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05x08 - Playing with Matches

Posted: 03/09/22 13:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ally McBeal. Mom?

Sweetheart? Mwah. Mmm.

Why are you here? Can't a mother
just come and see her daughter?

Who's dead? No one's dead.
But something has come up.

- Jenny, Ally,
Tim Boyle, my fiancé.
- Very pleased to meet you.

He's a kid, Mom. Why are
you with him, for God's sake?

When I was your age, I
looked for everything in a man.

And now I compartmentalize.

Ally? Kimmy!

Kimmy Bishop!

Why are you doing
that with your mouth?

I have a dormant twitch in my eye. It
comes out when I'm extremely nervous.

Yours is cute.
Like a little hamster.

I've never been this forward with a man
ever, but would you like to have dinner?

Yes, I'd love to.

I hope you don't mind my
bringing Mommy along. Oh, no.

She usually comes
on all my dates.

Look at her. Hall
of fame wattle.

Oh, it's k*lling you.
Older, mature woman.

You'd think she'd
want a mature man.

You would be a cinch
then, wouldn't you, Richard?

Maybe if I... I go dance near
her, she'll pick up my scent.

I can pick it up
from where I sit.

♪ Lover ♪

♪ Lover ♪

♪ Hey, jealous lover ♪

♪ You're acting so strange ♪

♪ Hey, jealous lover ♪

♪ What is making you change ♪

♪ Hey, jealous lover ♪
♪ Do-do, do-do ♪

♪ How wrong can you be ♪
♪ Do-do, do-do-do ♪

♪ Do-do-do-do Do-do, do-do-do
♪ ♪ I'm yours ever faithful ♪

- ♪ Do-do-do-do ♪
- ♪ Just be faithful to me ♪

I know this might sound
self-serving, but I promise you,

I'm coming from an altruistic
place here which is hard.

You need to have a fling before you
get married. What's going on here?

Richard's altruistic place
is hard. Yeah. Uh, Frances.

Could you give me a second,
Jen? ♪ What you doing yourself ♪

♪ Hey, jealous lover ♪

When you get married, you make a choice for
a conventional life, which is wonderful.

I support that.

But when marriages
fail, and 50% of them do,

it often stems from a yearn...
An unconventional yearn to be...

I'm not a fan of the
word... But nasty.

Hmm. Yeah.

Yeah. Many married
women say to themselves,

"I wonder.

"I wonder what
it's like to be nasty.

If only I'd been
lascivious once."

And some of these women
yield to the urge after marriage.

And that's wrong for principled
people like you and me.

That's repugnant.

If only those women had the sense to
get lewd before they walked down the aisle.

And I'm speaking
here not just for you,

but for the institution itself.

Soot. You need to quench your nasty
little id now before you take those vows.

Now, I say this for
you. I say it for Tim.

I say it because I-I care.

I completely agree
with you. Oh, you do?

Only thing, Richard. Yeah?

Is your altruistic
place still hard?

Oh, it's, uh, v... uh, very.

The thing is, I've already
been nasty in my life.

Oh. I've been a very,
very naughty girl.

Oh. Would you like to
know how nasty I can be?

Only if it'll help.

Ask my fiancé.

Hall of fame bugger. ♪♪

♪ I've been down down, down ♪

♪ I've been down this road ♪

♪ Walkin' the line
that's painted by pride ♪

♪ And I have made
mistakes in my life ♪

♪ That I just can't hide ♪

♪ Oh, I believe I am ready ♪

♪ For what love
has to bring Yeah ♪

♪ I got myself together, yeah ♪

♪ Now I'm ready to sing ♪

♪ I've been searching
my soul tonight ♪

♪ I know there's so
much more to life ♪

♪ Now I know I
can shine a light ♪

♪ To find my way back home ♪

♪ Oh ♪
♪ Hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Baby, yeah ♪

♪ Hoo, hoo ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪♪

It doesn't even
fit. I look ridiculous.

What? It's a bridesmaid's dress.
It's supposed to look ridiculous.


Do I look ridiculous?

- Mm-mm-mm.
- Uh, no. No, not at all.

I'm gonna go see for myself.

So are you ready for
the big day? Oh, yeah.

You're still, uh, suspicious
of this whole thing, aren't you?

Me? No.

I love the idea of a 50-year-old
woman and a young guy.

I mean, you know, I
hope that when I'm 50

years old, young boys
still find me attractive.

I don't know. Gives
us all a little hope.

I don't think you'll
have any problem, Ally.

Thank you.

Well, you know, that's, uh...

This was... Why are you
looking at me like that?

No reason.

Kimmy? I can't even begin
to tell you my predicament.

So I've put it in a note.

Let's go to my office.

A matchmaker? I
paid her $23,000.

Three months later... No match?

- She refunded the money.
- Why?

She deemed me... Oh. Uh...

Oh. "Unmatchable."

Well, Kimmy, what is it
that you would like us to do?

Sue her for emotional distress?
Well, okay. Let's talk about this.

I don't really think we have
time. The trial starts in an hour.

In an hour? You're
just coming to us now?

Will you help me, John?


Hello. Last chance.

- Excuse me?
- ♪ Last chance for love ♪

- What?
- ♪ Last chance ♪

♪ For romance and love ♪♪

- How did you do that?
- Ally, you're up.


Oh, coming.

Hi, I'm Kimmy.

I like horseback riding and long walks
in the park and rainy days and Mondays.

Rainy days and Mondays
don't really get me down.

You can see I-I like
a sense of humor.

I-I have one personally
and I often utilize it.

I'm looking for a kind man with
fertile seed to be my love mate,

to gently look in my probing
eyes over a flickering candle.

I'm also a romantic.

This was the videotape you
made for the matchmaker?

Yes. Now, Ms. Bishop, did
you go out on dates after...

Oh, many. A lot of
them quite pleasant.

- Two went to first base.
- You kissed two of them?

And yet a match
failed to materialize?

Well, we didn't have a
lot of common interests.

One was prurient and only
wanted the "S" word. The other...

What? Got blue on rainy Mondays?

Oh, there it goes, damn
it. Uh, recess, Your Honor.

Excuse me?

I have a recurring, yet mostly
latent, lip twitch disorder...

which the witness has
inadvertently triggered.

Short recess, if you don't mind.

Ms. Bishop, why are you
blaming the matchmaker?

Because she never in good faith linked
me to anyone even remotely compatible.

I was having dinner with
men who liked fishing.

That's it? She hooked
you up with fishermen?

It wasn't just that I couldn't
find a match, Your Honor.

She informed me
by registered mail...

that no match existed for me
in the domestic United States...

and quite likely on Earth.

Do you even know
how that made me feel?

I paid her $23,000, and she says,
"I'm sorry. I only handle this planet."

And then... And
then... And then what?

Well, their slogan was...

"Guaranteed success every time."

And then after me, they
changed it to "Every time but once."

The kid was making a move. I
know when a man is making a move.

He was looking for some action,
and the question here is what do I do?

Well, do you have evil urges?

No. No. I... I mean, I...

What do I do with
respect to Jenny?

I have knowledge, or at least
I have a very strong suspicion,

that her mother's
marrying a cheating snake.

And-And do I tell her?
Allison, give me your hand.

No. Now you just tell me. I am
presenting you with an ethical dilemma.

Now, I have a friend.
My friend has a mother.

My friend's mother
is getting married.

My friend's mother's
fiancé made a play on me.

Now, do I tell her? Yes.

Huh. Maybe.

All right. Just forget it.


Hello again. Why
don't you believe?

- I'm... I'm sorry?
- I need air.

I think you should tell. Really?

Well, I'm gonna tell now if
you don't. What if I'm wrong?

What if you're right?

Right about what?

Jenny, um...

I'm not sure, but
I'm pretty sure...

that Tim kind of
made a pass at me.

My mother's Tim?

He just, uh... Well, it
was mostly innuendo.

But it was definitely a come-on.

What did he do? Well, he
was, um, suggestive with a look.

And he wasn't direct,
but like I said, he, um...

So you're not sure? Not
a hundred percent, no.

Should I tell my mother?
Well, if it was my mother...

But what if Ally is wrong?
You could be wrong, right?

Right. Well?

Maybe you should
say nothing. Yeah.

But what if she's right? Well, that's
where we were when you came in.

Well, you have to find out for
sure, Ally. Well, how? I mean...

He's not gonna admit it to me. He's
just gonna say that it was my imagination.

Well, maybe you should take
him up on his offer. Excuse me?

Entrap him. If he's predisposed
to commit the deed...

What am I gonna do? Walk up and
say, "Hi, sailor"? Ally, this is my mother.

If this guy is a cheating creep,
I cannot let her marry him.

It is... It is too
perverse. I can't.


This is my mother.

All these people you
see, I matched them up.

Look at the happiness.

But, Ms. Pumple, Kimberly
Bishop is not a satisfied customer.

She's... disgruntled.

You want disgruntled? You
should see the men I set her up with.

Objection! We don't need to
get personal here, Ms. "Plumple."

- It's Pumple.
- All right.

Tell us about Kimberly
Bishop, if you would.


Well, for starters, she would bring
her mother on most of the dates.

This is not a good beginning.

And she wasn't warm.

Every man that I
set her up with...

came back with
the same two words:

"Never again!"

Now, two of them, we
heard, went to first base.

Like kissin' a
chicken. Their words.

One of them is suing
me for a cold sore.

- Objection!
- Overruled.

Mr. Cage, sit.

Ms. Pumple, did you make your best
effort to find Kimberly Bishop a match?

Let me tell you something.

I saw this woman as a challenge.

And I'm a person who
responds to challenge.

I looked everywhere.

I tried everybody.

But this is not
a likable person.

Sorry, Kimmy, but you're not.

Well, I'm not
even sure, but i...

Ally, a woman's compass
is usually pretty good...

when it comes to the
dial on a man's compass.

If you thought he was coming
on to you, he probably was.

But what... what would you do?

Well, if John asked me to test
his mother, I probably would.

That's what friendship
is sometimes.

Plus, you like older
women. Yeah, there's that.

Now seriously, Richard.
Should I offer myself up as bait?

It just seems so vulgar.
Well, if you're sure, no.

Tell Frances he's a
player and send her to me.

But if you're not sure, just ask the kid if
he's interested. You'll get your answer.


Did you see...

- See what?
- Nothing.

Why didn't you simply refund
the money, Ms. Pumple?

Why did you send the missive by registered
mail... "Nothing for you on this planet"?

Because I know there are less
reputable matchmakers out there...

who might try to tell her
there is a man for her.

I didn't want to
see her get taken.

Is that really it, or
could you have been

projecting your own
personal failure onto her?

Could that have
happened, Ms. Pumple?

I don't like the way he
keeps punching my name.

Just answer his
questions, ma'am.

I bring happiness to people's
lives. Look behind you.

I don't want to look behind...

These people are here to support
me and what I do, Mr. Cage.

They bear witness to my
ability as a matchmaker.

They all came to me
the same as your client...

with the very same plea.

Which was? ♪ Matchmaker,
matchmaker make me a match ♪

♪ Find me a find
Catch me a catch ♪

Oh, that's our theme. We sing it at
our reunions, of which we have many.

Excellent. ♪ Matchmaker,
Matchmaker look through your book ♪

- Ma'am...
- ♪ And find me a perfect match ♪

- All right!
- Ms. Pumple?

♪ Matchmaker, Matchmaker
I'll bring the veil ♪

- Order.
- ♪ You bring the groom
slender and pale ♪

There will be no
singing in my courtroom.

♪ For I'm longing to be ♪

- ♪ The envy of all I see ♪
- That's enough!

- Move to strike all the music.
- ♪ For papa
make him a scholar ♪

- ♪ For mama
make him rich as a king ♪
- I'm warning you all.

Ask for sanctions, Judge.

♪ For me, well I
wouldn't holler ♪

- ♪ If he were
as handsome as any ♪
- Kimmy!

♪ Matchmaker, Matchmaker
make me a match ♪

♪ Find me a find
Catch me a catch ♪

♪ Night after night
in the dark I'm alone ♪

♪ So make me a match
Make me a match ♪

♪ Make me a match of my own ♪♪

I don't know, Ally.
Oh, please, please.

We just want to see if
he's inclined to cheat.

It doesn't feel right. If I
thought I could pull it off, I would.

I... I... Okay. Just be subtle
because he goes for sophistication.

You wanted to see me?


What the... Uh, Tim?

Uh, in my office.

Too subtle?

Uh... Well, you
know, it was, um...

Well, actually it was me
who wanted to see you.

About what?

Well, um...

Well, you know, this is...
This is really embarrassing.

But, um, earlier,
you were, uh...

Well, you were looking at me
in a way... I don't know, um...

Like maybe you were
interested in me sexually.

You know, which is okay. I
mean, you know, I get lots of looks.

I mean, sometimes I can't even
walk down the street without...

But anyway, um...

Well, you know, on the chance
that you were interested, I...

Well, you know, I know how
guys, right before they get married,

sometimes they want to dip that
quill in the little inkwell one last time.

And, um, you
know, I guess that...

Well, you know, I... I would sort of
be interested in being that inkwell,

you know, if you
were interested.


I'm not.


Oh, yeah! I just
thought I would ask.

So that's... Okay. Okay.
Good. That's all. Thank you.


if you're interested
in more than that...

Like a little affair...

That's something
that appeals to me.


Oh, well, um... Well, gee, uh...

I'll... You... I'll give
it some thought.



- I just can't believe that.
- I... I'm... I'm sorry.

- And there was no confusion or...
- No. No, no.

He was... He was
really direct this time.

- I feel nauseous.
- Hello.

What's wrong? Mom, I
have some really bad news.

Only I can't give it to you
because I'm afraid of puking.

A person shouldn't be the
bearer of both bad news and vomit.

- What's going on?
- Well... Tim.

Uh, Tim, your... your fiancé?

What's happened?
Is he all right?

Well, yes. Yes, yes, he's
fine. He's... He's dandy.

- He's, uh... He's, uh...
- He's a scoundrel.

- Excuse me?
- He made a play for me.


Well, he was interested
in having a small affair.

- Oh.
- I'm so sorry, Mom.

Jenny, Tim and I, we
have an open relationship.

And we plan on having
an open marriage.

What do you mean? I mean that
he's free to dabble, and so am I.

I certainly have something to say
about the pool he's gone wading into,

but, um, other than
that, it's not a disaster.

You're okay with...

To being with a friend of
my daughter, certainly not.

But other than that, he's
free to do as he pleases.

Wow. She took it okay.
This just isn't my mother.

I better stay with her.

You're k*lling me.

So the wedding's still on? Yes.

Oh, it isn't right. What about the
sanctity? It's a violation of love itself.

The very institution.
Everything I believe in.

So you said she's open to
affairs as well? Evidently.

Ah, that's terrible. But
not with a friend of Jenny's.

Oh, that's... that's
good. What new witness?

I just found her. The
matchmaker failed with her too.

Are you sure? I just got
off the phone with her.

She's an ace in the hole.

All right. I don't like to be surprised
in the middle of trial, Corretta.

The surprise will be on them.

Ally, many marriages are open.

Well, I know. But
usually in failure.

I mean, to go in saying
that it's okay to fool around,

that's like waving a big white
flag before you've even begun.

I... I'm just filled with
such hopelessness.

I mean, all men cheat?

I have to resign myself to that?

Allyson, give me your hand.

There are many wonderful,

loving, good, handsome
men who are married.

Now, if you swear off adultery, how
can you possibly link up with them?

Trust your therapist here.

No. I'm done trusting you. Why
are you so threatened by this?

I don't know!

I-I guess I just need to
believe in partnership...

That-that it can be possible.


You still can't believe
in love, can you?

- Tell me more about the boy.
- Ugh. The boy is over.

He's... He's back with Jenny.

The seven-year-old boy.


Well, it's... it's... it's just, you
know, I get these hallucinations.

It's... It's... I have
them. It's... It's... It's...

It's nothing. Mmm. Ally.

If this hallucination says you're
trying to k*ll him, it's not nothing.


♪ Girl ♪

♪ I heard you're
getting married ♪

♪ Heard you're getting married ♪

♪ This time you're really sure ♪

♪ And this is the end ♪

Two nights before my wedding.
Shouldn't we be having some fun?

Well, it's just, what if Glenn and
I had that kind of arrangement?

What would you think,
Mom? Look, Jenny.

The thing about men...
Deep down they annoy me.

I don't want one
around all the time.

I enjoy the
physical partnership.

I quite enjoy having
a home together.

I also like to have
my independence.

By independence, you
mean lovers on the side?

Well, free to have
lovers, should I choose to.

Most likely, I wouldn't. I
mean, Tim keeps me quite busy.

Oh, I think it's gross.

The whole point of marriage is two people
sticking together until death do you part.

Don't you think your concern
should be about my happiness?

Are you happy, Mom? Yes, I am!

Well... I am, sweetheart.
Don't worry about me.

I'm okay. ♪ It's the
best thing for you ♪

♪ But it's the worst that
could happen to me ♪♪

It was awful. She promised
me a partner. But it was a fraud.

Miss Cushnip, did you get dates
through the defendant's service?

Oh, yes. Dates. But not with men
who could even remotely be partners.

She peppers you with dates.
But then nothing ever works out.

And then she blamed it on me.

And that's what was so hurtful.

You put in your video
you like the spotlight.

Well, a lot of women
like attention. Yes.

But you actually travel around with
your very own technician and a spotlight.

- Don't you, Miss Cushnip?
- It's an esteem device,
that's all.

A woman is prettier when
she feels good about herself.

I see you brought your
technician with you here today.

Would you feel more
comfortable if... if he lit you up?

Mmm. Maybe a little.

Go ahead, sir.

Much better?

I'm sorry.

That was your ace in the hole?

Please don't raise your voice. I told
you how opposed I am to surprise.

"Oh, the other side will
get the surprise!" Trailing up!

Your voice is trailing up!

You haven't even begun
to hear my voice trail up!

I didn't know she had a
spotlight thing! Well, did you ask?

No, I forgot, John.
I should've asked,

"By the way, will you be
bringing a 400-volt lamp to court?"

You lost the case. I
didn't lose the case!

Well, what the hell do I say in my
closing now? I don't know, John.

Just stand up, smile and give
him a little lip twitch. It's so winning.



Don't let it bother you.
Don't let it bother me?

Well, it sounds like it was the heat
of passion. You were both upset.

It does... Oh, but the
witness she called.

We have lost, Ally.
Just... ♪ Beside me ♪

♪ To guide me ♪

No, I can't believe that she
is singing this song. Why?

Well, this is the song I heard
in my head when a little boy...

♪ 'Cause when I'm bad ♪

♪ I'm so, so bad ♪

♪ So let's dance
the last dance ♪

♪ Let's dance ♪ I can't
stand it anymore. Come on.

What... ♪ Tonight ♪

♪ Last dance ♪

♪ Last chance for love ♪

♪ Yes, it's my last chance
for romance tonight ♪

♪ Oh, I need you by me ♪

♪ Beside me to guide me ♪

♪ To hold me, to scold me ♪

♪ 'Cause when I'm
bad I'm so, so bad ♪

♪ So, come on, Ally
Last chance tonight ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪


Do you even remember?
Remember what?

- You don't remember?
- Remember what?

Remember what? Ally?

Oh, I don't... I don't
know what's going on.

I-I... I don't understand.

- Are you okay?
- Uh, I...

I don't know.

I don't know.

You're planning what? Like
you said, we're desperate.

I don't like tricks, Corretta.
Oh, just go with it, John.

Not everything can be as
choreographed as a nose whistle.

Oh, that's rich. First
my lip, now my nose.

Just go with it. You're bugging
me now. I'm bugging you?

So he says he can't breathe.

And he sings "Last Dance."

Were you dancing to him
last night when you went crazy?

No. That was just the lyrics.

You know, "Last
chance for love." Oh.

I just felt compelled
to go for broke. Mmm.

This might be my
final crackup, Richard.

And you... you really
don't recognize the boy?

No. And the skates?

Did you ever go
skating as a young boy?

Well, I've been a girl as
long as I can remember. Oh.

But I did go skating. I used to
go public skating and... and...

This is... What?

Well, you know those...
Those dancing partners.

They always just seemed like
they were so in love, you know?

Yeah. So I used to go skating
and pretend I was in love.

- The... The little boy,
uh, is you, Ally.
- What?

Part of your therapy is because
you don't believe in love, so you say.

This thing with Frances's
marriage, that can't be helping.

Well... So why would a little
boy say that I'm trying to k*ll him...

or that I won't let him breathe?

Ah, well, you
know, I'm no expert,

but the little boy is that part
of you that did believe in love,

and you're letting him die.

You won't let that
part of you breathe.

First of all, that's a little abstract and
way too profound for you to come up with.

I don't have to be profound.

I was there.


When Billy died.

When Larry left.

The little boy is me?



Ms. Pumple, didn't I hear you
say you love a good challenge?

Lovely woman, I
live for challenge.

So you're used to
having difficult cases?

Oh, I want the hopeless.
Are you kidding?

- I'd love to try
fixing up your partner.
- Objection.

I realize the witness enjoys a
wide latitude in her testimony,

but her girth
should have limits.

- John.
- Did you hear that? Hmm?

Ms. Pumple, would you
have a hard time fixing me up?

Oh, terribly. Take
me all of 20 seconds.


What about this woman here?

I might need a list
of personality points,

but yes, I could
find her a match.

And what about, say, this woman?

As I said, I welcome challenges.

Fine. And this woman?

Ha! Honey, she's
what men die for.

If I couldn't set her
up, I'd eat my license.

- What is your name, ma'am?
- Kimmy Bishop.

- I've been tricked!
- Perhaps a little jack cheese
smothered on that license.

She didn't look like this
when she came to me!

But you're the expert, Ms. Pumple,
and you declared her to be unmatchable.

Is that woman
unmatchable, Ms. Pumple?

Is she? Anybody
want to meet her?

The point is,

she was unwilling to make
these kind of changes with me.

No. The point might be, you were incapable
of getting her to make adjustments,

which you claim
is your specialty.

She only made them
here to win a lawsuit.

Look, every juror
raised his hand.

You're beaten. Just admit it.

I'm not beaten, little man.

Kimmy, I know you're honest.

Look me in the
eye and tell me...

that you're willing to make
these kinds of wholesale changes.

I'm willing...

to make some changes.

Harriet, you like Kimmy.

I know deep, deep down you
believe in your heart she is matchable.

- I do.
- Changing that slogan,
that was mean.

It sounds like you were angry at
Kimmy perhaps for your own failure.

She was rigid.

If you're willing to change,

I'll switch my slogan back,

and I'll find you a man.

I'm willing to compromise.

I need to still be
me. I won't change.

But I will compromise.

I think we have a deal here.

- Deal.
- Deal!

♪ Fairy tales can come
true It can happen to you ♪

♪ If you're young at heart ♪

♪ For it's hard you will find ♪

♪ To be narrow of mind ♪

♪ If you're young at heart ♪

♪ And if you should
survive till 105 ♪

♪ Look at all you'll
derive out of being alive ♪

♪ And here is the best part ♪

♪ You have a head start ♪

♪ If you are among the
very young at heart ♪♪

Till death do 'em part,
and they actually did it.

And it depresses you.

Well, it's just no way
for two people to form

a union, John. That's
not love. I'm sorry.

Ah. Spoken like a woman
who believes in love.


Are you letting the
little boy breathe?

Like I said, I'm trying.

Well, clearly I'm no expert
on the science of love.

But from what I read,
people take strange routes.

Dating services, open marriages.

Who knows? Certainly
not the two of us.

You know, Richard thinks that the part of
me that used to be in love has gone dead.

And my therapist
wonders the same thing.

What do you think? Uh...

Well, I... Well, I think that if
that's true, then I've gone dead.

Hmm. I used to be able
to fantasize in ways...

that I no longer seem able to.

Well, I lost
Christmas for a while.

I got it back.

That little boy...

He didn't say he was dead.

He said I was k*lling him.

But he wasn't dead, was he?

He was there
right in front of you,

skates in hand, ready.

For what? For me to
start pretending again?

To start believing again.

And if believing
starts with pretending,

or fantasizing,

so be it.

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Ah-ah-ah-ah ♪
Say it again.

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Ah-ah-ah-ah ♪

♪ You got a cute
way of talkin' ♪

♪ Mm-mm-mm ♪

♪ You got the
better of me Yeah ♪

♪ Just snap your
fingers and I'm walkin' ♪

♪ Like a dog hangin'
on your lead ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I'm in a spin, you know ♪

♪ Shakin' on a string you know ♪

♪ You make me feel like
dancing ♪ So, Lil' Kimmy is back.

It's the new Kimmy.
How exciting.

And she settled her case.

Ah, yeah. Corretta gave
her a makeover and it worked.

And you just can't stand it,
can you? Congratulations.

You won it. I
admit it. Thank you.

And I'm sorry I got
so upset with you.

I'm sorry I made fun of your
twitch... and your whistle.

By any chance, would you...
Would you care to dance?

♪ Dancin', whoo, dancin', whoo ♪

♪ Dance the night away ♪

♪ Dancin', whoo Dancin', whoo ♪

I'll tell you this...
In times like these,

other than loved ones,

I feel like our hearts are our
most cherished possession. Me too.

Well, time to go.

It's 9:00.

- I'm going skating.
- Skating?

Yeah. Skating is a very
good thing to do on a

Friday night because
it's very, uh, romantic.

Do you have a date? Well, no, but
I'm starting to believe in love again.

And it's a start.

♪ We'll dance our lives away ♪

♪ You make me
feel like dancing ♪

♪ Whoa, gonna
dance the night away ♪

♪ You make me feel like
dancing ♪ ♪ Dancing ♪

♪ Gonna dance the night away ♪♪

He's movin' now.


♪ Who ♪

♪ Would've believed ♪

♪ That you and me would fall ♪

♪ And land together ♪

♪ And who ♪

♪ Could've foreseen ♪

♪ In you I'd find the place ♪

♪ I've belonged forever ♪

♪ And if I look closer ♪

♪ Then love will take over ♪

♪ And lead ♪

♪ The way ♪

♪ I'd ♪

♪ Given up hope ♪

♪ Losing the faith ♪

♪ That love could
be mine to treasure ♪

♪ And now ♪

♪ Nothing's the same ♪

♪ I found myself reborn ♪

♪ On the day I met you ♪

♪ And if we move closer ♪

♪ Then love will take over ♪

♪ And lead ♪

♪ The way ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Suddenly ♪

♪ You are lying here with me ♪

♪ And the truths ♪

♪ I used to hold have changed ♪

♪ If we move closer ♪

♪ And let it take over ♪

♪ Then love ♪

♪ Will lead ♪

♪ The way ♪♪

You stinker!