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05x05 - The Baby

Posted: 03/10/22 10:56
by bunniefuu
This is pointless. I have read the same sentence 10 times.

What are you thinking?

Just that we have to tell her...maggie.

We're not being fair to her.

I mean, obviously we're not being fair to her.

You're cheating, and I'm lying,

But the point is, we're not making

The situation any better

By going behind her back.

She deserves to know.

Why? What were you thinking?

That. Well...that...


I'd love to have sex with you right now.

Ned! Ooh!

Be serious.

That's the thing. I am serious.

I am totally, completely serious.

I'm sublimating, aren't i?


I'm seeking physical pleasure

As a distraction from my own

Moral culpability.

Pretty much.

We have to tell her. We have to tell her.

I...have some concerns

About your blood work.

Normally, we like to see a platelet count of several

Hundred thousand.

Right now, you're at 68,000.

And your liver functions are elevated.

Wh-what--what does all that mean?

I don't understand what any of that is.

You are in the beginning stages

Of something called hellp syndrome.

Remember when we talked about your toxemia,


Well, in hellp syndrome, the liver becomes involved.

My liver?!


Ok, so...

What do we do? I mean, how do we take care of this?

I'm gonna do some more blood work

And liver studies.

I'm gonna want you to collect your urine

So that we can continue to check protein levels.


This, uh...

This sounds bad.

I mean, this sounds different.

You never said anything about this before.

Through all the early labor and the bed rest stuff--

I mean, toxemia, yeah, but not this.

Charlie...sometimes this is very hard to diagnose.

Is there a real risk here?

I mean, could something actually happen to her?


♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free... ♪

Um, are you sure that this is the right neighborhood?

'Cause it looks a little--

I told the guy at the tourist desk

How much I could spend on a hotel.

He said this was just about the only thing

In my price range.

Are the numbers going up or down?

Um, down, I think.

Are you sure you don't want me to--

Oh, I got it. Really.

Um, hannah, have you talked to your parents?

I'm sorry. I mean, I know it's none of my business,

But maybe if you talked to them.

I can't talk to them.

How do you know that?

You know? Maybe you can. Maybe they'd surprise you.

Look, my mom was a year younger than I am now

When she got pregnant for the first time, ok?

She and my dad had 3 kids

By the time they were 24, so...

I don't think they're the people to talk to

About my options,

Because as far as they're concerned,

I don't have any.

And...maybe I don't.

I mean, they did it, right?

They had a kid before they were ready.

Yeah, people do do it.

Yeah. Women do it all the time.

Even by themselves, right?

You know what?

Why don't you let me take this

The rest of the way.


Maybe we're getting all nervous for nothing.

I mean, maybe she already knows.

She sensed it coming. Women do that.

Maybe she was thinking

She was gonna have to break up with me.

Maybe she'll be relieved.

Very possible.

Ok, then. (Crying)

I--i just heard.

You heard?


He was--my brother's girlfriend,

She was backing up. She was talking.

She squashed him.


Her dog.

Now all I have left are these pictures.

Come and sit.

Look at this.

Chester on the beach in mendocino.

Wasn't he the most beautiful dog you've ever seen?

He used to love chewing the wrapping off

Of our christmas presents.

I know I have a picture somewhere.

Bailey: you tell me what to believe!

"Oh, bay, I'm so confused about college

"And my future, and my folks,

They never understand.

"But you guys, you guys are like my family.

"So I'll just crash with you.

It'll be like old times."

I freaked, ok?

Yeah, you're really something

Under pressure.

Hey, until you're there,

You don't know what you'd do, either!

I wouldn't walk away from a girl

Who told me she was pregnant.

She never told me!

I heard the whole thing from a frat guy

Who was a friend of a friend of hers.


So I figured she'd get it taken care of.

That she was embarrassed, that she didn't want

To talk to me,

And she'd get it taken care of while I was

Out here with you!

She called you, will!

You wouldn't talk to her!

The girl followed you across the country!

Yeah! And that's weird, ok?

I mean, you meet someone from another school

At a frat party,

You talk to them for, like, an hour,

You get smashed, you go someplace and do it,

You don't exactly expect to settle down

And raise a family with them!

(Door opening)


What's going on?

Change of plans is what's going on.

So if will has to stay at some fleabag motel,

Then, you know what?

That's fine. Be my guest, but she's pregnant,

She's a thousand miles away from home,

And she's staying here.

No discussion.



Charlie: daphne?

Come quick!

What's going on? What happened?

Something's wrong.

I'm seeing, like, spots, and everything's--

And I can't--

Well, maybe your eyes are just adjusting--

No, no, no!

Something in my head, it's bad,

And everything's, like, I can't--

I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

Whoa. Hey.

Call the doctor, charlie!

Something's wrong!

She's 27 years old, in her 32nd week...

It's gonna be ok.

Nurse: 116 over 110. Protein count's 38,000.

She's presenting as severely preeclamptic...

Don't leave, charlie!

I'm right here.

No. I'm right here. You can't leave this room.

Oh, god. Oh, please stay here.

I'm right here.

I'm right here. Don't go, ok?

I'm right here.

I don't know, bay. No. I need you to--

Ok. Ok, just call julia and get her to stay

With owen.




That was bailey. He's gonna come right over.


That really hurt.

What--what hurts? What's wrong?

She has some pain in her upper abdomen.

What does that mean?

That's a further indication

Of liver involvement.


That's why you're feeling

Some of the things you're feeling--

The pain, the weird reflexes,

The vision problems.

From your blood pressure,

A swollen liver, some swelling

In your brain

That comes along with it.

So we will watch your numbers,

We'll monitor the baby,

And if you get in trouble,

You're already in the hospital,

So we'll be able to act immediately.

Claud--claud, I don't know what her exact condition is.

I just walked in the door.

Put the orange juice down, owen.

Would you watch him for a second?

No. I talked to charlie for, like, a minute

Before I came over here to watch owen.

I could have done that for you.

That's not your job.

Listen, I'll try to reach them at--

At the hospital, and then I'll call you back, ok?

It sounds really scary, jule.

I feel like I should be home with you guys.

No. Just stay there, and I'll call you right back--

Owen, put the marshmallow fluff down.

I'm hungry.

I can't just sit here.

We're all sitting here.

I'm stuck in the house, claud--owen!

Would you get him out of here?

Let's go, buddy.

Just sit tight, and I'll call you back,

All right?

Global airlines, please.

Oh, i--

Charlie called and told me--

You just missed him.

He just went to get some air.

I think it was air.

Maybe it was a soda.

Are you--

I mean--i was worried, so, I mean--

It is ok that I'm--

Maybe you should just pick a sentence and,

Like, go with it.

Right. Sorry.

How are you?

I don't know.

We're just waiting.

And seeing...what my body's gonna do.

What the baby's gonna do.

It's a good hospital, daphne.

They've got really good doctors here.

Paul said it's the best neonatal unit

In northern california,

If that makes you feel any better.



Hey. How is she?

She's, um...

I don't know.

I mean, it's all numbers

And medical terms

And nurses scribbling stuff

And doctors looking worried.

I don't know anything else for sure.

Except for that it's bad.

I should probably get back to her.


She keeps looking at me,

Daphne, in that way that--

Remember how mom was on airplanes,

How she'd keep asking you, are you ok?

Are you scared?


And as long as you said you weren't, she was ok.

She could get through the flight,

But if you hit a big bump,

And you squeezed her hand too hard,

That was it. She was gone.

She needs me to be strong.

And I don't know.

I don't know, bay.

I can't seem to find that place in myself,

You know?

It's there.

Owen's upstairs bashing 2 trucks into each other

Over and over again.


No word from the hospital?


You know, you don't have to hang out here

If you don't want.

That's ok.

I know you have your own life

And everything.

Not really.

How is, uh--

God, I don't even know her name.


Your girlfriend.

Oh...yeah--yeah, her.

She's, uh--it's, uh...

Stacey. She's fine.

Um, she's out of town on a family thing,



I wish he'd call.

Bailey. I stopped by the restaurant to, uh--

To pick up your final paycheck?

No. To talk to you.

And glen told me-- he said--

Man, I'm--

Can I wait with you?

I don't think so, will.

Why not?

Come on, bay.

Look, I get why you had to kick me

Out of your place.

And it's ok.

I mean, sarah has obviously taken

Hannah's side in all this.

Is there another side to it?

I don't think so, will.

Come on, man! You got--

What am I supposed to do here, bailey, huh?

I make one mistake-- one mistake--

And that's it for me?

Well, maybe that's just how it goes.

Bailey, having a baby right now

Is gonna ruin my life.

Forget having the time to figure out who I am

Or what I want.

Now I'm never gonna have the chance.

Hannah has this baby,

And I am stuck being the person I am

Right this second.

No college, no job. No clue!

And that is not somebody ready to--to raise a kid!

I can't do this now, man.

There's other stuff.

You're not the only person in the world,

You know?

Look, I'm sorry.

You should leave, will.

What is it?

Her test results just came in.

Charlie: so I want to understand this.

If those are the numbers,

You're saying-- you're saying, what,

That we should-- the baby should

Come out right now?

That baby's small, charlie.

We're not certain that it's...

Well, viable.

Oh, god...

There's the possibility it may not be able

To breathe on its own,

That its brain isn't sufficiently developed--

What are you saying?!

Are you saying brain damage?


So if she can hold on a little bit longer,

If the baby has more time to develop--

That's the problem.

Daphne's condition is progressing so fast

That it--

Well, there are risks on both sides.

Your platelet count is now so low,

You could begin to hemorrhage.

That could happen any second.

And your liver--

You said there was some damage--

We're beyond that now.

I think we're looking at the possibility

Of liver failure,

And the implications of that are, well...


Oh, god, what are you saying,

That only one of them is gonna

Make it out of here?

She's not even saying that.


She's not even saying that, charlie!

I need to know how you want us to proceed.


You need us to tell you what to do?!

How should we-- you're the doctor here!

For god's sake!

I need to know what your priority is.

That will determine our immediate

Course of action.


You mean, who?

Which one of us?


We're supposed to decide that?

You're asking us to--

How are we supposed--

Oh, god! Charlie!

Would you give us-- we need--do we have

A few minutes?

(Daphne sobbing)

Hi. I'm--

Julia: ned.

What--what are you--

You said you'd call and let me know

What was going on.

When you didn't, I got worried, so--

Griffin, this is ned.

Oh. You're griffin.

I'm ned.

Yeah, I got that.

I'm--i'm quick that way.

Ned's a friend of mine.

Yeah, we're...friends.

From school. Stanford.

You really didn't need to come up here.

Oh, hey...he was worried.

We haven't-- we--we need more time.

I'm sorry, charlie.

Bay, could you sit with her?

Charlie, if your decision is to wait,

That's one thing.

But if you're waiting only to decide later

To go ahead with the delivery,

That's time you can't afford.

She can't--(sighs)

She's a mess. There's no talking

About this with her.

Tell me what to do. Please?

I--i can't do that. I'm sorry.

Please. 'Cause I can't decide this.

I don't know how.

How do I choose? I mean--

One of them I haven't met and the other one I'm just

Starting to know.

But I love 'em both.

I love 'em both.

I know you do.

I need an answer.


What do you want me to do, charlie?

Save her life. Orderlies: 1, 2, 3!

I've got an o.r. Opening in 10 minutes.

What's happening?!

I want her prepped and ready!


I'm right here. We're going to do

A c-section on you

And get that baby out.


Did we page dr. Bhatt? Nurse: yes, doctor.

No! What about the baby?

Let's have a neonatologist standing by.

She's gonna be fine.

Dr. Murtry: let's go! Let's go!

Do you think they haven't called because

They don't know anything

Or 'cause something horrible's happened

And they haven't been able to get to a phone?

Say something.

Distract me.

I'm in love with you.

Something else.

Something not so complicated.

It's kind of the only thing in my head right now.

How'd you get away? What did you say

To maggie?

I told her I had to come to the city to research

That dorothea lange paper

At the museum of photography.

God, she was so upset.

Maybe you should have stayed.

I mean, I'm glad you're here,

But at least call her.

You should call her.


Hey, it's me.


How are you feeling?

Well, it's a breathing technique that's worked

For centuries.


Well, the thing is, uh, the museum got the reprints

I was looking for,

So, you know, and they're open late tonight,

So I kinda don't know when I'll be back.

Have you heard anything from julia?




Me, too, maggie.

I love you, too.


No news yet from the hospital.

It's a c-section. It can't possibly

Take this long.

Something's gotta-- charlie.

What--what's goin' on?

Is the baby ok? Is daphne ok?

Let's keep moving!

Please, just tell me.

Your wife is still in surgery.

I'm taking the baby to neonatal

Intensive care.

Are they going to be ok?

I'm sorry. I don't know




What am I gonna do? Uh...

All right, I'm gonna go with the baby.

Bailey, you stay here.


Kirsten, do you wanna--

Of course.

If anything happens, bay, you come get

Me, you got it?

I got it!

You didn't have to do this for me.

Yeah, I did. Look, you can't have a baby

Without seeing a doctor at least once

During your pregnancy.

It's not safe.

You're gonna be ok, hannah.

You know what? I think I'm gonna go upstairs

And sit with bailey and charlie.

I'll bet kirsten and paul are there already,

And maybe even griffin and julia.

Who are all those people?


Friends, old friends.

That's nice.

A lot of people love that baby already.

It hasn't even been born yet.


And I'm not gonna have that.

I don't even have will.

I mean, you can force someone to be


But you can't force them to care.

Excuse me. Is there somebody

That I could talk--

My baby's in there, and I need to--

I'm sorry.

Maybe it's like with a jury, you know?

They bring you in to tell you that

It's all over for you.

No one looks you in the eye.

Charlie, you can't think that way.

I'll let you know if first class

Opens up, ok? Great.



I just ran all the way from the car.

Salinger. Uh, claudia salinger.

I'm not, like, too late, am i?

No, you're fine. We'll call you when

We're ready to board.

Ready to board?

Oh, we're delayed due to fog.

Delayed? No, you can't be--


Ok, delayed. How long? How long is the delay?

Until the fog lifts.

No. Look, I have to be in san francisco, ok?

There is an emergency going on there right now,

And I should be there with my family.

I shouldn't even be standing here

Trying to get there.

I should have just been there the whole time.

Ms. Salinger,

Do you honestly think there's anything

I can do about the fog?

You know, you can come in the house,


You don't have to hang out out here,

Waiting for updates.



This guy?

Why is he here?



I told you. He's a friend of mine.

No, I don't think so.

If he were just a friend,

He wouldn't be lyin' about where he is

And who he's with.

He wouldn't lie about being with you.

He's not just a friend, is he, julia?

No...he's not.


Look, I'm--i'm sorry. I wanted to tell you.

I just--it's weird.

Who's maggie?

I should have been straight with you,

But ned and I were still trying to figure

Our relationship out,

And I didn't want to-- who's maggie?

His girlfriend.

They still haven't closed.

But it's been--

I know. There are complications.


What is it with doctors, man?

Do they teach you in med school

To drag this stuff out for dramatic effect

Or what?

She's lost a lot of blood.


I'm sorry, man. I just--


Hey, how's the baby?

They won't let me see her. I'm not gettin' any answers.

Kirsten's posted there.

She's still in surgery?

What? What do you know?

What kind of reaction do you expect me

To have?

I mean, the jerk's involved

With somebody else.

He's not dating you, julia. He's having

An affair with you.

I think you're makin' a huge mistake.

Like the mistake I made with you?


I was seeing justin when we got together.

Was that a mistake?

Griffin, you think I wouldn't have loved to

Have gone off to college

And met some sweet unattached,

Uncomplicated guy?

But it's not that simple. It doesn't always

Happen that way.

You know that. We can't all go out

And meet someone--

Someone who's free and clear,

Like this girl!

What girl?

The girl that you met. The girl that you're seeing,

You know, what's-her-name.

Oh, uh, uh, tracey.

I thought you said it was stacey.

That's right. Oh, stacey.

Yeah, it's stacey.

You don't know your girlfriend's name?

Uh, look, you know what?

To tell you the truth, I made her up.

You what?

I made her up, so you'd feel free

To go meet someone!

Well...ok, then.

Now, I have.

Now, i--i've met someone else, griffin.

Yeah, well, I never would have done it

If I'd have known that someone else

Was someone like him.


Hey, how are you? Are you ok?

What did the doctor say?

Oh, uh, everything's fine.

The doctor says I'm fine.


Hey, bailey, can I tell you something?


I'm not gonna have the baby.

I can't.

I'm 18, bailey.

You know, I can't do it by myself.

You're gonna have an abortion?

I know it's horrible, you know,

To talk about it here in front of all of you.

No, it isn't. No.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, and I know what sarah would say.

Hey, come on.



When, do you think?

I don't know.

I can't figure it out, you know?

I don't have the money to do it here,

But if I wait till I get home, uh...

You know, if people at school find out--

If my family finds out.

I don't know.

Do you--do you think you could...

Oh, wait. No. No, you know, I'm sorry.

It's ok. It's ok.

No, it's not.

Look, it's petty cash from the restaurant, ok?

It's $400. It's no big deal.


I'll pay you back.

I promise.

I know, and I'm gonna go with you.



Just as soon as things settle down a little bit.

I gotta go.

Woman: charlie salinger?

Right here.

She's out of surgery.

She took 15 units of blood.

Oh, my god.

She was hemorrhaging.

That's why we were in there that long,

But she's stabilized now,

And we're moving her into recovery.

So she's gonna be ok?

I--i can't...

She could improve.

Yes, the syndrome could reverse itself


Let's just wait and see, ok?

Well, it's 911. I've gotta go.

She's gonna be in recovery

For a few hours.

You can see her then.

They don't know yet.

There are some, uh, I think...

What are...


It's like soup out there.

P.a.: Sorry to report, folks, we're pushing our departure

Time back yet again

Due to those visibility problems in the san francisco area.

As soon as the fog lifts, we'll be on our way.

(Softly sobbing)



They're saying-- they're saying that

You can see her now.


Hey, there...

You're up, huh?

Just barely.

You did great.

I did?

How about the baby?

The baby's good.

She's, um....

She's in her incubator, and, um...

They're taking care of her right now.

I was so worried.

Typical stuff.


God, I'm so sleepy.

How's she doing?


You tell us.

Well, I got your test results back,

And there is some improvement.

Your platelet count's up. Your liver functions

Are slightly better.

That's a good sign.

So I'm cautious, but optimistic.

How about that?


I'm gonna go back to sleep now.


How's the baby?

She's small, charlie.

Right now she's having a lot of trouble

Breathing on her own.

We haven't been able to lower

The level of oxygen

In her respirator.


I can't predict.

You made the right choice, you know?


If we had waited another day,

She might have died.

Remember that.


Oh, god.


Hey. Hey, it's me.

God, I went looking for you.

Why'd you disappear like that?

Oh, I'm--i'm sorry. I took a cab home.

I could have driven you.

I was coming back here to get a couple

Of hours sleep anyway.

You ok? You don't look so great.

Oh, yeah. I'm ok. I just, uh...

I just need to stay off my feet for a while.


Is there a problem?

No. There's no problem.


Please don't be angry at me, ok?


I took care of it. I'm not pregnant.


I couldn't go through with it, you know?

I'm not ready to be a single mom.

I'm not. And bailey--

I talked to him, you know?

He was--he was really great about it,

And, you know, he offered to take me,

But I just couldn't let him do that,

So, i, uh...

I just went to the clinic.


Just, please, don't be angry with me, ok?

I'm not angry at you.

We're doing a procedure on another baby

Right now.

Mr. Salinger, nobody's allowed in

Until we're done.

I'm sorry.

It's scary, huh?

A procedure.


It's late, huh?

No, it's not.

I didn't get to see her on her birthday.

My daughter's one-day old now.

I can't figure out how things work,

Kirsten. I mean, all this stuff

With me and daphne,

All this crap that we had to get through,

And the one thing that I was completely clear on,

The one thing that seemed exactly right

For me...

Was this baby.


Somehow, maybe that's the only thing

I don't get to keep.

How does that make sense?

Hold the door!


Thank you.

You ordered 6 coffees. There's only 5 here.

I put mine back, like I need the caffeine.


Oh, my god. What are you

Doing here?

Have you seen the baby? Is daphne ok?

You just got on a plane and came all this way?

I told you not to do that.

Yeah, well, here I am.

Uh...who are you?

Who are you?

I'm maggie, julia's roommate?



Uh, yeah. Hi.

Griffin, right? She's talked about you.

Yeah. Uh, hey, look, julia's

Not here right now.

She's at the hospital with her brothers

And, um...

Are--are those for--

No. Actually, I just didn't want to

Leave them in the car.

I came home from school to go to a memorial service.

Oh, I'm sorry. A relative?

A dog. My dog. There was an accident,

And he, well--

I'd rather not get into specifics

'Cause I really want to get through the day

Without sedatives.

Anyway, I was worried 'cause I haven't heard

A word from julia,

So I thought I'd stop by on my way up.

You know what?

I really don't even know when

She's gonna be back.

But she'll probably be checking in with you,

Right? So if I hung out--

Or, uh, here's an idea:

Why don't you leave a number,

And I'll have her call you whenever--when she hears

Some news?

Oh, my god.


Is that your dog?

Can we have a moment here, please?


You didn't say that she was in trouble.

You said that she was fine,

That she was in an incubator

And they were just taking care of her.

I know.

You could have told me.

She's too little, isn't she?

She was born too soon.

We don't know that yet.

I don't understand.

Why did they rush me into surgery like that?

We didn't decide anything.


I wanna know.

She's on a respirator in intensive care.

I wanna know.

You couldn't decide,

And the doctor said that I couldn't wait.

She said that...

You could've died.

So you chose me?



Daphne, don't--

I'm so impossible.

I ran away, and I've been selfish and horrible,

And you wanted a baby so much.

Why would you choose me?

Because I love you.

Is that a good enough answer?

Ok, then.

(Knock on door)

She's off the respirator.

They said, uh, just the parents at first.

But you'll let us know when it's ok for us, right?

We wanna see her.

Take all the time you need, man.

There she is.

Oh, she's so...

Can i--

Is it ok if i--

Go ahead.


Ha ha!

With those fingers, those tiny little fingers!

Have you ever seen such itsy-bitsy,

Tiny, little fingers?

Actually, I have.

My aunt ruthie has, like, freakily,

Puny fingers.

Hey, I mean it.

She was in all the medical books.

I think she kinda looks like me a little,

Don't you think?

I don't--

Let's see the fingers.

Ahem! Julia.

Ha ha ha.


Maggie: ned.

I thought you said you were doing research

For some paper.

Yeah, um...

I--i was.

Maggie, look, uh...

Oh, my god.


You two?

I don't understand.

Explain it to me.

I don't know.

I'm sorry.

Oh, god!

She was worried about you.

Mmm. Not that much hair, just a little bit of fuzz.

You'd kind of expect charlie's baby

To come out with a little

5:00 Shadow, but--

Oh, the baby, huh?

Is she really beautiful?

Yeah, she is.

Look, hannah--

I guess you probably wanna get some rest,

A day and a half of those plastic

Hospital chairs.

Yeah. I guess.

I feel like crawling into bed and sleeping

For 6 weeks.

Oh, god...

I haven't even checked in at the restaurant.

I'm sure it's still there.

Are you mad at me or somethin'?


No, not mad, exactly.

Why'd you give her that money, bailey?


Because she needed it.

Because she asked.

She had an abortion.



Maybe if you hadn't give her that money,

Maybe she would have found

Some other solution.

No. Sarah, look, I know how you feel about this,

But hannah had already made up her mind.

She knew exactly what she wanted to do

About this pregnancy,

And me giving her that money didn't change anything,

Except that maybe it made an awful situation

In some very, very small way

A little less difficult for her.

Well, I just want you to know

That I would never do what she did.


God, is it really ok?

I mean, you kinda said that

Like you say gesundheit.

But have you really thought about it?

Because I have, you know, all day.

I mean, I could get pregnant.

You know, we're really careful,

But every time that we make love,

That's a possibility...

And I just really want you to know

That there are no other options for me.

If I get pregnant, I'm gonna have a baby,

And I guess I just kinda need to know

That that's the way you feel about it, too.

Mom and dad, i...


Look what I made.