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04x19 - The Power of the Ex

Posted: 03/09/22 11:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on felicity...

I thought it was one time and
now I find out it was a month.

I wish I could go
back to that night.

On the roof. The night
that I slept with noel.

Oh, my god! I don't even remember
coming up here. I must have blacked out.

Meghan, you did a spell
on me and it worked.

So what does this
mean? Are we...?


Dear sally. Okay, you're
not gonna believe this,

But remember last week when I
told you I was stuck in the past?

Well, I'm still here

And now something's happening
which makes me wish I wasn't.

As you know, noel
and I started going out.

And the thing is it
began really well.

Don't stop for me. I've seen this
domination-submission thing before.

- We were... Doing laundry.
- Watching tv.

Whatever. I don't judge
but only because I don't care.

- Do you wanna get out of here?
- Yes.

Given the awkward situation, we
felt like we should try and be discreet.

So we started going places where
we wouldn't run into anyone we knew.

This is the famous fried dough.
You need to try it. You'll thank me.

- Okay.
- First time.

All right. Here we go.

It's actually good considering
it's called fried dough.

The irony is in avoiding all of our
friends, we ran into someone else.


- I'm sorry. Noel!
- Hanna?

Someone who's become
kind of a problem.

I was thinking about you
the other day. How are you?

I'm great, yeah.
Wow, it's been like...

- It's been like three years.
- Yeah.

Hey, hanna.

You remember felicity?

- Of course. It's good to see you.
- You too.

- You got just
a little bit of sugar...
- Oh, my god. Sorry.

It's from the... Uh... Thing.

- So what have you been up to?
- Oh, I'm just... I'm looking for a job.

- Yeah. Me too.
- You're teaching. Which is great.

When I get a chance. I spend most
of my time begging for students.

Looking for work is so hard. Sometimes
I think it's the only thing I can do.

Come on. You should see the
websites he designs. They're incredible.


Maybe you should do one for me. I
could get students off the internet.

Uh... Yeah. Sure.

- I mean, I'd pay you,
- I'd do it for free.

Well, look... I have to run.

You should definitely call me.

Okay. Well... Do you have a pen?

- Her number's on the flyer.
- There it is.

- Okay, yeah. Sure.
- I'm so glad I saw you.

Yes. Oh, it's great.


And then hanna hugged me.

Okay. That's not exactly
the truth. I hugged her.

I felt so stupid standing
there. I had to do something.

- Hey. Well, see you guys.
- Okay.

- That was weird.
- No. That wasn't weird at all.

♪ Can you become

♪ Can you become

♪ A new version of you

♪ New wallpaper

♪ New shoe leather

♪ A new way home

♪ I don't remember

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

I don't think we
can hang out here.

I just ran into sean and we had the most
awkward conversation we've ever had.

Uh... Okay, tomorrow
doesn't work.

What about the weekend?

No? You are the busiest
unemployed person I've ever known.

- Is that hanna?
- Right.

Yeah. He lives here?

Didn't he, like, go into
the army or something?


Yeah, that works for
me. It'll take like an hour.

Okay. I'll see you then.

Yeah. You too. Bye.

You called hanna?

No, hanna called me. She had
some ideas about the website.

Wow. She didn't waste any time.

It'll be good practice,
you know that.

You don't want me
to do this, do you?

No. I just...

- This just wasn't
supposed to happen.
- What does that mean?

You haven't seen her
since your freshman year

And all of a sudden she's right
there. Where did she come from?

She didn't "come from" anywhere.

- We ran into her in the street.
- I know that. I just...

- I wasn't expecting her.
- Neither was i.

I know. Sorry.

- Look, if you don't
want me to...
- No. I do. It's fine.

- Are you sure?
- Yes. Please do it. Seriously.

I cannot believe he's doing it.

- I thought you told him to.
- Yes, but I didn't mean it.

This is not how this
was supposed to happen.

- Hanna wasn't here before.
- Before?

Yeah. Before. Last time
around. She wasn't here.

What is she doing here now?

Have you never heard of
the time-space continuum?

You change one thing,
everything changes.

- Choosing noel
changed everything?
- Yes!

And so does eating cereal
and watching crappy daytime tv.

It's all different.
The ripple effect.

One little decision is not
just one little decision.

Oh, my god. You're
right. This is my fault.

Last time we didn't go to the street
fair. We went today to avoid ben.

- Who you were going out
with last time.
- The ripple effect.

Next time be a more
responsible time traveler.

By the way, are you
ever going to class?

- Why? I already graduated.
- Oh. I forgot.

You might check with uny, make
sure they accept time-travel credits.

Unless you brought your future
diploma. Otherwise you could be screwed.

You're right. Maybe I should go.

Meghan, all this time-space
continuum stuff you're talking about.

Does this mean you
actually believe me?

What, that you actually
traveled back from the future?

No. I might be weird.
I'm not a freak show.

- Excuse me,
mister serious student.
- Sorry. I'll get back to work.

Forget the work. I need a favor.


I have decided to audition
for man of la mancha,

Which, you have to
admit, I'm perfect for.

- What's man of la mancha?
- You're kidding?

No, I'm not kidding.

It's one of the greatest
musicals of all time.

It's the story of a man
who thinks he's don quixote,

The great spanish knight who believes
in love and dreaming impossible dreams.

Never mind. It's not
important. I need your help.

I don't know about acting.

You're not my first pick. I
already asked felicity, but...

Ooh. I'm sorry, benjamin. I
didn't mean to say the f word.

Javier, you can say
her name. It's fine.

Okay. All I need you to do is listen to
my monologue and tell me what you think.

Okay, but I'm not
gonna be any help.

Of course you are. Okay.

Here goes.

"Dear god! Oh, it is she.
Sweet lady, fair virgin..."

There's a customer.

"I dare not gaze full
upon thy countenance

Lest I be blinded by beauty."

"But I implore thee,
speak once thy name."

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Well?
- Yeah, that's good.

- "Yeah, good"?
- Good job.

That's your criticism?
Were you listening?

Yes, but I want to
help the customer now.

I hope you're more help
to her than you were to me.

Enjoy your mochaccino.


Sharon wilkins from the homeowners'
association called three times.

Right. Thanks.

Congratulations. You
got your own stalker.

Hey, things with you and
felicity are pretty good, right?

- Yeah, they're fine.
- I thought so.

No, wait. What does that
mean? You thought so?

- I wanna call julie.
- Julie?

- Julie emrick?
- Yeah. That's the one.

It's just that ever since this
thing happened with you and felicity,

I can't stop thinking about her.

- Wow. I didn't know
you guys talked.
- Yeah.

We email.

And I've had her number
in my wallet for months.


And I've always had
this thing for her.

You know how those things
go. They never go away.

And julie's um... I
mean, she's interested?

I don't know. I think...

When she writes she says she wishes
she had someone like me in her life, so...

Who wouldn't want
you in their life?

You're great. You're
smart. You're funny.

- You're scaring me.
- You dress well. Sorry.

Anyway... Her number's
just sitting in my wallet.


Oh, it's the break-up box.

Yeah. I haven't seen tracy since
we decided to call off the wedding.

I thought he should
have his stuff.

It's the saddest part. It's like
a little grave for your love.

I was wondering if I
could ask you a favor

And if it's a bad time because you're
in heartbreak hotel, I understand.

No, I'm fine.

I want to audition for man of
la mancha, and I need feedback.

- Okay.
- It won't take long, I promise.

It'll take your mind
off your troubles.

Javier, I said yes.

Really? Wow, I gotta
start listening better.

Okay. I just need some
help with this scene.

- What's your song?
- Impossible dream.

- And your dance?
- What dance? I don't have a dance.

You want the lead, don't you?

To do that you have to be a
triple threat: actor, singer, dancer.

Wow. Do you really think
I can get don quixote?

It doesn't matter what I
think, you have to know it.

So come back here tomorrow and
wow me with a complete audition.

Song, scene, dance. You do
that, don quixote will be yours.


This is fantastic. You're like
sancho panza, his faithful sidekick.

I'm nobody's sidekick
and don't you forget it.

Okay. Right. I'm just gonna
go practice my dance moves.

No, dad. I'm not kidding.
Yes, I'm pre-med now.

I'm excited too.

Right. I was thinking
about that as well

And unless you're
uncomfortable paying for it...

That would be great.

The great thing
about time travel is

That it's easy to solve
a lot of old problems.

Like tuition, for example.

But then again it
doesn't solve everything.

- Organic chemistry?
- You just made it.

Door locks on the hour.

Take a seat.

Books away. We're starting with a quiz.
The structure and bonding of molecules.

What are you doing here?

I haven't had a chance to
tell you. I'm pre-med now.

- Since when?
- I know it's confusing.

Ben, organic chemistry's
a requirement.

But you had to be in this class?

I didn't know you were in here.

Eyes front, people.

This means you.

Books away.

Hey. I'll change classes.


I knew I'd done the right
thing, breaking up with him,

But, still, it's hard.

We were together so
long and maybe it's like...

Maybe it's like in chemistry how certain
elements are attracted to each other.

No matter what the conditions.

Wow. Last time I was here
was, what, three years ago.

I swear that's the
same bottle of ketchup.

That's what they taught
us in music school.

Condiment conservation. It's
preparing for being a starving artist.

Everything just takes a
little longer than you think.

- What is this?
- Oh.

That is, uh... That
is my demo cd.

- You made a cd?
- Yeah.

Hey, you know what's on there?
That piece you helped me with.

Remember? The fugue.

Yeah. Oh, wow.

Turned out really well,
all things considered.

I can't believe you and felicity
are still together. I think it's great.

Yeah. It's not "still." It just
happened a couple of weeks ago.

It sort of came
out of left field.

But you're happy about
it? It's what you want.

Definitely. What about you?
You've gotta be with someone.

No. Not anymore.

I was engaged, but
it didn't work out.

Oh. I'm sorry. His loss.

Seeing you...

It's just like home.

- We have this history.
- Yeah, we do. We do.

I think about you a lot.

I think about you too.

Wow. I should go.

- Noel, I'm sorry.
- No.

- I shouldn't have
said anything.
- No, it wasn't... I just, uh...

I have this place to
be. I just gotta go.

So um...

I'll call you, okay?

- Okay.
- Yeah?


I spent an hour filling out
forms at the registrar's office

Only to find out that I
can't change the class.

I have no choice. It's
going to be so awkward.

No matter where
I sit I'm gonna be...

Feeling ben avoiding me.

You don't think
I should take it?

No. I wasn't
thinking about that.

- What were you thinking about?
- About last night.

I think hanna wants
to get back with me.

- What? Did she say that?
- No. Not those exact words.

- What were the exact words?
- She said I'd been
on her mind a lot.

On her mind a lot? She's
unbelievable. What else did she say?

She wondered if I ever thought
about giving us another chance.

God! Every time she's here
she does the same thing.

It's like a flashback
within a flashback.

- What did you say?
- Nothing. I left.

- Why didn't you
tell me last night?
- Because it's stupid.

So why are you telling me now?

Because I realized I didn't
want to keep anything from you.

Is it because you secretly
want to be with hanna?

No. No. I don't. I don't...
Wanna be with her.

I want to be with you. And I'm
not even gonna do her website.

Because I've just come too far
for you to end up with hanna.





No. This is not a conversation
that starts with "hey."

What the hell is going on here?

I don't know if you know,

But you're supposed to do
the floors every six years

And I haven't done it...

Ever, so I figured this
was a good time to do it,

And they've got to
remove all the furniture.

- You're the worst
liar in the world.
- That's not fair.

- You're not doing the floors.
- I could be.

- Are you?
- No.

- So?
- So...

Okay. The truth is that...

- I'm in a... I'm in a financial bind.
- How much?

- They had to repossess
some furniture.
- How much?

- $50,000.
- $50,000?

That's not the
response I wanted.

How can you spend $50,000?

Stop saying "$50,000"!

- I know the number.
- When were you gonna tell me?

Were you hoping I wouldn't
notice there was no furniture?

I didn't have a plan. I was embarrassed.
And I knew that you'd make me feel bad.

It's $50,000. You
should feel bad.

- See? That's what
I'm talking about.
- I don't understand.

Exactly. You don't understand.

- Now you're mad at me?
- I don't think
you wanna understand me.

You know what I want?
I want to sit down.

But there's no chairs here so I'm going
to my apartment where there are chairs.

Why don't you call me
when you stop being a jerk?


It's not $50,000 either.

It's $55,412. I rounded it down.

With a couple of exceptions, the
performance on this quiz was dismal.

Do better or there's gonna be
some empty chairs in here very soon.

Good afternoon.

Nice work, miss
porter. Keep it up.


I talked to the registrar.
They won't let me change.

It doesn't matter.
I'm dropping pre-med.


- What's with the culture?
- What's with the furniture?

Uh... Okay. Fair question.

Um... It's a money thing.

I'm going through a
personal economic downturn.

Is that what all the
messages were about?


- Can I help?
- No. No, it's under control.

Thanks, though.

- This classical
stuff isn't bad.
- Yeah. It's hanna's.

Wow, she's good... And cute.
I forgot how cute she was.

I know.

So I did it. I called julie and
it was a great conversation.

Amazing. And she's
coming down next weekend.

- Really?
- Yeah.

This is my time, right? That I
should be out there, exploring.

I got the rest of my
life to be tied down.

- What? You think
I made a mistake?
- No. I mean... I don't know.

I was thinking about hanna.

She wants to get back together.

What? You're not
considering that, are you?

- No.
- Okay. Good.

No. I mean, things with
felicity and I are... I don't know.

- What?
- Well...

She's acting a little strange.
Have you noticed that?

Yeah, but everything's strange
right now, don't you think?

Yes, that's true.

Two weeks ago, if you'd told me that I
could be with either felicity or hanna,

I'd have said you
were out of your mind.

What about me? Suddenly
I've got meghan and ju...

- I don't have julie,
but it's possible.
- It's weird, right?

Yes, it is. Perhaps you and I are just
more attractive than we thought.

- That's weird.
- Yeah. Probably not.

I'm going to seize
this opportunity.

My experience has been this
kind of thing does not last.

Five, six... Five,
six, seven, eight.

- Why do you look like that?
- It's terrible.

- What is?
- You, the dance, everything.

What shall I do? The
audition's tomorrow.

Forget it. You're never gonna get
that part. You have dance dyslexia.

- I can't work with you.
- But I thought you said...

That's before I knew
what I was dealing with.

- I can't be that bad.
- You're worse!

- Now you're just being mean.
- No. I'm being honest.

I'm saving both of us a
lot of time and problems.

You should be ashamed to
call yourself an acting coach.



What's going on?

Nothing. He's in his room.

Ben. Ben, listen to me.

About hodges' class. I know you
don't believe me, but you can get an a.

- I can't tell you how sure.
- Well, I'm not.

I'm not kidding. I know
you can do it. I really know.

If you want someone
to study with ever...

I could help you, if you want.

I don't think that's
such a good idea.


Hey. I didn't hear you.

- What are you listening to?
- Uh, I'm listening to hanna.

It's her cd.

You bought her cd?

Yeah. No. Well, she dropped
it off. She left it at the door.

Is that her...? You're
working on her website?

- Yeah. Yeah. I was just...
- You said you weren't
going to do that.

I know, but I had a couple of good
ideas and I'm not spending much time on it

And I wasn't sure why
I shouldn't be doing it.

Plus it's good practice. So...

And I guess I'm... I'm
a little confused.

- Confused?
- Mm-hmm.

Are you going back to hanna?
God, this can't be happening!

- Calm down.
- I am pretty calm considering.

You and I spent the summer
together and it was incredible.

Everything we
did, we just clicked.

I know we click, that's
why we're together.

But since that night on the roof I
don't know who you are anymore.

- What do you mean?
- I mean everything's
been weird.

The way we got
together was weird.

- The way you've been
acting is weird.
- How have I been acting?

Like you're in a race. Like
your head's about to explode.

- It's freaky.
- So, I'm freaking you out?

- Yeah. You're freaking me out.
- I will stop freaking you out.

The way you said that
still freaked me out.

Do you want to slow
things down? I can do that.

- Slow down. Yes.
- Okay.

- I will do that then.
- Good.

- What?
- You're still freaking me out.

Noel, I promise I'll stop.

I can't believe I've come this far
and all I'm doing is freaking him out.

- What do you expect?
- Now he wants
to slow things down.

You know what you should do? Go
over to hanna's place and kick her ass.

I'm not going to
kick anybody's ass.

Think how good it would feel. A
good old-fashioned ass kicking.

She was in amazing shape.

Isn't that the point of this psychotic
adventure? To do things differently?

No, the point was to do the
things that I wanted to do.

Then just go over to her house
and give her a piece of your mind.

Tell her to back off your man.

Yeah. That'll work.

If I had a cd, there's no way
I'd put my picture on the cover.

Seriously... Go kick her ass.

Good. Let's try the next key.


I didn't really come here
to take piano lessons.

Yeah. I kind of figured that.

Um... I just wanted to
talk to you about noel.

What about him?

Well, uh... This is a
little hard to explain.

I've been through a lot,
and I mean a lot, to be with him

And I just really
want to give this...

Us... Me and noel... A chance.

But you know how guys get
when ex-girlfriends reappear.

No. How do they get?

Well, they get... Confused.

I just don't want
that to happen to noel.

- He's confused?
- No.

No. I don't want
him to get confused.

Um... I just don't know
how much time I have.

- God, are you sick?
- No, no, no. I'm not. No.


I just really wanna be with him.

- Okay.
- Okay, really?

- If you and noel
are together...
- We are.

Then I don't wanna
get between you.

Hanna, thank you so much. I
knew you would understand.

Here you go.

No rush.

Oh, no. I don't want to hear
any more about how terrible I am.

- Javier, I'm sorry.
- For what, huh?

Being a windmill that chopped
my dreams into tiny pieces.

Careful, it's hot.

Look, I know it is no excuse,

But I got really bad news.

I got a letter from tracy. He
went to zambia on a church mission.

Oh. That's so far away.

Yeah. So I was upset and I took it
out on you and I'm really, really sorry.

- So if you want
to try it again...
- No. You were right.

I'm not gonna
make it as an actor.

What? So you're just gonna quit?

You said yourself I'm terrible.
I can't sing, I can't dance.

I have an accent, some people
say. I'm not even a single threat.

You can't just give up. I
mean, that was one criticism.

You've gotta be able to
take more than that to make it.

It's your dream. You've gotta
follow it. Don quixote would.

- You really think so?
- Yeah.

- Can you operate
complicated machinery?
- Why?

I have an audition to get to.

- Whoa.
- I know. How great am i?

You're in debt, you felt
bad, I was mean. I understand.

Wait. You did this?

Technically my father did it, but
he doesn't know all the details.

All right. I can't accept it.

Okay. We'll tell him the truth. What's
the difference? Furniture, greenpeace.

No. I can't accept your money.
Not from you, not from your father.

What's the big deal? You'll pay
me back. I know where you live.

You can make it up by
taking me out to dinner.

I don't wanna pay you back. I
don't wanna have to pay you back.

What is your problem? My father does
something nice and you act like this?

This is a rare event. You
should take advantage.

No, I don't want to take
advantage. That's the whole...

- I can't accept your money.
- Fine.


If you give me one good
reason why you can't accept it.

Okay. Fine. I'm gonna
go get changed.

You figure out where
you're taking me to dinner.

He could have been more
appreciative. I saved his couch.

- At least
he's taking you to dinner.
- Yeah. It was my idea.

- It's always my idea.
- You have good ideas.

Going over to hanna's was
the best thing I could have done.

- She backed right off.
- You should have
kicked her ass.

I'll get it. I'm leaving anyway.

Who is it?

- Hey.
- Hi.

- I didn't know you were coming.
- You went to hanna's apartment?

Yeah. To take piano lessons.

Felicity, tell me the
truth. Are you dying?


Hanna thinks you have
some terminal illness.

- Oh, my god. I told her I was fine.
- Are you?

- Yes!
- Because that would make sense.

- No. I'm not sick.
- She said you told her
not to see me.

- She said that?
- You didn't tell her that?

She said it was okay.
She said she understood.

What did you think
you were doing?

I just want to give us a chance to
be together, to see if this works,

And we'd only had a week
together and hanna shows up.

We've only had a week because the
week before that you were in love with ben

And the three years before that.

Do you realize how many
times I've waited for you

To decide who you wanna be with?

Okay. I made a
mistake and I'm sorry.

But I saw what was going on, I didn't
want to stand by and let it happen.

Felicity, you're supposed
to wait! Just like I waited.

You wanna be with hanna.

- I don't know!
- But you might.

I have to go.

Dear sally. Okay, you're
not gonna believe this,

But remember last week when I
told you I was stuck in the past?

Well, I'm still here,

But now something's happened
which makes me wish I wasn't.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Is this a bad time?
- No. What's going on?

You know you said
before that you'd help me?


Is that um...?

- You haven't changed your mind?
- No.

- Why don't you come in?
- I was thinking
we could go to the lab.


I'm just gonna go grab my coat.


- What the hell is this?
- A check for $50,000.

Where did it come from?
Did you sell your organs?

No. Noel gave it to me.

- Noel has $50,000?
- Yeah.

It's part of the marriage
settlement with natalie.

This lawyer showed up
and noel didn't want it...

It doesn't matter.
Noel loaned it to me.

Let me get this straight.

You won't take the
money I offered you?

No. I told you, I can't do that.

But you'll take it from noel? I
don't get that. I'm your girlfriend.

- I um... Called julie.
- Who's julie?

Julie. Julie emrick.

- Okay. So what are
you talking about?
- Oh, god. This...

Meghan, you and i...

Right now, you
and I are not good.

Right? We argue all the time.

I'm not blaming you. It's not your
fault and it's not my fault. It's just...

I don't know.

Julie understands me.

Oh, my god. You and julie?

I have no idea
what's gonna happen.

It's just that now's
the time if I'm gonna...


I'm sorry. This is not the
way I wanted to tell you this.

I didn't want to hurt you. It's
the last thing that I wanted to do.

I'm not the one who's
gonna get hurt. You are.

An ionic bond is between
a positively charged atom

And a negatively charged atom.

So it's an "opposites
attract" kind of thing?

Yes, exactly.

Um... And then there are
these covalent bonds,

Which are a
little bit more um...

- Platonic?
- Yeah. Platonic.

- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.

When I came by your
apartment tonight,

You just seemed kinda sad.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

You and noel are...


You don't want to talk about it.

No, it's not that.
It's just, uh...

You don't wanna hear it.

We'd probably end
up here all night.

That's okay.

I'm gonna get a drink.
Do you want one?

Uh, no. I'm all right. Thanks.


- I like the funny little guy.
- Good. Good.

He looks like you. He's cute.

So I'm sorry about
felicity coming over here.

It's okay.

We got in a huge fight about it.

I hope I didn't
make things worse.

No. No, no. Um...

I told you this whole thing
sort of came out of left field.

I just told her that I needed
some time to figure things out.

Figure what out?

I don't know. I guess...

I guess what I want.

I know you didn't want one,
but I got you one anyway.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

So... Where were we?

Uh... We were talking
about molecular bonds.

Right. How opposites attract.


Um... But we could
move on if you're ready.

I'm not.

So you just click
on the piano icon.

Here. There you go.

You used the fugue. You
put the fugue on there.

Yeah. I love a good fugue, so...

I can't believe you did
all this in like a day.

- You're amazing.
- I was inspired.

By what?

♪ You used to tell me
exactly what was on your mind

♪ I'm on my way
to the other side

♪ It's time for me
to leave it all behind

♪ Sometimes I wonder

♪ Why I wanna be with you

♪ Over and over... ♪

What am I doing? I can't do
this. I mean, I came here for noel.

You came here for noel?

Ben, I'm sorry. I just...

I'm sorry.

I just, uh...

I need to give this thing
with felicity a chance. I can't...

Are you okay?

I'm just disappointed.

- Hello?
- Hey. It's me.

- Hey.
- What are you doing?

- Nothing.
- Yeah. Me, too.

- Are you still there?
- Yeah.

Did you have a nice night?


- You?
- No.

All I could think about was you.

Yeah. Me too.

Hold on a second, okay?

I'm on hold.