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04x13 - Kiss and Tell

Posted: 03/09/22 11:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on felicity...

I should've said something last
night, but I'm sort of seeing someone.

Let's do it, let's call
them and say yes.

- What about zoe?
- She has a boyfriend.

What about webb? Won't
it be weird to work there?

Yeah, you know,
in the beginning.

I gotta talk to you
about something.

Lauren's pregnant.
And it's mine.

- I don't know what to say.
- I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

- Delicious.
- Good.

I can't tell you
how amazing it is

To have dinner with my son
after all that's happened.

Yeah, it is. It really is.

So what have you
and mom been up to?

Nothing. And that's
just how we like it.

I don't even have to be back
at work until next month,

So she and I are just gonna
kick back and try to enjoy life

- As much as we can until then.
- That sounds great.

It is. Oh, that reminds me,

I, uh, I saw lauren
yesterday and she says hi.

Oh. Um, how is she?

Are you ready? She's pregnant.

- Oh.
- You know...

She looks great. It's just she
won't say who the father is.

- I guess he doesn't
wanna be involved.
- Uh-huh.

It's incredible how
self-absorbed people can be.

This guy thinks his problems are
more important than anything else.

It's probably more
complicated than that.

It's probably more complicated,
but there's a kid involved.

- You want some dessert?
- No. I'm all right.

- Mind if I have some?
- Go ahead.

I'll have yours.

It's so much fun being with you.

Yeah, it is.

♪ Can you become

♪ Can you become

♪ A new version of you

♪ New wallpaper

♪ New shoe leather

♪ A new way home

♪ I don't remember

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me ♪

- Hey.
- Do you wanna go for a walk?

- Sure.
- Good.

Um, let me... Let
me get my coat.

- So, what are you thinking?
- About what?

This whole thing.

I guess I'm still a little...



I had dinner with my dad.

I, uh, I guess lauren told him.

I mean, he doesn't
know I'm the father.


Felicity, I'm telling
you, it's gonna be okay.

I know. You said that.

But it is. It's gonna be okay.

Yeah, I know.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- What are you doing up?
- I'm making a sandwich. You want one?


- What time is it?
- Uh...


You're making a sandwich
at 2:37 in the morning?

I had this dream that I was
stranded on a desert island

And the only thing to eat was
like, you know, sand and sticks...

Potato bugs and so on.
And I woke up starving.

What are you doing
up at this hour?

I... I just, I couldn't sleep.

- You wanna talk about it?
- I don't know.

I just feel like...

I just feel like
everything's changing.

I know this career thing is freaking
you out, but you will find something.

You are. You said that to me a
hundred times last year. You were right.

- I have an idea.
- Where are you going?

- The course catalogue.
- My problem isn't
finding classes.

It'll give us some ideas.

You just need to find something that
might be a possibility and you dive in.

If it doesn't work, you
move on to the next thing.

- Anthropology?
- This is ridiculous.

I know nothing
about anthropology.

- Architecture?
- Architecture.

What do you think?

- That could be interesting.
- For you, yeah. It'd be great.

You know, it... It combines your
art with your science background.

- That's true.
- I know a guy
you can talk to about it.

- You do?
- Yeah, his name is adam. Adam davis.

He's a friend of mine, a grad
student. He called me last week.

He's working on this
model for some contest.

The person who usually
helps him can't. You'd be great.

It would be really great to dive
into something right now and just...

- Get my mind off everything.
- I can call him.

- Sure.
- Okay.


- What?
- Nothing. This just helped.

- You want a bite?
- It does look really good.

Thank you.

Hey, let's go out tonight.

- You gotta take see this.
- Sean, did you hear
what I said?

- Yeah. No, I can't tonight.
- Why not?

All right, check this out.

I don't wanna check
it out, I wanna go out.

- Shoe covers.
- We never do anything.

- Just look at it.
- I'm looking at it. I see it.

- Shoe covers.
- You said that.

It looks like you're wearing
a dress shoe but you're not.

- Why?
- Dress shoes are
really uncomfortable.

Okay, that's the
dumbest idea ever.

- This is a great idea.
- If peoples' shoes
are uncomfortable,

They buy other shoes.
People love shoes.

Mariah carey
alone has 500 pairs.

Would it k*ll you to support
me just once in your life?

- Would it k*ll you to go out?
- What is your problem?

- You are my problem.
- Right back at you.

Ben covington. I remember
you. An "a" in organic chemistry.

- Yeah.
- I got a "b."

An "a" is better.

We just made this appointment

To make sure we're doing everything
we should be to get into med school.

Well, I don't see
any volunteer work.

- Volunteer work?
- Yes. Helping people
for no pay.

Basically what I do. Every day.

- We haven't done any of that.
- But we can if it matters.

- It does.
- Let's... Let's do it. What can we do?

Well, let's see...

- There's big brothers.
- What's that?

You'd be a mentor to young
boys. A father figure, if you will.

Mr. Norman, is this important? Do
med schools look at this type of thing?


All right, then,
we'll be big brothers.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Zoe.
- Yeah?

- Is this weird?
- What?

This. This... You know, the way we just
keep passing each other in the halls.

I know, it's weird.

I just... I feel like I don't really
know how to act around you,

So I've just been avoiding you.

Me too, but I've been thinking and
I don't think it has to be like that.

This is our job. You know, we
should just... Be professional.

- Professional?
- Yeah.

- And you're okay with that?
- I'm great with it.

Okay, 'cause, uh...

My dad's gonna be out of
town the next two weeks

And he put me in charge
of the cgg account.

- Mm-hmm. Okay.
- See, now this is weird again.

No, this is not weird.

- I didn't say anything. It's too weird.
- It's not weird.

That's your job, that's
what we're here to do.

- We're professionals.
- Right.

Uh, a couple of my friends are
throwing a party tomorrow night...

I don't know, maybe
you wanna go with me?

Oh, uh...

- Yeah, that'd be great.
- Okay, good.

Well, then we should
definitely get back to our jobs.

Yes. Be professional.


Excuse me, I'm looking
for someone named adam.

- Oh, yeah. He's right over there.
- Okay, thanks.

Don't hang up, just
give me five minutes.

One minute? Dina? Hello?

Uh, adam? Hi, I'm sorry to bother
you. I'm felicity, noel crane's friend.

Oh, yeah. Uh, he
called about you.

- Is now a bad time?
- No, no. Now-now's good.

Um, I don't know how much
noel has told you, uh, about me,

But I'm, um, sort of
searching for a career path

And we were talking, and I
thought this sounded interesting.

- Can I ask you something?
- Yes. Sure.

Say you're dating someone. Uh, she
says she's in love with you and then...

One day, bam... She
wants to break up.

Yes or no, she's
dating someone else?


- I... I don't know.
- It's the only thing
that makes sense.

You know, i, I'm
not really sure.

Noel mentioned that you might
need help working on a model.

Yeah. Uh...

Dina used to help me with that.

- Maybe... Maybe I could help.
- Really?

'Cause that'd...
That'd be incredible.

- This thing's due this week.
- You have to show me
what to do.

Definitely. Um...

Dina used to help me.

Yeah, you mentioned that.

Dad, sorry, I thought
the game was tomorrow.

Oh, that's no problem. So
we're a few minutes late, big deal.

Oh, listen, after the game I'd
like to stop by lauren's, all right?

- Why?
- Well, I got her some books

On what to expect when you're expecting.
If this guy won't help her, I will.

- Dad, I've got to talk
to you about something.
- Sure.

You wanna make it quick

So we get to see some of
the first quarter, please?

- It's about lauren.
- Yeah?

- Dad, I know who the father is.
- Who?

It's me, dad.

What are you talking about?

We slept together when
felicity and I were broken up.

I know you think it's selfish...

- I said that, ben,
because I assumed...
- It's okay. It's okay.

The thing is, I didn't
find out until last week.

She waited four
months to tell me, dad.

I'm so sorry.

Maybe you're right. I just don't
know what I'm supposed to do.

Drop out of school
and get a job?

- I wanna be a doctor.
- I know you do.

I'm not ready for this.

You were right,
it is complicated.

Yeah, it is.

♪ You can rest
assured my love is pure...

- Hey.
- Hey.

I called you a bunch of times. I
thought you were coming to my place?

No, I know, I just have
to work on this model.


Well, how's it going?

I don't know because the guy
was so involved in his love life,

That he barely
explained anything.

- How was the game?
- Oh, we didn't go.

But I did tell him about lauren.

- What did he say?
- Nothing.

He just... Just kinda
listened, like a dad.

That's good.


So do you wanna come
over to my place later?

Um... You know, I feel
like I better work on this.

Is everything all right?

Yeah. I wanna get this done.

Are you sure? 'Cause
you seem kind of upset.

I'm... I'm okay. I'm fine.


You can show me...

Hello. How's everybody doing?

- Hi. I'm noel.
- Hi. I'm jessica.

- You just started
last week, right?
- I did, yeah.

My desk is two down from yours.

Okay, uh, can we get started?

- Noel?
- Sure.

- Could you update us
on cgg corp.?
- Right. Uh, do I stand?

- Standing would be good.
- Okay.


Sean and I have been working on an
idea for a cgg mail-order catalogue.

- Excuse me?
- A mail-order catalogue.

Did I miss something? I don't remember
the company asking for a catalogue.

- They didn't, but we thought...
- So, I don't understand.

We thought it might
be a good idea for cgg...

- To waste money?
- No.

Maybe you should
look at our ideas.

- I don't need to.
- You do. We have a whole...

I've heard enough. Thanks.

Um, why don't we
move this along? Kim?

So you're gonna
talk to zoe, right?


You'd tell me if you
were sleeping together?

- Sean, we're friends.
- There's a lot of
tension between you.

- I'm gonna talk to her.
- Good, 'cause the last thing
we need...

Is for her to make our work life
hell. I get enough of that at home.

What do you mean?

I'm married to somebody
who hates all of my ideas.

- Meghan hates everything.
- But this last idea
was incredible.

- It's shoe covers.
- What's a shoe cover?

They slip over your shoe
so they look like dress shoes,

But you're wearing your sneakers.
There's no chafing, no blistering.

- Call 'em "shoe jackets."
- What?

- Shoe jackets.
- I like that.

It's a good idea.

Shoe jackets, huh? You really...
You think that's a good idea?

I'd buy them.

There you go.

A couple of friends of ours
are having a party tonight, at uny.

Sprows hall.

You should come.

I could show you the
prototype for shoe jackets.

- Sounds fun.
- Yeah?

- Yeah.
- Okay, I'll see you there. I'm sean.

- Clancy.
- Clancy. Thanks, clancy.

What are you doing?
You're married.

That was for you.
She's really cute.

That was for me?
That wasn't for me.

- I thought I made
that pretty obvious.
- No.

Uh, and palm to palm
is holy palmers' kiss.

Have not saints lips,
and holy palmers too?

Ay, pilgrim, lips that
they must use in prayer.

O, then, dear saint, let
lips do what hands do.

They pray, grant thou,
lest faith turn to despair.

Thus from my lips, by
yours, my sin is purged.


- Hey.
- Hey.

- Good scene.
- Yeah, if you like
saccharine schmaltz.

My band's at spindlewicks
tonight. Come check us out.

I gotta go to a party.

We don't go on till one.

One? Like... A.m.?

Yeah. 1:00 Pm I'm asleep.

You could come to
the party, if you want.

- What?
- Sprows hall, 11th floor.

- I'll see you there.
- Okay.

Okay, look, nobody understands
the allure of romeo more than I do,

But you're married.

Yeah, to a grandpa
who's asleep by 9:00.

- I wasn't sure if
it was exactly right.
- Will you call someone for me?

- What?
- I called dina
and some guy answered.

- Do you think she's seeing him?
- I still don't know.

- If the guy answers,
ask for dina.
- I...

Uh, hello. Is dina there?

- It was him, wasn't it?
- Yeah.

- Oh, I can't believe this.
- Hello...

Hi, dina, it's me.
Who's the guy?


She hung up.

- Maybe you should
look at this...
- I don't get it.

We were perfect for each other.

I guess sometimes,

Things just don't work out the
way you think they're going to.


- Sometimes love sucks.
- I know. Doesn't it?


Oh, my god. What happened?

- Is something wrong?
- Yeah. This is,
uh, this is all wrong.

- It's gonna take me forever.
- Oh, god.

Can you work tonight?
Please tell me...

- Yeah, no, no. Of course I can.
- Okay.

- Uh... Okay.
- I'm so sorry.

No, it's okay, we'll just, uh, we'll
just start from the beginning.

It's open.

- Hey.
- Hey, dad.

I was in the neighborhood,
thought I'd stop by.


Nice to see you're working hard.

I'm, um, I'm doing this
big brother thing.

Really? That is great.

Yeah, I'm meeting him today.
I have to leave pretty soon.

Before you go, I need to
speak to you. I've been thinking...

- About what we talked
about last night.
- Yeah.

Ben, I know you're in an
incredibly difficult position

And I feel terrible about it.

What, dad?

I think you're making a mistake

And I don't want you to do
something you're going to regret.

- Dad...
- I know it's complicated.

No, it's simple. She decided
to have a kid and I didn't.

But that child's
going to need a father.

- Are you serious?
- I've been through it.

Well, you're the last person
I wanna listen to about this.

Look, ben, I know I wasn't
the perfect father...

No, you weren't a father.

Well, I'm trying to
be one right now.

Well, it's a little late.

I gotta go.

Hey, can I talk to you?

- Sure. What's up?
- That's what I was
gonna ask you.

Nothing, I'm just getting
ready for a presentation.

No, I was talking about
yesterday. What was that?

Oh... Yeah, I know, I'm sorry,
that was... That was awkward.

I thought we were
gonna be professional.

- We were.
- No, you were insulting.

If you're uncomfortable with
our relationship, we can talk,

- But don't take it out
on me like that.
- I wasn't.

- I just didn't like
some of your ideas.
- You haven't even heard them.

Listen, noel, I know it's
hard working below me, but...

Zoe, come on, if it wasn't for me, you
guys wouldn't even have this account.

Look, I really need to finish
this presentation, okay?


But you should, uh, you
should really look at our ideas.

They're really good.

- Is that it?
- That's it.

Oh, my god, it's
4:00 in the morning.

- Sorry.
- No, no. It's, um...

It's nice to have a distraction.

Yeah. For me, too.

So, what are you
trying to escape?


I don't know, I guess just...

My life is kind of
intense right now.

Should I not ask?

No. Hmm...


Wait, but this was really
good. This was fun to do.

- You're good at it.
- Come on.

There's no way I would've
finished this without you.

That residual space idea...

- I don't know what that is.
- The space between buildings.

Oh, that. Yeah, um, that
wasn't really an idea.

Yeah, it is. I'm just saying...

You said you were searching
for something and maybe this is it.


Look, I wanna take you to
dinner tonight, to say thanks.

You know, uh, tonight I'm...

I can't. My roommate's
having this whole party.

You know what, you should come.

- Really?
- Yeah. It's gonna be fun.


Well, you should, uh, go
home and get some sleep.



You know, whatever it is...

I'm sure it's gonna be fine.

Yeah, I'm sure.


- Did you meet your kid today?
- What kid?

- Your little brother. Wasn't it today?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

- Apparently,
it was very memorable.
- No, it was fun. How about you?

It was awesome. We went to the
arcade, played video games all day.

That kid kicks ass
at locust launch.

- What'd you do with yours?
- Ah, we just hung out.

Hey. There you are.

- The call's for you.
- Oh, thanks.

Are you gonna hang out in the
bathroom all night or can we dance?

- We could both
hang out in here.
- We're gonna dance.

What do you think, 70
percent chance clancy shows?

- I don't know.
- Yeah, probably. Way too high.

- 50 Percent tops.
- What are you doing?

- What?
- You're acting
like it's a date.

I don't think so.
Do I look all right?

What? I'm kidding.

- Oh, my god. She's here.
- What?

I'll see you later, man.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- I gotta go.
- Why? What's going on?

My dad, he just called.
He's at some bar downtown.

- What?
- He says he's about
to have a drink.

Oh, my god.

- I gotta go down there.
- I'll come.

No, it's okay. I'll call you
when I know what's going on.

So what instrument do you play?

We're not really
into instruments.

- Really?
- Yeah, we're into spoken word.

- Who the hell's this?
- Uh...

This is rocco. He's in a band.

Nice to meet you.
I'm meghan's husband.

- What?
- Oh, she didn't tell you that?

- She forgets sometimes.
- Isn't it way
past your bedtime?

- Sean! Sean!
- Hey!

Uh, no, looks like I'll be staying
out late tonight. Very late.

I just want you to know I'm
totally into the open marriage thing.

Can you excuse me?

Hi. I'm meghan.

- Clancy.
- She runs the coffee cart
outside work.

How cute. Sean's my husband.

So, you guys have a good
time. Oh, I forgot to mention,

Rocco kissed me today in
theater class. On the lips.

- You're her husband?
- She's a little...

She doesn't know what she's
talking about. I'll be right back.

Clancy loves the
shoe cover idea.

- She's an idiot.
- I'm doing it.

It'll be as successful
as all your other ideas.

Oh, and this just in: rocco
invited me to see his band tonight.

- I don't care!
- You should.

Why? You wanna be with rocco?

At least he doesn't make
me feel like a grandma.

- Okay, fine. Be with rocco.
- Fine. I will.

Go be with your
little coffee girl.

- Now that's a great idea.
- At least one of us
has good ideas.



Adam. Hey.

- How's it going?
- Good.

I didn't realize there'd
be so many people.

Yeah. Neither did i.

Are you okay?

- Yeah. I... I'm fine.
- Hey, uh...

- Guess what?
- What?

- I submitted our model.
- You did? Great.

Yeah, except I saw
the other entries.

- We don't have a chance.
- You're gonna be fine.

No, not really.

Are you sure you're okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Do you wanna get a drink?

Yes, I do. Let's go.

So I looked at your
ideas for the catalogue.

You were right. They were good.

Thank you.


I'm sorry.

We said we were gonna be
professional, but I wasn't.

Hey, that's okay.

When I saw you across the
room from me, I don't know...

I couldn't help it.

What are you talking about?

The meeting. There was a seat right
next to me and you sat next to jessica.

- Who is jessica?
- The girl you were
sitting next to.

Wait, this whole thing's about
me sitting next to jessica?

I know. It's stupid.

I like you.

I don't know, I saw you
sitting next to her and...

I don't know.

You know the only reason I didn't sit
next to you was because I was nervous.

- About what?
- About being near you.


What did you think would happen?

I don't know.

Maybe this.

That wasn't very professional.

Is that a problem?


So what happened with you
and dina? Did it ever work out?

No, she never called me back.


I've been doing everything
I can not to call her.

Yeah. Yeah.

What about you? I mean, what
happened with your stuff?

Is it any better?


- Well, you know what I think?
- What?

- I think you're great.
- Thank you.


Adam... What are you doing?

Uh, um...

- I'm not sure.
- Adam, I have a boyfriend.

Oh, god. Really?

Yes, and this isn't
a good time for me.

I know. I'm sorry. I, um...

- I'm... I'm gonna go.
- Okay.

Thanks for the party.

It was really fun.

Wait here.

- This is unbelievable.
- I didn't know who else...

- Dad, I'm not your sponsor.
- It's just you don't understand

How heartbreaking it is to
see your child making mistakes.

Are you serious? Do you
understand how manipulative that is?

- Using this to thr*aten me?
- I apologize...

Dad, your apologies mean
nothing to me. You understand me?

You wanna drink? Fine, go drink.
But if you do, I will never forgive you.

- I will never forgive you.
- I don't wanna drink. All right?

I don't wanna drink.
That's why I called you.

- Let's go.
- Where?

I'm putting you in a cab.

I know you and I know you won't
be able to live with yourself

If you don't do the right thing.

Just get in the cab and go home.

You're too good a person.


- How did it go with your dad?
- It was okay.

What are you thinking?

- About what?
- About this whole thing.

I wanna talk to you about it,
but it feels like you're avoiding me.

I have been avoiding you.

- Why?
- 'Cause I don't
know what to say.

You can say whatever you want.

Hey... I mean, I just wanna
know what you're thinking.

I just keep thinking...


About what you said.

About how this isn't
gonna change anything.

And I'm trying to believe that.

But I don't know if I do.

I mean, I know you. I
know how you are.

And this choice that
you've made, I just...

I don't know if you're going
to be able to live with that.

Yeah, my dad said
the same thing.

Did you get lucky?

Did you?

- No.
- Well, don't let me
stand in your way.

Yeah, I think... I think I
was standing in your way.

I just wanna go
out once in a while.

I just want you to
like one of my ideas.

You know...

The shoes I was wearing tonight

Were really uncomfortable.



Do you have anything for that?

Have you ever heard
of shoe covers?


What are those?

They go over your sneakers.

- Uh-huh?
- Looks like you're
wearing fancy shoes.

Fancy shoes...

Hmm. That sounds
like just what I need.

Why don't we go
out tomorrow night?

Can I wear my shoe covers?

I'm so sorry.

Me too.

Noel? Noel.

- Hey.
- Hey. What are you doing here?

Uh, nothing. How'd
things go with adam?

Good. Good. He's, um,
a really great guy.

He called me after the party. He
felt terrible about what happened.

- Oh, yeah. It was a little awkward.
- I can believe it.

But, you know, who
can blame him, right?

- You doing all right?
- Yeah.

- Yeah? You seem a little...
- No, I just have
a lot going on.

Do you wanna sit down?

Uh, no, actually I'm...

- Zoe.
- Hey. Sorry I'm late.

- No problem. How are you?
- Good.

- Uh, did you guys
meet last night?
- No, I don't think so.

- Hi. I'm felicity.
- Zoe.

- We, uh, we work together.
- Oh.

- So shall we...
- Yeah, I'm starving.

We're getting a bite to eat.

- Nice meeting you.
- You too.

♪ bad

♪ I once got lost
in the back of a cab

♪ But I am lucky in love

♪ Lucky in love

♪ Lucky in love

♪ That's what I am

♪ Oh, that's what I am...

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Thanks for coming.
- Sure.

So, what's going on?

I just, um...

I just wanted to talk to you.

Ben, I'm sorry about last night.

It's okay.

I just... I think
you might be right.

About me doing this.

I just don't... I don't
know where to start.

It's new to me too. Just...

I'll help you in any way I can.

Thanks, dad.

♪ Looks like I'm
down here once again

♪ Searching for answers

♪ Problems to mend

♪ What did you
really think I'd learn?

♪ Life's flying by me

♪ That's no good...

Hey, how you doing? I'm ben.

- Nice to meet you.
- How you doing?

- All right. See you, honey.
- Bye, mom.

Oscar? I'm ben. How you doing?

- Good.
- Nice to meet you.

Um, so I guess I'm gonna
be your big brother.

Yeah. Um, I brought some
stuff. Wanna see what I've got?


I got, like, a water g*n.

You wanna check that out.

I got a frisbee. I
got a basketball.

- The basketball.
- You like basketball?

- Yes.
- I like basketball, too.

I know a great court around
here. You wanna go sh**t around?

Yeah, come on, let's go.
We'll go sh**t around.

Whoa, whoa, wait up.

♪ And you say my
sorry's too little too late

♪ Boys and girls ♪