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02x25 - The Second

Posted: 03/11/22 07:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dance Academy...

Miss Webster. It's just me and you.
Prix de Fonteyn, baby.

This is my chance
to be on the world stage.

Showing them who I am's the only way
I'll be good enough to win.

Hey, where's Sammy?
He's on right now.

He was in an accident.
Sammy died on the way to hospital.

They say before you die,

your life flashes before your eyes.

I hope so much that's true.

That you get a photo album of every
moment, so you know you were here,

that you were loved,
that you existed.

You must need that second to prepare,
because you don't think...

at least my friend didn't think
that he was going to die.

So that one second
between life and death

was all the time you got...

to say 'goodbye'.

What do we do now?


Miss Raine?

We do have dressing rooms.

Sorry. Samuel Lieberman. Lost.

I remember you from the open rounds.

Ah, probably my impressive jump?

I remember not putting you through
to the final audition week

and yet here you are.

You can re-audition
for the academy next year.

Yeah, see, no, I can't, because I
have an IQ of and I go to school

where they revere rugby
and they hate the arts.

And look, I appreciate that's
not your problem but, you know,

if you keep me in the classes,
I reckon I'd win you over.

I will need a signature
from your parents.

Thank you, really.
And Mr Lieberman,

make sure you're worth it.

Out of respect, the Prix de
Fonteyn committee have decided

to postpone the remaining sections
of the competition for a week.

And we're cancelling our production
of Peter Pan.

He wasn't even in it.

So what are we even doing here?

We're still running classes
until the end of the semester

but it's up to you whether
you feel like attending.

I'm not a funeral expert, but a few
prayers and some bad sandwiches...

how can anyone expect that
to give you closure?

I think today just felt formal.

So then why don't we have our own?

A proper Samuel Lieberman tribute.


OK, so do you guys have any ideas
of what he would have wanted?

No point dragging it on - it's all
anyone's done since it happened.

What, you're bored
of the grieving talk, are you?

It's morbid.

you don't have to call every hour.

I promise, I'm fine.

I know it hurts, but resist
the urge to check up on me.

Bye. Hello. Have we met?

Whatcha got there?

It's personal.

Personal, huh? Oh, yeah, I know
parental fraud when I see it.

My dad's not a fan of ballet, so...

Oh, no, no, don't,
you're gonna do it wrong.


Hmm. So I'm gagging to bust out
of here and you're tunnelling in.

But you're not though, are you?

I mean, if you really didn't want to
be here then you'd be dancing badly.

You're self-protecting.
Most likely fear of failure.

OK, so, um, we'll need a eulogy.

Just stuff like
how he saw the world,

saw us, in his own unique way.

Sorry, what?

Do you want to write it?

I will. If that's OK with everyone.

Um, OK,
so the venue is highly critical

because it has to perfectly
embody who he is.

Who he was.

Abigail. How long have you been here?

Just because you cancelled Peter Pan

doesn't mean I have an interest
in sacrificing my technique.

In that case, Sydney Dance is doing
a regional tour over Christmas.

Rafael's asked to see some third
years who didn't get contracts,

but I also thought maybe you...

I'd love to audition.

It is tomorrow, so if that's too...
So? Tomorrow's perfect.

We want Sammy's laptop.
For his music library.

No, that's not gonna happen,

I'm packing up everything
for the Liebermans.

Nothing else is leaving this room.

Look, Ollie came in here before
and stole Sammy's cardigan.

Oh, actions of a criminal.
And you're overruled.

Do you want me to help you
pack everything into boxes?

You have Prix practice.
Sammy would still want you to win.

I may not know
what he'd want for his memorial,

but that, I do know.

Sorry, I'm...
I'm not in the right headspace.

I know. But if you don't dance
between now and the finals,

you won't...
I won't win?

I don't care if I come last.

I got... SO caught up in it,
this whole year...

But it's not about the competition -
it's about being a dancer.

Which means you dance
when you're in pain,

you dance when
your heart's breaking...

you put what you're feeling
into the performance.

That's when you'll become the artist
I know you're capable of being.

Ten leotards
should cover a six-week tour?

I'm sure they have
a laundry service.

You're packing already?

You don't think I'm better
than the third years?

Of course I do. It's just that
you've had a big knock, sweetheart.

Maybe right now you should be...
Sobbing on the bathroom tiles?

History dictates
you should be pleased

I have my priorities back in order,

Rough night?

Just the usual amount of humiliation.

I've been dreaming about this place
since I was nine.

Me too. Just picture it.

Sleeping up there.

No parents.

We'll walk down these stairs
each morning. Go to classes.

Yeah, it'd be pretty incredible.

Getting to dance every day.

And we'll take it for granted.

Hey. Hey, what are you doing?

This is where...
This is where it happened.

Yeah, I know.
Right? This is where we ran.

I'm gonna need that cardigan back.

He'd want me to have it.

You want his cardigan.
You want his eulogy!

You know,
I know what you said to him.

What bit? That he was mediocre?

Or that he was a sympathy vote?

Because it's all running
through my head, / .

Give it back to me.

No, I wasn't asking! Alright?!

Hello. Hi. Hi.

Thanks for coming in.
I imagine it's a difficult time.

No, no, I'm thrilled
to be auditioning, thank you.

Um, I've prepared a solo for you.

The guy must have been
clocking at least .

Don't you reckon?

I don't know. Sammy wouldn't
have walked without looking...

I don't know, alright?
I wasn't there.

He asked me to come.

It was the Prix.

You could have changed it,
could you?

I could have pulled him
off the road faster.

I could have called
an ambulance faster.

He was always there for me.

So why don't we start from
the beginning of the piece.

Richard, with your arms.
And can you now hold his hands.


I can do everything on my own,

so just stand there
like you're assisting. OK?

Will you stop looking at me
like that? Like what?

Like you can't wait to get
your clammy hands on me.

Is there a problem?

Yes. Why would you partner me
with someone so good?

I'm not prepared for that.
How could I be, learning

the pas de deux basics
with a crap partner?

Everyone wants to talk about
how amazing he was, but he wasn't.

He was indescribably terrible...

as a pas de deux partner
and as a boyfriend.

And then he got his own boyfriend.

And then he kissed me.

And then he died.

I mean,
what sort of a person does that?

No, Mum, don't!

Sweetheart, it's alright,
it's alright.

I hate him. No, I hate him.

The only thing that makes sense
is being with my friends right now.

I know I'm letting you down.

I'm definitely letting him down.

The last thing he said
was how proud he was of us.

And I tried, but I can't put
what I'm feeling into my dancing.

I'll pull you out of the prix.


None of it seems right.

Maybe we can't make sense of it.

The funeral didn't
and neither would a memorial...

even if we knew what he wanted.

He told me.

The energy drink incident.

He thought he was going
into cardiac arrest.

It's pretty simple.



I wasn't fine.

I know.

OK. Um...

How do you sum up
Samuel Isadore Lieberman?

Wow, what do you call that?
That's definitely going on my list.

I've listed things
I'm going to accomplish.

Getting into the academy's No. .

I have to go
but we should hang out some time.

You know,
wait for our letters together.

Why would we do that?

Well, I...
I don't know your situation,

but at my school,
I don't have friends...

I have acquaintances of convenience.

But here, there's a common interest.


you know, if we get in,
maybe we could be... mates.

You and me? We'll never be mates.

Fair enough.

Well, ah, see ya.

The best way to sum up Sammy
is in his own words.

Um... this is a list
he wrote before first year.

'No. .

Disprove the validity of jockstraps.'

' . Lobby to make ballet
an Olympic sport.'

He asked for help with that.

' . Get a tattoo.

Dance on top of the Harbour Bridge.

. Stand up to my Dad.

No. .

Fall in love
so my heart takes over from my head.

No. . Get into the
National Academy of Dance.

No. .

Make a group of friends
I'll know for the rest of my life.

Um... he didn't complete
all of these, obviously,

but he definitely did the last one.

And now it's time
for his favourite song.

Wow, that's just...

It definitely was his favourite.

It was played... times.

OK, we're skipping
to the ninth favourite.

Up... we're dancing.

I haven't cried since it happened.
I don't know what's wrong with me.

Trust me. It'll happen.

Come on.

I don't know how to breathe
properly now my friend's gone.

I want to kick and scream
and take it back.

Give anything for this awful
emptiness to go away.

And... more than anything...

I don't want to say 'goodbye'.

So I won't.

I'll just say 'thank you'
that I knew him.

There's no need to say 'goodbye'

when you'll remember forever.