

-I do understand.
-You don't understand anything!

Oh, my god. I, uh...

I just--
Oh, I'm...

I'm so sorry.

I can't...

Oh, my God!

No, I know, Ned.
It's okay, it's my fault.

I'm sorry. I should
never have lied to you,

and I should never have gone
to that party,

and I should never
have danced with Justin.
I'm sorry, okay?

I'm sorry. I'm...

Charlie, I realize that
by now we seem like
old friends, but...

I usually see my clients
in private.

I asked Charlie to come.

I wanted him here.
We're good fiends.

Kirsten's been
through a lot, so...

Okay. Well...

So your husband's
a surgeon, right?

Makes a nice income.

Martha, listen.
Maybe if this was
the kind of divorce

where I walked in on him
with his secretary
or something--

But Paul doesn't owe
me anything.

He hasn't done
anything wrong.

Actually, if you wanna
blame someone, it's me.

I see.


What do you see?

Forgive me, Kirsten,
but if I'm going
to represent you,

I need to be blunt.

Um, now you say
you and Charlie
are good friends,

you're sitting here with him.

Is Daphne still in the picture?

She left about a month ago.

So, are you two a factor
in this divorce?

Is your "I don't
want anything" attitude
coming out of guilt?

No, no. It is nothing
like that.

All right, well, then
I'll file as soon as
I get the name

of your husband's attorney.

Thank you.

-I'll get it to you.

Sure. Uh, Charlie,

if you have a minute,
there's something else
I'd like to discuss with you.


-Okay, so I'll see you
outside then.
-All right.

[door closes]

Did Daphne leaving--

I mean the two of you
splitting up--

Did that have anything
to do with the information
I gave you?

The information--
The file that you
brought by the house?

-I never read it.

You never read it?

-It's not important.
-No, but I think it is.

I think that whatever
happened between you two--

There's some information
in there that--

Martha, listen.
The Daphne chapter
in my life is done, okay?

I'm not gonna open it
back up again.

Thanks, but,
that's how I feel.

[telephone ringing]

[answering machine]
Hey it's Julia,
you know the drill.

[machine beep]

Julia. Julia, pick up the phone.


Julia, I, I have
to see you, okay?

Justin, we just--

No, no, no! Look, I have
to ask you something,

and I'm not gonna do it
over the phone.

Justin, I can't.

Why, because your boyfriend
won't let you?

No. No, I'm just...

I'm, I'm sick.

I don't know.
Maybe it was
the shrimp at the party,

or it might have been
just the studying
I've been doing,

but I gotta be alone.

Julia, listen--

I'm sorry, Justin,
but have a safe trip
back to school, okay? Bye.

-Okay, wait!
-[phone disconnects]

I put a glass of water
on the nightstand,

and I just put a new bulb
in the fixture in front
of the door.

I can't remember
the last time that's
been changed.

I don't want it
burning out in the
middle of the night.

You'll fall coming
down those stairs.


This is kind of funny, isn't it?

You taking care of me.

Yeah, well...

I guess it's been a lot
of the other way around.

Actually, I think we kind
of trade off.

I mean, remember--

Do you remember
the first time that we--
That we ever really talked?

Our very first
real conversation?

You helped me find
my keys. Remember?

You lost your keys
in the backyard.

You were so frustrated
and cute.

Oh! I'd only
worked here a week.

I didn't want you to think
I was a total dimwit.

Believe me, that wasn't
what I was thinking.

Who would have thought?


Who would
have thought?

[Diana crying]

Go ahead.
You better get her.




-Good night.
-Good night.


Hey, Justin.

I was just coming
to see Julia.

You just missed her.

Do you wanna come in? Do you want a coke
or something?


You know, Julia told me
that she wasn't feeling
too well.

She ate something
at my parents' party.

But then I had breakfast
with her this morning
at the cafeteria,

-and she seemed fine.
-I know.

She was fine all day,

but then a couple
of hours ago--
I don't know.

So, what, did she go
the health center or...

No, man, she went
to the library.

I mean, I tried
to convince her to rest up,

but, God,
if it had been me,

I'd have crawled
under the covers

and stayed there
till spring break you know.

But Julia, you know,
she's got an econ exam,

so she's in the
library studying.

Yeah, well, she can be
pretty stubborn.

Gets on your nerves,
I'll bet, huh?

Actually, it's sorta why
I respect her so much.

Nobody tells Julia
what to do.

I, uh...

I mean, I didn't even
want her to meet my family.

I've got parents from hell,
and a brother who's autistic.

What girl wouldn't,
like, run, right?

But, not Julia.

She said the only way
to really know me
is to know them.

Nobody's ever
wanted to know me
that much before.

She's pretty amazing, huh? She takes care of me,

and makes me think
I'm taking care of her.

Look, uh, I, I'm just
gonna come out and
ask you something.

Uh, Julia is acting weird.

Now she's sick, and,
you know, people...

They're talking about you.

And I, I don't like
what I'm hearing.

You mean Griffin.

-Her ex-husband's
talking about me.

You know, normally,
I'd be really pissed off.

A guy comes up here
quizzing me
on my girlfriend,

but with Julia,
I guess I understand

why you care so much.

So, go ahead. What?
What do you wanna know?

Uh, just tell her
that I stopped by.

Tell her that
I said goodbye.


Bailey, did you hear that?


It sounded like a g*n
in the building.

Call the police.

I'm here, I'm here.
Just call the police.

♪ Don't try to feed me ♪

♪ 'Cause I've been here
Before ♪

♪ And I deserve a little more ♪

♪ I belong ♪

♪ In the service of the queen ♪

♪ I belong ♪

♪ Anywhere but in-between ♪

♪ He's been crying ♪

♪ And I've been thinking ♪

♪ And I am the rain here ♪

♪ And I said
Mama, mama, mama ♪

♪ Why am I so alone? ♪

♪ I can't go outside
I'm scared ♪

♪ I might not make it home ♪ We called you guys as soon
as we heard the g*nsh*t.

So, what happened?
Was anyone hurt, detective?

Several apartments
in the building were robbed.

A Mr. Belmont in 8-B
was shot when he
walked in on the perp.

-Mr. Belmont?

We just saw him at the elevator.

Is he okay?
Is he gonna be okay?

A man his age,
it's hard to say.

Tell me you caught the guy.

Not yet. Victim gives us
a detailed description
of the perp.

We run it, computer
spits out the same suspect
that robbed your restaurant.


Someone wanna explain
to me how this guy

just happens to burglarize
the same building
you live in?

You haven't had any contact
with him, right?

Um., he was here
last night
in the apartment.

You should have called us.

I was just trying to
help him find a job.

Was Mr. Terry ever alone
in the apartment?

No. No, I was always with him.

You never let him out
of your sight?

No. Not unless it was
to go to the bathroom
or answer the phone,

but, you know, that
only takes a minute. Well, that's all it takes
for one of these guys

to search the apartment,
steal your keys.

At least we know how he got
in the building.

Here's my card.

You think of anything else,
this guy tries
to contact you in any way,

you call me immediately.

Oh, and, Miss Merrin,
I wouldn't worry

about trying
to find this guy a job.

He seems to have one he likes.

-Oh, my god. I did this.
-Wait a second.

No. If I hadn't
brought Albert here--

No, Bailey,
you warned me.

I mean, what was I thinking?

He needs a chance Bailey,
what was I thinking?

I mean, an old man
may be dying in the
hospital right now

because of me. [Bailey] Wait a second.

What? What is it, Bailey?

Get detective Lopez back here.


My g*n is missing.

Your g*n? You have a g*n?

Albert stole my g*n.

You bought a g*n,
even when I asked
you not to?

I have to call the police.

I never even thought
about anything like this

Yeah. I never thought
you'd have a g*n.

I bought it after
Albert Terry att*cked you.

Yeah, and after you knew
how I felt about it,

and I told you
I didn't want a g*n
in the apartment--

Look, he was still
out there, Sarah.

I didn't know
what else to do.

I don't know.
You could have listened to me.

And joined a support group?

What good would that have
done us if Albert Terry
had come here to rob us, huh?

What good did your g*n do?

Be fair, Sarah, 'cause,

okay, maybe that was my g*n
that he used--

It was your g*n, Bailey.
It was definitely your g*n.

Okay, it was my g*n,
but how did
he get my g*n?

You let him
into our apartment.

You're right.
Bailey, you're right.

It was a big mistake,
a huge one.

Yeah, well, tell that
to our neighbors,

'cause they got
robbed tonight because
you didn't listen to me.

That's why
Mr. Belmont got shot.

With a g*n that you bought
to make us feel safe.

You really, uh,
kicked some ass up there.

It was, it was awesome.

I mean, playing in the shed
and then getting out here,

you know,
with all the crowd.

And all the people
clapping and dancing.

It's a rush, isn't it?


Awesome show, man.

So you and Melanie,
you know, seemed
to be having a...

Fun time up there.

Um, yeah. I mean, you know,
we used to play together
with the fries.

And we were kinda,
you know, dating
for a while, but...

Oh, and Griffin...
Griffin knew that.

That's-- you know,
I could see
why you'd like her.

She's got the pretty
hair thing going,

and, and I'm not saying
she doesn't have
a good voice.

She definitely
has a good voice,

and I just--
I really don't understand
why a guy like you

would like her, 'cause--


I need to know
something, Cody.

Just, did you just
do that 'cause Griffin
told you not to?


I mean, to make a point?

No. No.

I did that because
I wanted to.


You home?


Hey, are you okay?

I was calling you.

Yeah. No. I'm fine.

Where, um,
where have you been?

[sighs] Getting my stuff.

Kirsten, listen, um...

I've been thinking, and...

Last night,
something happened...

-And it kept me up
all night thinking about it,

but I think I've
finally figured it out.

Charlie... I don't...

I don't think. I mean...
Maybe, maybe now's
not the best time.

Look. Here, look at this.

What is it?

A file.

Well, an investigation,
actually, that Martha Leviton
did on Daphne

when I was freaked out
about custody.

Remember that?

So this is a laundry list
of all the bad things
Daphne's done in her life?

No. That's the thing.
It's not.

I mean, yeah,
that stuff's in there,
but I knew all of that.

It's the stuff that
I didn't know about.

The stuff that
I don't even think
Daphne knows about.

Daphne doesn't know stuff
about her own life?

If she did, I don't know...

Things might have
been different.


I gotta find her.

God! Mr. Belmont, I mean,
he seemed pretty okay,
don't you think?

Yeah, he did.

That was a good idea,
telling him that
we'd be bringing Owen by

to play chess
when he gets home.

Yeah. Well, the doctor
said that he would
be out next week.


I'm gonna call
the security guy
tomorrow morning.

I'm gonna have him put
new locks on the doors
and the windows.

Put in an alarm.


Sarah, if it would
make you feel better...

Do you want to move?

We could get a place
in a safer neighborhood.


Look, I'm sorry that
I yelled at you.

You know, I just
tried to take control

to do something
about my fears,

and all I ended up doing
was giving them
to other people.

And now, because of me,

everybody in our building
is just as frightened
as I was.

I don't know, Bailey.

I guess I just actually
thought that faith
was enough, you know?

There's so much stuff
out there...

We just don't have
any control over.

We hold on to what
we can hold onto.

You know, you really do
make me feel safe.

I mean, God,
having someone...

Having you...

Love me like you do...

It really does help.

Where ya been?

The library.


Till after midnight?

My, uh, study group
went out for a bite to eat.

What's wrong?

Justin came by last night.

He what?
I told him not to do that.
I'm, I'm sorry.

You, you know I wouldn't--
I mean, I didn't invite him--

I know.

He came by to say,

So you're not mad?


Actually, he's...

Kind of, uh...

An okay guy.

But you're
a much better dancer.

I guess we should
go dancing more often.

God, I haven't been out
to a club in, like, forever.

No. I mean, right here.

Kinda weird without music.

♪ When the night ♪

♪ Has come ♪

♪ And the land is dark ♪

♪ And the moon ♪

♪ Is the only light we see ♪

♪ I won't cry ♪ ♪ I won't cry ♪

♪ No, I won't shed a tear ♪

♪ Just as long, as you stand ♪