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04x12 - Future Shock

Posted: 03/09/22 11:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on felicity...

- Dad?
- What? Oh, mr. Webb.

- I'm firing you.
- You're firing me?

- Hey, owen.
- Yeah?

Do you want to go out sometime?

- You mean and have fun?
- Yeah.

Just one night, okay?

Just tonight.

Come on, you got to ask her out.

- I'm not asking her.
- Why? She's cute.

- Who's cute?
- This girl, joanna, upstairs.

- She's been hitting on noel.
- She hasn't.

Her mailbox was stuck
and she asked me to open it.

"Could you help
me open my mailbox?"

You discuss my social life,
I'm going to do some work.

- You can't work all the time.
- Great to hear from
my business partner.

You've been at the
computer all day.

We pitch a huge
account tomorrow.

- Which we're gonna nail.
- Exactly.

Why don't you ask joanna
out afterwards to celebrate?

I'm not taking joanna out.
I'm not taking anybody out.

- Why?
- Because.

I'm getting my ducks in a row.

It's a saying. I'm
getting my life in order,

So I don't jump into...

Maybe that's her. Maybe she
needs help opening her door.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Is ben here?
- Yeah.

- Benjamin.
- Hi. Sorry to interrupt.

That's all right.
What's going on?


Uh... I... I...

I just came to talk about something,
but obviously this is a bad time.

It's not a bad time.
Let's go outside.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

My dad okay?

Oh, yeah, your dad's
fine. It's me, actually.

What... What is it?


I'm pregnant.


And I think it's yours.

- You think it's mine?
- No, um... It's yours.

Look, I know this
comes as a big shock.


Are you, um... Are
you keeping it?

Yeah. But I'm not asking
you to do anything, I just...

I just thought you should know.

You know what, just
call me, if you want.

And... Okay?


All right.

- She sounds really nice.
- Ask her out.

- No, I am not asking her out.
- Why? I think she likes you.

♪ Can you become

♪ Can you become

♪ A new version of you

♪ New wallpaper

♪ New shoe leather

♪ A new way home

♪ I don't remember

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me ♪

Dear, sally. So it was the beginning
of second semester, senior year.

And I guess you could
say it was getting to me.

Just the way everybody is.

How they all seem to know
exactly where they're going.

I felt the future
barreling towards me,

And I had no idea
what to do with it.

So when owen asked if I wanted to
go to some galleries to show my work

I had to say yes. We
started in chelsea.

Apparently, that's where all young
artists in europe go to face rejection.

♪ Giving up the day just
so I can say I love you

- That woman behind the counter.
- Reading instyle magazine.

She can read that but can't take
five minutes to look at our portfolios.

Most people would rather read
instyle than look at our portfolios.

Yeah, most people don't
work in an art gallery.

You know, it took cézanne years

Before people would
even look at his stuff.

That doesn't make
me feel any better.

Come on, I just compared you to one
of the greatest painters of all time.

That's true. Okay, it makes
me feel a little bit better.

Good. Now let's get some food. All
this rejection is making me hungry.

Mr. O'donnell. Mr. Covington.

A word with you two after class.

I didn't even know you
and lauren hooked up.

I don't want to
talk about it now.

All right. But how do
you know it's yours?

Sir, you wanted to talk to us.

- Yes.
- Is this about last week's lab?

- It isn't.
- We can redo...


I'm doing a study
for publication.

I'd like you two to be
research assistants.

- Are you serious?
- Yes.

When you say "study for publication",
does that mean our names would be on it?

- It does.
- Oh, sweet.

Know how good that'll look
on a med school application?

Hang on. This is my research,
not some classroom assignment.

It's serious. You can't make any
mistakes. Do you understand?

- We understand. You understand?
- Yeah.


I'll see you tonight, eight
o'clock, redlich hall. Room 502.

- Thank you very much, sir.
- Thank you.

Do you believe this?

Just when you thought your life
was over, bill hodges to the rescue.

Instead of "revitalize"
we say "re-energize"?

- I think revitalize
is more active.
- Yeah? Good. Okay.

I'm so nervous. Am I sweating?
Can you tell that I'm sweating?

No. Are you okay?

Oh, my god. Noel?

Zoe. Hi.

What are you doing here?

I'm... I'm pitching
the cgg account.

- So am i.
- Really?


I was just thinking
about you the other day.

- How are you?
- I'm good. Yeah.

- I started
my own graphics firm.
- Wow.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

You were so good. You
should have your own firm.

Well, I do now, so...

I should probably go.
It was great seeing you.

- Okay.
- Good luck with
the pitch and everything.

- Who was that?
- Uh...

- Zoe webb.
- That's the girl?

We'll never get it. They
called webb. Forget it.

No wonder you weren't
interested in joanna.

- She's incredible.
- I've been down that road.

It didn't work out. Ooh. See
the look her dad just gave me?

I was too distracted
by the look she gave you.

Remember the phrase
"ducks in a row?"


- She is incredible.
- I know.

100 Bucks you let
me out of this class.

- Excuse me?
- Okay, 200.

That's more than
professors make in a week.

- It's time to take your seat.
- No, it's time to listen to me.

Acting is not my thing, okay?

You get off on pretending to
be someone you're not. I don't.

They only assigned me this class
because I need it to graduate.

Is that... Oh, it is. Oh, meggy.

- You're in this class now?
- She is.

Oh, that is perfect.

You can be my museum partner.
You were born to play this part.

- What part?
- Margot channing
in all about eve.

That sounds like a porno.

Okay, you can bite your
tongue. All about eve is classical.

It's the role of a lifetime.
You will be thanking me, okay.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- How'd it go?
- Great.

The waitress at pizza john's
thinks I have a lot of talent.

Oh... Hey, come here.

Come here, come here, come here.

At least I'm in good company.

It took cézanne years before
anyone would look at his paintings.

- What?
- Nothing.

You seem like something's wrong.

No, I'm fine. I just
got a lot going on.

I don't think I can have dinner
with you and your mom tonight.


Hodges asked me and trevor
to be his research assistants.

- Oh, my god.
- Yeah.


Thank you. Yeah, it's a
project on carbon nanotubes.

- I won't even ask.
- I don't know what it means.

All I know is I have to check on
the experiment every 12 hours.

But I am sorry. I... I know you don't
like being alone with your parents.

No, it's okay. Besides,
it's just my mom this time.

- Kind of looking forward to it.
- Good.

Wow. Research
assistant, that's...

- I mean, it's so great.
- Yeah.

Things are really
coming together for you.




I'm meeting meghan at the
bistro. You wanna come?

No, thanks. I'm gonna stick
around here. Do some work.

- Sure?
- Yeah. Thanks, though.

If you don't get out of the
apartment you'll never meet anybody.

- I know.
- All right.

See ya.

Hi. Manhattan, please.

It's a residence.

Zoe webb.

You can't really tell
much from the slides.

- Oh, no, these are terrific.
- All right. Caesar.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

So how does this work? You
just go from gallery to gallery?

Yeah. The problem is most galleries
won't consider work by unknown artists.

- That must be discouraging.
- Terrifying.

Especially when I think this is
how I want to support myself.

That's what your
father's worried about.

But I'm sure it's gonna work
out. This is just how this works.

Look at cézanne. It took years
before people accepted his work.

I love cézanne.

How about you? How
are things at home?

Actually, they're very good. I'm
studying for my real-estate license.

- Really?
- Yeah, I take
the exam next week.

I didn't know that was
something you were interested in.

It's not. It just
sort of happened.

I saw jill cossman at the
market, we started talking...

Wow. That... That's great.

So what about your writing?

That was never really anything.

I thought that's
what you wanted.

You were taking all those classes
and writing those short stories.

- You were so excited.
- It just wasn't very realistic.

Actually, that is something
for you to think about.

What do you mean?

It's a great career. You
make your own hours.

- It's a good salary.
- You want me to be a realtor?

We could do it together.

In fact, I have tom
harris' number with me.

He's corporate manager
for the san francisco office.

I'm sure he knows some people
you could talk to here in new york.

Mom, I'm not going to
be a real-estate agent.

I'm doing art. This
is what I'm doing.

Oh, okay.

It was just a thought.

- Hey.
- Hi.

I got your message. Come on in.

Uh, no, I'm all right.

Look, I know you're
convinced that it's mine,

But I'm not.

- Are you sure
you won't come in?
- Yeah.

Look, ben, um...

- I know this is hard.
- There's a test.

I think we should take it.

Okay, if that's what
you want to do.

- Yeah, it is.
- Okay.

- So I'll set it up.
- Okay.


Harrington has never by word,
look, thought or suggestion

Indicated anything to me
but her adoration for you

And her happiness
at our being in love.

To intimate anything else
spells a paranoiac insecurity

You should be ashamed of.

Cut. What happens
in the next reel?

Do I get dragged
screaming to the snake pits?

Okay, that's it.

What are you doing? She's just
about to talk about the bumpy night.

- You think I'm like that?
- Yeah. Isn't it great?

No, she is the worst.

It's like the writer had you in his
head when he was making the role.

What, you don't
see any similarities?

The way she's mean and always
yells at everyone, just like you.

Okay, you know
who's not like you?

That boyfriend. That
guy can actually act.

See? That's what I'm
talking about. So mean.

I'm serious. You really think
you're going to be an actor? Please.

- Okay, hold the phone, margo.
- I am not margo.

You are more margo than bette
davis and this was her signature role.

Well, I'd rather be margo
than some unemployed actor

Working at dean & deluca
for the rest of his life.

Bumpy night!

You know, I never really
apologized, you know, for that night.

It's okay.

I was in a pretty bad
place then anyway, so...

Me, too.

But it seems we've both
recovered pretty well.

It does seem like it, yes.

But your dad looked like
he wanted to rip my head off.

- I'm sorry about that.
- It's all right.

I'm usually the one the dads
love, and it's never a good thing.

It's just... He really wants that
job and you're the competition.

Ah, I'm the competition.


I'm glad you called.

Me, too.

Did you get the results yet?


The paternity test.

No, not yet.

- Whoa. Hang on, man.
- What?

- We already put
the nitric acid in.
- We did?

I'm sorry. Sorry, man.

Hey, don't worry.

It's not going to be your kid.

God, this is too depressing.

They're the ones who
should be depressed.

Did you see that stuff
they were trying to sell?

Suck ahoy.

I'm serious. What if
we don't sell anything?

- So?
- So how are we going
to make a living?

Life has its way of figuring
these things out on its own.

God, I wish I was like you.

You mean, like
incredibly attractive?

Doesn't it bother you that
everyone else has a career path?

- We have a career path.
- You know what I mean.

Everyone else is going to be a doctor
or a lawyer, or a real-estate agent.

So what? Every doctor and
lawyer I know hates their job.

And real-estate agents, come
on, that's... That's depressing.

That's what my mom
thinks I should be.

Your mom obviously
hasn't seen your work.

Actually, she has.

She doesn't know what
she's talking about.

Sometimes I wonder if I should
be doing something more like that.

Something with a clear
path that's well marked.

Well, I guess it depends
on what you want.

Yeah. I mean, I
guess that's just it.

I don't really know what I want.

Okay. Come here. I want
to show you something.

- What?
- I said show, not tell.

We're getting along...

Okay, who does
that remind you of?

Who, bette davis?

No, I know who it is, but
who does it remind you of?

Um... I don't know.

Out of all the people you know,
she doesn't remind you of anyone?

All right, let me
give you a hint.

- Freshman year roommate.
- Meghan?

That's what I say too.

- Anyone home?
- In here.

- If you squint,
she looks like her.
- It's from columbia med school.

- You got in?
- I'm too nervous to look.

Let me.

- If I don't get in...
- You will.

- But I'll get in somewhere?
- Yes.

Okay. And the award
for best picture goes to...

- This is serious.
- Sorry. I always
wanted to do that.

Here we go.

"Dear miss tyler, you
have been accepted..."

Oh, my god! Congratulations!

I'm gonna be a doctor.
I gotta call my dad.

Before you do that, who in all
about eve does meghan remind you of?

- What?
- Who in all about eve
is like meghan?


You won't believe
what just happened.

You found that we actually
have money in the account?

No, we got the job.

- What job?
- Cgg corp. They picked us.

- You're kidding.
- Would I kid about cgg?

No, you wouldn't. Oh,
my god, we got the job?

- They picked us?
- Oh, yeah.

- That's great!
- It gets better.

- How does it get better?
- Webb graphics also wants us.

Oh, sean.

Your old boss wants
the account so bad

That he's willing to
hire blumberg-crane,

Or crane-blumberg, as
independent contractors.

I know we said we'd
stay independent,

But this is a great opportunity to
prove ourselves as a great team,

Which we will, and
steal all their accounts.

- I don't know.
- Fine, we won't
steal their clients.

We'll form relationships. This can
give us legitimacy. We can use these guys.

I don't know if I can
work for webb graphics.

You know what? I ran the
numbers and we'd be morons not to.

You said it yourself. 90% Of new
businesses fail their first year.

I went out with
zoe webb last night.

- So?
- So I got that thing
with her father.

But this is a great opportunity. What
about getting your ducks in a row?

- You told me to go out there.
- Don't ever listen to me.

Come on. Except for
now. Listen to me now.

I have spend the past
three-and-a-half years of my life

Waiting for someone who
wanted to be with someone else.

And now I think... I think...
That I've found someone.

You know, someone
that I can care about.

You're right. You're right. Okay,
you're right. That's more important.

You know. I just... I just need
some time to think about it.

Whatever you decide. Okay?

Thank you.

Hi. This message
is for tom harris.

My name is felicity porter.

My mom barbara suggested that I call
regarding opportunities in real estate.

You can call me back
at area code 212-555-0341.

Thanks a lot. Bye.

Hey. Just here to pick up
some results. Ben covington.

Oh, yeah, the paternity test.

Let me see if
those are back yet.

Okay, here it is.

Looks like you're
going to be a dad.

Excuse me.

Hi. My name is felicity porter.

I'm an art major at uny. I've been going
round to galleries showing them my work.

- I was hoping...
- We're not looking
at new artists now.

It's funny that you say that. I've
been hearing a lot of that lately.

Um... A lot, actually.

And um...

It would only take five
minutes of your time.

We're just not interested.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry, this has just
been a really bad day.

I know you're busy and you have more
important things to do than talk to me.

I have been to at least 50 galleries,
not one of which will look at my slides.


- Really?
- Sure.

Oh, my god. Thank you so much. That's
amazing. Thank you very, very much.

Thank you.


- So you're still
not interested?
- No.

I'm sorry.

Thank you for your time.

Okay, why don't we start?
How about javier and meghan?

As it happens, there are
particular aspects of my life

To which I would like to maintain
sole rights and privileges.

- For instance, what?
- For instance, you.

This is my cue to take you
in my arms and reassure you.

- I'm not going to. I'm too mad.
- Guilty.

Mad! There are certain characteristics
for which you are famous.

I love you for some,
and in spite of others.

You have to keep your
teeth sharp. All right.

But I will not have you
sharpen them on me or on eve.

What about her teeth?
What about her fangs?

She hasn't got them
yet, and you know it.

So when you start
judging an idealistic kid

By the bar-room benzedrine
standards of this megalomaniac society,

I will not have it.

Cut! What happens in the next reel, do I
get dragged screaming to the snake pit?

Lauren, it's ben.

This is crazy. You've known for
four months and haven't said anything.

You don't have to participate.

Why did you tell me? You
obviously wanted something.

I just... I thought that maybe you'd
like to be a part of the child's life.

I want to go to med
school, not raise a kid.

- You don't have to.
- So what's going to happen?

You're going to have it and
there'll be a kid out there I never see?

That's crazy.


This is happening.

Whatever you want to do, it's
your decision, your choice, it's fine.

But I've made my decision.

And, I mean, it's not changing.


- Hey.
- Hey. Thanks for meeting me.

Of course. I had a
great time last night.

- Me, too.
- Good.

Listen, noel, um... Everything's
just kind of weird right now.

I know, this whole thing with your
dad couldn't come at a worse time.

It'll be okay,
I'll figure it out.

No, that's not even
what I was talking about.



I should have said
something last night, but, uh...

I was having such a good
time I just didn't, and I'm sorry.

But, um... I'm sort
of seeing someone.


I really want to be friends.

You know, 'cause
I really like you.


You know, I've... I've sort of...
I've sort of tried that one before.

Uh... It didn't really
work out too well.


Okay, let's do it, let's
call webb and say yes.

- Yeah?
- Why not?

Okay. Uh... What about zoe?

Zoe... Zoe didn't work out.

What happened?

- She has a boyfriend.
- Oh, man, I'm sorry.

Uh-uh, it's all right.
We went out, like, once.

Yeah, but what about webb? It's
not going to be weird to work there?

Maybe. Yeah. You
know, in the beginning.

I don't know, it's our
future. We'll have a salary.

- It's gonna be good.
- It's gonna be great.

- Hi.
- Dude, what happened to you?

- What do you mean?
- Checking the experiment.

Oh, my god, I totally forgot.

Hodges is freaking out.
He called me at home.

Uh, I'll talk to him.

The test was
positive. It's mine.

- Sir, can I talk
to you for a minute?
- Forget about it.

- I'm looking for a replacement.
- Sir, I'm really sorry.

Class is about to start. I
suggest you take a seat.

- What did he say?
- He's looking for someone else.

- What?
- It doesn't matter.

- I'm almost ready.
- The play starts
in half an hour.

I know.

- Where's ben?
- He just called. He's at the lab.

Oh. Everything
okay with you two?


I haven't seen him
since I've been here.

Can we not talk
about this right now?

Oh, I spoke to tom harris today.

He said you called.

Yeah. I don't think
I'm going to do that.

Really? Because I
think you'd like it.

I don't know, I just
don't think it's for me.

Oh, okay.


- Nothing.
- Mom, just say it.

I'm just... I'm
worried about you.

Yeah, well, I'm worried,
too. I'm terrified.

I know, that's why I
suggested real estate.

Oh, my god, mom. I don't
want to do real estate, okay?

Can't you be a
little supportive?

- I am.
- You're not.

I told you I was scared
about not supporting myself

And you said was
"that's what dad thinks."

I don't want to see
your heart broken.

You know what breaks my heart?
You doing this stupid real-estate thing.

You've given up. It's pathetic,
and I don't want to be like that.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Well, I'm sorry, too, but I do.

Let's not go to the
play, I don't want to go.


- Hey.
- What are you doing?

Just thinking.

- What are you thinking about?
- I don't know.

Just thinking about everything.

I screwed up my lab.

Hodges is looking for
somebody else already.

How was the play?

- We didn't go.
- Why?

We got in a fight.

And I said some
really mean things.

It was awful.

You want to talk about it?

Not really.

- You know what I want to do?
- What?

I just want to stay
in this bed forever.

- That would be nice.
- Yeah, it would be nice.

There are particular...

Come in.

Maintain sole
rights and privileges.

- For instance, what?
- For instance...

- For me?
- Yeah.

I tried to get you one like
they had in the movie, but...

It says "best actor"
and everything.

Meghan, I'm sorry if I hurt your
feelings saying you were like margo.

Oh, hell, you were right. The
whole class agreed with you.

- It's not a very smart class.
- It's not like I want to be
like margo.

I just am.

In the movie, margo was like
that for a reason. She was sad.

Maybe you're sad
about something, too.


You're not really like margo.
She would never bring me a trophy.

I figured "what the hell?" You
were really good yesterday.

I know. That fight helped. We
should do it before every class.

- I don't think so.
- Okay.

Don't hurt yourself with that.

- Bye.
- Okay, bye. Thank you.

I would like to thank a terrific cast,
a wonderful director and my mamma

For always believing
in me. Thank you.

This way?

I've been thinking a
lot about what you said.

About how it's my choice
whether to be part of this or not.

I can't.

It's already messing with my life.
I can't let that happen. I'm sorry.

No, I understand.

You don't have to
feel bad about this.

Yeah, well, I do.

That's the thing, I'm going to
feel bad about it for a long time.

I know what I want,
and raising a kid isn't it.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I was gonna hit
57th street later on.

- You up for it?
- Uh... Not today.


You still thinking
about that career stuff?

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, you want to
hear the good news?


- You're really talented.
- You don't have to say that.

I'm not just saying
it, it's the truth.

If you want this to
happen, it'll happen.

My parents don't think so.



- Want to know
what my parents think?
- What?

That I should be an accountant.

- Oh, god.
- I'm really good at math.

Can you imagine
me an accountant?

No, I can't.

I just wish I didn't care
what they thought.

I keep telling myself that I don't,
and then they get here and I always do.

They're your parents.


Do you think that
ever goes away?

I mean, when we're 40 are we still going
to care what our mom and dad think?

I think so.

Just promise me something.

You always do this. You
always make me promise things.

- Okay, what?
- All right.

Promise me that no
matter what you decide...

That you will never
do real estate.

Okay, I promise.

As long as you don't
become an accountant.


Professor hodges?


Can I talk to you for a minute?

A minute, yes.

I know I screwed up.

I know that. You made your
expectations clear and I didn't meet them.

But there was a reason
which I have taken care of.

If I tried to do anything last semester
it was to prove how much I care.

It was to prove how
important this is to me.


- Okay?
- Okay.

- But it better
not happen again.
- It won't happen again.

It won't.

Do you want to talk about it?

Uh, no.

No, I don't want to talk
about it, but thank you.

Think we'll each get an
office, or have to share?

If we each get a
cubicle we'll be lucky.

- Cubicle?
- Yeah.

- I'm not getting a cubicle.
- Hi.

Hey. Um... We, uh...
We took the job.

- My dad told me.
- We being...

Sean. Zoe, sean.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- You too.

Okay, I'm going to do some
reading. I'm gonna be over here.

- I was going
to call you last night.
- Really?

I, um... I broke
up with that guy.

- You did?
- Yeah.

He wasn't right for me.

Crane. Blumberg. You ready?

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Blumberg.


- How are you?
- I'm good.

- Hey.
- Hey. What are you doing here?

- I thought you were at the lab.
- I got to talk to you.

- What's going on?
- Let's go inside.

- Ben, is everything okay?
- Yeah.

Is it hodges? Did he
say no about the job?

No, it's not that.


Before I tell you I just want
you to know we're gonna be okay.

No matter what,
we're gonna be okay.

Ben, what are you talking about?

Just tell me.

Just tell me, 'cause
it's freaking me out now.

Lauren's pregnant.

And it's mine.

Oh, my god.

It was one night.

It was one night when
you and I were broken up.

And she's having the baby?


I just need you to
know that I love you.

And this doesn't
change anything.

I need you to know that.

I don't know what to say.

I'm so sorry.

- I'm so sorry.
- ♪ No one wants to hurt

♪ Alone inside ♪