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03x09 - Wizards vs. Werewolves

Posted: 03/10/22 08:49
by bunniefuu
Why do we have to eat this
whole sandwich before we kiss?

I saw it in a movie.

I thought it'd be romantic,

the moment our lips
touch in the middle.

Yeah, all filled with meat
and lettuce and tomato.

Oh, you're right.
That's nasty.

I'm gonna leave the
romantic moments up to you.


Why didn't you talk
me out of this idea?

Sometimes when I try to
talk you out of something,

You just dig your
heels in even more.

You're right,
I do do that.

You should stop trying
to talk me out of stuff.

Alex, it's all right.

How's this for a
romantic moment?

Oh, my gosh. Mason!

Oh, my gosh, Mason!

It glows?


Quite unusual, really.
It runs on batteries.

I love it.

They're kissing!

Hi, Mason! I didn't know you
two were in the middle of a date.

Yes, you did, mom.

You're the one who gave me your
headboard to make this fancy screen.

Well, listen, I'm sorry, but we
need the tables for the evening rush.

Your father handed out fliers without
the word "imitation" in front of "ham".

- It's evening?
- Yes.

Although most people would have keyed
off the fact that we use fake meat here.

Oh, boy, it's getting late.
I better get going.

But, you just got here.

I lost track of time.

In your eyes.

Oh, I see what
you're doing there.

I like it anyway.

Wait! Mason. Mom!

Why don't you two continue
your date tomorrow?

A family dinner.

- What time do you eat?
- We like to eat early.

It gives us time for
the food to settle

before we fight over
what to watch on tv.

Thank you. Goodbye!

- Oh, wait, your backpack.
- I'll get it tomorrow.

What are you doing?

Well, he sure was in a hurry
to get out of here.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

I hope the dinner invite didn't
make him feel uncomfortable.

No, no, that's ok. I'm
glad he's coming to dinner.

I mean, once he sees how
messed up all of you are,

he'll realize what
a miracle I am.

Are you sure
that wasn't Juliet?

'Cause it looked
a lot like her.

No, it didn't.
It was a giant squid.

I'm not too good
at remembering faces.

And if you're so sure
it wasn't her,

then why'd you
hug it for so long?

It wasn't a hug!
It was strangling me.

I don't know who's
a bigger idiot.

The guy who told you mummies hide
their minions in underwater sea caves,

- or me for believing you! - Don't
leave me out of the idiot contest.

I don't think I'll
ever get Juliet back.

All I've got
left of her is...

This dental floss.

I can picture her flossing
her fangs right now.



Look, Justin, you're
gonna find her.

All right? Not 'cause you're a monster
hunter, 'cause you're my brother.

What makes you think
I'm gonna find her?

Because in the ten years
that I've known you

I've never seen you
give up on anything.

You sure do have your moments
of wisdom, don't you, Max?

You've known me
longer than ten years.

Yeah, I wasn't really paying
attention in the beginning, though.

Alex told me you
were our butler.

Alex bowled a .

And one time, she didn't even
bowl in the right direction.

I was trying to
knock down the people

in the snack bar line.
It was too long.

How about another piece
of chicken, Mason?

Oh, thank you. I would
love another piece.

This chicken is much better
than the ones I catch.

You catch chickens?


At the grocery store.

In England we say "catch"
like Americans say "shop".

"Toodle-oo, I'm off
to go... Catching."

British people
are so cute.

I wish Americans
came from England.

Don't lose hope.
I'll find you, my love.

He's making a mashed potato
girlfriend out of my leftovers.

Make him stop!

Justin, she's beautiful.

Hey! That's...

There you go, Mr. Russo.

Take a bite out of
her head for me. Yeah.

Mason, the heart you
gave Alex is beautiful.

Yeah. Hey, where'd you get it?
Theresa loves that kind of junk.


I didn't say junk.

I know why you
called it junk,

because it's never quite as
beautiful as the ladies we buy it for.

- Wouldn't you agree?
- Yes.

It's never
quite as beautiful.

Eat your chicken,

Ahem. Excuse me.

Did you say "ladies"?

Who are all these ladies
you're buying jewelry for?

I was just making conversation
to cover your father's faux pas.


"Faux pas", French for
"foot in the mouth".

Oh, my! It's getting dark.
I'm afraid I'm late.

Wait, wait!
Late for what?

I just have to go. Thank you for the
splendid dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Russo.

Bye, love!
I'll see you tomorrow.

Okay. I know what
you're all thinking.

That every time he's here he suddenly
leaves without a good explanation.

And now he says he
buys a lot of jewelry.

So this could only
mean one thing.

He's got another girlfriend.

Thanks a lot, Harper.

I was just gonna say he was
an international jewel thief

with the feds on his tail,
but yours is probably closer.

Lost vampire.

Blonde, cute fangs,

likes nose kisses,

answers to Juliet or
shnoogly-boo-boo mccuteykins.

Justin, can't stand
to see you like this,

so I went down to the wiz-mart and
hung around the bandage section.

To listen to clues
from other mummies

who come to buy new bandages.
Very clever, Max.

Who's the kid?

Well, no mummies
came by,

but I did find something
that's just as useful.

Go ahead, kid, tell him
what you told me.

I've lost me mummy.

All we gotta do
is find his mummy,

which could lead
us to our mummy.

He's an english wizard! It sounds
like "mummy" but he means "mommy".

That doesn't
make any sense.

Just step back.

Come on, kid, why don't
we, take you on home

and find your mommy?

Okay? And please don't
press charges, by the way.

I'll get you a lollipop.
You like lollipops?

Thank you.

We're so lucky that we
found each other, aren't we?

Lucky? I prefer
to call it destiny.

You know,
some guys, or girls,

have to keep
dating around,

sometimes even behind
the other person's back...

Just because
they're too dumb

to see that the
right girl, or guy,

is sitting right
in front of them.

Well, I feel very sorry
for those people.

Do you?
That's interesting.

This is a delicious shake.
What's your secret?

Why don't you
tell me yours first?

I beg your pardon?

Nothing, nothing.

You know, I was just thinking that maybe
we should go to the movies tonight.

There's this new
coming-of-age horror film

Entitled I know
what you did last night,

and you're not fooling me
at all, you dirty cheater.

That's a rather long
title for a movie.

Well, it's a sequel.

Sequel titles
are always longer.

The first one was called what's
her name, dirty cheater?

I'd love to, but I can't.
I gotta go!


There you go leaving again. Why
are you always in such a hurry?

I'm sorry.

- Please don't be angry
with me. - I'm not.

I just want to know why you're
always leaving so suddenly.

- I mean, is there something that I
should know? - No! I just have to go.

Aha! Not so fast,
you two-timing Brit!

- Who is she?
- What? Let me go!

Harper, what
are you doing?

The plan was to follow
him, not to wrestle him.

I know, but I ran a lot
in gym today, so I'm tired.

I just wanted
to get to it.

Alex, please, go away.

I'm sorry, Mason,

Harper thinks that you're
seeing another girl.

- Please tell her that she's wrong.
- Just go away, please!

So this is a painful
question for you.

Get out of here!

Sorry. Sometimes I go full
wolf when I don't need to.

I don't think he has
another girlfriend.

Maybe another dog.

There are people around!

Sorry, I can't help it.

Now, based on the fact
neither of you ran off,

I'd say you also
have a secret.

What are you, an elf?
A wizard? A genie?

Or just desperate?

- I'm a wizard.
- And I'm not.

And right now
I'm kind of glad.

I knew there was
something about you.

I apologize for rushing
off all the time,

but now you can see what
the moon does to me.

Your necklace
is still glowing.

So? Must be
the batteries.

No, I lied. It's not
battery operated.

It's a magic necklace.

It only glows when you're in love
with the person who put it on you.

Oh, well, then...
I guess it works.

And very convenient, too, because
now I don't have to tell you,

which is something
I'm not really good at.

Usually when girls find out
I'm a werewolf, they run off,

which can only be
taken as a breakup.

Well, does this look
like I'm running off?

It's so freaky and
romantic at the same time.

So, the first time I
turned, I was in London

stuck behind a lorry at Piccadilly
Circus as the moon rose...

What? "Piccadilly!"
It's a funny word.

Listen to it. Piccadilly!

Sorry, Mason.

What can I do but
dash into a building,

where I found myself in the
middle of a dog competition.

I jumped through hoops,
walked in circles,

and accidentally
won best in show.

You'd be best in any show.

Well, Mason, you seem like
a fine young man-wolf

who respects and
cares for Alex.

And if you don't, I'll hunt
you down like a dog and...

Well, you get the picture.

I won't
forget that, sir.

Does he like me?

I'm just so happy
that Alex is happy.

In fact, I'm gonna make you
guys matching dog hair vests.

I've got this cousin in Albany
who's a dog groomer.

He can send me
what I need, so...

Hey! Hey, guys, check it out.
Mason's a werewolf.

Oh, my gosh,
that's awesome!

Now I'm not gonna
be the only one

who likes to eat out
of a bowl on the floor.

Okay, Justin, take
your best shot.

You can pay me back
for all the times

I've bagged on all your
wizard world girlfriends.

Remember? That one time I asked if I could
ride your centaur girlfriend to school?

Alex, I'm happy that you found
happiness in a relationship,

no matter what
species he is.

What's important is that
you're with someone.

Max and I have looked everywhere
for Juliet and I can't find her.

I've lost her forever
to the mummy.

I think it's time
for me to give up.

Wait! Justin.

I want you to be happy
like I am with Mason.

There's gotta be
something that we can do.

You know, as a werewolf I have
keen dog-sniffing abilities.

If I can have a
sample of her scent,

I might be able to
track the target.

No, Mason. We need to
find Justin's girlfriend,

not a girl named target.

I have some of her
dental floss, right here!

- Check that out.
- Let me have a sniff.

Get a good whiff,
get a good sniff.

Get a good scent and
sniff it up, you sniffy...

- Okay, I've got it!
- Sorry.

Now go get my shnoogly-boo-boo

Alex, thank you for not
letting me give up on Juliet.

Feels good to
have hope again.

You know, ever
since I met Mason,

stuff like hope doesn't
actually annoy me anymore.

By that how I think he's
got the scent. Let's go!

It's not fair.

How come he gets to pee on every tree
we pass and you slap me when I did it?

That's better.

Hey, I've been meaning
to ask you something.

I thought when a werewolf
kisses a non-werewolf

They turn into a werewolf.

That's only with mutts.
I'm a purebred.

Did you hear
that, Justin?

My boyfriend's
a purebred.



Are you sure we're
in the right place?

Hard to confuse vampire
breath with another scent.

The young fool
has finally come.

The mummy!

Whatever you guys do,
do not look into his eyes

or else he'll sh**t these red
beams and turn you into his minion.

Thank you for that,
Mr. Over-explainer.

Only an idiot would look
into the mummy's eyes.

Hey, mummy, I think your
kid's looking for you.

We've come for Juliet!

I know. Your undying
love for Juliet

made me expect
your arrival.


Actually, no. It was
Juliet's constant yammering.

"My boyfriend's
gonna come for me!"

"My boyfriend's
coming for me."

Dude, that's actually a
really good impression.

Release Juliet so she
can be with Justin,

and we can all get back to doing
the boyfriend/ girlfriend thing.


Someone's here
to see you!

Juliet! What did you do to my
beautiful sweet vampire girlfriend?

It's a way to
keep her frozen

until I need her
to do stuff for me.

Oh, man! These are
my church shoes.


Hey, give me that!

That's not a shoe scraper.

This scarab
beetle is the key

to reanimating the girl
in the hieroglyph.

I talk too much.
Forget what I just said!

I need to clean my
shoes with something.

Oh, how about this?
This'll work.

Hey! Cut it out!

- Hand me the bandage!
- Good thinking, Max!

No! That's not fair!

Oh, this is not good.

How does this work?

Here, try this.

- Justin.
- Juliet!

You found me!

I promised you I would.

Mason, we just
had a victory.

Pick me up and spin me around
like Justin did with her.

You're looking at me and I'm not
turning into a minion. Or am I?

No, I don't know
what a minion is.

Mason. Thanks.

I owe you one.


Hello, Juliet.
It's been a long time.

Well, yeah. years.

You haven't changed.

Actually, I change
all the time, remember?

Oh, my gosh, yeah. Ready?
Fetch! Fetch, boy.

Fetch! Go on!
Yeah, go get the ball.

Go, go, go!
Good job!

What's going on?

Do... Do you guys
know each other?

We used to go out.

Juliet was
my girlfriend.

Wait a minute.

So your girlfriend
and my boyfriend

- used to be boyfriend and...
- Girlfriend.

That would explain why she's
scratching him behind the ear.

Oh, Mason!

Hey, guys, check it out!

You are now under my power.

Go make me some waffles!

It's a bad time.

Oh, my gosh!

I let you help me find my girlfriend,
who used to be your girlfriend?

That thank you I said earlier? I
cancel that. Thank you very much.

Wait. I cancel that, too.

Mason, you haven't stopped
staring at Juliet since we found her.

Juliet, I didn't know
we were looking for you.

I never stopped
loving you!

Oh, my gosh!

- What are you doing?
- I don't know!

Can't you see how
I feel about you?

Alex, I'm sorry. Something
just came over me.

I never want
to see you again.

Dude, I don't know what you just
did, but she seems pretty hurt.

I'm gonna let it slide,
so you and I are still good.


Justin, please,
let me explain this.

There's nothing to explain.
You broke Alex's heart.

He's not cool
with any of us.

I figured. I tried,

but it was pretty hard to
totally misread the situation.

Look, Juliet,

I haven't known
you for years,

but I knew that I loved
you in an instant.

We have something special,
and if you can't feel it, then...

I'll never be able
to convince you.

No. No, Justin,
it's you!

You're the one
I'm in love with.

Thank you!

Thank you. I thought you'd
picked the hairier guy.

I'm sorry, Mason.

I loved you once, but
that was a long time ago.

Like, before the United States
of America, a long time ago.

Looks like my true
love is Justin.

You even know how to
let a guy down sweetly.

But please don't
ever do that to me.

Oh, I have missed you and
your cute little insecurities.

I'm so insecure!

Listen, Mason, I've always wanted
to hang out with a werewolf,

but I think my brother and sister
are gonna flash me out of here.

So let's make a plan
to meet up at...

Alex, honey?

Open the door.

Open the door.

I said open the door,
not flash me in.

I hate that.

Oh, my sweetie!

Oh, I know how much it hurts
when your heart gets broken.

But time will heal it.

And on the bright side,

we're all really happy
to see you have feelings.

Mason told Juliet
that he loved her.

Right in front of me.

Listen, you're gonna
fall in love so many times

before you find the one
you'll be with forever.

So think of it this way. You're
just one broken heart closer

to happily ever after.

Mom, that's just
fairy tale talk.

I know.

But my parenting guide doesn't
have a chapter on what to do

when your wizard daughter's
werewolf boyfriend has been in love

sometimes hugs work.

And sometimes they don't.

Come on, Mija.

Harper, Jerry,
I brought Alex out here

because I thought you guys might,
you know, have some advice

- to help cheer her up.
- Just do what I do.

Just push your feelings
down and hide them

until they come out
to complete strangers.

Hey, you!

I'm gonna go back
into the lair.

No, no, no, no!
Honey, wait.

I know how to cheer you up.
See that guy out there?

He ordered cola,

but I am gonna
serve him prune juice.

Come on!

One cola.

Was that great or what?!

Oh, and now I'm
losing a customer.

You love it when I lose
customers. There he goes!

Oh, that poor man!

What did he ever
do to you, dad?

Your heart must
really be broken.



Man, I knew you'd come
back to hang out with me.

You're loyal.
You're just like a dog,

like a were-dog.

Yeah, I came
to talk to Alex.

Talk to Alex?
That's crazy.

It's like a fox,
like a were-fox.

- Where's Alex?
- Re-Alex.


Oh, my goodness!

Mason, I don't think
Alex wants to see you.

And not to gloat, but
I know Juliet doesn't.

I came to fix things.

Make him write down what
he wants to say to her.

That accent gives him a
totally unfair advantage.

Alex, I didn't mean
what I said earlier.

I was in shock from seeing
Juliet, but I want to be with you.

- Really?
- Yes, I do.

Look, Mason...

I've been in
shock before, too.

Like when I accidentally
made my brother disappear.

Or I accidentally made my
parents not know who I was.

Or I accidentally got
trapped in a horror film.

- Or I accidentally... - Honey,
we know. You've messed up a lot.


And still, I've
never accidentally

told someone I loved
them when I didn't.

Alex, I know
it's hard to believe,

- but if you let me explain...
- I think you've said enough.

It's time for you
to go, Mason.

Yes, sir.

I'll be on my way, then.

And I'll regret my mistake
for the rest of my life.

Oh, that accent makes it
really hard to hold a grudge!

What is wrong
with you people?

That was our one chance to finally
have a werewolf in the family

and you're all blowing it.

Now I'm never gonna have
werewolf thanksgiving,

and I'll never know what it's
like to have fur stuffing.

It took everything I had
not to take him back.

I'm just gonna go.

She's hurting.

Just like I was when Gary
Hollingshead came crawling back.

Lucky for me my first
grade reading group

made sure someone was
always by my side at recess.

Exactly! That's why we should
all take turns on Alex watch

to keep her from
running back to Mason.

That's a good idea.

Might as well
make it official.

I'll do the schedule. Juliet
and I will take the first shift.

I'm sorry, but doubling up on
shifts is against the rules.

I thought it would
be a good idea,

since I haven't seen my
girlfriend in, like, forever.

In case you forgot, she
was enslaved by a mummy!

Yeah, well,
you thought wrong.

Excuse me, do you
sell any dog hair?

I'm gonna stick it all over me
and make myself a werewolf.

I get it, you're gonna
go check in the back.

All right, thanks, buddy.

Yo, Mason, what's up?
Where you going?

Listen, Max, it's probably not a
good idea that we hang out anymore.

I'm missing
your sister a lot,

and when I see you
I think of her.

Wait, hold on a minute. I'm deciding
if I should be offended or not.

No, I'm good.

Mason, you can't just
give up like that, man.

I mean, you and Alex
should be together.

And I think you should make it
happen by werewolf thanksgiving.

Werewolf thanksgiving?

Yeah, I kinda told all my wizard
friends I was going to your house.

Because you guys
eat pilgrims.

I don't know if Alex
will ever understand this,

but werewolves
are very loyal.

The problem is
we're also impulsive,

and that's why seeing Juliet made
me say things I didn't even mean.

And now that you mention
it, I'm craving pilgrims!

Well, I think you should
explain that to Alex.

Not the pilgrim part, 'cause that's
gonna feel like history to her,

she's gonna tune out.

But, like, the impulsive thing,
that's definitely worth mentioning.

Yeah. I haven't been able
to talk to her alone.

She's upstairs.

She's either crashed out on the
couch or she's doing homework.

Oh, man, I'm sorry! No, she's
crashed out on the couch.

The door's locked.

Oh, wait, I have a key!

It's inside, I'll go get it.

Oh, wait, I know,
I have a key. It's inside.

I'll go get it.

And now we return to I'm
in love with a teen werewolf.

You're gonna watch
a werewolf movie?

Not a good idea.

Oh, hey, look, this
is the funny part

when all the angry villagers
surround the werewolf

and then they destroy him!

I wonder where you can
get torches like that.

We need a different

Alex, look who I brought,

your werewolf boyfriend.

My gosh, Mason!

Max! How could
you do this?

Well, let me tell you,

it wasn't easy finding the
key to the door I never use

'cause it was inside when
we needed it, that's how.

Alex, I'm over Juliet,
you've got to believe me.

Well, I don't.

Just because she didn't want you,
Mason, I'm your second choice.

Things are going
well on my shift.

Listen to me, Alex,
I can prove it.

All we have to do is
go back to Transylvania

and find the true
love necklace.

If you put it on me
and it glows,

then you'll know how
I truly feel about you.

No, I'm never
going back there.

- You can go get it.
- No! You have to go with me,

because that's
where it all went bad,

and that's where I'm
gonna make it all go good.


I have to know the truth.
Let's go.

No, you can't go!
Alex watch was my idea.

And now you need another
idea on how to cover for me.

Thank you.

You're a good friend.

You were on
Alex watch?

Way to watch her leave.

Oh, no, this isn't good!

What am I gonna do when
Mr. Russo shows up for his shift?

Hey, Harper!

I'm ready for my Alex
watch. Where is she?

See you in p.E.!

No. Wait! Wait!

Where's Alex?

Okay, then, well,
where is she?

I don't know. Harper's the
one that let her get away.

- I know where Alex went.
- Where?

All right, well, we all
understand this wasn't my shift,

- So I can't get in
trouble, right? - Yes.

She went with Mason
back to Pennsylvania.

The keystone state.

Are you sure he didn't
say Transylvania?

I don't know. Say "Pennsylvania"
with a British accent.


That is it.

Okay, come on! We'll pick
up Juliet along the way.

Shouldn't she be picking us
up? She's the one with wings.

The necklace has gotta
be here somewhere.

Maybe if I throw this dirt clod
like I threw the necklace,

we'll be able to see
where the necklace went.

Why did you do that?

Because I missed you with
the necklace the first time.

Hey! There you are.

How did you guys find us?

Don't tell her
it was me.

Mason! It's good
to see you, buddy.

Yeah, you too.

I wish you were cool with
me like your little brother.

That's where you're right.
You and I are not cool.

- Now back away from my
sister. - Justin, it's ok.

He's gonna prove his feelings for
me with the true love necklace.

As long as you guys are here,
can you help look for it?

Yeah, I'll help
you find it.

It's weird, I love
things that glow.

I'm like a moth,
like a were-moth.

Listen, ringo, you gotta stop
toying with my sister's feelings,

because the last time
we were together,

you were messing
with my girlfriend.

Not that I'd want you
to do that again.

I'd rather you mess with my
sister rather than my girlfriend...

Let me take this again.
Listen, ringo...

Okay, his point is you need
to leave all of us alone.

Exactly! Come on, Alex,
you're coming with me.

No, she's not
going anywhere!

All right, now that's
my throwing arm.

I'm not leaving
without my sister.

I said she's not
going anywhere!

Look! Look, Mason's
a werewolf. Awesome!

Especially since I know I'm not in danger
'cause we're buddies, right, Mason?


Mason, you didn't
answer my question.

All right, you're busy.
That's cool.

Look, I'll admit it, I'm
a little scared right now,

But I'm not backing down.

- Come on, Alex, we're
going home. - No!

I have to find
the necklace.

I'm not going anywhere.


I found it!

Alex, come on!


Get away from her!

I got him!

Maybe not.

- What are you doing? - I have
to get that necklace down.


- My wand! - I'm sorry.
I couldn't think of a spell.

Justin! Look out!

My wings.

Get off him!


You bit me.

How could you do this?

I didn't have a choice.

- You were attacking my boyfriend.
- What's going on?

When a vampire bites a
werewolf, they turn into a wolf.

- You mean a werewolf?
- No, a wolf, forever!

Yeah, and when a werewolf
scratches a vampire...

- What?
- I lose my vampire powers.

Well, that's not so bad.

Justin, I'm gonna
look my real age.

I'm not so shallow that
I would let something

like an age difference
come in between us.

I'm years old.

That's a lot of years.

Alex! Hey, I got
the necklace down.

But the mummy eyes
are still up there.

You do love me.

I do.

But it's too late for us.

You could never have a
normal life with me now.

But I'm a wizard.

Nothing about my life
has ever been normal.

I have to go. When I turn into
a wolf, I can't control myself.

It won't be safe for you.

At least you know
I truly love you.

Justin, we can't
be together.

Yes, we can. I'll love you
no matter how old you are.

You are old!

But I don't care.

I know you don't.

But you have to
let me go, Justin.

I'll never let you go.

I'll keep you
right in here.



I'll never forget you.

Are you all right?

No. Are you?


He loved me.

And I found her...

And I lost her again.

- Max!
- What?

What are you doing?

I'm howling. What does
it look like I'm doing?

I'll see you around, buddy.

Promise me we'll
find normal people.

We're not normal people.

Hey, dad, I think I finally
got the mummy eyes to work.

Hey! Max, those
are dangerous.

You shouldn't play with
them. Give 'em to me.

All right, fine.

Jerry, did you
fold the laundry?

You are under
my power now.

You'll never ask me to
fold the laundry again.

Your wish is my command.

I will do whatever you want
and ask for nothing in return.

They work!

I want lasagne
for breakfast.

- Not, get off, Jerry!
- I was just...