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09x01 - In Like a Lion

Posted: 03/10/22 19:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on When Calls The Heart...

People come into our lives,

some for a reason, others for a season.

Now it's up to you to
decide who might be here

perhaps even a lifetime.

Nathan, I do love you.

It would be impossible not to,
but I'm not in love with you.

I'm just so sorry.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

Part of me thought when
the stage pulled away

that Carson would be there.

What makes you so sure that
our town is gonna allow you

to waltz in and build a factory
on the edge of Hope Valley?

Anyone can do what I'm doing.

It's called the entrepreneurial spirit.

I call it greed.

- Now, hear me out...
- You're gonna run for mayor.

To be honest, I'd like to be
more involved in town matters.

- You're running for mayor?
- Now you've got yourself a race.

I will be credentialed
to teach Angela Canfield

just as soon as the examination
is offered in the area again.

I'll be staying then, Mrs. Thornton,

to see that you are shut down.

It's time to stop running

and take on anyone who tries
to hold back our daughter

from being and doing her very best.

"A Single Mother on the Frontier"

to be published thanks to the
very handsome man down in front.

Thank you for waiting for me.

Jane Austen wrote:

"There's nothing like staying
home for real comfort".

And with every trip that
takes me away from Hope Valley

that truth becomes rooted
deeper in my heart.

With Carson in Baltimore
doing his surgical residency,

Faith is determined to be the
very best doctor she can be

while once again running
the infirmary alone.

We're still wondering

what Dottie's dress shop is to become.

Joseph's been working day and
night getting things ready

for the grand opening.

But one thing's for sure.

Rosemary's already on her way
to making the Valley Voice

the paper of record,

and no one could be prouder than Lee.

While it was wonderful seeing my family,

Jack and I were gone for a
month that felt like a lifetime.

And yet, when we returned,

Lucas made us feel as
though we hadn't been away

for any time at all.

- Hi.
- Oh my goodness, Lucas!

Hi, Elizabeth, let me help you down.

- Thank you.
- Hi.

- Hey, buddy.
- Hey, buddy!

I think we're gonna have to
stop calling you "Little Jack".

Thank you for sending the cab.

How did you know we'd be arriving early?

I didn't.

- Lucas.
- Mr. Smith.

Jerome, please.

Great to finally shake your hand.

I'm afraid my hands are a bit sticky.

Mother made taffy and Jack was insistent

on sharing with Mr. Smith.

Again, I hope you'll forgive us.

It was a delight sharing a berth.

Well, Jerome, if you want to make
your way to the Queen of Hearts,

I'll have your luggage
sent right to your room.

I'll uh, be down as
soon as I've had a wash.

So long there, my sticky companion.

- Bye!

He seems like a very nice man.

I certainly hope so.

He and I have a lot
of business to discuss.

I missed you.


Will you two be alright
walking home together?

Uh, we will stretch our legs
and we will take in the air.

I'll bring your bags by later.

Did I mention how much I missed you?

I missed you, too.

Now go. You have work to do.

No. No, Elizabeth.

You and Jack are what's
important, work can wait.

Let me walk you home.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

Please, tell me
everything that's happened

since I saw you off.

- Swing!

- A swing?
- Swing!

BOTH: Woo!

Joseph, that was a really nice message.

Oh, good, good, good.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.

- Thank you, Joseph.
- Yes, thank you.

JOSEPH: I'm just glad that
Lee here didn't nod off.

Cooper, stop.

Mama, tell him to stop.

Alright, you two, behave!

Why are you always telling on me?

Pop, Pop! Look!

What is that?

TOWNSFOLK: Oh, my goodness!

That's a big balloon.

Balloon! Balloon!

The man in the balloon is waving.

MR. WINKLER: From my
calculations, this is Hope Valley.



ELIZABETH: You're up
early. Jack's not even up.

Yes, I have a very full day.

I have freshly baked scones.

How early were you up?

This week's Valley Voice.

Thank you. I missed reading it.

Well, you'll catch up
on the news in no time.

Would you like coffee?

- I can't stay.
- Oh.

Well, do you at least
have time for a kiss?


Are you sure you don't
have time to stay?

Elizabeth, do you know that your clock

is running five minutes fast?

Um, yes.

- I prefer that it runs...
- I understand,

- but why not maintain the correct time?
- Lucas...

While we've been talking clocks

we could have had coffee and scones.


Let's have dinner instead.
Just the three of us.

Hmm. You and I and Mr. Smith?

At least you won't
have to cut up his food.

I should go. I really can't be late.

Just the two of us then.

Jack's still worn out from the trip.

Great. I'll cut up my own food.

- Bye.
- Bye.

MR. WINKLER: I've sailed all
over this great land of ours

- in my air ship.
- Mmm-hmm.

Of course, I have had ups and downs.

[LAUGHS] Mr. Winkler,
you are a character.

Oh, if you'll excuse me just a moment.


Finally. I've been
looking everywhere for you.

- Didn't you get my note?
- Note, what note?

I left you a note saying
I had gone to write

a human interest piece
on our balloonist.

Oh, my goodness,

the stories he has are
so exciting, so daring.

Floating like a candy floss
cloud high into the heavens-

- Sweetheart, I...
- Did you know Mr. Winkler

can't actually navigate the balloon?

He just drifts wherever
the four winds take him

and then sells rides
to anyone is interested.

That's how he ended up here.

It was serendipity.

- Speaking of serendipity.
- Yes.

You do know that the election
is in a couple of days.

Anyway, I was hoping that
maybe you would reconsider

stumping with me.

Yes, so I've given this some thought


and, while I know you're going

to make a wonderful mayor once elected,

as the Valley Voice editor in chief...

- And my wife, don't forget.
- Yes.

- But I need to remain impartial.
- Mmm-hmm.

- But you do have my vote.
- Mmm-hmm.

- And my love.
- Mmm-hmm.


Well, that's about the
nicest "no" I've ever had.

Alright, I understand.

I guess I'd better get back
to the old campaign trail.


Well... Oh, Lee!

I found the note I left you!

Very useful, thank you.


We have a goat, six chickens,
a dog, and acres, all ours.

That's a lot to look after.

Where are Jesse and Clara?

In a homestead in Montana.

Why'd they move so far away?

When the land is free, son,

something like that is hard to pass up.

You kids keep eating, I don't
want you being late for school.

Angela, the eggs are
at : on your plate.

"Jesse's digging another well
since the first one dried up.

Neither of us can remember the
last time we saw a drop of rain

but our spirits remain
high and we're happy.

Well, time to milk Mags, our goat.

Please say hello to everyone.

Love, Clara."

I miss her company in the kitchen.


We do take life here for granted.

That is true.

But things are changing here, too.

With all the building, people moving in.

Minnie, you think you can handle
things on your own for a while?

Of course. I'll be fine.

- Have a good day, everyone.
- COOPER & ANGELA: Bye Mr. Avery.


- Finished already?
- Mmm-hmm.

- You kids pay attention in school.
- Ok.

- Love you.
- Love you, Daddy.

Mm. Thank you for breakfast.

[SIGHS] Ugh...

One of those mornings, huh?

Oh, I know I've been anxious lately.

And there's no reason to be.

You've run this infirmary
before and you'll run it again.

I know. You're right.

But I do need to fix one thing.

Excuse me.

Headquarters wants all Mounties

capable of driving an automobile.

I'm not giving up my horse.

Would you consider maybe
giving up that mustache?

Maybe even that little thing here?

Less likely.

I can teach you how to drive.

Are you giving up your horse?


No, I'm not giving up my horse.

BILL: I just had a talk about
this with the Canfields.

Things are changing around here.

That's why the election
for mayor is so important.

If we don't want that happening
we gotta do something about it.

Simple as that.

Well, you got my vote, Bill.

If you'll cover for me.

I'm planning on riding out to
see Allie at her grandparent's.

I thought you just dropped her off.

Yeah. I miss her.

Of course, I'll cover for you.


Looks like Henry Gowen is back in town.

I am looking forward
to seeing the progress.

Me too. I hope it's going well.

- Faith!

- You weren't supposed to see inside.
- I was just borrowing a hammer.


She has been a bit out of sorts.

Well, I'm sure she misses Carson.

I know I do and Jesse and Clara.



It's Florence and Ned
coming to take a quick peek.

JOSEPH: Hey, you two.

FLORENCE: Oh, my goodness, Joseph!



What's the phrase? Close
enough for government work?

- Ladies.
- Henry.

- May I?
- Uh...

Nice sign.


Doctor. Molly.



- She's coming!




CHILDREN: Surprise!

- Hi, Mrs. Thornton!
- Miss you.


Now, I'm aware some of you aren't
quite ready for long division...

That balloon is very
distracting, isn't it?

- But I promise you,

if we just do a little bit
more work then we can all go...


- Oh, what the heck. Let's go.

ROSEMARY: You all look like tiny ants!

- COOPER: Ants are tiny.

Seems like fun.

What if Mrs. Coulter floats away?

Oh, no, no, no, Opal,
she won't float away.

Mr. Winkler has the basket
tied tightly to the ground.

Now, how do you think it
stays up there like that?

The wind?

Good try, Emily, but no.

The balloon is floating,

which means it must be
filled with something

lighter than the air.

Hydrogen is lighter than air.

Yes, Angela, good job.

You know, I bet if you ask him nicely,

Mr. Winkler might tell you
more about his special balloon.

MR. WINKLER: Children,
come around, come around.


- Are you happy to be back home?
- Mmm-hmm.

- And see Lucas?
- Mmm-hmm.

- Alright, alright.

How have you and Lee been?

Oh, fabulous. Speaking
for myself, of course,

I've never had as much fun as I've had

being Editor in Chief
of the Valley Voice.

Wait just a moment. Let me qualify that.

Fun while not on stage.

- Ah.
- Because, of course, as an actress,

well, there was the Bohemian Girl,

and the Belle of Bohemia,
the Belle of Bridgeport,

the Belle of Broadway.
Oh, and the Liberty Belles!

Although that was a revival,
so I don't know if that really counts.

And how is Lee?

Oh, yes. The campaign has been arduous.

He has been out every single day
since announcing his candidacy.

But, much like me with the Valley Voice,

I really think he's
found a second calling.

Oh! Hoity Toity! That's another one.

So we're back to Broadway shows now?


Memories pressed between
the pages of my mind.

Well, with a steel trap like your mind

it's no wonder you're enjoying

this new starring role
at the Valley Voice.



Crude oil prices are
projected to reach $ a barrel.

I expected that you'd
be level-headed, Mike.

That's why I put you
in charge when I left.

Henry, I'd like to introduce
you to Jerome Smith.

Oh, I know who Jerome is. Do you?

I'm surprised you'd even consider

going into business with him.

How've you been, Henry?

You didn't think that
perhaps this situation

would warrant a telephone call from you?

I didn't even know how to find you.

- Henry, I was the one...
- Henry, I represent a consortium of investors

and I'd welcome the chance
for us to sit and talk.

The only thing I need to say I
can say standing here right now.

If you're gonna be
involved in this company

you'll be doing it without me.

You know, I don't
respond well to a threat.


Keep that in mind.

Well, I suppose an explanation
is in order for the rest of you.

I engaged Henry some time ago

putting him in charge of the mines here,

when this was still known as Coal Valley

and I was with the Pacific
Northwest Mining Company.

Needless to say, he and I
parted less than amicably.

Shall we continue?

Follow me.


You knew about Henry and Jerome?

Mike had no idea.

I'm off to deliver the mail.

Thank you, Robert.

So, how are your beehives?

Robert, you will find out
what kind of shop we're opening

right along with everybody else.

I don't even get a hint?
As a trusted employee?

Joseph assures me he'll be ready
for the grand opening tomorrow.

- That's the berries!
- Mmm-hmm.

- It's some place to eat!
- Oh!

Robert, go.

For heaven's sake.

Doesn't anyone in Hope
Valley like a good surprise?

- Ned.
- Yes.

I had an idea how to kick things off.

Now, hear me out.


Your clothes and your hair?

- You're covered in burrs...
- Yep.

What happened?

Well, I gave a great speech,

you'd have been very proud of me,

but on the way home the car broke down

so I had to walk, and
then for some reason

I chose to take a short
cut and I got lost.

Wrong campaign trail.

[LAUGHS] So funny.

Well, this will cheer you up.

Take a look at this.

The latest voter polling
suggests that Leland Coulter

- is widening his margin toward becoming...
- Mayor of Hope Valley!

I haven't finished writing the article.

You really do believe in me, don't you?

Of course I do. I always have.

Even though I uh, kinda broke my promise

about building you the biggest theatre

this side of the Rockies?

Kinda broke your promise?


Yes, even then.

If you hadn't, where would I be?

Not running this newspaper.

That's true.

You love me.

[LAUGHS] Oh, Lee.

What do I need to do,

write it on the front page in a
big banner headline? Because I will.

- You should.
- Don't dare me.


I love you.

Now, while I go back to work why
don't you go home and clean up

before your constituency sees you?

- That's a good idea.


Is everything ok?

Yeah, couldn't be better.

Hi there.


- How was Hamilton?
- Good.

My family had a really
good time, with Jack.

Of course, they hardly
paid any attention to me.

Yeah, I know the feeling.

Same thing happened
when I dropped Allie off

at her grandparent's.

Oh, I dropped Allie at her
grandparent's, is that ok?

Minnie gave her a bunch of homework.

Allie's very bright, I'm
sure she'll be just fine.


- So I guess I'll talk...
- Uh, Elizabeth, I was wonder...

- Sorry.
- Never mind.

Nathan, please.

I was wondering if you thought
that maybe Lucas could...

[SIGHS] teach me how to drive.

A car?

No, a team of horses. Yes, a car.

Ha, ha, ha.

Headquarters sent a directive
that we have to learn

and I don't wanna let Bill
know that I've given in.

- Well, what about me?
- What about you?

I could teach you.

Oh, um...

You're not afraid, are you?

Uh... I'm not... afraid. I...

My father taught me years ago

and I have a spotless driving record.

Yeah, why not?

You just tell me when.



COOPER: Timmy, watch this!

TIMMY: It's too far away.

Cooper Canfield!

I was just pretending.

He wasn't going to, really.

Well, I should hope not,

because that would be
very, very dangerous.

Yes, ma'am.

- Minnie, hi!
- Hi!

How was substitute teaching?

I had such a good time
filling in for you,

but I did miss this café.

Still, any time you need me.

Well, I came to invite you to dinner.

Just my little way of saying
thank you so much for helping me.

You and Joseph, Lucas and I.

- That would be nice.
- Wonderful.

Now, let's see how I do at your job.

Oh, Elizabeth...

Do you think Bill would
consider selling the cafe?


Couldn't hurt to ask.


I know, right. It's impractical,
not to mention ridiculous.

Can you imagine me and you making rounds

riding around in a car?

That's what I thought.


What's got you in a hurry?

Jack, I'm getting your snack ready.

Apples and peanut butter.



Hey, fair point.

Well, I know.

And why not call Carson?

I said the same thing myself.


Well, he knows where to find
me. Besides, I'm sure he's busy.

Hey, I'm busy.

Focused on trying to make sure
the infirmary stays up-to-date.

Carson always felt that
the infirmary would become

outdated and antiquated.

So you have been thinking about him.

Would both of you please stop?

Carson and I were not meant to be.

I'm fine.


Ah. Evening, folks.

Hello, Bill.

So what do you recommend tonight?

That you eat someplace else

and that Lucas bids Gustav Au revoir.

So, I have a proposition.


Given the Yost's grand opening tomorrow,

which I'm not clear why
it's such a big deal.

Bill, the proposition.

No need to be gruff.

Don't take it personally.
She's an editor now.

- Editor in Chief.
- In chief.

I need to know the who, what,
when, where, why and how.

Of course. Well, excuse
me, Randolph Hearst.

I'll agree, if you'll agree,
no campaigning tomorrow.

Yeah, absolutely. Great idea.

Bill, I have to say, I think
this is a marvelous gesture.

Keeping the focus on the fun.


I just want a break. This
campaign's exhausting.


Now how is it that I didn't
know you were a dancer?

Dancer might be overstating it a bit.

It's just something that I've
never really talked about.

Now, I'm even more nervous
about not being able

to keep up with you tomorrow.

Just follow my lead,
Ned. You'll be fine.


Would you look at this?

Someone turned my campaign posters

into "not wanted" posters.

Have you thought of growing a mustache?

Like Nathan?

Not like Nathan.

Oh, go ahead and joke.

But I don't take my
running for mayor lightly.

Come on, let me buy you a sarsaparilla.

You were smart for
dropping out of this race.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Two sarsaparilla.

I'm gonna lose this election, aren't I?

Why did I ever campaign on fire safety?

You think I should tell Henry

that I was the one
who brought Jerome in?

I think it would just upset him.

I do wish you had told me, though.

I'm sorry.

I just thought that
once they got together

they'd work things out.

- Have a seat, please.
- Thank you.

I'll be right back.

Will you join us?

I'm fine where I am, thank you.

You're being unprofessional.

Not as unprofessional as
things are about to get

if you go into business with
Jerome Smith and his associates.

Well, when you left town

you told me that none of this mattered.

Not the saloon, not the oil company.

That man has given us
no reason to trust him.

Come and make your case.

Waiting for Lucas?

He's just over there
wheeling and dealing.

Care to sit down?


You know, it's...

It's really nice to see you happy.

I'm so glad we could remain friends.

I would have really
regretted it otherwise.

- Hi.
- Hi.

How's it going over
there with Mr. Smith?

Well, he's close to
recommending a vote of confidence

but I... I don't wanna
leave him alone with Henry.

Would you excuse me tonight?

Of course.

- Great.
- Great.


- Nathan.
- Lucas.

Well, I uh, I have some
business to attend to.

Good evening.

Minnie, Joseph, I know
it's earlier than expected

but how about we have
that dinner tonight?

Just the three of us.
Lucas has business.

If you can stand Joseph's grumbling.

Come on, now, Minnie.
I promise I'll be good.


What happened?

Joseph and Cooper are just
butting heads, that's all.


I don't know what's gotten
into that boy lately.

Couldn't get out the front
door without an argument.

Jack can be that way.

Hmm. You wait, just wait,

'til you start wrangling
about this, that, this...

And you said you'd be good.

I know. I know.


Oh, hey, Mike, you want to talk to me?

Yeah, look what they did to my poster.

I don't know who "they" is yet
but I'm hoping you can find out

because it's not the only one, either.

Excuse me.


Good evening, Constable.

Did I see you ride into town?

Did you?

On a brown Quarter Horse.

It's a very common breed.

A very fast brown Quarter Horse.

Mei Sou.

- Nathan Grant.
- Henry!

- Stop! Stop! Stop!
- Break it up!

That's enough! That's enough!

Good to see you've still got
some fight left in you, Henry.

Enough to knock you down.

Constable, I'd like to press charges.

'Course you would.

Let's go, Henry.

Oh, Ned. You look perfectly stupendous.

I feel a bit silly. Are you sure?

Except for your beard.

Oh. You look sublime.

Isn't this exhilarating?



I'm looking for Mr. Yost.

Oh, well, just a moment.

Ned? Uh, there's a young lady here.

I'm sorry, I didn't ask your name.

Mei Sou.

Oh. It's Mei Sou.


Mr. Yost, I'm here in Mr. Lewis's stead.

I... I don't understand.

Mr. Lewis assured me in his letters

that he would be arriving by today.

You haven't been
corresponding with Mr. Lewis.

In fact, you've been
corresponding with me.


If I might step inside,

and if you could call for Dr. Carter?

Uh... yes, yes. Please,
please. Come inside.

Henry? I have breakfast.

Oh, that's very kind of you.

How are you feeling this morning?

A little bit foolish but I
guess that's to be expected.

Would you mind if I sit?


That's great. Thank you.

Why don't you let me say grace?

If you'd like.

I appreciate you helping
break things up last night.

Well, you didn't need too much help.

You sound surprised.

It's funny, Lucas.

I always considered you to
be a poet, not a fighter.

I'll consider that a compliment.

You can consider that
however you want to.

NATHAN: It's gotta be
some view from up there.


While attending the university,

course work consisted of
a four-year apprenticeship,

five months of evening lectures,

and a one year dedicated apprenticeship,

which I did under Jeffrey Lewis

at the hospital where I met Faith.

And Jeffrey is your husband?

My point is, I graduated
at the top of my class

and I'm now a licensed
pharmaceutical chemist.

- Mrs. Lewis...
- Sou. Miss Mei Sou.

- Would you please give us a moment?
- Of course.

You'll have my trunk sent over?

Later this afternoon.

Thank you.


- What do we do?
- Ned went on your recommendation.

To hire her husband, Jeffrey.

- If, in fact, he is her husband.
- Mmm-hmm.

You two, it's hot!

Folks out here are dropping like flies!

Thank you, we will be right there.

I suggest you hire Mei
until we can sort through

just what's happening.

I'll start by contacting Jeffrey.

Well, all right then.

- Hi.
- Oh, hi.

What did we miss?

Oh, things are just getting started.

Good. Jack insisted on stopping

to examine every flower and
blade of grass on the way here.

- You do have a curious son.
- Mmm-hmm.

Oh, oh!

Oh, goodness!

Sorry, Mama!

Ah, well, without further ado...

Let me just take a moment to say

the prosperity that we've all enjoyed

since I've served as mayor pro tem...

Bill, we had a deal.
No campaigning, now.

- TOWNSFOLK: That's true.

Take it away, Ned and Florence Yost!



TOWNSFOLK: How absolutely charming!

- It's quite a turnout.
- Indeed.

- Ooh, upside down.
- Oh, right.

♪ Get yourselves ready while
we strike up the band. ♪

Oh, Lee, skimmers and canes.

Better them than us.

♪ If you're not feeling
well or just kind of blue, ♪

♪ Not in the pink about
what's ailing you, ♪

♪ Well step on by, folks,
and give us a try, ♪

♪ Don't be shy, folks,
there's no reason why. ♪

♪ From cold cream. ♪

♪ To bromine. ♪

♪ Thymine. ♪

♪ And ice cream. ♪

Ice cream?

♪ We all scream for ice cream. ♪


BOTH: Presenting...

BOTH: Yost's Pharmacy and Soda Fountain.

Oh, my goodness!


Step on up, folks.

We have free ice cream for everyone.

Right this way!

I am going to go get free ice cream.

No, uh-uh. None for you.

- I want ice cream!
- Yeah!

I'd appreciate you advocating for me.

Mei, I'm not so sure that I can.

I need to speak with Jeffrey.

Faith, please. Don't.

Mei, what is going on?

I should get inside and help.

Faith, is everything alright?

I'm not sure. Excuse me, Elizabeth.



- Hey, Mrs. Thornton.
- Hi.

Hello, you two.

What flavor did you choose?

Oh, honey vanilla.

That's what I chose.

You should try the chocolate fudge.

So Angela, how was it having
your mother substitute teach

while I was away?

Not much different than
when she taught us at home.

Of course, Cooper didn't like it at all.


He got in lots of trouble.

Last Sunday, in church,

he kept making faces
trying to get me to laugh.

Sounds like a young Robert.

Well, hopefully I won't
be seeing that this Sunday.

He's always better behaved when
you're around, Mrs. Thornton.


Wow, Joseph really did
an amazing job in here.


Constable Grant.

Oh, you know each other.

Yes, I... I met Miss Sou last night.

Did you get some ice cream?

No, not yet.

Don't wait too long. It could run out.

Try Mr. Yost's honey vanilla.

I think I might do that.

I telephoned Jeffrey, but
I didn't get a response.

Mei, if something's happen-

I want to make a new life. On my own.

But I'll need your help.

You're asking a lot. I hardly know you.

And besides, you'll have
to convince the Yosts

if you want to remain their pharmacist.

I can do this job better than Jeffrey.

You wait and see.


Hi. I'll just take uh,
one of those. Thank you.

Coop. Cooper Canfield.

Are you enjoying yourself?


- Did you finish your chores?
- No.

Well, go on home now.

Can't I do them later?

Go on home right now.

[SIGHS] Yes, sir.

Come on. This way.

Where's Cooper headed?

He's going home to do his chores.

You've been gone so long I thought
maybe you got locked up, too.

How's Henry?

That man talks as though he
deserves to stay right where he is.

I want to bring supper
by, but maybe you should.

If you think I should, baby.

But right now, how about an ice cream?

- Alright.
- Alright.

One scoop for you and
three scoops for me.

Oh, no.

Avery surges in latest poll?

Lee, it's just a headline.

It doesn't tell the whole story.

Well, how far ahead is he?

Quite a bit.

Oh, boy.

Lee, you know I believe
you can win this.

You need to believe it, too.

Why don't we go for a walk?

What about remaining impartial?

We're just taking a walk.

Besides, everyone knows
when it comes to my husband,

I'm rather partial.

Alright, let's go for a walk.

Thank you.

- Mind your step.
- Alright.


- Lucas?
- Yes.

Why are they putting the rope inside?

It's ok. I'm coming with you.

Mr. Winkler, are you
also coming with us?

No, miss.

Me and the boys are
following along down here.

- Don't you worry.
- Oh, I'm worried.

We've arranged everything.

I know how to operate an air balloon.

Somehow I'm not surprised.

Cast off.

- Here we go!
- Oh, my goodness!

ROBERT: There they go!

- LUCAS: Careful.


CHILDREN: Bye! Bye, Mrs. Thornton.

It's alright. Everything's fine.

You promise?

I will never let anything happen to you.

Now look.

Ok, here goes.

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, Lucas, it's beautiful.


We're flying.

Well, floating, technically.

But yes, wherever the wind takes us.

I've decided not to take on
a partner in the oil business.

I've decided I wanna
sell my stake instead.

Lucas, I would never ask you to do that.

You don't have to.

I don't want work getting in our way.

You and Jack, that's
what's important now.

Are you sure?

I have never been more sure.

Trust me.

I trust you.

I do.

Whoa! Whoa!