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04x20 - Spin the Bottle

Posted: 03/09/22 11:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on felicity...

I, um... Called julie.

- Who's julie?
- Julie. Julie emrick.

Okay. So? What are
you talking about?

Meghan, you and i...

Right now, you
and I are not good.

Julie understands me.

Oh, my...

What am I doing? What
are we doing? I can't do this.

- I mean, I came here for noel.
- You came here for noel?

- Hey.
- This lab's brutal.



I kind of wanted to talk to you
about what happened the other night.

Don't worry about it.

- Oh. Really?
- Yeah, it's fine.


At first I was pretty pissed about
the whole thing, but now it's okay.

I get it.

You get what?

That you're not over me.

What is that supposed to mean?

It just seems pretty clear
that you still want me.

Ben, seriously...

I mean, I'm with noel now.

Is that why you were all over me a
week after you two got together?

Obviously you know you made a
mistake. You just can't admit it yet.

First of all, I was
not "all over you".

And second, I mean...


I may have been a
little, you know...

I was having a
confusing time last week.

Yes, it must be confusing
trying to fight all these feelings.

- I'm not fighting any feelings.
- Okay, denying them. Whatever.

But eventually you're gonna
realize you want me back,

And I just hope, for your sake,
that when you do, it's not too late.

- I'm gonna go find
another lab partner.
- Good luck with that.

♪ Can you become

♪ Can you become

♪ A new version of you

♪ New wallpaper

♪ New shoe leather

♪ A new way home

♪ I don't remember

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me ♪

- Hey, man.
- Hey. How's it going?

- Good. How you doing?
- I'm doing great.

- What we got here?
- All the low-fat
stuff's for julie.

Okay. Shopping for her now, huh?

- Yep.
- It's getting serious.

I'm having dinner with her tonight,
going to the botanical gardens tomorrow.

- Botanical gardens.
- Women love stuff like that.

- I gotta call my ticket guy.
- Maybe you should
slow down a little.

What? She's coming all the
way from woodstock to see me.

- I want her
to have a good time.
- Right.

You've told her how you
feel? You've talked about it?

Not in so many words. I didn't
wanna do it over the phone. Why?

You don't think
it's gonna happen?

It's not that. I
just... I don't know.

I just think you should
keep your hopes... Realistic.

Just see how it goes. You
haven't seen her in a long time.

- Uh, hey.
- Where's my stuff?

Over there. I
packed it up for you.

If I find one pair of my
underwear missing, I will k*ll you.

- It's all there.
- Good, pervert.

Hey, meghan, meghan.

Look, I'm really sorry. I am, really.
I have to see where this thing goes.

See this? This is me not caring.

Couldn't be more over you.

Oh, here's your keys.

Why don't you give them to julie?
Not that you two have a chance in hell.

When did it become impossible to find
a studio apartment for under $1200?

Don't worry. You're
gonna find a place.

Is that morse code?
What are you doing?

Sorry. I'm just...

Never mind.

What? What's the matter?

Nothing. Nothing.

It's just ben. He was such
a jerk in o-chem today.

What'd he do?

It's not even
worth getting into.

Are you sure?

- Yes, definitely.
- Okay.

All right.

- You are gonna need a roommate.
- I know, and a job.

Savor university
housing. It's the best.

What now?

I just... I love being with you.

I love being with you.

I wish I was with you and
already had an apartment.

Let's keep looking.

Hey! How are you?

- I'm good. How are you?
- I'm good.

- Good to see you. Let me grab that.
- Thank you.

- It's so weird to be back here.
- Yeah.

- Looks exactly the same.
- That's because it probably is.

- You wanna sit down?
- Yeah, sure.

So what's up with you? I hear
you're pre-med now. That's great.

Well, we'll see. Sean
should keep his mouth shut.

It's cute. He's proud of you.

So, how's felicity?

Uh... She's good.
She's all right.

- Are you sure?
- Uh...

Well, we kind of broke up.

- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

Sean should be right back.
He just went out for a second.

That's cool you guys are hanging
out, keeping in touch. He's a great guy.

Sean's a sweetie.
He's a good friend.

You're gonna spend
some time together?

I have this audition, so I
figured I'd stay a few days

And hang out with everybody.

- You have an audition?
- For a record label.

That's good. That's
great. Congratulations.


It's nothing. Sean's
really excited to see you.

I think he sort of thought
that you guys... You know...

He thought what? Sean knew I was
coming for an audition. I told him that.

Right. I must have
misunderstood him.

I don't understand.
Sean's with meghan, right?

No, he's not. He
broke up with her.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

Oh, god! This is
bad! I am so stupid.

No, but maybe you
should talk to him.

Yeah. Yeah, I'll talk to him.

You and felicity,
sean and meghan.

I go away for a year
and you all fall apart.

- Basically, yeah.
- So, you guys really broke up?

Yeah, she's with noel now.

Wow. The last time they were
together, we were together too.

Yeah, I remember that.

Anyway, I should get to work.


Hey, we should hang
out later and catch up.

Yeah, that's a good idea. Why
don't you come by dean & deluca?

- I get off at 6:00.
- Six? Okay.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Hey, look who it is!


How are you?

I'm so bummed I wasn't
here to greet you. I'm sorry.

But I did get tickets to
see that band you like, tart.

- You still like 'em, right?
- Yeah.

- Tomorrow night. Okay.
- What's the matter?

You seem like you're
going to a funeral.

No, it's...

You know I came for an audition?

Yeah. Why? What's the problem?

Ben just got a
different impression.

Really? What did ben say?

He told me that you and
meghan just broke up.

Yes, we broke up, but that was a
long time coming. Don't worry about it.

- Did it happen kinda recently?
- Yeah.

It didn't have
anything to do with...

Forget it. That's
none of my business.

You thought that... 'Cause I invited
you here and there's flowers...?

Okay, these flowers
are for me. They are.

'Cause I just... I'm a guy
who loves flowers.

There's nothing
wrong with that, right?

And, uh... I'm actually just
sprucing up the loft a little bit.

- They're beautiful, sean.
- Yeah, they're okay.

They're really, really nice.

You know, I was thinking that
maybe I should stay with felicity.


Uh, yeah. That's a great idea.

You'll probably have a
lot more fun over there.


Keep those tickets.
I can't even go.

- Sean...
- Seriously. I bought 'em for you.

- I don't even like the tarts.
- Tart.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, positive.

We're still gonna
hang out before I leave.

Yeah, but no pressure.

You got a crazy week, and this
week is insane for me too, so...

Whatever. Maybe we
can get some coffee.

- Okay.
- You know, if you have time.

- You want a hand with that?
- No, I'm fine.

You're welcome. So
how's everything going?

- Everything's great.
- You guys are still together?

Yes, we're still together.
Sorry to disappoint you.

It's gonna be really hard
when you blow him off again.

I'm not gonna blow him off. And
you know what? Noel is great.

He's... Well, he's
everything you're not.

He's kind, he's funny
and he makes me happy.


So I guess you told him about our
little study session, then, right?

No. Why would i? It
didn't mean anything.

Really? 'Cause it seemed
like you were kinda into me.

You know what? Maybe this
whole self-confident act

Had some appeal freshman
year, but now it's just pathetic.

I can see it has
zero effect on you.

And, for the record, kissing you
was about as exciting as kissing my arm.

Actually, that was a
thousand times more exciting!

- Hey.
- Hey! Noel...

- Hey, man. How you doing?
- Good. It's good.

I filled out an application for
that apartment in the east village.

- The one on 9th?
- Can I get you
something to drink?

- A latte or something?
- Uh... I'll have
a regular coffee.

Regular coffee.

- So, tell me about it.
- It's teeny. It's a closet.

It's more than I wanted to spend, but
I can really see us hanging out there.

- There you go.
- Oh, thanks.

- I don't know
if I'm gonna get it.
- You'll get it.

You're definitely gonna get it.

Well, if I get it,
you can come by...

Julie! Oh, my god!
Hey, you're here!

- Hi. How are you?
- Oh, it's so good
to see you guys.

- I got your message.
- Is that okay?

I haven't told meghan,
but it'll be fine.

- What are you doing here?
- Auditioning for
a record company.

- Wow!
- That's great.

They might not sign me, but
at least they're interested.

- Shall we go?
- Sure.

You don't mind closing
up for me, do you?

- No.
- Good.

- I'll see you guys later.
- Yeah.

It's not just me, right?
He's acting weird.

He's being really weird.

But it doesn't matter. I'm just so glad
that you're getting your own place.

- So am i. It's gonna be so great.
- Tell me about it.

- Okay, "turmoil."
- Got it.

Really? I was
proud of "turmoil."

Well, then, okay, "turmoils."

Yes, I knew that
one was a stretch.

Then that's all
I got. 12 Points.

- Is it my turn?
- Yeah.

Don't read 'em really slow
like last time. It drove me nuts.

I just wanna be
appreciated for my talent.

Well, I appreciate you
for your talent, I do.

- Do you?
- Mm-hmm.

- Hello!
- In here.

- Are you all right?
- Yep. Are you okay?

- Hi.
- How's it going?

- Pizza?
- We got pepperoni.

- No, we just had chinese.
- Did you have a good time?

Yeah, I did. I'm so tired. I wanna get
some sleep for my audition tomorrow.

I'll come set you up.
Shake the letters again.

- And don't cheat.
- I never cheat.

- Good night, noel.
- I'm watching you.

- You got it?
- Yes.

Julie, it's so good to see
you. You look really great.

Thank you. You look good,
too. Your hair's getting long.

I can't believe you're
still living with meghan.

- I can't believe it, either.
- And it's actually by choice?

- It's crazy.
- You know what?

She's a really good
friend, believe it or not.

Yeah, who knew?

- But I still miss you.
- I miss you, too.

What's it like to
be back in the city?

We walked everywhere
today. It was great.

- He talked about you a lot.
- I'm sorry you had
to listen to that.

- You guys went out
for a long time.
- I know, but...

He just needs to accept the
fact that we're over, you know?

- You seem pretty
clear about that.
- Yes, completely.

Good, because I had so much fun
with him, and I don't know how he feels,

But I just wanted
to check in with you.

Would it bother you if we
spent more time together?

- It seems like
it would bother you.
- No.

No. God, i...

No, no, no. Things just turned
around really quickly for us.

- We broke up kind of suddenly.
- Oh. Yeah.

Well, what happened?


Well, to say it's complicated
would be a huge understatement.

I just...

I guess I just decided that
ben wasn't the one for me

And that noel maybe is.

I think you guys are
really great together.

I think so too.

You know what? You should
do whatever makes you happy.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, definitely.

- And thanks for checking.
- Of course.

- It's so good to see you.
- You too.

- I am gonna go wash my face.
- Okay.

This bed has about the same
amount of square footage

As the apartment I was looking at, so,
you know, just for your information.

- Thank you.
- Of course.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- How's julie doing?
- Good. She seems good.


I think she's kind of into ben.

Which is fine. I could care less.
Ben can do whatever he wants.

But I'm a little
worried about julie.

Julie can take care of herself.

Yeah, I know she can, but ben's just
been acting like such a jerk lately.

Even you noticed it.

And I know it
sounds crazy, but...

- Don't take this
the wrong way. Okay?
- Okay.

I'm just afraid that he's
using her to get back at me.

Do you really think he'd do that?
They've known each other for so long.

Exactly. Now suddenly
they're hooking up?

If I'm not mistaken, that's what pretty
much happened between you and me.

No, I know. I know.

I would just hate for julie to get
caught in the middle of something.

Do you think I
should talk to her?

I don't think it's a good idea.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

I wanted to talk to
you about something.

Remember that conversation we
had about me needing a roommate

'Cause the place
is so expensive.

I was wondering maybe
if I get the apartment,

If I get that apartment...

Do you wanna move in together?

Yeah. I know it's a
huge deal. I know that.

You'd have to give up this huge
place and move into a small apartment...

With you.

Yeah, so just...

Just think about it.

You don't have to tell me
now. You can tell me later.

- Okay.
- Okay, good. Sorry.


- Yes, you wanna move in
with me?
- Yes, I wanna move in with you.

I know that it's really fast and sudden,
but that's what this time is all about.

Why should we wait?

We shouldn't.


- It's really, really small.
- I don't care.

I'm so nervous. My
stomach is doing flip-flops.

They're gonna love you.
You're really talented. You are.

Thank you. Has sean
mentioned anything to you?

- About what?
- About me not being interested.

- He hasn't said anything.
- I feel bad. I hope I wasn't too mean.

Sean's fine. Sean's been wanting
to act on that for a long time.

It's good that he knows,
otherwise he'd just be wondering.

- That's the worst.
- Yeah. Well, this is me.

- This is you?
- Yeah.

I was actually... I was wondering...
I wanted to ask you something.

What's that?

You can totally say no right now,
but I have two tickets to a concert.

It's for tonight, and I was
wondering if you wanted to go with me.

What do you mean, like a date?

Yeah, I guess like a date.
Or whatever, you know.

- Sure, yeah.
- Really?

Yeah, it sounds like fun.

I think it'll be a lot
of fun for me too.

- Yeah. You should probably go.
- I should go. I should go.

- I don't wanna be late.
- No.

- Okay. I'll see you later.
- Okay.

- Bye.
- Good luck.

You warned me.
You saw it coming.

Now look at me. I got a fridge
filled with low-fat cottage cheese.

Sean, i...

I gotta talk to you about
something. It's actually about julie.

I talked to her. I'm
clear on the whole thing.

No, there's something
else you should know.

Me and julie are
going out tonight.

- You and julie?
- Yeah, it just sorta happened.

I just wanted to let you know.


Okay. Wow, I get it.



- Good work, and fast too.
- What are you talking about?

What am I talking about? You told me,
"take it slow. Don't get your hopes up."

All of a sudden... Wow.

No, you're wrong about that.
That's not what I'm doing. It's not.

I confided in you and
this is how you repay me.

I was trying to protect
you from getting hurt.

You should be protecting
me from friends like you!

I'm going to a concert
with her. It's nothing.

A concert? Is it
the tart concert?

Yeah, I think so.

Those are my tickets,
ben. My tickets.

She's taking you on
a date with my tick...

- Get out of the loft.
- Are you serious?

You're kicking me
out of the loft?

No. But only because I need
your rent money. That's...

- You do not treat friends
this way.
- I know. I know that.

You say the word and I
will not go out with her.

Guess what, too
late. Damage done.

I want my tickets back.

- Hey, were you just crying?
- God! No.

I wasn't crying. I was just
pulling hairs out of my nose.

It makes your eyes water.

Okay, but if you were crying,
would it have been because of sean?

First of all, I wasn't.

And second of
all, sean's an ass.

I was gonna dump him anyway.

It's senior year. There's
millions of guys out there.

Better guys. Thinner guys.


And starting tonight,
I'm on the prowl.

- Hey.
- Hi.

That was really awful. Would it
be better if I stayed someplace else?

No, no. I don't think
she blames you.

If she did, believe
me, you'd know it.

How was your audition?

I think it went all right. They had
me play all my stuff, which is good.

That's great. You know what? We
should go out tonight and celebrate.

- I would,
but I'm going out already.
- You are?

Yeah, with ben.


So that whole
thing is working out?


- Are you sure
you're okay with that?
- Yes. Really, it's fine.


- Is that right?
- I think so.

I hope so.

- Could I talk to you
for a second?
- Sure. Excuse me, josh.

If this is about josh, I'm sorry.
He asked me to be lab partner.

This isn't about josh. It's about
you and julie. What's going on?

I warned you I wouldn't
be around for ever.

You think I care about that?
You are crazy, do you know that?

Wow. You really can't
deal with this, can you?

No, I can deal with it.

I won't let you use my
friend to get back at me.

I mean, if that's
what you're doing.

Are you? If you
are, it's disgusting.

Wow. I never knew you
were such a jealous person.

I'm not jealous. I'm
worried about julie.

Two days ago you were talking
about getting back with me...

No, I was saying you wanted
to get back together with me,

Not the other way round.

Whatever. I'm not gonna argue with you.
You better not do anything to hurt her.

I'm not gonna do anything. I like her.
But if you're worried, come out with us.

What? I'm not gonna go
on a date with you and julie.

Why not? If you're over me and concerned
about her, it shouldn't be a problem.

- Oh, my god,
you are such a jerk.
- You can bring noel.

- Unless it'd be
too weird for him.
- Noel would be fine.

- Let's do it.
- A double date with you
and julie.

- Yeah.
- Sounds great. Let's do that.

- I'll see you tonight.
- Great.

All right, josh. Again.

- I can't believe you got it.
- I know.

The closet-sized,
over-priced studio is ours.

So, cheers. And this was
supposed to be champagne,

But they only had club
soda, so enjoy the bubbles.

So you signed the
lease and everything?

We have to do that together. I
thought you'd wanna see it first.

- I'm gonna love it.
- You don't know that.

Yeah, I do.

They loaned me a key so we
can go by and see it tonight.

- I can't tonight.
- Why not?

Well, because, um...

I did this incredibly
stupid thing.

I said that we would go out
with ben and julie tonight.

- All four of us?
- Yeah.

I thought ben was using julie.
Now we're double-dating with them?

He is using her. I tried to tell
him, we got into this whole thing

And now, somehow, we
are all going out together.

But at least we can
be there for julie now.

Huh. This doesn't seem
like a bad idea to you?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

- We're the buffer couple.
- Totally.

I'm so sorry, noel.

No, you know what?
It's okay. It's one night.

And we'll see the
apartment the next day.

Okay. Great.

Yeah. Great.

Hey. This seat taken?

Are you kidding? Are you gonna follow
up that gem with, "come here often?"

Get the hell outta here.

- Is this seat taken?
- Oh, my god! Not another one!

Oh, it's you.

Are you stalking me now?

No, I actually just came
in for a beer, please.

Where's julie, your boy toy?

That didn't work out.

Am I supposed to feel
sorry for you now?

- Fine, I'll sit somewhere else.
- Wait.

Julie's an idiot.

Look, meghan, I am sorry.

I am. I don't know
what I was thinking.

I think maybe julie
was just this fantasy.

You're an idiot if you think
that makes me feel better.

Sorry... Again.

Let me make it up to you. I have two
tickets to the tart concert tonight.

Tart blows.

Well, it's better than hanging out here
and getting hit on by all these losers.

Okay, fine. But I'm only
going because it's free,

Not because I wanna
hang out with you.

Buy my drink.

- Can I get you anything?
- I'll have another beer.

- I will too.
- Make that three.


So when do you hear back
from the record label?

- Hopefully tomorrow.
- So if you get it,
you'll move back?

I think so, yeah.

Except I hear it's really
hard to find a place right now.

I found one and it's
not as bad as they say.

- You got that apartment?
- Yeah. Well...

Yeah, actually, we got it.
We're gonna be living together.

Wow! Congratulations, you guys.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

That's great. That's great.
Remember our apartment?

- That didn't work out, did it?
- I don't even remember that.

- Because it only
lasted about a day.
- Oh.

Remember that dancer that
lived upstairs? Or downstairs.

What was her name?

I don't remember.

Remember she took
a bath in our bathtub?

You were so jealous.
Remember that?

Seriously, what was her name?

Bridgette. Bridgette

That's it. Bridgette

You were so worried that
I was gonna cheat on you.

Which is kind of ironic when you think
about how things turned out, right?

Excuse me.

- What's your problem?
- I don't have a problem,
not with you.

I shouldn't have
said that. Come back.

- So you can t*rture me
some more?
- You think this is t*rture?

Try finding out your girlfriend
has slept with your roommate.

- That's t*rture.
- Excuse me.

You are using julie
to get back at me.

- Is that what
you're doing with noel?
- No, I'm not.

Then what is it? How did this
happen? You just turned so fast.

- You did things
that made it easy.
- What did I do?

We had one stupid
fight about a printer.

- It was so much more than that.
- What? Tell me. A girl?

A friend that I met over the summer
whose name you can't even get straight?

- You wouldn't understand.
- You're right. No, I don't understand.

I don't understand at all.

- Thank you.
- You ready to go?

- Yeah, we're all paid up.
- You guys wanna go back
to the loft?

I got some music I'd
like to play for you.

What do you think?

I think that sounds great.

- You know what? So do i.
- You sure?

Yeah. Actually, I can't think
of anything I'd like to do more.


- What's going on?
- Nothing. Let's just get it over with.

I am telling you, tart rocks!

- They were on fire,
weren't they?
- Yeah. Stop screaming.

- What?
- You're deaf from the concert!

Oh. Wow. I am.

You know what? I had a
really great time tonight.

I'm guessing you did too?

'Cause I came back
to the loft with you?

- Yeah.
- No.

I'm hoping to find julie and ben
shirtless and tangled up on the couch.

By the way, if that happened,
I'd be perfectly fine with it.

- Really?
- Absolutely.

- I told you, julie is just...
- Don't use the word
"fantasy" again.

She was a question that I
needed answered. That's all it was.

It was like a
quarter-life crisis.

And I know, I should have just bought
a red sports car and called it a day.

- So you're past your crisis?
- Yes, totally.

- And you're not
pining for julie?
- No, I am finally over her.

Finally? So you wanted her
the whole time you were with me?

No, that's not what I'm saying.

What the hell's going on? We
can't talk now all of a sudden?

Are you playing musical spin the bottle?
You're more incestuous than I thought.

- We were listening to julie.
- Really? Can we play?

We weren't playing
spin the bottle.

- Why not?
- Because they're not
in junior high.

This could finally
be your chance.

- I don't need a big chance.
- But you'd take one
if you had one.

- No, I wouldn't.
- Let's see about that.

Are you... Hey,
don't look at me.

- I never said I was playing.
- Oh, just relax and enjoy it.

You're welcome. All
right, you're next.

- I'll go again if...
- No, I'll do it. I don't care.

This isn't happening.
This is like...

None of it would be if it wasn't
for your little return trip.

- In fact,
julie wouldn't even be here.
- What is she talking about?

Nothing. I don't wanna
play this stupid game.

You big baby. But this is your
last "get out of jail free" card.

After this, rules are rules.

- Spin again.
- Spin again?

This is a nightmare.

What are you scared of? Seventh
graders do this all the time.

Just get it over with.

- Don't forget
the five-second rule.
- What?

You gotta kiss for five seconds or
it doesn't count. Standard stb rules.

One, two,

Three, four, five.

God, this is fun. All right.

Go, julie. You're up.

Sean, stop praying so loud.


Where are you going?
We can't play with five.

- Are you leaving?
- Yeah.

You should stay.

Don't blame me that you
didn't get to kiss julie.

I tried to keep the game going.

The truth is, I didn't wanna kiss
julie. I wanted to... I wanted to kiss you.

I want you back.

- That's it? That's your big sell?
- No.


Even after the way
you treated me tonight,

I know that I really... I love
you, meghan. That's the truth.

Who cares? You dumped me for julie. Is
that how you treat someone you love?

- That's the worst.
- I know I hurt you...

No, you didn't hurt me. I
just don't want you any more.

Hey. Are you coming to bed?

I don't know. I'm just
doing some thinking.

What were you thinking about?

I was thinking about
the apartment on 9th.

The floor sags.

It needs a paint job.

Right now it's just this...

This foreign place, but pretty
soon it's gonna be a home.

It'll be a part of me, in a way.

I know. I can't wait.

The thing is...

I've always wanted to live somewhere
with you, ever since I met you.

But I realized tonight that
that's not gonna happen.

- What do you mean?
- It's okay.

I guess, you know, 'cause
it's... Because it's just a fact.

But I'll never inhabit
you the way that ben does.

Noel, that is not true.

Whatever he did to make
you break up with him

Wasn't enough.

- You will never be over ben.
- Come on, wait a second.

We have not had a chance,
barely had any time together.

- Time isn't gonna change this.
- It has to.

It doesn't work that way.

So I'm gonna go.


Please don't.