03x15 - A Gazebo Never Forgets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bewitched". Aired: September 17, 1964 - March 25, 1972.*
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Samantha falls in love with and marries Darrin Stephens only for him to find out that his new wife is one of a secret society of powerful witches and warlocks and that a twitch of her nose brings magic.
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03x15 - A Gazebo Never Forgets

Post by bunniefuu »


Forced landing.

My goodness! Oh, good
heavens, Aunt Clara.

Are you all right?
Oh, yes, yes, yes.

My goodness. Oh, yes. Oh, well.

Oh, my, I'm glad
you dropped in. Oh.

Darrin's in Boston on business.

- Y-Yes, I know.
- You do?

[Giggles] How's Tabatha?

Wonderful, just wonderful.

We're going to the park as soon
as I finish measuring the gazebo.

Oh, yeah. Uh, the what?

The gazebo. Uh, gaz...

That thing you just
crashed through. Oh.

The summer house. Oh. Oh, dear.

Well, I feel much better
crashing into the gazebo...

than I would the summer house.

You want to come to the park
with Tabatha and me? I'd love to.

And then afterwards,
would you mind babysitting

for a while, while
I go to the bank?

Oh. You see, I have
been delegated by Darrin...

during his absence
to negotiate a loan.

How about that? Oh,
I'm very impressed.

What does it mean?

It means that we would like to
borrow some money from the bank...

so we can tear down the
gazebo and put up a rumpus room.

- Oh, well, I wish I'd known.
- Known what?

If I'd known you were
going to tear this thing down,

I would have tried to
land right dead center.

[Both Laughing]

Oh, my goodness. Oh, yes.

- This is where we usually sit.
- Oh, it's a lovely spot.

Lovely. Uh, good morning.

Good morning.

Oh, isn't that cute?

No, Tabatha. That
doesn't belong to you. No.

Come, dear, while mother
gets a drink of water.

She's got enough toys
now to open a toy store.

[Aunt Clara] Yes.

Tabatha, I said no.

Funny pony.

No, it's not a funny pony.

It's an elephant. El-e-phant.

And you must not take what doesn't
belong to you. That's very wrong.

Yes, that's very wrong.

Funny pony.

She needs more sleight of hand if
she's going to act like that, you know.

What happened to...
Well, of all the nerve!

Well, I'm terribly sorry, but... What's the
matter? Can't you get her one of her own?

Well, I... Here,
love. Here you are.

Please, let me explain. You
see, it was just an accident.

Well, maybe accident
isn't quite the right word.

How about "regrettable

"Unfortunate circumstance"?

Oh, she's very hard to please.

Accident, eh?

Some accident, you,
you, you toy snatcher, you!

Oh, I'm Mr. Scranton. You wish to
see me about applying for a loan?

Yes. Well, actually, my
husband is applying for the loan.

But a business matter
came up, and it made it

impossible for him to
keep the appointment,

so I volunteered to come down and
give you any information you might need.

Sort of expedite matters. Isn't
that how you bankers put it?

No. You're Mrs. Stephens?

Uh, yes, Mrs. Darrin
Stephens. Uh, come in, please.

Sit there.

Excuse me, sir. Yes, Hawkins?

The appraisal on the Nelson
house. I have completed it.

[Nervous Chuckle] To
put it, uh, simply and kindly,

under no circumstances
would I recommend the loan.

Well, why not? The
Nelsons' credit rating...

Shall we say that the Nelsons' character
references fell short of the mark?

[Scranton] They did?
But they seemed so solid.

Well, they certainly
could have fooled me.

Well, forgive me,
sir, but not me.

I never believe what
I see on the surface.

I like to dig.

[Scranton] Oh, I'm sorry.
This is Mrs. Stephens.

She's applying for a
loan for her husband.

- Hi, there.
- How do you do, I'm sure.

Y-You see, actually,
it's my husband who...

I just can't believe
it about the Nelsons.

Have you ever applied
for a loan with us before?

No, sir, but we
use your calendars.

- What is the purpose
of the loan?
- Home alterations.

My husband wants to tear down
our gazebo and build a rumpus room.

I see. What's a gazebo?

Permit me, sir.

A gazebo is a quaint
word, fast going out of style,

that some people, few
though they may be,

use when they refer
to a summer house.

Most of them are very small...
The summer houses, I mean.

Well, if it's a summer house, why
don't you call it a summer house?

Oh, I will, I will.

Well, uh, where is your husband
employed, Mrs. Stephens?

Advertising agency...
McMann and Tate.

McMann and Tate?

- McMann and Tate!
- That's right.

[Laughing] Why, my brother's
firm is one of their biggest accounts!

Why didn't you say
so? Welcome aboard!

How much do you want?
Uh, who is your brother?

Well, Tom Scranton,
president of Super Soapy Soap.

Super Soapy Soap?

Why, that's one of the
firm's largest accounts!

Is that so? Well!

Super Soapy Soap...

The soap your skin loves to sud!

Say, wasn't it your husband's
firm that came up with that slogan?

My husband wrote it.

[Laughing] Well! What
a small world this is!

I know your husband's
boss. Larry Tate, right?

Right! Larry Tate.
Good ol' Larry Tate.

Well! Well, we can
move this loan right along.

There'll just be this little
application for you to fill in...

A mere formality, I assure you.

If my brother can trust your husband's
firm with a million-dollar account,

I guess we can risk
a few bob on him!

Eh, uh, you still here, Hawkins?

Hawkins, I want you to
go out this afternoon...

and inspect Mrs.
Stephens's property.

- Just a formality.
- Yes, sir.

A loan to tear down
a summer house...

A gazebo, Hawkins! A gazebo.

A gazebo.

Oh, Aunt Clara, everything
just went beautifully at the bank.

You Tabatha, me Jumbo.

What on earth are you doing?

Oh, it's so long since I've
been an elephant, really.

Why are you trying
to be one now?

Uh, Tabatha wants that toy
elephant that she saw in the park.

Remem... Remember?

Hmm. Wh-Why don't we try
this? It's one of her favorites.

I did. I've tried every
toy in the house.

I've tried everything.

Tsk. Oh, dear. [Phone Ringing]

Excuse me.

Ooh! [Mumbling]

There's one thing
I haven't tried.

Hello? Oh, hi, Darrin.

I'm so glad you
called. Guess what.

They're gonna give us the loan.

Oh, they're practically
gonna give us the bank.

In the park, all pink and new,

polka dots of every hue,

hear this wish, hear this chant,

Tabatha wants an elephant.

Oh, dear!

Oh, I will, dear.

I'll see that everything is
shipshape when the appraiser comes.

Oh, now, Darrin,
sweetheart. Don't worry.

I promise you, everything
will be in perfect order.

Hurry home. [Kissing]

Bye. [Elephant Trumpeting]

[Trumpeting Continues] [Gasps]

Oh, my stars! Aunt Clara,
what have you done?

Well, I... [Mumbling]

G-G-Get rid of this elephant.

What elephant? This elephant.

Oh... Tabatha loves him.

Well, the bank won't.

Aunt Clara, you've
got to do something.

- Y-You've got to get rid of it.
- Y-You mean now?

Yes, now.

Oh, I can't. I'd
love to oblige, dear.

But, unfortunately, I can't.

Well, Aunt Clara, you
cast the spell. Just uncast it.

Yes, but I can't without
the toy from the park.

[Mumbling] Well, I should
have had that in the first place.

Well, you should have
thought of that before.

But I was thinking of
elephants. [Mumbling]

I can't think of
everything, you know.

Oh, well, of course
you can't, dear.

Oh, we have to have that toy.

I hope the woman's
still there. I'll go see.

Oh, yes, yes. And I'll stay with
Tabatha. [Elephant Trumpets]

And, in the meantime,
I'll work on it.

Yes, fine. All
right. Oh. Oh, no.

No, if I leave you here
and you work on it,

I'm apt to have an entire
zoo before I get back.

Now, come over this
way. Come on, come on.

[Mumbling] Now,

there must be some
other spell we can use.

Yes. Okay? Uh, so let's try one.

Well, try something.
Try anything.


[Trumpeting Continues]

Colors pink and blue and gray,

why don't you just all go away?

Yes. I was afraid
that was... no good.


I have it! Oh, I have
the perfect solution.

What? Oh, call the exterminator.

Oh, Aunt Clara.

[Phone Ringing]

- Hello?
- Hello, Sam. Larry.

Oh, hi, Larry. How are you?

Oh, I'm fine. Just fine.
How are you, Sam?

Oh, listen. The
reason I called is...

I just had a funny call
from Leon Scranton.

Leon Scranton,
the bank president?

Yeah. And the reason
he called me was...

he just had a funny
call from the appraiser.

The appraiser? Yeah.
Are you ready for this?

The appraiser told Scranton...

that you have an elephant
in your living room! [Laughing]

He did? Why would
he say a thing like that?

Now wait, wait, wait,
wait. There's more.

- There is?
- He also said...

that the elephant was pink
with multicolored polka dots!

W-Well, that's, uh...
That's crazy... isn't it?

Of course it is, but don't
worry. I took care of everything.

You did? How?

Listen, Sam, Scranton's
a bit of an oddball.

It seems to run in the family.
So, if it's all right with you,

I'll bring Leon to
your house at 4:00...

so that he can see for himself that
the whole thing is utter nonsense.

We... Uh, frankly, Larry, I...

Because we don't want
Leon telling his brother...

that his million-dollar account
is being handled by a man...

who has an elephant in
his living room in living color.

- Do we?
- Oh, no. N-No. No, we certainly don't.

Okay. Well, I'll
see you at 4:00.

A-A-All right, Larry.
See you at 4:00.


Aunt Clara,

Larry is bringing the
bank president by at 4:00.


To prove that we do not have
an elephant in our living room.

Now, we have to get
rid of that elephant,

or else!

Or else.

Heave! Ho!


Uh! Heave!


Oh, Aunt Clara, don't stop
now. We have to get it outside.

If we do, there's a chance
Mr. Scranton won't see it.

Uh... Samantha, now,
you have such a flair.

Why don't you, uh, you know,
try to get him out to the patio?

Aunt Clara, if I could...
Him out to the patio,

I would... him back to Africa.

Now, come on.

[Clears Throat] Heave!

Ho! Ho!


Now, Mr. Scranton and
Tate, I will await without,

but not without a pink,
polka-dotted elephant.

Whew! Well, we did it!

[Sighs] Did what?

Oh, sometimes, you know, I
think you're very vague, dear.

Well, now, all I have
to do is put you to bed,

change clothes, fix
the refreshments and...

Oh, well, what's the rush?
I have all of two minutes.

Come on, Tabatha. There we go.

[Aunt Clara] Samantha!

[Elephant Trumpeting]

Oh, uh, nice elephant.

Nice... Oh, please go
out and play in the yard.

Oh, nice elephant. Oh, n...

Never mind the music.

Oh, please! Nice
elephant. Pretty elephant.

Nice elephant. [Trumpets]

- [Trumpeting Continues]
- Bad elephant.

Oh, really, Aunt Clara.
Why did you let it back in?

I couldn't help it,
dear. He was coming

crashing through the
window there and the glass.

And I didn't know
if you had it insured.

Aunt Clara... Aunt
Clara, that's it!

Wh-Wh-What's it?

That's why he didn't
want to stay out!

He wanted to be with Tabatha.

Oh, yes, well, I knew
that from the start.

They're crazy about each other.

[Doorbell Rings] [Gasps]

Oh, I wonder who that can be.

Oh, I bet it's
Mr. Scranton. Come on.

Let's see if it'll follow
Tabatha into the den.

Come on.

Oh, w-wait a
minute! Wait for me!

Brace yourself, Mr. Scranton.

You are about to see one very pink,
polka-dotted elephant on the patio.

Leon, this boy
needs to be grounded.

You stay here and
play quietly, huh?

Now, I'm sure as long as
they're both here, [Trumpets]

that they'll stay put and
there won't be any problem.

Now, um, Aunt Clara, I want you
to go to the park and get that toy.

And I don't care how
you do it. Oh, yes, I do.

Absolutely no witchcraft.

No, uh, no witchcraft.
Yes, all right. Now, hurry.

Y-Yes, I will. Wait. Will
you just give me a boost?

Oh, why, certainly. Now, um...

Well, what's keeping them?
A pink, polka-dotted elephant.

What else? [Doorbell Rings]

Uh, refreshments on the patio,

and I'll wear my brown dress.

[Ringing Continues] Coming!

Hi, Larry, gentlemen.

Good afternoon. [Chuckling]

Doesn't take you very
long to change, does it?

Well, that depends. Into what?

M-May I suggest that we
dispense with the amenities...

and go directly to your
patio, Mrs. Stephens?

Well, hold on, Hawkins. You're
getting a little high-handed.

Now, I think... No, no. That's
exactly what I had in mind.

I have some nice
cool drinks for all of us.

You lead the way, Larry.
This way, gentlemen.

Mr. Hawkins.

You said it was on the patio.
Come on. Show us where.

All right. What did you do
with it? He's got to be here.

I saw you push him out here.

Push what where?

The elephant.

Maybe he's in the garage.

Congratulations, madam.

Congratulations? For what?

Well, you've won
today's grand prize...

for having the only toy
elephant in the park...

with, uh, polka dots on it.

Twenty dollars for you, dear.

[Chuckles] Now may I...

take the elephant for
the prize committee?

Wait a minute! Oh,
no! I can't. I can't, dear.

The contest will
be over at 6:00.

[Nervous Chuckle] Yes.

What is it with that elephant?

It wasn't in the garage,

but he's here someplace,
and I'll find him.

Leon, how far do you
want to go? I don't care.

- [Hawkins] I smell a rat.
- [Larry] Oh, come on. Be consistent.

If you smell anything,
smell an elephant.

If he's not out here, then
he's somewhere in the house.

Mr. Hawkins, really.

Mr. Hawkins, I must protest.

Please! Where have you got him?

What? Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. I
know. You've got him hidden.

In a closet. That's
what it is. In a closet.

An elephant in a closet?

Now are you satisfied?

Now I'm satisfied.

That's not an elephant?

Somebody tell me
that's not an elephant.

That's not an elephant.

I found it, Mr. Scranton!

I found the elephant,

and he's every bit as pink and
polka-dotted as I said he was.

All right, Hawkins. Where?

In the last place
you'd expect, sir.

In the den. Follow me, please.

Leon, where did
you find this joker?

See for yourselves.

[Whining] He was here. He was!

I saw him! Why would I
say I saw him if I hadn't?

That is a question for you
to ask a qualified psychiatrist.

I couldn't agree more.
Enough is enough.

We haven't looked everywhere.
What about upstairs?

[Larry] Upstairs?

The kitchen. W-We haven't...
We haven't tried the kitchen.

Uh, at least let's
try the kitchen.

You try the kitchen, and if you
find the elephant, let me know.

I'll come a-running. So will I.

Aha! There you are! All right.

I'm letting you know. You
may both come a-running.

The elephant is in the kitchen!

And the king is in the counting
house. Counting out his money.

You don't have to come
in, but come a little closer.

Now what do you say?

[Hawkins] What? I think
you've been overworking him.

Well, I won't be
overworking him anymore.

Oh, please, Mr. Scranton.
Anyone can make a mistake.

All he needs is a vacation.

[Scranton] Well, I'll think it over.
Right now, I've seen enough.

I'm sorry to have bothered you,
Mrs. Stephens. Oh, no bother.

I'll call you, Sam. Fine, Larry.

Coming, Hawkins? Um,
I-I'll give him something...

for his headache,
and then he'll go.


Mommy! Mommy!

Oh, Tabatha. I thought I
told you to stay in the den.


That's... That's
not an elephant?

Well, actually, it's one of
my husband's prize trophies.

He picked it up when he
was on a safari in Africa.

Bagged it himself.
[Elephant Trumpets]

I guess he really
should have shot it first.

Oh! Oh, I hope I'm not too late.

Oh. No, of course not, dear.

You've saved the day.

Oh, well, he certainly
didn't do anything to help.

[Mumbling] What are we going
to do if the mother isn't there?

Think positive, Aunt Clara.
Haven't we had enough trouble?

Oh, yes. My opinion is yes, yes.

Oh! There she is.

Thank heaven
she's here. All right.

Now, Aunt Clara, you give me the
elephant, and I'll return it from here.

No. Allow me, please. Uh, yes.

I want to redeem myself.

Well, of course you do,
dear, but, uh, be careful.

Yes. Have no fear. Uh, no fear.

Polka dots... and
trunks that bend,

bring to us a happy end.

Oh, look. Oh, Aunt Clara.

[Elephant Trumpets]
[Woman Screaming]

Oh! Oh, my!

Shall we make a tactical
retreat, dear? Yes, yes.

Uh, hang on, hang on.
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